White House in Dissaray

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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby NorthHawk » Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:06 am

I think it's a direct result of Trump in office. Look no further than their guy Bannon as political advisor.
The White Supremacists have also explicitly said so and they are celebrating that Trump is defending their actions.
This will only embolden them to have more "demonstrations" in the future where they can recruit and intimidate.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby RiverDog » Thu Aug 17, 2017 1:37 pm

kalibane wrote:Riv,

No one is trying to erase Robert E. Lee from the country's history. Believe me, the people that want these monuments down want a fuller representation of this portion of American History, more similar to how Germany treats it's Nazi history, with honesty and shame.

You kind of ignored the part that the entire plan was to move the Robert E. Lee Statue in Charlottesville to a new location, exactly what you are talking about. But people on the other side of this debate about monuments don't care about that detail. They want these monuments to remain in places of reverence because they know it's an affront to people they disagree with ideologically (in the best case) or in the worst cases because they are flat out racists. Their goal isn't to preserve history, it's to continue to white wash what really happened, which is the purpose that these statues serve.

If you proposed to the people who oppose monument removal that the statues could stay provided that plaques were added that detailed the evil these men fought for and perpetrated in their own right, they would still be outraged. Their goal isn't to preserve history, it's to sanitize it. Which is why there aren't wide spread monuments through the South dedicated to John Brown, Nat Turner or Jemmy (who I bet you never heard of). I mean aren't those men part of the great southern heritage? How many schools are named after them? How many statues do they have in their honor? They want to pretend that Robert E. Lee was some genteel southern gentleman who served the confederacy out of duty and patriotism and not the man who saw slavery as a divine mandate and who also captured free black men in Pennsylvania and sent them to the south as slaves.

The people who are in denial of history are the ones fighting to keep these statues up. They are just using history as an excuse, because saying "I want to continue to celebrate racists" is not acceptable in our society anymore.

Not much for me to disagree with there. You're right, the people on the other side of the debate, including the POTUS, don't care about that detail. They want it front and center. And I honestly don't think that all of them were all that upset about it being removed or the park being renamed. They simply saw it as a forum, that an opposition group would be there, that they'd garner a certain degree of sympathy from some, including Trump, and that they'd be given an enemy to physically attack. They knew that the media was going to be there in force.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Aseahawkfan » Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:10 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:Gee really?

Anyone with a brain knows that the ingredients for disaster have always been there, we just don't need a megalomaniac in the most important political position on the planet stirring all the wrong sh!t.

You're not the only only one here really paying attention.

Ok. So your post was the typical overreaction by a Trump hater. I get it. He's suddenly taken us to the brink of nuclear war and it's not the North Korean psychopath building nuclear weapons and threatening to us them that did it. Sure. Trump's fault along with a host of other problems that occurred during nearly every administration including Bill Clinton and his China and Russia campaign contribution scandal that was completely ignored while the Democrats were trying to paint Trump as the Russian spy.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Aseahawkfan » Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:42 pm

RiverDog wrote:Glad you jumped in, ASF. I enjoy reading your takes.

Yea, you can go all the way back to Truman if you want to lay blame for the North Korea situation. It's been an open wound that's been festering for over 60 years. I'm not worried that Trump is going to push the button. All indications are that we are going to let South Korea and Japan make the call on any offensive action, and they are both extremely reluctant because of the devastating consequences their countries would suffer even if the conflict were non nuclear. The only way Trump acts unilaterally is if our territory is attacked directly. As far as China goes, they have a lot more to lose than we do if they were to break ties with us and side completely with North Korea. They're bluffing big time by threatening to join forces with North Korea if we were to attack.

I, too, believe that the events in Charlottesville were not the result of who was in office. The neo Nazis and KKK took the very public removal attempts of what they regard as "their" symbol as a slap in the face. That was what lit the fuse, not the election of Donald Trump.

One thing that Charlottesville did was that it brought out just how much of a racist Trump is. If anyone had any doubts, they should be erased by now. I'd be curious if savvyman and monkey have changed their opinions in light of recent events.

