Should Biden Debate Trump?

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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Oct 22, 2020 6:47 am

Imo this is not the typical 3rd debate . The first debate sets the tone but the second is where the loser of the first gets a chance to land punches and change the narrative . Both Reagan and Obama did this in the second debates . The third or relatively meaningless . I think the format with muted mikes benefits Trump as his pie hole uncensored is a Biden commercial. 2 minutes of silence forces Joe to be clear and concise and avoid the senior moment lapses or mis speak. Trump reaction while mute is huge too. What will triggered orange loon do? Roll his eyes or shout into a turned off Mike ? Will his pent up rage spew out when the mike comes on ? Biden needs to keep the momentum going but it’s his to win or lose and a draw is a win . If it’s a disaster for Biden it’s Trump only hope besides vlad putin .
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:43 pm

Anyone who watched this debate and truly wants DJT to lead the free world for the next four years has a death wish. What an Fing moron
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Fri Oct 23, 2020 12:08 am

I wonder if Biden saying he'll destroy the oil industry will move the needle at all for Trump. Hard to backtrack or hide that one. Does the oil industry still employ enough people who would vote against clean energy? I doubt it.
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby RiverDog » Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:20 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:I wonder if Biden saying he'll destroy the oil industry will move the needle at all for Trump. Hard to backtrack or hide that one. Does the oil industry still employ enough people who would vote against clean energy? I doubt it.

Yea, I wondered the same thing myself. That's a big issue in western and northeastern PA. The oil and gas industry in that state is significant, particularly when it comes to fracking. The actual number directly employed in the industry may not be great, but there's certainly a lot of related industries with jobs that depend on a healthy oil and gas industry for their sustenance. It's a hot topic amongst the rust belt folks, one that helped Trump defeat Hillary in 2016.

PA is a state that Trump is already within striking distance of, and it could shore up his standing in TX and OH. Of the states he won in 2016, Trump can afford to lose one, but not two, of the larger ones (PA, MI, FL, OH, GA, and TX). The fracking/oil issue was sort of a sleeper subject, one that Biden could have easily handled had he been expecting it, but as usual, he choked in an ad lib situation. He could have got out of it by saying something like the long term goal is to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels but it's not happening overnight, that they still remain a vital part of our economy, blah blah blah. But instead, Biden reinforced this notion that he's a wolf in sheep's clothing, that he'll be manipulated by the far left into doing their bidding for them.

However, given the fact that so many people have already voted and that the most impactful of debates is generally the first one, one that Biden clearly won, that Biden still has a healthy lead in most of the swing states (Rassmussen has Biden up 3% in PA, and Fox News has him up by 5%)...and that there were a few die hard Eagles fans watching guess is that it's too little, too late for it to do any significant damage.

Especially given what is shaping up to be a historic number of votes being cast as Dems usually do better in elections with a high voter turnout, I think that we're looking at a mini landslide with Biden winning 100+ electoral votes and the Senate shifting to the Dems by a seat or two.
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Fri Oct 23, 2020 1:16 pm

Trump dropping more bombs with Fox News pushing the Hunter Biden scandal strong and Trump brokering another Israeli peace deal to motivate undecided Jewish and Evangelicals. I guess he is rallying in Florida now. Two more weeks and Trump and the Republicans pushing strong. My buddies are ecstatic thinking he's going to pull it out against Biden at the end.
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Fri Oct 23, 2020 1:25 pm

RiverDog wrote:Yea, I wondered the same thing myself. That's a big issue in western and northeastern PA. The oil and gas industry in that state is significant, particularly when it comes to fracking. The actual number directly employed in the industry may not be great, but there's certainly a lot of related industries with jobs that depend on a healthy oil and gas industry for their sustenance. It's a hot topic amongst the rust belt folks, one that helped Trump defeat Hillary in 2016.

