Poll Watching

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Re: Poll Watching

Postby RiverDog » Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:04 pm

Here's another indication that things are looking pretty good for Biden:

Recent statistics from the Florida Division of Elections have revealed that more people already voted by mail in the 2020 general election than did in the August 2020 primaries. The numbers also show that more Democrats have sent in their ballots than Republicans.

The figures from the Division of Elections website showed that of the more than 2 million mail-in voting ballots sent in, about 49 percent of them were from Democrats. About 30 percent of the ballots submitted were from Republicans, and approximately 20 percent were from people with other party affiliations or no party affiliation.

Politico reported that this is the first time that Democrats have ever outvoted Republicans at this point in an election in Florida.

https://www.newsweek.com/florida-mail-b ... ns-1540035

That's obviously not conclusive as Democrats were expected to vote by mail in higher numbers than R's, but it's a good sign.
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby Hawktawk » Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:12 pm

https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/5 ... -penn-poll

These polls are positively devastating for Trump.

As for the above comments things will take an awful long time to ever be "normal". This pandemic is racing ahead by the day in a perfect storm as a president who clearly does not give AF about human life but only figuring out some way to pull this off lies remorselessly in MAGA rallies, to the press, to everyone.

If he wins half a million or more will die IMO. If he loses then what? we still have to rely on his administration till late Jan and he's walking around saying this spike is a media hoax as this rages out of control in numerous parts of the country. Spikes in at least 5 major metropolitan areas followed closely his maskless MAGA rallies. Nearly 50 people in the white house inner circle have now been infected including the chief of staff Marc Short to Pence along with 4 other Pence aides. THIS IS THE LEADER OF THE WH RESPONSE. You cannot make it up :D :D :evil: :evil:

And tens of millions of people are so god damn tribal they will re hire this lunatic :shock: :shock: :shock: :? :? .

No RD its not going to be normal ever. these trumpanzees are not going away and our allies can see an america in steep decline, so amoral people would elect this and put up with it through 4 years of unhinged on the sh!++er on twitter at 1 AM lunacy, hundreds of disqualifying actions and statements including right now and its obvious if they would do this once it can happen again. Our allies are quietly beginning to divest, to start looking at a future without a dominant US they can rely on as an ally, as the defender of the free world. They see how intept this response is and we are banned from travel to canada for chrissakes. We used to lead the world in crisis :cry: .

I hope Biden can build some brides back but its never gonna be like it was pre trump. 60 million americans are in a cult that didn't exist 5 years ago and is never going away.
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:05 pm

Hawktawk wrote:https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/522718-biden-stretches-lead-over-trump-in-mich-wis-and-penn-poll

These polls are positively devastating for Trump.

As for the above comments things will take an awful long time to ever be "normal". This pandemic is racing ahead by the day in a perfect storm as a president who clearly does not give AF about human life but only figuring out some way to pull this off lies remorselessly in MAGA rallies, to the press, to everyone.

If he wins half a million or more will die IMO. If he loses then what? we still have to rely on his administration till late Jan and he's walking around saying this spike is a media hoax as this rages out of control in numerous parts of the country. Spikes in at least 5 major metropolitan areas followed closely his maskless MAGA rallies. Nearly 50 people in the white house inner circle have now been infected including the chief of staff Marc Short to Pence along with 4 other Pence aides. THIS IS THE LEADER OF THE WH RESPONSE. You cannot make it up :D :D :evil: :evil:

And tens of millions of people are so god damn tribal they will re hire this lunatic :shock: :shock: :shock: :? :? .

No RD its not going to be normal ever. these trumpanzees are not going away and our allies can see an america in steep decline, so amoral people would elect this and put up with it through 4 years of unhinged on the sh!++er on twitter at 1 AM lunacy, hundreds of disqualifying actions and statements including right now and its obvious if they would do this once it can happen again. Our allies are quietly beginning to divest, to start looking at a future without a dominant US they can rely on as an ally, as the defender of the free world. They see how intept this response is and we are banned from travel to canada for chrissakes. We used to lead the world in crisis :cry: .

I hope Biden can build some brides back but its never gonna be like it was pre trump. 60 million americans are in a cult that didn't exist 5 years ago and is never going away.

It is going away with Trump. Once he's gone, they'll move on to the next Republican to support. Just like they always do and have done for decades.
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby RiverDog » Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:26 pm

Hawktawk wrote:No RD its not going to be normal ever. these trumpanzees are not going away and our allies can see an america in steep decline, so amoral people would elect this and put up with it through 4 years of unhinged on the sh!++er on twitter at 1 AM lunacy, hundreds of disqualifying actions and statements including right now and its obvious if they would do this once it can happen again. Our allies are quietly beginning to divest, to start looking at a future without a dominant US they can rely on as an ally, as the defender of the free world. They see how intept this response is and we are banned from travel to canada for chrissakes. We used to lead the world in crisis :cry: .

I hope Biden can build some brides back but its never gonna be like it was pre trump. 60 million americans are in a cult that didn't exist 5 years ago and is never going away.

