Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bernie

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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby idhawkman » Tue Nov 07, 2017 6:37 am

Hawktawk wrote:Trump is no populist. Hes an empty suit who seizes on politically ignorant people's emotions with populist catchphrases.Its how he keeps that rock solid 33% popularity rating going for him.
Back when he was a new york liberal democrat donating 4 times to HRC and calling for an assault weapons ban he was saying something else.
Sanders was indeed a populist.

I voted for Johnson too, Gary Johnson. I couldn't vote for Hillary.And for the first time in my 58 years I encountered a man so vile, so evil and nasty and phony and frankly a menace to the planet I couldn't vote for a Republican.

Im proud of my vote. Change has to start somewhere. Its clear both parties are morally bankrupt, especially the republicans who will dance with crazy orange satan for a tax cut after peddling themselves as the party of morality and virtue.

Except for a few
Corker Flake 2020 Independents
Ill donate to that.......

Lots of accusations and lots of name calling but nothing to back it up. Yup, I've heard it all before. Maybe the Dems will recover by 2024 but I doubt it.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby idhawkman » Tue Nov 07, 2017 6:37 am

Hawktawk wrote:Trump is no populist. Hes an empty suit who seizes on politically ignorant people's emotions with populist catchphrases.Its how he keeps that rock solid 33% popularity rating going for him.
Back when he was a new york liberal democrat donating 4 times to HRC and calling for an assault weapons ban he was saying something else.
Sanders was indeed a populist.

I voted for Johnson too, Gary Johnson. I couldn't vote for Hillary.And for the first time in my 58 years I encountered a man so vile, so evil and nasty and phony and frankly a menace to the planet I couldn't vote for a Republican.

Im proud of my vote. Change has to start somewhere. Its clear both parties are morally bankrupt, especially the republicans who will dance with crazy orange satan for a tax cut after peddling themselves as the party of morality and virtue.

Except for a few
Corker Flake 2020 Independents
Ill donate to that.......

Lots of accusations and lots of name calling but nothing to back it up. Yup, I've heard it all before. Maybe the Dems will recover by 2024 but I doubt it.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby burrrton » Tue Nov 07, 2017 9:07 am

Lots of accusations and lots of name calling

That was actually pretty measured for tawk- he usually alternates 2-3 non-derogatory words with at least 1-2 spit-addled insults you'd be surprised to hear used in reference to Pol Pot.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Nov 07, 2017 10:20 am

idhawkman wrote:[

Lots of accusations and lots of name calling but nothing to back it up. Yup, I've heard it all before. Maybe the Dems will recover by 2024 but I doubt it.

Nothing to back it up????? The polls back up my view. 58% approve of mueller and 49% believe trump has committed crimes as opposed to 32% who believe he hasn't and some remainder who are unsure. Trump can say he isn't a target but he clearly has been since he fired Comey.Really you need to lock out Faux news from your browser. You need a flipping intervention if you think there's no proof. There's lots of proof pal, get your popcorn. Its coming.

Flynn will be indicted next, the guy Sally Yates warned the administration was compromised and he stayed on for 17 more days taking classified briefings? Now we learn he pressed to have a Turkish dissident extradited while being paid millions by Turkey, Ukraine etc WHILE the National Security Advisor for the united states of America.No more claiming all this happened before he hired the guy.
Trump pressed to have Comey drop the investigation and called this POS "a great guy". He fired Comey for refusing to do it.

This is the most corrupt administration in history without a doubt, absolutely flouting the rule of law and behaving in a borderline treasonous manner with our greatest geopolitical foe. Over the weekend Wilbur Ross became the 9th!!!!! Administration member with undisclosed ties to a shipping company that dealt primarily with Putin allies shipping petroleum. The owner is on a sanctions list and cant even travel to the US.

Remember Id Hawkman this started out with NOBODY in the Trump campaign had met with Russians. Its laughable the level of deception but the red blooded americans in the TRump party DO NOT GIVE A FLYING @#$& and will truly defend trump if hes caught naked with a 13 year old girl.

I'm a Republican with a conscience and I feel there are more important things than tax cuts. Its not about Trump vs Hillary. Its about Trump vs Pence and the sooner the better for the party and the nation.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby burrrton » Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:57 am

Really you need to lock out Faux news from your browser.

