He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

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He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby savvyman » Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:26 am

I know its like Putting an NFL player in the Hall of Fame while he is still playing - But it should be obvious to everyone by now that Barrack Obama has earned the coveted 5th spot on Mt. Rushmore. Because of his remarkable performance as president these last 6 years, there is no need to wait any longer.

Break out the Dynamite and Dozers and let's move some ground!

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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby RiverDog » Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:17 pm

There is physically no room on Rushmore for a 5th President. I heard this a few years back when there was a move to put the Gipper up there. I'm afraid we're stuck with George, Tom, Abe, and Teddy.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby savvyman » Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:46 pm

Everyday a Little more of our freedom and privacy is being taken away by the "Government".

The day is coming in the future when the government will ban cash purchases outright and require that all purchases are done via a debit\credit\ebt card of some sort. So this way they can track everything about what you are doing (and add your spending records to your phone calls, emails and comings & goings that they are already tracking - how Stalin & Mao and the Familial nuts ruling North Korea would have loved Facebook....) - Granted I think this will take 10-20 years or so to unfold.

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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby c_hawkbob » Wed Mar 25, 2015 3:55 pm

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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby savvyman » Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:22 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:Image

Good one Bob - Very Clever.

Hate to throw some Ice all over your "insightful" thought process - But let me wake you up as to just what the F@ck is going on in our country now.


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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby c_hawkbob » Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:52 pm

Gee you mean the government is spying on us?! Surely that's never happened before ...

And they're even using cyber space to do it!! ... as though very major corporation isn't doing the exact same thing every time you log on.

It's a brave new world out there man-o and this is the road we're headed down regardless of which party is in office. And regardless of the veracity of some of your source information, your "this is what's going to happen in 20 years" prediction is still way off base and exactly tin foil hat level conspiracy theory paranoia.

In my opinion of course.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby RiverDog » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:12 am

savvyman wrote:Everyday a Little more of our freedom and privacy is being taken away by the "Government".

The day is coming in the future when the government will ban cash purchases outright and require that all purchases are done via a debit\credit\ebt card of some sort. So this way they can track everything about what you are doing (and add your spending records to your phone calls, emails and comings & goings that they are already tracking - how Stalin & Mao and the Familial nuts ruling North Korea would have loved Facebook....) - Granted I think this will take 10-20 years or so to unfold.


I'm not worried about the government taking away our privacy nearly as much as I'm worried about identity theft, hackers, scam artists, and online thieves.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby savvyman » Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:00 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:Gee you mean the government is spying on us?! Surely that's never happened before ...

And they're even using cyber space to do it!! ... as though very major corporation isn't doing the exact same thing every time you log on.

It's a brave new world out there man-o and this is the road we're headed down regardless of which party is in office. And regardless of the veracity of some of your source information, your "this is what's going to happen in 20 years" prediction is still way off base and [b]exactly tin foil hat level conspiracy theory paranoia.[/b]

In my opinion of course.

And your opinion is a pretty uninformed one and unfortunately since it is held by the majority of people in this country now it is a dangerous opinion. Well only Dangerous if you care about the future of this country as a democracy.

Really - Tin Hat? The ruling elite love people like you who represent the majority of the masses who try to paint people who bring forward Overwhelming Facts as "Conspiracy Nuts". You allow the ruling class to continue with their objective of taking the country out of the hands of the "Masses" - and placing all control in the hands of the ruling elite.

The people in this country were once so much smarter.

In 1973-1974 a President - Nixon - had to resign - because members of his re-election campaign staff placed "Tape Recorders" and telephone monitoring bugs in the Democratic party headqurters. Now how did the public back then respond to a few tape recorders being used to bug a room? Well once the public found out about it they demanded the President Head. Back then the citizens knew how to think.

Today? The majority of citizens? Duh Fing Duh. As proven by your statements.

Look at the video posted above - this is from Frontline the most respected independent Investigative journalism show in the USA. These bastards are abusing their powers and breaking all kinds of constitutional laws to spy on americans. And look what happens to the brave people who worked (some for 30 years) for those agencies who tried to alert both congress and the press as to all of the laws that were being broken - they were attacked and harassed by the very agencies that are supposed to protect the people - -and you are not upset by that as a free thinking citizen raised in this country?

