Dear Largent80

Official Seahawks Forum, for the 12th man, by the 12th man.

What is an appropriate duration?

3 Months
6 Months
1 Year
Total votes : 16

Dear Largent80

Postby yoder » Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:49 am

Mak and I had a long discussion last night and I regret to inform you that your account has been temporarily deactivated for the following reasons:

You have been reported 3 separate times for posting inappropriate images, inappropriate language and threatening other members of this community, all of which are in direct violation of the Terms of Use that you agreed to when you created your account.

I have warned you multiple times which seem to have had no effect whatsoever. Mak and I have tried to be more than fair, however you have left me with no choice. Your behavior is taking away from the Spirit of the Shack, which my view...the finest football community on the internet.

Since this forum is funded by the members, I try my best to stay diplomatic, therefore I will leave it up to the community to decide the duration of your ban (if not permanent).

I really hate doing things like this, but again, you have left me no choice.

To the Shack, I'm leaving this up to a vote.


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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby burrrton » Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:17 pm

Largent and I have a contentious history, but I vote no suspension personally (that's what mute is for).

I won't speak for others, though.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby c_hawkbob » Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:20 pm

I like to read what he has to say but I don't like having to tell my grandson (or my wife for that matter) what "that picture" was all about ...
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby mykc14 » Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:48 pm

I say 3 months just because it is the least amount of time. If you have decided that his behavior warrants a suspension then I support it, but I think give him one more chance to get it together after a short (3 months in the off-season isn't that big of a deal) suspension. If he still can't follow the rules then a longer/permanent suspension may be in order.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby RiverDog » Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:10 pm

I don't mind the pictures but understand why others do. What I do mind is the name calling and abusive, profane language directed at other posters even if I'm not the subject. Despite our differences, we're all Seahawk brothers and should treat each other with respect.

But I am with mykc. Minimum sentence, 3 months. I still like the guy, consider him a friend, and hope he chooses to remain in our community. Hope he's back in time for training camp!
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:26 pm

I'm not sure what he was reported for or what he did, so I didn't vote.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby Hawk Sista » Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:03 pm

I have had a minor scrape or two w/ the guy, but nothing significant & I haven’t seen his offensive pix, either. That said, WE have entrusted the Mods w/ this thing. I’m all for democracy, but this shouldn’t be a vote in my mind. Most people here don’t contribute financially for the time, moderating, expertise, patience, personal expense etc. that Yoder & Mak have taken on. WE get to remain a family (of sorts) because THEY stepped up and worked hard to keep the old gang trudging along. I’m not sayin the mods can’t be wrong, but ferchristssakes...they warned the dude, suspended the dude.... etc. and still he broke OUR code of conduct policies time and time again.

I take this opportunity to thank the mods for VOLUNTEERING their service. I am personally indebted to them forever. As you’ll recall - the PI was closing doors as A) we were headed to the playoffs w/ super bowl aspirations (spoiler alert for those of you in a time capsule- WE WON!!) and B) as I started treatment for cancer. I’m not trying to hi jack this thread emotionally, but I will say this place mattered to me so very much as we won our first Lombardi. I’m not from Seattle and I live in 49er territory, so not many in my sphere “felt me” & my jubilation (w/ my danged old bald head). And “this place” was only here because THEY envisioned it, THEY felt what many of us felt and so rather than sitting back - THEY invested in US. Not for money. Not for being like every other ad-ridden site... but for the bonds of friendship over a football team. It mattered to us and it mattered to them. But THEY STEPPED UP & CONTINUE TO DO SO. Thank you both and I support 86’ing him at your discretion.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby burrrton » Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:11 pm

Wouldn't be the same without you, Sis.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby Hawk Sista » Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:25 pm

burrrton - you and I are great examples of how we can do this. We disagree vehemently on some things and then agree so much I feel like we are kin on other things. I don’t hold grudges - I hold dear this time we share supporting (&/or questioning this lot...& I care about you. From your responses - I know we are oriented similarly on that front & the same is true w/ others. We love to agree/disagree and speaking for me, I’d buy each & every one of you dinner if I could.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby burrrton » Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:52 pm

Likewise, Sis- in spades.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby yoder » Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:15 pm

Wow Sis, that was some powerful means more than you know. Thank you! Your contributions to this forum are invaluable, you help to support this place financially, with your words, and of course your love for the Seattle Seahawks.

