OT: Coaching Move Coming?

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OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby jshawaii22 » Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:00 pm


If you all remember, this is the type of BS from the NCAA that "caused" Pete to leave SC and come here. Most coaches, especially at this level don't want to deal with this ah-ha moment. I'll take a swing that Harbaugh comes back to the NFL next year. If I remember, he's on a short leash contract with Michigan because of another violation.

So the question begs, would he be a good replacement for Pete? We've had the discussion before that only Pete will make his own decision, but that would be interesting. Pete to move up to "President of Football Operations" and have Harbaugh come in to replace him. I like it. I'm ready for some new blood in the organization.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby RiverDog » Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:12 pm

jshawaii22 wrote:https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/report-michigan-staffer-bought-tickets-for-games-at-11-big-ten-schools

If you all remember, this is the type of BS from the NCAA that "caused" Pete to leave SC and come here. Most coaches, especially at this level don't want to deal with this ah-ha moment. I'll take a swing that Harbaugh comes back to the NFL next year. If I remember, he's on a short leash contract with Michigan because of another violation.

So the question begs, would he be a good replacement for Pete? We've had the discussion before that only Pete will make his own decision, but that would be interesting. Pete to move up to "President of Football Operations" and have Harbaugh come in to replace him. I like it. I'm ready for some new blood in the organization.

Not only no, but hell no!

Harbaugh took over the Niners with a full cupboard then after a few short years, left them in a shambles. I don't think he's that good of a coach. If we part ways with Pete, I'd rather see the job given to one of the top NFL offensive coordinators as those are the guys who seem to be having the most luck.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:31 pm

I'd give him a shot.

Riverdog is full of it as to his assessment of Harbaugh. Just like he was full of it when he assessed Pete Carroll.

As I see Harbaugh took a team with a "full cupboard" as RD puts it that was vastly underperforming. Prior to Jim Harbaugh, San Francisco with the "full cupboard" hadn't had a winning season in 8 years. Riverdog doesn't mention this so called "full cupboard" team hadn't sniffed the playoffs in 8 years prior to Harbaugh.

Then Harbaugh took that full cupboard and went 13-3 in his first year and to the Conference Championship. Then went to the Super Bowl the following year, Then went to the Conference Championship again in his 3rd year losing barely to our Super Bowl team. Harbaugh made Frisco and the Seahawks a great rivalry because he had built Frisco, this team that had been nothing for 8 years, into a Super Bowl contender.

Harbaugh's last year he went 8 and 8 after a power struggle with the GM which the GM won having him fired.

Then Frisco fell of the map for four years before Shanahan finally turned them around again.

As far as I see it Frisco made a mistake keeping the GM over Harbaugh. That's why they went dormant because that GM undervalued a quality coach and thought he could easily replace Harbaugh. That didn't happen.

Riverdog's entire opinion is based his personal feelings towards Harbaugh and has nothing to do with Harbaugh's coaching ability just like it was with Pete. He don't want to give credit where credit is due when he doesn't personally like someone.

Fact is Harbaugh is a hell of a coach who competes hard, demands a lot of his players, and knows how to scheme to win.

Downside is ilke almost all great coaches or people who are great at anything, Harbaugh is a little looney. He has strong opinions about things. He's a hardhead when he doesn't get his way. If the right GM is in place who can work well with him, Jim Harbaugh will give you everything he has to win a Super Bowl. If you give the pieces, he will get there.

Hell, he took Colin Kaepernick and made him look like a superstar. No one else has been able to make Colin K look that good.

I'd definitely give the crazy guy a shot. He took a Frisco, a team that hadn't done nothing for eight years before his arrival and then fell into the gutter four years after he left and made them a big time competitor again immediately. He's also made Michigan a competiro in the National Title since his arrival. He still has the fire to win a Super Bowl because he doesn't have that ring yet.

I'd roll with Harbaugh and let him take shot at the ring in Seattle. I at least know the head coach was going to do everything in his power to win it all and that if he had the right pieces, then he can get competitive in the playoffs quick.

And as far as left Frisco in shambles BS Riverdog claims, Harbaugh wasn't picking the groceries in Frisco. The GM was. It seems once the GM fired Harbaugh, then the team went to shambles, not due to Harbaugh at all.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:56 pm


What really happened with Harbaugh, not Riverdog's ridiculous assertion Harbaugh caused the 49ers problem after he left and somehow didn't fix them after the eight years of losing prior to his arrival.

When everywhere a coach goes, he turns programs around and keeps on winning, then you know he's good.

