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Postby Seahawks4Ever » Sun Mar 25, 2018 6:00 pm

This is such a NON- STORY! DJT and this woman had an affair more than a DECADE ago, it is of NO BUSINESS to ANYBODY except Trump, his lovely wife Melania and this horrid woman. She came sniffing around when Trump was winning his quest for the presidency and made a score of 130 G's, now she along with her lawyer want to make a score in the MILLIONS. Just as the Lewinski affair was of NOBODIES business but Bill, Monica, and Hillary the extramarital affairs of DJT have nothing to do with his JOB of being POTUS, In fact, since these ALL happened BEFORE he was POTUS it is even MORE out of bounds that the Lewinski affair which was more like JFK's MM affair.

Democrats and the rest of the DNC should DISTANCE themselves from this REAL witch hunt. All these GREEDY BIMBOS and their lawyers will do is GUARATEE that TRUMP wins a second term! Good grief people, there was a REASON that the press used to ignore these things! We as a society and a nation need to GET over wondering who is sleeping with whom and yada, yada, yada.
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Postby c_hawkbob » Mon Mar 26, 2018 4:15 am

I know lie detector tests are inadmissible in a court of law but, you think Trump could pass one?

And she's far from the only one, she's just the first to test validity the NDA. There are more coming.
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Postby RiverDog » Mon Mar 26, 2018 5:24 am

The issue here isn't whether or not Trump had a sexual relationship with "that woman" or not. He almost certainly did, but just as in Monicagate, it's the cover-up, not the acts themselves, that's relevant. Did Trump's hush money violate election laws? Did his surrogates physically threaten Daniels as her attorney claims?

Other than that, there is absouletly nothing surprising or revealing in the interview. We already know that Donald Trump has always behaved like a spoiled rich kid ala the Kennedys, treats women as objects placed on this Earth to satisfy his personal pleasures, is morally bankrupt, and will deny anything that's even mildly embarrassing to him by declaring it as fake news.
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Postby c_hawkbob » Mon Mar 26, 2018 5:28 am

RiverDog wrote: We already know that Donald Trump has always behaved like a spoiled rich kid ala the Kennedys, treats women as objects placed on this Earth to satisfy his personal pleasures, is morally bankrupt, and will deny anything that's even mildly embarrassing to him by declaring it as fake news.

You and I and 60% of America (and 90% of the rest of the world) knows that, but there are still a great many Americans (my Dad among them) that believe it's all made up in an unprecedented smear campaign.
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Postby Seahawks4Ever » Mon Mar 26, 2018 7:14 am

It has always been the height of hypocrisy this pretending that one political party (dems Vs. reps) is more a "moral" than the other.

Look at the so called "Mulligan" that the white evangelicals have extended to Trump something they NEVER extended to Clinton. Over and over one side or the other acts so sanctimonious when in reality people who live in glass houses should NOT be throwing stones.

How hypocritical was it when most of the men (from both parties) who sat on the Senatorial Judicial Committee and who sat in judgement of Bill Clinton ha had as many extramarital affairs than he had???

Another hypocrisy is the proclivity to claim that Christians who happen to be Republicans are "true" Christians where Christians who happen to be democrats may claim to be Christians but may as well be "devil worshippers".

Oh, the other side tends to make the vice-versa claim. In reality, Jesus favors neither democrats or republicans or any other political party, but that doesn't stop them from making that claim.

We WERE a nation that was made up of mostly moral citizens back when reporters tended to look the other way if the POTUS was playing footsie with a member of the opposite sex that was NOT their spouse.

The electorate doesn't have a BLANKET right to know EVERYTHING. I know that after Watergate and what we found out about JFK many people thought that we had an absolute
right" to know every little thing about our elected officials including their sex lives, WE DO NOT!!!

All this has lead to is a plethora of "gotcha" investigative reporting. Instead of investigating REALLY important issues reporters seem to only want to know if an elected official is cheating or has cheated on their spouse.

This has also led to many people who would have been great public servants accept they don't want to face the severe scrutiny that politicians are now subjected to. It IS ridiculous!!!

What if Ike would have decided not to serve? Or FDR? The "moral majority" what a JOKE that group turned out to be. Nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.
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Postby RiverDog » Mon Mar 26, 2018 7:53 am

c_hawkbob wrote:You and I and 60% of America (and 90% of the rest of the world) knows that, but there are still a great many Americans (my Dad among them) that believe it's all made up in an unprecedented smear campaign.

Which is precisely my point. That interview won't change their minds. The only thing that would change their minds is if Trump comes out and admits to everything. Otherwise, they always have this "fake news" mantra that they can hide behind. As a matter of fact, Trump is already calling the interview "fake news." Here's his morning tweet:

"So much Fake News (60 minutes interview). Never been more voluminous or more inaccurate"

And to be honest, the interview didn't change my mind about Trump, and I doubt that it changed yours or very many of the remaining 60%. Unless they can come up with evidence of a law that he broke, the interview and all the other bimbo stories are a no never mind and will have zero effect on Trump, his presidency, or his chances for re-election.
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Postby burrrton » Mon Mar 26, 2018 8:00 am

How hypocritical was it when most of the men (from both parties) who sat on the Senatorial Judicial Committee and who sat in judgement of Bill Clinton ha had as many extramarital affairs than he had???

I think the impeachment proceedings were a big mistake, but Clinton wasn't in trouble for extramarital affairs- he was in trouble for *perjury*, and was disbarred because of it.
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Postby Largent80 » Mon Mar 26, 2018 11:34 am

People voted for Rump knowing of "grab 'em by the pussy"...So what?

