An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

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An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby c_hawkbob » Fri Oct 27, 2017 1:36 pm


I feel ya, I really do. I hate our current POTUS as much as anyone, in fact I try not to mention his name anymore than necessary either IRL or in print, I've written letters and made phone calls to my appropriate representatives and to a greater degree than I have with any other elected official, I fight the good fight on social media ...

But man, you're taking it too far. You're getting personally offensive and attacking people that I've considered my on-line friends and family for a whole lot of years ... you need to get a grip on yourself and say what you have to say about the subject matter, on that I'm largely in agreement with you, but stop these belligerent personal attacks.



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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby yoder » Fri Oct 27, 2017 7:05 pm

Thanks Bob,

I do believe everyone has a right to their own opinion, but name the calling and personal attacks are getting out of hand. I like the idea of having an OT forum, yet I'm seriously questioning if it's a good idea or not. We have a good family here and the absolute last thing I want is for people to stop enjoying this website due to political BS. There are a lot of heightened tensions due to the current political climate/state of the nation/whatever. Please don't forget what this place is all about, a SEATTLE SEAHAWK FOOTBALL FORUM!

In other words, those who want to curse and threaten members of this family...take your s*** somewhere else or your IP address will be banned. You are taking away from the spirit of this forum. There has been too much time and effort building and retaining this community. Seriously, take your s*** elsewhere.


P.S. If anyone here is feeling like a poster is going too far, please PM me.
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby RiverDog » Sat Oct 28, 2017 3:26 am

yoder wrote:Thanks Bob,

I do believe everyone has a right to their own opinion, but name the calling and personal attacks are getting out of hand. I like the idea of having an OT forum, yet I'm seriously questioning if it's a good idea or not. We have a good family here and the absolute last thing I want is for people to stop enjoying this website due to political BS. There are a lot of heightened tensions due to the current political climate/state of the nation/whatever. Please don't forget what this place is all about, a SEATTLE SEAHAWK FOOTBALL FORUM!

In other words, those who want to curse and threaten members of this family...take your s*** somewhere else or your IP address will be banned. You are taking away from the spirit of this forum. There has been too much time and effort building and retaining this community. Seriously, take your s*** elsewhere.


P.S. If anyone here is feeling like a poster is going too far, please PM me.

The OT forum is enjoyed by a number of us and sometimes gets more posts than the Seahawks forum. It would be a shame to have to do away with it because one or two posters can't seem to behave like one would in any other open forum or venue. Not having it would decrease overall participation and affect participation in the main forum.
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:28 pm

I went to the extreme I did because I firmly believe that Trump and his enablers in congress and else where are TRULY endangering our nation.
I feel sorry that people whom you considered friends have decided that their love of Trump and Trumpism is more important than than supporting the RULE of LAW that is ingrained in our Constitution. Our great nation is in terrible peril because of Trump and the GOP have decided that their political wins count more than the actual following of the law. That is NOT just an opinion, it is a FACT!!!!

I went extreme because I firmly believe that those who support and expouse these EXTREME POLITICAL POLICIES must be called out. You say they are your "friends" , I myself if I had any friends who were supporting and advocating destroying the rule of law in this country they would no longer be my friends if they would not listen to reason.

I have ALWA been in favor of allowing people their right to speak, even IF that "speech" is offensive such as what is happening today in Tenn.

But that offensive speech should have consequences and being called out for advocating the support for Trump and those Republican members of congress who are refusing to do their job of over sight of an Administration that is flouting the United States Constitution not to mention LIES that are said from Trumps own mouth.

But, I guess instead of calling out these people you would rather just let it go, because they are your friends... How sad

I think maybe you are just afraid to call out evil for what it is, how really sad.

Do you believe that Mc Cain, Flake, Corker, not to mention former President Bush 43 are calling out Trump because of a clash of personalities??? This is time to either stand up and be counted as a patriot or side with the traitors. I guess you all have decided it is better to be quiet and hope all of this "unpleasantness" will all go away, either in 3 years or 8. Have you not even considered the possibility that Trump has no intention of giving up power, EVER??? Speak up now while you still have the chance to speak up.

