What do you think will really take Trump down?

Politics, Religion, Salsa Recipes, etc. Everything you shouldn't bring up at your Uncle's house.

How will Trump's political power end?

Trump will die.
Trump will be imprisoned for a crime.
Trump will be indicted, avoid prison time, but it will be enough to stop him from running again due to his unpopularity.
Trump will make a deal to avoid jail time that will stop him from running for office.
No votes
Democrats will take Congress and have enough power to impeach and remove Trump if he should run and win again.
Trump will run again in 2024 and lose finally sealing him as a loser that Republicans will no longer support.
No votes
Trump will run in 2024 and win.
No votes
Another Republican will win the 2024 nomination and finally focus the Republican Party on someone else.
No votes
The power brokers in the Republican Party turn on Trump to oust him from a 2024 run.
No votes
Other (State in comments)
No votes
Total votes : 6

Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Aug 16, 2022 6:00 pm

I-5 wrote:Not to wish anything like this on the world, but what makes you guys think someone more clever than Trump won't grab the MAGA reins and take it even lower in terms of sowing chaos? Are we sure Trump is the bottom of the barrel?

If that happens and they have a war agenda, we're in for a Civil War because I know more than a few folks who desire this. They think the Democrats are irreparably corrupt, forcing on them values they don't agree with, and have arms ready for the call. So could get bad.

Hopefully we'll get a sensible president not interested in the burn it all down Civil War who will lead us forward in a more positive way.

And Trump is a unique American story, much like Huey P. Long. A rich, narcissistic kid with enough charisma and salesmanship to sell a certain segment of the nation on a vision of America that they desired. He clouded their minds so much they can't see him for what he really is. Few people have that type of ability. I know some don't want to admit Trump has this charisma and ability, but the proof is right there in front of your eyes. He did what he did which was inspiring a cult of personality as a president we haven't seen since someone like Huey P. Long did something similar in Louisiana. People like Trump come along once in a blue moon fortunately. So once he is gone, another uniquely crazy American leader that won't be easily replaced will be gone.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby I-5 » Thu Nov 10, 2022 7:09 pm


It's probably been said in this thread, but looks like what will take down Trump is at least partly answered by Rupert Murdoch's empire, now that they sniff a loser (Trump) and someone they see as stronger (DeSantis).
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby RiverDog » Fri Nov 11, 2022 5:06 am

I-5 wrote:https://www.nationalreview.com/news/new-york-post-mocks-trumpty-dumpty-on-front-page-after-praising-desantis/

It's probably been said in this thread, but looks like what will take down Trump is at least partly answered by Rupert Murdoch's empire, now that they sniff a loser (Trump) and someone they see as stronger (DeSantis).

I saw that, and I also heard Trump's typically idiotic comparison between his performance in the 2020 election and DeSantis's 2022 result. His IQ hasn't gone up any since he left office.

As much as I don't like him, DeSantis's win in Florida is truly impressive. Winning a statewide election in a competitive state by 20% in this day and age is unheard of, particularly when it came against a well-known opponent with plenty of name recognition like Charlie Crist. To give you an example, in WA, longtime incumbent Dem Senator Patty Murray, in a state that is as blue as they come, defeated her relative unknown challenger by 14%, only about 2/3's of the margin by which DeSantis beat Crist. It springboards DeSantis to the head of the pack of Republican wannabe's.

I had been hearing rumors, polls, surveys, and what not, that Trump's influence in the Republican party was beginning to wane, but I was cautious as one of the lessons from 2020 was that polls and surveys can't be trusted when it comes to Donald Trump. He has a lot of closet supporters that doesn't factor into the polls and surveys. His candidates did quite well in the primaries, but that's a different monster as most voters follow their party allegiances and ultra conservative/liberal candidates don't need the moderates and independents to win a primary. But particularly in competitive states like PA, they need moderates to win a general election.

The best thing about the 2022 election is that it may have been the silver bullet that has finally taken Trump out of the picture. We'll have to see how all this plays out, but it's been 6 very painful years for a conservative-leaning moderate like me to have to endure.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Fri Nov 11, 2022 2:06 pm

If DeSantis gets rid of Trump, he'll be worth the vote...at least in the primaries.

I'm so damn tired of Trump. I want him gone and done.

I'm pushing my buddies to go with DeSantis just to get rid of Trump and all the garbage he brings with him. Trump is itching to run again and start his trash talk again. DeSantis is much better for the country as a career politician who will act like one and not a cult of personality who takes pleasure in glorifying himself.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby RiverDog » Fri Nov 11, 2022 6:09 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:If DeSantis gets rid of Trump, he'll be worth the vote...at least in the primaries.

I'm so damn tired of Trump. I want him gone and done.