As you mentioned, I created this place to retain the old PI Forum. It was a very special community and I couldn't stand to see it go away. I wasn't able to retain the majority, yet we all have created something special our own house.

With that, obviously came the duty of moderation. Things get heated, I'm fine with that. It keeps a fire under our butts, especially during the off season. But I'm not going to tolerate personal threats or images that could be considered obscene. There are plenty of other websites out there where people can post crap like that. Not in this house and not under my watch.

If someone has been warned multiple times (via PM and publicly on the forum), yet keeps up with their behavior, it says to me "You don't have any respect for myself, or this forum". I'm not trying to play God Mode here, but I do have a duty to keep the integrity of the family intact. There are rules and standards that need to be in place. I'd like to consider myself rather lenient, but there is a line.

I'm not here trying to make a profit, I'm here because I'm a Seattle native, I love my team and I love you guys. Thanks to the donations from a handful of our members, we're able to pay the rent and keep this thing going and growing.

This is why I put these decisions up for a vote. I'm not trying to shame anyone, I just think it's best for the community to decide. If anyone thinks this is the wrong approach, please let me know. Just trying to do the right thing here.

Finally, thanks again Sis for having my back!

Love you guys,

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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby RiverDog » Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:08 am

Man, Sis, I'm an emotionally rock solid type of guy but I got a lump in my throat reading your post and your subsequent interaction with burrton.

Just as a suggestion, when an issue arises where one of the group has violated the TOS and an advisory vote from the forum regulars is requested, is there any way this can be done via a group PM rather than posting it in the forum? It would be less humiliating to keep this more or less a private matter. It would also keep trolls like Rambo from casting a vote.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:56 am

minimum. Im not sure what he said. I never ignore anyone and Im not a rubber stamp for anyone but I get the point.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby makena » Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:36 am

Hawk Sista,

Thank you for your kind words. We really do appreciate you and your continued support. When Yoder initially approached me and asked if I would help with the Shack, I was "All in"! At times, moderating the Shack can be trying because Yoder and I never want to have a conversation about banning someone. It sucks... straight up... but it's needed at times. I love coming here and reading the posts and watching the banter. Sometimes I feel like I've read enough for a lifetime as so much content gets posted. I do find myself clicking on a links that someone pasted in a thread and then being swallowed by the rabbit hole that the internet is. This community leads me in directions that I never expected. That is why I love this place, our members, the continued support from our community, and the friends we make.

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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby Oly » Thu Apr 12, 2018 1:41 pm

Lots of good stuff here. I'd echo:

1. sis' kudos to Yoder and makena for creating this place. This is the only forum I visit with any regularity. And I'd also echo her sentiment that as the creators and moderators, you should feel free to do what you want to do. No need for a vote. But...

2. as RD said, if you would like the feedback of regulars when deciding something like this, a PM would be a better route. If you ban a contributor permanently, then a thread notifying everyone makes sense. But if the poster will be allowed to return, then a PM allows them to do so with less embarrassment.

Thanks for all you do.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby c_hawkbob » Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:28 pm

I'd also like to piggyback on Sis' comment with my opinion that this forum is a better forum than the PI ever was. It may not cast as wide a net but I think we carried over the best of that forum and the result is that we have a tighter, more cohesive group here and the conversations are much more in depth and stimulating on the whole, whether about football or off topic. I can't thank Mak and Yoder enough and only wish I were able to do more than merely offer thanks. I love this place.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby RiverDog » Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:53 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:I'd also like to piggyback on Sis' comment with my opinion that this forum is a better forum than the PI ever was. It may not cast as wide a net but I think we carried over the best of that forum and the result is that we have a tighter, more cohesive group here and the conversations are much more in depth and stimulating on the whole, whether about football or off topic. I can't thank Mak and Yoder enough and only wish I were able to do more than merely offer thanks. I love this place.

I'm going to call your "better than the old PI" and raise you a "better than any I've ever participated in". :D

If there's anything positive that's come out of this unfortunate banning of an otherwise good contributor, and thanks mainly to Sis for spilling her guts, it's that it has reminded us as to how important we all are to each other, both as individuals and as a group. My number of posts speaks for itself as to how much I love this place.

Thanks again, Yoder and Mak!
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby yoder » Thu Apr 12, 2018 6:41 pm

Thanks to everyone for the input and feedback. As I've said before, you guys and gals are what make this place what it is.

Here are my thoughts.