PA is a state that Trump is already within striking distance of, and it could shore up his standing in TX and OH. Of the states he won in 2016, Trump can afford to lose one, but not two, of the larger ones (PA, MI, FL, OH, GA, and TX). The fracking/oil issue was sort of a sleeper subject, one that Biden could have easily handled had he been expecting it, but as usual, he choked in an ad lib situation. He could have got out of it by saying something like the long term goal is to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels but it's not happening overnight, that they still remain a vital part of our economy, blah blah blah. But instead, Biden reinforced this notion that he's a wolf in sheep's clothing, that he'll be manipulated by the far left into doing their bidding for them.

However, given the fact that so many people have already voted and that the most impactful of debates is generally the first one, one that Biden clearly won, that Biden still has a healthy lead in most of the swing states (Rassmussen has Biden up 3% in PA, and Fox News has him up by 5%)...and that there were a few die hard Eagles fans watching guess is that it's too little, too late for it to do any significant damage.

Especially given what is shaping up to be a historic number of votes being cast as Dems usually do better in elections with a high voter turnout, I think that we're looking at a mini landslide with Biden winning 100+ electoral votes and the Senate shifting to the Dems by a seat or two.

Can we call huge voting by mail a guaranteed Democratic advantage if so many states are encouraging or forcing people to vote by mail? This is the first time so many have had to vote by mail. I doubt it can currently be confirmed they are all Democrats.

What do you know about Michigan? Death of oil means death of ICE car manufacturing, which will decimate the American ICE car industry in Michigan. You think any effect?
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby RiverDog » Fri Oct 23, 2020 4:50 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:Can we call huge voting by mail a guaranteed Democratic advantage if so many states are encouraging or forcing people to vote by mail? This is the first time so many have had to vote by mail. I doubt it can currently be confirmed they are all Democrats.

From what I've read, most of the early voting has been predominantly Democrats and that they expect more of the in person voting on election day to be Republicans, which I suppose makes sense given all the fuss that Trump has made over mail in balloting.

Aseahawkfan wrote:What do you know about Michigan? Death of oil means death of ICE car manufacturing, which will decimate the American ICE car industry in Michigan. You think any effect?

Biden has had a large lead over Trump in MI for months. The current RCP average pegs him with a 7.8% margin, the largest of any state won by Trump in 2016, and the trend has been favoring Biden. Outside of that, I don't have a good feel for their politics. I know that they've lost a ton of manufacturing jobs over the past 5 decades but that there's probably a lot retirees out there that are dependent on pensions supplied by the Big 3. What effect that has on their state politics I couldn't tell you.
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Oct 23, 2020 10:12 pm

Biden’s clarified his comments to say he supports ending oil
Subsidies . His 2050 zero emmidions would kick in when I’m 91 years old if it even happens : we need a president tha is a serious person. We don’t have one
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Fri Oct 23, 2020 10:30 pm

Doesn't seem to have budged the polls.

November 3rd can't get here soon enough. I want to see how this plays out. See which side has the meltdown. A few of my friends are calling a Biden Victory the Biden Apocalypse saying he'll destroy thousands of jobs and hurt a lot of people. I told them they are likely wrong. That a Biden Victory will lead to a coordinated coronavirus response with more stimulus that will lead the economy to re-open sooner as well as renewed coordination with other nations to instill confidence in America's ability to act as a leader in the coronavirus response rather than be viewed as one of the biggest idiot nations for acting as though the coronavirus is some mild nuisance. Biden will likely be able to get both Democrats and Republicans on board with a plan.

But with Trump you can't count him out until the votes are counted. The Trumpbots are absolutely sure he is going to win easily. It's astounding how confident both sides are.
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby RiverDog » Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:03 am

Hawktawk wrote:Biden’s clarified his comments to say he supports ending oil Subsidies . His 2050 zero emmidions would kick in when I’m 91 years old if it even happens : we need a president tha is a serious person. We don’t have one

The issue that gained the most attention during the Thursday debate was fracking, and at one point during the primaries, Biden said that he wanted to stop all fracking, immediately. During the debate, he said that he was against banning fracking even though his own official position would ban it on public land. Biden does not have a compass and will turn which ever way the wind is blowing, which if the Dems end up with control of both houses of Congress, is almost certainly going to be well to the left of center. He'll be easy for the progressives to push around.