I'm pushing my buddies to go with DeSantis just to get rid of Trump and all the garbage he brings with him. Trump is itching to run again and start his trash talk again. DeSantis is much better for the country as a career politician who will act like one and not a cult of personality who takes pleasure in glorifying himself.

Yeah, we'll see. I'll admit that he's not the narcissist that Trump is, but I still can't get over those stunts that he pulls. And I'm not convinced that he wouldn't promote a similar degree of antagonism that Trump did by cow towing to the MAGA crowd.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Fri Nov 11, 2022 7:24 pm

RiverDog wrote:Yeah, we'll see. I'll admit that he's not the narcissist that Trump is, but I still can't get over those stunts that he pulls. And I'm not convinced that he wouldn't promote a similar degree of antagonism that Trump did by cow towing to the MAGA crowd.

I'll make you a gentleman's bet that if DeSantis wins the leadership from Trump, he'll tone his rhetoric down. Right now it has been made extremely clear that not aligning with Trump is a death sentence as a Republican as Liz Cheney found out. DeSantis has been walking in Trump's shadow for a while now, while not quite fulling becoming enveloped in it.

Very few Republicans have been able to escape Trump's scathing attacks from McConnell to McCarthy to Cheney or even Romney. They usually do their vote and stay quiet.

All this talk of voting for a Republican that rebuked Trump is just talk because it's already proven they can't win a major election or unseat the pro-Trump arm. So it seems to me it has to be done from within by someone that Trump hasn't been able to destroy yet. That guy may be DeSantis. Not guaranteed, but maybe.

What we know for certain is Trump likely plans to announce he's going to run next Tuesday. What we first need is to see what happens with Congress with the Senate flipping Democrat and the House flipping to Republican which will open the door for Trump to run again with House protection this time. If both houses stay Blue, Trump may not run which will open the door for big money Republicans to pull his support and move it to DeSantis which should put the final nail in the coffin for Trump. We shall see.

Republicans near as I can tell are very tribal. They'll get behind whoever leads and stick with them and ignore the outside noise. So we need a leader to pull the tribe from Trump and then we can turn the dial down some and get back to less of a Pro-Trump versus Anti-Trump narrative in the nation.

I can't even imagine what another Trump run will look like, much less if he loses a second time and goes "Screw it. Let's start a Civil War." I don't want to deal with that possibility.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby RiverDog » Sat Nov 12, 2022 4:07 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:I'll make you a gentleman's bet that if DeSantis wins the leadership from Trump, he'll tone his rhetoric down. Right now it has been made extremely clear that not aligning with Trump is a death sentence as a Republican as Liz Cheney found out. DeSantis has been walking in Trump's shadow for a while now, while not quite fulling becoming enveloped in it.

Very few Republicans have been able to escape Trump's scathing attacks from McConnell to McCarthy to Cheney or even Romney. They usually do their vote and stay quiet.

All this talk of voting for a Republican that rebuked Trump is just talk because it's already proven they can't win a major election or unseat the pro-Trump arm. So it seems to me it has to be done from within by someone that Trump hasn't been able to destroy yet. That guy may be DeSantis. Not guaranteed, but maybe.

What we know for certain is Trump likely plans to announce he's going to run next Tuesday. What we first need is to see what happens with Congress with the Senate flipping Democrat and the House flipping to Republican which will open the door for Trump to run again with House protection this time. If both houses stay Blue, Trump may not run which will open the door for big money Republicans to pull his support and move it to DeSantis which should put the final nail in the coffin for Trump. We shall see.

Republicans near as I can tell are very tribal. They'll get behind whoever leads and stick with them and ignore the outside noise. So we need a leader to pull the tribe from Trump and then we can turn the dial down some and get back to less of a Pro-Trump versus Anti-Trump narrative in the nation.

I can't even imagine what another Trump run will look like, much less if he loses a second time and goes "Screw it. Let's start a Civil War." I don't want to deal with that possibility.

Yeah, we'll see. DeSantis would have to tone it down one helluva lot before he'll convince me that he's changed. Right now, he's front and center in this culture war that Trump helped set off and is only marginally better than the Orange Baboon.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Sat Nov 12, 2022 12:39 pm

RiverDog wrote:Yeah, we'll see. DeSantis would have to tone it down one helluva lot before he'll convince me that he's changed. Right now, he's front and center in this culture war that Trump helped set off and is only marginally better than the Orange Baboon.

Not particularly true. DeSantis is a very different animal than Trump. Different type of public speaker and doesn't spend his time creating nicknames and not working with other politicians in Florida.

If I thought he was like Trump at all, I wouldn't encourage support for him as I have no interest in Trump's agenda. He's a politician that has sufficient support from the Trump arm and the non-Trump arm of the Republican Party to take Trump out if the big money Republicans will move support to DeSantis.