Here is another link - Basically it links to a whole bunch more links about all of the ways that all government agencies are illegally listening into all our phone calls - hijacking our computers, reading all our emails and text messages - and much more. For the first 225 years of this country you needed a search warrant and criminal cause for the government to do this. Under Our watch - we have grown so fat, dumb, lazy that we have not sacked the entire US government for throwing away the constitution and individual rights that generations before us (including the founding fathers) have fought so hard and sacrificed so much to achieve.


As far as you silly "Tin hat" remarks - 40 years ago after the president was forced to resign for being caught planting "Tape Recorders" under couches - if someone would have predicted then that in 40 years later the government will be capturing, recording and listening to every citizen phone calls and reading all of their mails they would have been call a nut back then. So it is really that much of a stretch to forecast that within 20 years - the same government that is now recording and tracking all our phone calls, emails, text messages, goggle searches - and a whole lot more- will also want to be tracking all of our purchases? - Duh.

By the way here is one more "Fact" on this subject.

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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby c_hawkbob » Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:06 pm

Do you pay attention, like, at all, to what the other guy says in discussions like this?

Exactly what is it you think I'm disputing here? You don't need to convince me the government is spying on us, or might not have our best interests as individuals as their top priority. That has always been the case (you thinking it has to do with which party is in office is cute though, you're one of the most hopelessly partisan people around, and as such only allow yourself to see half of any truth).

What I am disputing is your prediction. Cash money will never go away and neither will cash transactions. And any movement in that direction will be 100% a product of the marketplace and not because of anything any politician did and it won't matter one bit which party is in office.

You keep thinking I'm just uninformed, I couldn't possibly care less. You're like a doomsayer, convinced that the apocalypse is nigh. It's not. Literally, figuratively or socially.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby Hawktown » Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:46 am

So many people will be EVER SO SORRY they let this country go to sh** and allowed the elite and gov to rule within our lifetime. Fat, lazy and stupid sheep is what most people are these days. Most people care more about there entertainment then how their actions, or non actions, affect EVERYONE as a whole. If you are satisfied with the way your life is and could care less about the future then who gives a SH** about the rest of you, right??!!!
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby RiverDog » Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:35 pm

Spying ain't what it used to be. We all think of spying as a guy with headphones on and a reel-to-reel tape recorder monitoring a phone call or giant binoculars peering into a bedroom. That's not how it's done. Today they use computers to look for flags, certain references to certain things, where they are originating from and where they are going. They look for unusual financial transactions. They don't give a chit about my activities.

I don't mind the government spying on me. If it is going to prevent another 9/11, then I'm all for it. I'll unzip my fly for anyone. I have nothing to hide.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby Hawktown » Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:38 pm

RiverDog wrote:Spying ain't what it used to be. We all think of spying as a guy with headphones on and a reel-to-reel tape recorder monitoring a phone call or giant binoculars peering into a bedroom. That's not how it's done. Today they use computers to look for flags, certain references to certain things, where they are originating from and where they are going. They look for unusual financial transactions. They don't give a chit about my activities.

I don't mind the government spying on me. If it is going to prevent another 9/11, then I'm all for it. I'll unzip my fly for anyone. I have nothing to hide.

You and I both may have nothing to hide but that does not mean they should know anything about me what so ever. I don't want them to and should not have to let them into my life. I HIGHLY doubt that "spying" on everyone is going to prevent ANYTHING at all.

If they want to spy on me then i damn sure want to and should be able to have access to any information i want, classified or not, enter any facility I want and so on.

IMO, the only rule/law that should be against all of us and really all that is needed is if you harm someone either physically, financially or stealing peoples property (some may want to add emotionally but I'm up in the air on that one).
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby c_hawkbob » Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:40 am

Old but Slow wrote:One concern I have is that so much of the surveillance is computer generated, with little intelligence behind it. For instance, if I have a conversation on the internet about my concerns about international problems, and happen to mention bombs, Isis, Arab insurgents, Benghasi, or whatever, I might find myself on a "no fly" list or something, just because I have included some key words. Can't happen? What do you think?

No, I don't, but reckon we'll know next time you book a flight somewheres won't we? ;)
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby savvyman » Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:19 am

RiverDog wrote: They look for unusual financial transactions. They don't give a chit about my activities.

I don't mind the government spying on me. If it is going to prevent another 9/11, then I'm all for it. I'll unzip my fly for anyone. I have nothing to hide.

