Corker uncorked

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Corker uncorked

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Oct 10, 2017 4:56 am

Following the Charlottesville debacle conservative Tennessee Senator Bob Corker made the following comment" The president has not yet demonstrated some of the competency or stability needed to be successful".

There was the predictable push back from spokespig Sanders. Last weekend Trump launched a twitter storm on Corker mocking his supposed groveling for cabinet posts and begging for an endorsement etc. This prompted Corker to respond"its too bad the white house has become an adult day care facility. Someone missed their shift this morning". Even more ominously Corker stated monday that Trump may be placing us on "a path to WWIII" with his erratic comments and behavior "tweeting stuff out".
Welcome aboard Bob! I've been saying it for 2 years. The man is an unhinged unstable lunatic.
The muted deferential and personally supportive response by members of the senate to the explosive comments mirror what reporters are saying they are telling them privately.

Everyone pretty much agrees with Corker.....They just see no sense in piling on right now.Corker took one for the team by not running in 2018 so he can be the conscience of the senate republicans. I think he understands the future of our survival is more important than winning a race.
Apparently Trump is increasingly flying into rages, bouncing around the white house screaming about his enemies to a degree general Kelley is scrambling to manage it.

We have never been in more peril as a nation. Its time to take a serious look at removing this danger from office under 25th amendment, whatever.
Pence may be a political grandstander but he can surely fly the plane...
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:00 pm

Why can't you have a rational viewpoint? Can you manage it? I doubt it, but can you at least try. You have few more years of Trump. You can last. If he wins reelection, I will be more shocked than when he first won. Work hard to ensure he doesn't get reelected. It's obvious your already tenuous sanity couldn't handle it.
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby c_hawkbob » Wed Oct 11, 2017 3:23 am

I'd say there are as many that see his viewpoint as more rational than yours as there are that see yours as more rational.
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby Largent80 » Wed Oct 11, 2017 3:53 am

c_hawkbob wrote:I'd say there are as many that see his viewpoint as more rational than yours as there are that see yours as more rational.

Exactly Bob, I thought the OP was on point, and so is Corker.
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:03 am

Everywhere but Faux news is reporting today that during a national security briefing this summer Trump REPEATEDLY asked his military and national security people WHY WE COULDN'T USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS IF WE HAVE THEM. He also repeatedly suggested we should enlarge our nuclear arsenal X10!!!!! Military brass was "shaken".

It was at that time following the meeting that some leaders in the cabinet stayed behind and another truth teller Tillerson made the comment that Rump was a" F@#k!ng Moron" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I concur but really it isn't funny anymore. This administration leaks worse than any other because honorable COMPETENT americans are scared and the closer they are to loony tunes the more worried they are.
As Corker said last week"Mattis, Kelley, and Tillerson are that which separates the nation from CHAOS. Their main task is to try to contain him on a daily basis"

Stuff it asea. You're in the 30 something percent club still riding donalds chub.
I guess something like 57 % who oppose the guy and fear his instability are all weak minded while the 22 % who STRONGLY support the guy and like his tweeting are the stable ones..
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby idhawkman » Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:10 pm

Wow, talk about Faux news... I guess that applies to you for reporting hear-say in a NS briefing.
Corker took one for the team by not running in 2018 so he can be the conscience of the senate republicans.

that says it all. Fake senators who won't tell the people the truth because they won't be reelected. I'm tired of being lied to.

Corker knows he can't get reelected because he gave the dems cover in ratifying the Iran Nuke deal (and you want to talk about who wants to use nukes? Classic) Corker didn't take anything for the team, he cut his own reelection hopes short and he knew it. Now he wants you to think he's magnanamous... That's rich.
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby Largent80 » Wed Oct 11, 2017 3:04 pm

Corker is awesome, we need more.
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:29 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:I'd say there are as many that see his viewpoint as more rational than yours as there are that see yours as more rational.

Then they are irrational. This whole it's just an opinion, so it holds equal weight has and always will be a stupid point of view. It's coddling insane people and their foolish ideas.

Trump's some guy that will leave office in four years. We might be a better run nation if the idiots wouldn't turn men like Trump into a figure bigger than he is. We could literally vacate the presidency at this point and likely not have much of an effect on the nation. Yet people like hawktawk are acting like electing this guy is somehow the end of the world. It's dumb as all get up. It's tiresome.
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby RiverDog » Thu Oct 12, 2017 4:36 am

Hawktawk wrote:Following the Charlottesville debacle conservative Tennessee Senator Bob Corker made the following comment" The president has not yet demonstrated some of the competency or stability needed to be successful".