OK, I have said my piece, I accomplished what I set out to do, and that was to get the attention of those of you that seem to have buried your head in the sand and decided that silence was better. So, I will STOP all attacks personal and otherwise because I have made my point. It is very hard to be interested in sports in general and football in particular while all of this is going on. The last time I felt this way was after 9-11 because when we were attacked it just didn't seem to be that important. Well, we WERE ATTACKED by Russia and the GOP and the Trump Administration not only denies that an attack occurred but have done virtually NOTHING to keep it from happening again. Oh, and the Trump Admin. so far is refusing to implement the sanctions against Putin and Russia that was passed by the Senate 98-2 and Trump SIGNED INTO LAW.

So, I will now log off but will probably come back and "lurk" just because I am a curious person. I hope our nation is strong enough to over come this, but if silence seems to be the remedy and friendship "trumps" treason then I truly feel sorry for you all.
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby Largent80 » Sun Oct 29, 2017 4:24 am

Political discussions often end up this way. The site I used to frequent had a separate Politics and Religion forum, which they decided to let people use profanity and basically say things about other people. How do you think that worked out?

I found myself engaging in that same activity about the time I started posting here and corrected myself and simply decided to use a little humor instead.

I think it's great to be able to discuss this stuff, however it seems some people really take it personally. Don't kill the forum over this, just give the person a "Time Out".

I nuked my Facebook account after 9 years last October over all the political s*** I saw every day and now my life is SO much better without it. I suggest everyone do it as well. It's a great place to re-connect with old friends etc. but the rest of it is not worthy of your time.
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby c_hawkbob » Sun Oct 29, 2017 5:06 am

I think maybe you are just afraid to call out evil for what it is, how really sad.

What a lonely, angry existence it must be to feel the need to berate, belittle and bully those that don't agree with what you say ... wait a minute ... doesn't that sound a lot like the guy at whom you're so angry?

Civil discussion with opposing viewpoints is healthy, Don't discourage it.

Extremism, from any viewpoint is unhealthy. Don't participate in it.

Moderation in all things, including moderation.

Somebody stop me, I'm turning into a Yoda/Mr Miyagi love child ...
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Sun Oct 29, 2017 6:47 am

Sure Bob, IF these WERE normal times I would be with you 1000% but to try and pretend that these are normal times is to ignore the obvious. Have you NOT been paying attention to the absurdities coming from this WH and the GOP in congress?????????????????????? Either you are for the Constitution or you are a TRAITOR there is NO "middle? way.

Healthy debate is just that healthy but these Trumpist following Trump and the GOP are the ones who have pushed the discourse to this point, or are you like the 3 monkeys?????

Speak no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil your grand children will live under a dictatorship. It is just that simple and that serious. I am really saddened that you don't see it, but you will, God help you you will.

Like I said, I will NOT engage in any more personal attacks, I have made my point. But, yeah, go ahead and block me or kick me of the site as I DID break the rules and rules should be followed...
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby Largent80 » Sun Oct 29, 2017 7:22 am

Here's a funny thing. I live in rural s.e. Texas. Im not liberal but hardly conservative. Even though im surrounded by redneck far righties, it's hard to find people that actually voted for Rump.

Either that or they are lying bastards , :lol:
Probably because people are flocking here from all over the country because of cheap housing.
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby idhawkman » Sun Oct 29, 2017 7:23 am

c_hawkbob wrote:
Somebody stop me, I'm turning into a Yoda/Mr Miyagi love child ...

Oh Crap!!! That's a mental picture I'll never get out of my mind now. Thanks Bob /sarcasm
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby idhawkman » Sun Oct 29, 2017 7:28 am

Seahawks4Ever wrote:Sure Bob, IF these WERE normal times I would be with you 1000% but to try and pretend that these are normal times is to ignore the obvious. Have you NOT been paying attention to the absurdities coming from this WH and the GOP in congress?????????????????????? Either you are for the Constitution or you are a TRAITOR there is NO "middle? way.

Alright, enough is enough! List specifics as to what constitutional crisis you are referring to. I'll be shocked if you can name one because brighter minds have not found any and brought charges so I'm going to wait and see what you Trump up.

Healthy debate is just that healthy but these Trumpist following Trump and the GOP are the ones who have pushed the discourse to this point, or are you like the 3 monkeys?????

Name something that we've PUSHED to discourse level.

Speak no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil your grand children will live under a dictatorship. It is just that simple and that serious. I am really saddened that you don't see it, but you will, God help you you will.