Who was Stanford prior to Harbaugh? Does Andrew Luck become the number one overall pick without Harbaugh? I say no. Richard Sherman played under Harbaugh too.

Harbaugh goes to Frisco makes them competitive and exciting again for the first time in 8 years.

Then he goes to Michigan and has them back in the National Championship talk.

I guess a coach with those credentials is just leaving teams in shambles...after he leaves (what rubbish) because wherever Harbaugh goes, his teams compete and compete hard when he's the head coach.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby jshawaii22 » Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:47 pm

AseahawkFan, I like your position a lot more then RD's...

Wasn't 49er ownership also going through some major issues with lawsuits over riverboat gambling and bribes to the Gov of LA? That had to be in Harbaugh's era, but I didn't look it up.

Harbaugh also got to the SB with a crazed QB named Colin Kaepernick, who killed the Seahawks for a couple of years under Russell before self-destructing.

I'd take Harbaugh before most of the retreads that go around and around and around the coaching circles. He may not make a lot of friends, but his record is pretty outstanding both at college and pros.
The only other choice I wouldn't mind is to steal the Huskies coach...
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby Oly » Mon Oct 23, 2023 8:05 pm

Harbaugh is a good coach. A shitty person, at least as someone in the public who only sees the public part of him, but a very good coach. Still, I don't want him here.

Maybe it's just because I'm getting older and my perspective is changing, but I'm increasingly uninterested in rooting for shitty people or programs. Like any sports fan, I want to see my team win, but not if I don't feel good about the people. I wouldn't want to root for the Astros, no matter how good they are, nor would I have enjoyed rooting for a team with Burfict or Suh. I teach at a college, and there is a particular school we play basketball against—a school with a very good team—and their coach is such a bloviating jackass that just seeing him in charge of coaching young men, and seeing how they react to him, takes some of the joy out of going to those games. We had a soccer coach at my school once that was also a terrible person and I didn't go to their matches unless I had a student on the team and I went to support that one student. Ok, I'm rambling now—I did say I was getting older—but I've watched so many sports for so long that I know my teams will will championships 1% of the time. So that's stopped being the only thing I care about. I want to enjoy watching the team, and I have to say that for all Pete's faults as a coach, I enjoy watching these Hawks. I like seeing players who enjoy being here (ETIII and a couple of others excepted). I like seeing Pete play the game the right way. I love how many former players just want to hang around because of the culture. The Sounders are the same way, which is part of the reason I like following them.

Ok, rambling time is over. I think Harbaugh is a smarmy, whiny asshole, and the less time I spend watching him, the better my life is.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:10 am

I don't know that Harbaugh is that crappy a person myself. Seems to me if you're a guy that doesn't buy into the mainstream narrative, someone out there tries to destroy you. For me I ask myself: Does Harbaugh take care of his family? Does he take care of his players? Does he help in his community?

Harbaugh checks those boxes. Saying some off the wall stuff is the least of my worries.

I think a public personality can be crafted to fit whatever narrative by those for and against, so I prefer to cut through the crap and check for actual wrongdoing or immoral behavior like abandoning your kids, drub abuse, domestic violence, and other more important, objectively bad behaviors.

At this point, it's a moot point. No rumors of him coming here and as far as we know the owner group and FO are good with Pete. I'm sure someone else will take a shot on Harbaugh if he wins a National Championship or gets there. Probably won't be us.

I wouldn't mind seeing another Super Bowl. I'm also getting old and care about other things a whole lot more.

I know I would have no problem with Harbaugh taking another shot here. I think he's a great coach, very driven. I like seeing my team led by a driven coach looking to compete and win like when Pete first got here and had that fire with no attachment to players or anything else. Just win and churn the roster until he found the people to do so.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby Oly » Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:50 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:I don't know that Harbaugh is that crappy a person myself. Seems to me if you're a guy that doesn't buy into the mainstream narrative, someone out there tries to destroy you. For me I ask myself: Does Harbaugh take care of his family? Does he take care of his players? Does he help in his community?

Harbaugh checks those boxes. Saying some off the wall stuff is the least of my worries.

I think a public personality can be crafted to fit whatever narrative by those for and against, so I prefer to cut through the crap and check for actual wrongdoing or immoral behavior like abandoning your kids, drub abuse, domestic violence, and other more important, objectively bad behaviors.

At this point, it's a moot point. No rumors of him coming here and as far as we know the owner group and FO are good with Pete. I'm sure someone else will take a shot on Harbaugh if he wins a National Championship or gets there. Probably won't be us.