My GOD can you guys give the FAUX NEWZ crap a rest- I can't speak for idh, but I don't think I've ever watched that channel.

Just because we think you sound like a psycho doesn't mean we're running around in HANNITY RULES t-shirts for chrissakes.

The polls back up my view.

Polls don't decide whether someone has committed a crime.

You need a flipping intervention if you think there's no proof. There's lots of proof pal, get your popcorn. Its coming.


the red blooded americans in the TRump party DO NOT GIVE A FLYING @#$& and will truly defend trump if hes caught naked with a 13 year old girl.

Agreed, but on the other hand, we have red-blooded Americans like you who would swear up and down he was guilty of diddling a 13-yo girl even if the girl denied it and Trump had been giving a speech from the rose garden at the time of the alleged assault.

You'd say it was an animatronic Trump robot giving that speech and then go "HE'S RACIST EVIL VILE PIECE OF SH*T CRAP RAPIST PEDOPHILE DOMESTIC ABUSER WHO BEATS DOGS WITH CB ANTENNAS!" (and probably misspell half the words in your rage).
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Nov 07, 2017 1:44 pm

My GOD can you guys give the FAUX NEWZ crap a rest- I can't speak for idh, but I don't think I've ever watched that channel.

Just because we think you sound like a psycho doesn't mean we're running around in HANNITY RULES t-shirts for
Faux is the willing Pravda . You are a down the middle guy but trust me, the trump hardcore cultists are glued to it. They enable madness and dysfunction. Don’t take my word for it either. Evan McMullen who ran as a third party candidate and is a former intelligence officer said exactly the same thing about faux just yesterday . Oh yeah and no Trump
supporter has the right to call me psycho. You are disqualified.

Polls don't decide whether someone has committed a crime.

Indicted people have most likely committed one or many crimes. So far a guilty plea and 2 indictments with more on the way.

You need a flipping intervention if you think there's no proof. There's lots of proof pal, get your popcorn. Its coming.

Lol indeed. I relish the day this fraud gets taken down.

the red blooded americans in the TRump party DO NOT GIVE A FLYING @#$& and will truly defend trump if hes caught naked with a 13 year old girl.

Agreed, but on the other hand, we have red-blooded Americans like you who would swear up and down he was guilty of diddling a 13-yo girl even if the girl denied it and Trump had been giving a speech from the rose garden at the time of the alleged assault.

You’re aware a woman claims rump raped her when she was 13, right? She dropped the suit days before the election due to claims of death threats.

You'd say it was an animatronic Trump robot giving that speech and then go "HE'S RACIST EVIL VILE PIECE OF SH*T CRAP RAPIST PEDOPHILE DOMESTIC ABUSER WHO BEATS DOGS WITH CB ANTENNAS!" (and probably misspell half the words in your rage).[/quote]

I won spelling bees growing up. So much for that insult.

I wouldn’t be surprised about the dogs. He’s definitely a sexual abuser. Oh that’s right the 14 accusers are liars.

Go Bob Mueller ! Drain the real swamp. It’s in the Oval Office.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby burrrton » Tue Nov 07, 2017 1:57 pm

You are disqualified.

I'm not a Trump supporter, so yes, I am, psycho. ;)

I relish the day this fraud gets taken down.

I'm happy for the investigation to continue, but the longer it goes with all the leakers holding their water about anything directly on Trump, I wouldn't hold your breath.

You’re aware a woman claims rump raped her when she was 13, right? She dropped the suit days before the election due to claims of death threats.

Death threats are illegal, too, and if I or someone I knew was *raped*, I'd press charges so fast it would make your head swim.

Oh that’s right the 14 accusers are liars.

No- they just didn't press charges, only flung accusations at a guy that it's literally become cool to hate in some circles.

Wake me up when they decide to do something about it. Otherwise, we're just flinging accusations that only tend to water down accusations of actual sexual assault.

I wouldn’t be surprised about the dogs.