There are the sensationalistic stories you read on DeSantis, then there is the DeSantis who pulled in support from normally Democratic areas in Florida.

Pretty useless to talk right now until he decides to challenge Trump and has to walk the line on the national stage with the Pro-Trump and Anti-Trump arms of the Republican Party. Any Republican presidential candidate who runs will have to pull those two arms back together to take power from Trump. DeSantis is one of the few that might be able to do it. And that is what we need done right now to ensure Trump is done.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby RiverDog » Sat Nov 12, 2022 4:05 pm

RiverDog wrote:Yeah, we'll see. DeSantis would have to tone it down one helluva lot before he'll convince me that he's changed. Right now, he's front and center in this culture war that Trump helped set off and is only marginally better than the Orange Baboon.

Aseahawkfan wrote:Not particularly true. DeSantis is a very different animal than Trump. Different type of public speaker and doesn't spend his time creating nicknames and not working with other politicians in Florida.

If I thought he was like Trump at all, I wouldn't encourage support for him as I have no interest in Trump's agenda. He's a politician that has sufficient support from the Trump arm and the non-Trump arm of the Republican Party to take Trump out if the big money Republicans will move support to DeSantis.

There are the sensationalistic stories you read on DeSantis, then there is the DeSantis who pulled in support from normally Democratic areas in Florida.

Pretty useless to talk right now until he decides to challenge Trump and has to walk the line on the national stage with the Pro-Trump and Anti-Trump arms of the Republican Party. Any Republican presidential candidate who runs will have to pull those two arms back together to take power from Trump. DeSantis is one of the few that might be able to do it. And that is what we need done right now to ensure Trump is done.

Sure, DeSantis is a different type of speaker than Trump. Everyone is. There's no one like Trump. But that doesn't mean that my statement about DeSantis being "front and center in this culture war" isn't true. DeSantis stripped Disney of their tax breaks simply because their CEO came out against an anti LGBTQ bill:

DeSantis frames this in a populist light: He and other conservatives don’t just go after schools and educators. DeSantis has managed to turn conservatives’ ire against the biggest corporation of them all in Florida, Disney. After Disney’s CEO publicly disavowed the LGBTQ bill (following an outcry from employees), Florida Republicans stripped Disney of a special tax status that it had held for decades, potentially severing their once-cozy relationship with the corporation.

Is that the kind of thing that you want to see happen when he becomes President? Someone exercises their right to free speech and the government's response is to strip his company of their tax incentive, perhaps disrupting the jobs of one of the state's largest employers?

DeSantis is a culture war warrior that likes to fire up his base, and I'd rather see someone with a little less caustic approach to social issues as the POTUS. I also have some concerns about his stance on immigration.

But like I saids, we'll see. Candidates to change, soften their rhetoric. But if the election were held today, I would not be voting for DeSantis unless it was to keep Trump out or the Dem alternative was completely unacceptable.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Sat Nov 12, 2022 5:59 pm

RiverDog wrote:Sure, DeSantis is a different type of speaker than Trump. Everyone is. There's no one like Trump. But that doesn't mean that my statement about DeSantis being "front and center in this culture war" isn't true. DeSantis stripped Disney of their tax breaks simply because their CEO came out against an anti LGBTQ bill:

DeSantis frames this in a populist light: He and other conservatives don’t just go after schools and educators. DeSantis has managed to turn conservatives’ ire against the biggest corporation of them all in Florida, Disney. After Disney’s CEO publicly disavowed the LGBTQ bill (following an outcry from employees), Florida Republicans stripped Disney of a special tax status that it had held for decades, potentially severing their once-cozy relationship with the corporation.

Is that the kind of thing that you want to see happen when he becomes President? Someone exercises their right to free speech and the government's response is to strip his company of their tax incentive, perhaps disrupting the jobs of one of the state's largest employers?

DeSantis is a culture war warrior that likes to fire up his base, and I'd rather see someone with a little less caustic approach to social issues as the POTUS. I also have some concerns about his stance on immigration.

But like I saids, we'll see. Candidates to change, soften their rhetoric. But if the election were held today, I would not be voting for DeSantis unless it was to keep Trump out or the Dem alternative was completely unacceptable.

I only want one thing from DeSantis: The death blow on Trump. DeSantis is a politician who will tow the party line and not a loose cannon like Trump. So if DeSantis wins the nomination, it will be Republican politics as usual. But first the death blow must be dealt to Trump.


Some side information:

The bill DeSantis pushed through is some of what I want. We have a group of young people being sold that they are "trans" kids as in born that way and giving full support to parents to give pre-pubescent children puberty blockers to start the transition process before 10 years of age. I find that to highly questionable and borderline child abuse.

