North Korea

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Re: North Korea

Postby Largent80 » Sat Sep 23, 2017 1:16 pm

JFK banged Marilyn, thats ok in my book, and Monica is lookin good these days, just sayin.
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Re: North Korea

Postby c_hawkbob » Sat Sep 23, 2017 1:28 pm

Well Melania's no mutt either if that's how we're keeping score.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Aseahawkfan » Sun Sep 24, 2017 5:49 am

c_hawkbob wrote:IMO republican have entirely lost any moral ground they ever had with old "Grab "em by the Pussy" carrying the banner. Talk about pure hypocrisy.

Politician and moral ground? I haven't read about a politician that had much moral ground to stand on. It is impossible to lead a nation like the United States in a moral fashion. But total disregard for the moral character of our leaders is a huge part of the reason why we will never have moral leadership. I can't think of a president that didn't engage in some kind of amoral behavior whether Reagan's Latin American Adventures, Clinton's Yugoslavian scumbag deals and his general cheating, Bush Sr. participation in the Reagan scandals and the CIA garbage, and Obama's continuation of the Patriot Act and Drone killings. We're a fairly ruthless nation that puts on a facade of morality. I guarantee if the people were too unruly, they would turn the military on us in a heartbeat.

Even the level of taxation is criminal. I remember voting for $30 tabs in Washington State. It was a clear message to the government that we wanted to pay less for tabs. We voted for it. It should had stood. What did the Washington State government due? Make us pay for license plates more often, raise the gas tax, and eventually add in more taxes with a different name voted on by the state legislature with no vote by the people. Now they want a state income tax.

Government is by its nature immoral using the power of the mob and the various institutions to ensure order and security over just about anything else. I only see it getting worse as the population grows and requires more and more maintenance costs that will be paid for by taxing productive people. The people have definitely lost control of the nation. They will likely never regain it. Money and power run this nation. Voting and government involvement is a token action that our current politicians will subvert at every opportunity as they have shown in recent years.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Largent80 » Sun Sep 24, 2017 9:55 am

Now the Orange Orangutan is getting the sports community pissed.

What an Attention Whore, no dignity, no nothing really except being the biggest asshole on the planet.
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Re: North Korea

Postby burrrton » Sun Sep 24, 2017 10:08 am

We're a fairly ruthless nation

We don't always make the wisest choices, but if we were a truly ruthless nation, the world would know it.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:10 pm

burrrton wrote:We don't always make the wisest choices, but if we were a truly ruthless nation, the world would know it.

The naivete in this post. I love America, but I've spent time to learn what we're up to with our foreign policy decisions. They are very ruthless and intended for our gain, specifically our business leaders, not our people.

The world does know it. Do you really not read much on why places don't like us? Or talk to people from those places? Iran doesn't like us for very real reasons. We meddled in the governance of their nation for years. We encouraged warfare between Iran and Iraq for years. We helped fund this war. It led to the death of millions.

In Bosnia, our government made a deal with Serbians that committed genocide murdering 10,000 Bosnians in a village. Bosnians in that nation feel we allowed this to happen as part of a deal with the Serbians.

We supplied kleptocrat in Tunisia with funding and weapons to control his region that was oppressing his people and stealing from them.

We did the same in so many nations that the list nearly endless. The rest of the world knows very well we are ruthless. They are wary of dealings with us for very real reasons. I know the narrative in the news here is "They hate our freedom." But the narrative in the nations where we have problems is a very different matter. They have very real and concrete grievances against us for interfering in their nations politics and exploiting their people.

That's why I don't listen to people like Hilary preaching about "good" or these liberal hippies preaching about "love." This is a competitive world. America is on top because they made the moves necessary win, including winning hearts and minds. Why do you think 320 million people pay enough taxes for us to exert control worldwide using our military? That's what you calling proper selling of a belief system. American leadership plays this game for power and they have been very, very successful.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Largent80 » Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:15 pm

Dude you preach about Hillary in a negative way but face it, She has leadership capabilities and DIGNITY.

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Re: North Korea

Postby burrrton » Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:58 pm

I love America, but I've spent time to learn what we're up to with our foreign policy decisions.

