Donald Trump

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Re: Donald Trump

Postby Steady_Hawk » Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:04 pm

Savvy, I cannot believe all of the support Trump is getting compared to Hillary. There is no doubt in my mind this election will be stolen. Social media has Trump destroying Hillary. Independant polls tell a different story. Hillary gets an average of 500 people per speaking event, Trump maxes out all of his venues even in Everette! 18,000, plus people outside!

America is waking up to the media Cabal controlling our nation. Thank God for small media outlets!
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:41 am

Hawktawk wrote:People who oppose Hillary better figure it out real quick.

Gary Johnson is the only hope. Trump is going to lose worse than Mondale. Hes not flip flopping, hes turning somersaults. What a jackwagon. Hes put red states in play and he is not even competing in the battleground states.Hes threatening control of the senate.

Barring Hillary keeling over or a Johnson Weld miracle its over.....

Looks like I got this one right - dumb weak pothead running for President - Usefull tool by the Neocons and 0.1%'s to drive away Republican votes from Trump over to Clinton (via their surrogate stoned Gary Johnson)

Looks like this plan has come undone.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Sat Sep 10, 2016 8:51 pm

A great example how the MSM is not reporting the news but are trying to create an outcome that the ruling class directs - by manipulating the minds of the unable to critically think for themselves Americans.

Case in point - CNN (Clinton News Network) "Candidate Matchmaker" - Fails to include the 4th Candidate Jill Stein - who will take votes from Clinton - But they do include the third Candidate - Stoned, weak pot head Gary Johnson - because they are trying to take votes away from Trump by pushing Johnson onto the unthinking rank and file Republicans:
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Sat Sep 10, 2016 8:53 pm

Steady_Hawk wrote:Savvy, I cannot believe all of the support Trump is getting compared to Hillary. There is no doubt in my mind this election will be stolen. Social media has Trump destroying Hillary. Independant polls tell a different story. Hillary gets an average of 500 people per speaking event, Trump maxes out all of his venues even in Everette! 18,000, plus people outside!

America is waking up to the media Cabal controlling our nation. Thank God for small media outlets!

You are so right about that steady_hawk.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby RiverDog » Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:13 am

savvyman wrote:Looks like I got this one right - dumb weak pothead running for President - Usefull tool by the Neocons and 0.1%'s to drive away Republican votes from Trump over to Clinton (via their surrogate stoned Gary Johnson)

Johnson's only been involved in state politics and has never been in the US Congress or held a cabinet position, so it makes sense that foreign policy would be a weakness.

If Johnson were a viable threat to win the election, then I might care about some of his warts. But from my perspective, I'm casting a protest vote because I don't like either Trump or Clinton nor do I like either of the two major parties. I'm voting for the Libertarian party, not necessarily for their candidate. My hope is that neither Trump or Hillary get more than 45% of the popular vote. That might embolden more support for the Libertarians and help get them some traction for future elections.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby FolkCrusader » Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:04 am

RiverDog wrote:Johnson's only been involved in state politics and has never been in the US Congress or held a cabinet position, so it makes sense that foreign policy would be a weakness.

If Johnson were a viable threat to win the election, then I might care about some of his warts. But from my perspective, I'm casting a protest vote because I don't like either Trump or Clinton nor do I like either of the two major parties. I'm voting for the Libertarian party, not necessarily for their candidate. My hope is that neither Trump or Hillary get more than 45% of the popular vote. That might embolden more support for the Libertarians and help get them some traction for future elections.

I respect your right to protest vote, but it seems a bit crazy to me. I have some friends that feel very similar to you and in our conversations they seem to think neither party is open to change. But if we look at the facts both parties have moved quite a lot this election cycle. Not that many years ago Republican politics were dominated by political moderates. There were some real conservatives but the leadership was primarily moderate. We have seen the Republican positions in red states move further and further to the right and Presidential politics (at least at the primary level) have moved with it. It's hard to pidgeon hole Trump because he changes positions pretty much every day - but I think it is clear he is no moderate. Democratic politics have been a little further to the left, but again mostly dominated by moderates. Bernie Sanders forced Hillary much further to the left. Historically she has been about as moderate as they get.

So what I see is that both parties have been pushed much further in one election cycle than we have seen in a long time. Now if you are a more traditional moderate (like me) this can be a bit disconcerting, but it does show me that for good or ill our political system does react to the will of the people.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Wed Sep 14, 2016 5:29 pm

Steady_Hawk wrote:Savvy, I cannot believe all of the support Trump is getting compared to Hillary. There is no doubt in my mind this election will be stolen. Social media has Trump destroying Hillary. Independant polls tell a different story. Hillary gets an average of 500 people per speaking event, Trump maxes out all of his venues even in Everette! 18,000, plus people outside!