The problem, or advantage depending on how you look at it, is that debate candidates often times make Freudian slips when in the heat of the moment, and their true feelings come spilling out unfiltered. Whether or not this was true of Biden Thursday night is anyone's guess. But Biden has been all over the board on energy policy, so it's hard to tell exactly which way he'll go when elected President. If it were not for the fact that his opponent is Donald Trump, I most likely would not be voting for him.
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby RiverDog » Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:18 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:Doesn't seem to have budged the polls.

It's too early to tell if the Thursday debate has moved the needle or not, especially in the swing states. The polls lag at least a week behind events. That's one of the reasons why the pundits and boy geniuses missed it back in 2016. There was a shift in the last couple of weeks before the election that the polls in some key states didn't pick up on and led to some embarrassing predictions. But my guess is that you're right, it won't move the needle.

Besides, with so much of the voting having already occurred, much of the water has already passed under the bridge. It was a mistake for Trump to skip the 2nd debate. It's poetic justice that his indifference to the virus may have cost him a chance to get back into the hunt.

Aseahawkfan wrote:November 3rd can't get here soon enough. I want to see how this plays out. See which side has the meltdown. A few of my friends are calling a Biden Victory the Biden Apocalypse saying he'll destroy thousands of jobs and hurt a lot of people. I told them they are likely wrong. That a Biden Victory will lead to a coordinated coronavirus response with more stimulus that will lead the economy to re-open sooner as well as renewed coordination with other nations to instill confidence in America's ability to act as a leader in the coronavirus response rather than be viewed as one of the biggest idiot nations for acting as though the coronavirus is some mild nuisance. Biden will likely be able to get both Democrats and Republicans on board with a plan.

I can't wait, either. Perhaps because this is the first election where I've been retired with plenty of time on my hands, but I can't remember being this anxious about the outcome of an election.

As far as what effect a President Biden has on the country, it can't help but improve our coronavirus response as we won't have a POTUS out there fighting with governors and playing the blame game. As far as getting R's and D's on board with a plan, it's a little too soon to tell. A lot depends on whether or not the R's hold onto the Senate, which at this point, is less clear than the race for the White House. As far as what effect Biden will have on the economy, I doubt that he changes it much one way or another. The nation seems to purr along regardless of who is in the White House.

Aseahawkfan wrote:But with Trump you can't count him out until the votes are counted. The Trumpbots are absolutely sure he is going to win easily. It's astounding how confident both sides are.

It's going to take a very large number of 'Trumpbots" to turn out at the polls, and I'm not sure how enthusiastic they are. My guess is that a lot of them are demoralized and that the turnout won't be anywhere near enough to overcome what looks to be a record overall turnout, which usually favors Dems. But is that just wishful thinking on my part?
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby NorthHawk » Sat Oct 24, 2020 8:04 am

I think a lot of people already have their minds made up so the polls might not change much.
As well, it seems a large number of votes have already been cast along with mail-in ballots.

I heard one guy talk about his analytics team and their suggestion was that since the R's tend
to vote on voting day, and the expected long lineups, it might be the case that more R's won't
get to vote because of the limited polling stations and long lineups. If that were to be the case
the R's would have shot themselves in the foot. Many of the D's on the other hand have already
voted or done so by mail-in.

It will be interesting to hear the voting patterns in any case.
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby RiverDog » Sat Oct 24, 2020 9:27 am

NorthHawk wrote:I think a lot of people already have their minds made up so the polls might not change much. As well, it seems a large number of votes have already been cast along with mail-in ballots.

Precisely. That's one of the reasons why the first debate was so important.

