Dolly Pardon Refuses R&R HOF Induction

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Dolly Pardon Refuses R&R HOF Induction

Postby RiverDog » Fri Mar 18, 2022 5:38 pm

This lady has one helluva lot of class. Usually when someone rejects an award or honor, they do so out of protest of some type of condition or politics. But she quite simply said that she did not deserve the honor, and did so in a very respectful way:

Even though I am extremely flattered and grateful to be nominated for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, I don't feel that I have earned that right," she said in a statement. "I really do not want votes to be split because of me, so I must respectfully bow out."

"I do hope that the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame will understand and be willing to consider me again – if I'm ever worthy. This has, however, inspired me to put out a hopefully great rock 'n' roll album at some point in the future, which I have always wanted to do!" she wrote. "My husband [Carl Dean] is a total rock 'n' roll freak, and has always encouraged me to do one. I wish all the nominees good luck and thank you again for the compliment. Rock on!" ... me-ballot/

Can you imagine a professional athlete ever declining a nomination to a HOF because they aren't worthy of it?

On a side note, I do wish that Johnny Carson was still around. I can imagine the jokes he'd have in his monologue about this subject.
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Re: Dolly Pardon Refuses R&R HOF Induction

Postby I-5 » Wed Apr 20, 2022 11:08 am

I totally agree about Dolly. When I was younger I had written her off as a bimbo on TV, not even realizing that not only was she a self trained singer and musician, but also a prolific writer of major song hits for other people like Whitney Houston, Willie Nelson...the list goes on. Since then, I've also learned what a true philanthropist she is in many areas including raising funds to build a cancer center, helping preserving the bald eagle population in the wild, promoting literacy and high school scholarships through various programs including her Dollywood Foundation. She is probably one of the few cultural icons who truly deserves all their accolades. Her turning down the R&R HOF nomination in such a classy way is just another mark of her character.
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Re: Dolly Pardon Refuses R&R HOF Induction

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Apr 20, 2022 2:58 pm

When Dolly was younger, some of the media focused on her figure. But people in the music industry and that followed her career knew she had immense talent and charisma as a singer and songwriter. Very classy and talented lady.
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Re: Dolly Pardon Refuses R&R HOF Induction

Postby RiverDog » Wed Apr 20, 2022 3:29 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:When Dolly was younger, some of the media focused on her figure. But people in the music industry and that followed her career knew she had immense talent and charisma as a singer and songwriter. Very classy and talented lady.

To be more precise, it wasn't her figure that the media focused on, it was one feature in particular that was the subject of their concentration. Well, that's not exactly right, either, as there was two of them that they focused on.

The Dolly Pardon jokes were endless. "How does Dolly Pardon play the accordion?" Answer: "Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

The characterizations of her in the media as some blonde bimbo were extremely unfair. She was and is truly a Saint.
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Re: Dolly Pardon Refuses R&R HOF Induction

Postby I-5 » Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:38 pm

RiverDog wrote:To be more precise, it wasn't her figure that the media focused on, it was one feature in particular that was the subject of their concentration. Well, that's not exactly right, either, as there was two of them that they focused on.

The Dolly Pardon jokes were endless. "How does Dolly Pardon play the accordion?" Answer: "Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

The characterizations of her in the media as some blonde bimbo were extremely unfair. She was and is truly a Saint.

Absolutely. I was too lazy to go beyond the media portrayals. Dolly herself seemed to be ok with it, but I could be wrong...the media definitely played her up a certain way. Glad the real Dolly is more known now.
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Re: Dolly Pardon Refuses R&R HOF Induction

Postby RiverDog » Wed Apr 20, 2022 6:33 pm

I-5 wrote:Absolutely. I was too lazy to go beyond the media portrayals. Dolly herself seemed to be ok with it, but I could be wrong...the media definitely played her up a certain way. Glad the real Dolly is more known now.

Yes, she handled the portrayals very well. I remember seeing her being interviewed by Johnny Carson, who said "I'd give my paycheck for just one peek". She laughed, seemed to take it as a compliment. Mel Tillis made a joke about her once, saying "And I see that Dolly Pardon has joined us"...followed by Ooops, my mistake. It's two bald headed guys sitting next to each other." It was a different world, though. People didn't take jokes so personal like they do nowadays, ie Will Smith.
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Re: Dolly Pardon Refuses R&R HOF Induction

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Apr 20, 2022 10:19 pm

RiverDog wrote:Yes, she handled the portrayals very well. I remember seeing her being interviewed by Johnny Carson, who said "I'd give my paycheck for just one peek". She laughed, seemed to take it as a compliment. Mel Tillis made a joke about her once, saying "And I see that Dolly Pardon has joined us"...followed by Ooops, my mistake. It's two bald headed guys sitting next to each other." It was a different world, though. People didn't take jokes so personal like they do nowadays, ie Will Smith.

We could argue whether that was a choice or just a forced expectation sort of like when someone beat their wife during an argument and everyone tried to cover it up. When you grew up, covering up the family trash or any bad behavior was expected. Probably why Joe Paterno did what he did and the Catholic Church for that matter. Nobody liked the media eye on them for negative material, so they just tried to sweep it all under the carpet.
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Re: Dolly Pardon Refuses R&R HOF Induction

Postby RiverDog » Thu Apr 21, 2022 5:29 am

RiverDog wrote:Yes, she handled the portrayals very well. I remember seeing her being interviewed by Johnny Carson, who said "I'd give my paycheck for just one peek". She laughed, seemed to take it as a compliment. Mel Tillis made a joke about her once, saying "And I see that Dolly Pardon has joined us"...followed by Ooops, my mistake. It's two bald headed guys sitting next to each other." It was a different world, though. People didn't take jokes so personal like they do nowadays, ie Will Smith.

Aseahawkfan wrote:We could argue whether that was a choice or just a forced expectation sort of like when someone beat their wife during an argument and everyone tried to cover it up. When you grew up, covering up the family trash or any bad behavior was expected. Probably why Joe Paterno did what he did and the Catholic Church for that matter. Nobody liked the media eye on them for negative material, so they just tried to sweep it all under the carpet.

I'm sure that it varies from person to person. I have a classmate who was beaten routinely by her husband back in the late 70's, and she didn't say a word even though everyone knew what was happening, so there is a lot of truth to the point that you are making.

But in Dolly's case, I will point out that even in this day and age of the #Metoo movement and heightened awareness of our roles in society, not once has Dolly complained about her past treatment, by either the press or any personal or professional relationship she may have had, that she was the victim of sexual misconduct by people like Johnny Carson and Mel Tillis, to name a few, even though that under today's standards, that kind of behavior would be frowned upon. It seems to me that her attitude was and is strikingly different than what women collectively feel today.

One person that reminds me of how Dolly Pardon conducts herself is Suzie Kolber. Do you remember when she was interviewing an obviously drunk Joe Namath and he told her over the air on national TV that "I'm going to give you a kiss!" Suzie just laughed it off, said she felt complemented. That's how Dolly Pardon handles herself.
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