An inconvenient truth...

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An inconvenient truth...

Postby monkey » Thu Jun 15, 2017 1:50 pm

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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby monkey » Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:20 am

Not If they are still doing today what they did yesterday.
And that's sort of the whole point of that video, the Democrats created the welfare state, to keep blacks in a perpetual state of poverty so they would have a permanent voter class.
This is why they are in favor of illegal immigration.
It's why they intentionally threw away the old base of blue class white voters, who were labor Union members, in favor of immigrants who would take their jobs.
Because the numbers they were seeing all agreed that soon minorities would outnumber whites.
They are not altruistic, it's design, design that keeps blacks poor and fatherless, and dependent on big government.
Do you know who is affected the most by illegal immigration? Blacks.

The party has not changed, it's just gotten more sneaky. And with a complicit media and education system, is becoming more difficult to expose their lies.

Hasn't anyone wondered why it is that places like Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, where Democrats have run the city for over 30 years with virtually no opposition, the city is ALWAYS a complete disaster?

Democrat party is the party of Saul Alinski peddlers like Hillary. It's the party of eugenics pushing, planned Parenthood, which was founded by perhaps the most mentally diseased, racist bit*h to ever have been born, Margaret Sanger.

Now, thanks to planned Parenthood intentionally targeting blacks and minorities, there is an abortion facility, intentionally located near black neighborhoods all through America, to keep blacks DOWN.

The welfare state, which separates fathers from families, the poor education system run by Democrats, in conjunction with racist planned Parenthood is all designed to as Lyndon Johnson put it, "keep those ni*gers voting Democrat, the next two hundred years."

The party has evolved, for the WORSE!
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby NorthHawk » Fri Jun 16, 2017 7:56 am

It's easy to look back at history 100 or 150 years ago and try to draw parallels for today, but that doesn't really wash very often.
It's a very different society today. We've evolved into something quite different from our forefathers and the political parties reflect that.

It may be true that 70% of the Democrats opposed the Civil Rights bill in the 60's, but it was a Democrat President who pushed it through.
Today there is gerrymandering to suppress the Black Vote in a Republican state ( was it North Carolina?) and the courts have ruled that is the case, so neither party is clean on this.

According to Haldeman, the War on Drugs was started by Nixon to suppress the 'Blacks and Hippies' of the day, not because it was much of a threat. By linking heroin to pot and associating
it with those groups, they could discredit them both. That was the core of the Republican President's plan, and Sessions wants to crack down on Marijuana use just like Nixon. Is he a racist?
I don't know, but I suspect time will tell by his actions.

Planned Parenthood doesn't suppress people. They provide mostly women medical help including abortions when they have no where else to turn.
That's not suppression, that's an avenue of freedom. The alternative is back alley procedures and no treatment for things other than pregnancy that cause more problems than they solve.

It's not a clear cut issue as again, both sides are not blameless.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby monkey » Fri Jun 16, 2017 8:11 am

Planned Parenthood doesn't suppress people? It kills people... Millions of people actually.
It was founded by a racist psycho to get rid of what she called "weeds". You know, Catholics, blacks, Hispanics, poor people.. But yeah you go with they don't suppress people while they are butchering millions of babies and capitalizing on the welfare system and our tax dollars.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby NorthHawk » Fri Jun 16, 2017 9:00 am

They're not killing babies. They provide for aborting foetus's. That can empower women of all colors if they choose.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby monkey » Fri Jun 16, 2017 9:31 am

NorthHawk wrote:They're not killing babies. They provide for aborting foetus's. That can empower women of all colors if they choose.

They're not killing babies? That's interesting.
You can be dishonest about what it is they do all you want, wrapping deceptive language like, "empowering", around their actions all you like but you are intentionally being dishonest.

They crush their skulls, and then tear them out of the womb with sharp pincers, piece by bloody piece...
They poison them, or burn them to death with saline solutions, then suck them out of the womb piece by bloody piece.

Yeah, they are most certainly​ killing babies.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby NorthHawk » Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:15 pm

You're making it sound like they're taking 1 year olds and putting a bullet in their head.
They're fetus's, and nothing more.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby burrrton » Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:45 pm

NorthHawk wrote:They're fetus's, and nothing more.

That's preposterous- take a year of Human Development (I have) and get back to me.

I don't happen to be a 'life begins at conception' guy (or at least 'personhood', for lack of a better term), but there's no rational argument that a fetus doesn't become a child, and deserving of all the protections that entails, at some point in development between conception and birth.