The experiment with a president outside of political conventional means is 2 years from being done.

It's been a laugh show, and at our expense. Young people are smart and are going to vote. Bye Rump.

"Stormy Daniels" can now afford LASIK, so she can actually see who she is effing. Because dude is a toad, an ugly pile, same with Melania. Either she actually is blind or her love of money is beyond comprehension because she's married to the toad under the bridge.
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Postby Seahawkgal » Mon Mar 26, 2018 12:37 pm

Largent80 wrote:People voted for Rump knowing of "grab 'em by the pussy"...So what?

The experiment with a president outside of political conventional means is 2 years from being done.

It's been a laugh show, and at our expense. Young people are smart and are going to vote. Bye Rump.

"Stormy Daniels" can now afford LASIK, so she can actually see who she is effing. Because dude is a toad, an ugly pile, same with Melania. Either she actually is blind or her love of money is beyond comprehension because she's married to the toad under the bridge.

Young people are smart? The same generation that eats tide pods. :lol:
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Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon Mar 26, 2018 12:52 pm

Old but Slow wrote:I'm guessing that values don't matter anymore. Sad.

Has fidelity in marriage values been important since JFK or Clinton? Did you vote for either one or both? This is strange coming from a guy that I've always known to be a very Democratic voter when your party pretty much tossed any idea of fidelity in marriage out the window with Kennedy and even more so with Bill Clinton. Not even sure why we even analyze it much any longer.

Or maybe you are being sarcastic. Hard to tell. Values haven't mattered for quite a while now save to the few deluded folks that don't read much about our government beyond the surface of what is sold to us.
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Postby Hawktawk » Mon Mar 26, 2018 12:53 pm

RiverDog wrote:The issue here isn't whether or not Trump had a sexual relationship with "that woman" or not. He almost certainly did, but just as in Monicagate, it's the cover-up, not the acts themselves, that's relevant. Did Trump's hush money violate election laws? Did his surrogates physically threaten Daniels as her attorney claims?

Other than that, there is absolutely nothing surprising or revealing in the interview. We already know that Donald Trump has always behaved like a spoiled rich kid ala the Kennedys, treats women as objects placed on this Earth to satisfy his personal pleasures, is morally bankrupt, and will deny anything that's even mildly embarrassing to him by declaring it as fake news.

This right here^^^^^
The payment by Cohen days before the election using a personal pseudonim, a fake corporation and a phony name for Trump absolutely violates campaign finance laws in a criminal fashion due to not being reported assuming it was done to aid the campaign which is pretty obvious given the time frame.If Trump was aware of it or directed it he's equally guilty.

Cohen, who has recently retained an attorney of his own who is speaking for him now foolishly used the official Trump organization letterhead to craft the responsive documents making it very hard to believe Dennis Dice AKA sleazeball trump had no knowledge of the arrangement. The playboy bunny he was boinking beginning in the exact same golf tournament and subsequent 2 year period says she signed an NDA in the same time frame creating another legal headache.

Daniels attorney who is a tenacious bulldog claims to have been contacted by at least 5 more women who say they were made to sign NDA's as well although he has not been able to vet their stories yet.Mueller is certainly going to get to the bottom of this and has reportedly already begun looking at it.
Wouldn't it be a hoot if the Treasonous crazy orange satan gets done in by his utterly sordid sodom and gomorrah lifestyle instead of his money laundering criminal element practices and conspiracy with the eastern bloc?

And for the Id Hawkmen of the world I ask you one question. Why has Trump who has tweeted repeated attacks on everyone else who accuses him of sexual misconduct or crosses him not issued a single personal statement or tweet attacking Daniels. What does she have on him? At a minimum with what's now in the public domain It's hard to make the case he isn't on Vlad Putin's playlist with Hookers playing aquatic games in Moscow.

By whatever means ABT.If this was really the America I grew up in we would all be headed for DC with pitchforks to skewer he and anyone who provides cover for him. Sad :cry: :cry:
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Postby Hawktawk » Mon Mar 26, 2018 1:04 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:
Has fidelity in marriage values been important since JFK or Clinton? Did you vote for either one or both? This is strange coming from a guy that I've always known to be a very Democratic voter when your party pretty much tossed any idea of fidelity in marriage out the window with Kennedy and even more so with Bill Clinton. Not even sure why we even analyze it much any longer.

Or maybe you are being sarcastic. Hard to tell. Values haven't mattered for quite a while now save to the few deluded folks that don't read much about our government beyond the surface of what is sold to us.

Values matter to this lifelong republican and I agree with you on this. I was all for impeaching Clinton, not just for Monica Lewinsky but the valid accusations of rape by several women.The Democrats who ran interference for him and the wife who did the same set the table for another even worse offender and utterly clueless president.Hillary's defense of him over the decades utterly removed the hammer she would have otherwise had and gave suburban women cover to vote for the p@ssy grabber, almost certainly the straw that broke her back on election night . Yes russia and trump colluded but when the dems coronated this hopelessly flawed candidate who was a lazy compromised battle axe they have nothing to whine about, no leg to stand on.

The utter joke of evangelical christians coming up with statements like" were electing a president, not a pastor" and "its about the supreme court, abortion, and second amendment rights" are the reason I'm a registered independent now and unlike many lifelong democrats I do have the moral authority to say the party of family values and morality has sold their soul to crazy orange satan and whatever short term gain they receive they are costing america far more that we will never get back.
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Postby RiverDog » Mon Mar 26, 2018 7:22 pm

I do think that there's enough evidence for the election commission to open an investigation. I don't necessarily believe the story about her getting threatened, or at least threatened by Trump surrogates, but the hush money is obviously not Kosher.

