Sex assault tsunami

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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby burrrton » Mon Nov 20, 2017 5:27 pm

Every response. Ok. :roll:

You think you don't?? Again, I don't know if this is what shackmod was referring to, but I've mentioned it over and over- you sound like a dangerous lunatic.

Look, I've made it clear I'm no fan, either, but some low-self-esteem dork (what I think he is) talking like he's in a locker room (what I'm sure it was) doesn't make him an "admitted rapist".

Rape and sexual assault are serious charges- quit diluting them by accusing every goof that talks a big game of being guilty of them.

I like OT it’s always been a robust part of this chat group and I don’t want to be part of jeapardizing it.

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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Mon Nov 20, 2017 5:34 pm

You sound like a lunatic sometimes too :D we all do. This political season has created a lot of lunatics but none more important than the potus.

Love u Burt. GO HAWKS!!!!!
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby burrrton » Mon Nov 20, 2017 5:41 pm

You sound like a lunatic sometimes too

Fair and accurate. :)
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby c_hawkbob » Mon Nov 20, 2017 5:58 pm

speaking for myself, the problem is when you attack each other (not just you two, any of us) instead of the content of each others posts.

If you keep it about the subject matter rather than how stupid, insane, immoral or whatever the poster is I don't see a problem.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby RiverDog » Mon Nov 20, 2017 6:31 pm

Hawktawk wrote:I apologize . Is it the topic in general that’s a problem or the tone of the discourse between posters or both?

It wasn't you, Hawktalk, it was S4E. Read his last post. It's disgusting, not befitting of our group. I went to report it but someone else already had. I guess CBob's open letter had a very short lasting effect on him.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Nov 21, 2017 7:07 am

Yes OBS. I’m not brave enough to share as much as you other than to say my hero, my idol growing up failed my family so badly and I’ve watched people struggle with life sentences delivered by a person of responsibility and ultimate trust.
It’s not a joke. It’s not a right or left wing conspiracy. It’s not locker room talk. I’m glad it’s out in the open.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby idhawkman » Tue Nov 21, 2017 7:12 am

OBS, that was a brave thing you did speaking out. I have a friend and business partner who's son was assaulted at a very young age by a "Family Friend."

The son started a non-profit organization called Speak Your Silence. Hope I'm not violating any protocols here, but the link to the website is if anyone wants to check it out. I purposely put that link in as a non-clickable link.

The organization helps pay for counseling for those who have been abused as a child. It also gives an outlet for those to speak out and let people know what happened. They pay for the couseling by selling a simple little stitch pattern that is sewn into shirts and those who know what the stitch stands for recognize it when they see it.

I hope anyone who is assaulted sexually as a child/teen gets whatever help and counseling they need so that they can live as close to a normal life as possible after the assault.

Again, I hope I didn't violate a rule for the forum but it is non-profit and I'm not selling anything. I'm just trying to help those that might need it.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Nov 21, 2017 1:16 pm

Sorry to hear that ObS. Lots of sick folks out there.

It is nice to see these women coming forward. I'm glad to see it. I'm not much for the fake gender equality movement we see nowadays that tries to teach men and women are equal in all ways. I'm very much for women standing up for themselves, pursuing careers, believing in their intelligence, and not letting men treat them like kids throwing tantrums when they get angry over inappropriate behavior. Sexual harassment is not a joke or all in good fun or just flirting. It's inappropriate, rude, and hostile.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Nov 21, 2017 2:41 pm

Prez just basically endorsed Roy Moore. He said we don’t need a liberal democrat in the senate.
He said Moore denies it and “totally denies it”. So does Putin :D

the ideological divide in this country has reached the level of toxicity, lunacy.
A house divided cannot stand.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby idhawkman » Tue Nov 21, 2017 2:53 pm

Lots and lots of powerful people abusing that power over people and alot of it has facts such as payoffs, pictures, etc to prove the allegations.

No matter what happens, I hope all those that abused their power are thoroughly punished for the crap they pulled. I spent many years of my life standing up for the oppressed (De Oppresso Libre) in other lands and would gladly do the same for citizens here in the U.S.