Oh, so YOU'RE the one! Well let me defer to you since you've obviously done some reading unlike everyone else.
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Re: North Korea

Postby NorthHawk » Mon Sep 25, 2017 3:48 pm

You will find in history that powerful nations often used their military as an "enforcement arm" of foreign policy.
That often led to abuses and contempt from the nations that suffered from it.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Largent80 » Mon Sep 25, 2017 4:12 pm

History is history, who cares right now with 2 egocentric nuclear IDIOTS threatening each other. Except, well...US. Are you OK with being nuked?

I guess we won't know the difference but hey, thanks Rump supporters for ending our lives.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon Sep 25, 2017 6:15 pm

Largent80 wrote:Dude you preach about Hillary in a negative way but face it, She has leadership capabilities and DIGNITY.


Hilary has dignity? The corrupt woman that stayed with a husband that cheated on her multiple times in the White House solely to further her political career? That's what you call dignity?
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Re: North Korea

Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon Sep 25, 2017 6:19 pm

NorthHawk wrote:You will find in history that powerful nations often used their military as an "enforcement arm" of foreign policy.
That often led to abuses and contempt from the nations that suffered from it.

Exactly. It's why moral or good or right don't come in the equation.

We are a powerful nation. An empire protecting itself and furthering its power through business. It's what we do. We are ruthless about it.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon Sep 25, 2017 6:36 pm

burrrton wrote:Oh, so YOU'RE the one! Well let me defer to you since you've obviously done some reading unlike everyone else.

When a person claims we're not ruthless when you can literally read historical example after historical example of America being ruthless, then I have to question how well read they are. Either that or they are willfully ignoring what the word means. It has been this way from the beginning. Americans are taught to be very competitive and ruthless whether it is taking land from the natives, crushing some foreign power troubling us by dropping a nuclear weapon we know will kill many innocents with the excuse it saved lives, putting puppet dictators backed by American military support to control the oil supply from afar or ensure opposing philosophies don't take a foothold in our territory, or any of the numerous foreign policy and domestic decisions made by American leadership to build our power. Even in business we are taught to be ruthless and expand as much as possible crushing competition by whatever legal means is available.

You may be confusing the idea that I think ruthless is a bad word. I do not. I want Americans to continue to be competitive, ruthless, and driven. It is what made us great. I don't want Americans to become like the Scandinavians. A bunch of soft socialists that think no one will ever trouble them again, when really they benefit from their location and association with more powerful nations that protect them. The same reason Canada enjoys such strong security by their proximity to us and the knowledge that any foreign power attacking Canada will be met by us on the field of the battle because we will not allow a foreign power like China or Russia to take power in our area.

Fortunately, we're merciful winners. Once we've beaten you, then we turn you into a new market for our businesses. It's our way. It's what I've heard referred to as cultural imperialism by foreign folk that don't enjoy the aggressive way that we do business.
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Re: North Korea

Postby burrrton » Mon Sep 25, 2017 6:57 pm

When a person claims we're not ruthless when you can literally read historical example after historical example of America being ruthless, then I have to question how well read they are.

Question it all you want, chief. I didn't just start paying attention to this yesterday, but you go ahead and keep thinking you've got the market on reality cornered.

Here's another little reality bite for you: we could literally take anything we want on this planet right now. Picking an example almost at random, that we pay $3/gal for gas right now should be all the proof you need- we could make the entire country of Iraq an extension of the US oil industry tomorrow. You know why we don't? Because we aren't behaving ruthlessly.

We have been, and continue to be, the greatest force for good this planet has ever seen. We make mistakes, but that doesn't change the facts on the ground.

This is a dull conversation. See ya.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:15 pm

burrrton wrote:Question it all you want, chief. I didn't just start paying attention to this yesterday, but you go ahead and keep thinking you've got the market on reality cornered.

Here's another little reality bite for you: we could literally take anything we want on this planet right now. Picking an example almost at random, that we pay $3/gal for gas right now should be all the proof you need- we could make the entire country of Iraq an extension of the US oil industry tomorrow. You know why we don't? Because we aren't behaving ruthlessly.

