President Trump

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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:48 pm

RiverDog wrote:I'm surprised that no one has commented about Trump's latest antics. Some are using it as evidence of his medical incapacity and invoking the 25th Amendment

Those people sound like idiots. This is one of the *least* embarrassing/stupid/whatever things he's done.


Did you see CNN threatening to release the kid's personal information? I can't stand Trump and the media is making it positively embarrassing to pay attention to him OR them.

c_hawkbob wrote:WWE and this POTUS were made for each other; phony as a $3 bill, all style, no substance.

Which is why it was so monumentally stupid for CNN, and everyone else, to respond the way they did. They just yanked the story from "Trump RTs dork memes" to "CNN threatens dork who creates memes about them".

One more time: this country's lost its fcking mind.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Wed Jul 05, 2017 7:15 am

The 25th Amendment talk is ludicrous. There's no way that anyone can come to a consensus over a condition that involves such subjective interpretations as does mental illness. The only way removing a POTUS via the 25th would occur is if they had some firm medical evidence, such as an X-ray of a brain tumor or something of that nature.

That doesn't mean that I don't think that there's something wrong with him, just that IMO it's impossible to prove, and if we're going to overturn the results of an election, there has to be ironclad, unassailable evidence clear enough that every simpleton can understand it, not a bunch of gobbly gook from some head shrinker.
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Re: President Trump

Postby monkey » Wed Jul 05, 2017 1:42 pm

You're right Burrton.
You and I would likely disagree on Trump's tweeting, (I think he knows exactly what he's doing and is playing the media and has been since day one, my proof btw, is that it's worked perfectly, CNN as an entity us about to implode), but we definitely agree this country has list it's mind!
Just look at some of the trollish crap people have posted right here.

Personally I think Trump is in the media's collective head so much that he's just toying with them.

The other day he tweeted that what he's doing it's not presidential, it's modern presidential. I know exactly what he's saying by that.
Agree or disagree with him but what he's done has started the avalanche that is now about to take out a major player in the media.
What CNN just did, going after the Reddit user who created that gif, is going to backfire spectacularly!
You do NOT go after a community of people who have that much collective knowledge about computer hacking/trolling! Not smart!
Many of these same people were involved in going after the church of Scientology for example, which they've really done a number on.
If CNN thinks that one meme was awful, wait until they see the food coming their way, and wait until they see their own addresses and tax statements etc ... Leaked out for all the world to see.
Reddit was the wrong group to go after.
But it couldn't have happened to a more deserving fake news outlet!

Btw, Riverdog, still think CNN isn't done? Want to place a small wager on that?
I bet within two months the CEO will have been fired, or "resigned" along with at least a couple other big shots, and they will be talking about "restructuring" to make the business more "consumer friendly".
CNN as they exist now will not exist in a couple of months. They will have to completely rebrand and redo their structure, because they will be longer be financially viable very soon.
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:31 pm

I don't know, monkey- I think they have some dangerous things coming their way (regrettably), but aren't their ratings higher than ever?

I don't follow such things, but I've heard that mentioned on a couple shows I listen to.
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Re: President Trump

Postby monkey » Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:49 pm

burrrton wrote:I don't know, monkey- I think they have some dangerous things coming their way (regrettably), but aren't their ratings higher than ever?

I don't follow such things, but I've heard that mentioned on a couple shows I listen to.

Actually, Tucker Carlson reruns have higher ratings. Ever since Veritas broker what they did, CNN's ratings have tanked completely.

Also, what CNN did is completely ILLEGAL! It violates the creator's first amendment rights.

Obviously no one will ever charge them, but what they did is entirely illegal. The backlash against them on line is incredible, #CNN blackmail has been the top trending topic all day.
There's no coming back from this last few weeks with Veritas and now this.
CNN is in big time trouble.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Wed Jul 05, 2017 6:13 pm

monkey wrote:Btw, Riverdog, still think CNN isn't done? Want to place a small wager on that?
I bet within two months the CEO will have been fired, or "resigned" along with at least a couple other big shots, and they will be talking about "restructuring" to make the business more "consumer friendly".
CNN as they exist now will not exist in a couple of months. They will have to completely rebrand and redo their structure, because they will be longer be financially viable very soon.

Oh, I don't disagree with the heads rolling part, but that's not what I understand as the meaning of "being done." But I would wager a substantial sum that they will still be financially viable long after Trump leaves office.