If the election commission opens an investigation and subsequently concludes that Trump paid him off, then the question becomes what should be done about it? Is a violation of election laws a "high crime or misdemeanor"? On the surface, I would think that it is not.

And Hawktalk, Robert Mueller is not authorized to investigate anything that is not related to Russian interference in the 2016 election. This would have to be a separate investigation by the election commission.
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Postby Seahawks4Ever » Mon Mar 26, 2018 8:11 pm

The POTUS has seen his approval ratings raise to their greatest height since the 100 day mark of his administration. Why?? Well, he HAS had some successes lately and that obviously COUNTS for something.

I did NOT vote for this guy, but, you know what? I just MIGHT vote for his re-election IF his successes continue. Don't get me wrong, I still LOATHE many things about this POTUS but the liberals and their press is acting more cartoonish than HE IS and that is saying something.

On MSNBC Joe Scarborough & Co. finally woke up and called out the Stormie Daniels fiasco for what it is, a move by SD and her lawyer to shake down DJT and laugh all the way to the bank.

The rest of those talking heads on both MSNBC and CNN still seem to be "true believers" that it will be the "bimbo squad" that will be the ones who bring down Trump.

Don't yo9u believe it! The more "exposure" these women and their greedy lawyers get the HIGHER Trumps approval ratings Climb.

Maybe the Dems should take up a collection and PAY off these women themselves so that they will GO AWAY and quit making DJT "great again"!

BTW; Good job Mr. Trump in FINALLY slamming Russia. See, that wasn't SO HARD Don, was it?

Look Donald, if yo9u are on the hook to the Russian mafia and /or Putin then OU NOT UNLEASHED ALL OF THE WEAPONS AT YOUR DISPOSAL AND TAKE THE 875638284 OUT. Unleash the whole National Security apparatus on those commies!!

OH, I get it now Don, that's why you hired that new National Security Advisor, someone who is tough enough to do the job and get 'er done.

Donald J. Trump, you are the FREAKING POTUS, you should FEAR NO ONE, now act like it!!!
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Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon Mar 26, 2018 10:20 pm

RiverDog wrote:I do think that there's enough evidence for the election commission to open an investigation. I don't necessarily believe the story about her getting threatened, or at least threatened by Trump surrogates, but the hush money is obviously not Kosher.

If the election commission opens an investigation and subsequently concludes that Trump paid him off, then the question becomes what should be done about it? Is a violation of election laws a "high crime or misdemeanor"? On the surface, I would think that it is not.

And Hawktalk, Robert Mueller is not authorized to investigate anything that is not related to Russian interference in the 2016 election. This would have to be a separate investigation by the election commission.

How is hush money to some tramp to protect your marriage a violation of election laws? Trump had a lot more to protect than an election by paying her money.
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Postby Hawktawk » Tue Mar 27, 2018 6:01 am

Seahawks4Ever wrote:The POTUS has seen his approval ratings raise to their greatest height since the 100 day mark of his administration. Why?? Well, he HAS had some successes lately and that obviously COUNTS for something.

I did NOT vote for this guy, but, you know what? I just MIGHT vote for his re-election IF his successes continue. Don't get me wrong, I still LOATHE many things about this POTUS but the liberals and their press is acting more cartoonish than HE IS and that is saying something.

On MSNBC Joe Scarborough & Co. finally woke up and called out the Stormie Daniels fiasco for what it is, a move by SD and her lawyer to shake down DJT and laugh all the way to the bank.

The rest of those talking heads on both MSNBC and CNN still seem to be "true believers" that it will be the "bimbo squad" that will be the ones who bring down Trump.

Don't yo9u believe it! The more "exposure" these women and their greedy lawyers get the HIGHER Trumps approval ratings Climb.

Maybe the Dems should take up a collection and PAY off these women themselves so that they will GO AWAY and quit making DJT "great again"!

BTW; Good job Mr. Trump in FINALLY slamming Russia. See, that wasn't SO HARD Don, was it?

Look Donald, if yo9u are on the hook to the Russian mafia and /or Putin then OU NOT UNLEASHED ALL OF THE WEAPONS AT YOUR DISPOSAL AND TAKE THE 875638284 OUT. Unleash the whole National Security apparatus on those commies!!

OH, I get it now Don, that's why you hired that new National Security Advisor, someone who is tough enough to do the job and get 'er done.

Donald J. Trump, you are the FREAKING POTUS, you should FEAR NO ONE, now act like it!!!

I don't believe you didn't vote for Trump, period. And oh yeah the 42% approval vs the 53% strong disapproval is really impressive. Check the suburban uprising and election after election in Red areas trump crushed 16 months ago to truly gauge his popularity, the repubs in congress and the senate saying no thanks to running in droves is another canary in the coal mine. Unless the Dems nominate Hillary or some other retread there is no way Trump is reelected and quite frankly i think hes gone before then.
As for Scarborough hes an equal opportunity critic, always the most intelligent conversation in town and he had plenty to say this morning about the crickets coming out of the white house regarding Tumps normal twitter frenzy when it comes to Daniels. There's something much more hidden there. This isn't getting better.

Ted Olsen, high powered conservative constitutional expert attorney not only turned him down but blasted him on the talk circuit a day later. NOBODY wants to represent him. Why throw your reputation away fro a skunk who cant tell the truth or control his twitter impulses, wont pay his legal fees on time and will throw you under the bus ala John Dowd who left in a huff when Trump tapped Digenova and Toensing, the Faux married couple who subsequently ditched him as well. When your legal team is Jay Sekulow and Cohen who has his own lawyer doing his talking vs Mueller's taxpayer fueled firepower you're in a heap of trouble.

