HawkShack Vote

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What to do with Seahawks4Ever

Poll ended at Sat Dec 02, 2017 5:54 pm

One Week Ban
One Month Ban
Permanent Ban
No votes
Total votes : 11

HawkShack Vote

Postby yoder » Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:54 pm

I'm not trying to shame anyone or pass the buck, yet it's getting too far. This place is all about the community which has a much bigger voice than myself. I'm trying to be diplomatic here so please understand my position. I think it's fair to put things up to a vote vs. playing God mode.
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Re: HawkShack Vote

Postby Largent80 » Thu Nov 30, 2017 5:37 am

I don't know what he did, but I was given a week off for posting a cartoon that showed no nudity and I deleted it days before I was even banned, so whatever it was as a moderator it's up to you to make the call.

If someone is berating others they need to go permanately, especially if they have been warned, that's my 2c
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Re: HawkShack Vote

Postby RiverDog » Thu Nov 30, 2017 6:43 am

Largent80 wrote:I don't know what he did, but I was given a week off for posting a cartoon that showed no nudity and I deleted it days before I was even banned, so whatever it was as a moderator it's up to you to make the call.

If someone is berating others they need to go permanately, especially if they have been warned, that's my 2c

A Playboy foldout would have been a lot less offensive than the cartoon you posted. That had to be one of the grossest cartoons I've ever seen, although I will admit that it made me laugh. But the only reason you were banned after you took it down and not before was that the mods were a little slow in reacting to the complaints as there's never been an issue in here that would require them to monitor our posts or even our PM's. They've learned to trust us. To your credit, you did voluntarily take it down and apologized, and I got the impression that you were not trying to offend anyone, that it was simply an attempt at humor.

But I do agree that your actions were much less offensive than what S4E was engaging in, and I made a point of comparing your transgressions those of S4E's in my complaint to the mods. It seemed like S4E's actions were premeditated and personal, and like you said, he was warned. If Cbob, one of if not the most respected posters in the forum, can't appeal to him, then something has to be done.

I don't agree with a permanent ban, at least not yet. I'm more of a three strikes you're out type of a guy. Give him some time to think about it and decide if he wants to be a part of our family, and if he wants to come back, I'll be the first to welcome him.
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Re: HawkShack Vote

Postby Sox-n-hawks » Thu Nov 30, 2017 6:56 am

Honestly, at the end of the day it's an online forum. Reiterate the rules to him, ban him for a set period of time. If he doesn't play by the rules, adios.
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Re: HawkShack Vote

Postby yoder » Thu Nov 30, 2017 12:57 pm

Thanks River, you summed it perfectly. Largent, understand that I was in the hospital and had to make a split second decision. It was not personal.

From now on, everything will be put up to a vote. I don't like the idea of putting someone up on the judgement seat, but I don't want to be the sole decision maker either...nor does Mak. I just want every one to....wait for it...

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Re: HawkShack Vote

Postby Aseahawkfan » Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:41 pm

I'd prefer you came up with a system. First offense, 3 day ban. Second offense, 2 week ban. 3rd offense, gone. Then you have an in place escalating scale that gives people a good chance to correct behavior. It's fair for everyone and you can place it as part of the rules.
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Re: HawkShack Vote

Postby RiverDog » Thu Nov 30, 2017 2:37 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:I'd prefer you came up with a system. First offense, 3 day ban. Second offense, 2 week ban. 3rd offense, gone. Then you have an in place escalating scale that gives people a good chance to correct behavior. It's fair for everyone and you can place it as part of the rules.

Except that would give a trash talking troll two free shots. There's going to be those offenses that require immediate and permanent expulsion, like physical threats, racial epitaphs, and so on, so I would not want to be limited by a rigid scale.

Personally I'd prefer Yoder and/or Mak to make the call. The advantage they have is that they don't post very often and as a result stay above the fray and can maintain a non biased POV whereas the group could develop a common dislike for an individual that might influence their judgement, such as was the case with Futureite. The fact that neither Yoder or Mak wants to make the call indicates that they do not suffer from an authority complex (a.k.a. Little Pecker Syndrome) and enhances their qualifications IMO.

But on the other hand, I can see their point, not wanting to set themselves up as a God as the position is already taken. I'm good with whatever is decided. It's not that big of a deal as it doesn't happen very often.
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Re: HawkShack Vote

Postby yoder » Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:27 pm

Seahawks4Ever, I'm giving you a month to cool off. I understand that these are stressful times for all, but you need to understand the terms of use. I've tried to be as fair and diplomatic as possible.

For the future, I'm putting everything up to a vote...as well as a three strikes rule. Please don't put me in this position again, it really sucks. I want this place to be enjoyed by all, not a breeding ground for negativity. When politics overshadow the love for OUR TEAM, it diminishes the entire purpose of this website.


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Re: HawkShack Vote

Postby burrrton » Fri Dec 01, 2017 9:02 am

I think if everybody used the block functionality more often it would require less mod intervention.

You don't have to respond to or report anybody - just remove them from your feed and be done with it.
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Re: HawkShack Vote

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Dec 01, 2017 12:40 pm

I don’t know. I’ve never blocked anyone on this forum or it’s predecessor in 17 years.
It’s sad it gets to this. I don’t know why there can’t be diversity of opinion and a sense of humor as opposed to viciously attacking fellow hawks fans.