And as far as being forced to re-do their structure, I'll agree that it's certainly possible that there could be some restructuring of the way they cover White House news and opinion, but that's just one part of a very large news organization. When you consider the various different departments, including weather, sports, science, money, travel, and considering that they have 9 other separate networks (HNL, CNN International, etc) along with international news bureaus in over 30 countries, there's a whole bunch of facets of their business that would be unaffected by any shake-up caused by their coverage of Donald Trump. You really are looking at the tip of an iceberg when it comes to judging CNN's business model simply by their coverage of the POTUS.

CNN is the 500lb gorilla when it comes to the news. If Trump's goal is to make them irrelevant, he'll have to do a lot more than the fake wrestle-mania act.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:54 am

Faux News is the one thats dropping like a stone in terms of ratings FYI. CNN,NBC etc are doing better all the time.Staunch Trump critic rachel Maddow is kicking arse on anything Faux has to offer. I know they've picked up at least 1 long time Faux viewer.The fake news is mainly coming from Faux.When CNN reporters get it wrong they get fired and the network gets pummeled for it. When Hannity repeats a completely bogus story about Hillary having a staffer murdered over wikileaks in spite of the family of the victim asking him to please stop nothing happens. When Sicer and now the boldest liar I've ever seen Sarah Huckabee provably lie daily they get rewarded and the 37% stooges nod their heads.

Reporting on a madman's behavior, his curious fascination with totalitarian dictators and secret love affair with Russia, his attack on the free press which is the cornerstone of democracy is newsworthy.
And the fact that 57% of America is on board with it means more people than not get it.
My guess is if you were a fly on the wall the Republican congressmen feel the same but will never admit it other than tweets chiding his indefensible conduct. They and his communications team must have to take a shower when they get home.

As a high functioning bipolar man (medicated which helps a lot) I can say without a doubt Trump is Fing nuts. Hes more bipolar than a 2 peckered billy goat. Hes also got a few other nastier disorders such as extreme Narcissism.

On my worst day I don't seek to demean others, degrade women with an apparent fascination for blood, or lie remorselessly on a daily basis. And so on. I wouldn't wake up at 4 AM as the POTUS and tweet about world crisis and foreign leaders, media hosts I didn't like, Covfefe etc. I don't scream at the TV unless its the Seahawks getting jobbed or Bevell calling a play.I don't have a constant need for flattery and adulation.
The man has a number of serious mental disorders and its getting worse. Monday he disembarked air force one and hung a left down the tarmac walking right past his waiting limousine with the door open. He had to be redirected by secret service personnel. An unnamed person said "all he had to do was walk straight ahead 30 feet".
Something is amiss. Its scary having this man in charge of our nuclear arsenal. It sends chill up my spine that he is Putin's hand picked stooge who will get rolled like a 2 dollar hooker by Putin.

If it were 1972 impeachment charges would already be filed. Hes unfit for the office and jeopardizes the entire world with his erratic behavior.
Will he be impeached or removed under the 25th amendment? No not unless the Dems clean up in the midterms. But he should be removed.
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Re: President Trump

Postby monkey » Thu Jul 06, 2017 1:25 pm

What can a person say too that much delusional rhetoric?
You've left me speechless. I literally disagree with that entire, wordy post.
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Re: President Trump

Postby c_hawkbob » Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:57 pm

monkey wrote:What can a person say too that much delusional rhetoric?
You've left me speechless. I literally disagree with that entire, wordy post.

Exactly How I feel reading your political posts man. How someone can be so enamored with such an amoral cretin is beyond my comprehension. He's always been everything I've hated about rich, entitled, sleazy wall street types and now he's a nightmare as a POTUS. Whatever you think about his policies, as a person I find him hateful, deceitful disgusting and rude.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Thu Jul 06, 2017 6:01 pm

Hawktawk wrote:If it were 1972 impeachment charges would already be filed. Hes unfit for the office and jeopardizes the entire world with his erratic behavior.
Will he be impeached or removed under the 25th amendment? No not unless the Dems clean up in the midterms. But he should be removed.

Why would it being 2017 vs. 1972 make any difference on whether or not Trump would be facing impeachment charges?

Why should he be removed from office? What "high crimes and misdemeanors" has he committed, and please, list your evidence.

