The Russia thing

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Re: The Russia thing

Postby Largent80 » Fri Mar 02, 2018 6:15 am

How did guns end up in "The Russia Thing"?
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby RiverDog » Fri Mar 02, 2018 6:22 am

Largent80 wrote:How did guns end up in "The Russia Thing"?

Because you responded to a vague reference made by burrton that mentioned firearms.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby Largent80 » Fri Mar 02, 2018 6:58 pm

No, y'all took it to the next level, quit trying to deflect everything river dog, you always seem like a guy that feels the need to have the last word on everything, right?

Because when I look at any thread you post in, almost exclusively you do this. Whatever, good on ya if that's what you feel you need to do.
Since were here.... ASSAULT weapons are meant for killing people, pretty clear isn't it. Target practice....Hahahahha. I live in Texas people here can't wait to kill people with these things. And it has happened in the last few months here.

It's simply a matter of time until the next one right? You know it, everyone knows it. Hopefully it isn't YOU, but it certainly could be, and guess what?...YOUR assault gun (if you have one) doesn't guarantee your survival. So go ahead and argue about the varieties of these weapons, but regardless, they were made to kill people. There is zero argument.

Oh, and M eullar A in't G oing A way....MAGA.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby RiverDog » Sat Mar 03, 2018 8:13 am

Largent80 wrote:No, y'all took it to the next level, quit trying to deflect everything river dog, you always seem like a guy that feels the need to have the last word on everything, right?

Because when I look at any thread you post in, almost exclusively you do this. Whatever, good on ya if that's what you feel you need to do.
Since were here.... ASSAULT weapons are meant for killing people, pretty clear isn't it. Target practice....Hahahahha. I live in Texas people here can't wait to kill people with these things. And it has happened in the last few months here.

It's simply a matter of time until the next one right? You know it, everyone knows it. Hopefully it isn't YOU, but it certainly could be, and guess what?...YOUR assault gun (if you have one) doesn't guarantee your survival. So go ahead and argue about the varieties of these weapons, but regardless, they were made to kill people. There is zero argument.

Oh, and M eullar A in't G oing A way....MAGA.

You wanted to know how the thread veered off topic so I looked back through the posts and saw where it started. Burrton made a vauge reference to gun control and you responded. I jumped in after you two started talking about it. If you didn't like the off topic nature of the comment, then you shouldn't have picked it out in your response.

I'm not sure what your problem is with threads wandering off topic. It's a reflection of what happens in real life conversations. If it's that big of a problem for you, then I encourage you to talk to the mods rather than whining to me/us. If this were a very large board with dozens of active topics, then I could see your point. But as far as I'm concerned, there is such little traffic in either of these forums that they can easily handle a couple of off topic threads. Heck, there's only two threads in this forum that have had posts made within the past 40 hours.

And not that its any of your business, but I do not own an assault rifle. I don't even own a handgun. My weapons stockpile contains two shotguns and a .22 rifle. I think if an objective person were to characterize my stance on gun control that they'd consider me a moderate.

I never said anything about Mueller "going away." All I've said is that I have yet to see a smoking gun and it's my suspicion that they don't have an impeachable crime that they're onto.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby burrrton » Sat Mar 03, 2018 3:47 pm

I live in Texas people here can't wait to kill people with these things.

Yes, Texas, with all the guns around, is a real hotbed of murder, isn't it, largent? ... s_by_state

Again, if I dismiss your arguments as poorly thought-out, this is why. If Texans with guns were really aching to shoot people, you'd damn well know it.

Oh, and M eullar A in't G oing A way....MAGA.

Neither I nor RD has said he is, nor should, and in fact we've both said exactly the opposite.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Mon Mar 05, 2018 1:19 pm

On the issue of age I will only go as far as to agree that for tools such as the AK 47s AR 15 and other "related" "assault weapons" including "machine pistols" such as the Mac 10 and Uzi's and bump the legal age to purchase one to 21 years of age from 18.

I would not make it illegal for someone under 21 from using one for target practice but also should someone between the ages 19-20 who would be issued these tools because they are members of law enforcement and/or military or security. I wouldn't want to hinder a person's right to earn a living and pursue a career some of course there would be exceptions.