When exactly that is is the million dollar question, but it's clear reasonable limits should be in place.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby c_hawkbob » Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:51 pm

burrrton wrote:
That's preposterous- take a year of Human Development (I have) and get back to me.

I don't happen to be a 'life begins at conception' guy (or at least 'personhood', for lack of a better term), but there's no rational argument that a fetus doesn't become a child, and deserving of all the protections that entails, at some point in development between conception and birth.

When exactly that is is the million dollar question, but it's clear reasonable limits should be in place.

And there are, 20 weeks is the most common standard. If you think that is not an appropriate standard that's another issue, but there are standards in place.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby monkey » Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:58 pm

NorthHawk wrote:You're making it sound like they're taking 1 year olds and putting a bullet in their head.
They're fetus's, and nothing more.

Oh? What is a fetus? It's just a medical term for an unborn baby.
Or are you saying that Shakespeare was wrong, a rose by any other name isn't a rose?
That's like saying Jews aren't people, they are cookies, and all Hitler did was put cookies in ovens.
I guess according to you, Margaret Sanger calling minorities "weeds", makes it ok to target them for eugenics?

Abortion is a procedure that ends a human life, PERIOD!
Stop fudging the language to ease your​ conscience. No one is really fooled by it.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby burrrton » Fri Jun 16, 2017 1:02 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:And there are, 20 weeks is the most common standard. If you think that is not an appropriate standard that's another issue, but there are standards in place.

I actually don't think that's unreasonable (along with the usual 'life of mother' exceptions), and reading back, I might be dragging the argument off the rails.

I just get worn out by the 'magic birth canal' people, which all too often goes hand-in-hand with "JUST A FETUS".
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby monkey » Fri Jun 16, 2017 2:15 pm

In any case, I am now expected to believe that, not only did the Democrat party go from being the political arm of the KKK, to suddenly being the good guys, while the party of Lincoln magically became racists.
And the proof that happened? The Democrats say that's what happened...

Planned Parenthood went from a racist murder factory all about eugenics, to a magical women's empowerment factory?

I just don't have enough faith to believe that much sh!t.

The Democrat party today is just what their leader Nancy Pelosi is, a lunatic with a facelift.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby Largent80 » Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:03 pm

Ostrich is on a roll. First he thinks he is Freaudstradamus and knows everything about people he doesn't even know, now he tells inconvenient lies.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby monkey » Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:11 pm

Largent80 wrote:Ostrich is on a roll. First he thinks he is Freaudstradamus and knows everything about people he doesn't even know, now he tells inconvenient lies.

And now the troll reveals himself. I always suspected that all the trolls in here were actually one regular poster, I didn't realize until just now that it was you.
Guess I'll be putting you on ignore too now that you've revealed yourself. Your a key board warrior who would call me a liar online but wouldn't dare to my face.
Bye bye loser troll. Way to reveal yourself dumbass.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby NorthHawk » Sat Jun 17, 2017 4:10 pm

Most of the anti choice people make it sound like a woman making a decision on an abortion (or not) is similar to deciding whether to buy a new pair of shoes.

It's a life altering decision and nobody except that woman should decide what path to travel. It's a decision that should only involve herself, her doctor, her family, or anyone else SHE decides she wants to involve.
The rest of us should keep our noses out of her and other peoples business and NOBODY should be commenting on the decisions she/they make. That's especially true of us men who can't comprehend what it would be like to be in that position.

It's freedom of choice and too damn bad if you don't like her choices.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby burrrton » Sat Jun 17, 2017 4:30 pm

It's a life altering decision and nobody except that woman should decide what path to travel.

Hate to break it to you, chief, but at some point that decision involves a child, too, and society doesn't allow that child to be killed because someone chose "a path".

Idiotic positions like "It's her choice, period!" make it impossible to have reasonable conversations about a situation with a HUGE gray area.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby Largent80 » Sat Jun 17, 2017 5:14 pm

[quote="monkey"Ostrich is on a roll. First he thinks he is Freaudstradamus and knows everything about people he doesn't even know, now he tells inconvenient lies.[/quote]
And now the troll reveals himself. I always suspected that all the trolls in here were actually one regular poster, I didn't realize until just now that it was you.
Guess I'll be putting you on ignore too now that you've revealed yourself. Your a key board warrior who would call me a liar online but wouldn't dare to my face.
Bye bye loser troll. Way to reveal yourself dumbass.[/quote]

LOL, Way to go ostrich, you actually pulled your head out of your ass and gave the response everyone knew you would. And BTW, threatening me with physical harm is a really low way to go, especially since you know NOTHING of me, but it does show your utter incompetence as a human. I could only dream of getting your pathetic weak ass in my circle. But since I'm on ignore and am a troll because I hate Rump and the 2nd amendment I am being ignored.

