sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby HumanCockroach » Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:03 pm

I guess, though I was not pointing to "contemporaries" in comparison, but "legends" of sport that were adored, and lauded and to this day are idolised. I'm not "old" I guess depending on which demographic you choose to ask, but certainly in the "middle" . I do indeed hold to a lot of old school ideas in regards to sports and in particular football, however maybe I am just remembering wrong, but there were far worse displays than Sherman's rant IMHO but not just "good" but "legends" of the game. I grew up playing with guys that did it, grew up watching guys do it, and spent time coaching guys that did it, so how I handle myself vs how another individual handles themselves really doesn't faze me personally, nor did I bat an eye when my 8 year old daughter or 16 year old son watched it. Because A it is MY job to "guide" my kids, not Shermans and B because ultimately whether that is the way I want them to be or not, if that is who they are, that is how they will be.

I ENCOURAGE my children to be themselves, if that means they don't fit a cookie cutter mold society wants to see or hear, then tough for society. Everyone doesn't like everyone, pretending otherwise is silly.....
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby monkey » Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:49 pm

Seriously, it really was the best article ever. That was awesome.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby kalibane » Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:53 pm

That's actually a pretty salient point and I'll do you one better. What Sherman did offers you a teaching opportunity when it comes to kids. It really just isn't that big a deal to me.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby monkey » Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:20 pm

kalibane wrote:That's actually a pretty salient point and I'll do you one better. What Sherman did offers you a teaching opportunity when it comes to kids. It really just isn't that big a deal to me.

Great point Kalibane!

I've heard so much talk about him not being a "role model"...are you kidding?!?
A kid from Compton, who refused to get involved with gangs, who shunned the stereotypes of Jocks not being smart, who literally shamed a bunch of the kids he played High School football with into graduating themselves, just so they wouldn't have to hear Sherman, who asked a tour bus to swing by his house, just so he could tell kids from tough neighborhoods that, "I made it to Stanford, SO CAN YOU!", so they knew they wouldn't have to settle for community college if they wanted more, who etc...

Richard Sherman is about as great a role model as there is. You don't have to like his bravado and all his noise, you don't have to like his style, but as far as CHARACTER goes? Man...Sherman is exactly the kind of guy who people ought to be holding up as examples! He's a terrific role model, and especially for those kids coming out of tough neighborhoods like he did, who can so quickly relate to his message.

The more that gets revealed about Sherman, the deeper you look at him, his story, his character, the more you think this guy ought to get an award, rather than ridicule!
I'm downright PROUD that he's on my favorite team!
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby Agent 86 » Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:59 pm

That post has CP written all over it! The ability to ignore other posts that de-bunk your posts is truly a CP tactic. Future, you are quickly showing your true colors and if I thought you were a reasonable and honest guy I'd put up a hundo that you are the alter ego of CP!

You are starting to sound like a whiny B that doesn't have a leg to stand on and refuses to admit it. See ya next year and I hope your head coach finds it in him to not be such a ass clown on the side lines.[/quote]

I said it once in the PI forum, and I will say it again here.

Don't waste your time with this clown Futurite anymore. It all changed one winter evening.

December 23, 2012....the night the Seahawks officially arrived as a legit threat to win the Super Bowl. It all started with the thunderous hit Bam Bam laid on Davis. Then the subsequent beatdown the rest of the game.

Future was such a gracious poster up until then. His team had a good couple years run while the Hawks were in re-build. Only thang was, the re build happened too quickly for him. He was so complimentary before that night of our team knowing full well his team was superior. He came across as such a great guy compared to other trolls because he showed he has football knowledge and it was rare for a divison rival poster to be that nice. Of course he was well received here.

Since that night, he has put on his defensive co-ordinator headset and has been a class 1 troll. Still compliments us, but always with a back handed remark...or a remark that slightly rains on our parade, never giving full credit anymore.

We all see it, and I know it is hard to ignore for some of you, and actually seeing his comments continue on is entertaining in a way. But Future, give it up man. You have shown your true colours. In the end, you can't handle the sudden emergence of the Seattle Seahawks and physical style this team plays to match what your team has built.

I expect a lot of years of back and forth wins in this division. These 2 teams are both awesome, well coached, physical, loaded with talent.

Dude, let us have our time. Admit defeat and end it at that. You are a shell of the poster you once were.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby burrrton » Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:07 pm

I ENCOURAGE my children to be themselves, if that means they don't fit a cookie cutter mold society wants to see or hear, then tough for society. Everyone doesn't like everyone, pretending otherwise is silly.....

Ugghhhh- I'm not saying this to try to tell you how to raise your children, but: watch it with kids.

Teaching them to "be themselves" is great, but teaching them about society's conventions, and how to pay attention to them, is a *very* useful life skill, too.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby RiverDog » Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:09 pm

kalibane wrote:That's actually a pretty salient point and I'll do you one better. What Sherman did offers you a teaching opportunity when it comes to kids. It really just isn't that big a deal to me.

I can be talked into agreeing that Sherman's actions could be viewed as a teaching opportunity, providing that there is a teacher present when that opportunity presents itself. But how many kids that saw that rant don't have a "teacher"?
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby HumanCockroach » Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:29 pm

burrrton wrote:
I ENCOURAGE my children to be themselves, if that means they don't fit a cookie cutter mold society wants to see or hear, then tough for society. Everyone doesn't like everyone, pretending otherwise is silly.....

Ugghhhh- I'm not saying this to try to tell you how to raise your children, but: watch it with kids.

Teaching them to "be themselves" is great, but teaching them about society's conventions, and how to pay attention to them, is a *very* useful life skill, too.

Sure, but questioning societies conventions is a "very" useful life skill as well. I think I have it dialed in. I would rather my children be themselves and are liked or disliked for who and what they are every single time, than be shallow and phony, and not true to themselves in every single instance regardless. People want to know where all the leaders, individual, and free thinkers went? We "weeded" them out, threw them aside, and pretend that "uniqueness" and "honesty" are bad things not something to be admired.