As for Dems being more clownish than a guy who Tweets out the firing of Tillerson and HR Mcmaster one of whom left retirement playing with his grandkids, the other who soiled a distinguished military career for his country you're really delusional. Is Rachel Maddow, the greatest sleuth of the Russia thing more shrill and clownish than Hannity?Judge Janine who calls for the jailing of James Comey?
you are living in fantasy land.
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Postby Hawktawk » Tue Mar 27, 2018 6:48 am

RiverDog wrote:I do think that there's enough evidence for the election commission to open an investigation. I don't necessarily believe the story about her getting threatened, or at least threatened by Trump surrogates, but the hush money is obviously not Kosher.

If the election commission opens an investigation and subsequently concludes that Trump paid him off, then the question becomes what should be done about it? Is a violation of election laws a "high crime or misdemeanor"? On the surface, I would think that it is not.

And Hawktalk, Robert Mueller is not authorized to investigate anything that is not related to Russian interference in the 2016 election. This would have to be a separate investigation by the election commission.

You are incorrect about mueller. If that were the case how can he subpoena Trump organizations financial records? Indict Manafort and Flynn for issues unrelated to the campaign? he can investigate any crime uncovered during this probe. Its how Ken Starr was able to entrap Clinton for perjury about Lewinsky relative to the Paula Jones assault when his original mandate was investigating the Whitewater scandal. Campaign finance violations directly ordered by the President are well within the scope of the purvey of muellers authority and it has been reported however much you believe the veracity of unnamed sources that hes already doing so.

Trump will be the subject of a review that will be scathing, comprehensive and will reveal many high crimes and misdemeanors in many different areas of his personal and public life in and out of politics all of which demand his removal from office and possible jail time unless Pence pardons him which might be political suicide. Thats assuming the Devin Nunes and Paul Ryans of the world acquiesce to history and do whats right. that is the million dollar question.
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Postby RiverDog » Tue Mar 27, 2018 7:11 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:How is hush money to some tramp to protect your marriage a violation of election laws? Trump had a lot more to protect than an election by paying her money.

Because the alleged payment, a very large sum of $130,000, was paid by a private individual (Cohen) and occurred during the campaign and it could be considered a campaign contribution, and was not reported. Ironically, if the money had come from Trump, the "contribution" wouldn't be illegal as he is free to contribute whatever he wants to his own campaign, but it still has to be reported.

There is a recent precedent. John Edwards, John Kerry's running mate in 2004 and a candidate for the Democratic nomination in 2008, had a long running secret extramarital affair that his surrogates were paying to keep secret:

In 2011, Edwards was indicted on charges that he accepted illegal campaign contributions in the form of payments that wealthy donors had made to pay travel, hotel, medical and housing expenses Hunter (Edwards' mistress) incurred after becoming pregnant with Edwards’ child. The travel included secretive charter flights arranged to keep Hunter’s pregnancy a secret.

A jury acquitted Edwards on one charge but couldn't reach a verdict on the others but had voted 8-4 in favor of conviction. ... ion-357250

It is a felony crime, and carries a maximum 5 year prison sentence, so it's serious business.
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Postby RiverDog » Tue Mar 27, 2018 7:34 am

Hawktawk wrote:You are incorrect about mueller.

No, I'm not. Here's the exact wording of Mueller's mandate:

"The letter announcing the appointment says that Mueller is authorized to investigate "any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and...any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation." ... elopments/

Could a special counsel (Mueller) investigate things beyond simply the Russia connection?

A. Mueller has a broad mandate to determine the course of an investigation, but not an unlimited one. If he decides that something outside the scope of the letter appointing him needs investigating, he would have to ask for permission to expand his probe. ... l-counsel/

Mueller can't run barefoot through the Trump White House. He has to show a connection in the Stormy Daniels case to the Russian election meddling that he was authorized to investigate.

As far as your Kenneth Starr/Lewinsky analogy, during the Paula Jones sexual harassment case that Starr was authorized to investigate, he came across evidence that Clinton had lied to the grand jury in his sworn testimony, so Starr went back to the 3 judge panel that had authorized him and asked if they wanted him to expand his investigation to include a possible perjury crime and they approved.
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Postby Largent80 » Tue Mar 27, 2018 8:00 am

Even Jimmy Carter can't save the Rump.....But he says he will help him..... :lol:
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Postby Hawktawk » Wed Mar 28, 2018 5:57 am

RD I believe Mueller needs to ask one person, Rod rosenstein who appointed him to expand the investigation. Its been leaked that its already in his purvey as i've said.

Micheal Avenatti, lawyer for Daniels says the list of other women who have approached him about representing them in their efforts to escape NDAs involving Trump is at EIGHT!!!! Hes careful to say he has not verified their claims yet. I found it interesting that Trumps long time lawyer Cohen says he paid daniels out of a line of credit he borrowed against his house. I couldn't understand why a billionaires long time lawyer wouldnt have 130 K readily available or why the Trump machine would intimidate her into such a low figure to begin with. But what if there are 9 OR MORE OF THESE OUT THERE. Now its a million plus which Trump cannot legally reimburse without basically admitting hes been screwing all these women and paid them off in the same time frame as calling his abuse victims liars and terrible people. Cohen is reportedly angry about not being able to get his money back.

And yet so many Americans just don't care. We've had skunks in the oval office many times but this one has utterly shedded the moral fabric of our nation and we will never get it back.
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Postby RiverDog » Wed Mar 28, 2018 7:26 am

Hawktawk wrote:RD I believe Mueller needs to ask one person, Rod rosenstein who appointed him to expand the investigation. Its been leaked that its already in his purvey as i've said.