Perfect reply. Thanks. :)
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Nov 07, 2017 2:52 pm

The 14 women made up stories that collaborated EXACTLY what Trump himself said on tape for chrissakes and the Trumpies still don't buy it.
And one woman he molested, a former Apprentice participant did INDEED file a lawsuit claiming defamation of character, I don't know how often I have to say it. It's still an ongoing case.
Trump's lawyers are arguing that his calling her a liar was political speech, not exactly a strong denial of the underlying facts.

One woman on the planet had the courage to stand up to a molester who threatened to sue all of them for their lies and he never did.
Why didn't he do that?
I know. It's called DISCOVERY. He wants no part of being deposed.I bet there's a hundred women, another Weinstein.

One must suspend disbelief to think it was all made up.

I don't know Burrt, I think you're a little closer to worshiping at the altar of Trumpism than you think.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby idhawkman » Tue Nov 07, 2017 5:01 pm

Hawktawk wrote:
Nothing to back it up????? The polls back up my view. 58% approve of mueller and 49% believe trump has committed crimes as opposed to 32% who believe he hasn't and some remainder who are unsure. Trump can say he isn't a target but he clearly has been since he fired Comey.Really you need to lock out Faux news from your browser. You need a flipping intervention if you think there's no proof. There's lots of proof pal, get your popcorn. Its coming.

Flynn will be indicted next, the guy Sally Yates warned the administration was compromised and he stayed on for 17 more days taking classified briefings? Now we learn he pressed to have a Turkish dissident extradited while being paid millions by Turkey, Ukraine etc WHILE the National Security Advisor for the united states of America.No more claiming all this happened before he hired the guy.
Trump pressed to have Comey drop the investigation and called this POS "a great guy". He fired Comey for refusing to do it.

This is the most corrupt administration in history without a doubt, absolutely flouting the rule of law and behaving in a borderline treasonous manner with our greatest geopolitical foe. Over the weekend Wilbur Ross became the 9th!!!!! Administration member with undisclosed ties to a shipping company that dealt primarily with Putin allies shipping petroleum. The owner is on a sanctions list and cant even travel to the US.

Remember Id Hawkman this started out with NOBODY in the Trump campaign had met with Russians. Its laughable the level of deception but the red blooded americans in the TRump party DO NOT GIVE A FLYING @#$& and will truly defend trump if hes caught naked with a 13 year old girl.

I'm a Republican with a conscience and I feel there are more important things than tax cuts. Its not about Trump vs Hillary. Its about Trump vs Pence and the sooner the better for the party and the nation.

Sorry, I had to laugh and stop reading at the "polls back up my views" comment. Those are the same polls that said Hillary had a 97% chance of winning on election night - until she didn't.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby burrrton » Tue Nov 07, 2017 5:26 pm

Why didn't he do that?

Because they dropped the issue like he asked them to.

I bet there's a hundred women, another Weinstein.

No, a MILLION! And I bet he killed a few, too!

Look, I don't find it completely implausible. However, I'm one of those weirdos who prefers to let the issue work through the courts rather than convict people on an accusation. You do you, though.

I don't know Burrt, I think you're a little closer to worshiping at the altar of Trumpism than you think.

LOL. Yeah, that's me.

I didn't vote for him, and see no way I'd do so in 2020. I'm just pointing out the fact that you're so consumed with your hate for the clown that you no longer converse rationally.

Honestly, you don't sound stable (and I don't say that lightly- I know you've opened up about some of the issues you've been working through).
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby idhawkman » Tue Nov 07, 2017 5:42 pm

There's a number of revelations that are about to come out and it is going to totally devestate the Democratic party worse than what Tricky Dick did to the Republican party. So yes, I will wait and see. I bet I wait much less than the year you've been waiting for the smoking gun and there's yet to be one produced even though there's been a ton of leaks, no one has leaked about Trump's collusion. Like Arsenio used to say, "kind of makes you say hmmmmm.... don't it?"
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Nov 08, 2017 2:52 am ... index.html
More manipulation of supposedly independent branches of law enforcement by this criminal. It’s chilling he has 3% support much less 33%.
It trumps watergate
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby RiverDog » Wed Nov 08, 2017 6:16 am

idhawkman wrote:There's a number of revelations that are about to come out and it is going to totally devestate the Democratic party worse than what Tricky Dick did to the Republican party. So yes, I will wait and see. I bet I wait much less than the year you've been waiting for the smoking gun and there's yet to be one produced even though there's been a ton of leaks, no one has leaked about Trump's collusion. Like Arsenio used to say, "kind of makes you say hmmmmm.... don't it?"