I don't think Trump is a racist. I think he is a cantankerous prick that likes to court controversy and fight with the media to make himself relevant. I mean if the Democrats and left wingers didn't have stuff like this to talk about, Trump may actually have to get stuff done. Right now, he's playing the left and the entire media for idiots by getting them to focus on stupid stuff like his comments on a stupid protest than on actual important policy decisions involving economics. This is Trump playing using garbage to play the left wing, Anti-Trumpers like a fiddle. Shift their wrath and ire and most importantly their attention to idle foolishness that won't have any long-term impact on anything, while he diverts attention away from real economic policy failures.

If Trump spends four years in office sparring with the left wing media and Democrats over comments about a protest he wasn't at and didn't have anything to do with or tweets on his twitter, he wins every time because he doesn't have to actually do anything that involves real policy. Every time Trump has a real policy failure, he starts some Twitter fight or says something controversial and everyone forgets the policies he's actually supposed to be enacting. We get a deluge of commentary on social issues he has next to no control over and nothing to do with because Americans are more interested in their president talking nice than being effective. Right now, Trump is nothing more than a social media target of discussion that the media clamps on to like a dying creature grasping to life (ratings).

If Trump wins a second four year term flimflamming the American people on both sides of the political spectrum through the use of social media while avoiding having to actually enact effective policy, he wins all day, 365 days a year. Look even in this forum, there are people here that act like the man is the worst thing ever based solely on his words, not his actions. Not one of notices things like when he paid for some singer's hotel stay when her brother died or all the people he's helped make money or anything he's done that has been helpful to this nation, it's all about his words. He's winding the world up with Twitter in a way no one else in history has ever done. He's fighting with the media distracting from any real issues. He's having a blast and winning all day triggering the left and right with his torrential Twitter and word attacks. He hasn't done anything really, yet I've never seen such consternation, derision, and generally pathetic overreactions based on a war of words that haven't had any real effect on America or the world other than to wind people up. Even his climate stance has had no effect on things and won't. The beauty of the climate change people is that they never actually have to prove their apocalyptic view in thelr lifetime. It's just what will eventually happen at some undetermined point in the future that we must spend billions of dollars preparing for. Those billions somehow winding up in the pockets of Democrat and climate change supporting publically traded companies getting government subsidies for what they're doing. If it all fails to help in the end. they'll just shrug and say, "We tried." While they enjoy the millionaire/billionaire lifestyle from the money they generated by winding up the climate change doomsday scenario followers...like a religious cult taking money from their followers. But of course it's based on science, so it must all true and perfectly real. The theory part never possibly meaning that it could be very, very wrong. It's the beauty of mass media.

I watch all of this and realize it's not going to change. Humans like being wound up. I guess it gives purpose to their otherwise boring lives. Trump is providing bored people a focus for their sense of self-worth just by defying the man. Being anti-Trump is now a great way to look like a cool kid. And being pro-Trump is likely that way for the non-traditional conservatives. It's the most effective use of social media I've ever seen by a single man. I can't believe it's a 70 year old man that used social media to win a presidency. You would think it would have been a younger person to so effectively use social media. He has to be the greatest Twitterer in the history of Twitter.

You know what the most amusing reality is: we're still one of the best run nations on the planet. There are countries with far less incendiary figures as president that can't keep the same person in office very long. France goes through Presidents like they're Kleenex during flu season. This has been a truly illuminating period for the power of social media. We'll be asking ourselves down the road how a social media supervillain used Twitter to win the presidency.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby c_hawkbob » Thu Aug 17, 2017 7:30 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:
Ok. So your post was the typical overreaction by a Trump hater. I get it. He's suddenly taken us to the brink of nuclear war and it's not the North Korean psychopath building nuclear weapons and threatening to us them that did it. Sure. Trump's fault along with a host of other problems that occurred during nearly every administration including Bill Clinton and his China and Russia campaign contribution scandal that was completely ignored while the Democrats were trying to paint Trump as the Russian spy.

Ok so your post is just a typical underreaction by a Trump apologist, I get it.