I wouldn't mind seeing another Super Bowl. I'm also getting old and care about other things a whole lot more.

I know I would have no problem with Harbaugh taking another shot here. I think he's a great coach, very driven. I like seeing my team led by a driven coach looking to compete and win like when Pete first got here and had that fire with no attachment to players or anything else. Just win and churn the roster until he found the people to do so.

I agree with everything except the last paragraph. All of your notes about his personal life are similar to what I meant in my note about only seeing his public behavior, although I wasn't as clear as you. The real mark of a shitty person is all of what you mentioned, but I don't know about that stuff. I do know that he is whiny and angry and petulant and doesn't seem to take the blame when things go wrong (the last one is my impression but I'll admit I can't remember specific press conferences that led to me thinking that way, because he so rubs me the wrong way I long ago turned off the TV whenever he started speaking). It's that public behavior as a coach that bothers me so much.

But your point is taken that I should have been clearer and directed my comments at him in his publicly visible role and not claimed he was a shitty person. But also, in true Harbaugh fashion, I won't take it back. ;-)
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby RiverDog » Tue Oct 24, 2023 5:33 am

Just a couple of objective comments about Harbaugh:

It will be 10 years since Harbaugh last coached in the NFL. Assuming that he was a good coach then, will he be able to adapt to today's NFL, which has changed significantly since he last coached?

Keep in mind that Harbaugh's defensive coordinator during those years when he had his success at SF was Vic Fangio, one of the best DC's in the game. Certainly at least part of Harbaugh's success has to be attributed to Fangio. The Niners had top 5 defenses from 2011-2013, Harbaugh's best seasons. Their offenses, supposedly Harbaugh's long suit, were never that good. They had their biggest success with Colin Kaepernick running the read option, a style of play that has gone out of vogue since Harbaugh's last days in the NFL and one of those significant changes that has happened since 2014.

And as far as his personality goes, it does make a difference. Harbaugh is going to have to put together a very good, if not great, coaching staff if he, or any other coach as far as that goes, is to be successful. With Harbaugh's undeniably abrasive personality, is he going to be able to assemble such a staff? In other words, personality counts.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby NorthHawk » Tue Oct 24, 2023 6:22 am

jshawaii22 wrote:https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/report-michigan-staffer-bought-tickets-for-games-at-11-big-ten-schools

If you all remember, this is the type of BS from the NCAA that "caused" Pete to leave SC and come here. Most coaches, especially at this level don't want to deal with this ah-ha moment. I'll take a swing that Harbaugh comes back to the NFL next year. If I remember, he's on a short leash contract with Michigan because of another violation.

So the question begs, would he be a good replacement for Pete? We've had the discussion before that only Pete will make his own decision, but that would be interesting. Pete to move up to "President of Football Operations" and have Harbaugh come in to replace him. I like it. I'm ready for some new blood in the organization.

Although I think it's close to time for Pete to step away, I can't see him doing so because he loves doing it and believes he can get the team back to the SB even if it seems unrealistic to us.
It'll be his choice as long as the team isn't sold as to when he calls it a career. When a new owner arrives, then all bets are off because they more often than not want to put their own people in place.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby trents » Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:00 am

I really like Pete as a person. He's a decent man, positive, enthusiastic and in control of his mouth. He doesn't say or do things that embarrass the organization of he city. Those things are assets. His big negative in my mind is that he is too soft and doesn't hold his players accountable when they step out of line. I also think he's not very creative when it comes to scheming and play calling.

And I agree with Oly. Good character in a coach and the team means more and more to me and "winning it all" means less and less to me as time goes on. I would take a team that is consistently competitive over one that wins it all once but whose coaches and players are jackasses.

But there is this unspoken fallacy I detect in this discussion and that is you have to settle either for a successful "winner take all" coach who is a jackass or for one who is likeable but not successful. You can have both. There are plenty of examples of such both in the pros and at the collegiate level.

Another issue I'd like to address is the misplaced assumption that if a coach is grumpy and snarley at press conferences then he (or she) must be a bad person. Sure, B. Belichick and Harbaugh might not have endearing public personas but that doesn't mean they are total jackasses. Do any of us know them well enough to say that outside of football they are like that? Honestly, I don't blame them for being snippy with the media sometimes because the media is trite and inane most of the time in the questions they ask a pressors.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby jshawaii22 » Tue Oct 24, 2023 12:11 pm

Is Harbaugh currently 'disliked' by the media in general? I don't remember any big issues with him at press conferences. Just like with the 49'ers, it seems Jim's biggest issues are with upper management, not his coaches or players. I think his players like him. He wouldn't be able to compete with Ohio State, and the rest of the college scene if he can't recruit (and I don't know how much NIL $$$ he carries in his attaché case when he meets with the players, but I'm sure Michigan fans take care of that for him) and he sure seems to be getting good players this last few years.