There was the predictable push back from spokespig Sanders. Last weekend Trump launched a twitter storm on Corker mocking his supposed groveling for cabinet posts and begging for an endorsement etc. This prompted Corker to respond"its too bad the white house has become an adult day care facility. Someone missed their shift this morning". Even more ominously Corker stated monday that Trump may be placing us on "a path to WWIII" with his erratic comments and behavior "tweeting stuff out".
Welcome aboard Bob! I've been saying it for 2 years. The man is an unhinged unstable lunatic.
The muted deferential and personally supportive response by members of the senate to the explosive comments mirror what reporters are saying they are telling them privately.

Everyone pretty much agrees with Corker.....They just see no sense in piling on right now.Corker took one for the team by not running in 2018 so he can be the conscience of the senate republicans. I think he understands the future of our survival is more important than winning a race.
Apparently Trump is increasingly flying into rages, bouncing around the white house screaming about his enemies to a degree general Kelley is scrambling to manage it.

We have never been in more peril as a nation. Its time to take a serious look at removing this danger from office under 25th amendment, whatever.
Pence may be a political grandstander but he can surely fly the plane...

I won't disagree with anything except for the underlined portion.

You really have a short frame of reference if you think that we are in greater peril today than we were in September of 2001, December of 1941, or October of 1929, not to mention times like the Cuban missile crisis, Watergate, or the assassinations and riots of the 60's, and that's just going back less than a century.

You need to give up your thought about removal from office via the 25th. Here's the section of the 25th that applies to your fantasy:

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

That language was inspired by Woodrow Wilson having suffered a stroke, a physical condition that's easy to medically diagnose, while he was in office. It was never intended to provide an accommodation for subjective opinions on mental stability such as you are claiming. The only rational hope for removing Trump from office before the 2020 elections is if the Mueller investigation bears significant fruit, in which case there would be a long drawn out impeachment process in what is now a Republican dominated Congress, or if Trump himself decides to step down.
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby c_hawkbob » Thu Oct 12, 2017 5:15 am

c_hawkbob wrote:I'd say there are as many that see his viewpoint as more rational than yours as there are that see yours as more rational.

Aseahawkfan wrote:Then they are irrational. This whole it's just an opinion, so it holds equal weight has and always will be a stupid point of view. It's coddling insane people and their foolish ideas.

Trump's some guy that will leave office in four years. We might be a better run nation if the idiots wouldn't turn men like Trump into a figure bigger than he is. We could literally vacate the presidency at this point and likely not have much of an effect on the nation. Yet people like hawktawk are acting like electing this guy is somehow the end of the world. It's dumb as all get up. It's tiresome.

Yeah that's how it works, anyone that doesn't see things the same as you is simply irrational ...

And I still say he doesn't last a full term.
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Oct 12, 2017 12:13 pm

Bannon said yesterday he sees a 30% chance Trump finishes his first term. He also said he warned the president he could be in more danger of being removed under the 25th amendment than impeachment . He said Trump asked what that is...

My money is on Mueller frankly and the sooner the better.

RD. We have never had a madman holding the nuclear football before, a man who is fascinated with nuclear weapons, talks about them with a gleam in his eye and makes veiled threats to use them all the time.
He seems hell bent on goading NK to attack based on his tweeting and public comments utterly dismissing a diplomatic solution. His likely withdrawal from the Iran deal further alienates America from our allies as well as geopolitical foes such as Russia and China.

Lost in all the little rocket man stuff is the fact that Vlad Putin has already said Trump may lead us to a "global catastrophe" with his warmongering.
For all the hand wringing about NKs nukes how about the two countries actually on the border of NK , Russia and China who have 10 thousand nukes already locked on specific targets in the US and elsewhere??
A shooting war in that region could be WW3, just as Corker and others have warned. Yet the mad tweeter pops off whatever is in his pea brain at the moment.

We have never been in more peril as a nation with this wingnut flying the plane. I obviously hope nothing goes down but its as dangerous a time as has ever existed due to nukes in Trumps hands,, period.

Id Hawkman. Faux is the fake news but even a few of their anchors such as Shep Smith and Neil Cavuto are speaking out. And you need to just shut off the TV when the best liar I've ever heard Sarah Huckabee Sanders is recreating reality.
More fake news from the Trump administration like every other damn day.