I am NOT telling my kids to tell their teachers or bosses to f off, but I am NOT going to tell them to not express their opinions or to "get in line" or be afraid to be different than others. There is tact, and then there is submission, tact is fine, submission is not.IMHO.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby kalibane » Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:32 pm

I would argue that if someone doesn't have a "teacher" present to put things in the proper perspective that Richard Sherman going a little to far in a post game interview is the least of that child's problems and seeing him be not the best sportsman in the world isn't going to be a turning point in their life.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby HumanCockroach » Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:43 pm

kalibane wrote:I would argue that if someone doesn't have a "teacher" present to put things in the proper perspective that Richard Sherman going a little to far in a post game interview is the least of that child's problems and seeing him be not the best sportsman in the world isn't going to be a turning point in their life.

I had a long reply with basically the same sentiment, somehow it evaporated. Pretty much what I said. It isn't Shermans fault that Teacher or those there ( or supposed to be there) aren't, blaming an athlete is a pretty weak excuse. Shermans rant isn't turning a kid into a murderer, or thug, or morally bankrupt. Those people that have those issues with athletes should start by looking in the mirror, not searching for scape goats.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby HumanCockroach » Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:47 pm

LOL. Darrelle Revis... Same day, says Sherman shouldn't be himself, and then says that Schiano failed because he didn't let his players be themselves...... LOL. Pretty much sums up how I feel about society in general. Be yourself, unless of course "yourself" isn't exactly like me.......
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby monkey » Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:58 pm

kalibane wrote:I would argue that if someone doesn't have a "teacher" present to put things in the proper perspective that Richard Sherman going a little to far in a post game interview is the least of that child's problems and seeing him be not the best sportsman in the world isn't going to be a turning point in their life.

That's what I was thinking too.
A kid with no one around to teach them?
Richards rant isn't likely going to make that situation any worse.

All I can think of anymore when I read criticism of the rant is, "Are you not entertained?"
Last night reading through some anti Seahawks comments, most of them aimed at Sherman, I started humming a Pink Floyd tune, the Trial, from the Wall.
I had been humming it for quite some time before my mind made the conscious connection to the words.
"the prisoner, now stands before you, was caught red handed showing FEELINGS. Showing FEELINGS of an almost human nature. This will not do!"
Now I see the anti Sherman comments and that tune pops in my head every time.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby monkey » Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:04 pm

HumanCockroach wrote:LOL. Darrelle Revis... Same day, says Sherman shouldn't be himself, and then says that Schiano failed because he didn't let his players be themselves...... LOL. Pretty much sums up how I feel about society in general. Be yourself, unless of course "yourself" isn't exactly like me.......

Hey now, we have to like him, the media said so!
You can hate on Sherman and the Seahawks all you like, but Revis is out of bounds.
So is Tom Brady.
And Peyton Manning.
And Eli.
Actually, most of the Giants, and basically all the Patriots are off limits...except Belichek who we can rip for being weird, (because he won't talk to the media of course, the unforgivable sin!) as long as we also admit he's the greatest coach ever.

In fact, it's probably best if you just shut your mouth until the media tells you otherwise!
Or if not the media, at least the media driven court of public opinion.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby burrrton » Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:11 pm

Sure, but questioning societies conventions is a "very" useful life skill as well.

Only at the appropriate age. Small children can't "question" effectively.

Teach them critical thinking, not simply rejecting every given. "Questioning" everything at too young an age translates to *rejection* of every convention, including those that are either useful (obeying laws, etc) or those that can simply make life easier (don't use the word "f***" around people, etc).

Learning that there are frameworks for life is comforting for kids. Don't deny your child that.

I would rather my children be themselves and are liked or disliked for who and what they are every single time, than be shallow and phony, and not true to themselves in every single instance regardless.

I'm not going to argue with you, because for all I know maybe you're treading the line perfectly, but I'll just say it's not being "shallow and phony" to refrain from foul language in inappropriate settings, or to smile and shake the hand of the person you may not really care for, and so on.

That's thinking in too "black and white" language. You can be a pleasant participant in society (and your kids will end up more successful for it!) without being a Stepford Citizen.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby HumanCockroach » Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:27 pm

burrrton wrote:
Sure, but questioning societies conventions is a "very" useful life skill as well.

Only at the appropriate age. Small children can't "question" effectively.

Teach them critical thinking. "Questioning" everything at too young an age translates to *rejection* of every convention, including those that are either useful (obeying laws, etc) or those that can simply make life easier (don't use the word "f***" around people, etc).

I would rather my children be themselves and are liked or disliked for who and what they are every single time, than be shallow and phony, and not true to themselves in every single instance regardless.

I'm not going to argue with you, because for all I know maybe you're treading the line perfectly, but I'll just say it's not being "shallow and phony" to refrain from foul language in inappropriate settings, or to smile and shake the hand of the person you may not really care for, and so on.

That's thinking in too "black and white" language. You can be a pleasant participant in society without being a Stepford Citizen.

You mean, in a postgame interview? LOL

I didn't say anything about swearing and refusing to shake someones hand ( hence the reason I clarified that in my response) It is difficult I guess to explain it on a board. In my opinion, everyone, absolutely everyone should be who and what they are, when they aren't they are living unfulfilling lives, and limiting who or what they can become. I strongly believe in critical thinking, however, I do not encourage not taking chances or trying, or speaking their mind, for fear of what a stranger, much less a bunch of cyber punks think about said actions or thoughts.