And I think you can forget about the Dems cleaning up in the mid terms, at least as far as the Senate goes. The Republicans only have to defend 8 seats, and 3 of those won their 2012 election by 65+%, while the Dems have to defend 23 states, with 10 of those being in red states won by Trump. It takes 67 votes in the Senate to remove a Prez from office.

That was the dirty little secret of the 2016 election, ie that the Dems blew a huge opportunity to retake the Senate and set themselves up to be dominated in the 2018 midterms. They can't rationalize that failure to launch by blaming the Comey letter or Russian hacking.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Jul 07, 2017 7:56 am

RiverDog wrote:
Why would it being 2017 vs. 1972 make any difference on whether or not Trump would be facing impeachment charges?

Why should he be removed from office? What "high crimes and misdemeanors" has he committed, and please, list your evidence.

And I think you can forget about the Dems cleaning up in the mid terms, at least as far as the Senate goes. The Republicans only have to defend 8 seats, and 3 of those won their 2012 election by 65+%, while the Dems have to defend 23 states, with 10 of those being in red states won by Trump. It takes 67 votes in the Senate to remove a Prez from office.

That was the dirty little secret of the 2016 election, ie that the Dems blew a huge opportunity to retake the Senate and set themselves up to be dominated in the 2018 midterms. They can't rationalize that failure to launch by blaming the Comey letter or Russian hacking.

Yesterday Donald J Trump stood on foreign soil and blasted his predecessor for not doing anything about hacking while at the same time pooh pooing the hacking itself, saying "nobody really knows" who did it, might have been others etc.and tossing his own intelligence community under the bus in the process. Of course he is doing NOTHING about the hacking,NOTHING although it was reported yesterday that Russian covert spying activity IN THE US has spiked significantly since the election. Barn door is wide open so to speak.....hes supposed to be protecting us RD, hes the commander in chief.

He fired his FBI director and a day later admitted it was over the "russia thing" to the entire world. A day after that he told the two Russian sleazeballs he allowed in our oval office that removing "nut job" Comey had relieved great pressure on the Russian investigation. Then he blurted out top secret info to them during the same meeting.He released the top secret location of 2 of our nuke subs to Phillipine Strongman Duerte, again on film. He is on tape openly encouraging Russia to hack Hillary's Emails.

IMO he is aiding and abetting our sworn enemy, as Romney so correctly stated in the 2012 debates, our "greatest geopolitical threat". Hes committing treason almost every time he opens his mouth on Russia IMO.Former NSA chief James Clapper said "watergate pales in comparison to this scandal' and yet Trump will not acknowledge it.

He is violating the emoluments clause by refusing to divest his business interests which already have resulted in curious decisions by China and Russia among others to renew trademarks, issue new ones, issue permits for Trumps organizations to begin projects overseas.

Hell yes he'd be impeached or impaled on a pitchfork if it were 1972. No Faux news to keep the 37% shills blissfully ignorant coupled with a voting public that still gave a Sh*t about the USSR hed be gone like a bad habit.
Nixon was a popular president reelected in a landslide with a Republican majority in congress and they were resistant at first but when Nixon's popularity hit the 20's he was a goner.

We are swirling the porcelain queen when a complete POS like this can trample the constitution and remain in power but I agree unless it gets much worse he will not be removed. I also question whether democrats can retake the congress although its a long time till Nov 2018 and even longer till 2020 and Trump never ceases to amaze me with his stupid and outrageous behavior. Maybe some people's vision will clear up by then.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Sat Jul 08, 2017 10:28 am

Hawktawk wrote:Hell yes he'd be impeached or impaled on a pitchfork if it were 1972. No Faux news to keep the 37% shills blissfully ignorant coupled with a voting public that still gave a Sh*t about the USSR hed be gone like a bad habit.
Nixon was a popular president reelected in a landslide with a Republican majority in congress and they were resistant at first but when Nixon's popularity hit the 20's he was a goner.

The Republicans never controlled either the House or the Senate during Nixon's presidency. As a matter of fact, the Dems controlled both houses of Congress from early in the Eisenhower administration until Reagan's coattails propelled the R's to taking the Senate in 1980 and they didn't lose control of the House until Clinton's first mid term election in 1994.

