Sex assault tsunami

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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby RiverDog » Tue Dec 12, 2017 5:41 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Short term it already did, in Virginia. Long term who knows. There's a clear contrast in the parties right now. Dems kick them out. Repubs vote for confessed gropers and endorse birds of a feather.

The mere fact that a liberal democrat who believes in partial birth abortion may win Alabama shows how much it matters right now.

Frankly I hope Trump is forced to resign. That would be a big deal.

Short term there's never been an argument. Republicans were punished for Watergate big time in the '74 mid term elections. My beef with your statements was that certain issues were going to hurt R's long term.

Public opinion changes like the weather. An individaul can commit an unforgivable act...Teddy Kennedy's presidential hopes, despite being just 39 when the accident occurred, never recovered from Chappaquiddick...but the party rebounds and does so relatively quickly.

I want Trump out of office, too, but I don't want to see the events that would force a resignation to occur. The uncertainty would cause stock markets to crash, our adversaries might want to take advantage of a weakened POTUS, and so on. If he just woke up one morning and decided that he'd have enough and resigned immediately, then I'd be good with it.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Dec 12, 2017 5:45 pm

Hawktawk wrote: Dems have drawn a clear distinction between themselves and the Grand Old Pervs as they have sacked everyone, cleared the decks. They are more than willing to toss an unwilling Franken overboard so that they could draw this distinction. Meanwhile 3 credibly accused Republican predators remain untouchable, Blake Farenthold, Roy Moore and Trump himself .

Because Republican voters don't care as much if at all. This movement is a Social Justice Warrior movement without any trials. Right now any crying woman can find a reporter to report some instance of inappropriate behavior. A female could accuse you right now and you'd suddenly seem like a bad guy. This has reached "Boy Who Cried Wolf" levels and once it peters out, people will become desensitized to it. It's now a social media movement where people are being tried and hanged with the barest of evidence. Anti-Social Justice Warrior movement won't care about that.

I just marvel at anyone who hears Trump on tape and listens to the 14 women and believe a Fing word out of his mouth about the topic.

Trump is a movement. No one cares that he's lying. All they care about is a guy is in The Oval Office is telling the Social Justice Warrior movement they can go "F" themselves. People are pretty tired of the politically correct, social justice warrior movement to the point they can ignore the majority of this. Only those you can press real criminal charges against matter. The fact is to many Trump supporters these women look weak. If they start digging too deep, they'll find that just as many women were enablers in these situations because they were looking for money and success. It was part of the game in Hollyweird and big business. Why do think these guys have trophy wives to begin with? Some women will gladly trade their dignity and self-respect for a step up.

Explaining any of it away as an old blowhard making stuff up is what I meant by fanatical irrational defense of the Groper.Yes he's a blowhard GROPER so infused with a sense of entitlement and power he believes he can say and do whatever he wants. He's so messed in the head he thinks it's not only ok to do these illegal things but brag to public media people about it. Frankly I think a prosecuting attorney would be able to bring charges against anyone else with this scenario of taped admission and verification by victims.

All that matters is what they can stick in a court of law. Trump's tape is circumstantial evidence at best. That is why so many are being tried in the media, not the court rooms. Once you get these women on the stand and their lives come under the microscope for lawyers, things will change a lot. I doubt many of these women want that.

As for Impeachment I'm almost certain Mueller is on the trail of impeachable offenses and already has the goods based on who is singing and the careless stupidity of the Trump team with electronic communications.

We already discussed this part. Impeachment doesn't mean removal from office as Clinton was impeached, lied on the witness stand, and still did his full term. As far as the rest, we'll see. Looks to me like Trump's supporters are building a very good case for bias against him that will allow him to fire Mueller and his team. He can keep doing that over and over again if Mueller doesn't show some real evidence very soon. The Democrats and Mueller better bust something big soon, the more Trump and his supporters can show a clear bias against him, the more he can stall their investigations.

I think Mueller will have his findings before the midterm and will present impeachable offenses to Ryan. I doubt Ryan will do anything much as the Dem senate refused to remove Clinton. Thats where the women voters and the millennials and the democrats and disaffected never trumpers come in. Does a guy with impeachable offenses and credible accusations of groping from 14 woman get another term or even finish his term?

Clinton did. Man lied on TV in front of America and finished his term and is still so well-loved that his wife almost won the White House knowing he would be in there possibly groping and screwing interns again. You watched this happen. In fact, I would like you right now to query a bunch of Democrat, left-leaning women about Bill Clinton. I talked to a mid-30s "feminist" about Clinton, she still liked him even with how he treated his wife and child and the accusations of groping. Go ask a bunch of Democrat women in their 30s to 40s what they think of Bill Clinton, who was every bit as bad as Trump but more well-spoken, then get back to me with the answers. I really want to hear what they say with percentages.

As I say the only purple state national referendum was in Virginia and women overperformed by almost 20 points for democrats who overperformed by 10 points and buried the GOP in a statewide landslide including flipping the state legislature. It's a long time to Nov but I think the Repubs are in deep doo doo one way or another.The tapes of Roy Moore and Trump endorsing him will be in every race in the country.

We'll see. Virginia does not represent the entire nation.

And its not helpful when he pops off like today's tweet to Sen Kirsten Gillibrand who called on his resignation saying she is a "lightweight" Begged for campaign contributions and "would do anything to get them". Finished the text calling her "USED!" Good luck with that Trump. This is one of the Democratic hopefuls hes taking on, an attractive well spoken Senator who is positioning herself beautifully for 20. He will not win this fight.

Yeah. I saw that. I see they made it into a sexual reference without Trump doing anything. Let's be real. If Trump cured cancer, solved the Middle East, and brought about World Peace, guys like you and the left wing media would find a way to spin it into a negative.

This is not going away, its only going to get worse with the escalator in chief on twitter.
I think its going to matter.I think people care more than you think.

I wish they cared about more than hating Trump. I wish they cared about learning about the real issues afflicting their country and not being a bunch of mindless dolts that care more about a how a guy speaks than what policies he represents. I wish America as a whole were smarter about their political choices. I wish they weren't so easily suckered by words. I wish they had values that were in line with their nation's constitution rather than whatever group has managed to create the best articles or news bits to sway them. I wish they didn't get so much information from sources like Fox News, John Oliver, Rush Limbaugh, and Jon Stewart. I wish America read more. I wish they cared enough to vote based on an educated understanding of what it means to be a free person absent this class and party warfare bullcrap that seems to be driving so much in politics nowadays.

Then again Our Founders knew that would never happen, so the next best thing was to paralyze the country with infighting. That is exactly what we have.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Dec 12, 2017 10:46 pm

Well, at least we know the line is somewhat drawn at underage pedophilic sexual assault. For a minute there I thought Roy Moore might prove Alabama really didn't care about any kind of moral standard. Roy Moore lost, only barely. A small victory for sanity.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Largent80 » Wed Dec 13, 2017 5:07 am

Faulk OFF !!!!!!!