Not sure when we became so inundated with people that believe that it is better to not be yourself, and be "accepted" than to let all the unique and wonderful qualities each person possesses show. Do I want them acting that way? Of course not, and I council against it, doesn't mean that I don't encourage them to do what they feel is "right" for them, because ultimately, when everything is said and done, THEY not society, has to look themselves in the mirror, and accept the choices they make.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby monkey » Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:19 pm

burrrton wrote:
Sure, but questioning societies conventions is a "very" useful life skill as well.

Only at the appropriate age. Small children can't "question" effectively.

Teach them critical thinking, not simply rejecting every given. "Questioning" everything at too young an age translates to *rejection* of every convention, including those that are either useful (obeying laws, etc) or those that can simply make life easier (don't use the word "f***" around people, etc).

Learning that there are frameworks for life is comforting for kids. Don't deny your child that.

I would rather my children be themselves and are liked or disliked for who and what they are every single time, than be shallow and phony, and not true to themselves in every single instance regardless.

I'm not going to argue with you, because for all I know maybe you're treading the line perfectly, but I'll just say it's not being "shallow and phony" to refrain from foul language in inappropriate settings, or to smile and shake the hand of the person you may not really care for, and so on.

That's thinking in too "black and white" language. You can be a pleasant participant in society (and your kids will end up more successful for it!) without being a Stepford Citizen.

You know Burrrton, for all the arguments you and I used to have, in hindsight I am not sure why, though as I recall, it was always over football, and not something that truly mattered in life. Those things we always agreed about.
You've been speaking my mind for me an awful lot lately!
Now get outta my head! :)
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby RiverDog » Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:11 am

kalibane wrote:I would argue that if someone doesn't have a "teacher" present to put things in the proper perspective that Richard Sherman going a little to far in a post game interview is the least of that child's problems and seeing him be not the best sportsman in the world isn't going to be a turning point in their life.

Agreed. If a kid is that impressionable, it's likely that he's going to be influenced by something or someone else if not Sherman.

But nevertheless, when you consider how many viewers saw that rant, ie in the millions, if it adversely affected even a tiny percentage of kids, that number would be in the hundreds if not thousands, and I personally am not going to condone that kind of public behavior and will call it out when I see it.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby savvyman » Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:19 am

RiverDog wrote:
kalibane wrote:I would argue that if someone doesn't have a "teacher" present to put things in the proper perspective that Richard Sherman going a little to far in a post game interview is the least of that child's problems and seeing him be not the best sportsman in the world isn't going to be a turning point in their life.

Agreed. If a kid is that impressionable, it's likely that he's going to be influenced by something or someone else if not Sherman.

But nevertheless, when you consider how many viewers saw that rant, ie in the millions, if it adversely affected even a tiny percentage of kids, that number would be in the hundreds if not thousands, and I personally am not going to condone that kind of public behavior and will call it out when I see it.

Sorry Riverdog - it's too late - this is going viral - I foresee the spawning of a whole new generation of trash talking Villains - LoL

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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby RiverDog » Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:51 am

savvyman wrote:
RiverDog wrote:
kalibane wrote:I would argue that if someone doesn't have a "teacher" present to put things in the proper perspective that Richard Sherman going a little to far in a post game interview is the least of that child's problems and seeing him be not the best sportsman in the world isn't going to be a turning point in their life.

Agreed. If a kid is that impressionable, it's likely that he's going to be influenced by something or someone else if not Sherman.

But nevertheless, when you consider how many viewers saw that rant, ie in the millions, if it adversely affected even a tiny percentage of kids, that number would be in the hundreds if not thousands, and I personally am not going to condone that kind of public behavior and will call it out when I see it.

Sorry Riverdog - it's too late - this is going viral - I foresee the spawning of a whole new generation of trash talking Villains - LoL


LOL!!! Now that was cute!
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby RiverDog » Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:55 am

Here's what John Madden had to say about it, and of which I concur with both of his points, ie kids and teammates:

“I think it's too much,” Madden said on Sirius XM (via PFT). “To me, it was kind of embarrassing. . . . Kids are watching this, and kids copy the players. I have grandkids and I know that they do because I see them. If a player is wearing a certain color gloves, they have to have that color gloves. A player two weeks ago wore red shoes, I had a grandson came to the game and he had to wear red shoes. The jerseys -- they wear the jerseys and they copy everything those guys do. And to be a great one, they don't know which things they should copy, and they think that's how they have to play. I think if any apologies ought to be made, it ought to be to the kids. That's not the way we do it. ... I thought it was embarrassing.”

To Sherman's credit, he's since apologized for making the moment about him and not his team, which was one of Madden's criticisms.

“He took away a lot from the other players on his team," Madden said. "Guys played their butts off, guys coached their butts off, and pass rushed and tackled and special teams, and then it got to be all about one guy. In a team sport, that's wrong."
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby kalibane » Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:09 am

I saw Madden's comments. Madden.... who made his career off of being the head coach of the ultimate bad boys in NFL History, the Oakland Raiders. The Al Davis in his full splendor "Just Win Baby" Oakland Raiders. Lester Hayes, Jack Tatum Ted Hendricks Oakland Raiders.

John Madden crticizing Richard Sherman for this is like the former CEO of Hostess telling people kids shouldn't eat Oreos because they have too much sugar.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby rottweiler » Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:23 am

RiverDog wrote:Here's what John Madden had to say about it, and of which I concur with both of his points, ie kids and teammates:

“I think it's too much,” Madden said on Sirius XM (via PFT). “To me, it was kind of embarrassing. . . . Kids are watching this, and kids copy the players. I have grandkids and I know that they do because I see them. If a player is wearing a certain color gloves, they have to have that color gloves. A player two weeks ago wore red shoes, I had a grandson came to the game and he had to wear red shoes. The jerseys -- they wear the jerseys and they copy everything those guys do. And to be a great one, they don't know which things they should copy, and they think that's how they have to play. I think if any apologies ought to be made, it ought to be to the kids. That's not the way we do it. ... I thought it was embarrassing.”

