Damn Commies

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Damn Commies

Postby Sox-n-hawks » Wed Dec 27, 2017 8:30 pm

Well, imagine that... one communist country supporting another. This could turn into a big mess.

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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Largent80 » Thu Dec 28, 2017 6:15 am

Ohhhh...Rumps buddy Ping-Pong gonna get hand slapped for this.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Sox-n-hawks » Thu Dec 28, 2017 6:43 am

Maybe even both hands
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby RiverDog » Thu Dec 28, 2017 9:02 am

This is a curious story. The Chinese government has to have known that our satellites would pick up such large ships.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Largent80 » Thu Dec 28, 2017 9:13 am

Maybe it was actually Cheez-Whiz for Kim.

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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Dec 28, 2017 11:05 pm

It demonstrates the utter contempt China and Russia have for the POTUS. It’s a dangerous time
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby idhawkman » Fri Dec 29, 2017 4:14 am

Hawktawk wrote:It demonstrates the utter contempt China and Russia have for the POTUS. It’s a dangerous time

Get a grip. They had just as much contempt for Obama. Remember him telling Putin "cut it out"? Wow, how forceful he was...
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby RiverDog » Fri Dec 29, 2017 5:35 am

Hawtalk said: "It demonstrates the utter contempt China and Russia have for the POTUS. It’s a dangerous time"

Idahawkman said: "Get a grip. They had just as much contempt for Obama. Remember him telling Putin "cut it out"? Wow, how forceful he was...

Idahawk is exactly right. It doesn't matter to that little peckerhead in North Korea who's in the Oval Office, he's going to push us right to the limit. Trump inherited this mess from Obama and others before him. Heck, if you wanted to, you could go all the way back to Truman and blame a POTUS for this situation before you could with a straight face blame Trump. It's been festering for 60 years.

Your hatred of Trump runs so deep that you'd blame him for the common cold. Geez.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Largent80 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 5:45 am

Look at the bright side. If Rump doesn't kill us all in the next 3 years, he's gone.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby RiverDog » Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:00 am

Largent80 wrote:Look at the bright side. If Rump doesn't kill us all in the next 3 years, he's gone.

I hope that he doesn't win a 2nd term, but I'm not holding my breath. I didn't think he had a snowball's chance in hell of winning his first term, so I'm not making any predictions. The only thing that I will say, and it's the same thing I've said about all incumbants, is that for them to get re-elected that the country has to have been doing quite well, and no one should hate him to the point that they're willing to sacrifice something like a healthy economy just to get him out of office.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:02 am


Idahawk is exactly right. It doesn't matter to that little peckerhead in North Korea who's in the Oval Office, he's going to push us right to the limit. Trump inherited this mess from Obama and others before him. Heck, if you wanted to, you could go all the way back to Truman and blame a POTUS for this situation before you could with a straight face blame Trump. It's been festering for 60 years.

Your hatred of Trump runs so deep that you'd blame him for the common cold. Geez.[/quote

Im no Obama apologist as you know. But as Steven Colbert said so accurately Trump is Putin’s expletive holder . Hes the biggest rube ever, bragging about his “best ever of any president reception” in china . Everyone knows flatter this idiot and then take his lunch money.

Yeah RD I hate when our NSA 4 star general McMaster says Trump “takes us out of our comfort zone” .

When Bannon himself said trump had a 30% chance of finishing 4 years due to impeachment or removal under the TWENTY FIFTH AMENDMENT it’s a little scary having President Bannon talk like that.

He added that trump “has lost a step” and has the mind of a 11 year old . McMaster was reported to have called him a “mental midget”
It cracks me up how Trumpiesfresk about an FBI agents honest first amendment comments when Rex Tillerson called him “a F##£g moron “. That’s his cabinet !!!!!. Yeah I hate that he’s nuts, that he tweets foreign policy at 5 AM in the middle of a nuclear standoff.
Most dangerous time in the history of the planet .
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby burrrton » Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:49 am

But as Steven Colbert said so accurately Trump is Putin’s expletive holder .