Where ever he goes, if he does choose the NFL, I'll bet the team improves under him, as he has every where he has gone.

RD, Pete had about 10 years between his first stint in the NFL as a failed HC and the Seahawks job, so why would Harbaugh not be able to succeed? Just like when Pete came here, his knowledge of all thinks college certainly helped us in the draft. Pete knew all the incoming and many first and second year players from college. So would Harbaugh!
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby RiverDog » Tue Oct 24, 2023 4:20 pm

jshawaii22 wrote:RD, Pete had about 10 years between his first stint in the NFL as a failed HC and the Seahawks job, so why would Harbaugh not be able to succeed? Just like when Pete came here, his knowledge of all thinks college certainly helped us in the draft. Pete knew all the incoming and many first and second year players from college. So would Harbaugh!

That's a good question and I'll answer it by asking you one: Was there as much of a difference between the NFL and CFB from 2000 and 2010 as there is between 2014 and 2024? In other words, I don't know if it is a fair comparison or not. Change doesn't always happen at the same rate.

The other difference is that Pete spent 15 years at various coaching positions in the NFL before he was fired at New England and took the USC job. Harbaugh's coaching resume before he took the Niners job had just one season as an NFL coach. All of his other coaching gigs were in CFB.

I agree with you about the knowledge of college players being a plus for a coach coming out of the colleges, and Pete really made the most of that advantage. However, that didn't help the vast majority of CFB coaches making the transition to the pros, guys like Kliff Kingsbury and Matt Rhule.

Bottom line is that I would much rather hire a solid NFL coordinator than I would a coach of whom the vast majority of his experience is at the college level.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Oct 24, 2023 4:58 pm

jshawaii22 wrote:Is Harbaugh currently 'disliked' by the media in general? I don't remember any big issues with him at press conferences. Just like with the 49'ers, it seems Jim's biggest issues are with upper management, not his coaches or players. I think his players like him. He wouldn't be able to compete with Ohio State, and the rest of the college scene if he can't recruit (and I don't know how much NIL $$$ he carries in his attaché case when he meets with the players, but I'm sure Michigan fans take care of that for him) and he sure seems to be getting good players this last few years.

Where ever he goes, if he does choose the NFL, I'll bet the team improves under him, as he has every where he has gone.

RD, Pete had about 10 years between his first stint in the NFL as a failed HC and the Seahawks job, so why would Harbaugh not be able to succeed? Just like when Pete came here, his knowledge of all thinks college certainly helped us in the draft. Pete knew all the incoming and many first and second year players from college. So would Harbaugh!

Harbaugh is generally hated by us because he was Frisco's head coach and liked to stir the pot a bit.

On a national level, he's a Catholic that has made some public statements on liberal issues some in the media don't like, so they've taken shots at him. One of the big ones is he is anti-abortion. In reality, he may follow other Catholic political points like being ant-death penalty as well, but who would know because all you have to do is take an anti-liberal point of view on almost anything and you'll end up in some crosshairs. Same way if anti-conservative says something publicly, they'll end up getting ripped apart as well such as when I see Arnold Schwarzenegger getting attacked for being pro-environment and going vegan by the right.

Other than that, I haven't seen too much from Harbaugh. He's an intense dude to who let's his emotions out now and again at the podium. The sports media loves running with it.

I know Riverdog don't like him, but he didn't like Pete initially either. I remember all the times RD called Pete "mealy-mouthed" and quite a few Seattle fans called him a cheater due to the NCAA stuff even though I view the NCAA as one of the most unethical organizations in sports. Like we don't all clearly see college coaches getting paid millions and college football basically the NFL's farm league with all associated financial benefits. The NCAA acting like some high and mighty moral organizastion while college's make millions off college ball is a joke to me. All I see is big universities are Triple A farm league and smaller universities are double A or lower that occasionally produce NFL quality players. The majority of NFL players come from big college programs with million dollar coaches, great facilities, and big TV deals that sell a ton of merchandise.