Hopefully the other 285 million Americans think differently. There are damm good reasons why this country was formed with the individual rights and freedoms - including the right from unlawful search and seizure - that for nearly 200 years were supported by the citizens near unanimously.

"”People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.” - Benjamin Franklin
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby savvyman » Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:24 am

Whoa - Check this out - Big Brother?

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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby c_hawkbob » Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:53 am

I have no idea what it is we should be checking out there ... that you can make a screen shot?

OK, that's ominous I guess ...
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby savvyman » Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:46 am

c_hawkbob wrote:I have no idea what it is we should be checking out there ... that you can make a screen shot?

OK, that's ominous I guess ...

Jesus Bob - Put in a little work here before you make your snarky comments.

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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby c_hawkbob » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:13 pm

I'm sorry but it's like you're speaking another language. I have no idea what your point could be.

You say:

Hawk Shack 2.png (77.86 KiB) Viewed 3 times

But nowhere in your little picture is there anything like that or anything to give me a frame of reference for it.

Be clear, speak english and just tell me what it is you're trying to say that is supposed to somehow support your point.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby savvyman » Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:43 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:I'm sorry but it's like you're speaking another language. I have no idea what your point could be.

You say:
Hawk Shack 2.png (77.86 KiB) Viewed 3 times

But nowhere in your little picture is there anything like that or anything to give me a frame of reference for it.

Be clear, speak english and just tell me what it is you're trying to say that is supposed to somehow support your point.

"Be Clear"?

I don't know how I could have been more clear.

I posted the comment "Whoa - Check this out - Big Brother?"

Then I uploaded a picture of the Shack Home page which showed their were 62 Users On Line ---> 60 of them were "Guest"

There are never more than 6-7 people on at once here - And 7 people on at once is usually when there is a big Seahawk news.

Today, on a non-eventful Saturday morning there were 60 Guests?

Hope this is clear enough for you.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby c_hawkbob » Sat Mar 28, 2015 6:19 pm

Oh I see, so you think there are 60 FBI agents logged on here at any given time to make sure we don't say something treasonous ... sounds reasonable.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby Hawktown » Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:30 am

maybe it was the If Obama was a white man thread that set big bro to follow the shack??? Then again it could have been a random day on a saturday before a game , in September BTW, when a bunch of people registered or not came on not signed in and checked out the days postings.

I love me a good conspiracy but I doubt that 60 or 85 agents would come here all at once or even show up on the total. Maybe it was spy bots, but not the gov kind???

I was unaware that we only had like 50 or less fans of our favorite team, I though the stadium sold out!!! :? :D
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby c_hawkbob » Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:26 am

This is the World Wide Web folks. It doesn't seem beyond reasonable expectation whatsoever for there to be 60 people checking out the site without logging on at any given time. 2 or 3 of them might be spy bots, but that's IMO very much more likely a market driven thing that a government thing.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby RiverDog » Tue Mar 31, 2015 6:47 pm

Old but Slow wrote:One concern I have is that so much of the surveillance is computer generated, with little intelligence behind it. For instance, if I have a conversation on the internet about my concerns about international problems, and happen to mention bombs, Isis, Arab insurgents, Benghasi, or whatever, I might find myself on a "no fly" list or something, just because I have included some key words. Can't happen? What do you think?

You definitely don't want to do what Aldon Smith did and go into an airport and start talking about bombs.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:55 pm

I'm with Savvy man. The whole situation creeps me out.I sense we have a leader who is a Manchurian candidate bent on destroying America from within. This from a man who considered voting for Obama after his 2006 democratic response speech during the state of the union. We are being governed by a clearly Islamic, anti Semitic man Who has repeatedly aided and abetted the enemy
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby yoder » Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:37 am

savvyman wrote:Whoa - Check this out - Big Brother?

Hawk Shack.png

Time to fess up, it's me! I now know which grocery store you frequent, favorite flavor of Slurpee and how much tread is left on your tires. Expect a tidal wave of spam to be hitting your inbox soon. Muaaaaa ha ha ha ha!

Not sure if anonymity ever has existed, but through the creation of the internet it sure makes it easier for "them". As RD said, I don't have anything to hide...but I don't necessarily like the idea either. My main concern is information ending up in the wrong hands, which is happening more and more frequently.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby savvyman » Fri Apr 17, 2015 9:09 am

You know I could give a rip about this citi bank economist thoughts.