Like I said, I will NOT engage in any more personal attacks, I have made my point. But, yeah, go ahead and block me or kick me of the site as I DID break the rules and rules should be followed...

Like what? Baseless unfounded conjecture? That's classic.
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:52 am

How about blatantly violating the Omolients (sp) Clause?
How about not only refusing to acknowledge we were attacked by Russia but refusing to do anything about it even though Trump signed a sanctions bill that was passed by the senate 98-2???

OK, anybody else want to chime in? Or are you going to allow THIS LIE not to be challenged???? How about you YODER??? Or do you not agree that ID just blatantly LIED??
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:52 am

How about blatantly violating the Omolients (sp) Clause?
How about not only refusing to acknowledge we were attacked by Russia but refusing to do anything about it even though Trump signed a sanctions bill that was passed by the senate 98-2???

OK, anybody else want to chime in? Or are you going to allow THIS LIE not to be challenged???? How about you YODER??? Or do you not agree that ID just blatantly LIED??
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby idhawkman » Sun Oct 29, 2017 10:09 am

Seahawks4Ever wrote:How about blatantly violating the Omolients (sp) Clause?
How about not only refusing to acknowledge we were attacked by Russia but refusing to do anything about it even though Trump signed a sanctions bill that was passed by the senate 98-2???

Seriously? This is all you got before you have to have help? This is what you are so outraged about? You can't even build a case out of what you wrote. He has not broken the law and since he signed his business over to his kids, you can't even prove the emoluments charge. That's why you don't see anything about it since Jan 23rd.

If you would keep a level head whenever you hear Trump, you'd know that he has acknowledged the Russians tried to influence the election. It appears they did this through and with the DNC and the Hilliary campaign. That is still being investigated and will either be proved or not be proved but what can definitely be ruled out is that he and his campaign had no ties to Russia. I know you don't want to hear this but those are the facts and when it is all said and done, it will hurt the dems much more than the allegations against Trump will hurt him.

What if everything you knew to be true suddenly turned out not to be. (e.g. the world is flat) Now you have NY Times, CNN and other main stream media running for cover and claiming that the DNC and Hilliary "lied to them". It is going to get very interesting going forward.

OK, anybody else want to chime in? Or are you going to allow THIS LIE not to be challenged???? How about you YODER??? Or do you not agree that ID just blatantly LIED??

Anyone want to help him with his charges? Please just put in specifics instead of citing laws that "might have" been broken and keep conjecture out of it.
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby idhawkman » Sun Oct 29, 2017 10:35 am

By the way, here's a good argument on the emoluments clause and why they are not going anywhere and what it would take to get them to go somewhere. It's by the Washington Post so you know it doesn't have a "right" bias to it.

I'm pretty sure you "DON"T" want to hang your hat on this charge as to why he's so terrible, right?
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby Largent80 » Sun Oct 29, 2017 11:43 am

Someone is going down Monday is the word I heard this morning.
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby Aseahawkfan » Sun Oct 29, 2017 1:01 pm

yoder wrote:Thanks Bob,

I do believe everyone has a right to their own opinion, but name the calling and personal attacks are getting out of hand. I like the idea of having an OT forum, yet I'm seriously questioning if it's a good idea or not. We have a good family here and the absolute last thing I want is for people to stop enjoying this website due to political BS. There are a lot of heightened tensions due to the current political climate/state of the nation/whatever. Please don't forget what this place is all about, a SEATTLE SEAHAWK FOOTBALL FORUM!

In other words, those who want to curse and threaten members of this family...take your s*** somewhere else or your IP address will be banned. You are taking away from the spirit of this forum. There has been too much time and effort building and retaining this community. Seriously, take your s*** elsewhere.


P.S. If anyone here is feeling like a poster is going too far, please PM me.

I'd keep the off-topic forum. When you don't have one, it starts to seep over to the main forum. Then you usually have to start banning people. It can have a snowball effect. At least here the people can come in, vent a bit, and you can ignore them if you wish. When I don't feel like discussing topics like this, I stick to the football forum.
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby Aseahawkfan » Sun Oct 29, 2017 1:12 pm

Seahawks4Ever wrote:Sure Bob, IF these WERE normal times I would be with you 1000% but to try and pretend that these are normal times is to ignore the obvious. Have you NOT been paying attention to the absurdities coming from this WH and the GOP in congress?????????????????????? Either you are for the Constitution or you are a TRAITOR there is NO "middle? way.