Thank Gawd. See ya Ostrich, Pull your head out occasionally and spout out more laughs, er wisdom..LOL asshat.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby RiverDog » Sat Jun 17, 2017 9:48 pm

The video was factually accurate, but it's not reflective of contemporary Democrats. It's not fair to include the "Dixiecrats", or southern Democrats, of the 1950's and 60's, with today's Dem pols.

As far as how blacks started voting Democratic when so much of the party was comprised of diehard segregationists, you can trace the movement back to Eleanor Roosevelt, who was their first true political advocate.

On a slightly different subject, it's interesting to note that in 1987, then-Governor Bill Clinton signed a resolution that "the blue star above the word "Arkansas" is to commemorate the Confederate States of America." That's what I meant when I said in another thread that Clinton was like a weather vane, pointing in which ever direction the political winds were blowing, and is an example of how the liberal press has been successful in painting Republicans as racists yet giving Democrats a pass when such obvious contradictions arise.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby monkey » Sat Jun 17, 2017 10:19 pm

NorthHawk wrote:Most of the anti choice people make it sound like a woman making a decision on an abortion (or not) is similar to deciding whether to buy a new pair of shoes.

What a schizoid comment to make in light of what you just tried to pass off in you're last post.
You've just gone from saying that it's not a baby, it's just a fetus, to now saying that it's a huge life altering decision that we need to respect... Which is it?
You can't​ have it both ways.
If it's just a fetus, no big​ deal, then it's no more life altering than having a mole removed.
If it's the life altering decision you're now changing your story to claim, then that's because it's an innocent human life that is being snuffed our for the sake of convenience.

So which is it?
This should be entertaining watching you try to walk a tight rope and​ claim that both things are somehow true, even though it cannot possibly be true.

I remember Bill Clinton claiming that abortions need to be safe and rare. Aside from the fact that they are neither safe nor rare, this statement proves that it's not "just a fetus", as you claimed, because if it were, then why would abortions need to be rare?
If abortions really were empowering as you suggested, then we ought to be encouraging every woman to have Abortions every time they get pregnant (after all, all sex is now rape according to the leftists) all the time for any reason.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby RiverDog » Sun Jun 18, 2017 1:23 am

monkey wrote:I remember Bill Clinton claiming that abortions need to be safe and rare.

Another example of Slick Willy trying to play on both sides of the fence at the same time. The "safe" was to appeal to the pro choice crowd, the "rare" was a bone he tossed to the pro life movement.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby c_hawkbob » Sun Jun 18, 2017 5:09 am

monkey wrote:I remember Bill Clinton claiming that abortions need to be safe and rare.

RiverDog wrote:Another example of Slick Willy trying to play on both sides of the fence at the same time. The "safe" was to appeal to the pro choice crowd, the "rare" was a bone he tossed to the pro life movement.

See this is the problem with the current political climate; if you don't go all in one direction or other, if you actually show a capacity for seeing both sides of an issue, you're called wishy-washy or a weather vane. It just doesn't seem there's room for moderates any more.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby monkey » Sun Jun 18, 2017 5:40 am

Bob, I wasn't pointing out both sides of an argument, I was pointing out the logic fallacy in the statements he made.
Both Bill Clinton and North have made the same error in their logic. Their thinking is inconsistent and therefore, provably incorrect.

Is not about a lack of understanding the other side's​argument, it's about that argument being completely incoherent.
Their statements are perfect examples of Orwellian double speak
Logic and reasoning dictate that if the argument is incoherent, it is false, and therefore, ought to be discarded.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby RiverDog » Sun Jun 18, 2017 6:43 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:See this is the problem with the current political climate; if you don't go all in one direction or other, if you actually show a capacity for seeing both sides of an issue, you're called wishy-washy or a weather vane. It just doesn't seem there's room for moderates any more.

I could understand it if Clinton was wishy washy about just one or two topics, but he was wishy washy on a whole litany of topics.

My favorite one was his "The era of big government is over" line after his attempt to push through Hillary Care led directly to the Dems losing the House (and Senate) for the first time in 42 years. Talk about a band wagoner. He did not have a moral compass. He calculated which position would yield him the most poll support then took that position rather than being a leader and making an argument to convince the nation to move in the direction of his vision.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby Largent80 » Mon Jun 19, 2017 5:09 am

A perfect example of "working together" will happen after last weeks shootings where both sides say they will be more united in order to show unity.