But people like Bob have been conditioned to only accept information from the information channels owed and operated by the ruling class.

So here's an economist from Citi Bank - who btw should have gone Bankrupt during the 207-2009 financial crises - but unlike Joe Sixpack homeowner who did and lost everything - Citibank - Goldman Sachs and the members of the ruling class who owns them got bailed out by us the USA taxpayers - and our now more prosperous then ever - while the USA taxpayers are on the hook for all the trillions it took to bail these SOB's out.

So here you go Bob - Better get your tinfoil hat ready. FYI - First thing the Government and/or Ruling Class does to change things to a new direction is too float ideas out there to get the unthinking masses to start accept a new reality.


And Riverdog - what Governments have done throughout history is to take away peoples individual rights for "Their own good, safety, security" - - The founding fathers knew this and this is why they wrote such strong language supporting individual rights (such as speech, privacy, bear arms, safety and security of your home from government intrusion, etc...) in the Bill of rights, the declaration of independence and in the first drafts of the constitution.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby c_hawkbob » Fri Apr 17, 2015 9:21 am

News flash: not everyone agrees with you.

Life's like that, no need to take it so personally.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby RiverDog » Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:01 am

savvyman wrote:But people like Bob have been conditioned to only accept information from the information channels owed and operated by the ruling class.

So who is the "ruling class"? Obama? The Clintons? The Bushes? Or is it Congress or perhaps the Supreme Court? Which information channels are you referring to that are owned by the "ruling class"? CNN? Fox? NBC? Do they have a monopoly with no competition or alternative points of view?

There's a lot of things I don't like about the Fifth Estate in this country, but as a whole, they do a satisfactory job of being a watchdog over our elected politicians. They are the fish bowl in which all pols must live and operate in.

And as far as this paranoia about our government collecting information on us, ie "spying" goes, I am far more worried about hackers and scam artists "spying" on me by gaining access to my private information than I am about any information the government has or can collect on me. Cyber crime is a far bigger threat to my personal livelihood than any activity the government is involved in IMO.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby savvyman » Mon Apr 20, 2015 5:46 am

RiverDog wrote:[

So who is the "ruling class"? Obama? The Clintons? The Bushes? Or is it Congress or perhaps the Supreme Court? Which information channels are you referring to that are owned by the "ruling class"? CNN? Fox? NBC? Do they have a monopoly with no competition or alternative points of view?

To answer one of your questions - I have a picture for you. The rest will have to wait until later. The answers are out there if one spends a little time and effort. (btw - did not you see that video from Frontline at the beginning of this thread? Why has not the major media companies compiled and presented to the American people the information in that video in such a thorough manner? Hint - see graphic below).


Que Bob for a snarky irrelevant comment of no value to this discussion.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby c_hawkbob » Mon Apr 20, 2015 6:39 am

Nah, I prefer to feel equally as free to disagree with a fellow poster as to agree, since you evidently don't deal so well with dissenting opinions I'll save my responses for those that do.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby RiverDog » Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:30 pm

savvyman wrote:To answer one of your questions - I have a picture for you. The rest will have to wait until later. The answers are out there if one spends a little time and effort. (btw - did not you see that video from Frontline at the beginning of this thread? Why has not the major media companies compiled and presented to the American people the information in that video in such a thorough manner? Hint - see graphic below).


Que Bob for a snarky irrelevant comment of no value to this discussion.

Yes, the major media has undergone a major consolidation. There's no denying that. It's not unlike how the auto industry underwent a major change, with nearly all the US based auto manufacturers either being swallowed up by other companies or going out of business entirely. The same has happened in my business, of which my company today is one of 3 major players in North America where there used to be scores.

But the fact that a major consolidation has occurred does not necessarily mean that a monopoly exists. None of those 6 companies you noted can be considered to be monopolistic over the other 5 in terms of market share. Some have better ratings in the morning news, such as Good Morning America vs.Today, some in the evening news, others have more cable viewers, like Fox with Bill O'Reilly, some do better in the political discussion programming like Face the Nation vs. Meet the Press, and so on. And that doesn't even speak to public broadcasting, radio, and internet news reporting and commentary. The competition for viewers, readers, and listeners is just as fierce as it's always been, if not more. The news industry about as non monopolistic of a business that exists.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby savvyman » Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:05 am

RiverDog wrote:
So who is the "ruling class"? Obama? The Clintons? The Bushes? Or is it Congress or perhaps the Supreme Court?