The movement is even allowing female transgender athletes to take scholarships from females in High School and some Democrats are pushing to Title 9, an anti-discrimination rule in public education to require schools to allow transitioning males to compete against females in athletics in College. https://apnews.com/article/title-ix-transgender-athletes-rights-9adfe49a8e07f66f07b5e2302bb94730

It's hard to find articles like this below because even Google is using filters to lower or ban from their search engine anything their content board considers discriminatory including alternative opinions on the transgender females in athletics issue:


Corporations currently control the news, internet media, streaming services, media being sold to kids like Disney+, search engines, social media, internet access, and the like. These massive means of cultural dissemination and discussion. They need to start forming laws to gain control of this and ensure freedom of speech is not being crushed by corporations controlling the means of communication and distribution of materials for consumption acting as the gatekeepers of information, especially if like Disney you have truly shown you only support one side of the political spectrum.

Personally, I would support laws to go back to the old "You must tell both sides of the story" media that existed prior to the rise of Fox News. To me the current corporate environment is extremely bad for Americans as a whole with huge corporations owning multiple media companies including many news delivery companies housed within giant megacorporations that only care about profits and not the effect they have on the nation. Some of these media companies house both liberal and conservative media like the owners of The Huffington Post who also own conservative media companies that purposefully disseminate divisive content to fuel division to drive up clicks at their web sites to drive up ad revenue. I don't think that is very good for America that a news media company is profiting driving division to fuel advertising revenue.

Now to be honest with you, I doubt DeSantis does anything about immigration or corporations. His Disney threats are just grandstanding for his base. The guy gets plenty of corporate money into his campaign including likely from Disney. Even his immigration stunt was just more grandstanding for the Trump base. But at this moment I have one goal in mind: getting rid of Trump before he does more crazy.

Trump truly doesn't care about Republican politics. He thinks he answers to no one and nothing but himself. He tows no lines. He doesn't listen to anyone. DeSantis will work within the Republican Party, not like its king.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby I-5 » Wed Nov 16, 2022 1:31 pm

How Murdoch is treating Trump's announcement this time....
Screen Shot 2022-11-16 at 12.29.38 PM.png
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby c_hawkbob » Wed Nov 16, 2022 1:51 pm

I-5 wrote:How Murdoch is treating Trump's announcement this time....

That's Awesome!

How do you like his comical new acronym; MAGAGA?
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Nov 16, 2022 2:07 pm

That is hilarious. Hopefully the Republican power players are moving against tiresome and crazy Trump. That will take him out too.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby I-5 » Wed Nov 16, 2022 2:17 pm

MAGAGA is right. If the shoe fits...

The thing is, I don't think the party wants anything to do with him, though he still has some members in the cult...McCarthy for one. The party wants DeSantis.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby RiverDog » Wed Nov 16, 2022 3:48 pm

I-5 wrote:MAGAGA is right. If the shoe fits...

The thing is, I don't think the party wants anything to do with him, though he still has some members in the cult...McCarthy for one. The party wants DeSantis.

I don't think McCarthy has his heart in the MAGA movement. Like too many of the R's, he caters to them out of political expediency.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby I-5 » Wed Nov 16, 2022 4:25 pm

RiverDog wrote:The thing is, I don't think the party wants anything to do with him, though he still has some members in the cult...McCarthy for one. The party wants DeSantis.

I don't think McCarthy has his heart in the MAGA movement. Like too many of the R's, he caters to them out of political expediency.

For sure it's politics. The thing is, he hasn't yet divorced from Trump. That will be interesting to watch him jump ship.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Nov 16, 2022 4:37 pm

That is the stupidest slogan I've ever heard. That will not sell well.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby I-5 » Wed Nov 16, 2022 6:11 pm

Holy #$%* I thought MAGAGA was a joke invented by someone trolling him...it's his ACTUAL slogan?! Hahahaha.

The use of 'glorious' sounds like a Borat reference: Cultural Learning of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan...

Too good.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby RiverDog » Wed Nov 16, 2022 6:39 pm

I-5 wrote:Holy #$%* I thought MAGAGA was a joke invented by someone trolling him...it's his ACTUAL slogan?! Hahahaha.

The use of 'glorious' sounds like a Borat reference: Cultural Learning of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan...

Too good.

Yeah, it's Make America Great And Glorious Again...MAGAGA. The internet has exploded with jokes and memes. Trump's people won't let him run with it.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby I-5 » Wed Nov 16, 2022 9:05 pm

Too late. No one is going to let him forget it. That's called a self-own in technical terms.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Nov 16, 2022 9:34 pm

Trump is now Mr. Magaga.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby mykc14 » Thu Nov 17, 2022 12:39 pm

What a joke...
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby idhawkman » Sat Nov 19, 2022 3:17 pm

For the next two years I'm not worried about what will take down trump. I'm more worried about another Scalia or two nhappening since the Ds control the senate.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Sat Nov 19, 2022 4:01 pm

idhawkman wrote:For the next two years I'm not worried about what will take down trump. I'm more worried about another Scalia or two nhappening since the Ds control the senate.