Aseahawkfan wrote:It is going away with Trump. Once he's gone, they'll move on to the next Republican to support. Just like they always do and have done for decades.

I'm with ASF on this one. Things won't get back to normal until after the pandemic is over, but the 'Trumpanzees' will be marginalized starting in February of 2021. We're not talking about the 45% or so that vote for Trump, we're talking about the 25% or so that thinks he walks on water. The others will support who ever is closest to their values, which is likely to be a pol somewhat more moderate than Trump was.
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:01 pm

RiverDog wrote:I'm with ASF on this one. Things won't get back to normal until after the pandemic is over, but the 'Trumpanzees' will be marginalized starting in February of 2021. We're not talking about the 45% or so that vote for Trump, we're talking about the 25% or so that thinks he walks on water. The others will support who ever is closest to their values, which is likely to be a pol somewhat more moderate than Trump was.

I talk with Trump voters. There are a few that like him. They mostly vote for him because they hate the left. They'll vote for any candidate against the Democrats and the left. Trump is just the current vessel for their hate.

You want to know how to get the voters who voted for Trump to stop supporting Republicans? Democrats should stop voting in people like The Squad. Look at these clowns up there talking about packing the court and the like, pushing socialism, and showing zero understanding or belief in this nation. Defunding the police, racial protests, constant cries of racism until you hear the boy who cried wolf, higher taxes, attacks on business.

Once Trump is gone the looney nature of the Democratic left will return front and center to the media.

Love to see a moderate minority Republican run. I bet that would really draw in the moderate voters of all groups away from the looneyness of the Democratic left's leaders' politics.
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby RiverDog » Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:32 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:You want to know how to get the voters who voted for Trump to stop supporting Republicans? Democrats should stop voting in people like The Squad. Look at these clowns up there talking about packing the court and the like, pushing socialism, and showing zero understanding or belief in this nation. Defunding the police, racial protests, constant cries of racism until you hear the boy who cried wolf, higher taxes, attacks on business.

Yuppers. It was that snake Hillary Clinton that enabled Trump. How would the left react if a conservative candidate told the Democratic base that they were "deplorables" and that half of their base is composed of racists?

It's this same language that Trump has been using that has gotten the Democrats all fired up in this election, why they're coming out of the woodwork to oppose him. Extremism on one side of the ledger leads to extreme reactions on the other.
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:50 am

Nothing would help more than a 3rd party but with this corrupt duopoly brainwashing Americans and controlling debates it will never happen . I agree with asea about liberals although I’ll be interested if Biden is a puppet of the far left or a leader who governs as a center left moderate Democrat . If the latter is true it’s the best we can hope for . Aoc has been very coy and demure and repeatedly deflected questions about Biden’s less radical approach to climate and heath care . She said young people are smart enough to vote for someone they can at least lobby . AOC is a socialist but not a stupid person . If the Democrat base had wanted socialism or radical leftist policies they would have nominated Sanders . Time will tell.
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby RiverDog » Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:29 pm

Hawktawk wrote:AOC is a socialist but not a stupid person.

Not true. AOC is an air head. As mykc pointed out, she couldn't even name the 3 branches of government. She also doesn't know the difference between a tax incentive and tax revenue as she was going to spend the $3B in tax breaks that was due to be given to Amazon for building their headquarters in her district on hiring more teachers and fixing the subways.

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/de-bla ... reak-money
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby c_hawkbob » Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:33 pm

Just because she couldn't once doesn't mean she never could. I've drawn a blank trying to remember my name or age before.
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby Aseahawkfan » Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:15 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Nothing would help more than a 3rd party but with this corrupt duopoly brainwashing Americans and controlling debates it will never happen . I agree with asea about liberals although I’ll be interested if Biden is a puppet of the far left or a leader who governs as a center left moderate Democrat . If the latter is true it’s the best we can hope for . Aoc has been very coy and demure and repeatedly deflected questions about Biden’s less radical approach to climate and heath care . She said young people are smart enough to vote for someone they can at least lobby . AOC is a socialist but not a stupid person . If the Democrat base had wanted socialism or radical leftist policies they would have nominated Sanders . Time will tell.

I believe Biden will be a centrist like he has always been. He may push a little more left, but overall I think he'll be a centrist. One of the good things about Biden is he knows how to reach across the aisle. Always has. I think as has been shown in these debates, he's not as infirmed as some would like us to believe.

And the main thing that will take up this administration's time is getting America right and retaking leadership on the coronavirus. Not pretending it doesn't exist or trying to brush it off as no big deal. If Biden wins it will be to do one main thing: get this coronavirus mess cleaned up, get America back on track, and also help the world coordinate on this mess. No more chaos, denial, politicizing, and other stupidity. Get this coronavirus mess organized and cleaned up. That should be the number one focus of Biden's administration. Not packing courts or any of this other crap.

That's what I think BIden and the Democrats will focus on with none of this garbage of not helping states and cities based on their political affiliation. If they do that, then they will have done what they were voted in office to do because the current Idiot in The White House isn't getting the job done as much as he claims he is.
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby RiverDog » Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:33 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:Just because she couldn't once doesn't mean she never could. I've drawn a blank trying to remember my name or age before.