And Moore L O S T... Even in a bass-ackwards state like Alabummer.

Repubs took a big , long , hard one yesterday and it's just the tip.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby RiverDog » Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:24 am

I would have accepted the voter's decision had he won, but I'm glad he lost. I'm sure that the State of Alabama can elect a lot better person than this guy to represent them.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby idhawkman » Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:27 am

RiverDog wrote:
People have a tendency to think that their opinion is the middle of the road, or the consensus, in part because middle of the road suggests fairness and open mindedness, qualities that all of us would like to think that we posses. No one wants to think of themselves as extreme.

I don't think this "sexual tsunami" is going to have a huge impact on either party. People seem to have the ability to determine that it is an individual issue and not an attribute of either party.

I agree with your assessment of how people think of their own opinions as middle of the road. I'm not that guy though. if Rush Limbaugh stood next to me he would be on my left (most of you already knew this I'm sure). My opinions are more influenced by the experiences in life I've had, places I've been and people I've met.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Largent80 » Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:34 am

This will have a HUGE impact on politics. People are finally waking up. Even in Alabummer.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:58 am

DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!!!! I've gone from never voting for or rooting for a Dem in my life to being ecstatic at one winning. GO DOUG JONES!!!Make america decent again!!!!
2 years ago I was Id Hawkman...
If this is how I feel I cant be anywhere near alone.
Trump as Pres is a problem more than ever for republicans.

Anyone left in my loser former party who doesn't see the train coming down the tracks is delusional...
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Dec 13, 2017 8:14 am

RiverDog wrote:
I want Trump out of office, too, but I don't want to see the events that would force a resignation to occur. The uncertainty would cause stock markets to crash, our adversaries might want to take advantage of a weakened POTUS, and so on. If he just woke up one morning and decided that he'd have enough and resigned immediately, then I'd be good with it.

Nobody wants economic chaos but imo it’s only a matter of time till it happens when the chaos president reigns. Russia, sex claims, tweeting , doubts about mental fitness etc.its coming to a head.

IMO markets will correct the moment Mike Pence puts his hand on the Bible. Get this crazy orange groper the hell out and the sooner the better . It will not end well, why prolong it?
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Largent80 » Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:58 am

Oh I would be so looking forward to seeing the stuff that would go down to remove this retch of a human from the place he never should have been allowed to even visit let alone live there.

It's time to Make America Great Again and put all of it on CNN for the world to see.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Seahawkgal » Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:07 am

Largent80 wrote:Oh I would be so looking forward to seeing the stuff that would go down to remove this retch of a human from the place he never should have been allowed to even visit let alone live there.

It's time to Make America Great Again and put all of it on CNN for the world to see.

The Clinton News Network? LMAO!
I cannot take what either they or the other(Fox) have to say since true journalism is dead.
Marshall Faulk is a POS. I hope he rots.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Dec 13, 2017 1:14 pm

I wonder if this will be he new norm for both parties. They'll both be looking to dredge up whatever sexual assault claim they can for any candidate they can even loosely stick it to. They will add this to the usual racist and pro-wealthy for Republicans and socialist and weak on national defense for Democrats. Now both parties will have to heavily vet for even the slightest trace of a woman that might say "He touched me" or "He said something inappropriate" even up to two decades or more ago. I'm hoping it can't go much lower than this, but I imagine at some point it will.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Largent80 » Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:24 pm

BullSHIT. Rumps antics were out there well before the elections yet many "Americans" chose to ignore it.

Now they are getting what they deserve. Hopefully, their dreadful exhistance on the planet is as bad as the person they chose to represent them.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby idhawkman » Wed Dec 13, 2017 5:15 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:I wonder if this will be he new norm for both parties. They'll both be looking to dredge up whatever sexual assault claim they can for any candidate they can even loosely stick it to. They will add this to the usual racist and pro-wealthy for Republicans and socialist and weak on national defense for Democrats. Now both parties will have to heavily bet for even the slightest trace of a woman that might say "He touched me" or "He said something inappropriate" even up to two decades or more ago. I'm hoping it can't go much lower than this, but I imagine at some point it will.

Last night's election will have a lot of impact on what happens to the Senators and congressmen that have been using the slush fund to pay for inappropriate behavior. I also think that there will be other repercusions that happen.

Franken is as good as gone now. If Moore won, I could see him saying, "if he is going to be seated then I don't need to go."

Women will not be alone with any male senator or congressman going forward. Too much risk involved whether the allegations are true or not.

Women and men will be very guarded in all aspects of their job going forward. No more joking around in the office.

Dress codes will probably be implemnented and enforced.

Selective leaking of who got slush fund payouts will happen depending on which party is in control and whether they want/need the seat or not.

Allegations will come up in virtually every race without a chance to defend oneself and the opposition party will threaten insensitivity if the opponent is elected.

And much, much more.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:42 pm

Largent80 wrote:BullSHIT. Rumps antics were out there well before the elections yet many "Americans" chose to ignore it.

Now they are getting what they deserve. Hopefully, their dreadful exhistance on the planet is as bad as the person they chose to represent them.

Will you ever get a grip? How are they getting what they deserve? You do see how many Democrats and liberals are also "getting what they deserve"? You keep speaking as though only the Republicans were guilty of this behavior. You seem to be conveniently forgetting that the Democrats are getting hammered as well, not to mention Trump hating Harvey Weinstein including Bill Clinton.

If you voted for Bill Clinton, you're as bad as the Trump voters as far as I'm concerned. You basically voted a guy that groped and used women, then lied about it on the stand. Did you vote for Clinton? Maybe both times? Seems you're getting what you deserve as well with a Trump in office.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby c_hawkbob » Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:06 am

I took "these people" to be sex offenders, not dems or repubs.

And I don't equate uninvited assault with infidelity.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Largent80 » Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:36 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:[BullSHIT. Rumps antics were out there well before the elections yet many "Americans" chose to ignore it.

Now they are getting what they deserve. Hopefully, their dreadful exhistance on the planet is as bad as the person they chose to represent them.

Will you ever get a grip? How are they getting what they deserve? You do see how many Democrats and liberals are also "getting what they deserve"? You keep speaking as though only the Republicans were guilty of this behavior. You seem to be conveniently forgetting that the Democrats are getting hammered as well, not to mention Trump hating Harvey Weinstein including Bill Clinton.

If you voted for Bill Clinton, you're as bad as the Trump voters as far as I'm concerned. You basically voted a guy that groped and used women, then lied about it on the stand. Did you vote for Clinton? Maybe both times? Seems you're getting what you deserve as well with a Trump in office.[/quote]

Didn't vote then, thats what I do when I view neither candidate worthy, way to make up some fantasy.

And you are putting words in my texts that I didn't even say. So, get a grip. In case your little warped mind can't understand it, I am neutral, neither party for me. Reading your words, it seems like you don't sympathize with the victims, I would say to you that maybe you should at least consider that they are truthful.And if you voted for Rump, you are getting exactly what you wanted, something different, but that something different is going to set you back decades.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby RiverDog » Thu Dec 14, 2017 6:40 am

c_hawkbob wrote:I took "these people" to be sex offenders, not dems or repubs.