No exactly biting insight when Steven Colbert is Obama's expletive holder, is it?

The only thing that I will say, and it's the same thing I've said about all incumbants, is that for them to get re-elected that the country has to have been doing quite well, and no one should hate him to the point that they're willing to sacrifice something like a healthy economy just to get him out of office.

I'm afraid to say it, but if we have another three years like the year we just had, I think he can *easily* be re-elected.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby RiverDog » Fri Dec 29, 2017 12:04 pm

burrrton wrote:I'm afraid to say it, but if we have another three years like the year we just had, I think he can *easily* be re-elected.

Anytime an incumbent President's job approval rating drops below 45%, they're in deep trouble. Ford, Carter, and Bush 41 all had sub 45% approval ratings prior to their re-election bids. Trump's current average for his term is 38%. Now if the Dems go and nominate a reptile like they did the last time around, then you might be right. But easily re-elected? If he does get re-elected, it will be in another close election like the past one.

Now in rebuttal, you can do what Trump does and dismiss the polls as fake news. :lol:
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Largent80 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 12:17 pm

No. Rump will not be re elected. 40000 people got him elected. That's not happening again.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby burrrton » Fri Dec 29, 2017 12:23 pm

Now in rebuttal, you can do what Trump does and dismiss the polls as fake news.

LOL. Nah, I believe you and them.

You may be right about the approval rating being the better predictor. I guess I just think that approval rating won't stay there if we have another 3 years like we just had?
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Dec 29, 2017 12:44 pm

The best of pro trump polls which is Rasmussen has him in the 40s and most have him in the 30’s. This is with success vs Isis, record market , good economy etc.baked in. Its his high water mark.

It’s not about policy . It’s the foul nasty crazy tweeter man himself. This isn’t going to be getting better . 71 year old lunatics don’t change for the better.

And hey Burrt point taken about Colbert although he was spot on. How about McMaster ? Tillerson ? The multiple leaks detailing the erratic behavior of this president to the degree it isn’t obvious already.
Any of that concern you ?
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby burrrton » Fri Dec 29, 2017 1:07 pm

Any of that concern you ?

A little- I just don't freak the F out, nor do I read "THIS IS THE MOST PERIL THIS UNIVERSE HAS BEEN IN SINCE THE BIG BANG!!!!!!11" into a few critiques of a dopey politician.

In short, he seems to be pretty much who I thought he was.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby RiverDog » Fri Dec 29, 2017 2:19 pm

burrrton wrote:LOL. Nah, I believe you and them.

You may be right about the approval rating being the better predictor. I guess I just think that approval rating won't stay there if we have another 3 years like we just had?

I'm in agreement with Hawktalk. The economy couldn't be doing better and the international front, although tense, shouldn't be a factor unless a war breaks out, in which case people will rally to the sitting POTUS, which would be the only scenario that I could envision where Trump could win re-election.. If Trump can't crack 40% with all the good news we've had in 2017, I can't see him doing it in 2020.

It will be interesting to see how the mid terms go. The Dems only need to flip two seats in the Senate, but considering how many they have to defend vs. the R's, the numbers don't look good for them. Additionally, all the seats they have to defend are in red states that Trump won in 2016 and R's usually perform better in mid terms than the D's do.

But I do think they'll re-take the House, which would virtually kill any agenda Trump wants to achieve in the 2nd half of his term as almost everything breaks down on a strict party line.

The only thing Trump is going to be able to run on will be his tax reform bill. He's not getting his wall even though he's holding DACA as a bargaining chip.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby burrrton » Fri Dec 29, 2017 3:18 pm

Like I said, you may be right, and it wouldn't surprise me a bit, but I can also envision a scenario where people will begin getting fatigued from the ridiculous hyperbole and the number will climb.

We'll see.

