President Trump

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Re: President Trump

Postby NorthHawk » Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:44 am

I wouldn't place too much of a correlation with this President and economic performance. In 3 years perhaps so but not now.
As far as the stock market goes, we are probably nearing the end of one of the longest bull markets we've ever seen.
When I was in College back in the 70's/80's I had an economics prof who had worked as a broker and had a lot of experience with markets.
He said something that stuck with me which is he thought the end of bull markets usually have a "Flare of activity" where prices rise quickly before the correction.
I think we are fast approaching that right now considering there looks to be some type of credit crisis coming up with the Auto industry being the most vulnerable at the moment
and long term automation and Artificial Intelligence pushing workers out.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:57 am

No way I'm hiding under my bed dude, that's not me. You can trumpet for Rump if you want to however, just because I loathe the man and all of his appointees doesn't make me delusional.

And once again naive if you believe Rump is the cause of consumer confidence. I have confidence in my own abilities to generate income and profit, as well as spending. I see ZERO correlation between Rump and my money.

This is what America wanted, and look at what they are getting. Hopefully for all of his supporters, there will be something left for them by the time his time is up.

For my family, it doesn't matter because we set ourselves up nicely, but for poor people, these are the worst of times with an egomaniac, support the rich president in power. We just have to oust a bunch of congress and house to make him moot anyway. And that's definitely coming.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Mon Jul 24, 2017 10:17 am

RiverDog wrote:Could it actually be that unemployment dropped for 80 straight months under Obama, and that people are actually working?

Perhaps. But that's not the point.

The point I was trying to make was that not everybody is hiding under their beds like you and Hawktawk. Consumer confidence is a gauge of what people think is going to happen in the future. It's not always an accurate predictor of the future of the economy, but it does show that most people in the nation aren't running around with their hair on fire like you guys.[/quote]

I'm not hiding under my bed RD but neither am I a naive pollyanna or someone who will sell my soul for a few more bucks in my 401 K or a falling unemployment rate. I'm a republican with enough of a sack to call a spade a spade.

Its not about the economy stupid with this Fin crazy moron. ITS ABOUT OUR VERY SURVIVAL. ITS ABOUT THE RULE OF LAW AND OUR NATIONAL SECURITY. WTF does the economy matter if we are glowing an iridescent green and smoldering ashes because our wholly inept commander in thief and utterly lawless blackmailed dupe can't pull the trigger in time? Can't agree with every intelligence agency about russia, can't agree with his own national security people he picked about Russia's threat and Russia's intent. Can't read or comprehend an intelligence briefing because he watches an obscene 6 hours of cable TV daily while screaming at the TV and has golfed 40 rounds in half a year?

I see you don't want to address my points RD. We are in great peril. I'm sounding the alarm to a nation that has gone to sleep much like pre 911 and pre pearl harbor. Only difference is that Russia wont awaken a sleeping giant, they will eradicate it in a matter of minutes and rule the entire world with a nuclear iron fist. As Ive said it is equally frightening that even though 60% of americans believe Trump did something wrong regarding Russia and 40% think he did something illegal only SIX percent see that as the most pressing issue facing the country. Many In the military see nuclear war as inevitable and I heard one describe it as being"extremely quick and extremely lethal." Some on both sides see one as winnable.

But oh well huh?How about that 401 K :cry: :cry:

We are swirling the drain because economies come and go, market goes up and down but when america ceases to be good it will cease to be great. And when our mentally ill commander in chief embraces an evil totalitarian(lots of them actually) and could give a crap about vigilance we risk losing everything forever.
WAKE UP!!!!!
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Mon Jul 24, 2017 11:45 am


Gee, I wonder why nobody takes the hysterics seriously?
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Mon Jul 24, 2017 12:32 pm

[quote="burrrton"][quote]ITS ABOUT OUR VERY SURVIVAL

Gee, I wonder why nobody takes the hysterics seriously?[/

So you're comfortable with the lunatic holding the nuclear football and having an irrational love affair with Putin and Russia then? Do you agree or disagree that should there god forbid be a nuclear war it would threaten our very survival?