Healthy debate is just that healthy but these Trumpist following Trump and the GOP are the ones who have pushed the discourse to this point, or are you like the 3 monkeys?????

Speak no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil your grand children will live under a dictatorship. It is just that simple and that serious. I am really saddened that you don't see it, but you will, God help you you will.

Like I said, I will NOT engage in any more personal attacks, I have made my point. But, yeah, go ahead and block me or kick me of the site as I DID break the rules and rules should be followed...

And what administration has followed the Constitution and not circumvented it when they felt it was needed or when some powerful people pushed for it? The Constitution has not been followed perfectly in spirit or in law since the beginning of this nation. People always come up with ways to circumvent it like The Commerce Clause or constant manipulation by the Supreme Court as to how it will be interpreted or applying race and gender standards as they did when it was written.

Why aren't you saying this same thing about the Democrats? They are shoving beliefs down our throat on a constant basis. Taxes on sugary drinks and banning of fast food from poor areas because people don't have free will. Forced health care even if a person is willing to accept not paying for it. More and more costs and codes for running businesses, modifying property, and living in general. Yet you don't consider this type of bureaucratic tyranny as a dictatorship? What happens if you don't comply? Let me tell you, men with guns show up and put you in jail or a court garnishes your wages or they take your property.

Give it a rest already. You already live in a very bureaucratic tyranny that is only getting worse and will only get worse until your grandchildren and great grandchildren are paying to breathe the air. Here you are harping on the GOP and Republicans as though they're the only ones building for us a cage. Suffice it to say your bias is showing and I can't take you seriously because for all your heartfelt calls, you're lying again and again and ignoring the corruption of the Clinton's and the Democrats.

Who pursued Snowden and Julian Assange? Obama and both Democrats and Republicans. Realize the reality if your situation and stop acting as though a smiling man at president telling you slick things you want to hear changes anything on a real basis.
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:45 am

IDH; Very funny, I click on your precious "evidence": of an article from the Washington Post yet in order to read it I would have to pay them 10 bucks. Besides, it is rich that you (just like your idol) that you call the Post "fake news" right up until you want to quote them. Which is it? Do they print REAL NEWS or is it FAKE??? You don't get to have it both ways.

We all know that the RepubliCONS who control congress have abdicated their job of over sight of this WH and so the most corrupt Administration in our history is free to be as crooked as they want to be. So yeah, I am sure Trump has no worries he will be Impeached for any of his high crimes and misdameaners, especially his many violations of the emoulients clause. You know full well that if Obama had operated this way the GOP would have impeached and removed him from office forthwith if he had done a 1000th. of what Trump has done and continues to do. But, we both know you will now LIE and dent this is true, because that is what hypocrites do.

Oh, and ASEA, it is yet another of your plethora of LIES to say that every presidential administration in our history has violated the constitution. Yes, it IS true that there have been violations but none has been as egregious as this one. I mean, to actually deny that we were attacked by the Russian government and so do absolutely nothing to punish Putin and the Russian government takes the cake. Think about what would have happened if FDR would have denied that Imperial Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor and couldn't bring himself to say anything bad about Hirohito or Tojo (bet you don't even know who Tojo was) well, that is the same thing that Trump has been doing, he has denied that Russia attacked us and so far has been dragging his feet to implement the sanctions that were imposed by a REPUBLICAN controlled congress by a vote 98-2.

I guess GOP senators Mc Cain, Flake, and Corker are just liars , I mean Corker only voted with Trump 98% of the time. How dare he! I mean, that's what you Trumpist want isn't it? Total fealty to the Donald??? I mean, who do these GOP Senators think they are to "claim" that they are co-equals of the POTUS??? And no one, and I mean NO ONE had better question the words of a 4 star Marine General had they?

of those new prisons that Trump is having built don't have to be only for illegals now do they? They could just as easily hold "dissadents" too, can they not???

One more thing, I suppose you are going to deny that Seabastian Gorka called for the execution of HRC on the Sean Hannity Show and Hannity whole heatedly agreed and since Hannity still has a job on Fox News that must mean that Fox also agrees that Clinton should be executed. How about you, do want to see Clinton killed also? Don't lie now, you know you do...
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby yoder » Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:59 pm

Seahawks4Ever wrote:How about you YODER??? Or do you not agree that ID just blatantly LIED??