Oh, and I think the Rs are going to take a *bath* in the midterms.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Dec 29, 2017 3:25 pm

burrrton wrote:
A little- I just don't freak the F out, nor do I read "THIS IS THE MOST PERIL THIS UNIVERSE HAS BEEN IN SINCE THE BIG BANG!!!!!!11" into a few critiques of a dopey politician.

In short, he seems to be pretty much who I thought he was.


Lmao funny memory .
Listen man if it wasn’t such a screwy time with China Russia and NKorea I’d laugh right along with this pathetic commander in chief.
But it’s rife with the possibility of WW3 with an unpredictable tweeting commandeer in chief .

In his interview yesterday he said if China won’t cooperate he will” do what I wanted to do all along” what the hell did he mean? Is he rooting for war?
Putin has said we could cause a “global catastrophe “‘and both they and China have made it clear there is no military option. We have 3 carrier groups sitting off Korea, a very small target area for huge American firepower to be grouped in.it smells like a Trojan horse from hell .

Russia is snooping around undersea cables , challenging airspace and no fly zones leading to a near dog fight with US aircraft, sailing ships too near coastlines and slamming 15 subs online in the last 2 years. They have 63 to our 66 now.
What if it’s not a drill? How will we know?

Extremely dangerous times . It’s not an argument I want to win but the world is a bigger tinderbox than ever with the madness of nuclear weapons .
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby idhawkman » Fri Dec 29, 2017 4:00 pm

burrrton wrote:I'm afraid to say it, but if we have another three years like the year we just had, I think he can *easily* be re-elected.
RiverDog wrote:
Anytime an incumbent President's job approval rating drops below 45%, they're in deep trouble. Ford, Carter, and Bush 41 all had sub 45% approval ratings prior to their re-election bids. Trump's current average for his term is 38%. Now if the Dems go and nominate a reptile like they did the last time around, then you might be right. But easily re-elected? If he does get re-elected, it will be in another close election like the past one.

Now in rebuttal, you can do what Trump does and dismiss the polls as fake news. :lol:

NOTE: There is a Rassmussen poll out that shows Trump's approval rating of 46% (Yes you read that correctly) and disapproval of 57% is one percent off from Obama's approval and disapproval of 47% and 56% respectively at the same point in his first year of office. Also NOTE: Obama didn't have the MSM, Alt Left, RHINO Never Trumpers and so much more against him every day. So for him to have sustained all of that rhetoric and to still be standing just one percentage point off of Obama's approval rating is an amazing feat in and of itself.

By the way, this is not the most dangerous time in the history of the world, that was probably the Cuban missle crisis, not this little tiff. "IF" we ever went to war against N. Korea, it would be over in less than a month and they wouldn't get a shot off toward our homeland. So rest easy tonight, Gen Maddis and Kelly are on the wall and all is well. Sleep safe tonight because they will not let a maniac on the other side of the globe disturb your snow globe world.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Largent80 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 5:34 pm

Hahahaha...Rumps daily meltdowns are Fox News greatest headlines, but this pile has done NOTHING so far and in fackt...NEGATIVE NOTHING by rolling back everything that has NOT worked in multiple administrations...... and his timing is as far off as it can get for his big badass US president BS.

There isn't a single person biting on his bait. Well, maybe we have some.......He's just a fat, white rich, blowhard that doesnt give a effing f*** about YOU or Me.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby burrrton » Fri Dec 29, 2017 6:35 pm

He's just a fat, white rich, blowhard that doesnt give a effing f*** about YOU or Me.

Maybe not, but what the h3ll is it with some of you and calling out a person's color and/or sexual orientation as derogatory?

It cancels out anything else you have to say when you talk like a bigot- do you not see that?
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby RiverDog » Sat Dec 30, 2017 2:45 am

idhawkman wrote:NOTE: There is a Rassmussen poll out that shows Trump's approval rating of 46% (Yes you read that correctly) and disapproval of 57% is one percent off from Obama's approval and disapproval of 47% and 56% respectively at the same point in his first year of office. Also NOTE: Obama didn't have the MSM, Alt Left, RHINO Never Trumpers and so much more against him every day. So for him to have sustained all of that rhetoric and to still be standing just one percentage point off of Obama's approval rating is an amazing feat in and of itself.