I am with Andrew Pollack who lost his 18 year old daughter in Florida who says that the very first thing we need to do is harden the schools. We absolutely need to do that before we do anything.

If our schools are not made safe quickly, I can see a mass movement of parents pulling their kids out of public schools and either paying for a private school, private tutors, or just flat out home schooling their kids.

The killers will then start attacking other SOFT targets so eventually we as a society will have to deal with the MENTAL HEALTH dilemma that has only been getting worse over the last 40-50 years.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby Largent80 » Mon Mar 05, 2018 1:21 pm

[quote="burrrton" live in Texas people here can't wait to kill people with these things. [/quote]

Yes, Texas, with all the guns around, is a real hotbed of murder, isn't it, largent? ... s_by_state

Again, if I dismiss your arguments as poorly thought-out, this is why. If Texans with guns were really aching to shoot people, you'd damn well know it.

Oh, and M eullar A in't G oing A way....MAGA.

Neither I nor RD has said he is, nor should, and in fact we've both said exactly the opposite.[/quote]

Jackass much?, Why YES you do
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby burrrton » Mon Mar 05, 2018 1:38 pm

Jackass much?, Why YES you do

More sick burns, largent. :roll:
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Mon Mar 05, 2018 7:02 pm

FAKE NEWS ALERT!!! There is no 2nd. Steele dossier. NO, Putin did NOT veto Mittens being SoS in Trump Admin. and NO Putin did NOT install Rex Tillerson themelves as the new SoS. FAKE NEWS ALERT!!!
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby idhawkman » Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:02 pm

Interesting how the 4 pieces of evidence presented to the FISA court all have roots coming from Clinton.

1. Steele Dossier - paid for by the DNC through a front legal firm.
2. Yahoo News article by Issakoff (Not sure of correct spelling of his name) that was handed to him by Steele (who by the way is a foreign agent)
3. Australian diplomat who overheard that kid in a bar in London that "started" the whole Collussion case. He raised $25M for the Clinton foundation.
4. Sid Bloomenthal who fed the dossier dirt to the state department which the FBI used as corroborating evidence in the FISA warrant application.

So all road lead to Hillary Clinton and the dirty works gang. Mueller's charter being based on that dossier is looking more and more like anything he charges will be thrown out based on the fruit of the poison tree issue.

I feel that the only thing Mueller will do is end up indicting many more Russians because they will never be extradited by Russia and there will never be a trial to show how much money Mueller has squandered away on no evidence at all.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Wed Apr 04, 2018 4:04 am

The Mueller investigation is almost over! Like I said before, for Mueller to have got to Trump he would have had to flip Paul Manafort and failing to do that it will all end with PM going to jail. Trump will be tempted to pardon PM but Mueller will threaten Obstruction of Justice should he try.

Someone is going to jail for a while and it HAS to be PM.

BTW; 30 days for lying to the FEDS??? WOW! That is going to SCARE potential "targets". If 30 days is the going rate for lying to the FEDS then they are going to have to let a whole lot of people out of jail.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby RiverDog » Wed Apr 04, 2018 9:39 am

Mueller's committee came out yesterday and told Trump's legal team that DJT is not a criminal target of their investigation. They desperately want to talk to him, but his legal team is resisting. The "not a criminal target" statement could change depending on what Trump tells the committee if he were to testify, which is probably why the lawyers don't want him to, but even if he does, I wouldn't hold my breath. Trump may act like a buffoon in public, but he's very experienced in giving depositions by means of his various business interests over the years. Even if he's hiding something, he's not going to spill the beans to the investigators.

Like I've said for the past several months, there is no potential impeachable offense waiting to be revealed via the Mueller investigation, and the committee confirmed that with their "not a criminal target" comment. There will be sentences and fines, but nothing approaching an impeachable offense for the Prez.

For those out there hoping for an impeachment, you have a better chance of getting Trump on election law violations related to the Stormy Daniels hush money than this Russia thing, but even that has to be classified as a hope and a prayer. The election commission, whose task it is to investigate possible violations, is about as dysfunctional as organizations get.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:08 pm

idhawkman wrote:Interesting how the 4 pieces of evidence presented to the FISA court all have roots coming from Clinton.

