Hillary Clinton

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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby savvyman » Sat May 14, 2016 3:18 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:I have no doubt that Hillary's corrupt (although i severely doubt "the most corrupt ever") and I'm going to go see Bernie this weekend and will be casting my vote against her in the primary on Tuesday.

Good for you for supporting Bernie. I broke a promise I made to myself by sending Bernie the $27 average campaign contribution. After I gave a significant amount of money (i.e. a hellofa lot more than $27) in 2008 to Obama when he was in a distant 2nd place - and how he then never really lived up to the statements that he made on the campaign trail in 2008 - that was the first and last time I said to myself that I would ever give money to a politician. However, Bernie's guts and passion moved me to break my pledge and send him the $27 average campaign contribution that he always talks about. Word of warning though - once you give $27 to Bernie, they will email you each and everyday for another $27. lol

I will address the Hilary as the all time corrupt candidate in USA history at a later time.

c_hawkbob wrote:But if it comes down to her vs Trump in November she'll have my vote as a vote against Trump and his fear mongering politics of hate.

I will address this fallacy of logic also in a future post.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby c_hawkbob » Sat May 14, 2016 4:39 pm

Interesting how what most would see as a clear difference of opinion becomes a "fallacy of logic" in your mind.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Hawktawk » Sun May 15, 2016 8:15 am

c_hawkbob wrote:Interesting how what most would see as a clear difference of opinion becomes a "fallacy of logic" in your mind.

Very true Bob. This election is going to break some norms, fracture relationships etc. never have I seen such polarization.

I have many friends and family supporting one or the other of the 3, also posters on this forum all of whom may be more intelligent than yours truly so I have to at least respect their opinion but I don't want them to disrespect mine either.
I've been what is considered a complete redneck by many folks my whole life and you would think Trump would be right up my alley but I just cant do it and a year ago i would never have thought I would have said that about my party's presumptive nominee.Many Dems are saying the same thing about Hillary.

Truly bIzarre
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby savvyman » Mon May 16, 2016 11:03 pm

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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby RiverDog » Tue May 17, 2016 1:23 am

c_hawkbob wrote:I have no doubt that Hillary's corrupt (although i severely doubt "the most corrupt ever") and I'm going to go see Bernie this weekend and will be casting my vote against her in the primary on Tuesday.

But if it comes down to her vs Trump in November she'll have my vote as a vote against Trump and his fear mongering politics of hate.

The closest politician I can think of to compare Trump to is Joe McCarthy. Even in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 I did not think our country had exhibited the paranoia on the scale as Trump has managed to elevate it to. The odd thing is that of all of the people I know, which includes some pretty hard core conservatives, every one of them have all claimed to dislike Trump at least as much as I do. I have no idea where the guy is drawing all his support from.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Hawktawk » Tue May 17, 2016 8:29 am

RiverDog wrote:The closest politician I can think of to compare Trump to is Joe McCarthy. Even in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 I did not think our country had exhibited the paranoia on the scale as Trump has managed to elevate it to. The odd thing is that of all of the people I know, which includes some pretty hard core conservatives, every one of them have all claimed to dislike Trump at least as much as I do. I have no idea where the guy is drawing all his support from.

Yeah RD but here's the funny thing about chump. I haven't hear much about Muslims or a wall out of him in weeks. His foreign policy speech which was lauded as "presidential" by his supporters and "scarily inept, uninformed and incoherent" by his detractors made no mention of either. Hes a big POLITICIAN X 1000 suckers. Hes a change for the worse and it cant get much worse.

Trump is a complete phony and fraud who preyed on the emotions of about 30% of the party regulars, 10% of angry democrats and idiots who have sat on their ass not voting their entire adult lives handing us the likes of Obama. He benefited from a stacked Republican field to be here.Now the bandwagon hoppers are coming along although its pretty telling that every living president and virtually every living presidential candidate as well as the speaker do not embrace him.

He has no core beliefs other than long held liberal views on key issues. Trump is about making Trump greater than great as he has always been whether that's shagging someone else's wife, booting someone out of their house to build a casino,posing as his own PR director, running his political opponents in to the ground with lies, vulgarity And 2nd grade insults.

Im with you RD, I don't understanding where his supporters find their enthusiasm for the jackass but lots of friends and family including my best friend in the world who is a multimillionaire businessman do support him so WTF...

If I were told my libertarian vote against Trump would result in a Clinton Presidency i would not change it, that is how much this man repulses me.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby RiverDog » Wed May 18, 2016 6:48 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Yeah RD but here's the funny thing about chump. I haven't hear much about Muslims or a wall out of him in weeks. His foreign policy speech which was lauded as "presidential" by his supporters and "scarily inept, uninformed and incoherent" by his detractors made no mention of either. Hes a big POLITICIAN X 1000 suckers. Hes a change for the worse and it cant get much worse.