America is waking up to the media Cabal controlling our nation. Thank God for small media outlets!

Yep - Here is some data to support your viewpoint:

>>>>>WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.<<<<<<<<<<
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby RiverDog » Sun Sep 18, 2016 4:05 am

FolkCrusader wrote:I respect your right to protest vote, but it seems a bit crazy to me. I have some friends that feel very similar to you and in our conversations they seem to think neither party is open to change. But if we look at the facts both parties have moved quite a lot this election cycle. Not that many years ago Republican politics were dominated by political moderates. There were some real conservatives but the leadership was primarily moderate. We have seen the Republican positions in red states move further and further to the right and Presidential politics (at least at the primary level) have moved with it. It's hard to pidgeon hole Trump because he changes positions pretty much every day - but I think it is clear he is no moderate. Democratic politics have been a little further to the left, but again mostly dominated by moderates. Bernie Sanders forced Hillary much further to the left. Historically she has been about as moderate as they get.

So what I see is that both parties have been pushed much further in one election cycle than we have seen in a long time. Now if you are a more traditional moderate (like me) this can be a bit disconcerting, but it does show me that for good or ill our political system does react to the will of the people.

I don't object to Trump's politics as much as I object to Trump the person. He is not the type of person I want as my leader, and I refuse to vote for him. It would be an insult to my friends and co-workers, the majority of whom weren't born in this country and are scared to death about his rhetoric.

The Republicans have wandered away from their traditional roots of fiscal conservatism, which was one of the main things that has kept me on board with them for the past 40 years, and I trust them regarding defense matters more than I do the D's, but they have always been too far to the right on their social agenda to suit my taste, so they've pretty much lost me. I'm more of a Libertarian at heart.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby obiken » Tue Sep 20, 2016 6:10 am

Hillary is gloom, Trump is doom. If she wins will be it possible to be relieved and depressed at the same time?
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby c_hawkbob » Tue Sep 20, 2016 7:11 am

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Re: Donald Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Sep 20, 2016 12:16 pm

A vote for Hillary is a vote for Kaine honestly. She wont govern 4 years or maybe even one.She may be on her deathbed.
Johnson hurts her more than he hurts trump anyway.

A vote for Tump is a vote for a self aggrandizing grifter, a bankruptcy acrobat who got a silver spoon worth 25 MILLION DOLLARS 4 decades ago and went backwards to the tune of 4 bankruptcies. A vote for Trump is a vote for worldwide chaos and possibly total war, economic depression. A vote to reward a guy who has Fd over more ordinary people than almost any businessman and now hes going to make America great. Suckers!!!!!!!!

I'm talking to you Savvy.
Johnson is pro marijuana but if hes smoked too much Trump hasn't smoked enough.

Johnson is the only guy running who is honest and has been who he is his entire political career.Whether I agree with his policies (not all) I respect that he was for marriage equality and marijuana legalization in the mid 90s when it wasn't at all popular. That's intellectual honesty and integrity. Nobody else running has an ounce of either.

And if you want to play gotcha with the Allepo thing how about Chump not knowing Crimea had even been annexed by Putin 2 years earlier. That's a little bigger gaffe don't you think?
I guess he was too busy being Putin's fanboy like all the despotic strongmen around the world he praises continually.
Hes really a low information loudmouthed cretin when it comes to understanding how the government operates or separation of powers or really anything except all the good deals hes going to make. But no tax returns to check how good his deals really are.

You want to walk the plank with this complete asshole and POS go for it.
I'm a proud Johnson voter.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby RiverDog » Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:13 pm

Excellent post, Hawktalk. It may be for different reasons, but we are on the same page as far as POTUS candidates go.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Tue Sep 20, 2016 10:03 pm

Hawktawk wrote:A vote for Hillary is a vote for Kaine honestly. She wont govern 4 years or maybe even one.She may be on her deathbed.
Johnson hurts her more than he hurts trump anyway.

A vote for Tump is a vote for a self aggrandizing grifter, a bankruptcy acrobat who got a silver spoon worth 25 MILLION DOLLARS 4 decades ago and went backwards to the tune of 4 bankruptcies. A vote for Trump is a vote for worldwide chaos and possibly total war, economic depression. A vote to reward a guy who has Fd over more ordinary people than almost any businessman and now hes going to make America great. Suckers!!!!!!!!