Its an awful, dark vision to be sure, but the prophecies in the latter part of the bible seem to describe nuclear war in the eyes of primitive men thousands of years ago. Stars falling from the sky, a third of the green grass burned up, a third of the ships in the sea sunk. It talks about a nation described as "Babylon the great" describes it as having water on both sides and being a great and powerful nation everyone traded their wares with and that it is destroyed in an hr. Sounds like nuclear war or a meteor strike of massive proportions to me. If you don't believe the book I guess discussion over but I don't think its true, its been proven to me it is.

Beyond that I have had numerous dreams about what I believe is nuclear war, visions if you will starting many years ago.I've survived a head on collision with a 105 mph closing speed, being run over by a boat, staring down the barrel of a 45 and having an interaction with a drug dealer, an African American from Chicago who asked me for a ride home from a party in Spokane in 1990 . I nearly gave him the ride but was talked out of it by my fiancée and now wife of 25 years. He killed a convenience store clerk the following day in the Spokane valley over the money in the till to feed his cocaine habit. His name is Charles Tate and he's doing life in prison.

I've been spared for something. Hopefully its to run a golf course till I retire and live out my days peacefully. I've preached the gospel and laid in the gutter as a bipolar person is wont to do at times but there's just something deeply unusual about my life so far, deeply spiritual with some amazing things that cant be explained and I hate this dark premonition but I cant shake it.

Again I hope to be completely wrong obviously. I hope nuclear war never comes to the planet but of course it already did at the hands of America. We worry about Kim Jong Un maybe shooting one golden bee bee that hits the west coast somewhere. Meanwhile a flinty eyed ruthless assassin with the biggest most powerful nuclear arsenal and most modern delivery systems on earth, bomb shelters to house millions and disaster preparedness drills involving 40 million citizens within the past year is just fine, Trumps buddy who Putin hand selected to be his patsy.
Vlad Putin has our numbskull POTUSs balls in his satchel via blackmail and has taken the measure of our commander in chief and found him greatly lacking.

Our very existence is threatened like never before as long as Trump is in the oval office.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 12:43 pm

Preach Hawktawk.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Mon Jul 24, 2017 1:49 pm

I'm not hiding under my bed RD but neither am I a naive pollyanna or someone who will sell my soul for a few more bucks in my 401 K or a falling unemployment rate. I'm a republican with enough of a sack to call a spade a spade.

The reason why I mentioned my 401K and the state of the economy was to offer evidence that things aren't near as bad as you claim. I've called out Trump nearly as often as you have, and like you, didn't vote for him.

Its not about the economy stupid with this Fin crazy moron. ITS ABOUT OUR VERY SURVIVAL. ITS ABOUT THE RULE OF LAW AND OUR NATIONAL SECURITY. WTF does the economy matter if we are glowing an iridescent green and smoldering ashes because our wholly inept commander in thief and utterly lawless blackmailed dupe can't pull the trigger in time? Can't agree with every intelligence agency about russia, can't agree with his own national security people he picked about Russia's threat and Russia's intent. Can't read or comprehend an intelligence briefing because he watches an obscene 6 hours of cable TV daily while screaming at the TV and has golfed 40 rounds in half a year?

A lot of people were very alarmed when that dime store cowboy Ronald Reagan had his finger near the button. It had its benefits, like making the Soviets so unnerved that they actually believed him when he said that we were going to build Star Wars.

I see you don't want to address my points RD. We are in great peril. I'm sounding the alarm to a nation that has gone to sleep much like pre 911 and pre pearl harbor. Only difference is that Russia wont awaken a sleeping giant, they will eradicate it in a matter of minutes and rule the entire world with a nuclear iron fist. As Ive said it is equally frightening that even though 60% of americans believe Trump did something wrong regarding Russia and 40% think he did something illegal only SIX percent see that as the most pressing issue facing the country. Many In the military see nuclear war as inevitable and I heard one describe it as being"extremely quick and extremely lethal." Some on both sides see one as winnable.

The 40% that believe that Trump did something illegal isn't at all surprising. After all, back in 2014, 36% of voters thought Obama should be impeached and only 61% said that they didn't support impeachment. As divided as the country is, 40% thinking Trump did something illegal means next to nothing. Let's wait until Mueller is done with his investigation before we start looking at poll numbers about what some people think Trump did.