More BS. What is also BS is when a thread like this gets started pointing fingers at the other party. It IS what is wrong with America.

And now we have a fake bully president and a gazillion Minion followers that would piss down their own legs if they had to back up their ridiculous statements. They have no desire to remedy any of their claims, only to "kick the ass" of the opposition.

Problem is folks, people are tired of this in 5 short months. And anyone being a fake bully is a laughingstock. Ostrich is a prime example. Hell he even knew he was an ostrich and not a monkey (which we evolved from, except he missed the memo).

He wants more illegal fetuses born so he can b**** more about illegals sucking the system (dems fault too, right Mr. head in the sand?)
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby monkey » Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:21 am

Gotta love CNN and that awesome fake news!
So hilarious. How many times will they get caught? As long as Don Lemon is there, probably many many more.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:54 pm

Abortion is murder. I paid for one in 1978 and I know in my heart I took the life of my firstborn. End of story. It was more convenient for my wild 18 year old party lifestyle than doing the right thing. I was a coward.
Many years later I saw that girl and she looked right through me like I was dead. I couldn't sleep until I wrote a song about it called silent tears.

I educate everyone I can. I talked my brother out of having his girlfriend (now wife of 29 years) get one leading to my 35 year old nephew Matt, a great young man.

Now my brother has 2 grandkids to enjoy as well. Abortion is evil.

But its between a person and God ultimately , not politically expedient to regulate. As for the Republicans wanting to shut down Planned abortion hood good luck with the democrats Ivanka and Jarred in Chumps earhole. It isn't going to happen.

Both major parties suck hot ass BTW. The last election cycle they produced the worst most disgusting candidates imaginable. Both are hypocrites whose lies are easily exposed by looking back a few months or years at positions they have taken. They suck. We are screwed going down this path, especially when people will expend the kind of energy and vitriol I see in this thread and elsewhere defending either one of these POS parties or almost any politician in this nation.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby Largent80 » Wed Jun 21, 2017 1:36 pm

^^^^^^ Ummm Bernie Sanders was the correct choice between the 2 major parties even though he had to run democratic. Everything would have been pointed in the right direction if the DNC and Wasserman-Shultz hadn't mucked it up.

But America wanted change from the norm and chose this f***ing jackass. Which makes every single one of them a jackass as well.

Regarding abortion. NOT murder. You can't murder a person that isn't born. PERIOD.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:38 pm

Largent80 wrote:^^^^^^ Ummm Bernie Sanders was the correct choice between the 2 major parties even though he had to run democratic. Everything would have been pointed in the right direction if the DNC and Wasserman-Shultz hadn't mucked it up.

But America wanted change from the norm and chose this f***ing jackass. Which makes every single one of them a jackass as well.

Regarding abortion. NOT murder. You can't murder a person that isn't born. PERIOD.

Sanders was another liar. His socialist solutions are a joke that is a failed model. He advocated 15 per hr minimum wage and paid his staff 12 or less. Another lying POS. hypocrite who sponged off the government his whole life.
I guess he practices what he preaches.I should have said the worst 3 candidates. Clinton was the only remotely qualified one but a disgusting person.
I voted for the only real honest person, Gary Johnson after 40 years supporting republicans.

And news flash babies survive all the time being born preemie far sooner in the term than when they are legally sucked out of the womb with an equivalent of a vacuum cleaner and killed.Ultrasounds show the babies trying to escape the instrument of death. I had an employee whose grandson was born 1 pound 18 oz. He is 24 years old now.

Sorry bud, Your full of it. Ive lived it.

When the child is conceived it is the beginning of a human being unlike any other on the face of the earth, even if its an "identical" twin.
You want to kill babies have at it. its legal. But its murder. MURDER.
You will stand before almighty god and explain it someday.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby RiverDog » Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:54 pm

Largent80 wrote:Regarding abortion. NOT murder. You can't murder a person that isn't born. PERIOD.

You're dead wrong about that. Since murder is a state crime, it varies from state to state, but federal law definitely does consider a crime that ends the life of an unborn child in the same manner as it does one living outside the womb:

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a fetus in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb". ... olence_Act
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby monkey » Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:03 pm

If a person attacks a pregnant woman, and it results in the death if the unborn child, that person can be charged criminally.
So clearly it IS murder to kill an unborn child.
Edit: you beat me to it Riverdog
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby Largent80 » Thu Jun 22, 2017 4:42 am

So Hawktalk I'm full of it huh,? well Iv'e lived a FULL life, one that didn't coward away from my obligations as a father.