Condescending and dismissive, just like the man himself, congrats.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Thu Aug 17, 2017 11:13 pm

So, you don't think Trump is a racist. Where have you been since the 1970's?? Trump has demonstrated over his entire adult life that he has latent racist tendencies. From colluding with his father to defraud the U.S. Government by keeping people of color out of the public housing he and his father were getting tax breaks to build. It wasn't an outlier either. Then there are those young black men who were accused of raping and murdering a white woman. DECADES after they have been exonerated Donald Trump is STILL calling for their execution as late as his 2016 presidential campaign.

Oh, I get it, you HATE Obama so much that you don't consider Trump's "birther" nonsense to be race based. I am sure you actually BELIEVE Obama was a "Manchurian" candidate, no wonder you are blind to Trump's racist words and deeds. I can't wait until your mug turns up on the internet wearing a swastika and goose stepping at the next rally.

All I know
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby RiverDog » Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:00 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:I don't think Trump is a racist.

I don't think that there's any doubt that he's a racist, and I felt that way long before Charlottesville. Outside of David Duke, I can't think of a politician on the national stage since George Wallace (who later repented in his ways) that's as much of a racist as Trump is.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Largent80 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 4:34 am

He has proven he is racist so many times that it is really asinine to say that he isn't.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby kalibane » Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:57 am

Old but Slow wrote:Trump is a victim. His father was a KKK member and was arrested as one in NY. We are all sons of our fathers (sorry Sis, and daughters) and Trump is exactly that. A grifter, con man, opportunist, and racist. It is not his fault. He should be excused. What could he do, disgrace his father or screw as many suckers as he could? The answer, of course came down to money. What question?

This sentiment is almost as dangerous as it is reductive. My grandfather was a racist and a homophobe. My mother under threats of being disowned organized and marched for civil rights in the 60's for black people and later for gay people. In turn my parents taught pacifism and are more anti-guns than anything except racism. I am pro 2nd amendment.

Parents help contribute to who their children become but ultimately people are responsible for their own beliefs and actions. Trump is no victim in this. And he will not and should not be excused.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Largent80 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:27 am

We son't pop out of vaginas with Nazi flag diapers.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby RiverDog » Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:52 am

kalibane wrote:This sentiment is almost as dangerous as it is reductive. My grandfather was a racist and a homophobe. My mother under threats of being disowned organized and marched for civil rights in the 60's for black people and later for gay people. In turn my parents taught pacifism and are more anti-guns than anything except racism. I am pro 2nd amendment.

Parents help contribute to who their children become but ultimately people are responsible for their own beliefs and actions. Trump is no victim in this. And he will not and should not be excused.

Knowing ObS, I think he was being a bit sarcastic.

My father grew up as a household strength racist, meaning that he wasn't anywhere close to being a KKK member or believing in white supremacy....and hated the Nazis. He was born in 1925 and his attitude simply reflected what was for his day mainstream thought for white males of that era, kind of a separate-but-equal, did not believe in mixed marriages, etc. But as his two boys were growing up and made friends with blacks and Hispanics, and as the civil rights movement peaked in the early 70's, he changed. That doesn't mean that I didn't love and respect my father, it just means that I believed that his original attitudes on one subject were wrong. I sincerely believe that my dad's attitudes were to some degree changed by his children rather than the other way around.

Environmental conditions can affect attitudes and beliefs, but as mentally healthy individuals, we are all born with an ability to tell right from wrong and like Kal said, at some point become responsible for our own psychological makeup.

Trump's attitudes on immigrants reflect his racism, which is why I opposed his executive order in the opening days of his administration, even the revised one that made it technically legal. I don't trust his motives. I have a hard time taking what he says on social issues at face value and will question anything that comes out of his mouth regarding that subject.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby burrrton » Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:15 am

LOL- your daily example that this country is losing its sh*t:

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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Largent80 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:49 am

Lol. Bannon BANNED.

Omg I hope he opens his mouth
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby NorthHawk » Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:23 am

Largent80 wrote:Lol. Bannon BANNED.