1) A HawkShack "Board of Advisors" is a great idea, I love it. However, I don't want this place to feel like there are the "elites" and the minions. Some members have been around longer than others, but getting into the whole hierarchy thing sounds messy and complicated. Who's in and who's out? I'd like to see all of us as equals, though I don't want to discredit long time members. I hope you see where I'm coming from so please help with more ideas.

2) Here is a direct quote from Feb 21st: "Come on down dude. See what's up for ya. Another one bites the dust. Without a gun. I'll chop your friggin nut sack off and laugh as I do it."

This is after someone was previously warned and reminded of the Terms of Use after for posting obscene images.

If someone is going to blatantly ignore multiple warnings, threaten people and think the rules don't apply to them, I really don't give a damn if their feelings are hurt. Publically Threatening is greater than Publically Shaming in my book.

3) It really sucks to be forced into this position. I understand that the members come from different backgrounds, races, political views, religious views, sexual orientation, etc. However we're all here for one reason, a love for OUR TEAM! Please don't forget that.

4) What really sucks is that I've had to retype this speech multiple times. 99% of you are able to get along just fine...and you argue well. I absolutely love the banter! Yet when it turns into this ridiculous name calling and personal threats, it feels like I'm a playground monitor with a bullhorn. If you were 5 year olds, I could understand...because you would be 5 year olds.

5) There is something truly special about this place and I'm not going to allow the community to be compromised by a few bad apples. I know we all welcome new members, readers and most importantly...Seahawks Fans!!! I don't want people being turned away or feeling discouraged.

6) Finally, the majority of our visitors are not members. They're people like me, who was an avid reader of the Seattle PI forum....for years! The football knowledge far surpassed mine, any question or news I answer to was right there. Not just a typical "Hass might get traded" answer, but an in-depth conversation.

Please send me your thoughts, PM me if you'd prefer. I really value the feedback and your thoughts on how to properly manage this forum. I prefer to stay in the background and just be an avid reader, but I'll step up when necessary.

Thank you again to all of you, your contributions, the insight, the community and the love for the team.

At the end of the day and no matter what...GO HAWKS!!!!!!!! This is going to be one hell of a season.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Thu Apr 12, 2018 7:51 pm

This site IS better than the old P-I site, for many reasons, for talking Seahawks.

What the old P-I site had but this site does not is the Mariner forum and the Sonics forum. The site exploded at a couple of different junctures, when Ken Behring moved the Seahawks to Oakland and being forced to return them. The fiasco led to the sale of the team to Paul Allen and boy did the forum take off!

The next was the Mariner run of 2001 and then of course there was 9-11 which brought in many more people and was what prompted the P-I to add the Foreign policy forum and the U.S. politics forum. Those were added because of those who just couldn't stop themselves from bringing politics into our sports forums. I certainly welcomed the change. It DID lead to all of the trouble which had already forced many to leave the P-I forums BEFORE the P-I actually pulled the plug.

That is why those of us who came over from the P-I will be FOREVER GRATEFUL to Yoder and Mak to have started Hawkshack so that the "diehards" could stay together especially since the P-I pulled the plug right in the middle of a play off run for heaven's sake,

So, thank you again and some advice for Largent, take your medicine and reflect and I hope you decide to go back to adhering to the rules. They are for the enjoyment of everybody.

Oh, I didn't see or read what the problem was so I didn't vote but as someone who had to take his own "time out" I just hope M-80 goes back to following the rules.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby RiverDog » Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:50 am

I participated in most of the PI forums, but the Seahawk forum was by far the best and most frequented. The political forums, as most forums on that subject are, tended to attract people from the extreme opposites of the spectrum, which led to a lot of name calling and trash talking, so I eventually left. What makes our politically orientated forum work is that we're basically football first type of folks and already have a common interest. For the most part...and I think this is one of the things that got a couple of our posters into trouble...we don't treat politics as a religion.

The Husky forum should have never been set up as an exclusively UW forum with as many college fan bases that exist throughout the region. Ironically, they didn't have a Husky basketball forum but they did have a college basketball forum. The Husky football forum had almost as many Oregon Duck supporters in it had Husky fans, which used to rankle the purple bloods as the forum description said it was meant for UW football content. There was A LOT of trash talking and name calling that despite being reported, continued unregulated. The forum mods, who were getting paid to monitor them, for one reason or another weren't doing their job and they lost a lot of good posters because of it. Nevertheless, there were a lot of good football minds that used to reside in the UW Football forum.