And I don't equate uninvited assault with infidelity.

Neither do I. But there is a bit different category that's pretty damn despicable for Slick Willy getting multiple BJ's from a 21 year old groupie while they're in the Oval Office.

And don't forget that Slick Willy was accused of uninvited sexual assult. It was never proven in a court of law but neither have many of the characters in this thread.

Clinton belongs in this discussion.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:45 pm

[quote="c_hawkbob"]I took "these people" to be sex offenders, not dems or repubs.

And I don't equate uninvited assault with infidelity.[/quote

Bingo Bob. Nailed it and drove it with a sledgehammer .

I’m sick and tired of both parties using conspiracy theories and political affiliations as an excuse to cover up awful behavior . There is a huge difference between dating or even having an affair and just randomly groping and kissing women .

Big difference between robbing the cradle and being a 32 yr old DA picking up 14 year olds. For that matter a big difference between he said she said and he bragged and 14 women confirmed.

It’s a pretty sad time in America when ANYONE will believe ANY politician over 14 women, especially with what’s in the public domain .
Meghan Kelly was an attorney for 11 years and echoed exactly what I said on this thread .
Donald Trump would be in serious legal jeapordy in an actual courtroom with multiple consistent credible reports backed up by his own confessions on tape .
Her ratings have exploded since she started taking on the predators btw .

I’ll say it again . How can anyone believe a word out of trumps mouth regarding these allegations?
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Thu Dec 14, 2017 1:27 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:I took "these people" to be sex offenders, not dems or repubs.

And I don't equate uninvited assault with infidelity.

I can definitely equate a guy using his power to sleep around and use women with uninvited assault, then lying about it on the witness stand and calling that woman a liar. Clinton is accused of rape and uninvited sexual advances as well. It was brought up at the time, but people ignored it all until now. If Clinton ran for office after this tsunami, he would be hammered.

Did you vote for him too, c-bob? Such a great guy that lied on record on the witness stand. Had scandals like Whitewater and was proven to have taken money from Russian and Chinese donors. Yet you seem offended now that Trump is accused of associations with Russia, but if you voted for Clinton I guess you were fine with it back then.

Once again, does it only matter when it is a candidate you don't like?

People ask me why I started voting no confidence the last three elections. I had John McCain who chose Sarah Palin as his vice president and Obama the left-wing Democrat. Then I had Mitt Romney the flip-flopping desperate businessman that supported an Obamacare style health system, then backtracked once he was running for president and Obama the left-winger. Now I had Trump the narcissistic reality TV star that became president because he was a bored rich man that felt he could do better and Hilary Clinton from the corrupt Clintons' that no one on the left seems to want to acknowledge. Garbage candidates and a guy too far left for my tastes. I at least give Obama credit for being a decent man as near as I can tell. No real personal scandals, didn't cheat on his wife and family, and was carried himself well. I did like seeing the first president of African ancestry. Just didn't like his politics mostly.

If you voted for Bill Clinton, c-bob, you basically voted for a slick-talking version of Trump or worse. Just as corrupt and just as many scandals. And he was actually impeached and lied on the witness stand on record.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Thu Dec 14, 2017 1:46 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Bingo Bob. Nailed it and drove it with a sledgehammer .

I’m sick and tired of both parties using conspiracy theories and political affiliations as an excuse to cover up awful behavior . There is a huge difference between dating or even having an affair and just randomly groping and kissing women .

Big difference between robbing the cradle and being a 32 yr old DA picking up 14 year olds. For that matter a big difference between he said she said and he bragged and 14 women confirmed.

It’s a pretty sad time in America when ANYONE will believe ANY politician over 14 women, especially with what’s in the public domain .
Meghan Kelly was an attorney for 11 years and echoed exactly what I said on this thread .
Donald Trump would be in serious legal jeapordy in an actual courtroom with multiple consistent credible reports backed up by his own confessions on tape .
Her ratings have exploded since she started taking on the predators btw .

I’ll say it again . How can anyone believe a word out of trumps mouth regarding these allegations?

Did he nail it? I think I just hit back with a sledgehammer twice as hard. Slick Willy was scum. And if you voted for Slick Willy, you voted for a more well-spoken version of Trump. Or do you think Bill Clinton was some nice guy that didn't use his power to use women and didn't sell any secrets to Russia or China while taking their money for political donations. Or didn't have any corruption charges of Whitewater. Ever watch SNL during Clinton's administration? All those funny jokes about Clinton taking calls from the Chinese President much like SNL jokes about Putin controlling Trump like some puppet.

Or did Clinton not lie on the witness stand after taking an oath to tell the truth. I guess you have fallen so far you prefer Bill Clinton to Trump because he puts on the pretense of what you like a president to be like better.

Only difference between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump is Clinton is better at not pissing people off with his rancor and sexual assault wasn't being pushed by the media as hard as it is now. If it had been, you can bet your ass Bill Clinton would have been slammed hard by it. He covered so many sexual misconduct claims that people are still joking about it over two decades later.

I know you're biased towards Trump, but if you pretend Bill Clinton wasn't at the same level, you're a hypocrite that ignored a bunch of women that came forward with their allegations back then, but were ignored because people like Slick Willy.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Dec 14, 2017 2:14 pm

No question the Democrats jumped the shark first in terms of defending known unacceptable conduct.
It was disgraceful. Obviously he was impeached by the house but the Democrats in the senate would not expell him.
I think the fact the woman who ran interference for Slick Willie was Gropey the clowns opponent was the only reason he was able to survive the allegations against him.

That being said what in the hell does Clinton have to do with today’s headlines? I really get tired of trump supporters pointing to Clinton to legitimize Trumps behavior . Why does a democratic predator cancel a republican predator?
Whatever happened 22 years ago is irrelevant to the fact that democrats are aligning on the right of the issue.
It isn’t political espionage . There have been 2 presidents known to be guilty of sexual assault . I just discussed both. Trump apologists need to answer why they didn’t pull this stunt with Reagan? GW? Obama? It’s a simple question . These men were hated politically . Why has Senator Richard Shelby lasted 20 years in the senate and rootin tootin Roy Moore gets taken down by a bunch of lying dumpy looking mid 50 year old republican women .

Answer me that please. Asea? ID? Good luck. You guys seriously are smarter than that right?
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby c_hawkbob » Thu Dec 14, 2017 2:39 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Bingo Bob. Nailed it and drove it with a sledgehammer .

I’m sick and tired of both parties using conspiracy theories and political affiliations as an excuse to cover up awful behavior . There is a huge difference between dating or even having an affair and just randomly groping and kissing women .

Big difference between robbing the cradle and being a 32 yr old DA picking up 14 year olds. For that matter a big difference between he said she said and he bragged and 14 women confirmed.