I'm trying to address your points, but quite frankly, it's difficult for me to sift them out through all the hyperbole that's strewn about in your posts. Settle down, for crissakes!
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:36 pm

Rump is too dumb to press the button. He's too dumb for anything frankly except to prop himself up as best ever in his own mind.

There are a lot of Americans that buy into his s***. That's how he was elected. Electoral states elected him. America didn't.

So, here we are with all his lies, wankings, cover-ups and a grip of his people he put in power positions either resigning or under investigation for breaking the law.

Awesome president making America great again. What a effing joke that people bought in.

The economy has NOTHING to do with this assclown. Thank Obama who inherited the biggest pile of s*** ecomy ever thanks to George w Bush.

He turned unemployment around and ended the foreclosure's of homes that Rump was fully in on in 2009.

Rump is human scum. Lower than a slug.
People are absolute dolts for voting for this inhumane human.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Mon Jul 24, 2017 5:46 pm

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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Mon Jul 24, 2017 5:58 pm

Electoral states elected him (Trump). America didn't.

I assume you mean the Electoral College, which is as American as mom, apple pie, and the girl next door. It's been a part of this country since its founding. What people like yourself have a difficult time with is that the United States isn't a pure democracy, it's a representative democracy, which means we elect people to do our bidding for us.

The economy has NOTHING to do with this assclown. Thank Obama who inherited the biggest pile of s*** ecomy ever thanks to George w Bush.

Ain't nothing compared to the handoff Jimmy Carter gave to Ronald Reagan, or Herbert Hoover to FDR. You need to be careful when you throw around the term "ever" when you're talking about a government that has been around since 1788.

People are absolute dolts for voting for this inhumane human.

People voted for Trump for different reasons, many because he wasn't Hillary Clinton. Democrats were their own worst enemy in 2016. Except for Trump himself, Hillary's negatives were worse by far than any other major party nominee since they started the surveys back in the '50's, and she ran a horrible campaign. Hillary had every advantage in the book, spent way more money than Trump, had experience in national elections, and she still couldn't beat him. Heck, she even lost Wisconsin, a state she never sat foot in and which hadn't voted for an R since 1984 when Reagan won 49 states. You want to blame someone for electing Trump? Blame the Democrats!
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 5:14 am

I don't have to be careful about throwing any word around. They are MY words, and MY thoughts.

Regardless of what YOU think or want me to think, sorry but it doesn't work that way. And yes, a bunch of cheese eating fools in Wisconsin and other electoral states voted this tool in. The popular vote is and should be the vote PERIOD.

The simple fact that the EC has been around for so long is a very good reason to oust it. The WRONG person got elected because of it REGARDLESS of any links or other propaganda you can dig up.
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Re: President Trump

Postby NorthHawk » Tue Jul 25, 2017 6:40 am

Gerrymandering the electoral boundaries has played a big role in the Republican success the past few elections.
Hopefully the courts will see it as such and make the boundaries a non political quality of the electoral process.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Tue Jul 25, 2017 7:42 am

I don't have to be careful about throwing any word around. They are MY words, and MY thoughts.

OK, fine. Go ahead and stand by your statement that Obama inherited "the biggest pile of s*** ecomy ever thanks to George w Bush." If you want to believe that the 2009 economy was worse than the 1933 or 1981 economies, then go right ahead. I'd love to get you in a debate for cash sometime if that's your belief.

The popular vote is and should be the vote PERIOD.

The simple fact that the EC has been around for so long is a very good reason to oust it. The WRONG person got elected because of it REGARDLESS of any links or other propaganda you can dig up.

There's no way of telling who would have been elected had the election been determined by direct popular vote vs the electoral college. Both candidates would have run their campaigns much differently. Trump would have spent a lot more time in conservative areas of California and New York and mined more votes rather than writing it off as he did. Conservative voters in those states would have been more likely to turn out and vote if it hadn't been written off by the media as a safe blue state so it's almost a foregone conclusion that Hillary wouldn't have piled up nearly as big of a lead in the popular vote in those two states.

