Mob took over Captiol Hill and Seattle City Hall

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Mob took over Captiol Hill and Seattle City Hall

Postby Aseahawkfan » Thu Jun 11, 2020 3:07 am

A mob has declared Capital Hill a C.H.A.Z., Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. What do we think? Is this an acceptable way to force government change or is this is this tyranny of the mob? What do you think of a state and city government either incapable or unwilling to take control over their city government? Do they represent the people or are they allowing the mob to tyrannize the majority?

And the majority of the protesters as near as I can tell are people of European ancestry, aka white people with some other groups in there, yet this is all under the guise of the Black Lives Matter movement.

I blame these governors and their lock down for setting up the situation for this lawless mob who literally want to dismantle the law in a city and take it over with hopes and prayers that criminals don't prey on people. There are people literally suffering from extortion in this new autonomous zone and Governor Jay Inslee and Mayor Durkan will not restore order or do their job during a global pandemic where they locked down and destroyed the businesses of law-abiding people, but are now unwilling to do the same to a lawless mob.

It's unbelievable at this point. Seattle and Washington State are showing how weak and pathetic the leadership is and how they have wholly given themselves over to a lawless mob whether it is the drug use in the streets in Seattle, homeless cities, and the general and complete move toward collapse within Seattle.

What a sad state of affairs in this nation to have such weak and incompetent leadership at all levels of government. These Seattle bums probably secretly want Trump to send in the troops to take back control, so they can vilify him and pretend they didn't want it. Trump needs to let the weak Seattle leadership rot and people need to start moving out of Seattle. Let the city know what is like to have no law and free drug zones.
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Re: Mob took over Captiol Hill and Seattle City Hall

Postby RiverDog » Thu Jun 11, 2020 4:41 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:

A mob has declared Capital Hill a C.H.A.Z., Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. What do we think? Is this an acceptable way to force government change or is this is this tyranny of the mob? What do you think of a state and city government either incapable or unwilling to take control over their city government? Do they represent the people or are they allowing the mob to tyrannize the majority?

And the majority of the protesters as near as I can tell are people of European ancestry, aka white people with some other groups in there, yet this is all under the guise of the Black Lives Matter movement.

I blame these governors and their lock down for setting up the situation for this lawless mob who literally want to dismantle the law in a city and take it over with hopes and prayers that criminals don't prey on people. There are people literally suffering from extortion in this new autonomous zone and Governor Jay Inslee and Mayor Durkan will not restore order or do their job during a global pandemic where they locked down and destroyed the businesses of law-abiding people, but are now unwilling to do the same to a lawless mob.

It's unbelievable at this point. Seattle and Washington State are showing how weak and pathetic the leadership is and how they have wholly given themselves over to a lawless mob whether it is the drug use in the streets in Seattle, homeless cities, and the general and complete move toward collapse within Seattle.

What a sad state of affairs in this nation to have such weak and incompetent leadership at all levels of government. These Seattle bums probably secretly want Trump to send in the troops to take back control, so they can vilify him and pretend they didn't want it. Trump needs to let the weak Seattle leadership rot and people need to start moving out of Seattle. Let the city know what is like to have no law and free drug zones.

I agree that the lockdown set the stage for something like this to happen, that the Floyd killing was the spark that set a dry pile of kindling soaked in gasoline on fire. I was in favor of the initial lockdown and can understand using the shotgun approach as time was of the essence, but there were far too many nonsensical restrictions/exceptions that could have been loosened with very little, if any, effect on the spread of the disease. They should have come back after the first few weeks, review some of their decisions, and loosened their grip a lot sooner than they have.

Yesterday I went to a lumber yard to get some materials for a home improvement project. Even though the county just got through issuing a mandate that everyone wear masks when in public, not a single employee was wearing one. I thought to myself how many restaurant workers would willingly wear full PPE 8 hours a day if they could go back to work. I find the attitude of some fortunate individuals that just happened to be working for an "essential" business to be quite snobbish and insensitive to those most affected by the shutdown. And it just so happens that minorities are more likely to be employed in businesses considered to be non essential.

The lockdown is seen by many to be inequitable. Why were government construction projects allowed to continue while residential and commercial projects forced to shut down? Why was fishing banned in eastern Washington? Have you ever heard of a fisherman that wanted to be within 6' of someone else? Why can't one-on-one personal services like barber shops re-open if they allow a limited number of customers and require masks?

At least to that extent, I agree with your premise.
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