Micheal Avenatti, lawyer for Daniels says the list of other women who have approached him about representing them in their efforts to escape NDAs involving Trump is at EIGHT!!!! Hes careful to say he has not verified their claims yet. I found it interesting that Trumps long time lawyer Cohen says he paid daniels out of a line of credit he borrowed against his house. I couldn't understand why a billionaires long time lawyer wouldnt have 130 K readily available or why the Trump machine would intimidate her into such a low figure to begin with. But what if there are 9 OR MORE OF THESE OUT THERE. Now its a million plus which Trump cannot legally reimburse without basically admitting hes been screwing all these women and paid them off in the same time frame as calling his abuse victims liars and terrible people. Cohen is reportedly angry about not being able to get his money back.

And yet so many Americans just don't care. We've had skunks in the oval office many times but this one has utterly shedded the moral fabric of our nation and we will never get it back.

The point is that Mueller cannot look into the Stormy Daniels allegations unless he (1) can tie it to Russian interference in the election, (2) requests authority to expand the investigation, and (3) has that request granted by the DOJ.

What I think you are seeing is that Trump's attorney involved in the Daniels investigation (Cohen) could be seen by Mueller as a potential cooperator in the Russia investigation:

Mueller's team, she said, would be unlikely to look into the lawsuit between Trump and Daniels unless they suspected a "significant link to the broader investigation." ... probe.html

The article goes on to say that Mueller could use a hardball tactic of using the Daniels lawsuit as a threat to get Cohen to cooperate in his Russia probe and/or use his testimony to cast doubt on his credibility as a witness. But that's a far cry from actually digging his nose into the Daniels investigation.

Additionally, the Daniels lawsuit is very likely going to end up in court, so Mueller most likely would not want to interfere with another legal investigation as it could make a real mess out of things to have simultaneous investigations about the same subject. You can imagine the same witness giving testimony to two different investigations regarding the same subject but with questions worded differently.

There's already an entity charged with the responsibility of investigating situations such as the hush money that was supposedly given to Daniels, and it's called the Federal Election Commission. There's no need for Mueller to get involved. He has his own investigation to worry about.
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Postby Seahawks4Ever » Wed Mar 28, 2018 8:35 am

NO! The "moral" fabric of this nation was shredded when Bill Clinton blatantly LIED to the American people, was IMPEACHED but then was found NOT GUILTY. THAT is what opened the door to having a guy like Trump who is basically a horndog who can't control his impulses.

I was once read a quote (years ago) from a Playboy Playmate who said that she didn't trust any man whose #1 goal in life is to get laid and everything else is SECONDARY. WOW! I thought when I read that, how true, how true. This same PM also said that when "they" dig up this society in about 10,000 years they will think that Ronald Mc Donald was a GOD (because of the plastic) and again I thought "what a SMART and incisive woman" this Gal is going places! Never heard about her again.

You would think someone that incisive would be a big cheese by now... I wonder what happened??

Anyway, if Mueller gets involved in this Dems can forget all about taking back either house of congress and get used to Trump being a 2nd. termer because in case you hadn't noticed Trump has had success after success and is surging in popularity. I know, I know it sucks but it is what it is.

If Trump succeeds in denuclearization of the Korean Pen. he will be guaranteed a 2nd. term and, maybe MORE... A Constitutional Convention could wipe away those term limits imposed on the presidency after FDR was elected 4 times. All the GOP did in '48 was to "cut their noses off to spite their faces when they did that. Every president since then has grasped for more and more power and any POTUS who wins a 2nd. term becomes an instant lame duck. What the GOP failed to understand was that it was that THREAT of a 3rd. term that kept congress "honest" and kept a POTUS strong all the way through their presidency. Should FDR have run for a 3rd. term? YES! It was because of EXTRAORDINARY circumstances that led him to that decision. Should he have run for a 4th. term?? Probably not but then we probably would have had a President Dewey instead of a Truman presidency and I am not sure how that would have turned out because while Dewey had been a great prosecutor he had not been so great a governor and was some what a light weight in national politics and would been controlled by the GOP political apparatus. That's my opinion, of course.
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Postby RiverDog » Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:58 pm

Seahawks4Ever wrote:NO! The "moral" fabric of this nation was shredded when Bill Clinton blatantly LIED to the American people, was IMPEACHED but then was found NOT GUILTY. THAT is what opened the door to having a guy like Trump who is basically a horndog who can't control his impulses.

I was once read a quote (years ago) from a Playboy Playmate who said that she didn't trust any man whose #1 goal in life is to get laid and everything else is SECONDARY. WOW! I thought when I read that, how true, how true. This same PM also said that when "they" dig up this society in about 10,000 years they will think that Ronald Mc Donald was a GOD (because of the plastic) and again I thought "what a SMART and incisive woman" this Gal is going places! Never heard about her again.

You would think someone that incisive would be a big cheese by now... I wonder what happened??

Anyway, if Mueller gets involved in this Dems can forget all about taking back either house of congress and get used to Trump being a 2nd. termer because in case you hadn't noticed Trump has had success after success and is surging in popularity. I know, I know it sucks but it is what it is.