Worse than what Watergate did to the Republicans? You're dreaming.

If it were to come out that the Dems had some dirty laundry hiding in their closet, all it would do would be to negate the effects that the Russian connection has had on the R's, which to this point isn't a lot. And let's keep in mind that even a devastating blow like the Watergate scandal only affected the R's for a couple of years. Any outcome from the Russia connection isn't going to affect either party for very long.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:21 am

burrrton wrote:
Because they dropped the issue like he asked them to.
One hasn’t but still, no countersuit and there won’t be. He’s a lying groper.

Look, I don't find it completely implausible. However, I'm one of those weirdos who prefers to let the issue work through the courts rather than convict people on an accusation. You do you, though.

No but I’m not a Pollyanna good old boy who will believe a disgusting pig over 14 women . You seem to think they should have just ratted out the most powerful man in New York. His own admission , bragging about grabbing women’s privates gave some of those he had assaulted the cover to come forward .

Honestly, you don't sound stable (and I don't say that lightly- I know you've opened up about some of the issues you've been working through).

Oh don’t worry about me Burrton. I’m highly functional, always was but much better medicated.

And hey there inspector of sanity you spent yesterday yelling at me in caps, putting words in my mouth etc. You were more psycho than me for sure in that exchange. Careful with your accusations .

I have absolutely detested this fraud since his comments abou McCain not being a hero.ive seen only things to reinforce my opinion. There are prominent senators from his party speaking about his stability and competency.And polls don’t prove guilt but they prove my opinion is the majority view. There is a private citizen spending millions to try to warn America and gain support for impeachment. These are unprecedented times with this kook running his mouth.

Guys like you who try to be in the middle but want to rip Trumps vocal opponents are phony enablers.

You have to pick a side.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby burrrton » Wed Nov 08, 2017 8:13 am

Oh don’t worry about me Burrton.

Too late- I've read your posts in this forum.

And hey there inspector of sanity you spent yesterday yelling at me in caps, putting words in my mouth etc. You were more psycho than me for sure in that exchange. Careful with your accusations .

That was ridiculing you, not yelling at you.

You have to pick a side.

False dilemma aside, just because I don't sh*t my bed every time the guy throws fish food in the water doesn't mean I haven't picked a side.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby RiverDog » Wed Nov 08, 2017 8:32 am

Hawktawk wrote:Oh don’t worry about me Burrton. I’m highly functional, always was but much better medicated.

And hey there inspector of sanity you spent yesterday yelling at me in caps, putting words in my mouth etc. You were more psycho than me for sure in that exchange. Careful with your accusations .

I have absolutely detested this fraud since his comments abou McCain not being a hero.ive seen only things to reinforce my opinion. There are prominent senators from his party speaking about his stability and competency.And polls don’t prove guilt but they prove my opinion is the majority view. There is a private citizen spending millions to try to warn America and gain support for impeachment. These are unprecedented times with this kook running his mouth.

Guys like you who try to be in the middle but want to rip Trumps vocal opponents are phony enablers.

You have to pick a side.

You don't have to pick a side. There are lots of issues a person can simultaneously agree with and disagree with Trump on. The major reason I didn't vote for Trump was more about him than it was about his policies.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:25 pm

RiverDog wrote:
You don't have to pick a side. There are lots of issues a person can simultaneously agree with and disagree with Trump on. The major reason I didn't vote for Trump was more about him than it was about his policies.

Im in complete agreement with this analysis but in a way you just misunderstand what I’m saying. I agree with much of the agenda as a lifelong republican and as yourself it was the man. It takes one to know one and I saw him as unstable, mentally ill and clueless .

My point about picking a side is the lack of stability and competence. The irresponsible tweets and inconsistent signals that could lead us to WWlll. Those aren’t my words, those are the words of 2 republican senators who support his agenda.