Trump is a complete phony and fraud who preyed on the emotions of about 30% of the party regulars, 10% of angry democrats and idiots who have sat on their ass not voting their entire adult lives handing us the likes of Obama. He benefited from a stacked Republican field to be here.Now the bandwagon hoppers are coming along although its pretty telling that every living president and virtually every living presidential candidate as well as the speaker do not embrace him.

He has no core beliefs other than long held liberal views on key issues. Trump is about making Trump greater than great as he has always been whether that's shagging someone else's wife, booting someone out of their house to build a casino,posing as his own PR director, running his political opponents in to the ground with lies, vulgarity And 2nd grade insults.

Im with you RD, I don't understanding where his supporters find their enthusiasm for the jackass but lots of friends and family including my best friend in the world who is a multimillionaire businessman do support him so WTF...If I were told my libertarian vote against Trump would result in a Clinton Presidency i would not change it, that is how much this man repulses me.

Richard Nixon once said that a successful R candidate has to go conservative to win the nomination then move back towards the middle to win the general election, and that's exactly what Trump is trying to do. Now I've seen that he's announced his potential SCOTUS nominees in order to shore up his conservative base, and he's kissing and making up with that female reporter he sparred with over Twitter, a clear move to make him more palatable with female voters something that's not a prerequisite to win a R nomination. Trump says he's a new kind of politician, but the record proves that he's the S.O.S.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Hawktawk » Sun May 22, 2016 10:23 am

Yeah it makes me laugh when his supporters assure us he will begin acting more presidential, more reasonable, less abrasive. How old is the guy? early 70's? If he hasn't changed yet he aint going to.Orange man is who he is and it inst who he says he is.Hes no man of the people, no savior. Hes an opportunist like hes always been.

The posturing, posing,loading up his campaign with pros, handlers, speechwriters and lobbyists, opening up a fundraising apparatus capable of legally receiving half million dollar contributions proves hes just another lying politician and a nasty unpleasant jerk on top of it. But hey hes going to make america great, great great.The low information voters heard it and the facts be damned that is a great slogan.

Gary Johnson, Libertarian for president. A poll yesterday showed that as many as 65% of voters would consider a third party and its the only 50 state ballet option. Its now or never.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby RiverDog » Sun May 22, 2016 5:26 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Gary Johnson, Libertarian for president. A poll yesterday showed that as many as 65% of voters would consider a third party and its the only 50 state ballet option. Its now or never.

There's a very good chance that I'll be voting for my first 3rd party candidate since I started voting in 1972. I need to read the voter's pamphlet first, but my current options are to either vote Libertarian or not vote at all.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Hawktawk » Mon May 23, 2016 8:56 am

Johnson was a republican governor in New Mexico for two terms in the late 90's and early 2000's. He never raised taxes one time and left the state with a billion dollar surplus.He was considered one of the top republican governors in that era.

He is a successful businessman and has been a competitive triathlete.He was ignored and shunned by the party when he indicated a desire to run for president so he switched to the libertarian party. That's what i have on him so far.

Sounds pretty good compared to a highly bipolar(trust me on that) rank amateur in Chump and a lying conniving witch who has sucked off the public teat for her entire life.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby RiverDog » Mon May 23, 2016 9:35 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Johnson was a republican governor in New Mexico for two terms in the late 90's and early 2000's. He never raised taxes one time and left the state with a billion dollar surplus.He was considered one of the top republican governors in that era.

He is a successful businessman and has been a competitive triathlete.He was ignored and shunned by the party when he indicated a desire to run for president so he switched to the libertarian party. That's what i have on him so far.

Sounds pretty good compared to a highly bipolar(trust me on that) rank amateur in Chump and a lying conniving witch who has sucked off the public teat for her entire life.

You're last line is the operative phrase. Almost anyone would be "pretty good" compared to those two choices. Geez, where's Pat Paulsen when you need him?
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Hawktawk » Tue May 24, 2016 11:18 am

Lets exhume Reagan. Weekend at Ronnies. It wouldn't be worse than the two clowns.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby savvyman » Sat May 28, 2016 9:26 pm

It just doesn't matter where you look at anything this "Most Corrupt Politician in USA History" is involved in - Accepting $21 million dollars in Legal Bribes in 2013-14 alone? Her and Bill accepting over $100 million dollars for their "Foundation" from Financial Institutions and corrupt regimes throughout the world since 2000? Or how about the FACT that their Corrupt "Foundation" only spent 10% of their expenditures on "Charity" and the rest on operating the Foundation? Hell they spent as much on Travel as they did on Charity. That might be the absolute worst performance by any non-profit in the history of the USA:

Clinton Found.jpg
Clinton Found.jpg (241.37 KiB) Viewed 4854 times
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby savvyman » Sun May 29, 2016 8:14 am

I always thought that FOX Network coverage of the news and politics is a joke - FOX is not a news outlet - it is a propaganda platform to jam the BS Oligarchy propaganda down the unthinking masses throats until they believe them as "Facts". However as bad as FOX is , MSNBC is even worse. I make these comments because this email scandal is so bad that even MSNBC - the "Hillary Channel" - cannot even spin the lies and Bullshit that emanates from her lips on a regular basis. See for yourself as they actually call her on the carpet for her lies over the email scandal.

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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby savvyman » Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:07 pm

Lol - Everyone (Experts) just thought that Bernie was going to quit - Instead he just gave the middle finger to that corrupt Hillary Clinton and the entire oligarch crowd.

I just sent Bernie another $27......
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby savvyman » Sat Jun 11, 2016 4:23 am

Pretty compelling evidence that google is manipulating search results to favor suppression of negative factual information on Hillary Clinton:


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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Oly » Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:55 am

Man, this election is the worst. We have the two most hated presidential candidates in history (well...at least since we've been polling these things: http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/ame ... -breaking/) and a vacant Supreme Court seat to make it heated. This f*cking sucks.

I think that without that Court seat a ton of voters would sit out this election, but that seat is going to bring out all of the rancor and hatred America can muster. And both sides can fill hours of TV and tons of internet sites with totally legit attack ads.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby savvyman » Wed Jun 15, 2016 7:43 am

LOL!! - My Choice for the Keynote Speakers at the Republican convention.


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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby RiverDog » Wed Jun 15, 2016 3:05 pm

Oly wrote:Man, this election is the worst. We have the two most hated presidential candidates in history (well...at least since we've been polling these things: http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/ame ... -breaking/) and a vacant Supreme Court seat to make it heated. This f*cking sucks.

I think that without that Court seat a ton of voters would sit out this election, but that seat is going to bring out all of the rancor and hatred America can muster. And both sides can fill hours of TV and tons of internet sites with totally legit attack ads.

Great article, Oly, and pretty much describes my sentiments. However, I have to disagree with you about the attack ads. I honestly don't care one way about attack ads except as it relates to a candidate's family, and even then, if a candidate's family member speaks out on the campaign trail, like Michele Obama did a few years back, then they've entered the arena and have made themselves fair game. Even Trump's rhetoric about Clinton and Obama is fair game IMO, and isn't what I don't like about him.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Oly » Wed Jun 15, 2016 3:50 pm

RiverDog wrote:Great article, Oly, and pretty much describes my sentiments. However, I have to disagree with you about the attack ads. I honestly don't care one way about attack ads except as it relates to a candidate's family, and even then, if a candidate's family member speaks out on the campaign trail, like Michele Obama did a few years back, then they've entered the arena and have made themselves fair game. Even Trump's rhetoric about Clinton and Obama is fair game IMO, and isn't what I don't like about him.

I think you took my comment in a way I didn't mean it. I simply meant that both Clinton and Trump have done so much unethical, sleazy s*** over their lives that we could spend the whole election talking about whether it's worse that Clinton fleeced people by siphoning money from her foundation or that Trump fleeced people by siphoning money from his university. There is hardly a need for either side to make s*** up this election cycle. Simply telling the truth about their pasts would be an effective attack ad strategy.

But I suppose we do disagree a little in that I do care about attack ads. I'd rather see candidates and their surrogate organizations convincing voters that their proposals are good than see them sling mud. I just hate that kind of campaigning, and it will be worse this year than any other election in my life.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby RiverDog » Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:28 pm

Oly wrote:I think you took my comment in a way I didn't mean it. I simply meant that both Clinton and Trump have done so much unethical, sleazy s*** over their lives that we could spend the whole election talking about whether it's worse that Clinton fleeced people by siphoning money from her foundation or that Trump fleeced people by siphoning money from his university. There is hardly a need for either side to make s*** up this election cycle. Simply telling the truth about their pasts would be an effective attack ad strategy.

But I suppose we do disagree a little in that I do care about attack ads. I'd rather see candidates and their surrogate organizations convincing voters that their proposals are good than see them sling mud. I just hate that kind of campaigning, and it will be worse this year than any other election in my life.

Absolutely agree with your observations of both Clinton and Trump. But I disagree with your take on the attack ads, whether it be the swift boat veterans coming out against John Kerry (Kerry used a swift boat as a campaign prop when he rode one across Boston Harbor on the way to the Dem Nat Convention) or George W. Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard, but I don't think it's right when a supposedly unbiased national network like CBS or Fox joins the fray.