If Trump succeeds in denuclearization of the Korean Pen. he will be guaranteed a 2nd. term and, maybe MORE... A Constitutional Convention could wipe away those term limits imposed on the presidency after FDR was elected 4 times. All the GOP did in '48 was to "cut their noses off to spite their faces when they did that. Every president since then has grasped for more and more power and any POTUS who wins a 2nd. term becomes an instant lame duck. What the GOP failed to understand was that it was that THREAT of a 3rd. term that kept congress "honest" and kept a POTUS strong all the way through their presidency. Should FDR have run for a 3rd. term? YES! It was because of EXTRAORDINARY circumstances that led him to that decision. Should he have run for a 4th. term?? Probably not but then we probably would have had a President Dewey instead of a Truman presidency and I am not sure how that would have turned out because while Dewey had been a great prosecutor he had not been so great a governor and was some what a light weight in national politics and would been controlled by the GOP political apparatus. That's my opinion, of course.

I agree that Clinton was sexual predator at or near the same level as Trump, but I'm not blaming him for the moral decay of the nation or opening the door for Trump. DJT has been an uncontrollable horn dog well before the Clinton presidency. He's a spoiled rich kid that thinks women were put on this Earth for his own personal gratification and doesn't need lessons from Bill Clinton or anyone else.

You lost me on the rest of your post. A Constitutional Convention? Politicians from 70-80 years ago? What does that all have to do with Stormy Daniels? You're really going off on a tangent.
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Postby Seahawks4Ever » Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:50 am

Have you seen the drawing of the person who allegedly threatened Stephanie Clifford (Stormy Daniels) and her daughter in the parking lot of a fitness center? Many say it bares an uncanny resemblance to Tom Brady! The internet has been going crazy with comparisons having all kinds of fun.

I hope the you tube link I copied works. If not, you won't have to look far to see it, you will ROTLLYASO!!!
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Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Apr 18, 2018 3:34 pm

If would be hilarious if she said it was Tom Brady. It would destroy her case, but it would be so funny.
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Postby Hawktawk » Sat Apr 21, 2018 5:29 am

[quote="Seahawks4Ever"]NO! The "moral" fabric of this nation was shredded when Bill Clinton blatantly LIED to the American people, was IMPEACHED but then was found NOT GUILTY. THAT is what opened the door to having a guy like Trump who is basically a horndog who can't control his impulses.

Presidents and rich powerful people in general have been diddling around forever.Of course blacks had to sit in the back of the bus at one time as well. However Clinton was the first man to be caught with his pants down, literally and figuratively. His *affair * with Lewinsky was really sexual harassment and abuse of a naive 22 year old intern by the most powerful man on the planet. As she said years later, was I really mature enough to give "consent" to the president of the united states? of course not. Clinton was also accused of rape and sexual assault by multiple women and they are credible. I believe him to be a rapist.

But here's where the Trumpies lose me big time. They say "what about Clinton" to excuse a man who doinks porn stars, playboy bunnies while his beautiful 3rd wife sits home with his 1 year old child, sends out goons to silence them, has his fixer pay them off days before a presidential election, grabs pussies at will as verified by 22 victims accounts and there are probably a hundred, abuses law enforcement and scoffs at the rule of law, colludes with our greatest geopolitical foe, is depraved and stupid enough to be filmed playing golden showers with multiple russian hookers in the ritz carlton moscow (if you don't believe this by now with what is now known about this man I have some swampland in florida to sell you.)

Yeah what about Clinton? The republican house of reprehensibles impeached Clinton. I cheered along with Rush Limbaugh and my fellow members of the party of morality and family values, the homophobic religious right puritanical standard bearers for decency in America.
And we were correct. NO man who has done such things should be the leader for the free world no matter what his ideology or ability to compartmentalize and govern expertly. The democrats in the media and government, particularly the Senate did an awful thing by saying this was OK. a part of the fabric holding America together was irrevocably torn. Yes it paved the way for Trump.

But follow along. The people who rooted for the impeachment of Clinton have absolutely no credibility left, not a shred, not an iota. The evangelical movement is evil, dead, utterly hypocritical slime balls. Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity etc. They are worse than Clinton's defenders were 22 years ago because they are now the defenders of a man less competent,unstable, morally bankrupt, a far bigger perpetrator of abuse on women, a treasonous traitor to America. Trump supporters in my former lifelong party disgust me but unfortunately not near enough others yet.
STFU about Clinton ,Hypocrites
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Postby RiverDog » Sat Apr 21, 2018 12:22 pm

There's lots of hypocrites on both sides of the issue, my friend. Many of those that now want to impeach Trump for his actions before he was even a candidate are the same ones that defended Bill Clinton for actions when he was in the White House.

The ball is back in Daniel's court. A federal judge denied their request to depose Trump, without which the case goes nowhere. But it keeps Stormy Daniels in the news, and increases the number of hits her videos get.
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Postby Aseahawkfan » Sat Apr 21, 2018 12:51 pm

RiverDog wrote:There's lots of hypocrites on both sides of the issue, my friend. Many of those that now want to impeach Trump for his actions before he was even a candidate are the same ones that defended Bill Clinton for actions when he was in the White House.

The ball is back in Daniel's court. A federal judge denied their request to depose Trump, without which the case goes nowhere. But it keeps Stormy Daniels in the news, and increases the number of hits her videos get.

Her videos getting hits mean nothing. Porn stars don't get royalties or anything of the kind. I think she's probably leveraging this into a book deal, interviews, and general media popularity for a quick money grab.
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Postby Aseahawkfan » Sat Apr 21, 2018 12:59 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Presidents and rich powerful people in general have been diddling around forever.Of course blacks had to sit in the back of the bus at one time as well. However Clinton was the first man to be caught with his pants down, literally and figuratively. His *affair * with Lewinsky was really sexual harassment and abuse of a naive 22 year old intern by the most powerful man on the planet. As she said years later, was I really mature enough to give "consent" to the president of the united states? of course not. Clinton was also accused of rape and sexual assault by multiple women and they are credible. I believe him to be a rapist.