Trying to determine who would have won the election had it been determined by popular vote would have been like trying to figure out which football team would have won if the rules didn't allow scoring by field goals. The entire strategy of the game, or in the case of the election, the campaign, would have been altered.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 9:37 am

Clinton had 3 1/2 million more votes, thats pretty easy to tell who would have won. Hey, for the record I wanted Sanders.

By the way I didnt say Obama inherited the worst economy EVER. But I did say that Bush thoroughly ran the debt up to record levels, foreclosures (which Rump was in on first hand scooping up as many as possible)...Yeah, make America great again my ass. It was great before Carl Clownshoes took over.

Dumb, uneducated voters, and even dumber electoral college delegates.
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:01 am

So you're comfortable with the lunatic holding the nuclear football and having an irrational love affair with Putin and Russia then?

False choice, HT, but I'm sure you totally knew that.

Are you wearing your sandwich board with "THE WORLD IS LITERALLY ENDING!" on it yet?

I'm trying to address your points, but quite frankly, it's difficult for me to sift them out through all the hyperbole that's strewn about in your posts.

This. In fact, I'll flat admit I'm not going to be addressing your "points", HT, because you bury them too deeply in verbal diarrhea. We may agree, we may not, but if you can't take a deep breath and spit it out, we'll never know.
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:11 am

Ain't nothing compared to the handoff Jimmy Carter gave to Ronald Reagan, or Herbert Hoover to FDR.

It was also nothing more than a *recession*- it was a big recession, but those are a baked in fact of life, and it ended something like 100 days into Obama's presidency for chrissakes.

The economy should have been *roaring* back to life the summer of 2009, even going by the Obama admin's assessments- anyone remember "Recovery Summer" (they said it in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012...)?

Obama's economic results aren't even defended by his supporters anymore- just excuses.

There's no way of telling who would have been elected had the election been determined by direct popular vote vs the electoral college.

This, plus the EC exists for valid reasons in a country with 50 united states. The tards who whine about it because their preferred candidate didn't win expose themselves as partisan ignoramuses. Gets old.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:47 am

burrrton wrote:[So you're comfortable with the lunatic holding the nuclear football and having an irrational love affair with Putin and Russia then?

False choice, HT, but I'm sure you totally knew that.

Are you wearing your sandwich board with "THE WORLD IS LITERALLY ENDING!" on it yet?

I'm trying to address your points, but quite frankly, it's difficult for me to sift them out through all the hyperbole that's strewn about in your posts.

This. In fact, I'll flat admit I'm not going to be addressing your "points", HT, because you bury them too deeply in verbal diarrhea. We may agree, we may not, but if you can't take a deep breath and spit it out, we'll never know.[/quote]
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:48 am

So people are retards for saying the popular vote shouldn't win an election? BTW, the very neighborhood my sister lives in in Oceanside Cal. had an amazing turnaround of foreclosures after Obama took office and started flourishing again.

Sorry but you are the "tard".

Speaking of Diarhea....You might want to deburr yourself to just Burton. Do You need exrtra rrrrr's because your Johnson is lacking? But shaving more off your thinking might be either detrimental, or to you, beneficial.

You seem to put yourself "above" everyone. Good for you. You AREN'T..... Capt. Ignoramus.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:09 am

Clinton had 3 1/2 million more votes, thats pretty easy to tell who would have won.[I]

No, it's not easy to tell. 3.5 million votes sounds like a lot, but percentage wise, Clinton won the popular vote by just 2.1%. If that same margin was in a poll, it would qualify it as too close to call. We've all seen opinions swing way more than 2%, sometimes in a single week. There's nothing out there to say that the election couldn't have contained a much different result had the rules been different and the two candidates ran their campaigns differently.

By the way I didnt say Obama inherited the worst economy EVER.

Oh, come off it. Here's exactly what you said: Thank Obama who inherited the biggest pile of s*** ecomy ever thanks to George w Bush. Sounds pretty clear to me.

Dumb, uneducated voters, and even dumber electoral college delegates.

So now you're blaming the EC delegates?
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:18 am

So now you're blaming the EC delegates?

"EVERYBODY'S DUMB EXCEPT ME! By the way, what degree can I get at an electoral college??"
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:24 am

burrrton wrote:"There's no way of telling who would have been elected had the election been determined by direct popular vote vs the electoral college."