Besides, the attack ads are as entertaining as watching Jerry Springer reruns. It's the only thing worth watching in the entire campaign process.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Oly » Thu Jun 16, 2016 6:29 am

RiverDog wrote:Absolutely agree with your observations of both Clinton and Trump. But I disagree with your take on the attack ads, whether it be the swift boat veterans coming out against John Kerry (Kerry used a swift boat as a campaign prop when he rode one across Boston Harbor on the way to the Dem Nat Convention) or George W. Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard, but I don't think it's right when a supposedly unbiased national network like CBS or Fox joins the fray.

Besides, the attack ads are as entertaining as watching Jerry Springer reruns. It's the only thing worth watching in the entire campaign process.

On the list of things we disagree about, this might be the most trivial. Seems like a pretty good agree-to-disagree sort of a situation to me. :)
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby RiverDog » Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:35 pm

Oly wrote:On the list of things we disagree about, this might be the most trivial. Seems like a pretty good agree-to-disagree sort of a situation to me. :)

10-4, Oly!

I don't feel a dang bit sorry for any candidate that has to endure mud slinging and attack ads, even the ones that get personal. It's part of the vetting process and has been a component of American politics almost since the founding of the country.... Go back and read a little bit about the 1828 campaign of Andrew Jackson vs. John Quincy Adams if you want to read about some true mudslinging. Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft were once best friends before the 1912 election.

I do feel sorry for the wives of candidates. Jackie Kennedy and Pat Nixon hated campaigning and seldom accompanied their husbands on political events. As a matter of fact, when JFK was assassinated, it was the only time Jackie had accompanied JFK on a political event since the 1960 campaign. That is, so long as they stay off the talk shows and press interviews that have politics as their topic.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Jun 17, 2016 1:33 pm

Latest polls have Chump in a flatspin. Down as many as 13 points and down in every poll. His national approval rating has crashed back around 30 percent and his polls are back in the mid 30% loonies who haven't figured out there is no there there. There is no progression, no climbing of the learning curve.No acting presidential.Just one dumb ass statement and political stance after other.55% of Americans say they will NEVER vote for him. Hes an idiot politically, lots of other ways as well.

His campaign is a disorganized mess with no ground game, no state by state apparatus, no money for adverting.His staff is privately grumbling as are the idiotic key Republicans who endorsed him early on.

Republican donors are drying up in the face of a lying SOB who beat everyone saying he was self funding and couldn't be bought and is now crying for money like a bum on the street corner after LOANING his campaign 57 million total.Trump wont have to spend a dime of his own money to destroy the republican party but it is done for nonetheless..

Richard Armetage, a very highly placed military counsel for Pres Bush and a lifelong republican has publicly stated he will vote for Clinton because Trump "isn't willing to learn" Numerous heavyweight Repubs have signaled they will not support Trump. And I agree with all of them. I will vote libertarian and let the chips fall where they may but I can understand why some Repubs will indeed vote for Hillary.

Trump is that bad, that pathetic a candidate.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby RiverDog » Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:30 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Latest polls have Chump in a flatspin. Down as many as 13 points and down in every poll. His national approval rating has crashed back around 30 percent and his polls are back in the mid 30% loonies who haven't figured out there is no there there. There is no progression, no climbing of the learning curve.No acting presidential.Just one dumb ass statement and political stance after other.55% of Americans say they will NEVER vote for him. Hes an idiot politically, lots of other ways as well.

His campaign is a disorganized mess with no ground game, no state by state apparatus, no money for adverting.His staff is privately grumbling as are the idiotic key Republicans who endorsed him early on.

Republican donors are drying up in the face of a lying SOB who beat everyone saying he was self funding and couldn't be bought and is now crying for money like a bum on the street corner after LOANING his campaign 57 million total.Trump wont have to spend a dime of his own money to destroy the republican party but it is done for nonetheless..

Richard Armetage, a very highly placed military counsel for Pres Bush and a lifelong republican has publicly stated he will vote for Clinton because Trump "isn't willing to learn" Numerous heavyweight Repubs have signaled they will not support Trump. And I agree with all of them. I will vote libertarian and let the chips fall where they may but I can understand why some Repubs will indeed vote for Hillary.

Trump is that bad, that pathetic a candidate.

Yea, I saw a graphic tonight that had Trump with a 70% disapproval rating, the highest ever since they started tracking it. And the worst of it is that he's enabling that snake Hillary Clinton. This is a frigging nightmare, a perfect storm.