So any NCAA accusations mean next to nothing to me for a college coach. I want a guy that can transition to win. I watch football to see a competitive, driven team. I don't watch much if they're losing all the time. As I get older, I'd just as soon no watch some garbage team that can't compete over and over again. That gets tiresome. So if Pete leaves, I want a proven winner so I can stay interested in football and not feel like I'm wasting my time.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby RiverDog » Wed Oct 25, 2023 6:26 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:I know Riverdog don't like him, but he didn't like Pete initially either. I remember all the times RD called Pete "mealy-mouthed" and quite a few Seattle fans called him a cheater due to the NCAA stuff even though I view the NCAA as one of the most unethical organizations in sports. Like we don't all clearly see college coaches getting paid millions and college football basically the NFL's farm league with all associated financial benefits. The NCAA acting like some high and mighty moral organizastion while college's make millions off college ball is a joke to me. All I see is big universities are Triple A farm league and smaller universities are double A or lower that occasionally produce NFL quality players. The majority of NFL players come from big college programs with million dollar coaches, great facilities, and big TV deals that sell a ton of merchandise.

So any NCAA accusations mean next to nothing to me for a college coach. I want a guy that can transition to win. I watch football to see a competitive, driven team. I don't watch much if they're losing all the time. As I get older, I'd just as soon no watch some garbage team that can't compete over and over again. That gets tiresome. So if Pete leaves, I want a proven winner so I can stay interested in football and not feel like I'm wasting my time.

The NCAA accusations about Harbaugh means next to nothing to me, and I have not mentioned a single word about them in my comments about him. I didn't want him before this current scandal.

Absolutely true about my feeling about Pete prior to us hiring him. I thought that he was getting out of Dodge at USC before the hammer fell, that he was coming to our team for the wrong reasons. I also considered him more of a college coach, and we all know the miserable track record that college coaches have in the NFL. I also didn't like the fact that he was peddling a book, his catchy cliches, etc. I had the impression that he was full of himself. I also thought that since he had been fired in two previous NFL jobs, that he wasn't likely to produce results in his 3rd attempt. There were lots of things that I didn't like about Pete, both tangible, undeniable facts and intangible, emotional impressions. I was dead wrong.

But does the fact that I was wrong on Pete mean that I'm also wrong on Harbaugh?
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby c_hawkbob » Wed Oct 25, 2023 8:01 am

But does the fact that I was wrong on Pete mean that I'm also wrong on Harbaugh?

Probably. ;)

Seriously though, the last thing I would want here is Hairball as HC.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby NorthHawk » Wed Oct 25, 2023 8:21 am

At some point, probably nearer than we think, Pete will not be coaching the Seahawks. It may be his choice or it may be a new owner who wants his own people in place, but at 72, Pete's time is drawing near.
So, who would people like to replace him?
As we need a young QBOTF, I would like a good Offensive HC to develop that QB properly and allow him to be able to be the best with the special talents that got him to the NFL.
So if you look at the best QBs in the league, with a couple of exceptions, they were all developed by an Offensive HC. Mahomes, Burrow, Lawrence (still developing), Tua, and Hurts benefited from a HC that understands and is committed to
good Offense and QB play. The exceptions would be Allen in Buffalo, and Herbert of the Chargers.

Eric Bieniemy might be a good possibility. He has been overlooked for a long time and is now finally getting a chance to get out from under Andy Reid's shadow. He doesn't have a lot to work with in Washington, but he's beginning to develop
Sam Howell even with his probable limited upside. I'm not sure there are many others ready to take that step from NFL OC to HC and the spectre of the debacle in Denver looms large. So we will have to look at the College ranks to get some more candidates. With that in mind, Harbaugh should be one HC in consideration if he wants to come back to the NFL.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:23 pm

NorthHawk wrote:At some point, probably nearer than we think, Pete will not be coaching the Seahawks. It may be his choice or it may be a new owner who wants his own people in place, but at 72, Pete's time is drawing near.
So, who would people like to replace him?
As we need a young QBOTF, I would like a good Offensive HC to develop that QB properly and allow him to be able to be the best with the special talents that got him to the NFL.
So if you look at the best QBs in the league, with a couple of exceptions, they were all developed by an Offensive HC. Mahomes, Burrow, Lawrence (still developing), Tua, and Hurts benefited from a HC that understands and is committed to
good Offense and QB play. The exceptions would be Allen in Buffalo, and Herbert of the Chargers.

Eric Bieniemy might be a good possibility. He has been overlooked for a long time and is now finally getting a chance to get out from under Andy Reid's shadow. He doesn't have a lot to work with in Washington, but he's beginning to develop
Sam Howell even with his probable limited upside. I'm not sure there are many others ready to take that step from NFL OC to HC and the spectre of the debacle in Denver looms large. So we will have to look at the College ranks to get some more candidates. With that in mind, Harbaugh should be one HC in consideration if he wants to come back to the NFL.

