Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

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Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby RiverDog » Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:58 am

The root cause of Trump's election win wasn't Russian hacking, it wasn't the electoral college, and it wasn't hate filled, bigoted white males. It was the fact that the Dems put up the second most negatively viewed candidate since polls on the subject have been run:

But even as approval of Trump has declined steadily since he took office in January, his opponent in the 2016 presidential election, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, has not seen her popularity rise one bit.

Just 41 percent of Americans view the former secretary of state favorably, according to a poll released by Gallup Wednesday. Fifty-seven percent, meanwhile, view Clinton unfavorably. Those figures are virtually unchanged since November, when Clinton lost the election in a somewhat shocking upset. At about that time, Gallup found 43 percent viewed Clinton favorably while 55 percent viewed her unfavorably; since then, her numbers have held pretty steady at 41/57.

That Clinton hasn't seen a bump in support represents an anomaly from historical trends. "Over the past quarter century, the favorable ratings of losing presidential candidates generally have increased after the election—some in the immediate aftermath and others in the months that followed," Gallup wrote Wednesday. Typically, losing candidates can expect to see a bump in favorability of about 4 points, according to Gallup. ... spartanntp

So next time you find yourself pissed off over something Trump has said or done, thank a Democrat!
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Jun 27, 2017 12:46 pm

I cant disagree one bit. Hillary was an awful candidate. Bill she is not. Any top Republican would have trounced her worse than Chump. I'd frankly feel safer with her in the WH though. I think she would have governed much like Bill, his 3rd term.

Ill add Obama created an environment where Donald Dump could appeal to a large segment of voters with his 8 years of malaise, economic doldrums, coddling of terrorists and abdication of our world responsibilities.

I'll add 2 more to the blame game. The Republican party for allowing 16 other candidates to siphon off and split the anti trump vote which was about 80% in early states and didn't drop below 50% until it was one on one with Cruz and even then it took him a long time to close out the nomination. Cruz, Rubio, Bush etc are looking damn good about now IMO.

Last but not least the for profit media, particularly Faux but really every news organization who gave the guy 2 billion in free earned media coverage because he was good for ratings.

Honorable mention to anyone who actually pulled the lever for the guy in the primaries or general.

It was a perfect storm.Now its a hurricane
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby monkey » Tue Jun 27, 2017 3:46 pm

I hope it's a hurricane, it's well past time for one!
We desperately needed someone like Trump who isn't a bought and paid for politician, who isn't a part of the established order. I hope he keeps doing exactly what he's been doing! Tweeking the noses of the corrupt media, getting rid of the excess government, both politicians and policies.

The bloated government, the career bureacrats, the multiple bills and unnecessary regulations... All of it needs to be cleaned out and blown away by hurricane Trump!
The corrupt media and politics are squealing like stuck pigs, every time Trump tweets, and it's hilarious!
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby RiverDog » Wed Jun 28, 2017 5:33 am

monkey wrote:I hope it's a hurricane, it's well past time for one!
We desperately needed someone like Trump who isn't a bought and paid for politician, who isn't a part of the established order. I hope he keeps doing exactly what he's been doing! Tweeking the noses of the corrupt media, getting rid of the excess government, both politicians and policies.

The bloated government, the career bureacrats, the multiple bills and unnecessary regulations... All of it needs to be cleaned out and blown away by hurricane Trump!
The corrupt media and politics are squealing like stuck pigs, every time Trump tweets, and it's hilarious!

I agree with that statement, except as it applies to Trump himself.

Trump's not going to be able to get sh$t accomplished if he keeps up with his erratic personal behavior and shoot from the hip policy initiatives. He'll lose support within his own party (if he hasn't already) if not control of the House in 2018 and will not be able to accomplish any of what you've noted above. All his presidency will amount to, in stealing from CBob's analogy, is an extended episode of Saturday Night Live.
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:08 am

I hope it's a hurricane, it's well past time for one!

I agree with that statement, except as it applies to Trump himself.

Trump's not going to be able to get sh$t accomplished if he keeps up with his erratic personal behavior and shoot from the hip policy initiatives. He'll lose support within his own party (if he hasn't already) if not control of the House in 2018 and will not be able to accomplish any of what you've noted above. All his presidency will amount to, in stealing from CBob's analogy, is an extended episode of Saturday Night Live

Absolutely correct RD. This is a guy who is a supposed *republican* who other than a VA bill which is great and has bipartisan support has not accomplished squat in terms of legislation. And *his* party controls both chambers!!!!Hes signed more executive orders than most presidents in history but they are band aids that can be reversed by his successor.