To Sherman's credit, he's since apologized for making the moment about him and not his team, which was one of Madden's criticisms.

“He took away a lot from the other players on his team," Madden said. "Guys played their butts off, guys coached their butts off, and pass rushed and tackled and special teams, and then it got to be all about one guy. In a team sport, that's wrong."

"I'm not a role model. ... Just because I dunk a basketball doesn't mean I should raise your kids." — Sir Charles Barkley

kalibane wrote:I saw Madden's comments. Madden.... who made his career off of being the head coach of the ultimate bad boys in NFL History, the Oakland Raiders. The Al Davis in his full splendor "Just Win Baby" Oakland Raiders. Lester Hayes, Jack Tatum Ted Hendricks Oakland Raiders.

John Madden crticizing Richard Sherman for this is like the former CEO of Hostess telling people kids shouldn't eat Oreos because they have too much sugar.

^ This ^.

Tantamount to Madden being a paid spokesman for Alcoholics Anonymous — like one who goes to high schools to give lectures.

I still can't forget the Miller Lite commercials I used to see on tv all the time when I was a tyke that featured Madden and the rest of his drunk NFL alums hanging out at the local tavern.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby HumanCockroach » Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:44 am

Do as we say Rott, not as we do........... LOL
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby rottweiler » Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:46 am

HumanCockroach wrote:Do as we say Rott, not as we do........... LOL

Yup yup, homeslice.

John Madden a thuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuug, mane. :lol:
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby monkey » Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:29 pm

Is it awful of me to admit that I laughed my ASS OFF at that video?
OMG that was hilarious!
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby HumanCockroach » Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:28 pm

LOL, Goody-goody-Goodall called the hypocrite he is by every person on around the horn... At least people are starting to catch on. Pretty damn funny IMHO. Just re iterating what I have been saying about the guy since he took over...
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby EntiatHawk » Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:06 pm

Well one thing is for sure if you did not know the Hawks before this you do now. He may have brought more attention to the team than anyone could of in one 10 second blast.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby Futureite » Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:46 pm

Honestly, I am not ignoring anyone's posts. I actually figured I'd stay away from your board to avoid criticizing a player you all love. Who wants that during SB week = my logic. Also, I voiced my opinion and do not continually want to revisit a negative topic. But since this thread has the most replies and a couple people actually wanted me to reply, I will.

I do not care if Sherman graduated from Stanford. For christ sakes there are white collar criminals in every state in the union that have degrees from Cal, Chicago School of law, you name it. I don't care if he gives his entire salary to charity. I've seen some of the biggest scam artists on earth repirt donations of millions to charity, literally - no exageration. None of that excuses the way he's antagonized, belittled and insulted multiple people.

I don't respect a guy that screams in Tom Brady's face and revels in it afterwards like he did something cool. I don't respect a guy that gets on an intensely personal level with a reporter and demeans him on television. I don't respect a guy that runs over to pat a player on the ass and extend his hand 2 seconds after his season ends, and then uses the post game interview as a platform to elevate himself and degrade his opponent's ability to perform his profession. I'm tired of the dumb excuses for this guy, and I'm tired of seeing guys like him play the race card to deflect criticism. I don't respect much about the way he carries himself, and the nonstop excuses for it are getting real old.

You guys love him, that's your choice. Sorry I do not. And my reasons are just as valid as yours.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby HumanCockroach » Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:59 pm

Futureite wrote:Honestly, I am not ignoring anyone's posts. I actually figured I'd stay away from your board to avoid criticizing a player you all love. Who wants that during SB week = my logic. Also, I voiced my opinion and do not continually want to revisit a negative topic. But since this thread has the most replies and a couple people actually wanted me to reply, I will.

I do not care if Sherman graduated from Stanford. For christ sakes there are white collar criminals in every state in the union that have degrees from Cal, Chicago School of law, you name it. I don't care if he gives his entire salary to charity. I've seen some of the biggest scam artists on earth repirt donations of millions to charity, literally - no exageration. None of that excuses the way he's antagonized, belittled and insulted multiple people.

I don't respect a guy that screams in Tom Brady's face and revels in it afterwards like he did something cool. I don't respect a guy that gets on an intensely personal level with a reporter and demeans him on television. I don't respect a guy that runs over to pat a player on the ass and extend his hand 2 seconds after his season ends, and then uses the post game interview as a platform to elevate himself and degrade his opponent's ability to perform his profession. I'm tired of the dumb excuses for this guy, and I'm tired of seeing guys like him play the race card to deflect criticism. I don't respect much about the way he carries himself, and the nonstop excuses for it are getting real old.

You guys love him, that's your choice. Sorry I do not. And my reasons are just as valid as yours.

Then maybe you should share those opinions on a board where people agree with you... just saying. Plenty here don't like the way he handled the situation, but as you CONTINUE to do, ignore the lead up to the play and the rant if you like ( which is what you continue to do) pretend like Crabtree, Brady, Bayless and the like didn't fire the "first shot" all you want, the fact remains they DID and Sherman responded. The end. You lose credibility when you ignore who and what was said prior to the reactions of a person. Crabs talked crap in the press the weak leading up to the game, not a good idea, and Sherman made sure he knew about it, just like Brady and Bayless. You want to focus on negative comments, I recommend starting where it started, not with who ended it, or had the last laugh, or who replied to it.

You have said it is only entertainment, then have an issue with this? It is only entertainment when people commit crimes, but is some sort of abysmal display when they respond in kind to statements made by another player? You have the gall to compare someone that talks trash to CRIMINALS in this very post....