You do have a good point about the press. It was far more liberally biased during Nixon's time than it is nowadays. But what torpedoed Nixon wasn't the lack of a conservative press, it was the taped conversations in the White House. Once the Supreme Court ruled that he had to give them up, he was a goner. The information on them was cold, hard, and irrefutable, and once they were made public, he lost his core believers, both amongst his base and in Congress. Had Nixon been allowed to keep the tapes he no doubt would have survived. It wasn't until the information on the tapes were disclosed that his popularity plummeted, and even if the conservative press been as prevalent then as it is today, there's no amount of spin that anyone....Limbaugh, Hannity, or Jesus Christ, could have put on that evidence that would have saved Tricky Dick. It was that devastating.

Trump's situation isn't remotely close to Nixon's, or for that matter, Bill Clinton's. IMO you absolutely have to have concrete, undeniable evidence, a smoking gun like the Watergate tapes, or in Clinton's case, the semen stained dress that proved that he had committed perjury, as what you are attempting to do is to overturn the results of an election.

I find it ironic that the very same people that are complaining about Trump's "pooh pooing" of the Russians hacking of the election are so disrespectful of that very same election that they want to, without pause or hesitation, brush aside the results by removing the winner of it from office.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Sun Jul 09, 2017 3:31 am

Obstruction of justice RD. Firing Comey and admitting on tape why you did so was to thwart an investigation into cyber warfare helping you win an election. Tons of unreported meetings between his surrogates and russian operatives, more all the time. A special prosecutor was brought aboard specifically due to the pressuring then firing of Comey who has been hiring heavyweight prosecutors with organized crime, ricoh, enron, whitewater etc experience.Its not going away.

We don't need tapes, we have the MF himself on tape admitting obstruction of justice multiple times.Openly rooting for Russia to hack, again on tape.

Jesus man. What more do we need?
Yes removal of a president overturns an election, not really because it would be Pence as opposed to Hillary unless he winds up tangled in the web as well. He has lawyered up along with everyone else.

But yes our system allows for removing treasonous POS who suck up to Vlad Putin and refuse to protect our democracy.
Impeach now!!!!!
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Sun Jul 09, 2017 4:52 am

Hawktawk wrote:Obstruction of justice RD. Firing Comey and admitting on tape why you did so was to thwart an investigation into cyber warfare helping you win an election. Tons of unreported meetings between his surrogates and russian operatives, more all the time. A special prosecutor was brought aboard specifically due to the pressuring then firing of Comey who has been hiring heavyweight prosecutors with organized crime, ricoh, enron, whitewater etc experience.Its not going away.

We don't need tapes, we have the MF himself on tape admitting obstruction of justice multiple times.Openly rooting for Russia to hack, again on tape.

Jesus man. What more do we need?
Yes removal of a president overturns an election, not really because it would be Pence as opposed to Hillary unless he winds up tangled in the web as well. He has lawyered up along with everyone else.

But yes our system allows for removing treasonous POS who suck up to Vlad Putin and refuse to protect our democracy.
Impeach now!!!!!

You have any links for any of that, Hawktalk? How can I respond unless I know exactly what your accusations are and where you're getting your information? The only thing I can think of that you're claiming as obstruction of justice regarding the firing of Comey is Trump's admitting that "this Russia thing" entered into his thinking when he fired Comey, and that alone can't be used as proof that Trump obstructed justice. There's a lot of blanks that has to be filled in, a lot of dots that have to be connected before we can get to an obstruction of justice charge that will stick.

As we all know, Trump talks out of his ass...a lot. One such incident regarding your OJ accusation is when Trump tweeted that James Comey "had better hope that there are no tapes of our conversations before he goes leaking to the press." Some say that amounts to attempting to influence or intimidate a witness. Trump claims he was only trying to get Comey to tell the truth by suggesting that there might be a record of their conversations. It certainly wasn't proper and could be used as a part of a larger charge, but that alone can't be construed as OJ. A defense lawyer would have a field day with someone trying to prove OJ based simply on a tweet.

Nixon has a whole chit pile of evidence against him...hush money being paid by his surrogates, John Dean's testimony, the Saturday Night Massacre, and, of course, the taped conversations of his meetings. I don't see any of that being analogous with anything that Trump's done.
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Re: President Trump

Postby c_hawkbob » Sun Jul 09, 2017 7:18 am

This article in The Slate calls the case already a slam dunk: ... _dunk.html

Under such a plain legal analysis, of the sort my students and I conduct in the law school classroom, it is highly likely that special counsel Robert Mueller will find that there is a provable case that the president committed a federal felony offense.