By the way, this is not the most dangerous time in the history of the world, that was probably the Cuban missle crisis, not this little tiff. "IF" we ever went to war against N. Korea, it would be over in less than a month and they wouldn't get a shot off toward our homeland. So rest easy tonight, Gen Maddis and Kelly are on the wall and all is well. Sleep safe tonight because they will not let a maniac on the other side of the globe disturb your snow globe world.

Yea, you would cherry pick the Rasmussen poll. It shows the highest of nearly a dozen polls. Trump's average performance in those polls, all taken this month, is 39.3% So you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

https://realclearpolitics.com/epolls/ot ... -6179.html

I used Gallop because they've been around for 80 years and have built some good historical data that goes all the way back to Eisenhower. In their poll, the only first term POTUS that had a job approval rating of less than 50% in December of their first year in office was Ronald Reagan at 49% in 1981 when the country was in the midst of one of the worst economic times since the 30's, so even if I were to accept your Rassumssen poll as being the most accurate, Trump would still be recording the worst job approval percentage for any first term POTUS since AT LEAST Harry Truman despite him having a huge advantage in that his first year has been marked by some of the most impressive economic results in history. Bottom line is that no matter what kind of smiley face you want to paint on Trump's first year, his job approval sucks.

http://news.gallup.com/poll/203198/pres ... trump.aspx

Agreed about this not being close to the most dangerous time in our history. I'm not running around with my hair on fire like some in here are. All I characterized it as was tense.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Largent80 » Sat Dec 30, 2017 6:25 am

burrrton wrote:He's just a fat, white rich, blowhard that doesnt give a effing f*** about YOU or Me.

Maybe not, but what the h3ll is it with some of you and calling out a person's color and/or sexual orientation as derogatory?

It cancels out anything else you have to say when you talk like a bigot- do you not see that?[/quote]

Not sure if sarcasm or serious because there was none of that in anything I said. I just spoke the truth and it's the way most Americans feel whether you like it or not.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Sox-n-hawks » Sat Dec 30, 2017 7:19 am

Trump is quite the loudmouth, but I have to wonder what it would be like if we could hear conversations from each president through out history. Somewhere theres a hilarious phone recording of LBJ talking about his balls to a seamstress.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby RiverDog » Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:14 am

Sox-n-hawks wrote:Trump is quite the loudmouth, but I have to wonder what it would be like if we could hear conversations from each president through out history. Somewhere theres a hilarious phone recording of LBJ talking about his balls to a seamstress.

I hadn't heard that about LBJ, but I wouldn't doubt it. He was a crude, rude SOB. Once while attending a state dinner, Johnson noticed that one of the guests wasn't eating their steak and exclaimed '"aren't you going to eat that?" and reached across another guest's dinner plate to stab the uneaten cut and put it on his own plate.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Sox-n-hawks » Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:26 am

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Re: Damn Commies

Postby RiverDog » Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:40 am

Sox-n-hawks wrote:Here it is Riverdog


I wasn't doubting you, quite the contrary, nothing surprises me about LBJ. He used to go deer hunting from the back seat of his Cadilac.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Sox-n-hawks » Sat Dec 30, 2017 10:29 am

I would LOVE to be able to see behind the curtain of every President we've had. I'd be willing to bet Trumps Skeletons aren't even in the top ten worst.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby burrrton » Sat Dec 30, 2017 11:28 am

Not sure if sarcasm or serious because there was none of that in anything I said.

That you can't even see it after I point it out to you says volumes about your character, or maybe just the absolute *derangement* of the far left of this country in 2017. Jeezus.

I just spoke the truth and it's the way most Americans feel whether you like it or not.