It seems that when I post a reference source(s) of facts that takes time and effort to read and understand - No one seems to want to put in the effort to understand.

To put it very simply - the Ruling class is the top .01% - They Own the Politicians, media, the Federal Reserve, military industrial industries, the majority of "Think Tanks" that provide the media with their "Guests" for their BS propaganda "News" Shows, Wall Street, the Corporations and the Board of Directors of the Major Corporations, etc.....

As mentioned I can post many links that will require Work - or I can post this three minute video where GC explains things very sufficiently, accurately and quite beautifully.


See Graphic Below - 16,000 top .01% families hold as much assets as 212 MILLION Americans. These 16,000 families comprise the Ruling Class. The 16,000 families live in fear that the stupid American public will one day wake up - realize that they have been getting screwed in the butt when it comes to the distribution of income and many other things- and use the Ballot box to take back some power - So they spend their resources conditioning the unable to critically think On Their Own American public (Bob) into what and how to think about things with a constant barrage through the media (which the graphic above shows they own all of) - and with a constant stream of "Expert Guests"on these News and Talk shows - many from think tanks that they support and provide all the funding for - that jams their bullsh@t down the unthinking peoples throats all day - every day - until all these unthinking people accept it as "The Reality" (see example when in 2003 85% of the American People believed that Sadaam Hussein was also behind 911 when in fact he had nothing to do with 911 and furthermore he was also an enemy of Bin Laden).

Now the unthinking masses are now prepared and conditioned to respond to anyone who offers a "Contrary stream of FACTS" to the the Ruling Class propaganda BS as people who hold "Conspiracy Theroies" or they are "Un-American" (when in fact these people are the most patriotic) - Many times these unthinking people will respond to a contrary theme of facts by posting a picture of a person and a cat in a tinfoil hat.

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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby burrrton » Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:40 pm

Hey, Savvy- do you believe "wealth" is a finite pie that gets divvied up every year?

Follow-up: what happens to the dreaded "income inequality" if, say, RD gets a huge promotion tomorrow?
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby savvyman » Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:20 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:Do you pay attention, like, at all, to what the other guy says in discussions like this?

What I am disputing is your prediction. Cash money will never go away and neither will cash transactions. And any movement in that direction will be 100% a product of the marketplace and not because of anything any politician did and it won't matter one bit which party is in office.

You keep thinking I'm just uninformed, I couldn't possibly care less. You're like a doomsayer, convinced that the apocalypse is nigh. It's not. Literally, figuratively or socially.

Do you have any more of your great insights and forecasts that you would like to share?


>>>>>>Chase Joins the War on Cash

April 20, 2015

Joseph T. Salerno

The war against cash has, up to now, been waged almost exclusively by national governments and official international organizations, although there are exceptions. Now the war has acquired a powerful new ally in Chase, the largest bank in the U.S. and a subsidiary of JP Morgan Chase and Co., according to Forbes, the world's third largest public company.

What is a surprise is how little notice the rollout of Chase's new policy has received. As of March, Chase began restricting the use of cash in selected markets, including Greater Cleveland. The new policy restricts borrowers from using cash to make payments on credit cards, mortgages, equity lines, and auto loans. Chase even goes as far as to prohibit the storage of cash in its safe deposit boxes . In a letter to its customers dated April 1, 2015 pertaining to its "Updated Safe Deposit Box Lease Agreement," one of the highlighted items reads: "You agree not to store any cash or coins other than those found to have a collectible value." Whether or not this pertains to gold and silver coins with no numismatic value is not explained. <<<<<<<<<<<
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby Hawktown » Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:27 am

Unfortunately Savvy, too many people are sheep these days fooled by their own government who they (the sheep), were supposed to question their government but have been suckered into thinking they (the government) can do no harm.

NO ONE remembers what the founding fathers have told them, including to always question your government. If they do remember they are willing to give up freedom from not listening to them.When you give up freedom, any freedom,you become a slave and NO ONE WINS and you give a slap to the face of all those who died to give you FREEDOM.


http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/autho ... erson.html

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.
Thomas Jefferson

All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.
Thomas Jefferson
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby Hawktown » Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:31 am

too many people are too lazy these days and really only care about them selves and their entertainment and to hell with the rest of you, i have what i am cool with mentality. NO ONE cares or even remembers the all for one, one for all mentality that got us here. Its quickly eroding away in front of our faces.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby RiverDog » Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:54 am

To put it very simply - the Ruling class is the top .01% - They Own the Politicians, media, the Federal Reserve, military industrial industries, the majority of "Think Tanks" that provide the media with their "Guests" for their BS propaganda "News" Shows, Wall Street, the Corporations and the Board of Directors of the Major Corporations, etc.....