Omg I hope he opens his mouth

Trump gave him a "Vote of Confidence" the other day, just like he did for others who left.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby RiverDog » Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:01 pm

burrrton wrote:LOL- your daily example that this country is losing its sh*t:


I'm surprised that you didn't mention something a little closer to home:

http://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/loca ... 97087.html
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby burrrton » Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:36 pm

RiverDog wrote:I'm surprised that you didn't mention something a little closer to home:

http://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/loca ... 97087.html

Heh- hadn't seen that. Like I said, though, I don't really have a problem with removing actual tributes to traitors, of which I'd consider that (I think both sides of the argument make valid points).

But it's 2017, so people are rendered unable to stay sane, so we're removing red squares that have Xs on them. Because flags and stuff.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Largent80 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:51 pm

Who is the bigger racisct.? Trump or Bannon?

I'm leaning Rump, but the Ban Man is sniffin the tail.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Largent80 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:55 pm

I'm going 5-1 on Kelley being next. Who ya got?
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby RiverDog » Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:11 pm

burrrton wrote:Heh- hadn't seen that. Like I said, though, I don't really have a problem with removing actual tributes to traitors, of which I'd consider that (I think both sides of the argument make valid points).

But it's 2017, so people are rendered unable to stay sane, so we're removing red squares that have Xs on them. Because flags and stuff.

I don't have a problem removing the tributes, either, and the last few sentences in that sign gets a little too close for comfort IMO. Plus you don't name streets, bridges, ships, parks, schools, etc, for any reason other than a tribute, so I suspect what's going to happen...and what should happen...is that they'll re-dedicate the street to some other historical figure named Lee....but hopefully not Lee Harvey Oswald.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby burrrton » Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:35 pm

I suspect what's going to happen...and what should happen...is that they'll re-dedicate the street to some other historical figure named Lee.

I suspect so, too- that would be an easy solution, especially compared to the years-long rigmarole that I imagine would have to surround any effort to transition all those businesses and residences to new addresses.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby burrrton » Fri Aug 18, 2017 4:03 pm

Bannon says he's leaving the White House and "going to war"- this ought to be entertaining.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Largent80 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:43 pm

burrrton wrote:Bannon says he's leaving the White House and "going to war"- this ought to be entertaining.

By the look of his face, he already went, and lost.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby RiverDog » Sat Aug 19, 2017 8:59 am

burrrton wrote:Bannon says he's leaving the White House and "going to war"- this ought to be entertaining.

Reminds me of James Carville.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Sun Aug 20, 2017 3:24 pm

RD; Tell me, what is it exactly about Steve Bannon that reminds you of James Carville? I know for a fact that Steve Bannon is hell bent on destroying our republic and quite frankly I don't remember James Carville ever trying or even suggesting that our "established government" needs to be destroyed.

You say you don't listen to Rush Limbaugh, well, maybe you had better start. Limbaugh said today among other things that white power groups, KU Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, and other virulent militant right-wing hate groups ae "not the problem". Who IS the problem according to Rush? Those that OPPOSE the right wing hate groups, that's who.

Bannon intends to start a new media network that will be programmed to the right of FOX "News". It was a project that Bannon and Roger Aisles were working on just before Roger died. Dude, there is the Republican Party and there is the TRUMP PARTY. Guess which one is gaining adherents and which one is bleeding members to the other?? Oh, and Democrats have NOTHING to crow about, there are TWO or even Three Democratic Partys and all 3 are HEMROGING voters to either the TRUMP PARTY or a ULTRA right wing candidate and/or elected official who is preaching NATIONALISM!!!

Then you have the Old Guard Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Shumer, etc... Democrats and the Bernie Sanders so called "progressive" wing. One thing I remember well from last years election. The voters who said they would either vote for Sanders or Trump. Sanders was flabbergasted that ANYONE who could support him could also support Trump. So, what was the common denominator?? Nationalism, America First, look out for us Americans FIRST and yada, yada, yada...