"Most Americans" don't talk like bigots.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby RiverDog » Sat Dec 30, 2017 11:58 am

Largent80 wrote:I just spoke the truth and it's the way most Americans feel whether you like it or not.

Most Americans feel that way? Can you support such a claim?

I suspect that you are referring to the job approval and dissatisfaction polls that consistently show Trump as being around 40% in the former and in the high 50 percent in the latter. Many, many people could respond negatively to a job performance opinion poll on Trump yet disagree completely with your statement.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Largent80 » Sat Dec 30, 2017 5:02 pm

Yeah I'm Archie bunker. What a bunch of ultra maroons.

I live in rural Texas and people here, in this red state can't stand him. I don't need a stat or poll to validate anything.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby burrrton » Sat Dec 30, 2017 5:27 pm

Yeah I'm Archie bunker.

Hey, if it talks like a duck...
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby chris98251 » Sat Dec 30, 2017 6:38 pm

Every son of a b**** elected has skeletons in their closet and have screwed some or many others over to get to power, the farther you go back the more narrow minded the people were and more judgmental and prejudice.

Saying that, it was the way things were then, judging a person by the beliefs and standards of today in a past era is a waste of time, the evolving or hominization of our society these days paints everyone in a bad light if they are not in the parameters considered Politically correct and liberally accepted of all ways or walks, and opinions of life.

If you took the private opinions supposedly off the records or off film and recordings of any leader in the world I am sure the opinions they have and not that of their representatives who support and fund them would be vastly different.

Nixon was a foul mouthed dirty bastard as well, but he knew how to get stuff done and not by the rules so to speak.

LBJ was exactly what the stereo typed Texan was all about, both in mannerism and opinions and demeanor. They had a hell of a time keeping him out of trouble with how he spoke and acted. These days I don't think we would see a lot of difference between how he and Trump act if LBJ had Twitter and all the cameras on him the way it is today, where society can tune into almost anywhere.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby RiverDog » Sat Dec 30, 2017 7:47 pm

Largent80 wrote:Yeah I'm Archie bunker. What a bunch of ultra maroons.

I live in rural Texas and people here, in this red state can't stand him. I don't need a stat or poll to validate anything.

If you want to maintain credibility (or in your case, establish it), you need to validate your statements when challenged to do so. If you pull something out of thin air like you did with your "most Americans feel that way (ie the same way you do), I expect you to show me some sort of evidence by which you base your statement on. Otherwise, I won't believe you and it will influence my opinion of everything you post here.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby RiverDog » Sat Dec 30, 2017 9:56 pm

chris98251 wrote:LBJ was exactly what the stereo typed Texan was all about, both in mannerism and opinions and demeanor. They had a hell of a time keeping him out of trouble with how he spoke and acted. These days I don't think we would see a lot of difference between how he and Trump act if LBJ had Twitter and all the cameras on him the way it is today, where society can tune into almost anywhere.

I disagree completely. Unlike Trump, LBJ was a career politician and had keen political instincts. He would have quickly adjusted to the new medium and the different attitudes of the press that covered politics. He knew Washington inside and out, had built up numerous IOU's, and was an artful negotiator. He was extremely effective at coercing others to adapt his opinions by sharing with them a bottle of Cutty Sark and if necessary, subjecting them to the "Johnson treatment". Lyndon Johnson thrived on the "good ole boy" network that dominated the politics of his era.

Unlike LBJ, Trump is a political novice, this having been his first political campaign (an attribute that attracted a good many voters to him) and can explain his very clumsy actions regarding his seemingly erratic behavior and his quite frequent rants on Twitter. He seems not to want to have anything to do with compromise and has extreme difficulty negotiating even with members of his own party. Like Johnson, Trump's party controls both houses of Congress yet in his one year in office, Trump's sole legislative victory is the new tax bill. Johnson arguably passed more legislation in his first two years than any other POTUS before or after.