I'm talking to you Savvy.
Johnson is pro marijuana but if hes smoked too much Trump hasn't smoked enough.

Johnson is the only guy running who is honest and has been who he is his entire political career.Whether I agree with his policies (not all) I respect that he was for marriage equality and marijuana legalization in the mid 90s when it wasn't at all popular. That's intellectual honesty and integrity. Nobody else running has an ounce of either.

And if you want to play gotcha with the Allepo thing how about Chump not knowing Crimea had even been annexed by Putin 2 years earlier. That's a little bigger gaffe don't you think?
I guess he was too busy being Putin's fanboy like all the despotic strongmen around the world he praises continually.
Hes really a low information loudmouthed cretin when it comes to understanding how the government operates or separation of powers or really anything except all the good deals hes going to make. But no tax returns to check how good his deals really are.

You want to walk the plank with this complete asshole and POS go for it.
I'm a proud Johnson voter.

Quit being such an easily mislead chump.

Johnson is a weak stoned loser who sole purpose is to siphon enough votes away from Trump in Key Battleground stakes thus allowing a Clinton victory - you have eaten the bait and propaganda from the ruling class and the neocons hook, line & sinker my friend.

Trump is the "People's Candidate" - Doubt that? Then don't click on the following link and instead continue to remain in your misinformed world.....
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:14 am

Sigh....We disagree and we wont agree. Gary Johanson is running for president, not to siphon anything from anyone. He wants to siphon 33 percent and win and I'm 100 percent for him.

Johnson leads among millenials and independents and is tied with the military with Trump.
He's a serious candidate with a proven record of successful governance. Johnson would be light years more competent than Trump and maybe leading in the polls if he had exposure and people really understood his reasonable centrist positions.

As for Trumps small donors what happed to the self funded nobody owns me s***? Another lie sucked up hook line and sinker by the dumb fish. There's a lot of big donors too, and lots of their money is already being funneled to Trump owned corporations, overbilling to line his pockets if he loses. If he gets the keys to the kingdom the larceny committed by Hillary will be chump change compared to the heist he will take.

Id have never dreamed I wouldn't crawl across broken glass to vote for whoever had the R in front of their name vs the evil and utterly revolting Hillary Clinton.
But I cant. Cruz cant. The Bushes and many of their most trusted advisors cannot. None of us want to have to look elsewhere savvy. NONE

But there has never been a more arrogant dishonest repulsive off-putting mentally unhinged POS at the top of our ticket. We're not putting our name on him, ever.

Suckers. There's a sucker born every minute and all the Trumpie drones are living proof there are many more than one born every minute. Like his real estate *university"scam, he's been bilking people out of money his whole life.
Whatever it is hopeless. The man has destroyed the party and you have helped him do it. Its on you.

I'm done.
I cant convince my best friend in the world of 40 years either and he is a multimillionaire businessman. I give up
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:32 pm

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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:48 pm

I rest my case about Gary Johnson.

Sometimes I amaze myself with just how savvy I am - well not really anymore:
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:50 am

RIP Gary Johnson.

After that video and these moments - you are finished - there is no way anyone can "proudly" state they are for this guy.

>>>>>>>Gary Johnson Has 'Aleppo Moment' at MSNBC Town Hall, Struggles to Name a Foreign Leader<<<<<<<<<<<
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby RiverDog » Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:24 am

savvyman wrote:RIP Gary Johnson.

After that video and these moments - you are finished - there is no way anyone can "proudly" state they are for this guy.

>>>>>>>Gary Johnson Has 'Aleppo Moment' at MSNBC Town Hall, Struggles to Name a Foreign Leader<<<<<<<<<<<

You're missing the point, savvy. I am not voting for Johnson as much as I'm voting for the Libertarian party and against Trump and Clinton. I have no illusion that Johnson is going to win. That's not why I'm voting for him, I'm casting a protest vote against the two major candidates/parties. If it were revealed that Johnson couldn't find the Pacific Ocean on a map I'd still be voting for him.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby ACES 13 » Fri Sep 30, 2016 4:49 am

[/quote]You're missing the point, savvy. I am not voting for Johnson as much as I'm voting for the Libertarian party and against Trump and Clinton. I have no illusion that Johnson is going to win. That's not why I'm voting for him, I'm casting a protest vote against the two major candidates/parties. If it were revealed that Johnson couldn't find the Pacific Ocean on a map I'd still be voting for him.[/quote]

Bravo for the free thinkers among us!!! :o
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby burrrton » Sat Oct 08, 2016 2:42 pm

How are all our Trump supporters feeling today?
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:47 pm

savvyman wrote:RIP Gary Johnson.