One thing that those like Bannon and Limbaugh say that is TRUE and that is that OUR NATION IS ON THE CUSP of the 2nd. CIVIL WAR. I know this to be true because I have been warning of this happening since the early 1980's. Everybody sneered at me and mocked me and called me a "conspiracy theorist" and nobody wanted to hear let alone even consider that I might be right. Well, that was early on, I have watched for years as more and more people became aware that this nation was in great peril, of our own making. I hoped against hope that we wouldn't turn to a despot, but it sure looks like we are primed for the kill.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Largent80 » Sun Aug 20, 2017 3:28 pm

Dude...More people love than hate. If you even consider listening to someone like RL, your credibility takes a serious nosedive.

There will be no 2nd civil war...Jeezus.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby burrrton » Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:48 pm

Scott Adams is too lenient on Trump for me, but this column rings true- too many today need to get a damn grip:

http://blog.dilbert.com/post/1642976286 ... ria-bubble

Now cue all our Totally Not Bigots™ to dismiss everything he says because he not a gay black Nocturnal Central Park Dirt Person whose pronoun is Xhim.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby RiverDog » Sun Aug 20, 2017 9:29 pm

Seahawks4Ever wrote:RD; Tell me, what is it exactly about Steve Bannon that reminds you of James Carville? I know for a fact that Steve Bannon is hell bent on destroying our republic and quite frankly I don't remember James Carville ever trying or even suggesting that our "established government" needs to be destroyed.

You say you don't listen to Rush Limbaugh, well, maybe you had better start. Limbaugh said today among other things that white power groups, KU Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, and other virulent militant right-wing hate groups ae "not the problem". Who IS the problem according to Rush? Those that OPPOSE the right wing hate groups, that's who.

Bannon intends to start a new media network that will be programmed to the right of FOX "News". It was a project that Bannon and Roger Aisles were working on just before Roger died. Dude, there is the Republican Party and there is the TRUMP PARTY. Guess which one is gaining adherents and which one is bleeding members to the other?? Oh, and Democrats have NOTHING to crow about, there are TWO or even Three Democratic Partys and all 3 are HEMROGING voters to either the TRUMP PARTY or a ULTRA right wing candidate and/or elected official who is preaching NATIONALISM!!!

Then you have the Old Guard Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Shumer, etc... Democrats and the Bernie Sanders so called "progressive" wing. One thing I remember well from last years election. The voters who said they would either vote for Sanders or Trump. Sanders was flabbergasted that ANYONE who could support him could also support Trump. So, what was the common denominator?? Nationalism, America First, look out for us Americans FIRST and yada, yada, yada...

One thing that those like Bannon and Limbaugh say that is TRUE and that is that OUR NATION IS ON THE CUSP of the 2nd. CIVIL WAR. I know this to be true because I have been warning of this happening since the early 1980's. Everybody sneered at me and mocked me and called me a "conspiracy theorist" and nobody wanted to hear let alone even consider that I might be right. Well, that was early on, I have watched for years as more and more people became aware that this nation was in great peril, of our own making. I hoped against hope that we wouldn't turn to a despot, but it sure looks like we are primed for the kill.

Holy cow, all that because I said that a statement by Bannon reminded me of James Carville? Calm down, for crissakes!

What I was referring to was that Carville once made a brash statement in response to the press/political opposition to the initial accusations that arose during one of Bill Clinton's scandals (I can't remember which scandal) that "this means war!" It's almost identical to Bannon's comments.

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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Largent80 » Mon Aug 21, 2017 2:16 pm

Trump heard about the eclipse from one of his staffers since he doesn't believe in science or news he goes out to take a look.


UMMM hey Cheeto-Jeezus™......The sun is a continuous nuclear explosion and will permanently burn your eyes.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Aug 22, 2017 3:39 pm

http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/o ... id=UE07DHP

This right here^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Its my number one problem with him, always has been and why we are in greater peril than ever before with this madman in the oval office.
Never in my 58 years of life have I heard members of the POTUS own party talk openly about his mental capacity.
Never have I heard talk of the 25th amendment being used to remove a POTUS in my life.
Never have I heard rumors of other politicians in the POTUS own party in the first 7 months of a new administration challenging him in a primary
and openly speculating whether he will be the candidate in 2020.

Its the Elephant in the Oval office....Its time to get real about it.