That said, no matter what side of the aisle people accused of these deeds come from, they do have the right to defend themself. It would be unfortunate to make the same mistakes that the Salem witch trials made just because the "mob" mentality convicts people before they have a chance to defend themself. It is what separates us from other countries.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Nov 21, 2017 3:32 pm

Id I agree about that. But they say innocent until proven guilty. It’s an impossible standard after many years .

Really it’s a trial though in a sense with a jury of 300 million people. We have a right and responsibility to learn as much as possible about our candidate and frankly I find both trump and especially Moore’s accusers completely credible. It’s air tight reporting . Nobody is suing or getting paid a dime other than heather zervos who is suing potus for defamation of character. The stories are detailed , things too unique to be made up. There are corobbirating witnesses in both cases who heard the stories years ago. What is more likely? 20+ women who don’t know one another but can prove proximity, dates etc are lying or a guy caught on tape and a guy banned from a mall.

I guess we have to decide what to believe .
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby burrrton » Tue Nov 21, 2017 4:29 pm

What is more likely? 20+ women who don’t know one another but can prove proximity, dates etc are lying or a guy caught on tape and a guy banned from a mall.

I'm not going to defend either one of them, being content as I am to let the process play out, and FTR, I think Roy Moore will rightly be hung around every Republican's neck running for reelection if Alabama voters elect him (and it will be effective).

As for Trump, if you'd like to know why so many people not necessarily on the Trump train remain reticent, take a look in the mirror.

After reading you in here for the last year or so, I have literally ZERO doubt that you'd lie through your teeth if you thought it could hurt him enough to get him removed from office, and after watching people around the country similarly losing their sh*t, it feels *entirely* plausible that a lot of other people would do the same.

This isn't to say none of the accusers are credible, but I have no confidence I can predict the actual number who are.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Nov 21, 2017 4:38 pm

burrrton wrote:
As for Trump, if you'd like to know why so many people not necessarily on the Trump train remain reticent, take a look in the mirror.

After reading you in here for the last year or so, I have literally ZERO doubt that you'd lie through your teeth if you thought it could hurt him politically, and after watching people around the country similarly losing their sh*t, it feels *entirely* plausible that a lot of other people would do the same.

This isn't to say none of the accusers are credible, but I have no confidence I can predict the actual number who are.

Well you totally misread me. I don’t lie period. I tell the truth as a matter of principle at least as I pecieve the truth. Passion does not equate a need to lie. As I say he admitted more than Franken. He just did it before he was accused.

Frankly I’ve given trump credit for some of the successes of his administration. I don’t believe I’ve said one probable untrue thing about him. My opinion on him is known, it’s a majority view and reflected in the polls. I agree should Moore win he’s going to sink the party near term along with Potus.
And today Charlie Rose . Good lord we’ve become Caligula .
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby burrrton » Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:01 pm

Passion does not equate a need to lie.

Having a mental breakdown does not equate to passion, either.

I'll take you at your word if you say you'd never lie, but the point's the same.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby idhawkman » Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:11 pm

Hawktawk wrote:
Well you totally misread me. I don’t lie period. I tell the truth as a matter of principle at least as I pecieve the truth. Passion does not equate a need to lie. As I say he admitted more than Franken. He just did it before he was accused.

To be fair, you've bore false witness against Moore and Potus before they have had a chance to prove innocence. So that is a form of lying.

NOTE: He was not banned from the mall. There's a witness who worked at the mall for 26 years and 12-14 of those years was as the administrator who ran the security for the mall. He says he has never heard of Moore being banned or any incident around Moore in that time. So again, no real proof there. The diner lady has now had long term waitresses come out and say they've never seen Moore in the diner and that they don't even remember that lady working there. Also, the dumpsters were on the side of the diner not in back of it. The "around the corner" pickup that Moore supposedly did was a mile away and across a major highway artery. The 14 year old's parents were divorced and had asked the courts to grant custody to the father at the supposed timeframe as the girl in question had fallen in destructive activities and they thought the father would have a better home life since he was remarried. These are all documents that are in the local courthouse that any "real reporter" should have found on a cursory check of the accusers. Also note that the "Yearbook" has still not been submitted for testing of authenticity of the signature. Now the lady's attorney Allred is saying that the accusation is all that is needed and the yearbook has no bearing on what the accuser alleges. Something is very fishy there. If proven a liar on the yearbook, the whole house of cards falls through.