It looks like I'll be voting for your Libertarian candidate.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby c_hawkbob » Sat Jun 18, 2016 7:33 am

As I said when he first began being taken seriously: Trump is the best thing that ever happened to the Democratic party. But the GOP has only themselves to blame. I don't agree with every detail of this op-ed in the Washington Post, but he hit's a lot of nails right on their heads; https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions ... story.html
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby savvyman » Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:30 am

Hawktawk wrote:Latest polls have Chump in a flatspin. Down as many as 13 points and down in every poll. His national approval rating has crashed back around 30 percent and his polls are back in the mid 30% loonies who haven't figured out there is no there there. There is no progression, no climbing of the learning curve.No acting presidential.Just one dumb ass statement and political stance after other.55% of Americans say they will NEVER vote for him. Hes an idiot politically, lots of other ways as well.

His campaign is a disorganized mess with no ground game, no state by state apparatus, no money for adverting.His staff is privately grumbling as are the idiotic key Republicans who endorsed him early on.

Republican donors are drying up in the face of a lying SOB who beat everyone saying he was self funding and couldn't be bought and is now crying for money like a bum on the street corner after LOANING his campaign 57 million total.Trump wont have to spend a dime of his own money to destroy the republican party but it is done for nonetheless..

Richard Armetage, a very highly placed military counsel for Pres Bush and a lifelong republican has publicly stated he will vote for Clinton because Trump "isn't willing to learn" Numerous heavyweight Repubs have signaled they will not support Trump. And I agree with all of them. I will vote libertarian and let the chips fall where they may but I can understand why some Repubs will indeed vote for Hillary.

Trump is that bad, that pathetic a candidate.

Quit being such a patsy. Gee a Neo-con military industrial complex representative and his friends being against Trump and for Hillary? What a Surprise.......

Here some facts for your Brain - See if you can process them past your "Belief System" - -Trump has always been a strong supporter of Gay people - Below is an Article from 2000 with Trumps viewpoints on Gays (btw reminder, in 2000 not too many people of his public stature were out in support of Gay people like Trump was) - Now please challenge me to produce a transcript from 2004 where Hillary Clinton gave a speech in Congress condemning Gay Marriage.....)

>>>>>>>>>Back in 2000 Donald Trump was interviewed by the gay Advocate magazine. This was after eight years of Bill and Hillary Clinton in the White House.

Donald Trump in 2000 defended gays from the Clintons.
trump gays 2000

Here is the Advocate interview from 2000, via Prntly:

Last fall Donald Trump shook up the political world by announcing he was joining the Reform Party, a major step in exploring a run for president. The pundits laughed, claiming that the real estate mogul knew more about glamour than politics, but Trump made a number of television and personal appearances that showed his proposed candidacy was no joke. Privately, friends speculated he was bored with the real estate business. In January Trump published The America We Deserve, which outlines his vision for the nation. Anyone who thinks his candidacy is a joke, he says, should read the book. For moderates in the Reform Party, Trump has emerged as their best hope of stopping Pat Buchanan from winning the party’s presidential nomination. With his name recognition and record in business, Trump could prove a wild card in the presidential race, appealing to people tired of politics as usual. Recently I put a wide-ranging set of questions to Trump concerning gay issues, to which Trump responded in writing. His answers might surprise some pundits, both for their thoroughness and for their bluntness.

Are you serious about running?
Yes, I’m quite serious. Washington is in gridlock, and nothing is getting done. No health care reform, no tax relief, no campaign finance reform. The special interests run the country. I think it will take a nonpolitician to break the logjam. Somebody with a big-picture outlook. I’m someone who has built a billion-dollar business enterprise and created hundreds of thousands of jobs. I have made the tough decisions, always with an eye toward the bottom line. Perhaps it’s time America was run like a business.

Why should gays and lesbians be interested in you as a presidential candidate?
I grew up in New York City, a town with different races, religions, and peoples. It breeds tolerance. In all truth, I don’t care whether or not a person is gay. I judge people based on their capability, honesty, and merit. Being in the entertainment business — that is, owning casinos and … several large beauty pageants — I’ve worked with many gay people. I have met some tough, talented, capable, terrific people. Their lifestyle is of no interest to me.

Would we see gay people in a Trump administration?
I would want the best and brightest. Sexual orientation would be meaningless. I’m looking for brains and experience. If the best person for the job happens to be gay, I would certainly appoint them. One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace, good people don’t go into government. I’d want to change that.