This, plus the EC exists for valid reasons in a country with 50 united states. The tards who whine about it because their preferred candidate didn't win expose themselves as partisan ignoramuses. Gets old.

Yes, and they have short memories, either that or they don't have a sense of history.

In 2004, George Bush won the popular vote by 3 million votes, or 2.4%, wider than Hillary's popular vote margin in 2016, but he barely won the Electoral College, by one state, Ohio. In 1960, JFK won a decisive victory in the electoral college, 303 to 219, but won the popular vote by just 110,000 votes, or .17%. So it doesn't always favor the R.

What I would like to see changed is to make the electoral college votes counted by congressional district rather than winner-take-all. That would force the candidates to campaign nation wide instead of concentrating all of their time and effort in 4 or 5 battleground states.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:25 am

burrrton wrote:"EVERYBODY'S DUMB EXCEPT ME! By the way, what degree can I get at an electoral college??"

Try attending a school of fish and maybe you'll find out. :lol:
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:39 am

What I would like to see changed is to make the electoral college votes counted by congressional district rather than winner-take-all.

Yeah, I've heard a lot of reasonable EC modifications suggested, and that's one of them.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Tue Jul 25, 2017 12:19 pm

burrrton wrote:"What I would like to see changed is to make the electoral college votes counted by congressional district rather than winner-take-all."

Yeah, I've heard a lot of reasonable EC modifications suggested, and that's one of them.

The only other modification I'd make would be to require that electoral votes be cast according to the election results. No more of this "faithless electors" garbage.

It would be interesting to go back to last November's results and re-allocate electoral votes according to the results in each Congressional district, give the other two electoral votes to the state's popular vote winner, and see what the results might have been.
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Re: President Trump

Postby c_hawkbob » Tue Jul 25, 2017 4:30 pm

Blame the Dems for Trump?

Boy that's rich ... you guys never cease to amaze with your capacity for blaming everything on the the left. Like the freaking SNL Church Lady; just replace "satan" with "Democrats" ...

Sorry but Trump's on you. You guys started embracing the divisiveness and bigotry of the religious right and hate politics (with bombastic, facts be damned talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh) and now that you've got a bombastic facts be damned president you want to blame it on the left?

You can say this election was lost by the left for a variety of ailments of their own doing, but Rush, I mean Trump is all yours.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Jul 25, 2017 6:55 pm

[quote="burrrton"][So you're comfortable with the lunatic holding the nuclear football and having an irrational love affair with Putin and Russia then?

False choice, HT, but I'm sure you totally knew that.

Are you wearing your sandwich board with "THE WORLD IS LITERALLY ENDING!" on it yet?

[quote]I'm trying to address your points, but quite frankly, it's difficult for me to sift them out through all the hyperbole that's strewn about in your posts. [

This. In fact, I'll flat admit I'm not going to be addressing your "points", HT, because you bury them too deeply in verbal diarrhea. We may agree, we may not, but if you can't take a deep breath and spit it out, we'll never know.

What do you mean by a false choice? Are you ok with trump being the guy with the codes or not? Today following the health care vote Susan Collins republican from Maine was captured on a hot mic telling another senator she thinks itrump is "crazy" and that she is "worried" dittoes. So burton are you secure with this guy holding the nuclear football or not. As a bipolar man I see a potus way more fd up than me holding the satchel . You ok with all this ?

I'm not. Impeach now!!!!!
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Re: President Trump

Postby MackStrongIsMyHero » Tue Jul 25, 2017 7:26 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:Blame the Dems for Trump?

Boy that's rich ... you guys never cease to amaze with your capacity for blaming everything on the the left. Like the freaking SNL Church Lady; just replace "satan" with "Democrats" ...

Sorry but Trump's on you. You guys started embracing the divisiveness and bigotry of the religious right and hate politics (with bombastic, facts be damned talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh) and now that you've got a bombastic facts be damned president you want to blame it on the left?

You can say this election was lost by the left for a variety of ailments of their own doing, but Rush, I mean Trump is all yours.