I'm itching for your take on January 6th. I think you were the only hardcore Trump supporter here and you left before January 6th. How did you see that whole situation?
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby RiverDog » Sat Nov 19, 2022 5:55 pm

idhawkman wrote:For the next two years I'm not worried about what will take down trump. I'm more worried about another Scalia or two nhappening since the Ds control the senate.

There's not likely to be anymore SCOTUS openings for quite some time. The oldest is Clarence Thomas at 74, and none have any known health issues or have been talking about retirement. Besides, the conservatives outnumber the libs 6-3. One opening isn't going to change the balance.

And I'd also like to hear if your attitude towards DJT has changed. A lot has happened since you've posted regularly.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby I-5 » Sat Nov 19, 2022 9:09 pm

Worrying about a 6-3 court seems a bit over the top...
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:09 pm


I hope the Republicans finally bury Trump the Snake. No more narcissistic scumbag in office who puts himself before the country. We survived long before Trump and will survive long after him. He is no savior or anything of the kind. Just a narcissistic loon that can't stand he lost.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby I-5 » Sun Nov 20, 2022 10:46 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:I hope the Republicans finally bury Trump the Snake. No more narcissistic scumbag in office who puts himself before the country. We survived long before Trump and will survive long after him. He is no savior or anything of the kind. Just a narcissistic loon that can't stand he lost.

If they do bury him, it won't be because of his odious character. For many in the party who supported him in the past, it will be because they don't think he can win an election again based on 2020 and his imprint on the 2022 midterms. That's the irony of them finally getting rid of him.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby tarlhawk » Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:06 am

The interest of this post escapes me....hasn't he been "taken down" from the moment of his announced initial election victory? The pursuit of his failures has been constant if not relentless. Our election process placed him in office yet many excuses have been used to question this result. We question those who voted for him as some country hick ....ignorant or accepting of his widely acclaimed racism and disdain for women in general. Poor Ivana Trump (God rest her soul) must have been duped into marrying such a wild reckless man.

In our relevant past ....our nation in general accepted results from our election process and whether the "winner" was our own choice or not we respected the authority of the office rendered to him. Remove trust from any process and you sow the seeds that can rip apart any strong unified bonding of its citizens.

When we see our "fellow man" as "the enemy" we have taken political discourse too far and welcome the strife that needs continual unsettling to feed its energy. In such an environment we create the very forces from within to be empowered as dividing forces which history had taught....can bring down the greatest of civilizations. This is not a trivial case of "its not us....its the infamous THEM" mentality.

As a society we are suffering a loss of our moral compass and our individual safety at home...in our schools...in our streets and neighborhoods are threatened when every source of authority that has protected us in the past is threatened to teeter. Inner city danger has spread to the suburbs and beyond. As an armed society united we can oppose outside invasion but that strength endangers us when we look within our own society for enemies. Is danger a crazy overstatement or a sad perception?
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby RiverDog » Fri Nov 25, 2022 1:33 pm

tarlhawk wrote:The interest of this post escapes me....hasn't he been "taken down" from the moment of his announced initial election victory? The pursuit of his failures has been constant if not relentless. Our election process placed him in office yet many excuses have been used to question this result. We question those who voted for him as some country hick ....ignorant or accepting of his widely acclaimed racism and disdain for women in general. Poor Ivana Trump (God rest her soul) must have been duped into marrying such a wild reckless man.

In our relevant past ....our nation in general accepted results from our election process and whether the "winner" was our own choice or not we respected the authority of the office rendered to him. Remove trust from any process and you sow the seeds that can rip apart any strong unified bonding of its citizens.

When we see our "fellow man" as "the enemy" we have taken political discourse too far and welcome the strife that needs continual unsettling to feed its energy. In such an environment we create the very forces from within to be empowered as dividing forces which history had taught....can bring down the greatest of civilizations. This is not a trivial case of "its not us....its the infamous THEM" mentality.

As a society we are suffering a loss of our moral compass and our individual safety at home...in our schools...in our streets and neighborhoods are threatened when every source of authority that has protected us in the past is threatened to teeter. Inner city danger has spread to the suburbs and beyond. As an armed society united we can oppose outside invasion but that strength endangers us when we look within our own society for enemies. Is danger a crazy overstatement or a sad perception?

You kinda lost me, Tarlhawk. Are you asking a question? Are you giving us your essay on the status of our society? How, specifically, does the opinions you've expressed relate to the OP, ie how will Trump's power end, or to any of the other topics that we subsequently discussed?