1. Steele Dossier - paid for by the DNC through a front legal firm.
2. Yahoo News article by Issakoff (Not sure of correct spelling of his name) that was handed to him by Steele (who by the way is a foreign agent)
3. Australian diplomat who overheard that kid in a bar in London that "started" the whole Collussion case. He raised $25M for the Clinton foundation.
4. Sid Bloomenthal who fed the dossier dirt to the state department which the FBI used as corroborating evidence in the FISA warrant application.

So all road lead to Hillary Clinton and the dirty works gang. Mueller's charter being based on that dossier is looking more and more like anything he charges will be thrown out based on the fruit of the poison tree issue.

I feel that the only thing Mueller will do is end up indicting many more Russians because they will never be extradited by Russia and there will never be a trial to show how much money Mueller has squandered away on no evidence at all.

This is all mostly a fabricated scandal by Clinton and the Democrats to hurt Trump's re-election chances. The only people that don't accept this are those that hate Trump. This is just another example of American politics and how pathetic and corrupt they are. The Clinton's are a dirty political machine that take revenge on their enemies. It's no different than all the Republican attacks on Obama including Trump's BS birther accusations and criticism of everything he did. This is how politics run in America now. You no longer win on the merits of your platform when it's easier to smear, scandalize, and criticize the opponent. Both parties are busy painting the opponent as some kind of villain. That's far easier than proving your going to govern differently than your opponent.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby burrrton » Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:30 pm

Presented without comment: ... nal-target

Ok, one comment: I hate to say I told you so, but...
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby RiverDog » Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:48 pm

Yea, I heard similar comments this morning on NBC, with a talking head saying quite emphatically that "Trump shouldn't even be a subject in this investigation!", and I thought to myself "how could he not be a subject? I thought that was the whole purpose of the investigation, to see if he or his surrogates had any involvement."

But I'm stopping short of Idahawk's concern about money being wasted on this investigation. It has to be done. There was some serious chit that happened to our election and we have to make certain that there wasn't a cooperative effort between a candidate and a foreign government. I know that had the tables been reversed and it was Clinton that had won and there was as much evidence of wrongdoing that there is in this incident that I'd want a full, credible, and complete investigation.

I'd like to see Trump give a deposition. I can understand his legal team not wanting him to testify under the same principle that a criminal defense attorney does not want his client to testify in a case that they are sure to win. But it would help make the investigation more credible.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby burrrton » Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:25 pm

But it would help make the investigation more credible.

I agree, but it's plenty credible as-is, and it would be legal malpractice to allow him to testify under these circumstances.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby RiverDog » Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:34 pm

burrrton wrote:I agree, but it's plenty credible as-is, and it would be legal malpractice to allow him to testify under these circumstances.

Malpractice for his lawyers, but politically it would be great for Trump.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby burrrton » Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:44 pm

RiverDog wrote:Malpractice for his lawyers, but politically it would be great for Trump.

I see your point, of course, but I keep finding myself reminded of the old saying (and it's echoed by literally every attorney with whom I'm friends) that if you allow them to question it long enough, they could indict a turnip (it's more for police than attorneys, but you get the point).

They already nailed a couple of them on process violations (they didn't do what they were being questioned about, but rather either lied or made a misstatement during questioning)- what are the odds a blowhard like Trump would get caught up in a similar situation? 98%? 99%?

Then, watching even just the people in this forum who lose their sh*t if the guy so much as wears mismatched socks, what are the odds the reaction would match the severity? 0.1%? 0.0000000001%?

As such, I think he'd be crazy to let them grill him.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby RiverDog » Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:49 pm

burrrton wrote:I see your point, of course, but I keep finding myself reminded of the old saying (and it's echoed by literally every attorney with whom I'm friends) that if you allow them to question it long enough, they could indict a turnip (it's more for police than attorneys, but you get the point).

They already nailed a couple of them on process violations (they didn't do what they were being questioned about, but rather either lied or made a misstatement during questioning)- what are the odds a blowhard like Trump would get caught up in a similar situation? 98%? 99%?

Then, what are the odds the reaction would match the severity? 0.1%? 0.0000000001%?