Bob, he's not blaming democratic voters, he's blaming the Democratic Party. Like River said already, Trump is the worst presidential candidate we've had in this country, and HRC is the second worst candidate. It is a sad state of affairs that neither party could put up a candidate that actually engendered trust among the citizenry. Had HRC not torpedoed Bernie Sanders, we probably don't have a thread titled "President Trump". Yes, the Democratic Party failed on this one. Big time.

[Edit] Also, any body that voted for Trump can't complain now.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Tue Jul 25, 2017 8:57 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:Blame the Dems for Trump?

Boy that's rich ... you guys never cease to amaze with your capacity for blaming everything on the the left. Like the freaking SNL Church Lady; just replace "satan" with "Democrats" ...

Sorry but Trump's on you. You guys started embracing the divisiveness and bigotry of the religious right and hate politics (with bombastic, facts be damned talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh) and now that you've got a bombastic facts be damned president you want to blame it on the left?

You can say this election was lost by the left for a variety of ailments of their own doing, but Rush, I mean Trump is all yours.

Let's correct a couple of things: Trump is not "mine" personally. I did not vote for him, nor will I vote for him in 2020 and will in all likelihood vote for the Dem in my congressional district in 2018 for nothing more than to render Trump impotent.

I'm also not a member of any church or religious organization, nor do I embrace their cause. If you're going to blame me for Trump, you might as well blame Hawktalk while your at it.

And Mack is exactly right. I am not blaming those who identify themselves as Dems or those that voted for HRC for giving us Trump. I am blaming their party for putting up such a divisive and unpopular candidate, even going so far as to rig their own process to give her an advantage over Bernie. You said it yourself when you said that Trump was the best thing that the Dems could hope for in an opponent. He should have been easy to beat, but they couldn't even draw out Obama's base to oppose him. Outside of David Duke, is there any possible candidate that you can think of that the R's could have put up besides Donald Trump that would have been an easier candidate for the Dems to beat? I sure as heck can't think of anyone.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Tue Jul 25, 2017 9:50 pm

The election is over, Trump won. To me, it really doesn't matter what happened before the election, it matters what has transpired since he was sworn in. If a person hates libs then don't listen to them, listen to what members of the GOP say about him and what he is doing to our country and how dismayed they are that their party comrades in congress are in most cases refusing to do their job of over sight of the Admin. which they ae charged to do when they were sworn in.

Rhett Butler to Scarlett O'Hara;
"There is money to be made in the building up of a society and in the tearing down of one, you just make the money a lot faster in the tearing down of one." Paraphrased from GWTW

The book by Margaret Mitchell set in the 1860's may have been a work of fiction but this statement is true.

What we are witnessing now is the tearing down of our great nation and those that are determined to profit from it. Sure, it is treason. But when you have traitors totally in charge of both houses of congress, the White House, the SCOTUS and, apparently, the military what chance do regular Americans have?

Actually, this has been coming a long, long time. Too many politicians from both sides of the aisle have been bought off and have been "selling out" our nation for years and years. The problem has been a mostly LAZY electorate who found it convenient to just keep voting for the same fools over and over again. Both the DNC and the RNC are loaded up with crooks and thieves and they both have been playing "good cop/bad cop" on the American voter. How it works is if a person's politics are center/left then the "good cop" is a democrat and the bad cop is the republican. If a persons politics is center/right then the "good cop" is the GOP and the" bad cop" are democrats. So, while we "buy" into the demonizing of the "other side" believing our side to be the ONLY side that is "good" the truth is that BOTH are just as corrupt as the other. This doesn't take a brain to figure out, but it does take someone who is willing to put country before party.
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Re: President Trump

Postby NorthHawk » Wed Jul 26, 2017 8:25 am

It looks like there is some push back from Republicans growing and I think it will become more prevalent if Trump forces out Sessions.
What's already happened is the bill that limits the President's ability to soften measures against Russia as well as North Korea and Iran.
It's just one bill, but the near unanimity shows the Republicans in the House and Senate have some backbone and might just be getting fed up with his antics.
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:08 am

What do you mean by a false choice?

What do you mean what do I mean? It's as simple an informal fallacy as there is. Look it up, I guess.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:51 am

burrrton wrote:
What do you mean what do I mean? It's as simple an informal fallacy as there is. Look it up, I guess.

No its not a false choice Burrton. Its a simple question. a yes or no question.