Nearly all of us that frequent this section of the Shack, with one notable exception, are anti Trump and did not vote for him in 2016 or 2020. We all differ as to our reasons or degree of disdain for the man. It was under that assumption, that everyone is anti Trump, that ASF started the thread as he thought it would be an interesting topic to discuss just how Trump's political influence would wane.

From there, the discussion meandered, as they often do, into a general discussion on Trump, Biden, Roe v Wade, the midterm elections, maybe even a salsa recipe or two. It's a typical thread for this section of the forum.

Although I don't understand what your point was in relation to this thread, I do appreciate your poking your head in here and hope you join us in our other discussions.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Fri Nov 25, 2022 2:20 pm

I-5 wrote:If they do bury him, it won't be because of his odious character. For many in the party who supported him in the past, it will be because they don't think he can win an election again based on 2020 and his imprint on the 2022 midterms. That's the irony of them finally getting rid of him.

Democrats did the same thing to Bernie Sanders when Hilary was running.

Even Biden is president because he was the only one they felt sure could beat Trump. Dems didn't have a candidate other than Biden they thought could take down Trump.

So the why they do something doesn't matter to me. If they don't think he can win, they'll pull their support or manipulate the ticket to get him off just like Hilary did to Bernie. And I'm fine with that.

His odious personality will just be one of the reasons they think he can't win. But if he does win the nomination, they'll fall in line fully behind him. Both parties are definitely of the mind once the candidate is in place, winning is paramount.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Fri Nov 25, 2022 2:29 pm

tarlhawk wrote:The interest of this post escapes me....hasn't he been "taken down" from the moment of his announced initial election victory? The pursuit of his failures has been constant if not relentless. Our election process placed him in office yet many excuses have been used to question this result. We question those who voted for him as some country hick ....ignorant or accepting of his widely acclaimed racism and disdain for women in general. Poor Ivana Trump (God rest her soul) must have been duped into marrying such a wild reckless man.

In our relevant past ....our nation in general accepted results from our election process and whether the "winner" was our own choice or not we respected the authority of the office rendered to him. Remove trust from any process and you sow the seeds that can rip apart any strong unified bonding of its citizens.

When we see our "fellow man" as "the enemy" we have taken political discourse too far and welcome the strife that needs continual unsettling to feed its energy. In such an environment we create the very forces from within to be empowered as dividing forces which history had taught....can bring down the greatest of civilizations. This is not a trivial case of "its not us....its the infamous THEM" mentality.

As a society we are suffering a loss of our moral compass and our individual safety at home...in our schools...in our streets and neighborhoods are threatened when every source of authority that has protected us in the past is threatened to teeter. Inner city danger has spread to the suburbs and beyond. As an armed society united we can oppose outside invasion but that strength endangers us when we look within our own society for enemies. Is danger a crazy overstatement or a sad perception?

Trump put himself above the country. Continues to foster lies to his base to keep them angry and divided. He fosters division at every opportunity he gets. He fosters hate between Americans that culminated in the January 6th riot that led to the death of at least one Capitol City police officer trying to protect our, the People's. Capitol. He let this happen while he was throwing a tantrum over losing an election that even other Republicans told him was lost including the Republican...let me repeat that...Republican, as in long time Republican election official in Georgia told him he lost fair and square. George Raffensberger who had to publicly say he voted for Trump as a long time Republican, who was accused of election tampering by Stacy Abrams when she lost the governor's race. Trump attacked this long-time Republican because he attacks anyone and makes it ok for his followers to attack anyone that doesn't agree with him.

That is who Trump supporters blindly support and allow his behavior to be considered tolerable behavior. They let this man attack and denigrate long time Republicans for disagreeing with him. They let him use this country as his personal whining post and react to his ridiculous claims without sufficient evidence up to and including attacking our Capitol, yet claim they love this country.

Sorry, Trump is major reason for the division in this nation. He lives to stoke division and attack anyone that doesn't agree with him to give the false appearance of strength when he is really just a weak, narcissistic, and pathetic man with the ability to manipulate the masses to do his bidding. All he wants to do is win a second term so he can brag he is a two term president.

It's easy to see, but apparently Trump's mouthpiece is so amazingly powerful he can convince masses of people to do insane things and think he is with them while he sits on a gold throne in his giant hotels paying his hotel workers crap money. It's damn sad.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby tarlhawk » Fri Nov 25, 2022 10:02 pm

RiverDog wrote: You kinda lost me, Tarlhawk. Are you asking a question? Are you giving us your essay on the status of our society? How, specifically, does the opinions you've expressed relate to the OP, ie how will Trump's power end, or to any of the other topics that we subsequently discussed?
Although I don't understand what your point was in relation to this thread, I do appreciate your poking your head in here and hope you join us in our other discussions.