You don't think Harbaugh can develop a QB? You didn't like Andrew Luck or how much production he got out of Colin K?
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:30 pm

RiverDog wrote:The NCAA accusations about Harbaugh means next to nothing to me, and I have not mentioned a single word about them in my comments about him. I didn't want him before this current scandal.

Absolutely true about my feeling about Pete prior to us hiring him. I thought that he was getting out of Dodge at USC before the hammer fell, that he was coming to our team for the wrong reasons. I also considered him more of a college coach, and we all know the miserable track record that college coaches have in the NFL. I also didn't like the fact that he was peddling a book, his catchy cliches, etc. I had the impression that he was full of himself. I also thought that since he had been fired in two previous NFL jobs, that he wasn't likely to produce results in his 3rd attempt. There were lots of things that I didn't like about Pete, both tangible, undeniable facts and intangible, emotional impressions. I was dead wrong.

But does the fact that I was wrong on Pete mean that I'm also wrong on Harbaugh?

When you paint a guy as leaving Frisco in shambles after the GM fired him, when that HC went to three straight Conference Championships and one Super Bowl in his first tenure as an NFL head coach with Colin K, who isn't even in the league any more as his starting QB, I think yeah, there is evidence you're viewpoint is wrong.

It's like you went, "All those conference championship trips and that Super Bowl were just luck and it was the 8 and 8 year that was the real Harbaugh." That is a pretty obvious bias on your part, especially for a guy that likes production.

Pete's record was way worse when he first took over and I think you way oversold how terrible Pete was. Now you're overselling Harbaugh's negative tenure as head coach because you don't like him. Sheesh, if you didn't know the guy at all and you had a guy taking over that had taken his team to three straight conference championship games and one Super Bowl in 4 years of coaching, I'd think you'd be pretty happy to give that guy a shot at taking Seattle somewhere.

It wasn't like Harbaugh took over a playoff team and made them worse. He took over a team that hadn't seen the playoffs for eight years, since Steve Mariucci was their coach. Then made them Super Bowl competitors immediately. You don't see that happen too often. I like to be a competitive Super Bowl team.

Harbaugh is also good with QBs. He developed Andrew Luck. He developed Colin K who did his best work under Harbaugh.

I freely admit the guy is a big crazy and intense. But he produces. He knows how to develop QBS. He knows how to build an offense. He wants to win a Super Bowl bad, real bad and I think he can do it in the right circumstances.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:32 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:Probably. ;)

Seriously though, the last thing I would want here is Hairball as HC.

You would learn to love Harbaugh, c-bob.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby RiverDog » Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:44 pm

NorthHawk wrote:At some point, probably nearer than we think, Pete will not be coaching the Seahawks. It may be his choice or it may be a new owner who wants his own people in place, but at 72, Pete's time is drawing near.
So, who would people like to replace him?
As we need a young QBOTF, I would like a good Offensive HC to develop that QB properly and allow him to be able to be the best with the special talents that got him to the NFL.
So if you look at the best QBs in the league, with a couple of exceptions, they were all developed by an Offensive HC. Mahomes, Burrow, Lawrence (still developing), Tua, and Hurts benefited from a HC that understands and is committed to
good Offense and QB play. The exceptions would be Allen in Buffalo, and Herbert of the Chargers.

Eric Bieniemy might be a good possibility. He has been overlooked for a long time and is now finally getting a chance to get out from under Andy Reid's shadow. He doesn't have a lot to work with in Washington, but he's beginning to develop
Sam Howell even with his probable limited upside. I'm not sure there are many others ready to take that step from NFL OC to HC and the spectre of the debacle in Denver looms large. So we will have to look at the College ranks to get some more candidates. With that in mind, Harbaugh should be one HC in consideration if he wants to come back to the NFL.

Aseahawkfan wrote:You don't think Harbaugh can develop a QB? You didn't like Andrew Luck or how much production he got out of Colin K?

How much production did he get out of Kaepernick? He never completed more than 63% of his passes under Harbaugh. He was a running quarterback who never learned how to play from the pocket. Once they took away his read option, he was very ineffective. In his only two full seasons under Harbaugh, 2013 and 2014, he was ranked 29th and 30th amongst quarterbacks in average passing yard per game, 29th and 38th in completion percentage.