His approach on health care is laughable, crowing about a house bill in a rose garden ceremony and calling it "mean" weeks later. He sounds like a complete doofus trying to describe the details of the bill the Senate is working on.

When 4 senators came out against the bill he had a surrogate run a million dollar ad buy trashing one of the Senators, a virtually unheard of tactic much like running ad buys criticizing James Comey. McConnell was furious and now 9 Senators oppose the bill. Lindsay Graham said "if you are counting on this president to have your back you better watch it".

The guy is a joke but its not funny. This could have been a golden age for conservative reclamation of a runaway government but the low information sheep bought the line of BS of an orange spray tan lunatic and ruined the opportunity.

This isn't going to get better with a guy hanging fake Time magazine covers praising him in his golf clubhouses around the world. Its all about this disturbed individual, he honestly doesn't give a damn about anything but himself and how he is perceived. And at 57% disapproval it isn't too good outside his delusional worshippers.
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby RiverDog » Wed Jun 28, 2017 12:14 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Absolutely correct RD. This is a guy who is a supposed *republican* who other than a VA bill which is great and has bipartisan support has not accomplished squat in terms of legislation. And *his* party controls both chambers!!!!Hes signed more executive orders than most presidents in history but they are band aids that can be reversed by his successor.

His approach on health care is laughable, crowing about a house bill in a rose garden ceremony and calling it "mean" weeks later. He sounds like a complete doofus trying to describe the details of the bill the Senate is working on.

When 4 senators came out against the bill he had a surrogate run a million dollar ad buy trashing one of the Senators, a virtually unheard of tactic much like running ad buys criticizing James Comey. McConnell was furious and now 9 Senators oppose the bill. Lindsay Graham said "if you are counting on this president to have your back you better watch it".

The guy is a joke but its not funny. This could have been a golden age for conservative reclamation of a runaway government but the low information sheep bought the line of BS of an orange spray tan lunatic and ruined the opportunity.

This isn't going to get better with a guy hanging fake Time magazine covers praising him in his golf clubhouses around the world. Its all about this disturbed individual, he honestly doesn't give a damn about anything but himself and how he is perceived. And at 57% disapproval it isn't too good outside his delusional worshippers.

The only difference between you and me is that I don't harbor the same hysteria that you do, at least not to the same degree that you apparently have.

I'm not a deeply religious person, but there is a prayer that has been one of my favorites that I have to repeat to myself quite often, and I think it's appropriate in your case of apprehension about Trump. It goes something like this:

"God grant me the courage to change the things I can change, the serenity to accept those things I cannot change, and the wisdom to tell the difference between the two."

Donald Trump being President is one of those things we can't change, so we might as well sit back and get whatever entertainment value we can derive from his loony presidency.
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Jun 28, 2017 2:09 pm

Realizing and illuminating the situation isn't hysteria. It's therapy for me.

This forum is really the only place I vent. Trump doesn't dominate my life. I have heard the serenity prayer many times and it's a good one but there is nothing wrong with being vocally opposed to this lunatic and not much to reccomend shrugging ones shoulders and saying oh well it is what it is.

I've never been wired that way and much like trump himself it's too late to change at my age.

Dont worry RD I won't blow a gasket but I will call this worthless SOB what he is as I see fit as long as he is defiling the White House and endangering our very existence with his rash incompetence.
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby RiverDog » Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:15 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Dont worry RD I won't blow a gasket but I will call this worthless SOB what he is as I see fit as long as he is defiling the White House and endangering our very existence with his rash incompetence.

No sweat, my friend, and you keep on venting. I'm not the type to tell people that they're full of crap for expressing their sentiments. It's just that when you say words like "endangering our very existence", it sounds pretty hysterical, at least on the surface. Relax, and these next 3.5 years will fly by before you know it! :D
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:40 am

RD my good friend I hope to be wrong about this much more so than about Seneca and Whitehurst and Tebow and Manziel but follow along. Yesterday morning in the midst of a heated healthcare debate Trump tweeted an obscenely rude and sexist comment to the hosts of morning Joe, full of lies. I'm sure you have heard this. Later in the day the senate punted and left town after roundly condemning Trump, along with most republicans in the congress.