NorthHawk wrote:I heard one guy talk about his analytics team and their suggestion was that since the R's tend
to vote on voting day, and the expected long lineups, it might be the case that more R's won't
get to vote because of the limited polling stations and long lineups. If that were to be the case
the R's would have shot themselves in the foot. Many of the D's on the other hand have already
voted or done so by mail-in.

They won't be able to turn away any voters that arrive at the polling station before the polls close, but it's possible that a lot of people could see the long lines and decide that it's not worth it.

A lot of times, the weather forecast makes a difference in voter turnout, so we'll have to keep an eye on any storms coming off the Great Lakes.
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Sat Oct 24, 2020 1:35 pm

RiverDog wrote:It's going to take a very large number of 'Trumpbots" to turn out at the polls, and I'm not sure how enthusiastic they are. My guess is that a lot of them are demoralized and that the turnout won't be anywhere near enough to overcome what looks to be a record overall turnout, which usually favors Dems. But is that just wishful thinking on my part?

The reports I have heard indicate Trump has way more enthusiasm than Biden, so I doubt any Trump people are demoralized. Their hate for the left is still strong. They view a Biden victory as the ruination of America, which fuels them. You must have Trump voting friends in Eastern Washington. You have to hear this garbage more than I do. I work with quite a few Trump supporters. I have a mix of Trump supporting friends. Most of my immediate family tend to vote Trump or conservatives. I can't imagine you don't know as many in Eastern Washington. These people are not demoralized. They are filled with hate for the left and view the left wing media as liars and enemies. They feel like Trump is being unfairly treated by the left wing press and Democrats. They hate Nancy, Schumer, Schiff, and the like.

My father is pretty reasonable. He could vote either way. But my mother, step-mother, and aunt are firmly loyal to Trump and the conservative base. They despise the left.

Trump supporters are dug in like ticks. I imagine it is the hope of Democrats that the Trump haters are equally dug in, so they show up. The Trump supporters are going to vote like their life depends on it. Of that I am sure.
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Sat Oct 24, 2020 1:37 pm

NorthHawk wrote:I think a lot of people already have their minds made up so the polls might not change much.
As well, it seems a large number of votes have already been cast along with mail-in ballots.

I heard one guy talk about his analytics team and their suggestion was that since the R's tend
to vote on voting day, and the expected long lineups, it might be the case that more R's won't
get to vote because of the limited polling stations and long lineups. If that were to be the case
the R's would have shot themselves in the foot. Many of the D's on the other hand have already
voted or done so by mail-in.

It will be interesting to hear the voting patterns in any case.

This would be unwise. If there is any indication that polls closed early preventing Trump votes in a close race will be absolutely terrible for the country. That might indeed cause some seriously violent disagreement and calls for a recount and a revote because the Democrats shut the polls early to prevent Trump voters from voting. I don't even want close tot that chaos or attempt by any state to deny people voting.
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby RiverDog » Sat Oct 24, 2020 2:14 pm

RiverDog wrote:It's going to take a very large number of 'Trumpbots" to turn out at the polls, and I'm not sure how enthusiastic they are. My guess is that a lot of them are demoralized and that the turnout won't be anywhere near enough to overcome what looks to be a record overall turnout, which usually favors Dems. But is that just wishful thinking on my part?

Aseahawkfan wrote:The reports I have heard indicate Trump has way more enthusiasm than Biden, so I doubt any Trump people are demoralized. Their hate for the left is still strong. They view a Biden victory as the ruination of America, which fuels them. You must have Trump voting friends in Eastern Washington. You have to hear this garbage more than I do. I work with quite a few Trump supporters. I have a mix of Trump supporting friends. Most of my immediate family tend to vote Trump or conservatives. I can't imagine you don't know as many in Eastern Washington. These people are not demoralized. They are filled with hate for the left and view the left wing media as liars and enemies. They feel like Trump is being unfairly treated by the left wing press and Democrats. They hate Nancy, Schumer, Schiff, and the like.

My father is pretty reasonable. He could vote either way. But my mother, step-mother, and aunt are firmly loyal to Trump and the conservative base. They despise the left.