The Justice Department, as well as many scholars, have opined that a sitting president cannot be indicted and tried for a crime. So the ultimate issue, whatever Mueller’s findings, will come down to the political question of impeachment. But Mueller’s determination will be critical because the crime of obstruction would be the most legally potent charge in any impeachment debate, as it was in the articles of impeachment against both Presidents Nixon and Clinton.

-- Samuel W. Buell is the Bernard M. Fishman professor of law at Duke University and was the lead prosecutor for the Department of Justice’s Enron Task Force.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Sun Jul 09, 2017 8:16 am

c_hawkbob wrote:This article in The Slate calls the case already a slam dunk: ... _dunk.html

"Under such a plain legal analysis, of the sort my students and I conduct in the law school classroom, it is highly likely that special counsel Robert Mueller will find that there is a provable case that the president committed a federal felony offense.

The Justice Department, as well as many scholars, have opined that a sitting president cannot be indicted and tried for a crime. So the ultimate issue, whatever Mueller’s findings, will come down to the political question of impeachment. But Mueller’s determination will be critical because the crime of obstruction would be the most legally potent charge in any impeachment debate, as it was in the articles of impeachment against both Presidents Nixon and Clinton."

-- Samuel W. Buell is the Bernard M. Fishman professor of law at Duke University and was the lead prosecutor for the Department of Justice’s Enron Task Force.

Good post, Cbob. See how that's done, Hawktalk?

Unless there's some hard, irrefutable evidence....tape recordings, documents, credible eyewitness's going to be very difficult to prove an obstruction of justice charge. Here's one obstacle:

Obstruction of justice cases often come down to whether prosecutors can prove defendants’ mental state when they committed the act, legal specialists said. It is not enough to show that a defendant knew the act would have a side consequence of impeding an investigation; achieving that obstruction has to have been the specific intention. ... comey.html

In other words, unless Mueller can come up with some specific evidence showing that Trump fired Comey for the specific purpose of concealing his knowledge or involvement of some sort of coordinated scheme with the Russians to interfere with the election process, it goes nowhere, especially considering that we're not talking about your garden variety jury, we're talking about two heavily biased political bodies controlled by Republicans in the House and Senate that would decide Trump's fate.

But I will say that there's no one else more qualified and more unassailable to investigate this case than Bob Mueller. He's the longest serving FBI director since Hoover, appointed by Bush 43 after having worked for a Republican AG and later extended by Obama, a former prosecutor who oversaw the trials of Manuel Noriega and John Gotti, a Vietnam vet/purple heart recipient, and is respected on both sides of the aisle. Now if Trump were to fire him as was being rumored, then that alone could justify an obstruction of justice charge.
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Re: President Trump

Postby monkey » Sun Jul 09, 2017 3:50 pm

Holy crap, was that actually... Dare I say it .. Back and forth, debate?
Good post Bob! I completely disagree, and can find many credible sources who are involved with law who would refute what that professor said, BUT, that professor, who is in fact a credible source, and an expert of some degree, said it!

That's how you debate folks, thanks Bob!

I keep going away from this site for extended periods because of the trolling nature this sure has taken on.
Far too many posters here, no longer discuss with actual facts, they shout angry epithets and insults to which there really is no response other than to call it out. So I get tired of calling it out and go away.
I like real honest discussion, there's just been too little of that since Trump got elected.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Sun Jul 09, 2017 5:21 pm

monkey wrote:Holy crap, was that actually... Dare I say it .. Back and forth, debate?
Good post Bob! I completely disagree, and can find many credible sources who are involved with law who would refute what that professor said, BUT, that professor, who is in fact a credible source, and an expert of some degree, said it!

That's how you debate folks, thanks Bob!

I keep going away from this site for extended periods because of the trolling nature this sure has taken on.
Far too many posters here, no longer discuss with actual facts, they shout angry epithets and insults to which there really is no response other than to call it out. So I get tired of calling it out and go away.
I like real honest discussion, there's just been too little of that since Trump got elected.

Yes, that was a good back and forth debate. When I reply to a post, I'll erase the stuff from someone's comments that for one reason or another, don't want to respond to, which usually includes the angry epithets and insults. It seems to work as my 'opponent' takes the hint and responds in kind, leaving out the aforementioned insults and epithets in their reply. You ought to try it sometime.