Impeach for high crimes or 25th amendment due to mental illness NOW for the sake of humanity.....There's clear evidence for either.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby c_hawkbob » Tue Aug 22, 2017 8:32 pm

Cool that it's written by Eugene Robinson. (Yea I know it's not our Eugene Robinson, but still ...)
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Aug 23, 2017 4:49 am

c_hawkbob wrote:Cool that it's written by Eugene Robinson. (Yea I know it's not our Eugene Robinson, but still ...)

LOL Bob it wasn't lost on me either :D :D :D Eugene the hitting machine.
This Eugene hits with his journalistic integrity and honesty.
Its too bad about the republican house being willing to dance with the devil over tax reform.......
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Aug 23, 2017 5:03 am

http://freebeacon.com/politics/trump-mc ... ing-phone/

And the hits just keep coming.... Buried in the article is the assertion that Trump also swore at McConnell for not "protecting him from the Russian investigation. He was reportedly more angry about that than the health care fiasco.

Note to Trump. It is also obstruction of justice to attempt to thwart any oversight investigation by either body of congress or any committee they appoint....
More red meat for Mueller who will likely want to interview the senate majority leader now.

McConnell is said to have told surrogates he doubts the presidency can be salvaged at this point.
The sooner the better and good riddance.....

Lots of people savaged old HT for being too shrill and unhinged when I was ranting against trump long before he secured the nomination..........
Savvy? U out there? lets revisit OK?
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby burrrton » Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:21 am


http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/20 ... -name.html

The country isn't out of sh*t to lose yet, apparently.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby RiverDog » Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:07 am

burrrton wrote:LOL:

http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/20 ... -name.html

The country isn't out of sh*t to lose yet, apparently.

If 29% of young Americans can't even find the Pacific Ocean on map, then it seems reasonable to conclude that a large number of them would genuinely believe that a person of obvious Asian ancestry is a direct descendent of the Civil War general. ESPN is simply making a sound business decision by acknowledging the fact that Americans are for the most part a collection of babbling idiots and are changing this guy's assignment in order to avoid a controversy and having to go to all the trouble of defending themselves against accusations of hiring a Confederate sympathizer.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby burrrton » Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:16 am

Hey, I'm not saying it might not be a sound business decision, but the fact that an Asian guy's name might cause controversy is about as 2017 as it gets.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby RiverDog » Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:58 am

burrrton wrote:Hey, I'm not saying it might not be a sound business decision, but the fact that an Asian guy's name might cause controversy is about as 2017 as it gets.

You have to keep in mind that this is the same ESPN that hired Rush Limbaugh in as an NFL commentator.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Largent80 » Thu Aug 24, 2017 4:52 am

I haven't watched anything except a few college football games from there in the last few years. It is totally in the shitter.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby RiverDog » Thu Aug 24, 2017 12:20 pm

Largent80 wrote:I haven't watched anything except a few college football games from there in the last few years. It is totally in the shitter.

And it's likely to get worse before it gets better. With internet streaming technology improving every year, ESPN stands to take a big hit.
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Aseahawkfan » Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:00 pm

RiverDog wrote:I don't think that there's any doubt that he's a racist, and I felt that way long before Charlottesville. Outside of David Duke, I can't think of a politician on the national stage since George Wallace (who later repented in his ways) that's as much of a racist as Trump is.

Why exactly do you think he's a racist? Many people that consider themselves non-racist folk talk in a similar fashion to Trump using nicer words. But in their minds, they very much segregate people into type with certain predetermined notions of them. Do you truly believe he believes "Whties are superior" and deserve a higher place in society? Or do you mean he's a New York "racist" in terms of using racial slurs and thinking people should stick with their own? I don't believe he is a KKK racist wanting to propagate the White Power Aryan Nation/Nazi philosophy. You might be able to talk me into the New York "racist" where you stick with your own as far as marrying and the like. And having attitudes that involve stereotyping and similar thinking, which a lot of people possess that I don't look at as racist, but more ethnocentric and prejudiced. Then again many folk of African descent think the same way of people of European ancestry and we don't refer to them as racist.

