Hunter Biden

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Hunter Biden

Postby RiverDog » Mon May 08, 2023 2:34 pm

Have you guys been keeping up on this?

The White House is bracing for political fallout from a looming decision by federal prosecutors over whether to charge Joe Biden’s son Hunter with tax crimes and lying about his drug use when he bought a handgun.

Hunter’s taxes and foreign business dealings have been under investigation by a federal grand jury in Delaware since at least 2018. His membership on the board of a Ukrainian energy company and his efforts to strike deals in China have raised questions by Republicans about whether he traded on his father’s public service.

Then media reports last October claimed that federal agents believed they had enough evidence to criminally charge Hunter on two matters: failing to report all his income to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and making a false statement in relation to buying a gun in 2018.

According to the Washington Post, Hunter filled out a federal form in which he allegedly answered “no” to the question of whether he was “an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance”. Yet the president’s son has acknowledged his long struggle with drug addiction and, in his 2021 memoir Beautiful Things, recalled spells in 2018 when he smoked crack “every 15 minutes”.

Hunter’s new career as a painter previously raised ethical questions and now his legal and financial woes continue to pile up, posing political risks for his father’s re-election campaign. ... nter-biden

And there's lots more. The old man did something he probably shouldn't have done, although Trump and other Presidents have done it countless times, and that is comment on a case that is currently pending by saying: “First of all, my son has done nothing wrong,” President Joe Biden said in an interview with Stephanie Ruhle, host of “The 11th Hour on MSNBC.” “I trust him. I have faith in him.” The president continued: “It impacts my presidency by making me feel proud of him.”

Now if that ain't a lot of baloney. He trusts his son? He's proud of him? Hunter clearly lied on his application to buy a gun, which is a felony, when he answered "no" to the question about his personal use of illegal drugs yet Joe doesn't think his son did anything wrong?

The whistleblower’s attorney Mark Lytle wrote that his client believed a high-ranking Justice Department official, later identified as Garland, was responsible for slow-walking the investigation.

“The protected disclosures: (1) contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee (AG Garland), (2) involve failure to mitigate clear conflicts of interest in the ultimate disposition of the case, and (3) detail examples of preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances if the subject were not politically connected,” the letter said.

And then there's this:

CBS News said Monday that it confirmed the authenticity of data from Hunter Biden’s former laptop — more than two years after The Post first revealed its contents — as the first son’s lawyer complained he didn’t “consent” to the release.

Most news outlets ignored the laptop’s contents until recently. CBS’s report follows belated verification of the laptop in March by the Washington Post and New York Times.

Anyhow, there's a whole load of chit in this brewing scandal, and some of it could lead back to the old man, especially if he was aware of his son's activities and didn't do anything to stop him. In any event, it's almost certainly going to stretch into next year's election cycle, and you can bet your bottom dollar that the R's will pounce on it like a chicken on a June bug.
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Re: Hunter Biden

Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon May 08, 2023 4:28 pm

It was already extremely clear Hunter Biden was a scumbag child of privilege that Joe Biden protected as many fathers do with their scummy children.

I'm sure the attack ads will use this to their fullest, but it's not a new issue to Republican voters. Near as I can tell the Democrat voters are doing like Trump does with anything he does wrong: ignore it. That's why I find it laughable when I5 claims Republicans are more tolerant of corruption or whatever that claim he makes about Trump voters. Democrat voters ignore all the scumbaggery of their candidates too. Always have, always will. Their "better than you" rubbish stance is just that: rubbish. They vote for scum just like Republicans vote for scum.

Main difference between Biden and Trump is Biden knows how to handle power and put the lipstick on the pig, whereas Trump don't know how to handle power or put the lipstick on the pig. He wields power like a clumsy oaf and the he comes out of the Oval Office without any lipstick on and we can all see he's a pig not pretending to be anything else. Some call that honesty, I call it stupidity and rudeness.

We all know the wealthy run the government and both parties, but try to pretend you're not crapping all over us to pursue goals by powerful people that have nothing to do with what a working American cares about or what effects them.
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Re: Hunter Biden

Postby RiverDog » Tue May 09, 2023 4:57 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:It was already extremely clear Hunter Biden was a scumbag child of privilege that Joe Biden protected as many fathers do with their scummy children.