I agree wholeheartedly with your last sentence, and IMO it's one of the reasons why so many Americans are tuning out of politics. Personally, I've had to unfollow or unfriend a number of people on both sides of the political spectrum from my Facebook account as they just don't want to let it go. Quite frankly, I rather enjoy debating on this forum vs. other forms of social media. There's 4 or 5 posters in here that I really enjoy debating.
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Re: President Trump

Postby NorthHawk » Mon Jul 10, 2017 6:41 am

When you read those articles (and assuming a successful impeachment), it comes down to whether the Republican politicians would have the guts to remove a sitting President.
Clearly at that point it's all about politics and I can only see that happening if his ratings are dragging down the party.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:16 am

NorthHawk wrote:When you read those articles (and assuming a successful impeachment), it comes down to whether the Republican politicians would have the guts to remove a sitting President.
Clearly at that point it's all about politics and I can only see that happening if his ratings are dragging down the party.

Very true. It requires a 2/3 majority in the Senate, or 67 of them, to remove a POTUS, and with the numbers the way they are, it's going to take significant Republican support to remove Trump should we ever get to an impeachment trial.

Using today's math in the Senate, it would take 46 Dem, 2 independents, and 19 R's to get to the required 67 votes. That's over 1/3 of the R Senators. And the situation is unlikely to get any better after the midterms, with the R's only having to defend 10 of their 52 seats while the D's are defending 23, so the balance of power is unlikely to change very much after the mid terms.

Bottom line is that it's going to require a bombshell on par with the one dropped on Hiroshima for Trump to lose enough support to get him removed from office via impeachment.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:52 am

This "president" has lied so many times he can't keep track of them. Also probably would have never owned that he said "grab em by the pussy" if there weren't actual audio proof of it.

His firing of Comey just drew more attention to the matter and will hopefully get his ass out of Washington.
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Re: President Trump

Postby NorthHawk » Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:51 am

Largent80 wrote:This "president" has lied so many times he can't keep track of them. Also probably would have never owned that he said "grab em by the pussy" if there weren't actual audio proof of it.

His firing of Comey just drew more attention to the matter and will hopefully get his ass out of Washington.

According to an article I read recently, the investigation is now looking at the financing deals of Trump and whether known foreign investors were laundering money.
It is part of looking at his business dealings and is an attempt to determine if there is any possible influence on him from the Russian Gov't, Oligarchs, or Organized crime leaders in the last election.
The Trump Taj Mahal casino was fined in 2015 for willfully violating the Bank Secrecy Act's program from 2010 - 2012.
Nothing of note may be found, but that's one arm of the direction of the current investigation.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Tue Jul 11, 2017 4:42 pm

Despicable He.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Jul 12, 2017 4:28 am

How about little big man Donald Junior admitting via tweet and releasing his own Email string showing he was solicited to attend a meeting with a Kremlin linked lawyer to dig dirt on Klinton last summer. He brought along campaign chair Manafort and chief advisor and son in law Kushner. All 3 failed to disclose the meeting on security clearance forms BTW. Kushner has had to amend his twice now.

Within a couple of days after this supposed "nothing" meeting the dominoes began to fall with hacking, releasing E mails etc. This is as close to the smoking gun as you are going to get, a public admission of conspiring with a sworn enemy of the US to shape an election in real time a day or 2 before major Russian interference in the election began to happen. The meeting occurred in Trump tower prior to Trump being nominated. They say he had no knowledge of and did not attend the meeting but it has been proven he was in New York and n fact in Trump tower at the time. Its utterly laughable the lies they are telling.

And RD come on why do I have to link the lester Holt interview where Trump tells the world "when I decided to just do it(fire Comey) I was thinking about the phony Russian thing". Did you not watch that?

It is indisputable as well that when meeting with Kisliak and Lavrov in the oval office a day later with only Tass and no domestic news services present(cant make it up folks) he called Comey a "nut job" and said his firing had "removed great pressure on the Russia investigation".

I'm not a big link guy but these are facts, not made up stories. Someone in his inner circle leaked the information.The unprecedented floods of leaks are coming from within his own administration from patriots who are scared sh!tless for our very survival with this lunatic in charge.

Dude should already be undergoing impeachment for treason IMO. Certainly junior committed treason.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Jul 12, 2017 6:00 am ... id=UE07DHP
Yeah I know it doesn't prove anything LMAO. If your a complete shill that is.