Don't drag me into this, I have enough on my plate right now. The important issue to me is that you stop with the personal attacks on this forum. Step back, take a breath, take a pill if needed. Whatever. You've been asked a few times now to chill out, please do so for the good of this community.
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby RiverDog » Mon Nov 20, 2017 6:40 pm

Even though it wasn't directed at me, I was literally disgusted by Seahawks4Ever's last post in the sex assault thread. I guess CBob's friendly and very genuine appeal to him had a very short lasting effect.

So S4E, you have the distinct honor of being the first person to hit my ignore list in this forum. You're going to start driving away posters from this forum with your over the top rhetoric.

Mak or Yoder, it's just my humble opinion, but Largent80's cartoon wasn't half as objectionable as some of S4E's musings. At least L80's cartoon was an attempt at humor and not a personal attack on someone I consider a good friend.
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:13 pm

Sorry Yoda, er Yoder. I am sorry that you have decided that you don't believe in FREE SPEECH. But, it IS YOUR website so if you want to let some spew LIES and support PERVERTS and TRAITORS that is YOUR BUSINESS. There should be BLOW BACK for those that support liars, traitors, sexual predators and such. Calling out people who engage in those activities is what you (and IDH, RD, etc..) call "personal attacks".

I consider it a "personal attack" when someone or anyone tries to pretend that lying to the American people, running a criminal enterprise out of the Whitehouse, supporting a POTUS that brags how he can grab a woman by the genitals and sides with the Russian dictator over our own Intelligence services is AOK. But, if THAT is the type of Website you want to run then, like I said, it is YOUR website so if you want to pretend that people that engage in such activities or support such activities go right ahead.

But, by pretending that these are "normal" activities you, YODER, are saying that it is ALRIGHT that Trump would grab a women's genitals, that Trump gives aid and comfort to a foreign enemy that not has attacked our nation but CONTINUES to attack our nation, that Trump engages in obstruction of justice in order to cover up his many crimes. So, go ahead and ban me Yoder, or grow a pair of BALLS and stand up for what you know is right.

Either that, or decide that you are a wannbe Alex Jones, Matt Drudge, and Bill O-Reilley. You should have kept it strictly a Seahawk forum if you didn't want any political talk. But, there are always those that want to overwhelm by numbers to silence those with whom they disagree. Frankly, I loved the old P-I Forums, right up until 9-11. After 9-11 we were inundated with those from the far left and far right who brought their opinions into the sports forums. That is when they started the Foreign Policy Forum and the Political Forum which at the time I found to be redundant. But, it was too late, people went after those they disagreed with in the political forums on the sports forums. It WAS terrible and I don't think the P-I Forums ever recovered. So, why am I so hard??? Because, our whole existence is in jeopardy this time Yoder, or do you just want to bury your head where the sun don't shine pretending it isn't so???????????????????????????????????????????????
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby Sox-n-hawks » Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:44 pm

I voted for trump, I've carried a weapon in defense of our nation, I respect women and live my life to honor my nation. If you've never wagered your life so someone else can live or have a free life, maybe you should re-evaluate where you stand Seahawks4Ever.
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Tue Nov 21, 2017 3:56 am

Sox, you voted for Trump, BFD. The point is, after what you have seen of him as POTUS would you STILL vote for him? If so, GTH your time in the service means zero if you now support a TRAITOR, or did you forget the OATHE to serve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States??? You think I haven't risked my life?? You know NOTHING about me. You go and re-evaluate YOUR life. Oh, the military didn't want somebody whose legs were sawed in half as a teenager but that was almost 50 years ago, I understand the military so desperate for recruits they are emptying the jails and giving out citizenship to illegals who serve at least one enlistment (which I agree with btw) maybe they would accept me this time...I doubt it, But, I also hear that the air force is about to recall hundreds of pilots who longer fulfilled ALL of their commitments but since they were commissioned officers they are subject to recall at any time. I wonder why they need so many more pilots or why they can't make their recruitment goals, think it has something to do with the people who run the federal government???

Oh, and Trump and his GOP cohorts in congress have made concrete moves to privatize the V.A. hospitals, but that is what MOST veterans want? Right? Don't LIE Sox, you KNOW that MOST vets are dead set against the privatization of veterans hospitals. Bu5t, yeah, go ahead and keep voting for your buddy Trump.