Again, I urge patience in hanging this man until proof can be brought forth about the accusations.

Frankly I’ve given trump credit for some of the successes of his administration. I don’t believe I’ve said one probable untrue thing about him. My opinion on him is known, it’s a majority view and reflected in the polls. I agree should Moore win he’s going to sink the party near term along with Potus.
And today Charlie Rose . Good lord we’ve become Caligula .

Again with the polls... The same polls that said he had 7% chance of winning the presidency, right? Each race will stand on its own and Moore will not affect the rest of the party. All politics is local and even if it wasn't, since the republican establishment is against Moore, they have cover for the other races. Who in the republican party has endorsed Moore and not taken it back?
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:24 pm

It’s hopeless man. Trump and Moore bore false witness. As I said you have to use common sense. All the exculpatory stuff you quoted is not being put forth to the mainstream media . Moore has not held a press conference in over a week, sending out surrogates instead.
M I stand with these women. It defies common sense to think 9 women most republican trump voters launched some scheme to take out Roy Moore. Likewise with trump on tape !!!!!

It’s hopeless with you. God bless you man you’re the guy looking in the mirror .
FYI I heard a major news network calling the scandals a tsunami !!!
Just saying.....
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:31 pm


Having a mental breakdown does not equate to passion, either.

I'll take you at your word if you say you'd never lie, but the point's the same.[/quote]m
You basically said I would lie about sexual assault to hurt trump. Ridiculously uncool.

Passion is not a mental breakdown either. I’m admittedly bipolar and medicated but I’ve overcome a lot and do pretty damn well . I’ve got my head together a lot better than potus. I’m getting tired of the little digs.

You need to get off it. There is something to be very very angry about watching the destruction and debasement of the office . As a nation we should be headed to dc with pitchforks to throw every one of these frauds out but nobody seems to care anymore.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby idhawkman » Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:37 pm

The good news is that there are growing calls for McConnell and Ryan to open the books on all 264 settlement cases over the last 20 years in Congress.

Talk about a brigh light shining on the roaches, watch how many go running for the exits...

Draining the swamp takes many forms, I hope McConnell and Ryan have the fortitude to shine that light. We the people deserve to know what kind of shenanigans have been happening on our dime.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby idhawkman » Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:42 pm

Hawktawk wrote: I’m admittedly bipolar and medicated but I’ve overcome a lot and do pretty damn well . I’ve got my head together a lot better than potus.

Is there a quotable quotes thread for this forum? This ^^^ should be in it.

You need to get off it. There is something to be very very angry about watching the destruction and debasement of the office . As a nation we should be headed to dc with pitchforks to throw every one of these frauds out but nobody seems to care anymore.

Too late. The time for that was in the 90s. Once the bottle is open, its too hard to put the genie back in it.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby burrrton » Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:46 pm

I’m getting tired of the little digs.

Toughen up. If you keep reacting like a lunatic, don't fault me for noticing and pointing it out.

As a nation we should be headed to dc with pitchforks to throw every one of these frauds out but nobody seems to care anymore.

Having a mental breakdown isn't the only way one "cares".
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Nov 21, 2017 6:02 pm


Toughen up. If you keep reacting like a lunatic, don't fault me for noticing and pointing it out.

It not about me needing to toughen up. I’m calling you out for being an inconsiderate jerk clueless about who I am.

I’m plenty tough.

Having a mental breakdown isn't the only way one "cares".[/quote]

Well that’s your perspective . I’m not the mad tweeter. Senators in his own party call him unfit , putting us on the road to WW3, the general in charge of nukes having to reassure people yesterday he would disobey an illegal command to launch. I found that somewhat reassuring but it just demonstrates what an unstable commander in chief we have.