These arrogant pos are so used to doing whatever they want they thought they could get away with anything. And they may ultimately with utterly corrupt Repubs in the congress and senate backing them no matter what along with Faux being their willing Pravda. Add to that the complacency and short attention span of the low information average American citizen we are absolutely swirling the porcelain queen. We are becoming the frog in the boiling water, so desensitized to the criminal behavior we wont care until we are doomed.

America hasn't faced greater peril since WWII. Our POS POTUS is bought and paid for, wrapped around the finger of the most dangerous evil man on the planet Vlad Putin.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Jul 12, 2017 6:03 am ... ORM=VRDGAR.
Read it and weep trumpies. I have no idea why the man hasn't been indicted already.
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Re: President Trump

Postby NorthHawk » Wed Jul 12, 2017 7:32 am

Didn't the Senate recently vote 98 - 2 to restrict what sanctions the President can lessen or modify in regards to Russia?
I heard that somewhere but couldn't find anything in writing.
If so, it shows at least they aren't totally in step with him and also have some concern about his motives regardless of how the investigations end up.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:53 am

The incident with Don Jr. is very embarrassing, unethical as all get out, and something that will attract the attention of the investigation, but it's probably not illegal. It's not the first time that an immediate family member has caused the POTUS some major embarrassment, with Roger Clinton and Billy Carter coming to mind. That part of this saga is of little concern.

We'll see what Mueller turns up. He hired a bunch of left leaning lawyers that contributed to Dem causes, so this investigation is unlikely to be a whitewash for Trump. I'm pretty confident that if there's a rotten fish at the bottom of this very smelly issue, that Mueller will root it out.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:41 am

Its funny how prosecutors are not supposed to have political leanings. Maybe they just shouldn't even vote so nobody thinks they are biased LOL. Its like Trump saying the judge who was hearing his phony Trump university lawsuit couldn't be impartial because he was "mexican".
Its like the 12 women who revealed being groped by Chump after his taped admission he was a molester of women. Faux and the Drumph campaign staff dug deep to find some of the witnesses were involved with the democratic party. I guess they should have been working the Trump campaign? Its ridiculous. Amber Heard who was a former apprentice contestant is now suing for defamation of character after Trump used a campaign speech to call them all liars and despicable people and Trumps legal team is fighting to have the suit dismissed, not based on merit but because they say a sitting POTUS cant be civilly sued.

Shoot the messenger. This is the most despicable crooked administration I've seen in my lifetime.

Nixon is angelic in comparison. At least he was able to act dignified and didn't piss off the entire world except Russia.
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Re: President Trump

Postby NorthHawk » Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:16 am

RiverDog wrote:The incident with Don Jr. is very embarrassing, unethical as all get out, and something that will attract the attention of the investigation, but it's probably not illegal. It's not the first time that an immediate family member has caused the POTUS some major embarrassment, with Roger Clinton and Billy Carter coming to mind. That part of this saga is of little concern.

We'll see what Mueller turns up. He hired a bunch of left leaning lawyers that contributed to Dem causes, so this investigation is unlikely to be a whitewash for Trump. I'm pretty confident that if there's a rotten fish at the bottom of this very smelly issue, that Mueller will root it out.

From what I've read about Mueller and some of the people he has hired, I don't think they are the type to let political leanings sway their opinion. I just get the feeling they are far more like Sgt. Joe Friday (just the facts, Ma'am) than the wild eyed supporters of either side.

Regarding Trump Jr., since he's a private citizen he could easily skate on this, but I heard that Kushner might have some problems because he is part of Trumps Cabinet.
It's interesting to watch history unfold in front of us however it turns out.
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Re: President Trump

Postby c_hawkbob » Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:50 am

RiverDog wrote:The incident with Don Jr. is very embarrassing, unethical as all get out, and something that will attract the attention of the investigation, but it's probably not illegal.

No idea how you come up with that "probability". It looks pretty open/shut collusion to me. His contention that it wasn't collusion because she didn't have the dirt he wanted is irrelevant, he took the meeting, by his own admission, on the pretext that there was usable dirt to be had.

"If it's what you say I love it" ...
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:13 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:No idea how you come up with that "probability". It looks pretty open/shut collusion to me. His contention that it wasn't collusion because she didn't have the dirt he wanted is irrelevant, he took the meeting, by his own admission, on the pretext that there was usable dirt to be had.

"If it's what you say I love it" ...