But I’ve been saying the same thing since he decided to run. I called it long before Corker and Flake saw the light but I’m just a manic bipolar person apparently .

Either you believe he’s a danger as commander in chief or you don’t. Pick a side on that topic. If the answer is yes then it is unacceptable for him to be the commander in chief .
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:32 pm

That was ridiculing you, not yelling

Whatever buddy caps is yelling . Psycho
I’m not sure what’s got your panties in a wad but your attacks on my opinions which are majority views are a bit over the top. Ad hominem attacks and ridicule and generally nasty responses to a fellow shacker seem a bit beneath you.

Check yourself you may be a little manic
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby burrrton » Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:43 pm

Ad hominem attacks and ridicule and generally nasty responses to a fellow shacker seem a bit beneath you.

Then you haven't been conversing with me very long. I do it way too often.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby idhawkman » Wed Nov 08, 2017 3:05 pm

Hawktawk wrote:
More manipulation of supposedly independent branches of law enforcement by this criminal. It’s chilling he has 3% support much less 33%.
It trumps watergate

You do realize that the CIA is not a law enforcement agency, right? You also realize that there are no such things as independent branches of governement ouside of the Judiciary, Legislative and executive branches, right? If you think there is, you are confirming that there is a "deep state" branch of the government which has no balance of power provisions in it.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby idhawkman » Wed Nov 08, 2017 3:07 pm

RiverDog wrote:Worse than what Watergate did to the Republicans? You're dreaming.

If it were to come out that the Dems had some dirty laundry hiding in their closet, all it would do would be to negate the effects that the Russian connection has had on the R's, which to this point isn't a lot. And let's keep in mind that even a devastating blow like the Watergate scandal only affected the R's for a couple of years. Any outcome from the Russia connection isn't going to affect either party for very long.

Keep watching as this unfolds River. There's a trove of stuff to come out soon. Remember, the Democrats are the ones who claimed "Treason" on Donald Trump Jr. when he met with that Russian Lawyer. Just keep that in mind.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby idhawkman » Wed Nov 08, 2017 3:20 pm

Hawktawk wrote:
I have absolutely detested this fraud since his comments abou McCain not being a hero.ive seen only things to reinforce my opinion.

Just because he was captured and held and did something great in the 70's doesn't mean he is omnificent for life. Being a POW in and of itself doesn't make you a hero. He was a hero because they offered to let him go home and he refused and stayed with the other POWs that were there with him. I respect that aspect of McCain but there's no way I would vote for or support the guy now. Personally, I think he's lost his way.

There are prominent senators from his party speaking about his stability and competency.

None of which have a medical degree in psychiatry and none of which have analyzed him in that capacity. Just because he doesn't bend to their global swamp based politics doesn't make him insane.

And polls don’t prove guilt but they prove my opinion is the majority view.
Polls don't prove anything of the sort. If so, you would be saying Madame President at this point in time.

There is a private citizen spending millions to try to warn America and gain support for impeachment.

So what is George Soros doing now? You do know he's in to just creating chaos and then benefitting off the rise and fall of different countries currencies, right? There's private citizens on both sides trying to create havoc in the other party's supporters. What if I told you the Koch brothers were trying to ruin Hillary? Would that make her impeachable? When you look at it like that, your argument becomes very weak if not non-existent. Accusations, inuendo, opinions, assumptions, etc. etc. etc. do not make an impeachable offense. I think you need to realize you are stuck with this guy for the next 3-7 years.

These are unprecedented times with this kook running his mouth.

Yep, we already knew your opinion but again, opinion doesn't amount for much.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby RiverDog » Thu Nov 09, 2017 7:12 am

idhawkman wrote:Keep watching as this unfolds River. There's a trove of stuff to come out soon. Remember, the Democrats are the ones who claimed "Treason" on Donald Trump Jr. when he met with that Russian Lawyer. Just keep that in mind.