We have been, and continue to be, the greatest force for good this planet has ever seen. We make mistakes, but that doesn't change the facts on the ground.

This is a dull conversation. See ya.

Do you seriously believe this garbage? We almost went bankrupt making war against two small nations like Iraq and Afghanistan. We stretched our military resources thin and drove up the deficit to an immense level.

Reality bite? Here's one for you: we took this land from the people that lived on it, with ruthless efficiency. We installed many puppet governments that we used to extend our control in a region because it was cheaper than taking it. We do not just make mistakes. We make decisions. No, we couldn't take any country we want. That has been proven many, many times that a nation, even a small one, can make the cost of taking another nation far too high.

I always knew you were a delusional neocon whose view of the world is as hypocritical and false as Trump. You don't want to know the truth that we are not good. Being good is not a part of our Constitution. When one thinks they are being "good", one has to define what that is first which can be done by anyone with power as needed. At one time, slavery was considered good. Good is an arbitrary word that can be defined as needed. America has a very clear agenda worldwide. It's not often to be good.

It's always a dull conversation when you don't have recorded history on your side and can't prove what you're trying to prove. You always recede from conversations you can't prove because your worldview would be shattered if you had to accept the truth.

As I view it, America promotes, sells,and ruthlessly protects a more orderly, prosperous, and free society than the alternatives. It is logically better than other systems. I do not confuse that with the arbitrary belief that it is good and ridiculous belief that America has not been ruthless in its pursuit of power and wealth. Our leaders were smarter about it than other world leaders because American leadership discovered you don't need to take over nations to build wealth and power. In fact, doing so is more costly and less efficient than using puppets, extracting resources, and dominating them in business. It's a more intelligent method of accomplishing the same tasks that has been highly successful.

We are what we are. I'm ok with it even if you are not. You need to believe America has been this great force of good, then have at it. Doesn't change anything and won't change how we do business.America aims to win. And part of winning is building patriotism by making your citizens think you're the good guys.
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Re: North Korea

Postby rocket » Mon Oct 02, 2017 6:46 pm

Largent80 wrote:Dude you preach about Hillary in a negative way but face it, She has leadership capabilities and DIGNITY.

Hilda-Bear is a demon with a pointed tail and a bifurcated tongue and she eats small mammals whole and alive.
Dignity. Dude, be real.

I hate Donaldo Trumpet, but Jesus... and, for the record, I didn't vote the Prez ticket, couldn't bring myself to vote either of those bozos.

Hi Rob... :)
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Re: North Korea

Postby Largent80 » Mon Oct 02, 2017 7:21 pm

Hahaha, that s*** is funny Rick.

Oh and Howdy.

And isn't she Hildabeast?
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Re: North Korea

Postby Largent80 » Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:58 am

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Re: North Korea

Postby c_hawkbob » Thu Oct 05, 2017 1:28 pm

Largent80 wrote:Image

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Re: North Korea

Postby Seahawkgal » Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:13 pm

I remember that meme from a few years ago. Still hilarious! :lol:
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Re: North Korea

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Thu Nov 09, 2017 11:49 am

I never saw that before cool! That's not why I am posting today though.

I came to post a RARE PROP (I can't believe I saying this) to Donald J. Trump. It appears that he has actually REAL PROGRESS in our conflict with North Korea by doing something that has eluded every previous president since the 1950's.
He has actually convinced China's new Emperor XI that it is in HIS (and therefore China's) interest that North Korea dismantle their nuclear weapon program. That is a first, because the one thing that has united N. Korea and China is that they both want the U.S.A. to leave the Korean Peninsula, that ain't gonna happen! This is a problem that has been festering for more than 50 years.

IF (and that's a BIG IF) this bears fruit and XI actually follows through and North Korea really does dismantle their nuclear weapons program then it would be a foreign policy success that eluded the last several presidents. Because, up until now, it has been China's policy to use the hermit kingdom as a stick to poke and aggravate us. N. Korea has been a proxy, a very successful proxy in forcing us to spend billions of dollars in the region that could have been spent else where, or maybe not at all.