As for me losing it all the time peruse my last half dozen posts or so and show me the bombastic rhetoric. I’m working on it.

Maybe you ought to work on your internet attitude issues too and quit picking on mine.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Nov 21, 2017 6:26 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Prez just basically endorsed Roy Moore. He said we don’t need a liberal democrat in the senate.
He said Moore denies it and “totally denies it”. So does Putin :D

the ideological divide in this country has reached the level of toxicity, lunacy.
A house divided cannot stand.

Nearly every nation has been divided for ages. America was built to stand with a house divided. It was intentional. It's known as plurality. We don't need to get along or agree to make this nation work. That's part of what makes this such an amazing nation.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Nov 21, 2017 6:34 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Well you totally misread me. I don’t lie period. I tell the truth as a matter of principle at least as I pecieve the truth. Passion does not equate a need to lie. As I say he admitted more than Franken. He just did it before he was accused.

Frankly I’ve given trump credit for some of the successes of his administration. I don’t believe I’ve said one probable untrue thing about him. My opinion on him is known, it’s a majority view and reflected in the polls. I agree should Moore win he’s going to sink the party near term along with Potus.
And today Charlie Rose . Good lord we’ve become Caligula .

C'mon Hawktawk. You are not rational when it comes to Trump. You hate the guy. You'd believe anything negative about him reported by nearly anyone. Your passionate hatred of Trump (along with millions of others) have clouded your vision concerning the man. He's a narcissistic, cantankerous, prickly, probably sexist (in the same mold as his generation) man, but he's not many of the things people paint him as. Trump's been around a long time. If he were half the stuff people paint him as, he would have been done a long time ago and certainly wouldn't be president.

Trump is no Russian spy or puppet. As far as all this groping, as you can see men were doing this all over for ages on both sides of the political aisle. Rich, powerful men think they can do all kinds of stupid stuff with women and get away with it. There are far worse than Trump like Harvey Weinstein. The rape allegations are a pure fabrication until I see proof otherwise.

The lunatic left is on the attack with Trump and showing their true colors. That's what we're really seeing. The dark side of both parties taken to the extreme. This thing has bubbling forever. It's finally boiled over with Trump in office.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Nov 21, 2017 6:36 pm

idhawkman wrote:The good news is that there are growing calls for McConnell and Ryan to open the books on all 264 settlement cases over the last 20 years in Congress.

Talk about a brigh light shining on the roaches, watch how many go running for the exits...

Draining the swamp takes many forms, I hope McConnell and Ryan have the fortitude to shine that light. We the people deserve to know what kind of shenanigans have been happening on our dime.

Yes this right here ID hawkman. ^^^^^^the floodgates are wide open and another shoe drops seemingly hourly. I think the American public should demand to see where the 17 million in taxpayer dollars went. I’m so sick of congress exempting themselves from the law.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Nov 21, 2017 6:58 pm


C'mon Hawktawk. You are not rational when it comes to Trump. You hate the guy. You'd believe anything negative about him reported by nearly anyone. Your passionate hatred of Trump (along with millions of others) have clouded your vision concerning the man. He's a narcissistic, cantankerous, prickly, probably sexist (in the same mold as his generation) man, but he's not many of the things people paint him as. Trump's been around a long time. If he were half the stuff people paint him as, he would have been done a long time ago and certainly wouldn't be president.

Hatred of trump and calling out his ridiculous unhinged behavior is completely rational.

He’s on tape boasting about assaulting the 14 women who came forth to verify it. That’s enough proof for me. Guilty unless the left wing conspiracy hired a ventriloquist to imitate his voice.

This is not about politics. This is about right and wrong . Parties use it for sure but it is the evil men who perpetrate these things that make themselves fair game. My guess us many powerful people are shaking in their boots.

Trump is no Russian spy or puppet.

Yes he is bought and paid for. Mueller is going to nail him but my guess is if republicans will put up with Moore they will refuse to impeach him.