After that video and these moments - you are finished - there is no way anyone can "proudly" state they are for this guy.

>>>>>>>Gary Johnson Has 'Aleppo Moment' at MSNBC Town Hall, Struggles to Name a Foreign Leader<<<<<<<<<<<

Hey savvy Gary Johnson was asked to name his FAVORITE foreign leader. He doesnt have one, unklike Chumpy the gropey clown who is in man love with Vlad Putin when hes not groping women.Dont start on Bill Clinton either. He could govern, that's the real problem with your bipolar apparition.
Your anointed one didn't even know Crimea had been annexed 2 years ago. Please you sound ridiculous supporting this red faced blowhard and turning your fire on little old Gary johnson. Trump says more stupid crap daily than I've heard out of Johnson in the year plus i've been following him..
Johnson has a very detailed approach to foreign policy, particularly as it pertains to nation building, the war on terror, the role of our military. MOF he and governor Weld have a detailed honest working approach to everything facing our nation the other two are flat our lying about.

My vote isn't a protest vote. Im hoping for a miracle. maybe a few more tapes of Chump surface or he implodes in the next debate(likely)Maybe Hillary kicks the bucket(or trump I'm not going to mourn either way)

Ill say it again. Id rather oppose Clinton with a republican senate and hold on for 2020 than put Donald the German wings pilot behind the controls of the plane called america. its already been on cruise control way too long but this low information sloppy loose lipped ignorant piece of casino white trash will crash it into the mountain and it wont take very long.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:05 pm

burrrton wrote:How are all our Trump supporters feeling today?

Short term harmful - Longer term? No Impact.

I finally went and actually listened to the recording. Jeez do you guys have any idea how and what a group of women will talk like when talking about Men behind closed doors?

Net effect?

The clinton supporters will hate trump the same as before.

The trump supporters are wincing again yet none are changing their votes.

What Trump needs to do for the next Debate is show shame and Humility in handling this and do NOT attack Clinton on Bill's behavior. Just take it and admit that his behavior is wrong and that he is sincerely sorry.

Then after the dust settles for a few days unleash the surrogate dogs on enabler Hillary and her rapist husband with all the facts about that situation.

Net effect on the election - None.

And I hate to tell you boys - there are a lot of women who will respond favorably to trump on this.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:10 pm

Hawktawk wrote:
Hey savvy Gary Johnson was asked to name his FAVORITE foreign leader. He doesnt have one, unklike Chumpy the gropey clown who is in man love with Vlad Putin when hes not groping women.Dont start on Bill Clinton either. He could govern, that's the real problem with your bipolar apparition.
Your anointed one didn't even know Crimea had been annexed 2 years ago. Please you sound ridiculous supporting this red faced blowhard and turning your fire on little old Gary johnson. Trump says more stupid crap daily than I've heard out of Johnson in the year plus i've been following him..
Johnson has a very detailed approach to foreign policy, particularly as it pertains to nation building, the war on terror, the role of our military. MOF he and governor Weld have a detailed honest working approach to everything facing our nation the other two are flat our lying about.

My vote isn't a protest vote. Im hoping for a miracle. maybe a few more tapes of Chump surface or he implodes in the next debate(likely)Maybe Hillary kicks the bucket(or trump I'm not going to mourn either way)

Ill say it again. Id rather oppose Clinton with a republican senate and hold on for 2020 than put Donald the German wings pilot behind the controls of the plane called america. its already been on cruise control way too long but this low information sloppy loose lipped ignorant piece of casino white trash will crash it into the mountain and it wont take very long.

My short & sweet Answer?
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Sun Oct 09, 2016 11:04 am

savvyman wrote: information sloppy loose lipped ignorant piece of casino white trash will crash it into the mountain and it wont take very long.

My short & sweet Answer?[/quote]

So Fn what? He was making an attempt to mock himself for being tongue tied in a previous interview about you Chumpies beloved ALLEPPO moment. Thats a sense of humor savvy, albeit quirky.

He knows how to apologize and admit hes wrong unlike chump.His exact quote"it proves i am human."
Hes an extremely intelligent thoughtful decent honest man. Everything Chump isn't.