As such, I think he'd be crazy to let them grill him.

It's not the lawyer's decision, it's Trump's. He has plenty of experience in giving depositions so even if he was hiding something, there's almost no chance that he'd stick his foot in his mouth. It's not going to be like "A Few Good Men" where he gets baited into implicating himself. He can do like Reagan did and just answer "I don't know" or "I forgot" to any question that might possibly create an issue for him.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Apr 04, 2018 3:34 pm

RiverDog wrote:Yea, I heard similar comments this morning on NBC, with a talking head saying quite emphatically that "Trump shouldn't even be a subject in this investigation!", and I thought to myself "how could he not be a subject? I thought that was the whole purpose of the investigation, to see if he or his surrogates had any involvement."

But I'm stopping short of Idahawk's concern about money being wasted on this investigation. It has to be done. There was some serious chit that happened to our election and we have to make certain that there wasn't a cooperative effort between a candidate and a foreign government. I know that had the tables been reversed and it was Clinton that had won and there was as much evidence of wrongdoing that there is in this incident that I'd want a full, credible, and complete investigation.

I'd like to see Trump give a deposition. I can understand his legal team not wanting him to testify under the same principle that a criminal defense attorney does not want his client to testify in a case that they are sure to win. But it would help make the investigation more credible.

Clinton took money from Chinese and Russian supporters during his runs in the 1990s. SNL had a field day making fun of his Chinese and Russian support with skits of the Chinese president calling Clinton. If you don't know that foreign nations meddle in our elections and will continue to do so, then you're living in some kind of fantasy land under a rock. Why do you think Saudi Arabia and Israel receive the special treatment they do in this nation? Just because.

C'mon Riverdog, foreign powers paying for favorable treatment by our government has occurred in every election for decades. The only reason Trump is being investigated is because the Clinton's and Obama's have enough political influence and money back them to make it happen. This is payback for all the problems Trump caused Clinton and Obama and a power play by the Democrats. If Trump was indicted, it would create more problems than it would help. The American people are delusional to believe there will be any real oversight into election tampering by foreign governments.

This has mostly been a dog and pony show. If you don't remember or believe, look up all the old Saturday Night Live clips and stories about Clinton and their Chinese and Russian donors. Then when a b**** Democrat says something about Trump, ask them why they voted for Clinton twice...and maybe three times if they don't like corruption and a lack of values. Democrats don't have a leg to stand on speaking of values or ethical behavior or corruption.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby burrrton » Wed Apr 04, 2018 3:55 pm

He has plenty of experience in giving depositions so even if he was hiding something, there's almost no chance that he'd stick his foot in his mouth.

Heh- you have more confidence in him than I do. :) (you may be right, though)
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby burrrton » Wed Apr 04, 2018 4:44 pm

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Re: The Russia thing

Postby RiverDog » Wed Apr 04, 2018 5:22 pm

You're right, it was an interesting read. But it only gave reasons why Trump shouldn't testify and gave very little as to why he should, which is primarily be that it would give him a huge political weapon. He could play the part of a victim of a witch hunt that cost millions and came up with nothing. By refusing to testify, it would create the impression that he was hiding something, that he was afraid of Mueller.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby burrrton » Wed Apr 04, 2018 5:34 pm

But it only gave reasons why Trump shouldn't testify and gave very little as to why he should, which is primarily be that it would give him a huge political weapon.

Agree, but I think the reason (singular) that he should testify is common knowledge- the layman always thinks it's more "honest" to testify, and honesty is always a political plus, etc.

I just thought it detailed the (I think) overwhelming rationale for why it's both a politically questionable and legally idiotic move. Even people experienced in doing such things can be caused to slip up, and the mushroom clouds of jizz that would rise over every newspaper HQ in the nation if he misspoke or lied would be visible from Pluto.

If anybody wanted him to testify, blame the people who've completely lost their minds since November 2016 for him not doing so.

By refusing to testify, it would create the impression that he was hiding something, that he was afraid of Mueller.

They're going to say that about him no matter what transpires. Literally. He gains nothing.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby RiverDog » Wed Apr 04, 2018 6:49 pm

burrrton wrote:They're going to say that (he was hiding something or afraid of Mueller) about him no matter what transpires. Literally. He gains nothing.