As far as all this groping, as you can see men were doing this all over for ages on both sides of the political aisle. Rich, powerful men think they can do all kinds of stupid stuff with women and get away with it. There are far worse than Trump like Harvey Weinstein. The rape allegations are a pure fabrication until I see proof otherwise .

Again he’s on tape with 14 corroborating witnesses. What do you need to see?

The lunatic left is on the attack with Trump and showing their true colors. That's what we're really seeing. The dark side of both parties taken to the extreme. This thing has bubbling forever. It's finally boiled over with Trump in office.[/quote]

It’s not because of politics . It’s the verse Roy Moore forgets when he reads the Bible that trump never reads.”be sure your sins will find you out.”
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby burrrton » Tue Nov 21, 2017 7:44 pm

I’m calling you out for being an inconsiderate jerk clueless about who I am.

I *am* an inconsiderate jerk, but I'm *not* clueless about who you are. I'm trying to give you constructive feedback- reject it if you want.

Maybe you ought to work on your internet attitude issues too and quit picking on mine.

My attitude issues are borne of having been online since 1997 or so. I readily admit I'm too caustic sometimes, but I'll pick on what I think needs picked on.

That’s enough proof for me.

Exactly. You're a loon who will never be on any jury with a competent lawyer representing either side of a case.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby idhawkman » Tue Nov 21, 2017 7:50 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Yes this right here ID hawkman. ^^^^^^the floodgates are wide open and another shoe drops seemingly hourly. I think the American public should demand to see where the 17 million in taxpayer dollars went. I’m so sick of congress exempting themselves from the law.

Best post I've seen from you HawkTawk. We at least agree on this. I'm sure there's going to be a number of people in this mess from both sides. I think they should all fry. I for one am P!ssed off that any part of the taxpayers dollars went for their indiscretions and assaults. I'm also pretty sure that there are a number of public companies that have similar slush funds for their executives. I would just as soon napalm them all "IF" it can be proven to have happened.

A lot of people in congress are going to be shaking in their shoes over the Thanksgiving break over this and they should be. Zero Tolerance.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Nov 21, 2017 8:56 pm


I *am* an inconsiderate jerk, but I'm *not* clueless about who you are. I'm trying to give you constructive feedback- reject it if you want.

You surely aren’t stupid enough to think anyone’s relatively anonymous posting on a chat line reveals who they truly are. I’m a passionate man and like everyone I get carried away but I’m not consistently being a prick to other guests on the forum.

You're a loon who will never be on any jury with a competent lawyer representing either side of a case.[/quote]

I though OJ was guilty too and he was acquitted . Was I loony?

It’s a trial in the court of public opinion. It’s common sense. It will never see a courtroom other than hopefully heather zervos defamation suit which would destroy trump
In discovery .

Who is lying? 14 women who don’t know one another or the guy admitting it on tape and getting a record low rating for dishonesty by PolitiFact . A huge majority of Americans believe the president is dishonest and 45% think he should be impeached . I might seem loony to you but I’m on the right side of this your ridiculous insults aside.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby idhawkman » Wed Nov 22, 2017 5:37 am

Hawktawk wrote:I though OJ was guilty too and he was acquitted . Was I loony?

For the rule of law to work, we have to trust the jury that is there for "ALL" the evidence and then rely on them for a just verdict. No, OJ was not guilty as he was aquitted by a jury of peers. I know that's not the popular opinion but we have to respect it if we are to be the great nation that we are.

It’s a trial in the court of public opinion. It’s common sense. It will never see a courtroom other than hopefully heather zervos defamation suit which would destroy trump
In discovery .

Mob rule is also the court of public opinion and many innocent people have been hung, burned at the stake, guilotined, etc, throughout time by that jury. I don't want the U.S. to make the same mistakes all over again.

Who is lying? 14 women who don’t know one another or the guy admitting it on tape and getting a record low rating for dishonesty by PolitiFact . A huge majority of Americans believe the president is dishonest and 45% think he should be impeached . I might seem loony to you but I’m on the right side of this your ridiculous insults aside.