When you admit Crabs was as much to blame for the escalation of that situation, maybe then I'll give your judgement some credence, since you refuse to acknowledge that Crabs played any part in it, your opinion is rubbish. Don't respect Sherman all you want Future, I'm sure he'll be losing sleep over it.... LMFAO.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby RiverDog » Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:47 pm

kalibane wrote:I saw Madden's comments. Madden.... who made his career off of being the head coach of the ultimate bad boys in NFL History, the Oakland Raiders. The Al Davis in his full splendor "Just Win Baby" Oakland Raiders. Lester Hayes, Jack Tatum Ted Hendricks Oakland Raiders.

John Madden crticizing Richard Sherman for this is like the former CEO of Hostess telling people kids shouldn't eat Oreos because they have too much sugar.

The fact that he may be a hypocrite doesn't mean he's wrong.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby rottweiler » Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:56 pm

RiverDog wrote:
kalibane wrote:I saw Madden's comments. Madden.... who made his career off of being the head coach of the ultimate bad boys in NFL History, the Oakland Raiders. The Al Davis in his full splendor "Just Win Baby" Oakland Raiders. Lester Hayes, Jack Tatum Ted Hendricks Oakland Raiders.

John Madden crticizing Richard Sherman for this is like the former CEO of Hostess telling people kids shouldn't eat Oreos because they have too much sugar.

The fact that he may be a hypocrite doesn't mean he's wrong.

And if he wasn't a hypocrite, would give that give him more ethos for being right, Socrates?
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby rottweiler » Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:24 pm

LOL. Sherman's rant is now a sporcle quiz!

Me, I ain't real fond of the snotty-nosed a-holes who run that site, but I hafta admit, this is a pretty good idea for a quiz. Check it out:

Better yet, if you know any Hawks or their coaches, pass the link along to them.

I'm betting some of the comments from the whiny little goody-goody toolbags below the game are sure as shinola gonna piss off these Hawks a lot more!!!

(I'd tell the sanctimonious windbags to "eff off" in the comments myself, but I can't afford the "down votes" on that site right now.)
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby Futureite » Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:01 pm

Futureite wrote:Honestly, I am not ignoring anyone's posts. I actually figured I'd stay away from your board to avoid criticizing a player you all love. Who wants that during SB week = my logic. Also, I voiced my opinion and do not continually want to revisit a negative topic. But since this thread has the most replies and a couple people actually wanted me to reply, I will.

I do not care if Sherman graduated from Stanford. For christ sakes there are white collar criminals in every state in the union that have degrees from Cal, Chicago School of law, you name it. I don't care if he gives his entire salary to charity. I've seen some of the biggest scam artists on earth repirt donations of millions to charity, literally - no exageration. None of that excuses the way he's antagonized, belittled and insulted multiple people.

I don't respect a guy that screams in Tom Brady's face and revels in it afterwards like he did something cool. I don't respect a guy that gets on an intensely personal level with a reporter and demeans him on television. I don't respect a guy that runs over to pat a player on the ass and extend his hand 2 seconds after his season ends, and then uses the post game interview as a platform to elevate himself and degrade his opponent's ability to perform his profession. I'm tired of the dumb excuses for this guy, and I'm tired of seeing guys like him play the race card to deflect criticism. I don't respect much about the way he carries himself, and the nonstop excuses for it are getting real old.

You guys love him, that's your choice. Sorry I do not. And my reasons are just as valid as yours.
HumanCockroach wrote:
Futureite wrote:Honestly, I am not ignoring anyone's posts. I actually figured I'd stay away from your board to avoid criticizing a player you all love. Who wants that during SB week = my logic. Also, I voiced my opinion and do not continually want to revisit a negative topic. But since this thread has the most replies and a couple people actually wanted me to reply, I will.

I do not care if Sherman graduated from Stanford. For christ sakes there are white collar criminals in every state in the union that have degrees from Cal, Chicago School of law, you name it. I don't care if he gives his entire salary to charity. I've seen some of the biggest scam artists on earth repirt donations of millions to charity, literally - no exageration. None of that excuses the way he's antagonized, belittled and insulted multiple people.

I don't respect a guy that screams in Tom Brady's face and revels in it afterwards like he did something cool. I don't respect a guy that gets on an intensely personal level with a reporter and demeans him on television. I don't respect a guy that runs over to pat a player on the ass and extend his hand 2 seconds after his season ends, and then uses the post game interview as a platform to elevate himself and degrade his opponent's ability to perform his profession. I'm tired of the dumb excuses for this guy, and I'm tired of seeing guys like him play the race card to deflect criticism. I don't respect much about the way he carries himself, and the nonstop excuses for it are getting real old.

You guys love him, that's your choice. Sorry I do not. And my reasons are just as valid as yours.

Then maybe you should share those opinions on a board where people agree with you... just saying. Plenty here don't like the way he handled the situation, but as you CONTINUE to do, ignore the lead up to the play and the rant if you like ( which is what you continue to do) pretend like Crabtree, Brady, Bayless and the like didn't fire the "first shot" all you want, the fact remains they DID and Sherman responded. The end. You lose credibility when you ignore who and what was said prior to the reactions of a person. Crabs talked crap in the press the weak leading up to the game, not a good idea, and Sherman made sure he knew about it, just like Brady and Bayless. You want to focus on negative comments, I recommend starting where it started, not with who ended it, or had the last laugh, or who replied to it.

You have said it is only entertainment, then have an issue with this? It is only entertainment when people commit crimes, but is some sort of abysmal display when they respond in kind to statements made by another player? You have the gall to compare someone that talks trash to CRIMINALS in this very post....

When you admit Crabs was as much to blame for the escalation of that situation, maybe then I'll give your judgement some credence, since you refuse to acknowledge that Crabs played any part in it, your opinion is rubbish. Don't respect Sherman all you want Future, I'm sure he'll be losing sleep over it.... LMFAO.

Players say x, y and z on the field all the time. They get in locker room fights, practice squad fights, fights in public you never hear about. 100's of times each year. Only a complete punk holds onto that like a 16 year old girl and waits, hoping to get a chance at publicly humiliating that person. So effing what, they got in a fight. Who cares?? The whole idea behind the whole fight thing is that's suppose to end it.