There's more than one reason why no teams were ever interested in bringing back Kaepernick. It wasn't all because of his anthem protests.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby Vegaseahawk » Wed Oct 25, 2023 5:01 pm

Pete Carroll isn't going anywhere anytime soon. He's running up & down the sidelines like a 12-year-old kid having the time of his life. Ownership loves him. The PC/JS marriage is a thing of beauty. Sorry folks, Pete Carroll will be coaching the Seahawks for at least 8-10 more years, IMHO.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby RiverDog » Wed Oct 25, 2023 5:03 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:When you paint a guy as leaving Frisco in shambles after the GM fired him, when that HC went to three straight Conference Championships and one Super Bowl in his first tenure as an NFL head coach with Colin K, who isn't even in the league any more as his starting QB, I think yeah, there is evidence you're viewpoint is wrong.

It's like you went, "All those conference championship trips and that Super Bowl were just luck and it was the 8 and 8 year that was the real Harbaugh." That is a pretty obvious bias on your part, especially for a guy that likes production.

Pete's record was way worse when he first took over and I think you way oversold how terrible Pete was. Now you're overselling Harbaugh's negative tenure as head coach because you don't like him. Sheesh, if you didn't know the guy at all and you had a guy taking over that had taken his team to three straight conference championship games and one Super Bowl in 4 years of coaching, I'd think you'd be pretty happy to give that guy a shot at taking Seattle somewhere.

It wasn't like Harbaugh took over a playoff team and made them worse. He took over a team that hadn't seen the playoffs for eight years, since Steve Mariucci was their coach. Then made them Super Bowl competitors immediately. You don't see that happen too often. I like to be a competitive Super Bowl team.

Harbaugh is also good with QBs. He developed Andrew Luck. He developed Colin K who did his best work under Harbaugh.

I freely admit the guy is a big crazy and intense. But he produces. He knows how to develop QBS. He knows how to build an offense. He wants to win a Super Bowl bad, real bad and I think he can do it in the right circumstances.

The 49'ers were successful under Harbaugh due to Fangio's defenses. In 2012, 2013, and 2014 they were ranked 3rd once and 5th twice in total defense. Except for his first season when they were ranked 11th with Alex Smith playing the majority of the year and the year they went to the SB, Harbaugh's Kaepernick-led offenses sucked, ranked 24th in 2013 and 20th in 2014. So much for his being a quarterback whisperer.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby RiverDog » Wed Oct 25, 2023 5:08 pm

Vegaseahawk wrote:Pete Carroll isn't going anywhere anytime soon. He's running up & down the sidelines like a 12-year-old kid having the time of his life. Ownership loves him. The PC/JS marriage is a thing of beauty. Sorry folks, Pete Carroll will be coaching the Seahawks for at least 8-10 more years, IMHO.

Sure, Pete looks and acts younger than his 72 years. But unless he's discovered the fountain of youth, he ain't coaching into his 80's.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby Vegaseahawk » Wed Oct 25, 2023 5:34 pm

OK, he's 72. Let me adjust my prediction to 5-8 more years. If anyone could pull it off, he can.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby RiverDog » Wed Oct 25, 2023 6:42 pm

Vegaseahawk wrote:OK, he's 72. Let me adjust my prediction to 5-8 more years. If anyone could pull it off, he can.

All that energy and enthusiasm comes at a cost. It results in high blood pressure, which at 72 years old, could be deadly. Any competent doctor will recommend a change in lifestyle if he wants to live into his 80's. My guess is that he retires within the next 2-3 years max.

But I do agree that if anybody can do it, Pete can. He's in remarkable mental and physical shape.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby NorthHawk » Thu Oct 26, 2023 6:21 am

And what if (god forbid) his wife gets sick?
When you get older a lot of things change - and they tend to change quickly when they do. It could also happen to him.
But either way, he's closer to the end than the beginning no matter how much he runs up and down the sidelines.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby Vegaseahawk » Fri Oct 27, 2023 9:06 am

Two words, Joe Paterno
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby jshawaii22 » Mon Oct 30, 2023 7:36 pm

I notice the major media is all talking the same way. Michigan pulls his 60m contract offer and Harbaugh doesn't want to deal with this, and just like Pete did, will bail to the NFL and it's 12million + a year contracts. Will he come here? Who knows, but Pete and Harbaugh go way, way back and I can see Pete moving up.
Those who don't want Harbaugh here because of your perceived issues with him... just remember he gets wins. Bottom LIne: Isn't that what's it all about?
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby RiverDog » Fri Nov 10, 2023 8:15 pm

Posted without comment:

Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh and the NCAA are working toward a negotiated resolution that is expected to see him suspended four games this season in penalties stemming from alleged false statements he originally made to investigators, sources tell Yahoo Sports.