What ever unfolds, it's not going to trump Watergate (no pun intended). People forget that in 4 years time, the nation had pretty much forgotten about Watergate as the R's gained ground in the mid term elections of '78 and completely routed them in '80 with the Reagan revolution. Watergate set the R's back just a couple of years, and that was after 18 months of nothing but nationally televised hearings and a press that was unarguably nearly all liberal and anti Nixon. Back then, you didn't have any choice but to watch those hearings and follow the drama that had a decidedly liberal slant to them as we had just the 3 network TV station and talk radio was still in its infancy.

Fast forward to 2017. The nation's attention span, at least as far as politics is concerned, is unarguably much shorter than it was in the 70's with so much stuff to compete for our attention. People just don't pay attention to politics like they used to. Heck, about a quarter of US adults can't even find Russia on a map let alone decipher how it's affecting American politics.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Nov 09, 2017 7:21 am

Watching Trump speak to the S Korean Parliament bouncing from plugging his golf club in New Jersey to reading a monotone teleprompter series of dark threats to N Korea with the delivery of a third grader just reminds me of what a dangerous, inept unfit man we have holding the nuclear football.

God be with us.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby RiverDog » Thu Nov 09, 2017 7:36 am

Hawktawk wrote:My point about picking a side is the lack of stability and competence. The irresponsible tweets and inconsistent signals that could lead us to WWlll. Those aren’t my words, those are the words of 2 republican senators who support his agenda.

But I’ve been saying the same thing since he decided to run. I called it long before Corker and Flake saw the light but I’m just a manic bipolar person apparently .

Either you believe he’s a danger as commander in chief or you don’t. Pick a side on that topic. If the answer is yes then it is unacceptable for him to be the commander in chief .

Once again, it's not a matter of picking sides. There is a sliding scale of comfort level regarding the subject you're discussing. I am not happy with Trump's demeanor and constant tweeting, his seemingly erratic behavior, his denials and constant rationalization of the problems that face his administration, and to that extent, I can agree with a lot of what you're saying. But that doesn't mean that I ascribe to your vision that feels we are on the brink of Armageddon and that the only thing that can save us from it is divine intervention. I do not think that his penchant for using Twitter will be the root cause of WWIII.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Nov 09, 2017 12:40 pm

idhawkman wrote:
Being a POW in and of itself doesn't make you a hero. He was a hero because they offered to let him go home and he refused and stayed with the other POWs that were there with him. I respect that aspect of McCain but there's no way I would vote for or support the guy now. Personally, I think he's lost his way.

Hello? Are you serious? That's a ridiculous statement. McCain became a hero the day he walked into an AF recruiting office at and volunteered to fly an F4 through a shooting gallery of SAMs. An admirals son would never have had to see combat but he signed up for a war everyone else was trying to avoid. Like old Chump with hs 5 deferments and his quote later on David Stern calling dodging herpes in the 70's his "personal vietnam".
There was absolutely no reason for anyone on the planet to suggest McCain isn't a war hero, particularly the orange draft dodging loony toons. Its truly disgraceful the debasement of america that is occurring under this president.
You 33% trumpies and people like Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, you've lost your way defending the indefensible words and conduct of Trump.

There are prominent senators from his party speaking about his stability and competency.

None of which have a medical degree in psychiatry and none of which have analyzed him in that capacity. Just because he doesn't bend to their global swamp based politics doesn't make him insane.

Its truly unprecedented to have members of one's own party questioning his fitness for office and you are whistling in the graveyard saying otherwise.
Reading comprehension dude. Flake and Corker SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT'S AGENDA . How does that make them swamp dwellers? Ill tell you what, the swamp is in the oval office, corruption oozing out of every orifice of this administration.

And they aren't psychiatrists but over 1000 nationally have signed a petition stating they think the man has more than one mental illness and is dangerous.Tweeting a lie about blood on a network TV host face from a facelift at 4 AM the day before a critical health care vote is just a small clue.So is talking about nuclear war with a twinkle in his eye, scary beyond belief.

Polls don't prove anything of the sort. If so, you would be saying Madame President at this point in time.

Yeah well how did the polls work out for Gillespie in Virginia? Way off the other way. Judgement day is coming to the Trump 33% cult.
Of course russia wasn't hacking this one near as hard. I don't think we'll ever know if Trump truly won or not. Polls were strangely only off in battleground states.