That evening Trump hosted the president of South Korea, sitting at ground zero for what many believe is the greatest threat to start world war 3 amidst the utterly ridiculous circus he had created.
This is not a serious deliberative wise man suited for the dangers he is supposed to manage for us.
In a few weeks he will sit down one on one with the stone cold killer Vlad Putin who he has steadfastly refused to condemn for influencing our election. NSA and our intelligence community is highly alarmed by Trumps unwillingness to do ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to punish Russia.

Anyone who feels safe and sound with this jackass mano e mano with a former KGB agent who selected him as his favorite candidate is delusional. It should send chills down our collective spines. We're like the frog boiling himself to death on the stove one degree at a time, desensitized to the grave danger such an unstable incompetent commander in chief poses.

Russia is in possession of the worlds largest and most technologically advanced purely offensive nuclear arsenal on the planet and has been probing our air defenses and harassing our pilots in international airspace for years now. A few months ago Putin ordered a catastrophe drill involving over 40 MILLION Russian citizens. It is reported there are enough bomb shelters in Moscow to house the entire 12 million population of the city.

There has never been a more unstable, thin skinned easily played man in the oval office. I hope to god you're right and 3.5 years will come and go like always but if I were Putin and contemplating a first strike Id do it with my hand picked jello brain holding the nuclear football.
Trumps ineptitude and mental illness is indeed a threat to mankind RD and more people all the time are saying so.
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby Largent80 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:40 am

Im sorry but America elected this fuckstick. And all of us are Americans. It's a sad time in history.
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby monkey » Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:53 am

So the morning blow called Trump all kinds of rude, disrespectful garbage, saying he's a goon, a thug, a delusional, insane, tin pot dictator, with a small d!ck, every day for weeks on end, and Trump is the bad guy for hitting back?
When, in the history of the US, has the media EVER been this disrespectful towards a sitting president?
Answer never, not even close.

The funny part is the fake outrage at his tweet. Talk about much ado about nothing! ... frame.html

He basically said that he didn't know why those two mental midgets we're attacking him after sucking up to him at his place in Florida. He basically said she tried to sit with him, but he was grossed out by her still bleeding facelift.
Remember how he's admitted time and time again that he's a germaphobe? And there you have it, the apparently, most vile, disgusting, insane, vulgar, insensitive, hurtful, disgusting, evil, sexist tweet ever tweeted by man.

My word. Anyone who is butt hurt over that tweet ought to seriously grow the heck up, and get some thicker skin!
After literally weeks on end of the most disrespectful garbage ever spoken about a president, I gave exactly 2 shites that he tweeted that.

The literally insane media can't have it both ways, they cannot demand respect while showing absolutely none!

They ought to be ashamed! They ought to have at least some respect for the office!
They disgust me! Liars and hypocrites all.
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby c_hawkbob » Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:21 pm

So your defense is "they started it!"? Oh grow up. You're the one that should be ashamed.

Obama was attacked constantly, every bit as viciously, and by your boy for chrissakes and he never stooped to the depths this cretin has.

It's good to see the President is in touch with his inner child and his feminine side though ... it's just too bad she's the mean girl in class.
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby monkey » Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:35 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:So your defense is "they started it!"? Oh grow up. You're the one that should be ashamed.

Obama was attacked constantly, every bit as viciously, and by your boy for chrissakes and he never stooped to the depths this cretin has.

It's good to see the President is in touch with his inner child and his feminine side though ... it's just too bad she's the mean girl in class.

Obama was attacked WHEN??? By whom?
Are you actually serious?!?
Holy shite, you can't be serious!!! Obama was handled with kid gloves more than ANY president EVER!! No president of all 45 has had less opposition and more fawning coverage. Not one ever. Not Bill Clinton who the media loved, certainly not Bush or Reagan who the media loathed. Not one, not even close. That was provably ridiculous.
Seriously that was such a ridiculous claim.
Do you not remember how, in the Rose garden, some intrepid reporter dared ask the anointed one a tough question, and the rest of the media actually SHOUTED him down?
Bob, that was ridiculous. I actually am stunned you even tried to make such a claim.