It’s a pretty sad time in America when ANYONE will believe ANY politician over 14 women, especially with what’s in the public domain .
Meghan Kelly was an attorney for 11 years and echoed exactly what I said on this thread .
Donald Trump would be in serious legal jeapordy in an actual courtroom with multiple consistent credible reports backed up by his own confessions on tape .
Her ratings have exploded since she started taking on the predators btw .

I’ll say it again . How can anyone believe a word out of trumps mouth regarding these allegations?

Aseahawkfan wrote:Did he nail it? I think I just hit back with a sledgehammer twice as hard. Slick Willy was scum. And if you voted for Slick Willy, you voted for a more well-spoken version of Trump. Or do you think Bill Clinton was some nice guy that didn't use his power to use women and didn't sell any secrets to Russia or China while taking their money for political donations. Or didn't have any corruption charges of Whitewater. Ever watch SNL during Clinton's administration? All those funny jokes about Clinton taking calls from the Chinese President much like SNL jokes about Putin controlling Trump like some puppet.

Or did Clinton not lie on the witness stand after taking an oath to tell the truth. I guess you have fallen so far you prefer Bill Clinton to Trump because he puts on the pretense of what you like a president to be like better.

Only difference between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump is Clinton is better at not pissing people off with his rancor and sexual assault wasn't being pushed by the media as hard as it is now. If it had been, you can bet your ass Bill Clinton would have been slammed hard by it. He covered so many sexual misconduct claims that people are still joking about it over two decades later.

I know you're biased towards Trump, but if you pretend Bill Clinton wasn't at the same level, you're a hypocrite that ignored a bunch of women that came forward with their allegations back then, but were ignored because people like Slick Willy.

You didn't hit a damn thing harder than anybody. All you did was the standard obfuscation and deflection "Well what about Clinton". Doesn't effect or even address a single thing I said.

It still doesn't matter whether it's a Dem or a Repub, sex assault is sex assault and shouldn't be tolerated. Period.

And I still don't equate infidelity with uninvited assault. You can assign whatever names you want to whichever transgression it still holds true regardless of political affiliation (or team, or network or movie studio).
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:32 pm

Bill Clinton committed sexual assault . He paid Paula Jones nearly a million dollars to prove it. Juanita Broderick says the same thing along with several others . He’s a pea in the pod . One can be promiscuous and a molester at the same time.

Trump has also paid at least 2 settlements , one to first wife Ivana who claimed being raped by Trump after no sex in a year and having hair ripped out of her head because he had just had a very painful scalp stretching operation to cover bald spots. She later recanted what sounded like a pretty unusual story to make up after her fat settlement. Jill Harth was raped by trump and also prevailed in court.

The only microscopic difference between the guys is that Clinton could govern in a bipartisan fashion . Otherwise they are the same guy.
Meghan Kelley says there are many more accusers of trump who have reached out to her but are afraid to go public due to the backlash from the Trump fanatics most notably Sean Hannity . I said before he’s another Weinstein. If the congress is forced kicking and screaming to investigate trumps sexual abuse they will surely have to remove him at its conclusion.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:02 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:You didn't hit a damn thing harder than anybody. All you did was the standard obfuscation and deflection "Well what about Clinton". Doesn't effect or even address a single thing I said.

It still doesn't matter whether it's a Dem or a Repub, sex assault is sex assault and shouldn't be tolerated. Period.

And I still don't equate infidelity with uninvited assault. You can assign whatever names you want to whichever transgression it still holds true regardless of political affiliation (or team, or network or movie studio).

It depends. If you voted for Bill Clinton, you voted for a man that used his power to aggressively pursue women. He has claims of sexual assault that were backed off for the typical reasons we see being claimed now: power and lawsuits and money. You seem to think all he did was infidelity because it wasn't proven in court, but you seem to not care about court proceedings for Trump. A bunch of women said it so it must be true. Of course, Trump was blowharding on a recording, so he must have done it all. But of course Clinton only did infidelity because he was so well-liked, he didn't say lie under oath and get impeached or anything.

Then you brought up accusations about Trump and Russia. Did you forget about the accusations against Clinton with China and Russia? Or were you equally concerned during that period as well, c-bob?

Bill Clinton is a lot like Trump. A bunch of people ignored it and voted for Clinton. Didn't matter that he cheated on his wife. Didn't seem to matter that he had powerful money donors from China and Russia. Didn't matter one bit. Now people don't like Trump. so they're making it bigger than when Clinton was in there.

It goes to prove the hypocrisy of Democratic voters and people that supported Bill Clinton when he was accused of nearly the same things as Trump. Bunch of hypocrites. I'm wondering c-bob if you voted for Clinton? I wonder if you spent the same amount of time researching Clinton as you did Trump. Or did you disregard his accusers like Trump voters disregard the accusations against him? Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you did homework and didn't vote for Slick Willy and his poor wife cheated on by her husband and disrespected. Of course. maybe you did look at a lying, corrupt, cheating peace of trash like Bill Clinton like you do at Trump. I don't know, c-bob. Maybe you could tell us.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:14 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Bill Clinton committed sexual assault . He paid Paula Jones nearly a million dollars to prove it. Juanita Broderick says the same thing along with several others . He’s a pea in the pod . One can be promiscuous and a molester at the same time.

Trump has also paid at least 2 settlements , one to first wife Ivana who claimed being raped by Trump after no sex in a year and having hair ripped out of her head because he had just had a very painful scalp stretching operation to cover bald spots. She later recanted what sounded like a pretty unusual story to make up after her fat settlement. Jill Harth was raped by trump and also prevailed in court.

The only microscopic difference between the guys is that Clinton could govern in a bipartisan fashion . Otherwise they are the same guy.
Meghan Kelley says there are many more accusers of trump who have reached out to her but are afraid to go public due to the backlash from the Trump fanatics most notably Sean Hannity . I said before he’s another Weinstein. If the congress is forced kicking and screaming to investigate trumps sexual abuse they will surely have to remove him at its conclusion.

I give you respect for being consistent Hawktawk. Bill Clinton is Trump with better acting ability and a more likable personality. I'm fairly certain you didn't vote for that scumbag either. You probably remember him having the Russian and Chinese political connections. As well as all the well known sexual misconduct charges and unfaithfulness to his wife and child. And the Whitewater Scandal. And his other weak political stands on military and international issues.

I'm not going to lie to you. Trump's a liar. He's a cheater. He's not religious and I'm not sure he ever has been. He's a snake oil salesman selling a populist message. He's a narcissist. He has been inappropriate with women, not sure about the sex assault levels given his time, but definitely for modern times. He's not much fit to be president. I hope he doesn't last past this term. Though I would prefer not to remove a president as that sets a bad precedent. I hope people are not nutty enough to elect this guy a second time. The man has no self-control when it comes to his mouth or Twitter account. It's damn stupid to see a president getting Twitter battles like some teenage girl fighting with her High School friends.

About the only thing I'll remember positive about either of those guy is the economy was good. I can't even say it was due to either of them, though I guess neither of them killed the golden goose while in office. But both of these clowns made the presidency look bad.