It’s not just in OT either. When anyone on here gets too far afield I just scroll by. But everyone is right sometimes too. Even a pile of dung has a nugget of gold underneath it sometimes. I read everyone’s stuff.

Anyway chill boys and girls let’s don’t blow a good thing.
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Re: HawkShack Vote

Postby idhawkman » Sat Dec 02, 2017 6:48 am

Hawktawk wrote:I don’t know. I’ve never blocked anyone on this forum or it’s predecessor in 17 years.
It’s sad it gets to this. I don’t know why there can’t be diversity of opinion and a sense of humor as opposed to viciously attacking fellow hawks fans.

It’s not just in OT either. When anyone on here gets too far afield I just scroll by. But everyone is right sometimes too. Even a pile of dung has a nugget of gold underneath it sometimes. I read everyone’s stuff.

Anyway chill boys and girls let’s don’t blow a good thing.
GO HAWKS!!!!!!!

I let a lot of things roll off my back. I have a very thick skin (I have to if you think about the Seahawk years from 1987 to 2003 which time I was about the only Seahawk fan in Redskin territory). I think the attacks from S4E was mainly against me and my opinions. I wasn't going to comment on this thread when it first came out but I did vote for a 1 week ban - I felt a month ban would be too harsh and he may not ever come back. (it only takes 21 days to break a habit).

That all said, what you wrote above is how I feel. When someone gets too far out there, I just ignore it and roll by it but I don't ignore them. I may scan some posts just to pick out the "jist" of the post and then move on or dig deeper depending on if it is the same blather from that poster.

on a side note, I've never dug in a pile of dung to find out if there is gold in it though. :D I couldn't resist....
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Re: HawkShack Vote

Postby RiverDog » Sat Dec 02, 2017 4:05 pm

idhawkman wrote:I let a lot of things roll off my back. I have a very thick skin (I have to if you think about the Seahawk years from 1987 to 2003 which time I was about the only Seahawk fan in Redskin territory). I think the attacks from S4E was mainly against me and my opinions. I wasn't going to comment on this thread when it first came out but I did vote for a 1 week ban - I felt a month ban would be too harsh and he may not ever come back. (it only takes 21 days to break a habit).

That all said, what you wrote above is how I feel. When someone gets too far out there, I just ignore it and roll by it but I don't ignore them. I may scan some posts just to pick out the "jist" of the post and then move on or dig deeper depending on if it is the same blather from that poster.

on a side note, I've never dug in a pile of dung to find out if there is gold in it though. :D I couldn't resist....

I really admired how you kept your cool during that exchange. Lesser individuals would have either responded in kind and gotten down in the gutter with him or gotten pissed off and left altogether. One of the things I like about discussing politics in this setting is that we all have something in common, that we're Seahawk fans.

I don't expect S4E to be back. A month is a long time, and like you said, it doesn't take that long to break a habit. He'll find something else to occupy his free time and settle into a different routine. It seemed a little surreal, his comments seemed premeditated and not a hot blooded response. He gave me the feeling that he wanted to get banned.
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Re: HawkShack Vote

Postby yoder » Fri Jan 05, 2018 6:00 pm

Seahawks4Ever, I'm a few days late due to the holidays, your account has been reactivated. If you're still around, welcome back. Please remember that this place is here to build/retain a community of fans, not tear them apart. Opinions are encouraged, personal attacks are not. I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. You have some great insights and certainly a voice that wants to be heard...just keep it cool. Ok?


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Re: HawkShack Vote

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:30 pm

I will cool it. First of all, I am sorry I got personal, not only was that wrong it always a sure fire way of losing a debate.

Secondly, I will stay away from the political posts because when people have intractable views no amount of debate will change someone's mind and there is no reason to keep beating a dead horse.

Thirdly, I do not subscribe to "alternate facts" so it does tend to set me off when someone posts something that is just not true. Rather than being the sole judge of what and who are "right" and "wrong" I will just urge others to do your own "home work" and just don't accept that what some one says is the "facts". Sometimes, most times people have selfish reasons why they might want to spin something a certain way. That is something we all need to consider when deciding if you trust the so called "facts" that we are expected to accept.

Again, I am sorry I let myself go over the edge.
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Re: HawkShack Vote

Postby RiverDog » Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:44 am

Way to man up, S4E, and welcome back!
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Re: HawkShack Vote

Postby jshawaii22 » Fri Jan 12, 2018 10:50 pm

Seahawks4Ever wrote:I will cool it. First of all, I am sorry I got personal, not only was that wrong it always a sure fire way of losing a debate.

Secondly, I will stay away from the political posts because when people have intractable views no amount of debate will change someone's mind and there is no reason to keep beating a dead horse.

Thirdly, I do not subscribe to "alternate facts" so it does tend to set me off when someone posts something that is just not true. Rather than being the sole judge of what and who are "right" and "wrong" I will just urge others to do your own "home work" and just don't accept that what some one says is the "facts". Sometimes, most times people have selfish reasons why they might want to spin something a certain way. That is something we all need to consider when deciding if you trust the so called "facts" that we are expected to accept.

Again, I am sorry I let myself go over the edge.

That's pretty much the conversation I had with my wife. We banned politics from the dinner table. This country has no middle ground right now.
Different world than we all grew up in. Not for better.
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