Does Trump make you feel safe or not? A retired general said yesterday Trump is more about "making Russia great" than America.
Its chilling and he's an Fing lunatic as well as Sen Collins comments shows legislators are whispering in private even though they don't have the courage to say it publicly (yet).
Are you fine with him as our commander in chief or not?
He's a clusterf#k domestically but its always been the bipolar lunatic commander in chief thing that scares the crap out of me.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:09 am

Hey guys. Sorry I've been an ass lately. A lot of pressure on me from all angles, and add health issues.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:13 am

NorthHawk wrote:It looks like there is some push back from Republicans growing and I think it will become more prevalent if Trump forces out Sessions.
What's already happened is the bill that limits the President's ability to soften measures against Russia as well as North Korea and Iran.
It's just one bill, but the near unanimity shows the Republicans in the House and Senate have some backbone and might just be getting fed up with his antics.

Or, could it be that mid terms are approaching and they KNOW their jobs are being scrutinized now more than ever?

This election woke people up, and guys like Turtle Boy McConnell are on their way out thank Gawd.
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:54 am

Hawktawk wrote:No its not a false choice Burrton.


Yes, HT, it is. You presented two choices:

1. The end of the planet is nigh.
2. You're comfortable with Trump in the White House.

One can be 'not comfortable' with Trump in the WH while disagreeing the apocalypse has arrived. You created a false dilemma.

You make yourself sound like a crank doing that.
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Re: President Trump

Postby NorthHawk » Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:11 am

Or, could it be that mid terms are approaching and they KNOW their jobs are being scrutinized now more than ever?

This election woke people up, and guys like Turtle Boy McConnell are on their way out thank Gawd.

Mid term influence is almost certainly a reason, but it seems those who were blindly following Trump might just be opening their eyes, which is a hopeful sign whatever the reasons.
But don't discount how well Sessions is liked in the base that supports Trump. Sessions was promoting the ideas Trump attached himself to way before Trump became a factor in the Republican race.
Trump seems to think Sessions just latched onto his coattails but I think the reality is a bit different. If he gets rid of Sessions and loses part of his base, it would be a real slap in the face for him.

We live in fascinating times (politically).
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:24 am

Largent80 wrote:Hey guys. Sorry I've been an ass lately. A lot of pressure on me from all angles, and add health issues.

For my part, no apology necessary. Speaking for myself, I'm glad you've joined our little group. Despite the fact that I don't always agree with you, you've kept me on my toes and added some spice to our discussions.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:47 am

burrrton wrote:[


Yes, HT, it is. You presented two choices:

1. The end of the planet is nigh.
2. You're comfortable with Trump in the White House.

One can be 'not comfortable' with Trump in the WH while disagreeing the apocalypse has arrived. You created a false dilemma.

You make yourself sound like a crank doing that.

No you actually need to comprehend what I wrote. I never said the sky IS falling. I never said the world IS ending. I said we have never been in more peril than with a commander in chief who is clinically insane IMO.
I said "I hope I am wrong" about everything including the peril but if Im Vlad Putin who has been preparing to WIN a nuclear war for decades I know I'm never going to get a better shot than at this loose minded crackpot holding the red phone.

If that's a false choice in your mind I guess you just don't want to answer the question of whether you specifically feel safe with Trump as commander in chief forgetting all his other responsibilities so whatever.
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:02 am

If that's a false choice in your mind I guess you just don't want to answer the question of whether you specifically feel safe with Trump as commander in chief forgetting all his other responsibilities so whatever.

Ok, one more time. With feeling!

You took RD's disagreement about your assessment of our level of "peril" and implied that he must therefore be "comfortable" with Trump. That's not a false choice in my mind- it's a false choice in every textbook in the country discussing such things.

Those aren't the only two choices- that's called presenting a false dilemma.

Moving on from middle school debate, I've made my feelings on Trump *crystal* clear, so I'm not sure what question you think there is left for me to answer. I'm not at all thrilled about Trump being in the WH (read: I'm not "comfortable" with it), but I feel our country and system of government is strong enough to survive an inexperienced idiot being there (read: I don't think we're in apocalypse-level "peril"- we've survived guys like that before. Recently.).
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