Hey, if you think Tom Brady deserved to have someone screaming in his face and picture of it tweeted, good on you. I don't care what he said on the field, you don't scream in a man's face and broadcast it afterwards. Only a complete jackass takes on the field trash talk that personal and makes it an off the field issue. If you think his narcissiatic rant on Bayless was deserved, well I think he sounded flustered, needy and pathetic.

Every person gets dissed, jilted or fucked with in life dude. ALL of us. If a guy cuts me off in the parking lot it doesn't give me free reign to scream at him in a crowded store and call him "sorry". Doesn't mean I take a picture and tweet me screaming at him. At some point you have to wonder why he has so many issues with so many people, from reporters, to probowl players, to "racists" on Twitter. It's not all them. At some point it just might be him.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby Futureite » Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:18 pm


And yes, it is entertainment. In all honesty I had fully planned to pull for your boys as they are west coast and NFC West. What disgusts me is the entire culture of people believing these public declarations of self importance and character assaults are a sign of someone being "real" or authentic. You want to be real? Go wait outside the locker room, walk up to him and say "you're sorry. I just sent you home". But he ain't gonna do that because the actual fight the two got in over god knows what didn't really go the way Sherman planned.

Seriously I'm done hating the guy. Call me whatever you want, but this has run its course like the Fail Mary. You and I won't see eye to eye, and there is an entire racial component to this that's been added to the national media, where black jornalists are now telling us white folks that we're just afraid because we didn't know people talk and act like this. Thanks for throwing that into the mix too Mr. Sherman. Never knew I was a racist.

Hawks 36 Broncos 21 - I don't think the Broncos can stop Lynch for 4 qtrs.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby Futureite » Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:48 pm

Agent 86 wrote:That post has CP written all over it! The ability to ignore other posts that de-bunk your posts is truly a CP tactic. Future, you are quickly showing your true colors and if I thought you were a reasonable and honest guy I'd put up a hundo that you are the alter ego of CP!

You are starting to sound like a whiny B that doesn't have a leg to stand on and refuses to admit it. See ya next year and I hope your head coach finds it in him to not be such a ass clown on the side lines.

I said it once in the PI forum, and I will say it again here.

Don't waste your time with this clown Futurite anymore. It all changed one winter evening.

December 23, 2012....the night the Seahawks officially arrived as a legit threat to win the Super Bowl. It all started with the thunderous hit Bam Bam laid on Davis. Then the subsequent beatdown the rest of the game.

Future was such a gracious poster up until then. His team had a good couple years run while the Hawks were in re-build. Only thang was, the re build happened too quickly for him. He was so complimentary before that night of our team knowing full well his team was superior. He came across as such a great guy compared to other trolls because he showed he has football knowledge and it was rare for a divison rival poster to be that nice. Of course he was well received here.

Since that night, he has put on his defensive co-ordinator headset and has been a class 1 troll. Still compliments us, but always with a back handed remark...or a remark that slightly rains on our parade, never giving full credit anymore.

We all see it, and I know it is hard to ignore for some of you, and actually seeing his comments continue on is entertaining in a way. But Future, give it up man. You have shown your true colours. In the end, you can't handle the sudden emergence of the Seattle Seahawks and physical style this team plays to match what your team has built.

I expect a lot of years of back and forth wins in this division. These 2 teams are both awesome, well coached, physical, loaded with talent.

Dude, let us have our time. Admit defeat and end it at that. You are a shell of the poster you once were.[/quote]

Eh, I sm a human being with several different sides to my personality. I posted many times that I did not expect any team to win this div yr in and yr out, and that included the Niners. If anything, Dec 23 bugged me because of the sheer number of times "42-13" was shoved in our face moreso than your team becoming good or a threat. I think it's great that there are two potentially dominant teams on the west coast, yr in and yr out. It will force us to raise our level of play. Competition is sonething I'm for 100%, not against.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby HumanCockroach » Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:12 am

Futureite wrote:
Futureite wrote:Honestly, I am not ignoring anyone's posts. I actually figured I'd stay away from your board to avoid criticizing a player you all love. Who wants that during SB week = my logic. Also, I voiced my opinion and do not continually want to revisit a negative topic. But since this thread has the most replies and a couple people actually wanted me to reply, I will.

I do not care if Sherman graduated from Stanford. For christ sakes there are white collar criminals in every state in the union that have degrees from Cal, Chicago School of law, you name it. I don't care if he gives his entire salary to charity. I've seen some of the biggest scam artists on earth repirt donations of millions to charity, literally - no exageration. None of that excuses the way he's antagonized, belittled and insulted multiple people.

I don't respect a guy that screams in Tom Brady's face and revels in it afterwards like he did something cool. I don't respect a guy that gets on an intensely personal level with a reporter and demeans him on television. I don't respect a guy that runs over to pat a player on the ass and extend his hand 2 seconds after his season ends, and then uses the post game interview as a platform to elevate himself and degrade his opponent's ability to perform his profession. I'm tired of the dumb excuses for this guy, and I'm tired of seeing guys like him play the race card to deflect criticism. I don't respect much about the way he carries himself, and the nonstop excuses for it are getting real old.

You guys love him, that's your choice. Sorry I do not. And my reasons are just as valid as yours.
HumanCockroach wrote:
Futureite wrote:Honestly, I am not ignoring anyone's posts. I actually figured I'd stay away from your board to avoid criticizing a player you all love. Who wants that during SB week = my logic. Also, I voiced my opinion and do not continually want to revisit a negative topic. But since this thread has the most replies and a couple people actually wanted me to reply, I will.