Very fair response....I was asking a question....almost rhetorical as it ended up. My opinion of the man as an individual is more reserved than most...majority of my response was how we find delight in vilifying a man without regard to the office he had attained...even though some will claim its directly related to his presidency. 1) He didn't blunder into the office...he was elected by our peers...not by some hicks or delusional idiots...real people who voted for whatever reasons we enjoy under our current democracy. 2) Do we hate a man so much we make it our personal wish that he come to harm? Trump has already been "taken down" he failed in his bid to be re-elected. There will be some sympathy votes but there is a reason a former president has not been re-elected in non consecutive terms. If the greatest "fear" is the man being re-elected...that window has passed...the damage dealt...at this point there is just an effort to make it personal and pile it on. (to be continued)
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby RiverDog » Sat Nov 26, 2022 5:18 am

tarlhawk wrote:Very fair response....I was asking a question....almost rhetorical as it ended up. My opinion of the man as an individual is more reserved than most...majority of my response was how we find delight in vilifying a man without regard to the office he had attained...even though some will claim its directly related to his presidency. 1) He didn't blunder into the office...he was elected by our peers...not by some hicks or delusional idiots...real people who voted for whatever reasons we enjoy under our current democracy. 2) Do we hate a man so much we make it our personal wish that he come to harm? Trump has already been "taken down" he failed in his bid to be re-elected. There will be some sympathy votes but there is a reason a former president has not been re-elected in non consecutive terms. If the greatest "fear" is the man being re-elected...that window has passed...the damage dealt...at this point there is just an effort to make it personal and pile it on. (to be continued)

To answer your questions point by point:

Speaking for myself, I always felt that Trump was legitimately elected in 2016. IMO the Dems put up the best candidate the Republicans could have hoped to have run against as with the exception of DJT, Hillary Clinton had a higher negative rating than any other major party nominee since they started asking voters the question back in the 50's. And she ran a horrible campaign, as it seemed that her main strategy was to attack Trump and his supporters, ie "a basket of deplorables." It threw fuel on the fire, and helped Trump get his voters to the polls. She spent way too much time in states like CA rather than battleground states, never even setting foot in the state of Wisconsin, of which she narrowly lost. I didn't vote for her, either. I voted for the Libertarian candidate that year, former NM governor Gary Johnson.

I have never wished any physical harm on Donald Trump or any other human being. Oh, there's exceptions, like child killers and mass murderers, but not politicians that I happen to disagree with.

You're wrong about a former POTUS never having been re-elected to a non consecutive term. Grover Cleveland, who served as the President from March 4th, 1885-March 4th, 1889, and March 4th, 1893-March 4th, 1897 was elected to two non consecutive terms. He actually won the popular vote in three straight general elections. Trump would be the 2nd.

I strongly disagree that Trump has already been "taken down". Although DeSantis has closed the gap a bunch since the midterms and Trump's popularity has waned significantly, Trump still leads the field of potential Republican candidates by about 15%, and what's more, he's already lost those that were on the fence about him to begin with. Cutting further into his 46% popularity amongst Republicans will require penetrating the more hard-core Trump supporters, so we can't expect to see the same degree of erosion that we've witnessed following the midterms. He has not been taken down and won't be until someone wins enough delegates to assure nomination on the first ballot.

As far as the 'piling on' goes, that's what we do. Some of us come in here to blow off steam. For me personally, I don't often talk politics even amongst my closest friends. I don't put political signs on my lawn or bumper stickers on my car. For 40 years, I had a job where I felt it important that I remain as apolitical as possible so as to make myself more accessible, and some day, I'll tell you a story of how I came to that philosophy. Suffice it to say that this place is a refuge for me, so sometimes I'm guilty of piling on.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby tarlhawk » Sat Nov 26, 2022 7:28 am

RiverDog wrote: You're wrong about a former POTUS never having been re-elected to a non consecutive term. Grover Cleveland, who served as the President from March 4th, 1885-March 4th, 1889, and March 4th, 1893-March 4th, 1897 was elected to two non consecutive terms. He actually won the popular vote in three straight general elections. Trump would be the 2nd.

I strongly disagree that Trump has already been "taken down". Although DeSantis has closed the gap a bunch since the midterms and Trump's popularity has waned significantly, Trump still leads the field of potential Republican candidates by about 15%, and what's more, he's already lost those that were on the fence about him to begin with.