I hear, as I write about all of the issues Trump has not brought up with XI like Intellectual Property theft, Human Rights, South China Sea Island building etc... Yes, all of those things ARE important but lets NOT throw out the baby with the bath water. If Trump would have pressed ALL of those issues he would NOT have been able to get XI to agree that the denuclearization of N. Korea is in HIS (and by extension, China's) best interest.

The ONE THING China (and therefore XI) doesn't want is for both South Korea AND Japan to build and/or purchase their own nuclear weapons. From what I understand, for both Japan and South Korea they could have a credible nuclear bomb arsenal in LESS THAN ONE YEAR. Sometimes you have to "strike while the iron is hot" (remember shop?) and Japan having a more militant leader in Abe is just the type of leader in Japan that is needed to counter Chinese aggression. The "threat" to go nuclear by Japan and South Korea had to be credible or Xi would just ignore it as an empty threat, so, Xi can't ignore Abe because he means business and won't be pushed around by China.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Nov 09, 2017 12:51 pm

Seahawks4Ever wrote:I never saw that before cool! That's not why I am posting today though.

I came to post a RARE PROP (I can't believe I saying this) to Donald J. Trump. It appears that he has actually REAL PROGRESS in our conflict with North Korea by doing something that has eluded every previous president since the 1950's.
He has actually convinced China's new Emperor XI that it is in HIS (and therefore China's) interest that North Korea dismantle their nuclear weapon program. That is a first, because the one thing that has united N. Korea and China is that they both want the U.S.A. to leave the Korean Peninsula, that ain't gonna happen! This is a problem that has been festering for more than 50 years.

IF (and that's a BIG IF) this bears fruit and XI actually follows through and North Korea really does dismantle their nuclear weapons program then it would be a foreign policy success that eluded the last several presidents. Because, up until now, it has been China's policy to use the hermit kingdom as a stick to poke and aggravate us. N. Korea has been a proxy, a very successful proxy in forcing us to spend billions of dollars in the region that could have been spent else where, or maybe not at all.

I hear, as I write about all of the issues Trump has not brought up with XI like Intellectual Property theft, Human Rights, South China Sea Island building etc... Yes, all of those things ARE important but lets NOT throw out the baby with the bath water. If Trump would have pressed ALL of those issues he would NOT have been able to get XI to agree that the denuclearization of N. Korea is in HIS (and by extension, China's) best interest.

The ONE THING China (and therefore XI) doesn't want is for both South Korea AND Japan to build and/or purchase their own nuclear weapons. From what I understand, for both Japan and South Korea they could have a credible nuclear bomb arsenal in LESS THAN ONE YEAR. Sometimes you have to "strike while the iron is hot" (remember shop?) and Japan having a more militant leader in Abe is just the type of leader in Japan that is needed to counter Chinese aggression. The "threat" to go nuclear by Japan and South Korea had to be credible or Xi would just ignore it as an empty threat, so, Xi can't ignore Abe because he means business and won't be pushed around by China.

Source? I heard Trump saying yesterday that diplomatic efforts are underway and promising. But then during the speech he gave later he spent 10 minutes reciting a litany of threats on the teleprompter in a 3rd grade monotone, describing our military assets in the region including confirming the presence of nuke subs in the region. The dude is all over the map like most issues.

I hope there is a diplomatic solution and if so Trump will get some credit .
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Re: North Korea

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Fri Nov 10, 2017 12:02 am

HT, I am NO FAN of DJT and you are right, that infantile B.S. and his paranoid talk irritates the heck out of me. It IS STUPID. The man has no self control. He needs to be a Duck, a Duck just lets everything roll right off its back. Trump want s revenge for every slight real or imagined.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:22 pm

Ahem! I had to did into the archive to retrieve this thread rather than wastefully starting a new one.

North Korea says that they are now ready to discuss denuclearization!!! I know, I know we have been here before with North Korea only to end up with egg in our faces. But, hey, we have to try, do we not???

I have been willing to give Sec. of St. Tillerson's brand of diplomacy or should we say the Trump brand if diplomacy a try and it certainly is showing signs of paying off.