Trump supporters are dug in like ticks. I imagine it is the hope of Democrats that the Trump haters are equally dug in, so they show up. The Trump supporters are going to vote like their life depends on it. Of that I am sure.

I can judge the enthusiasm Trump has by virtue of my Facebook news feed. There hasn't been near the pro Trump posts over the past few weeks. I've actually gone back and started following the friends I had unfollowed due to excessive political posts. Granted, it's not a very scientific method, but the feeling I'm getting is that a lot of them are expecting Trump to lose.

I haven't had much interaction with anybody around my neighborhood, and when I do, we don't talk politics. All I can go by is the yard signs I see, and most of them are pro Trump by about a 2-1 margin. This venue here in the Shack and an occasional foray on social media are the only places I talk politics outside my immediate family. Even when I get together with my former co workers, my programming won't allow me to talk politics unless someone asks me for my opinion. Too many other topics.
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby Hawktawk » Sat Oct 24, 2020 2:17 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:
This would be unwise. If there is any indication that polls closed early preventing Trump votes in a close race will be absolutely terrible for the country. That might indeed cause some seriously violent disagreement and calls for a recount and a revote because the Democrats shut the polls early to prevent Trump voters from voting. I don't even want close tot that chaos or attempt by any state to deny people voting.

I agree we better not trigger the trump base at all. I just hope its such a wipeout there's no question because there's going to be some violence no matter what happens I am afraid.
Its trump who has put the country in this situation between trying to shut the post office basically down with his hand picked million 5 presidential campaign donor henchman and also his continual sowing of doubt on the process overall and dog whistles to armed militias to congregate at polls.

Just like the sleepy Joe stupidity backfired badly his threats to the american voting process has awakened a sleeping giant which is the independent american voter, the lazy voter that stayed home last time or has never voted.Over 50 million have already voted now, I believe its smashed the record for early voting with 10 days to go still and it appears this election may be the largest overall turnout in over 100 years if registrations and trends hold.Some of these early voters are republicans but i've heard these voters are overwhelmingly democrats. I dont see how it helps trump but who knows.can we just be done with the F@#king thing :cry: :cry:
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby Hawktawk » Sat Oct 24, 2020 2:42 pm

RiverDog wrote:I can judge the enthusiasm Trump has by virtue of my Facebook news feed. There hasn't been near the pro Trump posts over the past few weeks. I've actually gone back and started following the friends I had unfollowed due to excessive political posts. Granted, it's not a very scientific method, but the feeling I'm getting is that a lot of them are expecting Trump to lose.

I haven't had much interaction with anybody around my neighborhood, and when I do, we don't talk politics. All I can go by is the yard signs I see, and most of them are pro Trump by about a 2-1 margin. This venue here in the Shack and an occasional foray on social media are the only places I talk politics outside my immediate family. Even when I get together with my former co workers, my programming won't allow me to talk politics unless someone asks me for my opinion. Too many other topics.

I spent 5 days a week at legacy at o'sullivan working the course. Its older mostly white retired people and the Trump banners were all over months ago. The one biden house got vandalized. The last few weeks I've seen some trump stuff come down and Biden Harris signs are popping up. Id say its at least 50-50 signs among older white retired eastern washington people in this retirement community .It really doesn't matter. Biden and the worst governor in washington history will cruise, Inslee because of the top of the R ticket and the fact a quality guy like Bill Bryant who I would knock on door for knew better than to waste his time so we get a gun toting yee haw mask denyer from republic.