I do not care if Sherman graduated from Stanford. For christ sakes there are white collar criminals in every state in the union that have degrees from Cal, Chicago School of law, you name it. I don't care if he gives his entire salary to charity. I've seen some of the biggest scam artists on earth repirt donations of millions to charity, literally - no exageration. None of that excuses the way he's antagonized, belittled and insulted multiple people.

I don't respect a guy that screams in Tom Brady's face and revels in it afterwards like he did something cool. I don't respect a guy that gets on an intensely personal level with a reporter and demeans him on television. I don't respect a guy that runs over to pat a player on the ass and extend his hand 2 seconds after his season ends, and then uses the post game interview as a platform to elevate himself and degrade his opponent's ability to perform his profession. I'm tired of the dumb excuses for this guy, and I'm tired of seeing guys like him play the race card to deflect criticism. I don't respect much about the way he carries himself, and the nonstop excuses for it are getting real old.

You guys love him, that's your choice. Sorry I do not. And my reasons are just as valid as yours.

Then maybe you should share those opinions on a board where people agree with you... just saying. Plenty here don't like the way he handled the situation, but as you CONTINUE to do, ignore the lead up to the play and the rant if you like ( which is what you continue to do) pretend like Crabtree, Brady, Bayless and the like didn't fire the "first shot" all you want, the fact remains they DID and Sherman responded. The end. You lose credibility when you ignore who and what was said prior to the reactions of a person. Crabs talked crap in the press the weak leading up to the game, not a good idea, and Sherman made sure he knew about it, just like Brady and Bayless. You want to focus on negative comments, I recommend starting where it started, not with who ended it, or had the last laugh, or who replied to it.

You have said it is only entertainment, then have an issue with this? It is only entertainment when people commit crimes, but is some sort of abysmal display when they respond in kind to statements made by another player? You have the gall to compare someone that talks trash to CRIMINALS in this very post....

When you admit Crabs was as much to blame for the escalation of that situation, maybe then I'll give your judgement some credence, since you refuse to acknowledge that Crabs played any part in it, your opinion is rubbish. Don't respect Sherman all you want Future, I'm sure he'll be losing sleep over it.... LMFAO.

Players say x, y and z on the field all the time. They get in locker room fights, practice squad fights, fights in public you never hear about. 100's of times each year. Only a complete punk holds onto that like a 16 year old girl and waits, hoping to get a chance at publicly humiliating that person. So effing what, they got in a fight. Who cares?? The whole idea behind the whole fight thing is that's suppose to end it.

Hey, if you think Tom Brady deserved to have someone screaming in his face and picture of it tweeted, good on you. I don't care what he said on the field, you don't scream in a man's face and broadcast it afterwards. Only a complete jackass takes on the field trash talk that personal and makes it an off the field issue. If you think his narcissiatic rant on Bayless was deserved, well I think he sounded flustered, needy and pathetic.

Every person gets dissed, jilted or fucked with in life dude. ALL of us. If a guy cuts me off in the parking lot it doesn't give me free reign to scream at him in a crowded store and call him "sorry". Doesn't mean I take a picture and tweet me screaming at him. At some point you have to wonder why he has so many issues with so many people, from reporters, tobowl players, to "racists" on Twitte's not all them. At some point it just might be him.

And you STILL refuse to acknowledge that the examples you continue to list, talked that crap BEFORE Sherman on the National stage, IN the MEDIA BEFORE Sherman did. Until you can acknowledge the fact that Bayless, Brady and Crabtree talked trash "outside" the football field ( which all three DID PRIOR to Sherman responding to them) your opinion is pathetic. I have never said I liked the way Sherman handled any of those situations, what I have said, and continue to stand behind, is if the person talks trash PRIOR to Sherman talking trash, then whatever is said by Sherman after outplaying them, is justified, and real emotion. If Crabtree, Brady, and Bayless didn't want it to be personal, maybe they shouldn't have MADE it personal.

You have yet to acknowledge Crabtree's actions in ANY way in this situation, nor Brady, nor Bayless, and until you can, your opinions and points, really matter little. You have defended, illegal, reckless, classless behavior time and again when it comes to Niners players, and then have the balls to come on here to lambaste a truly upstanding individual in this community and in life for 30 seconds of an emotion filled tirade in response to an actually classless individual , who said the SAME thing the week prior to the game. SMFH.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby Futureite » Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:05 pm


Not aware of anyone going at Sherman publicly - definitely not the 3 you mentioned. If they had, it would have been big headlines. I heard Crab respond when asked if Sherman is the best "I don't think so. I don't know players. I know the Seattle Seahawks". I heard Brady say "we like to go into opposing stadiums and quiet the crowd". Even under the most liberal interpretation, neither comment went after Sherman personally. If that level 2 "talk" offended him to the point of doing what he did, not sure what to say. I am kind of tired of bashing the guy, honestly. If I continue I'll be guilty of the same thing I accuse him of doing. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby kalibane » Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:01 pm


If you don't want race to be part of the discussion then perhaps you should be taking issue with the people who went to their favorite social media to call him a "monkey" or an "N-word".

As for Sherman's thoughts on people calling him a "thug" I agree with him 100%... 100%. There are a lot of negative labels you can apply to Sherman but he meets zero of the criteria for being a "thug". There is no context to label him that way. None.

The man's life is the complete antithesis of "thug life". He wears a three piece suit with a bow tie to his press conference. So you can't blame his wardrobe. He has no criminal history. He has no violence in his history. He doesn't even use slang when he speaks. He can be a jerk, but there are a lot of jerks. Philip Rivers is a jerk and one of the biggest trash talkers in the game. No one has ever called him a thug. Cutler is a big time jerk. No one has ever called him a Thug. Or how about Christian Laettner, one of the most notorious jerks in sports, and no one calls him a thug despite the fact that he actually stomped on an opposing player. Calling him a thug is coded language plain and simple. Just like he said, the other day a hockey team lined up with the intention of fighting before the game even started... but he's the thug?