But here's where the Trumpies lose me big time. They say "what about Clinton" to excuse a man who doinks porn stars, playboy bunnies while his beautiful 3rd wife sits home with his 1 year old child, sends out goons to silence them, has his fixer pay them off days before a presidential election, grabs pussies at will as verified by 22 victims accounts and there are probably a hundred, abuses law enforcement and scoffs at the rule of law, colludes with our greatest geopolitical foe, is depraved and stupid enough to be filmed playing golden showers with multiple russian hookers in the ritz carlton moscow (if you don't believe this by now with what is now known about this man I have some swampland in florida to sell you.)

Yeah what about Clinton? The republican house of reprehensibles impeached Clinton. I cheered along with Rush Limbaugh and my fellow members of the party of morality and family values, the homophobic religious right puritanical standard bearers for decency in America.
And we were correct. NO man who has done such things should be the leader for the free world no matter what his ideology or ability to compartmentalize and govern expertly. The democrats in the media and government, particularly the Senate did an awful thing by saying this was OK. a part of the fabric holding America together was irrevocably torn. Yes it paved the way for Trump.

But follow along. The people who rooted for the impeachment of Clinton have absolutely no credibility left, not a shred, not an iota. The evangelical movement is evil, dead, utterly hypocritical slime balls. Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity etc. They are worse than Clinton's defenders were 22 years ago because they are now the defenders of a man less competent,unstable, morally bankrupt, a far bigger perpetrator of abuse on women, a treasonous traitor to America. Trump supporters in my former lifelong party disgust me but unfortunately not near enough others yet.
STFU about Clinton ,Hypocrites

If it makes you feel any better, I didn't care much about Clinton either. Sorry, man, I've read the history books. Presidents are generally morally ambiguous figures that have done lots of good and evil and everything in between. Few of them are good or even all that admirable, more pragmatic, intelligent, ambitious, and willing to take the leadership of a nation that requires they walk a very gray moral line. This is what it takes to lead nations. People that worry about values and morals and the like really don't understand what it takes to lead a nation, especially a powerful nation. They never will and will never lead one.

Machiavellin Politics apply heavily to American presidents. They have to create the illusion of being a decent person to sell themselves to folks like yourself or anyone who cares about such values because they don't understand the truth of holding power. A truth that was true thousands of years ago and is true today. You want to be good and follow your morals, do not enter politics or government.
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Postby c_hawkbob » Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:51 pm

RiverDog wrote: A federal judge denied their request to depose Trump, without which the case goes nowhere.

You can't really suppose that all he has to do to make this all go away is just not respond to it ....
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Postby RiverDog » Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:03 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:You can't really suppose that all he has to do to make this all go away is just not respond to it ....

So what should he do to make it go away? Do a 60 Minutes interview?

Trump is the accused, and any good defense attorney will advise their client to keep their mouths shut, which in Trump's case, is a monumental task. The burden of proof is on Daniels, and so far, she has very little evidence to press her case. They need Trump to answer questions under oath just as Clinton did in the Paula Jones lawsuit. That's why her lawyer has vowed to re-file the motion.
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Postby c_hawkbob » Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:45 pm

IMO there is no "make it go away" ... one way or the other these stories are going to come out, I think the best he can hope for is to keep the lid on things while he's still in office.
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Postby RiverDog » Sat Apr 21, 2018 7:20 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:IMO there is no "make it go away" ... one way or the other these stories are going to come out, I think the best he can hope for is to keep the lid on things while he's still in office.

The genie is already out of the bottle. Whether Trump addresses them or not, these stories will continue to come out and be with him the rest of his life. Welcome to the fish bowl, Mr. President.

The real question is about the legal aspect. If they can't depose Trump, the Stormy Daniels lawsuit doesn't go anywhere. But IMO Stormy Daniels and her frivolous lawsuit are the least of Trump's worries. What he needs to be concerned about is the possibility that the hush money paid by his lawyer could be considered a campaign rule violation, which I believe that it is.
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Postby Aseahawkfan » Sun Apr 22, 2018 6:50 pm

I don't know why Trump should care if these stories come out. If the "grab'em by the p" comment didn't stop him, why would he banged around with pornstars and women stop him. He can pretend he feels bad about it and they'll forgive him. Save for a handful of people like Hawktawk and Old But Slow (if he was serious about values) and those like him, no one much cares if a president bangs around, less so nowadays than 20 years ago during Clinton. I think a guy like Trump should just let these pornstars and money tramps run their mouth, mostly ignore them, and do his thing.
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Postby Seahawks4Ever » Mon Apr 23, 2018 9:27 pm

What makes Stephanie Clifford's case frivolous? Is it the fact that she basically won the day Trump said he didn't know anything about the NDA or the 130G hush hush payment? No person can be Party to an Agreement yet claim to know nothing about said agreement and/or payment.

Sounds like game, set, match Stephanie Clifford, a far cry from being a "frivolous" law suit sounds more like a SLAM DUNK.

You look silly when you try do defend Trump, Dog.
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Postby RiverDog » Tue Apr 24, 2018 4:51 am

Seahawks4Ever wrote:What makes Stephanie Clifford's case frivolous? Is it the fact that she basically won the day Trump said he didn't know anything about the NDA or the 130G hush hush payment? No person can be Party to an Agreement yet claim to know nothing about said agreement and/or payment.

Sounds like game, set, match Stephanie Clifford, a far cry from being a "frivolous" law suit sounds more like a SLAM DUNK.

