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Howard Stern's advice for Trump

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 9:43 am
by c_hawkbob
Not a big Howard Stern fan but I know he knows Trump quite well. In the 90's I listened to Stern's radio show on back shifts and Trump was a fairly frequent call in guest. It's one of the reasons I was so blown away that Trump ever got any real consideration as a candidate in the first place! I'f he'd have released even half of his tapes the way Billy Bush did he may not have. On the one hand I think Howard's failure to act as a failure of his patriotic duty, on the other hand you have to respect his stated reason that doing so would be a betrayal of his radio ethos as a shock jock who's show is a safe haven for celebrities to truly open up to him without worrying about what might come out a few years down the road.

anyhow, here's his current advice for The Donald:

“For once do something good for the country, calm down your f*cking loony hillbilly friends, and tell them you lost the election and you’re going to help the transition,” he said ... “These loonies who follow you are all worked up; they think something was taken from them.” ... 24273.html

Re: Howard Stern's advice for Trump

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:07 am
by mykc14
c_hawkbob wrote:
“For once do something good for the country, calm down your f*cking loony hillbilly friends, and tell them you lost the election and you’re going to help the transition,” he said ... “These loonies who follow you are all worked up; they think something was taken from them.” ... 24273.html

Great advice... there is no way he will listen, but great advice.

Re: Howard Stern's advice for Trump

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:19 am
by RiverDog
It's completely accurate but it won't resonate, either with Trump or his hard core supporters. Although I think that Trump will eventually give way to the transition at least as it applies to the coronavirus response coordination and intelligence briefings, I don't expect him to ever concede the election or admit defeat, and I doubt that he even shows up for Biden's inauguration.

Re: Howard Stern's advice for Trump

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 5:20 pm
by Hawktawk
RiverDog wrote:It's completely accurate but it won't resonate, either with Trump or his hard core supporters. Although I think that Trump will eventually give way to the transition at least as it applies to the coronavirus response coordination and intelligence briefings, I don't expect him to ever concede the election or admit defeat, and I doubt that he even shows up for Biden's inauguration.

Of course Stern is right but he helped create this monster. 25th amendment please.

Re: Howard Stern's advice for Trump

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 6:34 pm
by Aseahawkfan
What does Stern have on tape? I stopped listening to Stern when he went behind a pay wall. He was fun enough to listen to on the way to work on the radio, but I wasn't going to pay for that weird. I mostly heard he talked about all the women he banged and the like. The usual Trump bragging and self-promotion. Stern loves to talk sex on his show. I don't see how it would have changed anything. As far as I know Stern's shows are public record and were already known and reported on when Trump ran. No one cared that voted for him. All the Trump supporters gave a crap about is he was flipping off the Democrats and going to take care of issues that concern them.

One more of the current hail mary's Trump supporters believed in is gone. Michigan apparently hadn't certified their election results and some Trump supporters thought for a moment the Republicans in Michigan might revolt and appoint faithless electors to vote for Trump. Looks like that path has been busted, but we'll see December 14th.

The last hope of many Republican Trump supporters is that faithless electors will stand up for the 70 million Americans who voted for Trump to change the result of the stolen election. I'm not sure how many loons are out there, but I do know I know a few of them. They are not willing to accept reality yet. It's not even because they love Trump, it's purely based on hatred for the Democrats. They hate the Democrats, Pelosi, Shumer, and the lot of them, mainly due to how the Democrats are handling lockdowns and the economic destruction.

Re: Howard Stern's advice for Trump

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:14 pm
by RiverDog
Aseahawkfan wrote:The last hope of many Republican Trump supporters is that faithless electors will stand up for the 70 million Americans who voted for Trump to change the result of the stolen election. I'm not sure how many loons are out there, but I do know I know a few of them. They are not willing to accept reality yet. It's not even because they love Trump, it's purely based on hatred for the Democrats. They hate the Democrats, Pelosi, Shumer, and the lot of them, mainly due to how the Democrats are handling lockdowns and the economic destruction.

There is almost no chance of an elector changing their vote from Biden to Trump. Electors are selected by the party that won the election in that state. I haven't researched it, but I don't think there's been an elector in recent times that flipped their vote from a Democrat to a Republican candidate or vice versa. It's always been someone that wasn't on the ballot, like in the last election when Colin Powell was the beneficiary of several faithless electors. The faithless electors knew their defection would not tip the balance, so they decided to call attention to themselves and made a statement.