What you fail to realize... or I should say are pretending to not realize is that he's not blaming the negative reaction on race. He just said he's dissapointed in people for resorting to lazy stereotypes to express their negative reaction. I'm happy that he addressed it because there is absolutely an issue with this.

P.S. seriously stop talking about U Mad Bro already. Brady told them TOLD them come see him at the end of the game. He came and found him. Someone else took the picture and someone else created and uploaded the meme. He just retweeted it because he thought it was funny. He wasn't "going after Brady".
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby savvyman » Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:12 pm

kalibane wrote:Future,

If you don't want race to be part of the discussion then perhaps you should be taking issue with the people who went to their favorite social media to call him a "monkey" or an "N-word".

As for Sherman's thoughts on people calling him a "thug" I agree with him 100%... 100%. There are a lot of negative labels you can apply to Sherman but he meets zero of the criteria for being a "thug". There is no context to label him that way. None.

The man's life is the complete antithesis of "thug life". He wears a three piece suit with a bow tie to his press conference. So you can't blame his wardrobe. He has no criminal history. He has no violence in his history. He doesn't even use slang when he speaks. He can be a jerk, but there are a lot of jerks. Philip Rivers is a jerk and one of the biggest trash talkers in the game. No one has ever called him a thug. Cutler is a big time jerk. No one has ever called him a Thug. Or how about Christian Laettner, one of the most notorious jerks in sports, and no one calls him a thug despite the fact that he actually stomped on an opposing player. Calling him a thug is coded language plain and simple. Just like he said, the other day a hockey team lined up with the intention of fighting before the game even started... but he's the thug?

What you fail to realize... or I should say are pretending to not realize is that he's not blaming the negative reaction on race. He just said he's dissapointed in people for resorting to lazy stereotypes to express their negative reaction. I'm happy that he addressed it because there is absolutely an issue with this.

P.S. seriously stop talking about U Mad Bro already. Brady told them TOLD them come see him at the end of the game. He came and found him. Someone else took the picture and someone else created and uploaded the meme. He just re tweeted it because he thought it was funny. He wasn't "going after Brady".

You're right - According to Sherman's interview Brady initiated the in game friendly talk and asked sherman to see him after the game which the Patriots were going to win - so Sherman sought him out after the game like Brady asked - when Brady would not speak to him Sherman asked "You Mad Bro"?

There was no real anger on antagonistic behavior by either party in these exchanges - rather mild by NFL game standards I imagine. See Link below.
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Re: sherman's post-game comments — lmao!!!

Postby rottweiler » Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:25 pm

kalibane wrote:Future,

If you don't want race to be part of the discussion then perhaps you should be taking issue with the people who went to their favorite social media to call him a "monkey" or an "N-word".

As for Sherman's thoughts on people calling him a "thug" I agree with him 100%... 100%. There are a lot of negative labels you can apply to Sherman but he meets zero of the criteria for being a "thug". There is no context to label him that way. None.

The man's life is the complete antithesis of "thug life". He wears a three piece suit with a bow tie to his press conference. So you can't blame his wardrobe. He has no criminal history. He has no violence in his history. He doesn't even use slang when he speaks. He can be a jerk, but there are a lot of jerks. Philip Rivers is a jerk and one of the biggest trash talkers in the game. No one has ever called him a thug. Cutler is a big time jerk. No one has ever called him a Thug. Or how about Christian Laettner, one of the most notorious jerks in sports, and no one calls him a thug despite the fact that he actually stomped on an opposing player. Calling him a thug is coded language plain and simple. Just like he said, the other day a hockey team lined up with the intention of fighting before the game even started... but he's the thug?

With regard to Rivers, Cutler and Laettner, I think punk is the term more accepted by the media — i.e. the cutesy little goody-goodys who've never even once in their entire lives so much as gotten a speck of dirt under one of their fingernails.

When white guys act like the way you described, they're more often than not called punks. And I have never met so much as a single white person who has/ has had a problem with that.

I do not see either punk or thug as a racial term, myself. But okay, if we're really going to try to start a war of words over what we perceive to be the surreptitious, malicious intentions behind someone's words, maybe we should draw an imaginary Mason-Dixon line over those two words.

For what it's worth, I think Rivers, Cutler, Laettner, Ben Roethlisberger and Richie Incognito are all thugs, myself.

I think Richard Sherman, on the other hand, is an extremely talented — if occasionally loquacious, as is his right to be — athlete on the field, and an exceptional human being off it, who just incidentally happens to be an inspiration to whites, blacks, browns, yellows, reds and fuchsias the world over who know what it's like to be "that other guy over there" who is sadly more often than not overlooked by society and the arrogant victors within it who write its often myopic history books.

I know Sherman is certainly an inspiration to me.

I have seen the poor white version of the hood from whence he comes for the better part of my life. I completely understand what he's saying when he talks about how most of his peers with whom he grew up (or up with whom he grew, to be a bit more mindful of proper Churchillian usage of prepositional phrases) thought the only way out of Compton, California was via either incarceration or death.

My bachelor's degree notwithstanding, that is yet a frame of mind with which I am unfortunately still not the least bit unfamiliar, what Sherman is saying there. Call me a thug or a punk, whichever you prefer: I have seen, from the poor white side of the fence, that very thing firsthand. I understand the anxiety wrought by the emptiness in the stratification of social quicksand.

They're just words, kal. And when a stupid person says them, doesn't it say more about him or her than it does the person about whom he or she is ignorantly denigrating by way of the tone he or she is employing to say them?

We don't need a civil war over what we think the intentions behind someone's words are.

America is a tough, spiteful, unforgiving enough place as it is without trying to find yet another way to create yet another war that really doesn't — and indeed, shouldn't — even exist.

God bless you, kalibane, my friend, fellow Seahawk fan, fellow American, and most importantly, fellow human being.
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