Thanks for your candid response and correcting me on my opinion stated as fact about no president re-elected on non consecutive terms. In college my worse grade seemed to follow me in history. As for my opinion on Trump already having been taken down....I think until the expected and unexpected candidates actually declare ....it will remain open conjecture on the value of any current polling....kinda like the value of exit polling. Not everyone engages in politics this early in the campaigning especially with pollsters. The challenge for DeSantis will be if he can repeat on a national scale what he achieved within his own state...no small task. He must have real tangible goals that resonate with the voting he targets then contrast on being the better candidate to deliver.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby RiverDog » Sat Nov 26, 2022 9:06 am

RiverDog wrote: You're wrong about a former POTUS never having been re-elected to a non consecutive term. Grover Cleveland, who served as the President from March 4th, 1885-March 4th, 1889, and March 4th, 1893-March 4th, 1897 was elected to two non consecutive terms. He actually won the popular vote in three straight general elections. Trump would be the 2nd.

I strongly disagree that Trump has already been "taken down". Although DeSantis has closed the gap a bunch since the midterms and Trump's popularity has waned significantly, Trump still leads the field of potential Republican candidates by about 15%, and what's more, he's already lost those that were on the fence about him to begin with.

tarlhawk wrote:Thanks for your candid response and correcting me on my opinion stated as fact about no president re-elected on non consecutive terms. In college my worse grade seemed to follow me in history. As for my opinion on Trump already having been taken down....I think until the expected and unexpected candidates actually declare ....it will remain open conjecture on the value of any current polling....kinda like the value of exit polling. Not everyone engages in politics this early in the campaigning especially with pollsters. The challenge for DeSantis will be if he can repeat on a national scale what he achieved within his own state...no small task. He must have real tangible goals that resonate with the voting he targets then contrast on being the better candidate to deliver.

You hold yourself well with regard to your command of facts, and I was surprised when you made that misstatement as it seemed out of character. Kudos for being so gracious when corrected.

Agreed about current polling not being real accurate until candidates actually start declaring, but that just proves my point. We can't make the assumption that Trump has already been 'taken down.' It's a long way until the primaries, well over a year, and a lot can happen between now and then. As ASF has pointed out, Trump has been extremely resilient as many of his followers either don't believe or don't care about all the controversy that has surrounded him.

DeSantis looks really strong at this point. A 20 point win in a relatively competitive state is extraordinary and shows that he can attract moderates, something that IMO will be essential in the 2024 general election and what Trump failed to do in 2020. But neither he nor any of the other Republican hopefuls have declared and probably won't declare for some time. Declaring early runs the risk of becoming old news by the time the primaries roll around, something that Trump, with his name recognition and constant presence in the news cycle, doesn't have to worry about.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby curmudgeon » Sat Nov 26, 2022 10:02 am

If Trump gets the nomination he’ll be soundly defeated by Biden/Fetterman. An epic thrashing by the voters will take him down……
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby Hawktawk » Sat Nov 26, 2022 6:40 pm

I think the Republican Party will do what the Dems did when it appeared Sanders would have been nominated . Coalesce around the next candidate . Desantus is a vile MAGA poser who used Trump to become Gov. He’s tougher than trump, everyone is . Biden would kick his ass in a fight . But as a former Jag , self assured dude Desantus will be the MAGA alternative this time . I won’t support him but glad he’s running and he is . Death will take Trump down . I’ll celebrate it assuming I outlive the pos. He’s an extraordinarily evil man who harmed america terribly in ways that will never be undone .
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby RiverDog » Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:22 am

Hawktawk wrote:I think the Republican Party will do what the Dems did when it appeared Sanders would have been nominated . Coalesce around the next candidate . Desantus is a vile MAGA poser who used Trump to become Gov. He’s tougher than trump, everyone is . Biden would kick his ass in a fight . But as a former Jag , self assured dude Desantus will be the MAGA alternative this time . I won’t support him but glad he’s running and he is . Death will take Trump down . I’ll celebrate it assuming I outlive the pos. He’s an extraordinarily evil man who harmed america terribly in ways that will never be undone .

I have the feeling that DeSantis, like most politicians, is a chameleon that changes colors to match those of his surroundings. If Trumpism continues its current trend and fades away, my guess is that he'll shed that MAGA skin and grow a new one that blends in with his new environment. If he doesn't, there's not a snowball's chance in hell that I'll vote for him in a general election.
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Re: What do you think will really take Trump down?

Postby Hawktawk » Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:53 am

I agree . Desantus is a far smarter more skilled politician than Trump. Trump is and always has been a childish idiot on camera , a mentally ill fool. I’m embarrassed for those who supported and support him . Like I told my buddy when he came on the scene “ politician has its own job description “
Desantus may well be elected and I can live with it compared to Trump . Because as you said he’s pragmatic . Move right to get nominated and to the center to get elected . And regardless it’s a huge improvement . I won’t vote for him or Biden who will infuriate me if he runs again . Too old . Semi senile .
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