Thank god for the Bob Corkers of the world who have the balls to tell the truth.We need hundreds more on capitol hill to come to their senses. One way or another this isn't going to end well.Might as well get it over with sooner than later so the country can be safe from this madman.
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby Largent80 » Fri Oct 13, 2017 3:52 am

Why doesn't Twitter just ban his account?

Too much free advertisement?
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Oct 19, 2017 1:41 pm

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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby idhawkman » Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:55 am

Hawktawk wrote:My money is on Mueller frankly and the sooner the better.

My oh my, how the tables have turned. Now Mueller is investigating the democrats and the intel committees in congress are investigating the Clintons and their foundation. After a year of digging, the only proof of collusion is on the Clintons and will soon be too big for mainstream media to bury the story.

RD. We have never had a madman holding the nuclear football before, a man who is fascinated with nuclear weapons, talks about them with a gleam in his eye and makes veiled threats to use them all the time.

Wrong but you would never know it. Clinton was that guy. He was selling our missle secrets to China who has now given it to N. Korea. You have no idea how much damage Clinton has done but some of us do because we were in positions to know about this back then.

He seems hell bent on goading NK to attack based on his tweeting and public comments utterly dismissing a diplomatic solution. His likely withdrawal from the Iran deal further alienates America from our allies as well as geopolitical foes such as Russia and China.

Yeah, because the diplomats have been so successful in slowing either of them down. The 'strategic patience' didn't work. Time for the stick or do you want them to lob a Nuc over Hawaii and let the fall out spread all over the west coast? Maybe lob one over our western states and let the EMP take out our electrical grid. Ever see what the absence of electricity does to people? Look no further than Puerto Rico.

Its time to stop playing with this guy and take him out OVER THERE and not here.

Lost in all the little rocket man stuff is the fact that Vlad Putin has already said Trump may lead us to a "global catastrophe" with his warmongering.
For all the hand wringing about NKs nukes how about the two countries actually on the border of NK , Russia and China who have 10 thousand nukes already locked on specific targets in the US and elsewhere??
A shooting war in that region could be WW3, just as Corker and others have warned. Yet the mad tweeter pops off whatever is in his pea brain at the moment.

Yep, what do you expect PUtin to say? He wants to create havoc and chaos in the U.S. while he tries to reassemble the iron curtain. Also, the last 20 years has been spent giving away our wealth to China and Russia trying to get them to take on N.K. but to no avail. I guess you don't want to stop the bleeding even though it isn't working.

We have never been in more peril as a nation with this wingnut flying the plane. I obviously hope nothing goes down but its as dangerous a time as has ever existed due to nukes in Trumps hands,, period.

Ok. This is YOUR opinion. That was my opinion when Obama was there and definitely when Clinton was president. We seemed to have survived those guys so I'm very confident we will survive this guy.

Id Hawkman. Faux is the fake news but even a few of their anchors such as Shep Smith and Neil Cavuto are speaking out. And you need to just shut off the TV when the best liar I've ever heard Sarah Huckabee Sanders is recreating reality.
More fake news from the Trump administration like every other damn day.

Wow, talk about hearing only what you want to hear. Corker is the one who made it so that fewer votes was all that was needed to pass. So even though he voted against it, he is responsible for the Iran Nuke deal result. That is why he can't run again in Tennessee. His voters won't vote for him to be dog catcher now. They know, the white house knows, he knows which is why he said he won't run again, the RNC knows but you somehow have missed that. Classic.

Thank god for the Bob Corkers of the world who have the balls to tell the truth.We need hundreds more on capitol hill to come to their senses. One way or another this isn't going to end well.Might as well get it over with sooner than later so the country can be safe from this madman.

Yep, when you look up "Swamp" in the dictionary, you'll see a picture of Bob Corker and John McCain.
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Oct 24, 2017 11:24 am

You are enabling a madman. It isn't about Clinton and Trump now. Its about Trump or Pence. Ill take Pence pronto.
Thank god for true patriots and statesmen like bob Corker and John McCain pushing back against the tidal wave of insanity that is Trumpism.
Impeach now!!!!
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby idhawkman » Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:02 am

Pence will be just as weak knee as Obama and Bush was on global hot spots. No thanks. I am ready to re-establish the U.S. as the last super power so that we can promote peace. All these yapping dogs around the world think just because the alpha hasn't snapped their necks yet that they are the alpas in the room.