I will say that, after my wife and I had our daughter and she became pregnant again, we had a miscarriage. After that very painful event, a year later she was pregnant again and we were terrified of another miscarriage, and she had a "threatened miscarriage" and was discovered to have scar tissue where the placenta was attached, the doctors all said the baby would be born with multiple disabilities including severe brain damage.

After a month of anguish we decided to have an abortion and I have no second thoughts of the decision to this day 23 years later.

I could care less of any laws on any books abortion is a personal choice which is why it ISN'T illegal.

And Gary Johnson didn't even know what Aleppo was/is. He's a friggin MORON.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby RiverDog » Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:19 am

Largent80 wrote:And Gary Johnson didn't even know what Aleppo was/is. He's a friggin MORON.

He was a damn sight better than the two options our major parties presented us with. I voted for Johnson, too, not so much because I liked the candidate as much as I didn't like either of the two choices the D's and R's gave us and would love to see a 3rd party get some traction. It was my first protest vote since I started filling out the ballot in 1972.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby burrrton » Thu Jun 22, 2017 9:52 am

Regarding abortion. NOT murder. You can't murder a person that isn't born. PERIOD.

LOL. Read a book, largent, you hate-filled pr*ck.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby monkey » Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:59 pm

More inconvenient truths, this time about the topic that the title of this thread referred to in a backhand way. ... t-climate/

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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby Largent80 » Fri Jun 23, 2017 3:49 am

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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Jun 23, 2017 4:51 am

Largent80 wrote:Sorry about your personal painful decision. Many folks knowing what you did bear the child anyway, even if it takes the life of the mother.Just sayin...
I said its between you and God. Don't be so shrill. At least you didn't do it for birth control like I did as an 18 year old stupid cowardly kid who didnt want to face my girlfriends and my parents.
Ive raised 3 kids and for a while 4 and 2 weren't mine so I made amends, sort of.

And Gary Johnson didn't even know what Aleppo was/is. He's a friggin MORON.

Moments after the "Alleppo" hit piece was edited Gary Johnson gave a calm, detailed dissertation on the Syrian situation.That didn't make the cut though.The major parties and their media allies feared Johnson gaining traction with both their POS being so unpopular and they did all they could to discredit him.

Johnson built a handyman business into the largest construction company in New Mexico then was a successful 2 term governor who cut regulation, never raised taxes and grew more jobs per capita than any other state during his tenure.
The only "rigged" aspect of the last election was the fact Johnson and Weld were excluded from the debates despite polling at 15 and 20 % in several states and well above Ross Perots numbers when he was allowed on the stage.

You are the sucker drinking the koolaid Largent. man you need to cool your jets. 118 posts and you are already all worked up. Chill out.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby monkey » Fri Jun 23, 2017 6:27 am

Actually the only rigged part of the election was what Debby Wasserman Schultz was fired for.

The Democrats have tried everything imaginable twice now to get that shrill shrew elected, first running her against a black guy with barely any experience who never worked a real job, and a Muslim name, thinking sheds wipe the floor with him, then against a nearly 80 year old socialist white guy, who is as crazy as he sounds. She couldn't beat Obama, and still couldn't win without cheating, against Bernie.
The DNC ran Hillary against two of the most unelectable people (they thought) they could dig up, only to discover that Hillary is even more unelectable.
The DNC, colluded with Hillary to beat Bernie actually rigging the election, which Schultz was then fired for after the e mail leak.
No wonder so many already lunatic Bernie supporters are so pissed.

Btw, Russia has nothing to do with why Hillary is a two time loser, her personality and that awful voice, the complete lack of a message of any kind, but mostly the fact that she reminds people of nurse Ratchet.
She keeps losing because, well... She's a b*tch and she doesn't hide it well at all.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby Largent80 » Fri Jun 23, 2017 6:56 am

Ha, I'm not worked up. I could care less about all of this, however there are some people here showing their true colors.

Ostrich is a real classic douche, and richard burton aint far behind.
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Re: An inconvenient truth...

Postby monkey » Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:14 am

Largent80 wrote:Ha, I'm really worked up. I care a lot about all of this, but I can't articulate my points very well so I just throw out insults. I know I've shown everyone here my true colors, but I don't have any arguments against what's being said so,I just call people names and make unprovable accusations.

Ostrich is a real classic douche, because he's really kicking my ass badly, and richard burton aint far behind.

Fixed it for ya
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