If he would appear, it would severely curtail the credibility of the those that continued to make those accusations while giving himself a huge propaganda weapon.

The Republicans are on the defensive. Mitch McConnell was saying the other day that he "hoped" that they could at least hold onto the Senate, and that's taking into consideration the math that gives the R's a huge advantage. Trump's going to need to take some chances if he's going to bolster his chances of maintaining his majority in Congress in this fall's mid term elections. Otherwise, his adminstration is going to be relagated to nothing but his goofy rants on Twitter and he won't stand a snowball's chance in hell of re-election.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby burrrton » Wed Apr 04, 2018 7:09 pm

If he would appear, it would severely curtail the credibility of the those that continued to make those accusations while giving himself a huge propaganda weapon.

C'mon- it wouldn't make an iota of difference even to some of the nuts we have in this forum, let alone the people who've literally lost their minds on social media, which includes most of the mainstream media outlets in this country.

Otherwise, his adminstration is going to be relagated to nothing but his goofy rants on Twitter and he won't stand a snowball's chance in hell of re-election.

His reelection is one thing, but in the short term, if he even loses the House (which is likely IMO), he'll spend the next two years dealing with impeachment votes in the Senate (over which, mark my words, the Dems won't be able to explain). Those won't go anywhere, but it will halt anything he hoped to do.

IMO he better get a few more things passed that can pass with bipartisan(ish) support because it will be grinding to a halt in November.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby RiverDog » Thu Apr 05, 2018 5:19 am

burrrton wrote:C'mon- it wouldn't make an iota of difference even to some of the nuts we have in this forum, let alone the people who've literally lost their minds on social media, which includes most of the mainstream media outlets in this country.

Of course, there are always going to be 'some' people, including 'some' in the mainstream media outlets, where it wouldn't make an iota of a difference as far as whether or not they'd vote for him (which by the way, includes me). But there are going to be 'some' that it would make a difference, IMO enough of a difference that it could increase his chances in the mid terms and in 2020.

His reelection is one thing, but in the short term, if he even loses the House (which is likely IMO), he'll spend the next two years dealing with impeachment votes in the Senate (over which, mark my words, the Dems won't be able to explain). Those won't go anywhere, but it will halt anything he hoped to do.

I'm surprised at your lack of governmental knowledge...or maybe you just misspoke or I misunderstood what you meant. Impeachment doesn't happen in the Senate, it occurs exclusively in the House. Bill Clinton, for example, was impeached by the House. The Senate doesn't have anything to do with impeachment. Their role is to hold a trial after the House approves an article(s) of impeachment to determine if they justify removal from office. And yes, if the Dems take the House, which I, too, think is more likely than not, there will be a never ending talk of impeachment, although I doubt that they get as far as holding hearings in the House judiciary sub committee, which would be the first step. But even if the full House were to somehow approve an article of impeachment, they aren't going to get a 2/3 vote in the Senate to convict him and remove him from office, unless something else beyond what is currently known arises.

IMO he better get a few more things passed that can pass with bipartisan(ish) support because it will be grinding to a halt in November.

Yep. Which is one of the reasons why I said that the Dems should have given him his stupid wall. That project would have taken over a decade and they could always kill it once they regained a majority in Congress.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby burrrton » Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:37 am

Ugh. Of course I meant 'removal from office' proceedings (I think I've made it clear in previous discussions I'm aware of the difference between the House and Senate roles?).

Old but Slow wrote:Why does Trump not appear? Just askin'?

Er, read my last 6 posts for why he shouldn't and why I doubt he will (and RD's for a compelling case why he should).
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby RiverDog » Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:25 am

burrrton wrote:Ugh. Of course I meant 'removal from office' proceedings (I think I've made it clear in previous discussions I'm aware of the difference between the House and Senate roles?).