Just an opinion. Experts seem to disagree: ... mail-laws/

I'll wait to hear what Mueller's investigation uncovers before I venture too strong of an opinion, but IMO Trump Jr.'s snafu isn't the silver bullet some are desperately searching for.
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Re: President Trump

Postby c_hawkbob » Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:41 pm

RiverDog wrote:Just an opinion. Experts seem to disagree: ... mail-laws/

I'll wait to hear what Mueller's investigation uncovers before I venture too strong of an opinion, but IMO Trump Jr.'s snafu isn't the silver bullet some are desperately searching for.

That's actually a fair article as it presents both viewpoints. All I can assume is that you stopped reading before you got to the "but other experts disagree" part when you decided iit was an article in support of your position ...

Robert Bauer, White House counsel to former President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2011, explained to New York why he thinks the information Russia offered Trump Jr. could be considered "of value" under the law. "The Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, said the campaign wanted that material, or wanted negative information on Hillary Clinton very badly," said Bauer. "An important part of the Trump campaign’s strategy was to create major doubts about Hillary Clinton . . . and so any material that somebody could acquire that would dramatically support those claims was of exceptional value to the campaign."
If Bauer is right, then some argue that he could be in legal jeopardy even if the meeting didn't result in any valuable information changing hands, as Trump Jr. has claimed. "The fact that he . . . met with her is an overt act that may support criminal intent,'' Notre Dame University law professor Jimmy Gurule told USA Today. "Ignorance of the law is no defense."
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Wed Jul 12, 2017 2:54 pm

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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Wed Jul 12, 2017 2:59 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:That's actually a fair article as it presents both viewpoints. All I can assume is that you stopped reading before you got to the "but other experts disagree" part when you decided iit was an article in support of your position ..

You assumed wrong. I read the whole thing. I just chose to believe what I did because it made the most sense to me. Just because the article showed differing viewpoints doesn't mean that one can't ascribe to one POV over the other.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Wed Jul 12, 2017 5:40 pm

LOL. GO Rump Jr. Treason Much??...... Be the DUMBEST F**** on the planet much? LOL

I would love to see an Ostrich love fest over this. Even someone with their head buried in their ass would have to be going WTF dude.....Hahahahahahahahaha.....HA!!!!
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:49 am

2020 campaign slogan. "Take a Dump with Trump".

Of course he won't even make it that far...LOL.
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Re: President Trump

Postby NorthHawk » Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:14 am

2020 campaign slogan. "Take a Dump with Trump".

Of course he won't even make it that far...LOL.

Ugh. The though of 8 years...
He has a base in the Republican party that will take a strong candidate who is willing to challenge a sitting President.
Not sure if they have someone who could at this point.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:22 am ... mg00000313

This article is from Dallas. This paper supported a democrat for president for the first time in 75 years.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:38 am

I see no way Trump is re elected if he makes it that far. At this point in the scandal he's less popular than Nixon and Nixon was gone a little over a year later. His base is down to 36 % and only 20% strongly approve of him although in "Trump Country" deep red states he apparently is sitting at 50% overall approval according to certain polls. But these were states he won easily in November.

I know the voters with their low information quotient and short attention span are tired of the Russia thing but it doesn't matter what they think. Its what Mueller and his prosecutors think and I suspect with bombshells like Trump Jrs multiple explanations for his damning Emails and meeting there is oh so much more to come. When guys like Shep Smith and Chris Wallace go ballistic on Faux over his web of lies and bizarre behavior its clear even his willing Pravda network is starting to play CYA which will doom him if it accelerates. Faux is where his 36% comes from. Flipping from any other network to Faux its like a parallel universe.

Now it looks like repeal and replace is done for and he's blaming those in his own party when its his own bizarre tweeting and intellectual laziness coupled with his dishonesty about everything that was the main factor. Whatever one thinks of Obama care Barack Obama skillfully negotiated it over a year plus with open hearings and an ability to eloquently articulate his vision of what the bill would accomplish. And he was widely considered aloof and standoffish towards the legislature. Trump is a disaster as a supposed dealmaker. The only deals he's making are apparently with Russia. Like Lindsay Graham said a couple of weeks ago "if you expect this President to have your back you better watch it".

I think by Nov 2018 Trump will be at about 20% approval when tax reform stalls as Republican lawmakers and voters flee him in panic. I know this lifelong Republican is voting straight ticket democrat even though I agree with very little of their ideology unless trump has resigned or been removed from office before the midterms. If a broken glass Republican like me feels this way I cant be alone.
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