Clinton and Trump are cut from the same cloth. I hope neither one gets near the presidency after this term again.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby idhawkman » Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:24 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:I took "these people" to be sex offenders, not dems or repubs.

And I don't equate uninvited assault with infidelity.

Cbob, you can't really mean that. People in positions of authority taking advantage of people is not infidelity, its assault. Not to mention the rape of Juanita Broderick. That's not infidelity. Forcefully kissing a married woman who was seeking solace is not infidelity, its assault. Propositioning a campaign volunteer with your pants around your ankles is not infidelity, it is indecent exposure at the least.

I understand that Lewinski was over 18 but that should never have happened to an intern. Someone in that setting should have been an adult and not allowed it to happen.

edited: Sorry CBob, I responded to this post of yours before reading more of what you said after. If you are not equating any names with the infidelity with the uninvited assault then my point above is moot. If however, you are equating the infidelity with what Bill Clinton did, then I stand by what I said. My bad for jumping to the wrong conclusion.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Dec 14, 2017 9:51 pm

[quote="idhawkman People in positions of authority taking advantage of people is not infidelity, its assault. Not to mention the rape of Juanita Broderick. That's not infidelity. Forcefully kissing a married woman who was seeking solace is not infidelity, its assault. Propositioning a campaign volunteer with your pants around your ankles is not infidelity, it is indecent exposure at the least.

I understand that Lewinski was over 18 but that should never have happened to an intern. Someone in that setting should have been an adult and not allowed it to happen.

ID we completely agree on this . A 20 year old intern isn’t mentally sophisticated enough to truly consent to giving a blow job to the frigging president . It was sexual misconduct that would have had a fast food Resturant manager fired. And it screwed up her life because she became a cartoon figure at 20 and a punching bag for Carville , Hillary , the liberal press and the rabid peace love dope democrats who didn’t care .

Trump would have been fired from any company he didn’t own for what he’s done. His defenders have the Clinton playbook out .

Why do we accept this from the most powerful men on the planet?!! Before Clinton this was disqualifying behavior and it needs to be again.
Demand better !!!
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby RiverDog » Fri Dec 15, 2017 5:54 am

idhawkman wrote:Cbob, you can't really mean that. People in positions of authority taking advantage of people is not infidelity, its assault. Not to mention the rape of Juanita Broderick. That's not infidelity. Forcefully kissing a married woman who was seeking solace is not infidelity, its assault. Propositioning a campaign volunteer with your pants around your ankles is not infidelity, it is indecent exposure at the least.

I understand that Lewinski was over 18 but that should never have happened to an intern. Someone in that setting should have been an adult and not allowed it to happen.

edited: Sorry CBob, I responded to this post of yours before reading more of what you said after. If you are not equating any names with the infidelity with the uninvited assault then my point above is moot. If however, you are equating the infidelity with what Bill Clinton did, then I stand by what I said. My bad for jumping to the wrong conclusion.

Slick Willy had several other sexual assault accusors, most notably Paula Jones, who's accusations made it to court, and Kathleen Willey, who accused Clinton of a sexual assault that alledgely occured in 1993 while Clinton was the POTUS. And I agree with IDHawk. It's an extreme understatement to characterize Clinton's affair with Lewinsky as simple marital infidelity. She was a paid government intern, making her a subordinate to him, and the acts happend in the Oval Office. Nothing of what Trump has allegedly done in his past approaches the level of what Clinton did/accused of doing while he was President.

The point is that bringing Clinton into the discussion is a completely valid proposition, or rather a prerequisite, if we are going to discuss politics and sex.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Seahawkgal » Fri Dec 15, 2017 7:15 am

Slick Willy had several other sexual assault accusors, most notably Paula Jones, who's accusations made it to court, and Kathleen Willey, who accused Clinton of a sexual assault that alledgely occured in 1993 while Clinton was the POTUS. And I agree with IDHawk. It's an extreme understatement to characterize Clinton's affair with Lewinsky as simple marital infidelity. She was a paid government intern, making her a subordinate to him, and the acts happend in the Oval Office. Nothing of what Trump has allegedly done in his past approaches the level of what Clinton did/accused of doing while he was President.

The point is that bringing Clinton into the discussion is a completely valid proposition, or rather a prerequisite, if we are going to discuss politics and sex.

I am writing down a list of all the men who have groped me(many ass grabs, rubs-etc) in the last 30+ years.
Should I sue them too?
My own husband spanked my ass the night we met even though I liked it.(sarcasm on)

I am sure there are many guilty pigs for sure but this s*** is getting out of hand. JMO.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby idhawkman » Fri Dec 15, 2017 3:32 pm

Seahawkgal wrote:This!!!
I am writing down a list of all the men who have groped me(many ass grabs, rubs-etc) in the last 30+ years.
Should I sue them too?
My own husband spanked my ass the night we met even though I liked it.(sarcasm on)

I am sure there are many guilty pigs for sure but this s*** is getting out of hand. JMO.

Wow Seahawkgal, you made me laugh on that one regarding liking it.

I think this whole thing can get out of hand and it is fast approaching that now. Men will not want to hire or be alone with a female going forward for fear that they may level accusations against them that they can not defend in any meaningful way. Public Opinion is now that the accusations are enough to ruin a person's life. I think we need to let the people being accused have an opportunity to defend themselves against the accusation. That said, if the accusation is true, throw the book at them. That's my stance.

BTW, the "Free-Love hippy movement" of the 60s were a backlash to the 50's IMO. There will be another "free love movement" in about 15 years from now as the pendulum swings back the other way again.

NOTE TO SELF: Don't do anything when it becomes the free love movement because I WILL be held accountable for those actions 30-40 years later in a different time and environment.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Sat Dec 16, 2017 3:26 pm

My main point with my post is people claiming Trump voters were bad people for voting for him. The fact is that Clinton was every bit as bad as Trump. He was an on record liar, cheater, probably used his power for sexual misconduct, had questionable associations with foreign supporters, and many other similar negative behaviors, yet millions of people voted for him. Millions of people made excuses for his behavior. Millions of people still defend him and make excuses for his conduct. Millions of people voted for his wife knowing she did nothing about his behavior other than help him brush it up for political power. Yet they somehow turn their noses up and act like the Clintons were better than Trump.

It's BS. It's ridiculous. It's just shows the hypocrisy of supporters of each party. They only care about what the guy did when it isn't part of their party. When he's part of their party, they're making excuses for their behavior to somehow lessen what they did like saying "equate uninvited assault with infidelity" when using power to sexually manipulate women is exactly what we're talking about right now. Clinton very much did this. Millions ignored it and voted for him. Whether they want to admit it or not, they are hypocrites and the same kind of people they accuse Trump voters of being.