Johnson's Texas accent and status as a southerner was sorely needed by the Democratic party of the 1960's. Without it, JFK does not win Texas and almost assuredly would not have won the election. In subsequent years following Kennedy's death, Johnson's status as a white southerner...complete with his drawl, his Stetson, and his hillbilly behavior, was exactly what the civil rights movement needed to convince moderate white southerners to adapt the cause. It defined the movement as more than a bunch of Yankees invading the south and trying to re-create their society into their own their vision. Without Johnson to give it a nation wide flavor, the civil rights movement would have been set back 10-15 years.

You are correct in characterizing LBJ and DJT as uncouth individuals, but Johnson differs in that he could have risen to the occasion and modified his behavior to fit the circumstances. He ate, drank, and breathed politics, and would have been ahead of the curve.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby burrrton » Sat Dec 30, 2017 11:00 pm

Yeah, the atmosphere in which we're living influences our behaviors, but it doesn't change who we are.

A deft politician in one era would be a deft politician in any era, and in Trump's case, I think he'd be a clumsy novice no matter what.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby Aseahawkfan » Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:33 am

I don't know who voted for Trump in the first place. I usually vote Republican and I didn't vote for him. And I'm one of the few on this forum that read his books and enjoyed The Celebrity Apprentice. I've always admired Trump's ability to get what he wants and survive in the world of dog eat dog real estate. But I didn't think he'd make a good president. He's too much about himself. He went after the presidency because in his mind he could and he believes he can run this nation better than anyone else. That's his mentality.

I have no idea what Trumper's think. I lost a lot of money believing polls the last election. I wouldn't bet on Trump winning or losing since it's far too hard to call. Some people keep making it seem like Hilary's status caused her to lose and I don't buy it. She wasn't Obama, but the first female candidate with strong support from her party, the female vote, and the Clinton lovers that still exist should have made her a near shoe-in Also Trump beat highly established and politically powerful Republicans in the primaries backed by more money and grassroots than Trump with better names. Trump is a wild card. I don't care how many polls people pull out of their behinds to support him losing or winning, I wouldn't put any money on it. That's for sure.

One thing Trump is very good at people discount is sales. And running for office is ultimately a sales job. Once Trump gets rolling, he rolls hard.Trump isn't politically savvy. Trump's not much of an intellectual. He doesn't seem to know much about history. He's a crass man that likes to get in spats with anyone. But he's a hell of a salesman and seems to be able to sell crowds on voting for him. If the economy does well, ISIS stays quiet, and he can get a few more things done, he's going to have some strong selling points if he decides to run for re-election. He's best when he's in full on salesman mode sparring with the media and other candidates. If Trump were in a room trying to sell something with almost any politician, he'd win that battle. And that's in essence what he did: sell himself to enough Americans to win the White House.

Regardless of what you think. don't bet any money one way or the other on an outcome. It's going to be hard to call again unless something like an economic collapse happens or a total bungle of a war or serious Russian charges. But this guy is unreal in his ability to get what he wants even with people so vehemently against him. There's not many men in this world that can focus so strongly on something and win against such overwhelming odds. Both parties were against this guy from the beginning. The Republicans hated him and still he won the primaries. They don't even like him now. I can't even think of many Republicans that say they like him. The Democrats really hate him.

I'd be lying if I said a part of me doesn't admire a man like Trump with such an incredible ability to go get what he wants. I don't give a damn about so called karmic justice or the like, don't believe in it and never will. Trump's not going to suffer some kind of cosmic justice. He's 71 and president. He's already playing on house money. This man gets to die with a list of accomplishments few men in history can claim. I'd love to have some of his ambition and energy. He just kept on busting his ass to have more and more and more. He's one of the reasons I laugh when I hear people claim wealthy people just inherit their wealth and anyone can do it if they had the same money. Trump took what his father gave him and built it up many times over. The guy is a success machine. When he dies he can give everyone that was against him the middle finger and truly say, "He did it his way." What incredible ambition and energy. And at 71 as well.