We wouldn't be a nation except for the early battles won by one Benedict Arnold, his accomplishments I am sure put yours to shame, but, in the end he became a TRAITOR so just because you served doesn't give YOY the RIGHT to then support those who would DESTROY our republic.

You see, Yoder? You challenge these folks with FACTS and how it is affected by their own actions and it is called a "personal attack". Like I said before, an attack on our great nation and its constitution which is the foundation on which it stands IS a PERSONAL attack on those that choose to RESIST rather than just "go along o get along".

Gee, and I thought I had been banned? Must not have got around to it, yet. Oh well, I will try and not sully the play ground but I just HAD to answer SOX.

So many who served in the military believe it gives them some "special rights" to run roughshod over those that didn't have the opportunity. My how they sneer and feel nothing but contempt, much like many police officers feel for those that THEY are sworn to "protect and serve". They seem to be blind to the that there are a plethora of other ways to serve the nation and society, and yes, many of those ways also involve risking ones life but not taking another persons life. By his post to me I get the feeling that Sox is in THAT camp.

Don't get me wrong, I firmly believe in protecting ones self or people you don't even know should the need arise, I am not a pacifist, but nor am I a conformist either. You won't catch me going along to get along. I am sad though that not one person in here feels the same way I do, there is going to be a REAL fight, with real battles, with real blood spilled when the civil war erupts. To be silent is to give consent to those that are taking our civil liberties (our rights) without even a whimper from those whose rights are being taken now THAT is really SAD. I know, some of these are our "friends" but how can you STILL be friends with people whose "core" beliefs are so alien to your own? Civil Wars are fought brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, in other words, it ain't pretty. Lines are forming, do you want to be on the side of traitors or patriots??? Here is a clue, Trump and his supporters are on the traitor side, and NO I am NOT going to pretend and be nice to them. So Yoder either ban me or come out on the patriots side, you don't have the option of sitting on the fence pretending it will all go away, this "unpleasantness".
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby Sox-n-hawks » Tue Nov 21, 2017 6:38 am

You've got some serious issues man. Godspeed and good luck in life. I'll let you in on a secret that might help you..... psst that s*** attitude of yours is probably the root of your problems.

I could go on and on arguing and bantering back and forth. The bottom line is, there was a peaceful transition of power in the greatest nation on earth. Accept it and move on. If you don't like the people in power elect someone different next time. Thats how America works. Get over it. There is no valid argument to be had.
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Nov 21, 2017 6:45 pm

Seahawks4Ever wrote:IDH; Very funny, I click on your precious "evidence": of an article from the Washington Post yet in order to read it I would have to pay them 10 bucks. Besides, it is rich that you (just like your idol) that you call the Post "fake news" right up until you want to quote them. Which is it? Do they print REAL NEWS or is it FAKE??? You don't get to have it both ways.

We all know that the RepubliCONS who control congress have abdicated their job of over sight of this WH and so the most corrupt Administration in our history is free to be as crooked as they want to be. So yeah, I am sure Trump has no worries he will be Impeached for any of his high crimes and misdameaners, especially his many violations of the emoulients clause. You know full well that if Obama had operated this way the GOP would have impeached and removed him from office forthwith if he had done a 1000th. of what Trump has done and continues to do. But, we both know you will now LIE and dent this is true, because that is what hypocrites do.

Oh, and ASEA, it is yet another of your plethora of LIES to say that every presidential administration in our history has violated the constitution. Yes, it IS true that there have been violations but none has been as egregious as this one. I mean, to actually deny that we were attacked by the Russian government and so do absolutely nothing to punish Putin and the Russian government takes the cake. Think about what would have happened if FDR would have denied that Imperial Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor and couldn't bring himself to say anything bad about Hirohito or Tojo (bet you don't even know who Tojo was) well, that is the same thing that Trump has been doing, he has denied that Russia attacked us and so far has been dragging his feet to implement the sanctions that were imposed by a REPUBLICAN controlled congress by a vote 98-2.

I guess GOP senators Mc Cain, Flake, and Corker are just liars , I mean Corker only voted with Trump 98% of the time. How dare he! I mean, that's what you Trumpist want isn't it? Total fealty to the Donald??? I mean, who do these GOP Senators think they are to "claim" that they are co-equals of the POTUS??? And no one, and I mean NO ONE had better question the words of a 4 star Marine General had they?

of those new prisons that Trump is having built don't have to be only for illegals now do they? They could just as easily hold "dissadents" too, can they not???