As long as this crap continues, things won't change much. Keep scum out of the White House even if we have to go without a president. As unrealistic as that is, it is what should be happening. American voters should literally say, "Get that that candidate off the ballot. Give us someone worth voting for." I wish we had some kind of vetting process that disqualified you if your character was questionable (documented liar, infidelity, and the like), bad finances, drug addiction, prove liar, and the like. It would be nice to have some high quality candidates at some point.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby RiverDog » Sun Dec 17, 2017 9:02 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:My main point with my post is people claiming Trump voters were bad people for voting for him.

Not to divert the thread, but I had a number of conversations with friends of mine that were very anxious following the election of Donald Trump. Since most of them were immigrants, several being Muslims, they took the election as a sign that the majority of Americans hated them. I tried to explained to them that people voted for Trump for a variety of reasons, some economic, many because of who he wasn't (HRC). If there's one thing I don't like about DJT, it's the effect he's had on a large number of honest, hard working Americans.

In any event, to claim that someone voting for any particular candidate as being immoral or unethical is very disengenous, even if you were an Alabaman that voted for Roy Moore. We commonly don't have very many viable options as to who to vote for.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:24 pm

RiverDog wrote:Not to divert the thread, but I had a number of conversations with friends of mine that were very anxious following the election of Donald Trump. Since most of them were immigrants, several being Muslims, they took the election as a sign that the majority of Americans hated them. I tried to explained to them that people voted for Trump for a variety of reasons, some economic, many because of who he wasn't (HRC). If there's one thing I don't like about DJT, it's the effect he's had on a large number of honest, hard working Americans.

In any event, to claim that someone voting for any particular candidate as being immoral or unethical is very disengenous, even if you were an Alabaman that voted for Roy Moore. We commonly don't have very many viable options as to who to vote for.

I had to make some of my workers understand as well. I don't blame Trump. I blame the media. They have made every Republican president look racist and anti-immigrant for quite a while now. It is successful marketing by the Democratic Party against Republicans. That's why the media isn't really a news reporting agency any longer. They are an arm of each party. You can't even take a reasonable stance on immigration and get anything done because the media won't notice you. Or even if you did they would twist your words and make you look anti-immigrant. Then some smarmy liberals would sit on some show saying immigrants do the jobs no one wants to do like cleaning toilets and houses because so many rich liberals have immigrant maids, nannies, and gardeners.

Because I don't buy what the media is selling, I read all Trump's speeches myself. Though he did include some of the stupid stuff the media pushed hard to make him look like he hates immigrants, it was taken out of context of the overall speech. Trump wants immigration policy tightened after years of slack enforcement of illegal immigration and this media-pushed idea that every immigrant is some kind of dreamer, ignoring the criminals that come over illegally bringing drugs, gangs, and crime with the open door policy on the borders of previous administrations. Why are Latin Cartels and gangs like MS-13 not also being show as coming from immigration. Neither of them are home grown. They also don't want to show the immigrants in state hospitals having children while the father doesn't sign the birth certificate to ensure the woman and child get maximum benefits from the state. Instead the liberal media focuses on finding the good kid working hard on an education to sell us on things like DACA and the like.

If we had enforcement of current immigration laws, it would be enough for me. We don't even have that from the government and the left-wing media is still selling us that we don't need borders. We should just let everyone in because you know...dreamers. When you continue on this path, you reach the point where you vote in the guy that is taking a more extreme stance. Maybe he can get something done since the other candidates don't seem to give a crap.

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of sanctuary cities. I'm tired of homeless drug addicts wandering around the city asking me for money and having to worry if I'm going to get robbed or murdered by one of the zombies. The number of them seems to keep growing, while the liberals in this state keep telling me they're not a problem. Open borders is not what any nation should have. Legal, properly enforced immigration without emotional melodrama is how you should run a nation.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby RiverDog » Mon Dec 18, 2017 4:59 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:I had to make some of my workers understand as well. I don't blame Trump. I blame the media. They have made every Republican president look racist and anti-immigrant for quite a while now. It is successful marketing by the Democratic Party against Republicans. That's why the media isn't really a news reporting agency any longer. They are an arm of each party. You can't even take a reasonable stance on immigration and get anything done because the media won't notice you. Or even if you did they would twist your words and make you look anti-immigrant. Then some smarmy liberals would sit on some show saying immigrants do the jobs no one wants to do like cleaning toilets and houses because so many rich liberals have immigrant maids, nannies, and gardeners.

Because I don't buy what the media is selling, I read all Trump's speeches myself. Though he did include some of the stupid stuff the media pushed hard to make him look like he hates immigrants, it was taken out of context of the overall speech. Trump wants immigration policy tightened after years of slack enforcement of illegal immigration and this media-pushed idea that every immigrant is some kind of dreamer, ignoring the criminals that come over illegally bringing drugs, gangs, and crime with the open door policy on the borders of previous administrations. Why are Latin Cartels and gangs like MS-13 not also being show as coming from immigration. Neither of them are home grown. They also don't want to show the immigrants in state hospitals having children while the father doesn't sign the birth certificate to ensure the woman and child get maximum benefits from the state. Instead the liberal media focuses on finding the good kid working hard on an education to sell us on things like DACA and the like.

If we had enforcement of current immigration laws, it would be enough for me. We don't even have that from the government and the left-wing media is still selling us that we don't need borders. We should just let everyone in because you know...dreamers. When you continue on this path, you reach the point where you vote in the guy that is taking a more extreme stance. Maybe he can get something done since the other candidates don't seem to give a crap.

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of sanctuary cities. I'm tired of homeless drug addicts wandering around the city asking me for money and having to worry if I'm going to get robbed or murdered by one of the zombies. The number of them seems to keep growing, while the liberals in this state keep telling me they're not a problem. Open borders is not what any nation should have. Legal, properly enforced immigration without emotional melodrama is how you should run a nation.

It's more than just the media, ASF. When Rudy Giuliani, a highly respected Republican that Trump was considering for AG, comes out and says that Trump asked him for a legal way to ban Muslims from entering the country and then the very first thing Trump does when taking office is issue an executive order calling out Muslims, it's more than just the media painting a candidate. That's the point where some of my friends started getting really scared, when they saw people with legitimate visas not being let out of airports.

Trump's talk about building a wall was another topic that scared the daylights out of many of my friends, even though all of them were here legally and were already citizens. It was this whole atmosphere created by Trump that has scared them to death, makes them feel as if the rest of the country hates them. It had the effect of labeling anyone that's ever crossed the border as a bunch of drug running thugs when the fact is that immigrants as a whole commit fewer crimes than native born.

I agree with you about sanctuary cities. As a matter of fact, I am for raising the bar on who we permit to come into this country and for a rigid vetting process, for restricting the types of benefits they can access, and so on. And I'm definitely for cracking down on illegal immigration. Illegals DO commit crimes, violent crimes, at an alarmingly high rate. But Trump wants to cut in half LEGAL immigration, and has not made his case for such cuts..which would be an economic or infrastructure argument that he'd have to use.