Harbaugh’s impending suspension is centered on an NCAA investigation into recruiting violations committed by he and Wolverines staff members. The NCAA enforcement staff alleged that Harbaugh was dishonest about the recruiting violations in his initial meeting with investigators. A quick resolution broke down in January after Harbaugh refused to admit that he lied to NCAA staff. The 59-year-old coach has maintained he didn’t recall the events when first speaking with investigators but that he was never purposefully dishonest.

A previous Harbaugh staff member did not escape unscathed. Former defensive coordinator Mike Macdonald, now the defensive coordinator for Harbaugh’s brother John at the Baltimore Ravens, is expected to receive a one-year show-cause penalty. Show-cause penalties make it more difficult for coaches to land jobs in college athletics.

Two current Michigan assistants are also expected to receive sanctions, including offensive coordinator Sherrone Moore and tight ends coach Grant Newsome.

For Harbaugh, the negotiated resolution is a signal that the coach acknowledged some sort of dishonesty. The NCAA considers lying to investigators as a Level I violation, the most serious on the organization’s scale. A Level I violation could carry with it a six-game suspension and significant recruiting restrictions, according to NCAA statutes.

Harbaugh’s alleged initial cover-up was worse than the crime itself from the NCAA's perspective. In a notice of allegations sent to Michigan last year, the association cited four Level II violations, including meeting with two recruits during a COVID-19 dead period, texting a recruit outside of an allowable time period, having analysts perform on-field coaching duties during practice and having coaches watching players work out via Zoom.

Harbaugh eventually acknowledged that the program committed the Level II violations but refused to sign any document or publicly state that he was ever untruthful with the enforcement staff.

https://sports.yahoo.com/sources-michig ... 53990.html
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby jshawaii22 » Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:40 pm

" Negotiated Settlement"... evidently the Uof M didn't get the message as they filed for a TRO with a local Michigan court to have the suspension kaboshed. If he's on the sidelines, UofM rousted some judge to come in on Saturday to do the deed for them.
However, it was pretty low of the conference to give the suspension on a holiday.


He's going to be some teams NFL coach next year.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby 4XPIPS » Sat Nov 11, 2023 12:03 am

I say fire Pete and hire Mike MacDonald from the ravens. He is 36 yrs old, and he is defensive wizard who has worked with both Harbaugh’s, but can scheme a defense with lesser known names. He can do it with youth and veterans alike
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby RiverDog » Sat Nov 11, 2023 3:55 am

jshawaii22 wrote:" Negotiated Settlement"... evidently the Uof M didn't get the message as they filed for a TRO with a local Michigan court to have the suspension kaboshed. If he's on the sidelines, UofM rousted some judge to come in on Saturday to do the deed for them.
However, it was pretty low of the conference to give the suspension on a holiday.


He's going to be some teams NFL coach next year.

Maybe. Whoever hires him is going to face quite a bit of PR blowback, hiring a liar and a cheat. It's not exactly the message you want to send to younger fans.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby NorthHawk » Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:17 am

I keep hearing the Bears will take a run at him, but there are a number of teams that will be looking for a new HC this year.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby NorthHawk » Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:13 am

jshawaii22 wrote:" Negotiated Settlement"... evidently the Uof M didn't get the message as they filed for a TRO with a local Michigan court to have the suspension kaboshed. If he's on the sidelines, UofM rousted some judge to come in on Saturday to do the deed for them.
However, it was pretty low of the conference to give the suspension on a holiday.


He's going to be some teams NFL coach next year.

According to PFT, the TRO wasn't granted so Harbaugh will miss the expected games unless there's some type of appeal process for future games.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Sat Nov 11, 2023 2:17 pm

Harbaugh is all done in college if this sticks.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby RiverDog » Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:55 am

They didn't grant a hearing before yesterday's game with Penn State, so Harbaugh was/is suspended. A hearing is scheduled for Nov. 17th, one day before Michigan's next game with Maryland.

I more fair punishment would have been to suspend him for the post season. That way, it would have given Harbaugh enough time to appeal and it would have been harsher punishment. But I suppose since it was the Big Ten conference suspending him, they wouldn't have had the authority.

It's going to be interesting to see how this all shakes out.
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Re: OT: Coaching Move Coming?

Postby NorthHawk » Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:38 am

Another part of it is the Big10 will be represented in the playoffs by Michigan as one of the best teams in the country. By not having Harbaugh coach the team, it could lessen the product and value of the conference or success thereof.
That could mean a money impact which is the main reason for the realignment that we see in all conferences.
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