The other two times N. Korea came to the diplomacy table it was under Un's grand father and again under his father, both efforts fell apart because they were not serious and were only biding for time. Well, this time they already HAVE what we have always feared, nuclear weapons including the H-Bomb and missiles that can hit anywhere in the continental United States. And, guess what? They are not really interested in wiping us off the face of the earth.

No, what Kim Jon In regime wants is a PEACE TREATY between them and US!!! So, what's so wrong with THAT??? You know, after more than 50 years of our help does South Korea really need us to keep troops IN S. Korea??? I think just knowing that we would consider ANY attack on either South Korea or Japan as an attack on the United States of America should be enough to deter either North Korea and/or China from attacking either South Korea or Japan.

The State Department has been stuck in "cold war" thinking and have missed several signs either blindly or even worse willfully. The Department of State when they have got it wrong they turn around and advise presidential administrations, both republican and democratic and congress also possibly steering them wrong too.

Maybe it has taken an unconventional president and an unconventional foreign policy to make progress where before progress was a mere fantasy to be only dreamed about yet never attained.

Well folks, we just maybe might witness some REAL PROGRESS where North Korea is concerned.

Now, while we choke that down let us consider the so called Trade War because President Trump has put a 25% duty on steel imports and 10% aluminum imports. BEFORE we rush to condemn why don't we give them a chance. We might get China to the negotiating table and not even have to add those levies against steel and aluminum. I know he sounds funny when he repeats it over and over again but the president is CORRECT when he mentions RECIPRICAL TRADE and how what good for one nation should be good for all.

Now, we all know I am NOT this presidents greatest supporter but in those areas I do support I believe we should just not reject his ideas on a knee jerk basis just because we don't care for lets say his stance on DACA.

I can only imagine where we would be as a nation and where the Trump Admin. would be IF Mr. Trump would NOT have listened to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and gone after Health Care Reform (Obama Care Repeal) first instead of a bi-partisan Infrastructure Bill. Oh well, live and learn then get your act together! OK, part of getting act together is cleaning the West Wing of unneeded dead weight like Omerosa, Jared and Ivanka and other losers that General Kelly has been weeding out. Give him time! In the end, the last one out the door just might be Kelly himself, but that's all right if he cleans house ahead of his own departure.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:52 pm

Nothing will happen with North Korean unless South Korea signs off on it. I don't see them doing that given how much they have to lose going to war with North Korea. Americans have very little to fear from North Korea, South Korea has everything to fear. They will lose millions if North Korea launches a nuclear weapon on their soil against US and South Korean troops. That is why this went quiet. South Korea cannot risk with with North Korea. We cannot prosecute a war against North Korea unless South Korea lets us deploy from their country with full support. I don't think that will happen unless North Korean does something egregiously stupid like launch an attack against us or South Korea.
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Re: North Korea

Postby RiverDog » Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:48 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:Nothing will happen with North Korean unless South Korea signs off on it.

Unless South Korea and Japan signs off on it. Which is the way it should be. Those folks are on the front line and stand to lose the most if a war to ever break out, although it's important to note that we have tens of thousands of American citizens in both countries.

I'm not as worried about North Korea's sabre rattling as much as I am the Russians.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Tue Mar 06, 2018 9:46 pm

No need to worry about the Russians when it comes to N. Korea I understand our intelligence on how far along their nuclear weapon and rocket technology was at the end of the Obama Admin. What our intel agencies didn't figure on was Russia essentially giving North Korea the rocket engines that have the capability of putting a war head anywhere in the United States. Thanx Vlad, way to show your love...
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Re: North Korea

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:45 pm

RiverDog wrote:Unless South Korea and Japan signs off on it. Which is the way it should be. Those folks are on the front line and stand to lose the most if a war to ever break out, although it's important to note that we have tens of thousands of American citizens in both countries.

I'm not as worried about North Korea's sabre rattling as much as I am the Russians.

What are you worried about the Russians for? I'm not worried about anyone but our people being wound up by a media and White House with an agenda other than what is good for our nation. There is literally no financial incentive whatsoever for anyone to do much of anything involving war except a handful of political psycopaths with agendas that have nothing to do with real politics (that sort of includes our president given how much he wants to make a mark on history because of his narcissism).

