Donald Trump

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Re: Donald Trump

Postby burrrton » Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:10 am

Hey, Steady.

I'll just repeat: "Just not sure why you think he can or should do about half what he says he will, nor (more importantly) why you trust that he *will* do much of the rest."

You agree with most/all of what he's said he'll do- I don't.

You think he'll do most/all of what he's said he'll do- I don't.

Same goes for his dishonest, corrupt opponent (and it's worth noting that works both for *and* against them with me depending on the subject).
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby Steady_Hawk » Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:17 am


What do you disapprove of that Trump "says" he wants to do? Just curious on your take.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby burrrton » Sat Nov 05, 2016 11:51 am

Steady_Hawk wrote:Burrrton,

What do you disapprove of that Trump "says" he wants to do? Just curious on your take.

Well, trade wars and tariffs for one, punishing corporations for moving overseas for two... etc and so on. The bigger issue is that I don't think he possesses any impulse control, and that truly scares me.

I can't debate it with you, though- I quit listening to either candidate long ago and I'm sure you're better versed in his plans than I am, and if you're comfortable voting for him, so be it.

Have a great weekend, holmes.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby Steady_Hawk » Sat Nov 05, 2016 12:25 pm

Fair enough Burrrton. Enjoy the weekend as well.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:14 pm

Uh - Oh.......Well this goes against both the corrupt establishment Republican and Democrat Narrative.

Trump is polling significant higher than "Romney" did in 2012 with African- American voters - and just wait until these voters have the privacy of the ballot box to express their true opinions.

>>>>>>Donald Trump is on track to double Gov. Mitt Romney’s support among African-American voters, according to a series of state polls.

In 2012, African-Americans comprised a record 13 percent of all voters. President Barack Obama was reelected with 93 percent of the African-American vote, leaving Gov. Mitt Romney with only 6 percent of the African-American vote. Obama is now campaigning against Trump, and hoping to keep his share of the African-American vote below the 11 percent that George W. Bush won in 2004 during the housing bubble.

On Friday, a poll of 506 Pennsylvania voters by Harper Polling showed Trump has the support of 18.46 percent of African-Americans. That’s 12.5 points more than Romney’s share of the national vote in 2012, and if it proves true during the ballot, that 18.46 percent African-American support translates into 2 point shift towards Trump. The poll also said another 4.6 percent were undecided.

The Harper poll is small, with an error margin of 4.4 percent, but an Oct. 30 poll of 1,249 likely voters in Pennsylvania showed Trump has 19 percent support among African Americans, while another 7 percent remain undecided. That poll has a error margin of 2.77 percent.

In next-door Michigan, two nights of a tracking poll conducted for Fox 2 of 1,150 likely voters showed Trump with 14 percent support and 19 percent support, leaving Clinton with 83 percent and 79 percent support. That’s equivalent to a two-point shift from Clinton to Trump in the state.

“We’re showing Donald Trump doing far better among African-Americans than any other Republican in modern memory, said John Yob, CEO of a Michigan-based polling firm, Strategic National. Trump “has done an excellent job in campaigning for the votes of African-Americans,” he said, partly by campaigning in Detroit, said Yob, whose automated tracking polls show Trump and Clinton running level in the state. <<<<<<<<<
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:15 pm

burrrton wrote:He's had good speeches, savvy (and so has Hillary). Just not sure why you think he can or should do about half what he says he will, nor (more importantly) why you trust that he *will* do much of the rest.

Maybe instead of my rant, I should have said I'm sympathetic to voters for both sides, because I'm horrified by both candidates.

I have a strong feeling that whoever is elected, they will be the first POTUS to enter office as a lame duck for all intents and purposes. Not good for this country, but it will survive.

Yes - What a person does once in office can be completely different than what they promised on the campaign trail - just look at Obama for evidence of that - so i acknowledge that.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:57 am

Bravo Denver Post - BRAVO.

>>>>>>Those voting for Hillary Clinton, defending Clinton and supporting Clinton without reading the information reported by WikiLeaks are intellectually no different than those who criticize climate science without ever having read the science. In short, if you defend Clinton and ignore WikiLeaks, you have something in common with Sarah Palin. Let that sink in for a moment. Finished processing that? Now process this — if the journalists responsible for reporting on Watergate were labeled “Russian sympathizers,” charged by the media as “attempting to influence an election,” and banned from travel or communication access, how would history judge the event? This is exactly what has happened to Julian Assange, who has done more for journalism than any of these corporate-owned, brand-named media products have done this election cycle. Either you support access to information or you have a problem with an informed public. Which side are you on?<<<<<<<<
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby burrrton » Tue Nov 08, 2016 8:07 pm

I gotta hand it to you guys- whatever the outcome, I didn't think it would be this close even this late into the evening.

I'll reiterate that I shudder to think of an administration for either one of them, but I really can't believe what I'm seeing so far.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby RiverDog » Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:51 am

OK, Savvy, I'm here to eat my serving of crow and congratulate you and your candidate. I was wrong, never saw Trump making it even remotely close.

It would appear that the recent disclosure of more emails of Clinton's sent on an unsecure server might have been the straw that broke the camel's back in many voter's minds. People just don't trust Hillary. I never have. She is secretive, insincere, and corrupt. In any other sensitive job, she would have had her security clearance revoked.

The other thing is that it is incredibly difficult for a political party to hold onto the Executive Branch for more than 8 years. It's happened just once since the 1940's.

So hopefully people accept the results as I did when I anticipated a Hillary win. Time to heal the wounds and move on.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Sun Nov 13, 2016 6:22 pm


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Re: Donald Trump

Postby savvyman » Sat Nov 19, 2016 7:57 pm

The fact that Trump dumped a close ally (Christie) that he owed quite a bit too for the reasons in this article (Loading the team with lobbyist & to close of ties to aides with bad behavior) is a very positive sign of strong independent leadership:

>>>>>Trump and his top aides were most concerned about two issues, according to nearly a dozen people briefed on the process: Christie’s mismanagement of the transition, and the lingering political fallout of the Bridgegate scandal.

In their phone call, which was relayed by three sources, Trump expressed his worry about the recent conviction of two of the governor’s former top aides, who had accused him of knowing more about the shutdown of the George Washington Bridge than he let on. Was more damaging information to come, Trump wondered?

After that discussion, the axe fell swiftly on Christie and his inner circle.

On Friday, Nov. 11, the transition team announced that Vice President-elect Mike Pence would be taking over Christie’s duties. A purge of Christie loyalists soon followed, along with a promise to cleanse the transition of lobbyists the governor had brought in to steer the new administration.
Jeff Sessions top moments<<<<<<<<<<<
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby burrrton » Sat Nov 19, 2016 8:03 pm

The fact that Trump dumped a close ally (Christie) that he owed quite a bit too for the reasons in this article (Loading the team with lobbyist & to close of ties to aides with bad behavior) is a very positive sign of strong independent leadership:

Perhaps, savvy, but it could also be a sign of a guy who still has no idea what he's doing and has been winging it and playing it by ear. Christie didn't start transgressing last week, right?

I don't know if dumping Christie is good or bad, but seeing someone cast off core members of their team so late in the game doesn't exactly scream "I got this" to the country.
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Re: Donald Trump

Postby Steady_Hawk » Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:56 pm

Here's his 100 day plan. Let's hope it comes true.
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