Threatening the U.S. is going to become very costly to some rogue nations.
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:24 pm

I am grateful that Senators Mc Cain, Corker, and Flake have finally spoke up about the (literally) elephant in the room, the words and deeds of President Trump.

BUT, Flake and Corker voted with Trump 99.9 % of the time and it wasn't until they questioned the blatant LIES by Trump that he turned on Senators that had previously gone along with EVERYTHING Trump was saying and doing since taking office.

IMHO all 3 of the GOP senators are STILL enabling Trump and his assholiness because they are still members of the GOP. If they REALLY are so distressed about Trump and the fact that no one else in the GOP has had the courage to speak up why have they not switched their party affiliation to Independent or even Libertarian but also caucus with the Democrats and change the leadership of the Senate from Republican to Democrat. It could be temporary, long enough to maybe stop this madness by Trump and the rest of his Admin. right in their tracks. Maybe doing something like that would give courage to members of the GOP in the House of Rep. to TEMPORARILY caucus (and vote) with the Democrats to maybe get the Articles of Impeachment going that are so desperately needed in order to SAVE our glorious Republic that Trump, enabled by those Republicans in Congress have put in DANGER.

Good Lord, Trump is REFUSING to impose the sanctions that were imposed OVER WHELMINGLY by BOTH DEMOCRATS & REPUBLICANS in a veto-proof piece of legislation earlier this year, legislation that TRUMP HIMSELF SIGNED INTO LAW!!!

That FACT alone is enough evidence for any U.S. Congress to impeach, convict, and remove Donald J. Trump from the office of POTUS. I shudder to think what the reaction would have been from Republicans if President Obama would have been even remotely close to this dereliction of duty.

Those that are SILENT about these "long train of abuses" is to keep enabling Trump and his supporters to continue destroying our great nation.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOME OF YOU PEOPLE?????????????? How DARE some of you to put loyalty to Trump and/or the GOP ahead of our nation????

Oh, and don't claim how "upset" you are because a few NFL players have been protesting by "taking a knee". No less of a person than Antonin Scalia declared that the BURNING of Old Glory WAS PROTECTED FREEDOM of SPEECH. It disgusted me as it does every single time some nitwit decides to do exercise their 1st. Amendment right in such a manner. But, I GET OVER IT. If Scalia of all people can stomach the burning of Old Glory then people can just "get over" NFL players (and others) who have decided take a knee in order to protest society IGNORING the fact that there are people of color who have been denied their right to DUE PROCESS of the LAW when a few police officers decide to be judge, jury, & executioner!
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby burrrton » Wed Oct 25, 2017 2:49 pm

Don't you dare the call the over-the-top RESIST crowd a cult, everybody.
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:55 pm

burrrton wrote:Don't you dare the call the over-the-top RESIST crowd a cult, everybody.

I will call them cults. The Trump Cult versus the Resist Trump Cult. It's a fight for the soul of this nation. You must choose a side, burton, you must. If you're not with a side, then you're against the other side. Do you understand? Do you get it, burton?

Trump is the worst thing to happen to this nation ever. He is going to destroy the entire world and all of America because you know how one man and his following have been able to do this in the past so easily. I think America has been destroyed ten or twenty times by one man in office. And we live so badly right now, our people are poor, living in the street eating pigeons and being given coffee by North Korean visitors. We've never had it so bad in America. It's the worst of all time because...because....because...well, because the TV and social media said so.

You know I'm kidding, right?
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby burrrton » Wed Oct 25, 2017 6:47 pm

You know I'm kidding, right?

Edited: LOL- no, no I didn't, at least until I got to your second paragraph after I'd already replied. That's how out of their minds most of this country is right now. :)
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby idhawkman » Thu Oct 26, 2017 7:34 am

I love it.

I'm sure no one thought the swamp was going to go down the drain without a fight, right? This is what it looks like when you take away their pet projects, money scams, power grabs and everything else.

Trump said it best. He's AMERICA'S PRESIDENT not the World's President. (Globalists are pissed)
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:15 pm

Ah, the 3 stooges, IDHawkman, Burrton, and ASEAHawkman. Hmm, 2 out of the 3 use "hawkman" and the end of their moniker methinks those two are one and the same. Burrton I remember from the old P-I days when he seemed some what sane.

You need to pull your collective heads out of your collective assholes an start refraining from reading Alex Jones "InfoWars" and other such GARBAGE websites oh and you might want to watch other news stations NOT affiliated with either the Murdochs,Koch Bros., Spencers, and Mercers ETAL.