I don't disagree that it takes a lot of money to run a nation wide, or even state and local political campaigns, and that most of that money is going to come from private corporations, rich fat cats, PAC's, and so on, all looking to to influence a candidate. But whether that dependence on money yields good or bad politicians depends on the individual politician. John Kennedy came from one of the richest families in the country and never had to work at a job in his life. Richard Nixon came from a relatively very poor upbringing and had to use his gambling winnings to finance his first political campaign. Harry Truman was the son of a poor farmer, was himself a failed businessman, and was hand picked by one of the largest machine politicans of the time (Tom Pendergast). The only means Truman had of acquiring office was through a political machine.

But I don't see any viable alternative. If you outlaw or severely limit campaign contributions, it's like telling a person they can't support the candidate that best represents their views, which is essentially outlawing free speech. It would also further limit the number of potential candidates for political office, as a person in that lower strata of yours would not have the financial means to compete with one of those ultra rich products.

I like to quote Winston Churchill when he said that democracy is the world's worst form of government...except for everything else that has been tried.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby savvyman » Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:25 pm

burrrton wrote:Hey, Savvy- do you believe "wealth" is a finite pie that gets divvied up every year?

Of course it is - the Nations wealth is determined and Measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Last year the USA GDP was $16.8 Trillion Dollars.


GDP has been growing around 2.5% each year on average - That means (on a very simple basis) there was a growth in overall wealth of 2.5% each year.


So on a very simple basis - the overall "Pie" available to be distributed among everyone each year is the total GDP - whcih as I mentioned is increasing at around 2.5% each year - However with productivity gains each year the amount for distribution is somewhat higher than a 2.5% Growth Rate.


burrrton wrote:Follow-up: what happens to the dreaded "income inequality" if, say, RD gets a huge promotion tomorrow?

It means that Riverdog pays for all the drinks at the first Shack get together.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby burrrton » Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:38 pm

Of course it is

So you believe when RD got that big raise, there was less money available to everyone else in the country, that someone somewhere else in the economy had to make less as a result?

This is a fundamental mistake too many people make talking about economics these days.

It means that Riverdog pays for all the drinks at the first Shack get together.

That goes without saying :)
Last edited by burrrton on Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: He Has Done Enough - Time for Obama to be on Mt Rushmore

Postby savvyman » Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:41 pm

Hawktown - it has taken me years to arrive at the closer to true reality of things - Many (Most?) people can not get past their "Belief Systems" to grasp the current situation of things.

I don't know where things went wrong - Why can't people think critically? Why are so many people when presented with facts - that is contrary to a belief that they hold - they respond with anger and pushback - when instead they should respond with a thank you or with further rational discussion of the facts and evidence and what thesis we can draw from them.

Almost all of my viewpoints now are so much different than they were 20 years ago? Why? because I am a fact based decision maker - I have changed my beliefs and continue to modify them based on the facts of the situation - and many times the facts and where they are leading too is not always pleasant - however I am always thankful when I have a gained a new understanding of the true reality of conditions - especially after someone had introduced me to evidence and facts that I did not know of or were aware of that changed my opinion or viewpoint on a subject or event.

An example is 911 - For years i had heard the statements that it was an inside job - I dismissed it for years thinking what a bunch of BS conspiracy nuts - Finally one day a couple years ago I had a chance to look into the claims some more credible people were making - and examine their facts and evidence - And you know what? The facts and evidence of these people are very strong that at the least raises considerable doubt about the story that the authorities have provided the American people.


2,335 USA Architects & Engineers have signed this document:


Things have dramatically changed in this country for the worse since 2001 - it is time for the citizens to use the ballot box to push back and reclaim our rights from the forces who have used 911 to attack our constitutional rights - invade our privacy, militarize the police forces across the nation and strip all of the citizens of due process if the government determines that you are a threat.
Last edited by savvyman on Mon Apr 27, 2015 8:30 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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