Wow! talk about taking two seperate things and mashing them together. He admitted to what about those 14 women? There's nothing on tape about those 14 women that he's admitted to.

Your stats are skewed and again you are citing polls who showed they can't get anything right when considering this president.

No matter how many times you state you are right or on the right side of something doesn't make it so. There's just as many if not more (55%) that think you are on the wrong side of it.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Nov 22, 2017 7:10 am

ID this is what trump said to billy bush on the tape. “ I better have a tic tac in case I start kissing her..that’s WhAT I DO I kiss, I don’t even ask. And you can do it if you’re a star . You can do whatever you want, grab them by the pussy”.

That is boasting about sexual asssult and it takes suspension of belief in reality to say otherwise.

Within a couple of days 14 victims came forth . A couple of them knew trump, the one suing was a contestant on apprentice. Most had not met him personally like the woman at flushing meadows groped as she was getting in a limousine . The one next to him on the airplane , the woman in a Manhattan bar who felt a hand up her skirt and looked down to see Donald Trump sitting on a lounge hair reaching up her skirt and smiling . “Everybody knows who he is, that hair” was her statement.
The people magazine reporter who said he attacked her at Mara Lago where she had gone to write a feature on the family.

She says trump attacked her while a pregnant melania was in another room.
To believe trump you have to believe 14 people of all walks of life with probably 50 corroborating witnesses all lied and had some elaborate intricate scheme to time their allegations with the release of a film nobody knew about where the president admits he’d proud to be able to assault women.what is more likely ?

We’re done Id. Discussion over. It really really sad what has happened to the party of family values.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby burrrton » Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:08 am

Who is lying?

Not sure, but again, I wouldn't put it past people like you. Sorry.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:08 am

I’ve made it clear I would not intentionally lie about anyone on this earth but I’m a pretty good judge of character.
Sex assault is not a trivial matter. Apologists for people like Moore and Trump always want to talk about the duke lacrosse case but imo the percentage of women who manufacture claims is minuscule. Look at the gauntlet they run in spite of credible claims.

This one is easy to figure out for any objective person ,particularly with numerous victims and a taped confession . But you’re not sure who is lying other than me. That’s clear ass mud .

Must be frustrating getting your rear end handed to you debating a lunatic. It’s showing . I’ll wait for the predictable insult.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby burrrton » Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:44 am

I’ve made it clear I would not intentionally lie about anyone on this earth but I’m a pretty good judge of character.

And I've made it clear I'm not sure I believe you.

Good talk.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Nov 22, 2017 11:19 am

Yes Burt it was a robust discussion . I’m glad I started it even if for the opportunity for OBS to unburden his secret at 74 yds old. I don’t lie Burt I’m honest to a fault . This wil be tmi but I’m putting it out here and then feel free to take it however you want.

I’m the first born son of a Swedish immigrant , one brother and 4 sisters.. He taught himself 5 languages, taught me how to hunt and fish, how to work hard and be tough. We went to church every Sunday . Dad had a violent temper and I got beat bloody for some things I did and some I didn’t. Still I was in awe of Dad.
8 years after I graduated my sisters told me Dad had molested them for as long as they could remember. They said they had told my mother but she didn’t believe them.

I confronted my father, beat on his door and got him out of bed. I told him to get help or say goodbye to his son. That was hard to do and it changed my life for quite the worse for a while .

I still loved Dad but it was never the same. My oldest sister discovered he had molested my niece at age 12 and turned him in. My family minus me pressed for leniency and he only served 2 months.

One of the 2 sisters who admitted being molested has walked the streets, been a stripper , battled drugs, bulimia, abusive relationships you name it. The other remarkably is a tenured professor at UW specializing in addictive behaviors.

I apologize because I know that’s a lot of stuff to lay on people I’ve never really met . I didn’t say it to win an argument but just to emphasize the serious destructive nature of this and when a victim summons the courage to tell her story and credible allegations are dismissed it’s like being victimized all over again.

Anyway I actually appreciate your constructive criticism Burt. It gives me something to work perfectly willing to work on my flaws unlike a certain important someone.