Racism implies the belief in the superiority of your race as well as the power to inflict that on people. Prejudice and ethnocentricism is a different animal that usually involves stereotyping negative and positive, but not racism. That word is vastly overused in the modern day. I also find it amusing that thinking that is racist and feminist meaning the promotion of a "victimized" race and/or pro a specific gender is tolerated,while ire is raised for the opposite. I understand why it occurs, but it is illogical and fallacious.

No. I don't agree that Trump is a KKK-style racist. I'd love to see the proof of this other than the one time they attribute his father at a KKK rally. What other examples of him truly supporting the spread of racism other than word attributions? I've followed a Trump a long time, long before he became president. This whole racist BS only came to the forefront once he ran for president, usually because of some snippet taken out of context of a speech he gave like the whole "Trump hates Mexican" BS that was falsely promoted. Trump is very right about Mexico and their immigration policies being bad for the United States. Mexico purposefully funnels immigrants here from other nations they do not take in and encourages immigration to the United States because they know those people will send money back to the U.S. He didn't explain it in as diplomatic manner, but this is absolutely occurring to the detriment of our job market and economy. Most Americans are too uneducated in economics to understand how badly this hurts our economy. I very much hope he destroys NAFTA.

Explain to me why every single Republican candidate in my lifetime is some how a racist? Why does this always to be the refrain of the liberal left and why are you buying into it?
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Re: White House in Dissaray

Postby Aseahawkfan » Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:12 pm

RiverDog wrote:My father grew up as a household strength racist, meaning that he wasn't anywhere close to being a KKK member or believing in white supremacy....and hated the Nazis. He was born in 1925 and his attitude simply reflected what was for his day mainstream thought for white males of that era, kind of a separate-but-equal, did not believe in mixed marriages, etc. But as his two boys were growing up and made friends with blacks and Hispanics, and as the civil rights movement peaked in the early 70's, he changed. That doesn't mean that I didn't love and respect my father, it just means that I believed that his original attitudes on one subject were wrong. I sincerely believe that my dad's attitudes were to some degree changed by his children rather than the other way around.

Environmental conditions can affect attitudes and beliefs, but as mentally healthy individuals, we are all born with an ability to tell right from wrong and like Kal said, at some point become responsible for our own psychological makeup.

Trump's attitudes on immigrants reflect his racism, which is why I opposed his executive order in the opening days of his administration, even the revised one that made it technically legal. I don't trust his motives. I have a hard time taking what he says on social issues at face value and will question anything that comes out of his mouth regarding that subject.

I see. Yes, Trump is probably a bit "racist" like your father. I don't believe that is racist. I believe that is ethnocentric and prejudiced.

Trump is right on immigration. It needs to be limited. Other nations have far more stringent immigration requirements, yet Trump wants to clean up immigration and he's a racist? Give me a break. We need immigration enforcement. If the government (left and right) hadn't forced this down our throat for so long (NAFTA and all the other free trade agreements), they wouldn't have had this type of reaction. When you read up extensively on what is occurring with immigration, you see between the unchecked immigration at our borders and the H1B visa program the job market in America is under serious pressure.

The increase in demand for goods and services from the population increase isn't being offset by the downward pressure in wages from the increased supply of job seekers. The H1B visa program is creating an international competition for wages in the tech industry that is driving wages down. How can an American worker used to a certain standard of living compete with an Indian, Chinese, or Russian worker that sees a lower wage as a serious upgrade to their wage scale? You have American workers competing against Indian, Chinese, Russian, and other foreign workers that will take a lower wage. This is purposely being orchestrated by powerful tech companies to ensure a global labor pool drawing from poorer nations that will accept a lower wage due to the corruption of their government. Makes it hard to maintain the American standard of living if you're competing against the Russian, Indian, and Chinese standard of living in the job market.

Yet the focus has become instead on the President's words about immigrants rather than a real discussion of the economic aspects of immigration. You will notice the smarmy liberals talking about immigrants doing "jobs no one wants", especially when speaking about immigrants from Latin America. And yet that is somehow not "racist." There is no discussion of the effect of immigration on the construction industry or the tech industry because very powerful companies want to ensure that nothing damages their global labor pool.
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