What would you do to combat antigay prejudice?
I like the idea of amending the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include a ban of discrimination based on sexual orientation. It would be simple. It would be straightforward. We don’t need to rewrite the laws currently on the books, although I do think we need to address hate-crimes legislation. But amending the Civil Rights Act would grant the same protection to gay people that we give to other Americans — it’s only fair. I actually suggested this first, and now I see [Democratic presidential candidate] Bill Bradley has jumped on the bandwagon and is claiming the idea as his own. [A bill to amend the Civil Rights Act that would have included protections on the basis of sexual orientation was first introduced in the 1970s. — Ed.] Let me tell you something. Bradley is as phony as a $20 Rolex. He says the president ought to have big ideas. His last big idea — the 1986 [Tax Reform Act] — caused a recession and cost thousands of people their jobs. This guy destroyed the real estate industry, and he tanked the S&Ls. It was a disaster. Bradley walked out of the Senate like he was some kind of statesman declaring that “politics is broken.” The truth is, the voters were going to dump him in New Jersey. He walked away. Now he poses as some kind of outsider. What a joke. Bradley was a member of the Senate Finance Committee and a longtime part of Washington establishment. When I was $900 million and my companies were $9 billion in debt, I didn’t walk away. While others were declaring bankruptcy, I clawed my way back. My businesses are now bigger and better than ever.

Are your gay employees allowed to be out?
Everyone makes a personal choice. Look, it just doesn’t matter to me. I try to treat everybody equal and fairly. Maybe that’s why I can count men like Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, and Sammy Sosa as my friends. When you hang with people who are different from you, you get an appreciation for other cultures.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby savvyman » Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:34 am

c_hawkbob wrote:As I said when he first began being taken seriously: Trump is the best thing that ever happened to the Democratic party. But the GOP has only themselves to blame. I don't agree with every detail of this op-ed in the Washington Post, but he hit's a lot of nails right on their heads; https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions ... story.html

Give me a break - I could destroy that idiot simpleton viewpoints he expressed in this article line by line. However for myself to spend such time on something like this it has to be of higher quality analysis and viewpoints. You can use this writers thoughts for lining bird cages or for box filler for shipping [packages.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby c_hawkbob » Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:50 am

You could destroy anyone in your own mind. I haven't seen you make much sense at all to my mind.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby savvyman » Sat Jun 18, 2016 1:17 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:You could destroy anyone in your own mind. I haven't seen you make much sense at all to my mind.

Actually this will always be a positive data point for anyone's thesis on most topics.....
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Hawktawk » Mon Jun 20, 2016 11:22 am

What the hell man? On the balance you seem pretty savvy, more so than me in lots of ways. But come Lewandowski was fired as campaign manager this morning. The campaign is a disaster, particularly the fundraising old dumpster didn't need and still thinks he doesn't. He has less than 3 million in the bank and hasn't run a single national ad. He doesn't get it or want to get off his ass and do the work. This guy says he wants to win but wont pony up, ramp up. It would be like Paul Allen taking the ticket money and not fielding a team.

These are his SUPPORTERS saying this. As for your neocon whatever nonsense the list of mainstream republicans opposing this guy is growing by leaps and bounds every day he opens his pie hole. I bet a lot of his early endorsers and voters would like a do over. But its hard to admit you're wrong for some people.Cant remember ever seeing you do it.
You're preaching to the choir on Hillary. Shes horrible.But I'm not handing the keys to the jet to the German wings pilot because of fear of Hillary. Trump is not a Republican, hes not honest, hes not presidential, he is not competent, hes not rational or mentally stable. He cannot be the president.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby savvyman » Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:39 pm

Wow - 42 Minutes of Truth.

See if you people with your inaccurate Giant "Beliefs Systems" can get past that its "Donald Trump" giving the speech and instead focus on all the "Facts" that he presents about the "Most Corrupt Politician in USA History" (Hey I started saying those words here months ago - Wonder if the Next President of the USA is a lurker here at the Shack?)

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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Oly » Fri Jun 24, 2016 7:53 am

I've already noted that I'm no fan of Clinton, but the AP's fact checkers would disagree that Trump's speech was filled with truth: http://bigstory.ap.org/c1655a3d8075452d8597d18e9643536c

Politio's fact checking is the most neutral and objective I've seen, but they haven't reviewed that speech. They have reviewed some claims from it, however, and are baffled about what Trump said: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/. For example, he claimed that Clinton removed passages from the paperback edition of her book about supporting the TPP, but when Politico looked at the book, the statements were still there. It's a minor point, obviously, but I don't get why he'd choose to lie about such an easily-refutable claim.

Trump makes up sh*t on a regular basis. As I've said before, I can understand the hatred of Clinton, but I really don't understand how people can support a candidate like Trump who seems to think confidence can turn a false statement into a true one.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby RiverDog » Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:32 pm

Oly wrote:I've already noted that I'm no fan of Clinton, but the AP's fact checkers would disagree that Trump's speech was filled with truth: http://bigstory.ap.org/c1655a3d8075452d8597d18e9643536c

Politio's fact checking is the most neutral and objective I've seen, but they haven't reviewed that speech. They have reviewed some claims from it, however, and are baffled about what Trump said: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/. For example, he claimed that Clinton removed passages from the paperback edition of her book about supporting the TPP, but when Politico looked at the book, the statements were still there. It's a minor point, obviously, but I don't get why he'd choose to lie about such an easily-refutable claim.

