Kremlin leak

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Kremlin leak

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Jul 15, 2021 6:56 am

A recent leak reported in the guardian seems to show there was in fact a coordinated directive to do everything possible to elect Trump who is described as a “ mentally unstable man with an inferiority complex . Stated objective was to advance Russian interests and destabilize American politics , diminish the us presidents role in world affairs . I am not smart enough to link off my phone . Seems like if true the witch hunt crowd needs to have a big plate of crow . HT is owed an apology for saying Trump is mentally ill way way early , before his election . I’ll go to my grave wondering why so many patriotic Americans don’t care about this.
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Re: Kremlin leak

Postby c_hawkbob » Thu Jul 15, 2021 7:06 am

Hawktawk wrote:A recent leak reported in the guardian seems to show there was in fact a coordinated directive to do everything possible to elect Trump who is described as a “ mentally unstable man with an inferiority complex . Stated objective was to advance Russian interests and destabilize American politics , diminish the us presidents role in world affairs . I am not smart enough to link off my phone . Seems like if true the witch hunt crowd needs to have a big plate of crow . HT is owed an apology for saying Trump is mentally ill way way early , before his election . I’ll go to my grave wondering why so many patriotic Americans don’t care about this.

Here you go. (and BTW I agree with you): ... 8b6b426b1e
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Re: Kremlin leak

Postby RiverDog » Thu Jul 15, 2021 7:57 am

Hawktawk wrote:A recent leak reported in the guardian seems to show there was in fact a coordinated directive to do everything possible to elect Trump who is described as a “ mentally unstable man with an inferiority complex . Stated objective was to advance Russian interests and destabilize American politics , diminish the us presidents role in world affairs . I am not smart enough to link off my phone . Seems like if true the witch hunt crowd needs to have a big plate of crow . HT is owed an apology for saying Trump is mentally ill way way early , before his election . I’ll go to my grave wondering why so many patriotic Americans don’t care about this.

It won't change a thing with the "witch hunt crowd". Like everything else negative about Trump, they'll simply dismiss it as fake news.

Regarding whether or not DJT is mentally ill, that's a diagnosis that none of us here are qualified to make. It's not something you can see on an Xray or determine by a blood test. It's very subjective and highly opinionated even for trained professionals. But like you, I do think that the guy is two bricks short of a full load. IMO he is a textbook example of a narcissist, which explains nearly everything about his behavior, especially after the election. The guy cannot admit to failure or accept rejection, so he concocts these conspiracy theories as an ego defense mechanism. We all do that to one degree or another, but with Trump, it completely consumes him. Of course, that's just my humble opinion.

As far as anyone owing you an apology, the revelations that the Russians assessed Trump as being mentally ill doesn't make you anymore right or wrong. It's simply another unqualified opinion. And even if it is proven that Trump is mentally ill, I don't feel as if I owe you or anyone else in this forum an apology. But I will say that you were more right about Donald Trump than I was.
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Re: Kremlin leak

Postby Aseahawkfan » Thu Jul 15, 2021 2:19 pm

More of this innuendo and rumor crap. Sorry, Hawktawk, get solid proof or you're getting no one to believe anything but people who are already entrenched in their positions. The Guardian is a left wing rag. These guys along with most of the left wing media are ramping up for 2024 because it sounds like Trump plans to run again against Biden. No one has quite solidified the material effect on American elections that any foreign power had as in no voting machines hacked and nothing more than a misinformation campaign which they have been doing for decades. The Kremlin has information on every president since they had the power to do so.

And get ready for 2024 because it sounds like the idgit is returning and his followers are ready to roll behind him again.

And if the Democrats don't make some hay from these rumors, indictments of associates, and the like stick by that time, they are going to be dealing with Monster Trump again and they better be ready to roll because by 2024 the coronavirus is unlikely to derail Trump. He's gonna be out there revving up his followers in big rallies and the right wing media is going to be hammering Biden and Kamala for every mistake, every policy misstep, and the Russians, Chinese, and every country with interest in America will be doing their usual attempts at manipulating our vote on social media and the like.

We'll see if you can take another assault by Trump on the presidency in 2024 because these Democrat clowns trying to take Trump down are moving way too slow either because they don't have anything or they are too weak to beat to Trump.

I hope Trump either loses his shine or slows down by 2024. We don't need 4 more years of that clown show.
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Re: Kremlin leak

Postby c_hawkbob » Thu Jul 15, 2021 3:33 pm

Forbes is not a "left wing rag", not by a long shot. That's who I linked. The story is what it is, regardless of where HT saw it first.
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Re: Kremlin leak

Postby Aseahawkfan » Thu Jul 15, 2021 5:22 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:Forbes is not a "left wing rag", not by a long shot. That's who I linked. The story is what it is, regardless of where HT saw it first.

The information is from The Guardian if you read the article. And I don't give a crap who posts it. Fox News or Newsmax could post it. Until it sticks and Trump is in jail or his base believes it, it don't matter.

Right now Trump is planning to run again in 2024 from what I have heard and polling high with his base. If the Democrats don't make some of this crap stick, it's about as useful dogcrap, maybe even less so since dogcrap at least fertilizes the ground it is put on.

The Democrats need to stick some of this stuff to him and make sure he can't run in 2024. Period. I do not want to see this clown run again or all the chaos that brings with it. These Dems keep talking about indictments and people turning and bringing on his niece Mary Trump and articles with Michael Cohen talking about people flipping and evidence against Trump and all this trash, but Trump's still out there doing what he does. Even taking him off social media hasn't seemed to have stopped him.

We'll see in 2022 how this goes. If the Democrats lose the Senate or House or both, Trump running for office is almost a done deal in 2024.

None of us on here want to see that trash. These types of articles are just more of the same, "We think we might have found something" type of crap I've been reading about for 5 years why Trump the Clown goes around golfing, rallying his followers, and lying up a storm like he usually does.

When are the Democrats and left going to actually get this guy to the point he's done? Sheesh. Stick something to this clown for once.

These rumor and innuendo articles are not helping crap other than making the media look more and more pathetic and biased that they can't find real, solid, actionable evidence against Trump.
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Re: Kremlin leak

Postby curmudgeon » Thu Jul 15, 2021 5:37 pm

The Greatest Show on Earth! Script being written for 2024!…….
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Re: Kremlin leak

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Jul 16, 2021 1:28 pm

Chris Wray, Comeys successor at FBI and a man who contributed over 70 K to republican candidates in 2016 said in the run up to 2020 that they were actively seeking to promote trump again and they in fact did, just not enough. The leak basically ties up all the loose ends, the rumors of " Kompromat" on trips taken as a private citizen to Russia(ie) aquatic water sports with Russian hookers captured on tape. I've read articles suggesting there may be multiple tapes from not only Moscow Ritz Carlton in 2013 but ST Petersburg as well. I always believed it just based on trumps denials and the testimony of his former bodyguard's Keith Schiller before the congress as well as that of James Comey. Trump was terrified of crossing Putin and in fact gave him cover over and over, allowed him to advance his interests unchecked to the point they are a far bigger menace than 4 years ago. Its about the only world leader he never ripped on twitter.

Asea is correct, it doesn't matter because there's 60 million people in a cult, a trance who refuse to believe anything bad about the guy and somehow have come to see this half brain dead psychotic freak as their messiah, believe he was swindled.
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