One more thing, I suppose you are going to deny that Seabastian Gorka called for the execution of HRC on the Sean Hannity Show and Hannity whole heatedly agreed and since Hannity still has a job on Fox News that must mean that Fox also agrees that Clinton should be executed. How about you, do want to see Clinton killed also? Don't lie now, you know you do...

Wow. You are unhinged. You have nothing but media speculation of anything you listed. Hearings do not equate guilt. Nor do media reports. In your mind you've already convicted Trump even without an actual court convicting him.

Don't normally support banning, but you're no longer debating. You're just pushing your viewpoint as 100% correct, painting anyone that disagrees as the enemy claiming a personal attack, and acting as though you are some high and mighty individual with perfect clarity on Trump and this political situation.

I don't care what Gorka and Hannity said. I don't watch Fox news. If that is where you're getting your drivel from, that's pretty stupid. Hannity is nothing more than right wing equivalent of a shock jock. He's not news or credible or anything of kind. He's some guy that gets paid to talk smack about liberals. If that's how you develop your viewpoints by listening to Fox news and shock jocks like Hannity or Limbaugh, no wonder you're irrational.

The internet is where the lunatics go to spew drivel. You're slobbering on me right now and this whole forum.
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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby ShackMod » Wed Nov 29, 2017 1:55 pm

I'm disappointing that this conversation has taken the direction it did. As a moderator, it can be difficult at times not to let ones own opinions and beliefs interfere with a topic.
I too have opinions about this topic, as I'm sure Yoder does as well, but I choose not to disclose them. That is my choice. I personally value all passionate contributions to this forum, regardless of political stance, creed, religion, or ideology. As long as you are a Seahawks fan, you are golden.

Seahawks4Ever, I do believe Yoder stated earlier in this thread that he wanted to be left out of this conversation and he asked of you to take a few minutes and relax. However, you brought him back into a conversation that he did not want to be part of... which makes concerned about you and I hope that you are OK. Did I read your comment correctly when you stated that you lost your legs over 50 years ago? I can't imagine the hardship you must have endured throughout your life. I currently do not know anyone that has lost a limb, let alone 2, so I can't even relate. I do hope that you have all of the support that you need. We are a family here at the Shack and I know that we will support all members that need it. Please feel free to PM me if you need anything. We will do anything we can to support you.

Both Yoder and I knew going into this that there will be some heated discussions on this forum; specifically in the "Off Topic" section. That's the whole point of it. At times, both Yoder and I struggle with what is considered "going" to far. That is why we set up conduct rules for this site, to help us mitigate tenuous situations. When you register, you agree to the HawkShack terms. In the third paragraph first sentence, it states:

"You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material ... Doing so my lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with no notification..."

As a moderator, I'm obligated to uphold the terms of the the Shack and I do think some of the above rules have been crossed. I know that this topic is a passionate one and it's apparent to me that both sides of the debate have view points that can be argued for a long time. When ones own perspective has so much passion and belief it can have a tendency to ignore apposing rebuttals regardless of validity. The inevitable outcome is that a topic will lead to personal attacks on other participants. While both Yoder and I support passionate discourse, we do not support personal attacks.

Yoder and I are currently discussing this thread and the content therein.

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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby yoder » Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:44 pm

Ok folks,

The point of this forum is to have a place for people to enjoy, it's that's all I wanted. I don't mind the debates, when it gets too far, it gets too far.

Seahawks4Ever, my role here is to be anonymous and I'd like to think I do a pretty good job of that. The absolute last thing I want is for people to not enjoy this forum, let alone deter new members from joining this amazing community.

This is not my website, this is our website. Mak and I don't make a dime off of this, yet thanks to the ones that do contribute, we stay afloat. My role here is to simply keep the peace and do my best to make it enjoyable for all. I certainly don't appreciate your jabs toward me so I choose to ignore them.

A few have asked for you to be banned. Since it's not fair for me to judge or play God mode, I'm putting this up to an anonymous vote.

I hope you understand my position.


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Re: An open letter to Seahawks4Ever

Postby burrrton » Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:50 pm

I've had him blocked since the Nixon administration so have no idea what his behavior is like.
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