I despise North Korea's leadership. I would feel better deposing Kim Jong Un and reunifying Korea, but without South Korea on board it would be too costly in resources. Maybe some surprise German-type of reunification might happen. If Kim Jong Un gave up power to reunify Korea, his family would go from villain to hero and positive historical figure almost immediately. There is some small chance Kim Jong Un sees this, but I doubt it. It would be nice to see a tyrant like Kim Jong Un see the light of what is truly better for his people and nation and do the right thing, but that would literally mean we are witnessing a miracle.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Fri Mar 09, 2018 9:59 am

HOORAY!!! The tightening of sanctions is actually working!!! Trump, using his personal relationship with XI has persuaded China to HELP with N.Korea for once and even if the sanctions are leaky they are being effective!!!

So, Trump could actually negotiate STABILITY on the Korean peninsula and quite possibly denuclearize the peninsula and wouldn't THAT be great.

A long way to go, but, lets celebrate success and hope that it continues. Nothing wrong with being skeptical, just as long as you stay open to change.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Seahawkgal » Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:14 am

rocket wrote:
Hilda-Bear is a demon with a pointed tail and a bifurcated tongue and she eats small mammals whole and alive.
Dignity. Dude, be real.

I hate Donaldo Trumpet, but Jesus... and, for the record, I didn't vote the Prez ticket, couldn't bring myself to vote either of those bozos.

Hi Rob... :)

I didn’t vote either. Awful turds on the ticket. Honestly, if someone had a gun to my head and forced me to make a choice, it would have been him over the wicked witch.
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Re: North Korea

Postby RiverDog » Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:57 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:What are you worried about the Russians for?

I'm not "worried about the Russians" per se. I was speaking of them in relation to North Korea. Russia is a much larger country with a much larger military. Even without the use of nukes, we could wipe North Korea off the map in a matter of hours if we wanted to. Not so with the Russians.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:04 am

Uh OH, I was WRONG! Trump WILL fail in his gambit of talking to N. Korean dictator Kim Jon In. Read the communique from Kim. ONLY AFTER U.s, Troops LEAVE South Korea and also remove the nuclear weapon "umbrella" now protecting South Korea (as well as Japan and Taiwan) then and ONLY then will Kim even consider to denuclearize. UNACCEPTABLE!!! Can you imagine the reaction of John Bolton when he is told this?

No way Bolton would advise Trump to go along with such nonsense and if Bolton doesn't get his way Bolton has a LONG HISTORY of going behind his bosses back and doing just what he wants to do anyway. What does Bolton want to do??? He wants to obliterate North Korea!

Get ready people, if you are not a "prepper" yet you had better get moving. Or, just be a good Christian and realize that this IS the start of what in the Bible is called the "tribulation" and there is NOTHING and NO ONE on Earth is going to stop it from coming. When the Anti-Christ comes and tells you to either declare your allegiance to him or be killed, go to your death with a smile on your face KNOWING that by being a Martyr for Jesus you will live in paradise with him FOREVER!
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Re: North Korea

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Tue May 15, 2018 8:03 pm

YES!!! I WAS correct back in May when I said Trump made an EPIC FAIL when he agreed to meet with Kim Jon In.

Oh Boy! Trump demands a Nobel Prize YIPEEE YIPEE. Now, I am ON THE RECORD as being DISGUSTED that Obama accepted his N.P.P. that he didn't earn. SO! I CAN be equally DISGUSTED that Trump actually was LOBBYING to be awarded a N.P.P. in yet another new LOW.

What's up for tomorrow? A new low of course. Tired of LOSING yet???
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Re: North Korea

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed May 16, 2018 12:06 pm

The God of North Korea is saber rattling again. I figured this was some kind of ploy by his regime to make it look like he tried, but not really to buy more time to continue their nuclear program. North Korea's screwed and the only way to change them will be some miracle we cannot currently see or a war that will unseat Kim Jong Un and reunite Korea.
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Re: North Korea

Postby RiverDog » Wed May 16, 2018 1:07 pm

Something's going on to have caused such an about face in North Korea's attitude. Ever since the Olympics this past February, they've been a lot more cooperative as highlighted by the summit meeting that's currently scheduled between Trump and Little Fatty.