Trump makes up sh*t on a regular basis. As I've said before, I can understand the hatred of Clinton, but I really don't understand how people can support a candidate like Trump who seems to think confidence can turn a false statement into a true one.

Yea, Trump lies regularly on the campaign trail, which is one of the reasons why I don't trust him. One of his most frequent lies is about Hillary Clinton wanting to abolish the 2nd amendment. I realize that she's a huge gun control advocate, but he doesn't need to lie about her statements and positions to make his point. She has enough skeletons in her closet that he doesn't need to make things up.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Hawktawk » Mon Jun 27, 2016 10:17 am

Trumps biggest lie was that he was self funding his campaign so "nobody could own him". That's in the toilet isn't it?. IMO that HUGE LIE was the difference early on when he was eking out wins with 30% of the votes. Did any of his histrionic supporters notice he took a couple days off last week from making America great again to fly to his golf course in Scotland?
He went to pump Royal Turnberry, his 4 million a year money hemorrhaging alligator with neighbors so pissed off they are flying Mexican flags.He has sued his neighbors, he has sued Scotland. Hes making Scotland great too!!!!!
And speaking like a clueless self aggrandizing moron concerning brexit he stated"well if the pound goes down there will be more people coming to Turnberry".You cant make it up folks!!!!!Hes rooting for a British downturn to pump his business!!!!

Its a game for Trump. Mark Cuban had it nailed. Making Trump great again. That's what this is all about and what its always been about for this grifter, this bankruptcy acrobat.
Sorry to disappoint the Trump sheeple.
Hes treating the Presidential campaign like a complete joke.Hillary best friend on the planet.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby savvyman » Sun Jul 03, 2016 9:47 am

Sources tell CNN that Hillary will get a free "Get out of Jail card":

>>>>>>>Citing “sources” familiar with the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server, CNN’s Evan Perez reported there will be an announcement of no charges by the FBI in the coming weeks.<<<<<<<<<<<<


Only because I got attacked by some unthinking masses who were angry that the facts and thesis that I presented conflicted with their "Beliefs Systems" - I am going to quote from the post that I created here at the shack over a Year ago (May 9, 2015) - Page 4 :


>>>>>>>> savvyman wrote:

Yeah I agree.

My comment was also about feelings in the recent past as I have watched numerous people in sports, entertainment, business & politics who when they behave very badly or express their true nature in comments about something that are harmful to others - they break out the PR playbook and issue a phony apology and maybe even go on some multiple talk shows where they express their phony shame multiple times. It s for the most part Bullsh@t and I wish people did not allow this. Sometimes the actions and words are so bad that an apology and repenting is not enough - the person should just dissapear from the public eye for at least awhile.

An Up-coming example of this will be Hillary Clinton. I not entirely up on all the details but she apparently used her personal email for all of her Secretary of State correspondence. This is a violation of law. When she was ordered to turn over the personal emails that were actually related to her work as Secretary of State to the US Government - Whoopsie - they were magically and mistakenly all erased. She will get away with this too.

Furthermore - her and her husband have received so many foundation contributions from so many shady figures in Governments from around the world - many of them have the worst Human Rights policies and practices towards Women (which is so hypocritical because both Hillary and Bill are feminist who supposedly believe in strong rights from women) - yet they have received contributions from people in Regimes around the world who are completely hostile to the most basic of human rights for women.

The reason I bring up Hilary because you watch - it will be an up-coming example of what I mean about these assholes behaving badly - getting caught - and then they issue their bogus apology - and the public forgives them. This kind of behavior noted above by Hillary is an example of the kind of behavior that should be unforgivable by the public and she should be rejected as a candidate for anything. But you watch - they know the playbook for manipulating the public into forgiving them for their in-excusable behavior. In fact you can be damm sure that they know even at the exact moment when they are behaving badly - Like taking Millions of dollars from Governments that treat women in the same respect as livestock - that if they are ever caught they will go implement game plan from the PR playbook for apologizing and faking shame - and then introducing new policies "So this Never Happens again" - and watch as they will get away once again with this bad behavior.

This is BS. Back to my original point that I am "getting tired of society letting every asshole off the hook for doing or saying despicable things as long as "They Apologize" and/or say they are in counseling or something like that". _ We should stop doing this and just tell certain individuals who behave very badly to just go away and dissapear from our public life - for at least awhile anyway.