So what is George Soros doing now?
Tom Stier is the guy spending 10 million dollars of his own money financing the ad. You have to turn off Faux to see it though. Their brainwashed viewers threw a fit so they yanked it.
A lot quicker than they yanked perverts like Ailes, O'reilly and Eric Boling but hey the evangelicals don't care. Praise the lord.

These are unprecedented times with this kook running his mouth.

Yep, we already knew your opinion but again, opinion doesn't amount for much.

Whatever buddy. As I said maybe it takes one to know one but it's a lot more important that the president is nuts than that I am. His opinions, his words, his decisions matter more than those of anyone on the planet. Ive proven over 58 years that a bipolar man can be a pretty damn good golf course superintendent and better after diagnosis. But Trump is proving daily that a person with likely numerous mental issues, far more than my worst day, coupled with a personality that is angry, aggressive and combative is not fit to lead the greatest nation on earth and presents a clear and present danger to the planet.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Nov 09, 2017 5:39 pm

Either you believe he’s a danger as commander in chief or you don’t. Pick a side on that topic. If the answer is yes then it is unacceptable for him to be the commander in chief .[/quote]

Once again, it's not a matter of picking sides. There is a sliding scale of comfort level regarding the subject you're discussing. I am not happy with Trump's demeanor and constant tweeting, his seemingly erratic behavior, his denials and constant rationalization of the problems that face his administration, and to that extent, I can agree with a lot of what you're saying. But that doesn't mean that I ascribe to your vision that feels we are on the brink of Armageddon and that the only thing that can save us from it is divine intervention. I do not think that his penchant for using Twitter will be the root cause of WWIII.[/quote]

Bob Corker who was vetted for VP as well as chief of staff is now apparently concerned enough about Trump that today he has called for a hearing to review the procedures and chain of command for using nuclear weapons.......Thank god for Bob Corker.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby idhawkman » Fri Nov 10, 2017 8:40 am

Hawktawk wrote:
Whatever buddy. As I said maybe it takes one to know one but it's a lot more important that the president is nuts than that I am. His opinions, his words, his decisions matter more than those of anyone on the planet. Ive proven over 58 years that a bipolar man can be a pretty damn good golf course superintendent and better after diagnosis. But Trump is proving daily that a person with likely numerous mental issues, far more than my worst day, coupled with a personality that is angry, aggressive and combative is not fit to lead the greatest nation on earth and presents a clear and present danger to the planet.

Many world leaders and most of the asian leaders disagree with you. They respect success, confidence and strength which they see in Trump. This is why the Japanese, Koreans, Chinese and Vietnamese have all rolled out the red carpet and all the pomp and circumstance for him and his entourage. Compare that to what they did to Obama in 2016. No respect there at all.

So no matter what your opinion is, the president is doing a great job domestically and abroad. If you could just set your hatred aside for a minute and look at it objectively, you'd see that. I hope you don't hold your friends, kids, wife and others to the same standard you are for the president. No one is perfect and lord knows I've made my share of mistakes and foibles, but my heart is always in the right place for my fellow man.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby idhawkman » Fri Nov 10, 2017 8:43 am

RiverDog wrote:
What ever unfolds, it's not going to trump Watergate (no pun intended). People forget that in 4 years time, the nation had pretty much forgotten about Watergate as the R's gained ground in the mid term elections of '78 and completely routed them in '80 with the Reagan revolution
. Watergate set the R's back just a couple of years, and that was after 18 months of nothing but nationally televised hearings and a press that was unarguably nearly all liberal and anti Nixon. Back then, you didn't have any choice but to watch those hearings and follow the drama that had a decidedly liberal slant to them as we had just the 3 network TV station and talk radio was still in its infancy.

Fast forward to 2017. The nation's attention span, at least as far as politics is concerned, is unarguably much shorter than it was in the 70's with so much stuff to compete for our attention. People just don't pay attention to politics like they used to. Heck, about a quarter of US adults can't even find Russia on a map let alone decipher how it's affecting American politics.

