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Nikki Haley

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 2:48 pm
by Hawktawk
Might be the one . She’s the one Trump goes the easiest on and she walked a tightrope on her way out of the adminstration . She’s tacking right in early appearances talking about wokeism etc. there’s a few candidates considering a run actually . Nobody’s sure about Desantus and he’s pushing back on the questions but others I’ve heard are Christine Noem from South Dakota and Larry Hogan from Maryland . Probably more . There’s not the fear of trump . But my fear is they water down the opposition with a large field and trump starts picking off winner take all states with 10% or 15% like 2016. Till he’s dead he’s alive . I think Haley might have the combination to take him out .

Re: Nikki Haley

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 4:49 pm
by Aseahawkfan
Anyone but Trump. That's all I care about as far as the Republican Party goes. We don't need more chaos in the White House.

Re: Nikki Haley

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 7:22 am
by RiverDog
I like her, she has an impressive resume, former 2 term governor of SC, appointed SC's first black to the Senate and herself is an Indian American, former UN ambassador, good record of supporting business, middle ground position on abortion and immigration, was on the board of directors of Boeing, has a great personal story, mother of 3 and the wife of a vet, no apparent skeletons in her closet, and would seem to have a wide appeal, particularly to critical swing voters like moderate women, soccer moms, minorities, etc. Of all the R candidates, I like her the best.

But at this moment, she doesn't have the name recognition and is WAY behind in the polls, about 6% vs. Trump, DeSantis, and Pence. The only way I see her getting the nomination is if DeSantis doesn't run or some sort of scandal takes him down. What I would worry about regarding a candidacy like Haley's is that it would split the anti Trump R's and open the door for Trump to take the nomination.

Re: Nikki Haley

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:31 am
by NorthHawk
The only way that Trumpism is going to be dealt the death blow is to wipe out the Republicans in an election.
Anything short of that and that brand will continue to fester and influence the Republican party resulting in morons like MTG, Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, and others who will do anything to appease the far edges if it results in a win.
Nikki Haley doesn't stand far from that group, but she's managed to create a following just because she's not Trump.