I've just unfollowed most rabid trump oversharers on social media.Ive gone from 555 friends to around 400 between me dumping them or them dumping me. I don't personally link anything political anywhere other than here and I wont permit someone to screw up my day with some stupid pro trump anti Biden ad or deep fake videos constantly on FB when I'm catching up on sports, cool rides, birthdays, neat vacations etc. Those few who are generally quiet politically are actually seeming to lash out on social media now in desperation.They are more and more shrill and my best friend in the world of 45 years has begun sharing stuff for the first time in years knowing I despise Trump which is hard. Politics and especially these politics are evil, destroying a cool social app, separating friends. It sucks. This is the most divisive man I've ever seen. To think I criticized Obama for being divisive. Hindsight is 2020

. As Asea says correctly they are as determined as ever. Its a cult now frankly and that's Jon Meacham presidential historians words, not mine. My hope and prayer is there are just not enough of them even if Putin changes some votes cause I'm not near as confident as you about how secure we are with automated machines, the involvement of computers etc. Its my greatest fear and if it gets trump a win katie bar the door. His supporters wouldnt care. They didn't last time .
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby Hawktawk » Sat Oct 24, 2020 3:09 pm

RiverDog wrote:I think a lot of people already have their minds made up so the polls might not change much. As well, it seems a large number of votes have already been cast along with mail-in ballots.

Precisely. That's one of the reasons why the first debate was so important.

Yes it was and that was the beginning of a 3 day period when Trump really lost ground in the polls sharting with his utterly unhinged performance (will you shut up man)coupled with Joe Biden easily overachieving the sleepy Joe label that was huge strategic mistake. Biden isn't my 50th choice if I could choose a president but he looks reaganesque next to that bug eyed spitting apparition who was likely infected and aware of it which was the second nail in the coffin after the debate to have that news break. As Obama has been shouting through the bullhorn "he cant keep you safe from the virus" he cant even keep himself safe from the virus" :lol: :lol:

Short of some massive hack of the power grid, a war, some incredibly sophisticated russian hack Biden is likely at least as far ahead as these polls and should win handily.
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby Hawktawk » Sat Oct 24, 2020 3:59 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:
The reports I have heard indicate Trump has way more enthusiasm than Biden, so I doubt any Trump people are demoralized. Their hate for the left is still strong. They view a Biden victory as the ruination of America, which fuels them. You must have Trump voting friends in Eastern Washington. You have to hear this garbage more than I do. I work with quite a few Trump supporters. I have a mix of Trump supporting friends. Most of my immediate family tend to vote Trump or conservatives. I can't imagine you don't know as many in Eastern Washington. These people are not demoralized. They are filled with hate for the left and view the left wing media as liars and enemies. They feel like Trump is being unfairly treated by the left wing press and Democrats. They hate Nancy, Schumer, Schiff, and the like.

My father is pretty reasonable. He could vote either way. But my mother, step-mother, and aunt are firmly loyal to Trump and the conservative base. They despise the left.

Trump supporters are dug in like ticks. I imagine it is the hope of Democrats that the Trump haters are equally dug in, so they show up. The Trump supporters are going to vote like their life depends on it. Of that I am sure.

I think you are completely correct about the remaining trump base. Polls show older white americans have slipped, really every demographic that carried him has ticked down so he's got to bring them home in 10 days and maybe he can but those on his side are on his side 100%.

The biden enthusiasm gap is real but thats the wrong poll question. Its the anti trump vote that is higher. Im an example along with many im sure that simply will not vote for what we see as an unfit man regardless of policy and as such whos left? that's who we are DEFINITELY VOTING FOR . Not Trump 2020. Fundraising tells the story as Biden has now been able to spend a record amount of advertising money already with 10 days left even with this enthusiasm gap and with average contributions of 40$.

These lines at polling places are primarily anti trump voters and I wouldnt be absolutely certain Sanders wouldn't have a lead right now as well. Its about the guy.We know what were up against with his supporters. Were gonna vote.
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby Aseahawkfan » Sat Oct 24, 2020 4:09 pm

RiverDog wrote:I can judge the enthusiasm Trump has by virtue of my Facebook news feed. There hasn't been near the pro Trump posts over the past few weeks. I've actually gone back and started following the friends I had unfollowed due to excessive political posts. Granted, it's not a very scientific method, but the feeling I'm getting is that a lot of them are expecting Trump to lose.