Dude, did you even read your own posts? In the above two sentences that I've bolded you say nothing will trump watergate and then you state how low a threshold it is to trump it. Believe me, with that low a threshold, what's coming is going to easily clear that bar.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby burrrton » Fri Nov 10, 2017 11:31 am

Off topic, but it's starting to bug me: what is it with some of you and being unable to get the quote tags right? Is there something confusing about them?
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby RiverDog » Sat Nov 11, 2017 1:41 am

idhawkman wrote:Dude, did you even read your own posts? In the above two sentences that I've bolded you say nothing will trump watergate and then you state how low a threshold it is to trump it. Believe me, with that low a threshold, what's coming is going to easily clear that bar.

Yes, dude, I do read my own posts. I honestly don't know what it was that I did to provoke your sarcasm.

I did not 'lower the bar' on anything related to Watergate. My point was that as huge of a scandal as Watergate was...and it was unarguably the biggest scandal in the 200+ years of American had a very minimal effect on the long term political balance between the two parties, and that was with a public that was much more in tune to what was going on inside the beltway than they are today.

One of the reasons Slick Willie's Monicagate scandal was as big as it was that people could understand it. Everyone knows what a BJ is, it doesn't have to be explained to them. Everyone had an opinion. Not so with the garden variety political jousting that's been going on in the last year or so. Unless there's something involving a very simple and easy to understand subject that, murder, or something on that order...there's not going to be a scandal anywhere as close to as big as Watergate was.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby idhawkman » Sat Nov 11, 2017 8:40 am

burrrton wrote:Off topic, but it's starting to bug me: what is it with some of you and being unable to get the quote tags right? Is there something confusing about them?

Hey Burrton, can you elaborate on how the quote tags are being misused? I'll change the way I post if you tell me what I'm doing wrong.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby burrrton » Sat Nov 11, 2017 10:26 am

It's not you, ID- hawktawk struggles with them, but to be fair, I don't believe he's the only one.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby idhawkman » Sat Nov 11, 2017 3:19 pm

burrrton wrote:It's not you, ID- hawktawk struggles with them, but to be fair, I don't believe he's the only one.

Thank you for the clarification. much appreciated.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby Hawktawk » Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:32 am

Yes I have no clue how to properly use the tags. Please enlighten me at least on that topic :?:
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby idhawkman » Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:50 am

Hawktawk wrote:Yes I have no clue how to properly use the tags. Please enlighten me at least on that topic :?:

So you are clueless? :twisted: I just couldn't help myself on that one. It was toooo wide open.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby burrrton » Mon Nov 13, 2017 8:00 am

What it boils down to is you need an opening tag {quote} and a closing tag {/quote} (with brackets, not curly braces), and you can't have one quote embedded in another (which this forum software should stop doing if it's going to disallow it, and I'm betting this is what crosses you up).


{quote}blah blah blah{/quote}

{quote="idhawk"}quote from idhawk{/quote}


{quote}{quote}blah blah blah{/quote}{/quote} <--Notice the two opening quote tags next to each other

{quote="idhawk"}{quote="hawktawk"}quote from hawktawk{/quote} <--Same- two opening quote tags now containing the author- no go
quote from idhawk{/quote}

If you use the red-texted QUOTE button on someone's post that contains another quote, you have to remove {quote="hawktawk"}quote from hawktawk{/quote} (for example) from the second disallowed example there.

This is really not a huge deal- like I said, though, it was bugging me. Feel free to ignore my whining.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby RiverDog » Mon Nov 13, 2017 8:11 am

Hawktawk wrote:Yes I have no clue how to properly use the tags. Please enlighten me at least on that topic :?:

All you have to do is hit the little quote box in the top right hand corner of the post that you are responding to then start typing behind the last quote bracket. If it contains a quote inside the quote (the forum settings do not allow more than one quote in a post), simply delete everything contained within the brackets of the first qoute(including the brackets themselves) and leave the original bracketed quote.

At last resort, you can delete all the quote brackets and simply put parenthesis around that which you did not type and want to reference to separate it from your own text, underline the text you are replying to, etc. At least that way we can tell that it wasn't your words.

It really hasn't bothered me as I've gotten used to your style and it only takes a brief moment or two for me to figure out what you're trying to say.
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Re: Former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile Drops a Bomb on Bern

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:54 am

Thanks posters. ill try to figure it out!!!
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