I'm sure the attack ads will use this to their fullest, but it's not a new issue to Republican voters. Near as I can tell the Democrat voters are doing like Trump does with anything he does wrong: ignore it. That's why I find it laughable when I5 claims Republicans are more tolerant of corruption or whatever that claim he makes about Trump voters. Democrat voters ignore all the scumbaggery of their candidates too. Always have, always will. Their "better than you" rubbish stance is just that: rubbish. They vote for scum just like Republicans vote for scum.

Main difference between Biden and Trump is Biden knows how to handle power and put the lipstick on the pig, whereas Trump don't know how to handle power or put the lipstick on the pig. He wields power like a clumsy oaf and the he comes out of the Oval Office without any lipstick on and we can all see he's a pig not pretending to be anything else. Some call that honesty, I call it stupidity and rudeness.

We all know the wealthy run the government and both parties, but try to pretend you're not crapping all over us to pursue goals by powerful people that have nothing to do with what a working American cares about or what effects them.

It's hard to tell what went wrong with Hunter Biden. His old man was away from home a lot, commuting from his home in Delaware rather than move to DC when he served in the Senate. But there are tons of parents, such as military families, where one or both parents are away a lot that don't turn into scumbags like Hunter did. Same with being raised as a child of privilege. Sometimes, parents can do everything right in raising their child yet they turn out bad.

The thing with this incident is that Sleepy Joe has given up the moral high ground. While Trump's transgressions make Biden's problems pale in comparison, it takes a lot of the sting out of any attack Biden may make on Trump as it would be a case of the pot calling the kettle black. While Joe's insistence on Hunter's innocence is admirable in one sense, that he's a parent sticking up for his child, politically it's going to cause him a huge problem as he's looking like an ignoramus, closing his eyes to the substantial amount of evidence they have on a 50-something year old self-admitted crackhead, and it reinforces the notion that Biden is covering or might have covered for his son in the past and makes the prospect of the POTUS himself being tied to his son's corruption sound more believable.

Biden should have just kept his cake hole shut. Like my dad used to say, it's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Biden opened his, and now he looks like a fool.

It's situations like this one that causes me more concern about a potential conflict of interest with a government official than anything going on with Clarence Thomas and the Supreme Court. Biden's son sat on the board of directors with no active role of a Ukrainian oil and gas company, the same Ukraine that he's funneling billions of dollars of aid to. Presidents, Senators, and Representatives make policy, pass laws, and spend money. All SCOTUS does is give a thumbs up or thumbs down on something that is tossed into their laps, hence they are not as susceptible to corruption as a politician.
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Re: Hunter Biden

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue May 09, 2023 2:52 pm

RiverDog wrote:It's hard to tell what went wrong with Hunter Biden. His old man was away from home a lot, commuting from his home in Delaware rather than move to DC when he served in the Senate. But there are tons of parents, such as military families, where one or both parents are away a lot that don't turn into scumbags like Hunter did. Same with being raised as a child of privilege. Sometimes, parents can do everything right in raising their child yet they turn out bad.

The thing with this incident is that Sleepy Joe has given up the moral high ground. While Trump's transgressions make Biden's problems pale in comparison, it takes a lot of the sting out of any attack Biden may make on Trump as it would be a case of the pot calling the kettle black. While Joe's insistence on Hunter's innocence is admirable in one sense, that he's a parent sticking up for his child, politically it's going to cause him a huge problem as he's looking like an ignoramus, closing his eyes to the substantial amount of evidence they have on a 50-something year old self-admitted crackhead, and it reinforces the notion that Biden is covering or might have covered for his son in the past and makes the prospect of the POTUS himself being tied to his son's corruption sound more believable.

Biden should have just kept his cake hole shut. Like my dad used to say, it's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Biden opened his, and now he looks like a fool.

It's situations like this one that causes me more concern about a potential conflict of interest with a government official than anything going on with Clarence Thomas and the Supreme Court. Biden's son sat on the board of directors with no active role of a Ukrainian oil and gas company, the same Ukraine that he's funneling billions of dollars of aid to. Presidents, Senators, and Representatives make policy, pass laws, and spend money. All SCOTUS does is give a thumbs up or thumbs down on something that is tossed into their laps, hence they are not as susceptible to corruption as a politician.