The PI's eventual demise was a blessing in disguise as we ended up with a far superior product. I wish we had a few more participants and wish some of those that have left would come back, such as Kalibane, Bird Droppings, Irish Greg, all 3 of whom I've met in person. But I'm not complaining.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby NorthHawk » Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:33 am

I've been thinking about this for a few days and I didn't see any of the alleged violations, but I fall on the side of free speech if there is any doubt.
Keeping in mind there is a difference between license and liberty, there are some lines that can't be crossed in a civil discussion or greater society.

I wonder if there can be added in the upgrade a mechanism to block access to the individual forums? If possible, that might be something to look at.
For instance, the ability to block access to the Off Topic side for a member, but not the Seahawks Forum side.
I bring this up because Largent80 has some valuable contributions to the football discussions. I don't always agree with him, but when I don't it often makes me think about my position.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby idhawkman » Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:36 pm

I've been away fromt he Shack for a while (OBE). I didn't see what he said or did so I didn't vote. I don't want a PM vote on things like this either. The humiliation should be a deterrent for those who want to step over the line.

I also think that when someone goes over the line, a PM to that person by the offended party(s) should be the first step in rectifying the situation asking them to edit their comment or picture.

That all said, 3 months in the off season is not a terrible thing - the most problematic thing for him will be the draft.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby Stream Hawk » Sat Apr 14, 2018 7:03 pm

I didn’t see what he did recently so I didn’t vote. Yes a 3 month suspension in the off-season is not too rigorous, while also keeps you honest. The quote that Yoder brought up from February 21st is pretty nasty and very inappropriate. Creepy. That said, I appreciate Largent 80’s comments about football and this team. Give him one more chance or it’s 86 time.

I love what Sis said about the PI memories and how emotional that 13’ SB was for her. Can’t imagine being in Niner country during 12-14’!
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby yoder » Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:16 pm

idhawkman wrote: I also think that when someone goes over the line, a PM to that person by the offended party(s) should be the first step in rectifying the situation asking them to edit their comment or picture.

Thanks for the input ID. Just so you know, several PM's have been issued over the past year or so...followed up by a public plea on the forum to tone it down several months ago, then at least three different reports from members (all on different occasions), then a third strike warning around a month ago. It has been an ongoing issue, yet the disregard for the policies continued. Like I said, I was left with no choice.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby Hawk Sista » Sun Apr 15, 2018 10:24 am

Wasn’t he banned before for posting a lewd picture previously? As I recall he apologized and thanked folks for a second shot at civility which probably lasted a week.... and here we are after how many public and private requests to change his ways??? For how long? We aren’t a church choir in here and if he can’t find his way toward the boundaries in here by now, he’s not gonna. If he comes back, the leash should be short. IMHO.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby NorthHawk » Sun Apr 15, 2018 11:53 am

Hawk Sista wrote:Wasn’t he banned before for posting a lewd picture previously? As I recall he apologized and thanked folks for a second shot at civility which probably lasted a week.... and here we are after how many public and private requests to change his ways??? For how long? We aren’t a church choir in here and if he can’t find his way toward the boundaries in here by now, he’s not gonna. If he comes back, the leash should be short. IMHO.

I can see your point, but on the football side of things he's generally conducted himself well enough to stick around - at least in my estimation.
It's too bad we couldn't limit his access to just the football side because he does have something to say, even if I disagree with it.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby idhawkman » Sun Apr 15, 2018 1:45 pm

yoder wrote:
Thanks for the input ID. Just so you know, several PM's have been issued over the past year or so...followed up by a public plea on the forum to tone it down several months ago, then at least three different reports from members (all on different occasions), then a third strike warning around a month ago. It has been an ongoing issue, yet the disregard for the policies continued. Like I said, I was left with no choice.

Thanks Yoder. I was speaking more generally and not specifically in Largent's case. That said, if he's been given multiple chances and still elects to violate the rules, then he should go for good. Of course he'll probably just change his IP address and re-register as a different alias if he wants to be a part of this group but for the existing alias, he needs to go.
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Re: Dear Largent80

Postby RiverDog » Sun Apr 15, 2018 7:34 pm

NorthHawk wrote:It's too bad we couldn't limit his access to just the football side because he does have something to say, even if I disagree with it.

I had an issue with him on the football side, too. He does not take disagreement very well.
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