I can recall some discussions of impeachment that you were involved in, but not about the precise mechanics. I assumed that you probably knew what it entailed and that you must have misspoke, but on the other hand, you'd be surprised at how many otherwise intelligent people would argue with you tooth and nail that Bill Clinton was not impeached when he most certainly was.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby FolkCrusader » Fri Apr 06, 2018 10:27 am

RiverDog wrote:It's an important investigation, but most important in American history? It's way, way too early to make such a proclamation, and even if it does bear fruit, it would have an extremely high bar to clear in order to top other investigations, like the two JFK assassination investigations, 9/11, Watergate, and so on as being the most important in American history.

You're really going overboard on this Trump thing, Hawktawk. I hope you have enough introspection to see what is abundantly clear to the rest of us.

The Truman committee would make a strong case as well. When you look at how effective the US defense industry was during the war and how absolutely abysmal it has been ever since I tend to think Harry deserved that VP selection.

I do think the current investigation is important though. The question will be do we ever see the results of it? I doubt it.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby RiverDog » Fri Apr 06, 2018 7:36 pm

The Prez must have been reading my comments in this thread.... ... spartanntp
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby burrrton » Mon Apr 09, 2018 2:06 pm

The FBI raided Trump's lawyer's office today? That *cannot* be good news for Trump.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby c_hawkbob » Mon Apr 09, 2018 2:15 pm

The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, but likely resulted from information he had uncovered and gave to prosecutors in New York.

And that there is how an investigation into one thing can (and often does) effect things not necessarily under the purview of that initial investigation.

Wait till it gets to the bookkeeping ...
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby Largent80 » Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:11 pm

He had better go get a hooker quick, oh wait, he's married to one.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ... itics.html
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby RiverDog » Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:15 am

burrrton wrote:The FBI raided Trump's lawyer's office today? That *cannot* be good news for Trump.

Nope, not good for Trump at all. This all has to do with the $130K hush money payment made by his attorney to Stormy Daniels that occured just weeks before the election, which IMO has always had more of a possibility of bearing fruit than does the "Russia thing." For one thing, it's a much easier concept for the American public to understand.

But they have a tough road to hoe. In order to bring the hush money payment to the level of a criminal offense it has to have been made with the intent to influence the election, not for something like protecting his client from personal embarrassment. The simple timing of it, ie two weeks before the election, on its own isn't enough. Additionally, they're going to have to prove that Trump had knowledge of the payment and what it was being used for if ya'll looking for impeachment material. You just can't put 2 and 2 together and conclude that he must have known. In other words, they're going to need a smoking gun, like the Watergate tapes.

One thing is for sure, though. Trump's constant public attacks against the FBI isn't going to win him any favors with the agents investigating this matter.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:15 am

I"m just watching and waiting. Mueller needs to show something solid soon or this is going to get tiresome. If this thing hits the two year mark with no solid evidence against Trump, I don't see much coming of it. Then again I don't see much coming of it unless the Democrats win The Congress or Mueller finds some evidence of the level of Watergate. If the best they find is some pornstar was paid off not to talk during the election, they got nothing.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:19 am

c_hawkbob wrote:And that there is how an investigation into one thing can (and often does) effect things not necessarily under the purview of that initial investigation.

Wait till it gets to the bookkeeping ...

The lawyer's bookkeeping or Trump's? if they could go after Trump's books, not sure why they haven't yet. Also, I'm fairly certain Trump's books are done by a highly paid accounting firm that may not have been willing to doctor books. But as with all things with this investigation, we shall see. So far it seems they have nearly nothing. If they're raiding Trump's lawyer for a payment to a pornstar, that's really not enough.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:19 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:I"m just watching and waiting. Mueller needs to show something solid soon or this is going to get tiresome. If this thing hits the two year mark with no solid evidence against Trump, I don't see much coming of it. Then again I don't see much coming of it unless the Democrats win The Congress or Mueller finds some evidence of the level of Watergate. If the best they find is some pornstar was paid off not to talk during the election, they got nothing.

As the NO KNOCK raid on Cohen's office, home and hotel shows there's quite a bit more than nothing and only the most pro trump rube would fail to see it. No knock is only allowed when there is substantial evidence of criminal activity and a risk of destruction of evidence as in the case of Manafort.Its about Daniels but they have all the information on every client of Cohan that he hasn't deleted or shredded already, tax returns , business dealings, a treasure trove of certain malfeasance but it was the porn star who blew the lid off the investigation. Don't forget the threat to Daniels in vegas which could involve interstate criminal activity etc. Its a huge deal..