Wow -That did not take long - Don't mean to turn this thread to a political one - see what I wrote above if interested and then read the news story today that is found below - just driving home the point of how the public should recognize and be aware of the bullsh@t and corruption of the entire ruling class and how the people that advance their agenda are protected and can get away with practically anything.

http://news.yahoo.com/state-dept-not-re ... 46487.html
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby EmeraldBullet » Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:42 am

I've read that shortly after the FBI made their recommendation, Comey was seen on a private jet owned by Bill Clinton on his way to a baseball game. I have not been able to confirm this anywhere so it could just be political BS being spread, but if it ends up being true it wouldn't surprise me at all.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:33 pm

Despite the predictable lack of an indictment the directors scathing rebuke would have been a political torpedo except for one huge thing.
Her opponent is such a mentally weak, crazy bipolar moron he completely squandered any potential momentum or attempt to appear presidential.
Instead he went back to screaming about his dumb ass anti semetic tweet and how great Saddam Hussein was at killing terrorists even though he was a "Bad guy".

Hes going to get this POS elected.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby savvyman » Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:53 pm

You know I am really appreciating Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert) unique insight on this entire election - Very original in his thinking - Maybe he has a good point in his latest blog:


>>>>>The FBI, Credibility, and Government

Posted July 7th, 2016 @ 9:19am in #Trump #Clinton

The primary goal of government is its own credibility.

That notion needs some explaining.

Governments do many things, including building roads, providing social services, defending the homeland, and more. But no matter what the government is trying to accomplish, its macro-responsibility is to maintain its own credibility. Governments without credibility devolve into chaos. Credibility has to be job one.

Consider all the different government systems around the world, and all the different laws they created. The Chinese government is different from the United States government, which is different from Jordan’s government, which is different from Great Britain. But each of those governments is credible to its own people, and that’s the key. The specific laws and the specific forms of government don’t matter too much, so long as the public views its own local system as credible.

The notion of credibility is why my political preferences don’t align with either of the candidates for president. I look for credibility in government, not for my personal agreement with a particular policy.

For example, I think laws regarding abortion are most credible when they are agreeable to the majority of women, no matter what the majority of men think. Imagine an abortion-related law that was acceptable to 90% of men but only 10% of women. It wouldn’t be credible. Nor should it be.

I take this same thinking to how a president should fill Supreme Court openings. For maximum credibility, we should have eight justices instead of nine, equally divided by liberal versus conservative credentials. That way nothing gets through the Supreme Court unless one of the liberals or one of the conservatives switches sides. That’s how you get credibility. Compare that to a 5-4 court that always votes conservative or always votes liberal. With a biased court, every decision will lack credibility with half of the citizens. That’s a problem.

This gets me to FBI Director James Comey’s decision to drop the case against Hillary Clinton for her e-mail security lapses. To the great puzzlement of everyone in America, and around the world, Comey announced two things:

1. Hillary Clinton is 100% guilty of crimes of negligence.

2. The FBI recommends dropping the case.

From a legal standpoint, that’s absurd. And that’s how the media seems to be reacting. The folks who support Clinton are sheepishly relieved and keeping their heads down. But the anti-Clinton people think the government is totally broken and the system is rigged. That’s an enormous credibility problem.

But what was the alternative?

The alternative was the head of the FBI deciding for the people of the United States who would be their next president. A criminal indictment against Clinton probably would have cost her the election.

How credible would a future President Trump be if he won the election by the FBI’s actions instead of the vote of the public? That would be the worst case scenario even if you are a Trump supporter. The public would never accept the result as credible.

That was the choice for FBI Director Comey. He could either do his job by the letter of the law – and personally determine who would be the next president – or he could take a bullet in the chest for the good of the American public.

He took the bullet.

Thanks to Comey, the American voting public will get to decide how much they care about Clinton’s e-mail situation. And that means whoever gets elected president will have enough credibility to govern effectively.

Comey might have saved the country. He sacrificed his reputation and his career to keep the nation’s government credible.

It was the right decision.

Comey is a hero. <<<<<<<<<<<
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Jul 08, 2016 12:03 pm

That is really pretty good overall savvy. Im not sure about the credibility thing, there is very little of it between the two candidates and Comey not recommending prosecution didn't change that.But he didn't throw the election to Trump either
I don't know if I would call Comey a "hero" but he did the only thing he could do in this proximity to a presidential election, lay out the facts and let the voters decide.

It was interesting yesterday that he didn't rule out an investigation was continuing into the foundation and influence peddling, a potentially far worse felony.
Many people think the shady foundation dealings were the reason for those servers in the first place.
Could Hillary possibly win and face impeachment or prosecution ala Richard Nixon? I doubt it but it bears watching.
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