I'm not about to attribute the change in heart to Trump's tough talk, but I do think that either the sanctions are starting to have an effect or China is finally starting to turn the screws on them. North Korea is poor as hell and can't afford their nuclear program.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed May 16, 2018 3:41 pm

RiverDog wrote:Something's going on to have caused such an about face in North Korea's attitude. Ever since the Olympics this past February, they've been a lot more cooperative as highlighted by the summit meeting that's currently scheduled between Trump and Little Fatty.

I'm not about to attribute the change in heart to Trump's tough talk, but I do think that either the sanctions are starting to have an effect or China is finally starting to turn the screws on them. North Korea is poor as hell and can't afford their nuclear program.

You really bought all that BS? Kim Jong Un is playing games. This is nothing more than another ploy to make him seem like he's trying to change to make the US look like the bad guy while not actually doing anything real to change. What change did he really make? Nothing. Bunch of words and manipulation. Why did you buy it at all? I knew this guy would about face when it came time to actually put aside his nuclear ambitions. I knew he would use the same old excuses about military exercises that have been going on for years.

Why anyone even listens to the North Korean idiot is beyond me. The guy was raised to believe his family are the supreme rulers of North Korea. They shoot people that try to leave illegally, since literally no one is trying to get in. He's rumored to have killed his family members. And you're wondering what changed? He's an old world dictator drunk on his family's power. You should buy nothing he is selling until he is deposed from power or dead.
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Re: North Korea

Postby RiverDog » Thu May 17, 2018 11:06 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:You really bought all that BS? Kim Jong Un is playing games. This is nothing more than another ploy to make him seem like he's trying to change to make the US look like the bad guy while not actually doing anything real to change. What change did he really make? Nothing. Bunch of words and manipulation. Why did you buy it at all? I knew this guy would about face when it came time to actually put aside his nuclear ambitions. I knew he would use the same old excuses about military exercises that have been going on for years.

Why anyone even listens to the North Korean idiot is beyond me. The guy was raised to believe his family are the supreme rulers of North Korea. They shoot people that try to leave illegally, since literally no one is trying to get in. He's rumored to have killed his family members. And you're wondering what changed? He's an old world dictator drunk on his family's power. You should buy nothing he is selling until he is deposed from power or dead.

I'm not buying it. It's quite possible, perhaps even likely, that your viewpoint turns out to be exactly what they're up to. But at the very least, it's a change from the rhetoric that we've been subjected to. We'll see. I definetly don't recommend trusting this guy with so much as my chewing gum.
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Re: North Korea

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Thu May 17, 2018 4:16 pm

Only COMPLETE IDIOTS believed that Kim Jon In would EVER give up his nukes under ANY circumstances. Trump has been rolled and has talked tough then caved in. Leaders around the world have taken their measure of Donald Trump and have FOUND HIM WANTING!!!
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Re: North Korea

Postby c_hawkbob » Thu May 17, 2018 4:36 pm

Why are you shouting all the time man? We're all right here ...
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Re: North Korea

Postby RiverDog » Fri May 18, 2018 9:12 am

Seahawks4Ever wrote:Only COMPLETE IDIOTS believed that Kim Jon In would EVER give up his nukes under ANY circumstances. Trump has been rolled and has talked tough then caved in. Leaders around the world have taken their measure of Donald Trump and have FOUND HIM WANTING!!!

No one in here has given any indication that they believe that Kim's overtures are genuine, and Trump hasn't agreed to anything except for a summit meeting, which may or may not happen.

I agree that it's unlikely that Kim Jong Un would willingly give up his nuke program, but if he feels that his regime could be in jeapordy if he doesn't relinquish them, his self preservation instinct might kick in. But that would require China giving up Un.

Now Kim Jong Un is using the regularly scheduled military manuvers between the US and South Korea as an excuse to cancel the summit, so this could all be just an elaborate ruse as ASF has indicated.
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