Such a warrant is rarely issued by any court to take down any lawyer due to attorney client privilege and certainly not when its the Potus lawyer. It had to be approved by assistant AG Rod Rosenstein,Republican appointed by trump, FBI director Christopher Wray, appointed by Trump to replace Comey, and most importantly by the state Prosecutor appointed by trump to replace fired Preet Baraha in New york state who incidentally contributed $5400 to Trumps campaign and is a former law partner of Trump apologist Giuliani who had recommended him for the post.

As my new favorite host Joe Scarborough said minutes ago, none of the above mentioned people ever were registered democrats, contributed hundreds of thousands to people like Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, the democratic party etc. That was Donald J Trump doing all that....

Its simply about a bunch of law enforcement officials who are willing to put aside party as any decent american should to uphold the law and take down the seamiest sleazebag criminal enterprise ever seen in the history of the US presidency. Go get him, get em all, lock em up. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But the shills will buy this nothing there, vast democratic deep state conspiracy stuff anyway because they are willingly stupid.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby RiverDog » Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:45 am

Hawktawk wrote:As the NO KNOCK raid on Cohen's office, home and hotel shows there's quite a bit more than nothing and only the most pro trump rube would fail to see it. No knock is only allowed when there is substantial evidence of criminal activity and a risk of destruction of evidence as in the case of Manafort.Its about Daniels but they have all the information on every client of Cohan that he hasn't deleted or shredded already, tax returns , business dealings, a treasure trove of certain malfeasance but it was the porn star who blew the lid off the investigation. Don't forget the threat to Daniels in vegas which could involve interstate criminal activity etc. Its a huge deal..

Such a warrant is rarely issued by any court to take down any lawyer due to attorney client privilege and certainly not when its the Potus lawyer. It had to be approved by assistant AG Rod Rosenstein,Republican appointed by trump, FBI director Christopher Wray, appointed by Trump to replace Comey, and most importantly by the state Prosecutor appointed by trump to replace fired Preet Baraha in New york state who incidentally contributed $5400 to Trumps campaign and is a former law partner of Trump apologist Giuliani who had recommended him for the post.

As my new favorite host Joe Scarborough said minutes ago, none of the above mentioned people ever were registered democrats, contributed hundreds of thousands to people like Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, the democratic party etc. That was Donald J Trump doing all that....

Its simply about a bunch of law enforcement officials who are willing to put aside party as any decent american should to uphold the law and take down the seamiest sleazebag criminal enterprise ever seen in the history of the US presidency. Go get him, get em all, lock em up. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But the shills will buy this nothing there, vast democratic deep state conspiracy stuff anyway because they are willingly stupid.

They aren't after tax returns. They can get anyone's tax returns by simply calling the IRS. And they're not going to find what they're looking for in any records of business dealings. They already know how much money was involved, who it was paid to, and when the payment was made. What they need to prove is intent, that Cohen made this payment with the intent of influencing, or in this case not allowing it to influence, the election, and that's not something that's likely to have been committed to writing.

What they will be looking for is emails and/or text messages. It's a long shot, but they apparently felt that there's a good possibility of finding something or else they wouldn't have taken this extraordinary step of raiding a practicing attorney's home and office.

This is a significant twist, but I wouldn't start doing your touchdown dance just yet. It's going to be extremely difficult to prove a motive and even more difficult to tie Trump to it. But as far as Trump not being able to make a credible claim credible as he's the victim of a which hunt, the only thing I will say in Trump's defense is that government workers in general tend to vote Democratic at a much higher rate than the rest of the nation. The guys you mention are, indeed, Trump appointees but they're acting on information and opinions offered to them by their subordinates, who are career bureaucrats, and they have Trump's rants about the FBI and the intelligence community in general as a motivating factor.

But I'm more concerned about the evidence, if any, they discover, more than I am who discovers it.
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Re: The Russia thing

Postby Largent80 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:12 am

If "Grab em by the Pussy" was known and he still got elected, then this is really nothing. The only issue is the legality, which paying hush money should be.

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