Best wishes over the holiday and GO HAWKS!!!!!!!
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:16 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Hatred of trump and calling out his ridiculous unhinged behavior is completely rational.

He’s on tape boasting about assaulting the 14 women who came forth to verify it. That’s enough proof for me. Guilty unless the left wing conspiracy hired a ventriloquist to imitate his voice.

He's on tape saying something stupid while hanging with one of his friends. If you were taped, I wonder if they would have caught something stupid to use against you out of your mouth. You telling me you can be sure you've never said anything stupid to your friends while hanging out with them?

This is not about politics. This is about right and wrong . Parties use it for sure but it is the evil men who perpetrate these things that make themselves fair game. My guess us many powerful people are shaking in their boots.

This is not right and wrong. This is media crucifixion. We've seen it many times. You take allegations and report them over and over and over again. The media does this to crucify someone even if they do not have actionable proof. If you were running for public office, you'd see things said about you that were taken far out of context in an attempt to destroy you. They'd take some blurb you said as part of a larger conversation and make you seem like the most evil man on earth. I wonder what you would do in that same situation?

Yes he is bought and paid for. Mueller is going to nail him but my guess is if republicans will put up with Moore they will refuse to impeach him.

When Mueller nails him, I'll agree with you. If he doesn't, you better be ready to back up. This better not be some rubbish like they talked or something of that kind. I mean real actionable collusion to some end other than the standard politics of the United States. Election manipulation is something that happens every election. The Clintons were well know to have strong ties with the Chinese during Bill's early terms.

Again he’s on tape with 14 corroborating witnesses. What do you need to see?

This is the type of lie I see you pushing. He is on tape saying something stupid. Not on tape admitting to assaulting a bunch of women. You do realize we have a lot of terms for grabbing women and taking a pinch at them was extremely common back in the 60s and 70s. Not appropriate from a social setting, but not criminal like they make it nowadays. Goosing, pinching their ass, things like this were something guys partying did.

It’s not because of politics . It’s the verse Roy Moore forgets when he reads the Bible that trump never reads.”be sure your sins will find you out.”

You've never sinned? You've been some kind of perfect person that if the media shined the light on you, they couldn't turn you into the most vile, evil man they could manage if they so chose? You've never used racial epithets, done anything inappropriate with women, posted anything controversial or viewed as racist, evil, or anything else? You telling me once that microscope was turned on, you would be ok?

What about the good things Trump has done? His donations. The people he helped in business. Taken care of his children well and raised them to be successful people. What about that? You throw all that out the window and paint him all one way?

I hate having to defend this guy. I find it annoying that people are taking their vilification so far. I end up having to try to encourage rational thinking for a president I didn't even vote for. I thought I was done with this after Obama. I had to get people to think rationally about Obama for years because the idiot brigade on the right was just sure he wasn't born here, had secret deals with Muslim nations, was soft on defense, a socialist, and a racist against whites. It gets ridiculous each time a new president is elected. Americans just can't seem to engage in rational thought about presidents and public figures any longer. They expect people to have no dirt in their background, yet that doesn't really exist for a human being. I doubt you could come close to having your life exposed to media crucifixion and survive like Trump or even Hilary Clinton. That woman nearly broke under the same media crucifixion Trump and her husband survived. I don't think she was ready to get hammered as hard as she was.

You run for public office. The media is coming after you. They're almost criminal in their pursuit of destroying opposing candidates nowadays with so many wealthy folk paying huge sums to destroy the character of the opponent.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:14 am


He is on tape saying something stupid. Not on tape admitting to assaulting a bunch of women. You do realize we have a lot of terms for grabbing women and taking a pinch at them was extremely common back in the 60s and 70s. Not appropriate from a social setting, but not criminal like they make it nowadays. Goosing, pinching their ass, things like this were something guys partying did.

Oh the good old boy excuse eh. Not buying it. Im 58 and have never touched a woman without her permission. A dirty old man is a dirty old man. Apparently George HW is as well now which I also find totally credible.