Once all the states have certified their elections and the "safe harbor" date, Dec. 8th, passes, it's all over but the crying.

Re: Howard Stern's advice for Trump

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 8:22 pm
by Aseahawkfan
RiverDog wrote:There is almost no chance of an elector changing their vote from Biden to Trump. Electors are selected by the party that won the election in that state. I haven't researched it, but I don't think there's been an elector in recent times that flipped their vote from a Democrat to a Republican candidate or vice versa. It's always been someone that wasn't on the ballot, like in the last election when Colin Powell was the beneficiary of several faithless electors. The faithless electors knew their defection would not tip the balance, so they decided to call attention to themselves and made a statement.

Once all the states have certified their elections and the "safe harbor" date, Dec. 8th, passes, it's all over but the crying.

It's not over for them until the electors cast their vote. They will continue to hope that faithless electors will stand up to Democratic tyranny in an act of defiance and revolution that will call them all to stand up for America and freedom and what is good about America against the terrible, American hating Democrats.

Re: Howard Stern's advice for Trump

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:22 am
by RiverDog
RiverDog wrote:There is almost no chance of an elector changing their vote from Biden to Trump. Electors are selected by the party that won the election in that state. I haven't researched it, but I don't think there's been an elector in recent times that flipped their vote from a Democrat to a Republican candidate or vice versa. It's always been someone that wasn't on the ballot, like in the last election when Colin Powell was the beneficiary of several faithless electors. The faithless electors knew their defection would not tip the balance, so they decided to call attention to themselves and made a statement.

Once all the states have certified their elections and the "safe harbor" date, Dec. 8th, passes, it's all over but the crying.

Aseahawkfan wrote:It's not over for them until the electors cast their vote. They will continue to hope that faithless electors will stand up to Democratic tyranny in an act of defiance and revolution that will call them all to stand up for America and freedom and what is good about America against the terrible, American hating Democrats.

That's the crying part. Once the safe harbor date passes, the state's certified election results can no longer be legally challenged. Besides, I doubt that the diehard Trump supporters will give up even after Biden takes the oath of office.

What makes the safe harbor date significant is with the transition. No longer would Republicans have anything to hide behind that prevents them from recognizing Joe Biden as the President-elect and give his team authority to work with the outgoing administration. There's been a concern that Trump's stubbornness will hinder the coronavirus response.

Re: Howard Stern's advice for Trump

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:27 pm
by I-5
Trump will eventually give way to the transition

To me that translates to he will leave when they finally change the locks on the doors so to speak, just before they kick him out to disinfect the place for Biden.

Re: Howard Stern's advice for Trump

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:55 pm
by Aseahawkfan
RiverDog wrote:That's the crying part. Once the safe harbor date passes, the state's certified election results can no longer be legally challenged. Besides, I doubt that the diehard Trump supporters will give up even after Biden takes the oath of office.

What makes the safe harbor date significant is with the transition. No longer would Republicans have anything to hide behind that prevents them from recognizing Joe Biden as the President-elect and give his team authority to work with the outgoing administration. There's been a concern that Trump's stubbornness will hinder the coronavirus response.

What would you do if faithless electors cast their votes for Trump or withheld them? Would you tell them about the "Safe Harbor" date while the Trump followers cheered and danced?

I'm sure the electors will vote as they have been instructed. Normally no one in America has to worry about these things. And we don't even need a "Safe Harbor" date to know who is president. But with Trump's followers December 8th means jack squat. The date they look to hoping to see a spark of revolution where they can stand up for Trump against the lying Dems is December 14th where they hope faithless electors will reverse the election and bring about a Civil War against the Democrats. Not sure what percentage of Trump's followers probably believe in this possibility and will stand up for him if it happens, but I do know more than a few waiting for this to happen. If it does, they will rise up in protest and prepare to fight the Democrats for their president. Trump doesn't appear to be calming his followers to ensure this doesn't happen as the clock ticks down on his presidency.

I want to see one more Trump follower hope dashed as on December 14 America proves it is not on the verge of Civil War and nothing odd will happen with the electoral vote. I must have more Trump following friends than you. You don't hear the looney ideas of how Trump is going to win as much as I do. I still can't believe that we have people in America willing to fight a Civil War over this clown, but they are there.