Whatever man,
Trump is beyond a doubt the greatest fraud ever foisted onto 30% SUCKERS in the populist wing of the party.Its like some kind of Cult. The pied piper.It doesnt matter what idiotic thing he says or does you all fall in line like sheep.

He is headed to an epic rout by one of the most distasteful dishonest politicians ever. He sucks that bad....
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Sun Oct 09, 2016 1:12 pm

Hawktawk wrote:
So Fn what? He was making an attempt to mock himself for being tongue tied in a previous interview about you Chumpies beloved ALLEPPO moment. Thats a sense of humor savvy, albeit quirky.

He knows how to apologize and admit hes wrong unlike chump.His exact quote"it proves i am human."
Hes an extremely intelligent thoughtful decent honest man. Everything Chump isn't.

Whatever man,
Trump is beyond a doubt the greatest fraud ever foisted onto 30% SUCKERS in the populist wing of the party.Its like some kind of Cult. The pied piper.It doesnt matter what idiotic thing he says or does you all fall in line like sheep.

He is headed to an epic rout by one of the most distasteful dishonest politicians ever. He sucks that bad....

My Rebuttal?


BTW - if you quote me please do it accurately.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Sun Oct 09, 2016 3:11 pm

savvyman wrote:
Short term harmful - Longer term? No Impact.

I finally went and actually listened to the recording. Jeez do you guys have any idea how and what a group of women will talk like when talking about Men behind closed doors?

Net effect?

The clinton supporters will hate trump the same as before.

The trump supporters are wincing again yet none are changing their votes.

What Trump needs to do for the next Debate is show shame and Humility in handling this and do NOT attack Clinton on Bill's behavior. Just take it and admit that his behavior is wrong and that he is sincerely sorry.

Then after the dust settles for a few days unleash the surrogate dogs on enabler Hillary and her rapist husband with all the facts about that situation.

Net effect on the election - None.

And I hate to tell you boys - there are a lot of women who will respond favorably to trump on this.

Like I was Saying......
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Sun Oct 09, 2016 7:05 pm

One Hour into the Debate - And Trump is Killing her - and by a Large Margin.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby RiverDog » Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:28 am

Trump characterized his disrespectful comments about women as "locker room talk." I normally wouldn't have a problem with such talk if he were some 20 something, single man w/o kids when he made those remarks. But Trump was in his late 50's and was the father of two daughters when he made those comments. I'm in the same age group and a father of a daughter and I don't talk like that even if it's only joking around. Besides, even if I did, I'm not running for President.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby I-5 » Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:05 pm

He was also married at the time, and I believe his wife was pregnant.

Between the bus audio, his bragging on Howard Stern about the liberties he took in the dressing rooms of his beauty pageants, and pageant competitors who confirmed he walked in on them naked, with some of them younger than 15 at the time..his claims that they're all lying sound flat. He basically incriminated himself with his big mouth.

Hillary has her problems, and they're substantial, but Trump and his surrogates can't just keep deflecting this woman problem on her...or Bill. I think their strategy should be to just own it, say he's a changed man (that might need some explanation), and that they've moved forward. Of course, they won't do that.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:02 pm

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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Sat Oct 29, 2016 1:56 pm

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Re: Donald Trump

Postby RiverDog » Mon Oct 31, 2016 12:09 am

By voting for Johnson, I'm not throwing my vote away any more or less than you are by voting for Trump. Assuming that you live in Washington state, there's no way Trump or any Republican is going to carry this state, which has gone Democratic in every election since Reagan in '84. There's no state in the country bluer than Washington.

I have several reasons for voting for Johnson: (1) I believe that this country needs a viable 3rd party as an alternative. If Johnson can break into the double digits in the popular vote, then perhaps it would motivate other viable politicians to join the Libertarians in a 3rd party movement. (2) I would like to see Hillary kept below 45% in the popular vote and deny her a governing mandate. Voting for Johnson does just as much good as voting for Trump in that regard. (3) The Libertarian Party is closer to my core beliefs than either the Republicans or the Democrats. (4) This is a protest vote. I feel that there are one heck of a lot of people that harbor the same opinion as I do, which is that neither candidate is acceptable as a POTUS. IMO the worst two major party nominees for POTUS since I started voting back in 1972 are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. My only other option would be to not vote at all.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:22 pm

Great rational speech by one of the sharper Americans Peter Thiel.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:27 pm

RiverDog wrote:By voting for Johnson, I'm not throwing my vote away any more or less than you are by voting for Trump. Assuming that you live in Washington state, there's no way Trump or any Republican is going to carry this state, which has gone Democratic in every election since Reagan in '84. There's no state in the country bluer than Washington.