Grabbing a woman by the genitals and kissing a woman without permission is not dirty talk although I agree it was pretty stupid blurting it out to a TV host. It wasn't his buddies. He is describing committing sexual assault by the legal definition of it in 50 states to Access Hollywood host Billy Bush with whom he had a very limited relationship. He blurted it out unsolicited, bragging proudly about it.Just before those comments he bragged about hitting on a married woman. Not illegal but the moral bankruptcy is in full view.Bush was fired for laughing nervously as Trump had his tourettes/freudian slip confession. Trump is the most powerful man on the planet.Makes sense.

This is not right and wrong. This is media crucifixion.

No its wrong, evil incarnate actually. Its not fake news unless Trump speaks or trots out Huckabee Sanders.

When Mueller nails him, I'll agree with you. If he doesn't, you better be ready to back up. This better not be some rubbish like they talked or something of that kind. I mean real actionable collusion to some end other than the standard politics of the United States. Election manipulation is something that happens every election. The Clintons were well know to have strong ties with the Chinese during Bill's early terms.

As I said when I started this thread this isn't supposed to be about trump per se in general other than the 14 victims. If you want to discuss the Russian investigation which is picking up steam daily we can go the the russia thing thread and debate it.

You've never sinned? You've been some kind of perfect person that if the media shined the light on you, they couldn't turn you into the most vile, evil man they could manage if they so chose? You've never used racial epithets, done anything inappropriate with women, posted anything controversial or viewed as racist, evil, or anything else? You telling me once that microscope was turned on, you would be ok?

Ive sinned. "all have sinned". But I haven't ever done anything inappropriate or abusive to a woman beyond a yelling match with the wife a few times in 29 years. Sexual predators are learning by the day they better not seek public office because if you are going to be one of the most powerful men on earth you deserve to be under the microscope. Ask John Conyers. DING DING DING we have another winner....
Same deal if you run around thumping the bible running for the US Senate . Praise the lord and pet the 14 year old and be endorsed by a POTUS who sees things exactly like you
do..beyond disgusting.

What about the good things Trump has done? His donations. The people he helped in business. Taken care of his children well and raised them to be successful people. What about that? You throw all that out the window and paint him all one way?

Again I would have almost completely agreed with this 18 months ago but have a completely different view of all the above upon further review. I just don't want to muddy the water.It's about assault on women. It's really hard to have a rational conversation about it when the chief law enforcement official in the nation has allegations that are far worse than Franken.

Ive got an idea. lets hook every one of the women up to a polygraph, Moore and Trump too. Or better yet when they do this investigation in the congress of Franken and Conyers (so far) lets get Trumps big rear end in there under oath along with the women. If it's true he should be impeached or resign like they are asking the other two. Id bet my right arm what would happen to that proposal.

I hate having to defend this guy. I find it annoying that people are taking their vilification so far. I end up having to try to encourage rational thinking for a president I didn't even vote for.

Burt has accused me twice of being willing to lie on this thread if it would hurt Trump. I do not lie to accomplish anything one way or another. But come on Asea. I have a hard time believing that anyone who didn't vote for this guy would be giving this passionate a dissertation defending him.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby idhawkman » Fri Nov 24, 2017 12:26 pm

I can't even read your posts when you try and quote. It is almost ridiculous after all this time.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby burrrton » Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:03 pm

No its wrong, evil incarnate actually.

Up your meds again, tawk. Jeezus.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Nov 24, 2017 3:08 pm

burrrton wrote:No its wrong, evil incarnate actually.

Up your meds again, tawk. Jeezus.

Yeah I think only evil people prey on innocent women and children .

What would you describe the conduct as?
If you don’t think that’s evil conduct you’re the guy who needs the meds.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Nov 24, 2017 3:24 pm

Come on now ID you can read it :lol: :lol: :lol: .
Honestly Im sorry Im obviously a maroon with this quoting stuff. I'll go back and read the instructions earlier in the thread and try to figure it out. It's much harder on my I phone. I'm just an idiot.

It's just the non Trump voter Asea threw out so many patent trump voter defensive talking points I felt like I had to respond to some of them individually.
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