Sorry for those that want to hate the man or think of him as a dolt that somehow got lucky and won the presidency. I don't buy any of that crap. Just sour grapes by those against him. I admire highly successful people that get what they want against all odds. It's one of the reasons I admire FDR and Obama, just to be sure it isn't along party lines. Some men just have such a will, drive, and ability to get what they want, it's hard not to admire it. I'd love to have that level of ambition and drive.
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Re: Damn Commies

Postby RiverDog » Sun Dec 31, 2017 7:04 am

I don't know who voted for Trump in the first place. I usually vote Republican and I didn't vote for him.

I've wondered the same thing. I'm a self described fiscal conservative and social moderate, never voted for a Dem for national office in my life (voted for several at the Gubernatorial level) and I never even considered voting for Trump. My guess is that a lot of people just can't stand the Clintons and voted for Trump because they didn't want to see 4-8 years of that old hag. The fact that Trump's approval rating has been in the tank ever since he took office reinforces my opinion.

I have no idea what Trumper's think. I lost a lot of money believing polls the last election.

I hear that a lot, that the polls were wrong, when in fact is not true, or at least not entirely true. As a matter of fact, the national polls nailed it as they predicted that Clinton would win by 2%, which is exactly the way the election broke. But as we all know, the election isn't decided by the popular vote. State wide polling is much more difficult to forecast than polling nation wide, but even so, the critical swing states, only WI showed a mild surprise. The week before the election in PA, Clinton was up by 1.9% and Trump won by 1.2%. In Michigan, Clinton was up 3.4 percent and ended up losing by .23%. Those are both well within the margin of error. In WI Clinton was up 6.5% and Trump ended up winning by .7%, but one has to keep in mind that those were week old numbers and HRC never set foot in WI during her entire campaign, allowing Trump to run barefoot through the entire state.

I wouldn't bet on Trump winning or losing since it's far too hard to call. Some people keep making it seem like Hilary's status caused her to lose and I don't buy it. She wasn't Obama, but the first female candidate with strong support from her party, the female vote, and the Clinton lovers that still exist should have made her a near shoe-in Also Trump beat highly established and politically powerful Republicans in the primaries backed by more money and grassroots than Trump with better names. Trump is a wild card. I don't care how many polls people pull out of their behinds to support him losing or winning, I wouldn't put any money on it. That's for sure.

Well, I'm not going to be money on it, either. I didn't think Trump had a snowball's chance in hell of winning the election and since I'd mailed off my ballot weeks before the election, had sort of fell asleep and I quit following it until election night. But I do think that he'll be easy to beat in 2020, and I base that on the fact that Trump has had such meager support during his first year in office, usually a honeymoon for most newly elected POTUS's. That's why I think that HRC had a very large negative effect on the Dems. If Trump won by means of his own popularity, he wouldn't be getting historically bad job performance numbers.

Sorry for those that want to hate the man or think of him as a dolt that somehow got lucky and won the presidency. I don't buy any of that crap. Just sour grapes by those against him. I admire highly successful people that get what they want against all odds. It's one of the reasons I admire FDR and Obama, just to be sure it isn't along party lines. Some men just have such a will, drive, and ability to get what they want, it's hard not to admire it. I'd love to have that level of ambition and drive.

I don't "hate" Trump, either. I have a much narrower definition of that term than many. But I have very little respect for the man. IMO he's a spoiled rich kid that's used to getting nearly everything he's ever wanted by simply flashing his money or his name. It's not that I dislike anyone that's grown up privileged. But when you combine privilege with arrogance as is the case with Trump, I seem to have less respect for them than I do a person that's simply arrogant.

I don't think that Trump "got lucky" and won the Presidency anymore than I think that the Seahawks "got lucky" and won a Lombardi. But Trump did have some stars line up for him, in particular, his opponent's incompetent way in which she ran her campaign.
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