I have several reasons for voting for Johnson: (1) I believe that this country needs a viable 3rd party as an alternative. If Johnson can break into the double digits in the popular vote, then perhaps it would motivate other viable politicians to join the Libertarians in a 3rd party movement. (2) I would like to see Hillary kept below 45% in the popular vote and deny her a governing mandate. Voting for Johnson does just as much good as voting for Trump in that regard. (3) The Libertarian Party is closer to my core beliefs than either the Republicans or the Democrats. (4) This is a protest vote. I feel that there are one heck of a lot of people that harbor the same opinion as I do, which is that neither candidate is acceptable as a POTUS. IMO the worst two major party nominees for POTUS since I started voting back in 1972 are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. My only other option would be to not vote at all.

You seem to be forecasting a certain Clinton Victory - Get ready to be shocked in about 8 days......
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby RiverDog » Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:25 am

savvyman wrote:You seem to be forecasting a certain Clinton Victory - Get ready to be shocked in about 8 days......

I am not only forecasting a certain Clinton victory, but an electoral landslide. I'm predicting that she'll win by AT LEAST 100 electoral votes, and in all likelihood, closer to 150 electoral votes.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 31 (UPI) -- UPI/CVoter state poll data released Monday shows Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump improving in all but one battleground state in the past week, though Democrat Hillary Clinton would still easily win the Electoral College if the election were held today.

According to the 50-plus-1 state-by-state tracking data, Clinton would win the election handily with 341 electoral votes to Trump's 197. It requires 270 electoral votes to win the presidency.

The only change from the previous week was Iowa's six electoral votes moved into Trump's column. In that state, the Republican leads by 0.2 percent after trailing by 0.8 the previous week.

If seven toss-up states -- in which a candidate has less than a 3-point lead -- are excluded from the Electoral College count, Clinton would earn 259 electoral votes compared with 191 for Trump. Those 88 toss-up votes would be in Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, New Hampshire and Ohio. Trump would need to win all of those states except for Iowa, Nevada or New Hampshire to become president.

Clinton still leads in 11 of 13 battleground states, which is defined as a candidate leading by less than 5 percentage points at the start of polling. ... 477921415/

Those numbers don't turn on a dime. Unless something dramatic happens, they change very gradually, in most cases a percentage point or less per week, and with Clinton leading in 11 of 13 'battleground' states, that's way too much ground for Trump to make up in such a short time, especially in this last week when many voters, like myself, have already mailed in their ballots.

You're in major denial if you think Trump is going to win. He's destined to become the answer to a trivia question.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:54 pm

The Final Call to action for the American People:
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby burrrton » Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:22 pm

[edited away- too much ranting]
Last edited by burrrton on Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Sat Nov 05, 2016 8:26 am

burrrton wrote:
If you vote comfortably for either person, I don't know how you look at yourself in the mirror.

Really? Just tell me what in this latest speech should someone be embarrassed about?
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby burrrton » Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:35 am

He's had good speeches, savvy (and so has Hillary). Just not sure why you think he can or should do about half what he says he will, nor (more importantly) why you trust that he *will* do much of the rest.

Maybe instead of my rant, I should have said I'm sympathetic to voters for both sides, because I'm horrified by both candidates.

I have a strong feeling that whoever is elected, they will be the first POTUS to enter office as a lame duck for all intents and purposes. Not good for this country, but it will survive.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby Steady_Hawk » Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:02 am

How's it going Burrrton? Hope all is well.

Let's imagine nothing gets done with Trump. Then nothing gets done with Trump. He loses his next election as an ineffective politician.

Let's imagine what happens if Hillary gets elected. Our Supreme Court will be severely compromised. We will get a bunch of Syrian refugees that cannot be vetted according to Hillary's own words. TPP WILL GET PASSED. Anyone who believes otherwise is a MORON. Jobs will continue to bleed out, and ObamaCare will still exist. But worst of all, she will not be held accountable for what she has done.

Trump isn't owned. This is why the ENTIRE establishment is coming after him. If people honestly knew how corrupt the media is they would quite watching it including Fox News. These are the corporate wings of criminal organizations.

Ford already announced that if he gets elected they are going to keep the manufacturing that was supposed to go to Mexico here. He hasn't been elected yet, and he just saved a s*** load of jobs. This man will get a lot more done than anyone is giving him credit for, and he also caused all of the RINO Republicans to show themselves in one quick swoop. I'd say he's already kicking ass quite frankly.
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