What is worse, being so duped that you spread out right LIES or knowing that you are spreading LIES and are doing so because of nefarious reasons? Both, anyone so STUPID that they believe ANYTHING coming out of the mouths of Trump or anyone else in his Admin. , FOX News, GOP Congressional leadership.

Trump has debased the office of POTUS so thoroughly he has rendered it unrecognizable.

Trump wants to be DICTATOR of our nation and you three buckheads are so giddy at the thought I am sure you have all wet your panties numerous times. I am sure you can't wait until Trump like Putin and all of the other dictators Trump so admires and is starting to emulate starts rounding up the "dissenters" and start putting us in concentration camps. I am sure you 3 effing traitors can't wait to sign up so that you 3 can start doing what NAZIS have always done. ADMIT IT ASSHOLES, you WANT to perpetrate violence on those of us that will resist Trump or anyone else turning our great republic into a dictatorship. Did you expect us to roll over and take it???

P.S. my beef with you I believe now was profoundly misplaced, I am truly sorry I lumped you with these three TRAITORS.
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby burrrton » Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:59 pm

Hmm, 2 out of the 3 use "hawkman" and the end of their moniker methinks those two are one and the same.

Oh MAN- good CALL... busted, mf'ers.

Burrton I remember from the old P-I days when he seemed some what sane.

ONLY "some what", though. FAIR.


HEY- who you CALLING a "buckhead", mister?

[edit- WAIT- am I a "buckhead", an "asshole", a "traitor", or am I literally all three?? I'm losing track- I need a sane person like you to get me straightened out.]
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Re: Corker uncorked

Postby idhawkman » Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:29 am

Seahawks4Ever wrote:Ah, the 3 stooges, IDHawkman, Burrton, and ASEAHawkman. Hmm, 2 out of the 3 use "hawkman" and the end of their moniker methinks those two are one and the same. Burrton I remember from the old P-I days when he seemed some what sane.

Wow. Talk about unhinged. This might literally be the best example of unhinged I've ever seen. 1) you got AseahawkFAN's name wrong. I've sparred with him a lot in the past over Pete Carroll and other things. - sorry to disappoint you, but we are not the same. 2) you've already lost the argument and don't even know it. Ad hominen attacks are a clear sign you're intellectually out of facts for your argument. 3) cursing in your thread shows you're intellectually inept in your argument. 4) Wild accusations without facts and then trying to tell us that your opinion is the only sane one is, well, quite frankly, insane.

You need to pull your collective heads out of your collective assholes an start refraining from reading Alex Jones "InfoWars" and other such GARBAGE websites oh and you might want to watch other news stations NOT affiliated with either the Murdochs,Koch Bros., Spencers, and Mercers ETAL.

What is worse, being so duped that you spread out right LIES or knowing that you are spreading LIES and are doing so because of nefarious reasons? Both, anyone so STUPID that they believe ANYTHING coming out of the mouths of Trump or anyone else in his Admin. , FOX News, GOP Congressional leadership.

So we need more exposure to less biased reporting? I encourage you to be brave enough to click this link and actually read it. Personally, I doubt you even click the link let alone read it and understand it.

Trump has debased the office of POTUS so thoroughly he has rendered it unrecognizable.

Well that is your opinion. Other people have a different opinion but that seems to be illegal in your book.

Trump wants to be DICTATOR of our nation and you three buckheads are so giddy at the thought I am sure you have all wet your panties numerous times. I am sure you can't wait until Trump like Putin and all of the other dictators Trump so admires and is starting to emulate starts rounding up the "dissenters" and start putting us in concentration camps. I am sure you 3 effing traitors can't wait to sign up so that you 3 can start doing what NAZIS have always done. ADMIT IT ASSHOLES, you WANT to perpetrate violence on those of us that will resist Trump or anyone else turning our great republic into a dictatorship. Did you expect us to roll over and take it???

I'm actually laughing at you now. More attacks without any facts. Classic! I love that you are the only one mentioning violence where we have never mentioned anything about "perpetrating violence" on anyone. [/quote]

P.S. my beef with you I believe now was profoundly misplaced, I am truly sorry I lumped you with these three TRAITORS.

Again, showing you are not able to have an open debate with someone who has a different viewpoint than yours. You have to have a "Beef" with them if they don't see things the way you do. Again, Classic.
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