I haven't had much interaction with anybody around my neighborhood, and when I do, we don't talk politics. All I can go by is the yard signs I see, and most of them are pro Trump by about a 2-1 margin. This venue here in the Shack and an occasional foray on social media are the only places I talk politics outside my immediate family. Even when I get together with my former co workers, my programming won't allow me to talk politics unless someone asks me for my opinion. Too many other topics.

I talk to Trump supporters every day. My mother begged me to vote for Trump. One of my friends told me I'm wasting my vote not voting for one of the major parties and he is voting for Trump for various reasons I listed. One of my co-workers told me I don't vote for Trump I'm going lose my gun rights and the country will be ruined. I don't know a single Republican Trump supporter that isn't going to vote. Not one.

I have an uncle and an aunt who are strong Trump Haters and are going to vote against him. My brother's wife and her family hate Trump and will vote against him. My brother is fairly indifferent to politics and maintains a sensible viewpoint like my father and I. None of this world ending, soul of the nation crap one way or the other.

I'm not surprised by the high voter turnout. I don't think either side is unmotivated. These people are convinced that the other candidate winning is the ruination of America.

I'm not voting for either major party. Change only happens when people stop accepting the status quo or lesser of two evils strategy. Change does not happen if you keep casting your vote for the same groups doing the same thing over and over again.
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby RiverDog » Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:32 pm

Hawktawk wrote:I spent 5 days a week at legacy at o'sullivan working the course. Its older mostly white retired people and the Trump banners were all over months ago. The one biden house got vandalized. The last few weeks I've seen some trump stuff come down and Biden Harris signs are popping up. Id say its at least 50-50 signs among older white retired eastern washington people in this retirement community .It really doesn't matter. Biden and the worst governor in washington history will cruise, Inslee because of the top of the R ticket and the fact a quality guy like Bill Bryant who I would knock on door for knew better than to waste his time so we get a gun toting yee haw mask denyer from republic.

I've never posted any kind of political sign in my front yard, put bumper stickers on my car, nor have I ever attended any kind of rally or demonstration. I've intentionally programmed myself to be apolitical on my outer shell. I learned a lesson over 40 years ago that my big mouth could intimidate people and cause them to think that I'm someone that I'm not.

I agree with you on the candidates for WA Governor. I can't stand Inslee but Culp looks too much like a mini Trump to me.

It will be interesting to see how the landscape changes after Trump loses.
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby Hawktawk » Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:52 pm

I have never worn or hung out any type of political message. I just vote reliably .

As for the early voting exit polls show 87%!!!!!give or take are voting for Biden and over 60 million have already voted with no sign of slowing now . This voting is occurring with him in a clear lead in the polls in the rust belt and competitive in the sun belt with polls showing him basically even in Fla, Az, Georgia. If the whole trump base shows up election night it might not be nearly enough. This could be a wipeout
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Re: Should Biden Debate Trump?

Postby RiverDog » Mon Oct 26, 2020 5:06 pm

Hawktawk wrote:I have never worn or hung out any type of political message. I just vote reliably .

As for the early voting exit polls show 87%!!!!!give or take are voting for Biden and over 60 million have already voted with no sign of slowing now . This voting is occurring with him in a clear lead in the polls in the rust belt and competitive in the sun belt with polls showing him basically even in Fla, Az, Georgia. If the whole trump base shows up election night it might not be nearly enough. This could be a wipeout

It's expected that Democrats will do more mail in and early in person voting while Republicans will wait until Election Day to cast their votes so it makes sense that they're doing well in these early exit polls. Indeed, the huge Democratic margin in the swing states has already begun to narrow.

We'll just have to wait it out. I'm hearing that some states may take several weeks before they can count all the ballots that have been submitted. Many states, PA for example, legally can't start counting ballots until Election Day, so we might not have a winner on election night and that they are going to have to hire legions of people to count ballots all handicapped by the coronavirus protocols. Should be interesting.
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