While I agree that the media hasn't helped, the root cause of this fear and uncertainty within legal immigrants is Donald Trump. I don't mind Trump's politics nearly as much as I don't like his rhetoric and behavior. He's not a leader. I did not and will not ever vote for him.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon Dec 18, 2017 10:14 pm

RiverDog wrote:It's more than just the media, ASF. When Rudy Giuliani, a highly respected Republican that Trump was considering for AG, comes out and says that Trump asked him for a legal way to ban Muslims from entering the country and then the very first thing Trump does when taking office is issue an executive order calling out Muslims, it's more than just the media painting a candidate. That's the point where some of my friends started getting really scared, when they saw people with legitimate visas not being let out of airports.

Trump's talk about building a wall was another topic that scared the daylights out of many of my friends, even though all of them were here legally and were already citizens. It was this whole atmosphere created by Trump that has scared them to death, makes them feel as if the rest of the country hates them. It had the effect of labeling anyone that's ever crossed the border as a bunch of drug running thugs when the fact is that immigrants as a whole commit fewer crimes than native born.

But what brought us to the point where Americans felt they had to elect a guy like Trump. That's the media's fault. The left-wing media made any kind of reasonable immigration enforcement nearly impossible. They just kept pushing and pushing and pushing making even those with moderate immigration stances seem like racists and anti-immigrant nationalists. Even though Europe and Canada had stricter immigration laws than us, you would think America was some kind of anti-immigrant tyranny. Well, the left-wing finally got what they were asking for: someone with a more extreme stance. The people that voted for him are hoping this extreme stance will get something done since the moderate stance didn't seem to work.

I agree with you about sanctuary cities. As a matter of fact, I am for raising the bar on who we permit to come into this country and for a rigid vetting process, for restricting the types of benefits they can access, and so on. And I'm definitely for cracking down on illegal immigration. Illegals DO commit crimes, violent crimes, at an alarmingly high rate. But Trump wants to cut in half LEGAL immigration, and has not made his case for such cuts..which would be an economic or infrastructure argument that he'd have to use.

That's my main focus. Illegal immigration. For all the dreamer talk, people coming over illegally also include immigrants fleeing from prosecution in their nation for serious crimes including drug runners, rapists, thieves, and even more serious criminals like murderers and serial killers. Not to mention the cartels use lots of illegals as drug mules.

While I agree that the media hasn't helped, the root cause of this fear and uncertainty within legal immigrants is Donald Trump. I don't mind Trump's politics nearly as much as I don't like his rhetoric and behavior. He's not a leader. I did not and will not ever vote for him.

The left-wing media drove this nation to Trump with their overly politically correct, social justice warrior mob mentality against anyone that believes in conservative religious values, immigration enforcement, keeping the money you earn, gun rights, and that America is a nation worth loving. That's why I say Trump is a movement. It's not about the man to Trump supporters. It's about the feeling that has been brewing from years of smarmy left-wing attacks on everything conservative Americans believe in. He's the kick in the teeth so many conservatives have wanted to give the left wing liberals. After 8 years of Obama and the extreme social justice warrior movement, this is the backlash.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby RiverDog » Tue Dec 19, 2017 8:39 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:But what brought us to the point where Americans felt they had to elect a guy like Trump.

Hillary Clinton.

Many core Dems supporters sat this one out because of her. Sanders supporters felt that Hillary had rigged their party in favor her. In two critical states in the general election, Wisconsin and Michigan, Sanders had beaten Clinton in the primaries. That indicates to me that it was more about Trump not being Hillary than an indorsement of Trump.

There's not a lot of factual information out there to back up my claim, but it's my sincere feeling that had the Dems put up a more palatable candidate, such as Joe Biden, that Trump would have lost the election. I know I would have voted for the Dem candidate had it not been HRC.

And as far as your claim that the media is biased, I don't think it's nearly the factor you claim it is. Sure, there are news organizations out there that hold a political bias. It's entertaining for me to switch between the conservative Fox and the liberal MSNBC and hear their takes on the same subject, like a SCOTUS nominee. Personally, I don't get my news from those types of sources, I browse my MSN start page, which gets their articles from a variety of sources, on my tablet and select the articles I want to read. It may not be the most objective way to get my news, but it's better than getting it from TV.

Prior to the mid 80's, we could get our national TV news through just 3 network stations and PBS. And talk radio, which has always been decidedly conservative, didn't hit it's stride until about then, when AM radio had lost it's music listening audience to FM, and of course, the internet did not exist. With such few sources, it didn't take much of a bias to tilt the field.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby idhawkman » Tue Dec 19, 2017 10:03 am

RiverDog wrote:
Hillary Clinton.

That's a big reason but I believe he would have beaten anyone the Dems put up. After 8 years of being under the thumb of Obama and his keeping the "New Norm" economic situation where it never crossed over 1.5% growth, it was bound to happen for the republicans. That's why the republican establishment and never trumpers are so ticked off - especially the Bush's who thought it was their birth right to have Jeb elected.

Many core Dems supporters sat this one out because of her. Sanders supporters felt that Hillary had rigged their party in favor her. In two critical states in the general election, Wisconsin and Michigan, Sanders had beaten Clinton in the primaries. That indicates to me that it was more about Trump not being Hillary than an indorsement of Trump.

You might be right but the numbers of voters don't show this. More people voted than in the Romney election. I think Trump's "What do you have to lose?" question helped get him more of the African American vote than what you've seen reported. Additionally, Hispanic voters are traditionally more conservative than liberal. This whole open borders thing is about to blow up in the liberals face especially if the Hispanics start to benefit from the economic environment that Trump is creating. Don't be surprised if you see GDP at 6+% by the end of 2018. That will lock Trump in for another 4 years, too.

There's not a lot of factual information out there to back up my claim, but it's my sincere feeling that had the Dems put up a more palatable candidate, such as Joe Biden, that Trump would have lost the election. I know I would have voted for the Dem candidate had it not been HRC.

Goofy Joe would have suffered a worse defeat than HRC. The spotlight had not been put on Joe so many people think he would have won, but that's just not the case. He would have had all of his goofs publicized and he would have been attached to Obama as continuing the previous 4 years of economic malaise. He would have crashed and burned badly.

And as far as your claim that the media is biased, I don't think it's nearly the factor you claim it is. Sure, there are news organizations out there that hold a political bias. It's entertaining for me to switch between the conservative Fox and the liberal MSNBC and hear their takes on the same subject, like a SCOTUS nominee. Personally, I don't get my news from those types of sources, I browse my MSN start page, which gets their articles from a variety of sources, on my tablet and select the articles I want to read. It may not be the most objective way to get my news, but it's better than getting it from TV.

These statements just confound me. Just like twitter, facebook and all the other online sources, they filter what is published and what is not. Its all filtered. Going through training the US Gov. gave me, the first thing you do to start a revolution within a country is control what the people hear and see. If you say something long enough and often enough, people will believe anything.