As for the rest, you are damn right my defense is they started it! That is exactly my defense.
There media has attacked the president, not his policies, not his agenda, HIM personally. They should be ashamed!!! Deeply ashamed.
They've become nothing more than partisan hacks, DNC spokespersons. They've crossed a line that has never been crossed before in a disgusting way, trying to destroy a presidency just because those sore losers didn't get their candidates elected even though they went out of their way to make that happen. They colluded with the Clinton campaign, even feeding her debate questions, and asking questions she wanted them to ask of the other candidates

Don't even give me this crap! The media started a war with the legitimately elected president, making up lies after lies about him, attacking him and his family including his ten years old son, PERSONALLY, and you want my to feel sorry for those scum?!?

No freaking way! Those two morons had it coming. Hell, I'm still trying to figure out how they feel so insulted, what he said want NEARLY as insulting as what they've been saying every single day for months.

The only problem I have with this incident is, it takes away from the to terrific laws that just got passed which Trump ought to be getting credit for.
What terrific laws! It's just too bad the media keeps making themselves the story.
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby c_hawkbob » Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:16 pm

Boy talk about revisionist history!

I suppose you don't consider the whole "birther" argument an attack? Starting in 2011 Trump began the whole business of questioning Obama's citizenship. And this wasn't just mean tweets, he was questioning everything about the man, his citizenship, his religion, everything. He even started calling for hackers to try to uncover his college admissions papers in '14. How convenient of you either mis-remember all of that or simply not even consider it the ongoing, relentless attack that it clearly was.
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby c_hawkbob » Sat Jul 01, 2017 6:28 am

Old but Slow wrote:Thanks, Bob, I was afraid my head would blow off on that one.

Almost did myself, took a fair amount of editing to pare that down to an acceptable level of civility ...
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby RiverDog » Sat Jul 01, 2017 11:08 am

Obama was handled with kid gloves more than ANY president EVER!! No president of all 45 has had less opposition and more fawning coverage. Not one ever."

Not true. IMO JFK was by far the POTUS that was handled with kid gloves. Kennedy was one of them, and the press loved every minute of his administration, couldn't wait to joke around with him in their press conferences. And Clinton took his hits from the media. More than politics, the media loves sensational, juicy scandals as it's easy for their audience to understand, and Slick Willy was ripe with them. Although they might have agreed with him politically, they went after him with a vengeance when it came to Whitewater, Monicagate, Travelgate, Filegate, Chinagate, et al. I didn't see them pulling any punches.

I don't have a bit of sympathy for the way the press has handled Trump. He's asked for it. And I would argue that Richard Nixon had ten times more bias from the press to deal with than Trump is dealing with today due to the fact that conservative networks like Fox and talk radio did not exist in the 70's. Liberals dominated the press back then.
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby monkey » Sat Jul 01, 2017 6:18 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:Boy talk about revisionist history!

I suppose you don't consider the whole "birther" argument an attack? Starting in 2011 Trump began the whole business of questioning Obama's citizenship. And this wasn't just mean tweets, he was questioning everything about the man, his citizenship, his religion, everything. He even started calling for hackers to try to uncover his college admissions papers in '14. How convenient of you either mis-remember all of that or simply not even consider it the ongoing, relentless attack that it clearly was.

The birther movement? What?!? The media ROUNDLY denounced it! The media was entirely on Obama's side.
Talk about revisionist history! Holy crap dude from day one anyone who dared mention his birth certificate was called a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy nut. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, FOX, you name it, all denounced it consistently. The only people who believed it were Alex Jones and a small handful of bloggers
The mainstream media provided cover for everything Obama's did from fast and furious, which they refused to even cover, to the IRS targeting conservatives, which they claimed over and over again wasn't happening, until they could no longer deny it, then just refused to talk about it, to Benghazi which was blames on a video (a lie) and which Candy Crowley colluded with Obama during the debates to make Romney look stupid, though he was right.
You HAVE to be kidding me pretending that Obama was ever under fire by the media.
They had his back from day one, and are still covering up his lies to protect his awful legacy.

Thankfully all this Russia crap is starting to come back to bite the loser Democrats who ACTUALLY broke laws, colluded, conspired, and who spied on Americans.
This thing is going to backfire big time on the Democrats!
Real Justice is coming.
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Re: Any Wonder Why Trump Was Elected?

Postby Largent80 » Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:54 pm

Ostrich and his minions voted for the Rump. Now they are receiving the output of the Rump. Diarrhea.
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