What I find odd is Trump's children fly pretty straight as far as scandals go. He himself is a pretty crappy person, but apparently he must have chosen good mother's for his children.

Hunter is probably like Bush Jr. Got away with a lot due to his father's position, then had a dad able to cover it all up until he reached a presidential spotlight and a vengeful Republican Party looking to payback to the Dems for all the Trump embarrassments.

These parties are extremely vengeful. If you do something to one of their candidates, you can be damn sure they will pay it back when the opportunity presents itself. That's how they work.

You know Biden says lots of stupid stuff. At least most of his accidental or reactionary defense of family rather than Trump's insults and off the cuff tweets and crap.
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Re: Hunter Biden

Postby RiverDog » Tue May 09, 2023 4:55 pm

RiverDog wrote:It's hard to tell what went wrong with Hunter Biden. His old man was away from home a lot, commuting from his home in Delaware rather than move to DC when he served in the Senate. But there are tons of parents, such as military families, where one or both parents are away a lot that don't turn into scumbags like Hunter did. Same with being raised as a child of privilege. Sometimes, parents can do everything right in raising their child yet they turn out bad.

The thing with this incident is that Sleepy Joe has given up the moral high ground. While Trump's transgressions make Biden's problems pale in comparison, it takes a lot of the sting out of any attack Biden may make on Trump as it would be a case of the pot calling the kettle black. While Joe's insistence on Hunter's innocence is admirable in one sense, that he's a parent sticking up for his child, politically it's going to cause him a huge problem as he's looking like an ignoramus, closing his eyes to the substantial amount of evidence they have on a 50-something year old self-admitted crackhead, and it reinforces the notion that Biden is covering or might have covered for his son in the past and makes the prospect of the POTUS himself being tied to his son's corruption sound more believable.

Biden should have just kept his cake hole shut. Like my dad used to say, it's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Biden opened his, and now he looks like a fool.

It's situations like this one that causes me more concern about a potential conflict of interest with a government official than anything going on with Clarence Thomas and the Supreme Court. Biden's son sat on the board of directors with no active role of a Ukrainian oil and gas company, the same Ukraine that he's funneling billions of dollars of aid to. Presidents, Senators, and Representatives make policy, pass laws, and spend money. All SCOTUS does is give a thumbs up or thumbs down on something that is tossed into their laps, hence they are not as susceptible to corruption as a politician.

Aseahawkfan wrote:What I find odd is Trump's children fly pretty straight as far as scandals go. He himself is a pretty crappy person, but apparently he must have chosen good mother's for his children.

Trump's children are tied into the fraudulent activities of their father's organization, but other than that, I haven't heard anything Earth shattering.

Aseahawkfan wrote:Hunter is probably like Bush Jr. Got away with a lot due to his father's position, then had a dad able to cover it all up until he reached a presidential spotlight and a vengeful Republican Party looking to payback to the Dems for all the Trump embarrassments.

These parties are extremely vengeful. If you do something to one of their candidates, you can be damn sure they will pay it back when the opportunity presents itself. That's how they work.

I don't think the families of politicians can get away with things like they did back in the days of the Bushes, Kennedys, et al. With everyone having the ability to record both audio and video, no cop is going to risk his career by giving a notable personality a break like they used to 30 or 40 years ago. Same goes with sports stars.
Aseahawkfan wrote:You know Biden says lots of stupid stuff. At least most of his accidental or reactionary defense of family rather than Trump's insults and off the cuff tweets and crap.

I agree completely. Biden doesn't say his insulting or inappropriate things intentionally. He sticks his foot in his mouth. He did it the other day in a press conference when he told a rude guest to "hush up, boy!", and a few months earlier, he referred to a black governor and ex-football player as a 'boy' when he said he’s the real deal, and the boy looked like he could still play. He got some guns on him.” Biden might be a lot of things, but he's not a racist like Trump is. And I can sympathize with Sleepy Joe over the 'boy' characterizations and his having to live in a fishbowl with every last word being dissected by the press. But, then again, he's been in public life for 50 years, so you think he'd have learned by now, so I can't say that I have a lot of sympathy for him.
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