Prior to the mid 80's, we could get our national TV news through just 3 network stations and PBS. And talk radio, which has always been decidedly conservative, didn't hit it's stride until about then, when AM radio had lost it's music listening audience to FM, and of course, the internet did not exist. With such few sources, it didn't take much of a bias to tilt the field.
NPR has been around for quite some time and is one of the most liberal news outlets there are.

Ever wonder why no other liberal radio show has survived while many conservative shows are thriving? I think there are more people in the U.S. that are conservative than Liberal.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:46 pm

RiverDog wrote:Hillary Clinton.

Many core Dems supporters sat this one out because of her. Sanders supporters felt that Hillary had rigged their party in favor her. In two critical states in the general election, Wisconsin and Michigan, Sanders had beaten Clinton in the primaries. That indicates to me that it was more about Trump not being Hillary than an indorsement of Trump.

There's not a lot of factual information out there to back up my claim, but it's my sincere feeling that had the Dems put up a more palatable candidate, such as Joe Biden, that Trump would have lost the election. I know I would have voted for the Dem candidate had it not been HRC.

And as far as your claim that the media is biased, I don't think it's nearly the factor you claim it is. Sure, there are news organizations out there that hold a political bias. It's entertaining for me to switch between the conservative Fox and the liberal MSNBC and hear their takes on the same subject, like a SCOTUS nominee. Personally, I don't get my news from those types of sources, I browse my MSN start page, which gets their articles from a variety of sources, on my tablet and select the articles I want to read. It may not be the most objective way to get my news, but it's better than getting it from TV.

Prior to the mid 80's, we could get our national TV news through just 3 network stations and PBS. And talk radio, which has always been decidedly conservative, didn't hit it's stride until about then, when AM radio had lost it's music listening audience to FM, and of course, the internet did not exist. With such few sources, it didn't take much of a bias to tilt the field.

I wish we could redo it with Sanders or Biden. I still think religion matters in this nation. You haven't acknowledged that Sanders Jewish background would have impacted him in the election or Biden's Catholic beliefs. Biden likely would have had a better chance, but Sanders wouldn't have. His Jewish faith would have hit him by enough points to lose to Trump. Until you acknowledge the effect religion plays on an election, it's hard to take the discussion seriously. I don't know if it is your Washingtonian and American sensibilities that want to disregard religion, but I guarantee American voters as a whole do not. The Democratic Party was smart not to put Sanders out there. Republicans and conservatives would have had a field day with his Jewish background and association with Israel. Biden is a dolt. He's as boring as they come. You think boring-ass Biden would have been competitive against salesman Trump? I doubt it. Hilary Clinton had the female vote going for her. That was huge.

When Trump won the Republican nomination, it showed America was clearly listening to his message. He ran against a lot of strong contenders and beat them all. Right wing was tired of Obama, so were a lot of middle-of-the-road voters.

The fact that Trump won given the media bias against Trump was the worst I've ever seen. What I could not foresee was how Trump used the media bias to his advantage. I can't believe after all your years of watching news, you can't see how much they tried to hammer Trump and how effective Trump was at using their attacks to energize his voters. I've never seen such effective use of anti-media rhetoric. I saw constant stories about Twitter garbage, Ivanka's comments or how she dresses, how Melania dresses, Paper Towels Trump handed out, any little thing out of his mouth gets turned into some stupid story attacking him. Yet somehow he took all that and created the idea of Fake News and put it in the minds of the nation.

For all the parts of Trump I don't like, I can't overlook how effective an orator and salesman he is. I doubt Biden or Sanders beat him. I don't think anyone was going to beat him save for maybe Obama himself since the incumbent advantage is often huge and people don't like change. I wish we could redo the election with each candidate just to test. I think Trump finds new ways to attack each of them. I don't see Biden or Sanders taking as much of the female vote as Hilary did or being out to out-talk or out-sell Trump.
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Re: Sex assault tsunami

Postby RiverDog » Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:38 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:I wish we could redo it with Sanders or Biden. I still think religion matters in this nation. You haven't acknowledged that Sanders Jewish background would have impacted him in the election or Biden's Catholic beliefs. Biden likely would have had a better chance, but Sanders wouldn't have. His Jewish faith would have hit him by enough points to lose to Trump. Until you acknowledge the effect religion plays on an election, it's hard to take the discussion seriously. I don't know if it is your Washingtonian and American sensibilities that want to disregard religion, but I guarantee American voters as a whole do not. The Democratic Party was smart not to put Sanders out there. Republicans and conservatives would have had a field day with his Jewish background and association with Israel. Biden is a dolt. He's as boring as they come. You think boring-ass Biden would have been competitive against salesman Trump? I doubt it. Hilary Clinton had the female vote going for her. That was huge.

When Trump won the Republican nomination, it showed America was clearly listening to his message. He ran against a lot of strong contenders and beat them all. Right wing was tired of Obama, so were a lot of middle-of-the-road voters.

The fact that Trump won given the media bias against Trump was the worst I've ever seen. What I could not foresee was how Trump used the media bias to his advantage. I can't believe after all your years of watching news, you can't see how much they tried to hammer Trump and how effective Trump was at using their attacks to energize his voters. I've never seen such effective use of anti-media rhetoric. I saw constant stories about Twitter garbage, Ivanka's comments or how she dresses, how Melania dresses, Paper Towels Trump handed out, any little thing out of his mouth gets turned into some stupid story attacking him. Yet somehow he took all that and created the idea of Fake News and put it in the minds of the nation.

For all the parts of Trump I don't like, I can't overlook how effective an orator and salesman he is. I doubt Biden or Sanders beat him. I don't think anyone was going to beat him save for maybe Obama himself since the incumbent advantage is often huge and people don't like change. I wish we could redo the election with each candidate just to test. I think Trump finds new ways to attack each of them. I don't see Biden or Sanders taking as much of the female vote as Hilary did or being out to out-talk or out-sell Trump.

I haven't seen any legitimate polls matching Trump vs. Biden or Trump vs. Sanders. Additionally, Hillary won the popular vote, so the real question is how would have Biden or Sanders done against Trump in the rust belt states of MI, PA, and WI where the election was decided.

Hillary had every advantage in the book: She ran as a Dem, of whom twice as many voters identify themselves as D's than R's. She had a nation wide organization, with experience in two POTUS campaigns as well as her Senate run. There was no reason for her making the mistakes she made in her campaign. Wisconsin hadn't gone to the R's since 1984, when Reagan won 49 states, yet she lost it, never even sat foot in it during the campaign. They were overconfident, did not detect the gradual swing to Trump in the waning weeks of the campaign and thus did nothing to counter. Trump beat her up badly with his "America First" theme that played especially well in the battleground states she had to win. She ran a horrible campaign. IMO a simple change of campaign strategy would have made the difference in this election.

I don't think religion has much impact anymore, at least not Catholics and probably not Jews. I would guess that a Muslim would have difficulty winning a national election. But that's just an opinion.

There are two big changes I'd like to see in American politics. The first is a viable 3rd party, and the second would be to do away with the winner-take-all aspect of the electoral college.
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