You look silly when you try do defend Trump, Dog.

I'm not defending Trump. I can't stand the man. IMO he's a despicable human being, one of the worst, if not the worst, individuals we've ever elected to the office.

But I don't see any evidence of a crime being committed. She's going to have to come up with more than this artist's rendition of a man she claims to have threatened her. NDA's are completely legal except that this one probably violated a campaign law, of which would have zero affect on Daniels. IMO this whole thing is being fabricated by her in order for her and her lawyer to make money off her notoriety of her having slept with the POTUS. She's already admitted that her video business is booming since she went public.
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Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:55 pm

RiverDog wrote:I'm not defending Trump. I can't stand the man. IMO he's a despicable human being, one of the worst, if not the worst, individuals we've ever elected to the office.

But I don't see any evidence of a crime being committed. She's going to have to come up with more than this artist's rendition of a man she claims to have threatened her. NDA's are completely legal except that this one probably violated a campaign law, of which would have zero affect on Daniels. IMO this whole thing is being fabricated by her in order for her and her lawyer to make money off her notoriety of her having slept with the POTUS. She's already admitted that her video business is booming since she went public.

Trump's the loudest and most obvious with his lies, moral behavior, and the like. I don't know. Presidents have always been people of mixed character. You have to be to be president. Despicable compared to what? How exactly would you compare it? I'd be surprised if you could name a president that didn't do something a normal human being would consider despicable during their administration.

I would say you like the Machiavellian facade that presidents put up. It makes you feel better about them like it does for 90% plus of Americans. Someone like me doesn't care that much about their personal character as the job requires a man of moral greyness to succeed. So many interests must be managed in the White House and so many actions taken, some good, some evil, most between, you can't be a good person in that chair. I don't even think you can be a good person to become President. I truly don't.
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Postby RiverDog » Fri Apr 27, 2018 5:20 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:Trump's the loudest and most obvious with his lies, moral behavior, and the like. I don't know. Presidents have always been people of mixed character. You have to be to be president. Despicable compared to what? How exactly would you compare it? I'd be surprised if you could name a president that didn't do something a normal human being would consider despicable during their administration.

I would say you like the Machiavellian facade that presidents put up. It makes you feel better about them like it does for 90% plus of Americans. Someone like me doesn't care that much about their personal character as the job requires a man of moral greyness to succeed. So many interests must be managed in the White House and so many actions taken, some good, some evil, most between, you can't be a good person in that chair. I don't even think you can be a good person to become President. I truly don't.

I wasn't necessarily comparing him to former presidents. I don't like his persona. I think he's a bigot, that he treats women like yesterday's newspaper, that he's a very poor role model, he has a big mouth that he can't keep shut, he's extremely reactionary, and so on, and so on.

I used to ask this question regarding Bill Clinton, but I think it's more appropriate to ask it about Donald Trump. Outside of his money and fame, would you want your daughter to marry someone like DJT?
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Postby Aseahawkfan » Sat Apr 28, 2018 12:40 am

RiverDog wrote:I wasn't necessarily comparing him to former presidents. I don't like his persona. I think he's a bigot, that he treats women like yesterday's newspaper, that he's a very poor role model, he has a big mouth that he can't keep shut, he's extremely reactionary, and so on, and so on.

I used to ask this question regarding Bill Clinton, but I think it's more appropriate to ask it about Donald Trump. Outside of his money and fame, would you want your daughter to marry someone like DJT?

Honestly? Yes, I would. They could do a lot worse than marrying Trump. He's one of the most driven, determined, hardworking,ambitious men I've ever seen. He has succeeded beyond his already extremely wealthy father in Real Estate, made his name a household name around the world, built a reality TV empire, and just because he could at the age of 70 he became president of the United States. If he were my father, I'd be proud of him to be quite honest with you.

You think he's a bigot, I don't. I think he's speaking as he was raised to speak in a different time in New York. I think if he were a bigot, he wouldn't have done things like donated money to the NAACP, promoted their causes, helped many black folk become successful, and the similar things for many different people from many different groups. I go by actions, not words. He may say some off-color, fairly vile, stupid crap, but as far as what he's actually done with his money and fame, I don't see a bigot. If he were a bigot, he wouldn't have helped or spoken well of so many black folk and other minority celebrities and the like. He even put up Jennifer Hudson in a Trump Hotel on the house after a member of her family was murdered.

Trump is a scumbag as far as being faithful to his wife is concerned. He bangs around like crazy, then again a lot of rich and famous men do as we've seen in the headlines too many times. But he's raised his children well including his daughter. If the children are any reflection of the man, then he's raised some fine children.

Even with is banging around, none of his wives can say he didn't take care of them or the children he had with them. Every one of them was well-compensated in their divorce proceedings and he always made sure his children attended the best schools and had the Trump name. He did not hide them as far as we can tell or fail to claim them as his.

Do you go by actions or words, Riverdog? I put much more weight on actions. So far the worst I've seen from Trump in his personal life is his love of banging women. As far as the rest, if my daughter married him, she would end up rich and all my grandkids would be rich and well taken care of. Why would I hate that? I'd make sure my daughter went in with eyes wide open. I'd tell her, when you marry a rich,powerful man, you will likely not have a faithful husband. A wealthy, powerful man has more opportunity to cheat than average men, even more so if he is in Hollywood or Politics. But this guy will take care of you always and your children and give you a legacy to build on. That is something few common men, even if they are faithful will ever achieve.

I'd be ok with my daughter marrying Trump. I think in the long run it would be good for her and her children. He seems to mostly like models. I don't think he would marry a common woman. He likes his trophy wives.
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