AOC couldn't simply not remember what the three branches of government are. Her answer was the that they are the Presidency, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. Not understanding that the Senate and House together make up one of the branches is a little worse than not being able to remember the judicial branch.

But even so, I might be able to give her a pass if not for her turning cartwheels because she thought that the state had an extra $3 billion in tax incentives to spend on schools and subways when they ran off Amazon. Even Donald Trump knows the difference between incentives and revenue.

She's an air head.
Last edited by RiverDog on Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby RiverDog » Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:47 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:I believe Biden will be a centrist like he has always been. He may push a little more left, but overall I think he'll be a centrist. One of the good things about Biden is he knows how to reach across the aisle. Always has. I think as has been shown in these debates, he's not as infirmed as some would like us to believe.

It won't take long to find out. If he picks Elizabeth Warren as his Treasury Secretary like the progressives want him to do, he'll govern as a liberal.

Aseahawkfan wrote:And the main thing that will take up this administration's time is getting America right and retaking leadership on the coronavirus. Not pretending it doesn't exist or trying to brush it off as no big deal. If Biden wins it will be to do one main thing: get this coronavirus mess cleaned up, get America back on track, and also help the world coordinate on this mess. No more chaos, denial, politicizing, and other stupidity. Get this coronavirus mess organized and cleaned up. That should be the number one focus of Biden's administration. Not packing courts or any of this other crap.

Agreed. However, by the time Biden takes the oath of office, we should already be into distributing at least one vaccine. Not that the pandemic will be over, but we'll be in the 4th quarter.

Aseahawkfan wrote:That's what I think BIden and the Democrats will focus on with none of this garbage of not helping states and cities based on their political affiliation. If they do that, then they will have done what they were voted in office to do because the current Idiot in The White House isn't getting the job done as much as he claims he is.

Agreed again.
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Oct 28, 2020 6:09 am

RiverDog wrote:
AOC couldn't simply not remember what the three branches of government are. Her answer was the that they are the Presidency, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. Not understanding that the Senate and House together make up one of the branches is a little worse than not being able to remember the judicial branch.

But even so, I might be able to give her a pass if not for her turning cartwheels because she thought that the state had an extra $3 billion in tax incentives to spend on schools and subways when they ran off Amazon. Even Donald Trump knows the difference between incentives and revenue.

She's an air head.

you sound like an old white guy. She's anything but an airhead. Everyone misspeaks when confronted with off the wall questions clearly meant to trip up a candidate.She crushed an entrenched democrat with a huge advantage and she will easily be reelected. I've heard her speak and she's very intelligent although I dont agree with her on much at all .She actually co chaired a committee with Ted Cruz regarding the environment and he spoke highly of her intellect. She's the star of the squad.

The question about "aleppo" sunk Johnson in 2016 and he was more informed on middle eastern affairs with a better plan than anyone else running. Trump is positively clueless on foreign policy or anything else and clearly doesn't respect the branches of government which is way worse than a congressperson misstating the branches once.

As for Amazon one can question if a guy who has more money than most of the rest of us put together is really gonna be the economic boom you think in NY with his 15$ hourly wage covid spreading abusive work environment . There's a guy who needs his taxes to go WAAAY UP, not get 3 billion in incentives. In hindsight with Covid it might not have happened anyway
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby RiverDog » Wed Oct 28, 2020 7:15 am

Hawktawk wrote:you sound like an old white guy. She's anything but an airhead. Everyone misspeaks when confronted with off the wall questions clearly meant to trip up a candidate.

Name the three branches of government is an off the wall question? Are you f'ing kidding me? It's a middle school civics question, and an easy one at that. Just ask our friend mykc. For someone elected to the House of Representatives, and a younger person that doesn't have the age excuse to fall back on, I find that rather embarrassing.

Hawktawk wrote:As for Amazon one can question if a guy who has more money than most of the rest of us put together is really gonna be the economic boom you think in NY with his 15$ hourly wage covid spreading abusive work environment . There's a guy who needs his taxes to go WAAAY UP, not get 3 billion in incentives. In hindsight with Covid it might not have happened anyway

That's not the point. The point is that AOC actually thought that since Amazon was no longer going to build their headquarters in her district that they could spend the tax incentives Amazon was due to receive on other things, like schools and subway systems.

Perhaps it's because Trump has lowered the intelligence bar so low that people like you now think that someone like AOC is a genius.

I really wish that we'd pass some sort of law that requires that anyone who files for an elective office take some sort of basic test similar to what we give immigrants that apply for citizenship and make the results public. Same goes with their health, that they should have to take a physical/psychological test, if an objective one can be devised. Not that they have to pass it, just so we know some basic stuff about the candidates we're voting for. Employers and educators do it with prospective employees/students, I don't know why as voters that we wouldn't insist on knowing those rather important details. They can put in that clause within the same legislation that would make it mandatory for candidates to release their tax returns.
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby mykc14 » Wed Oct 28, 2020 10:52 am

Hawktawk wrote:
you sound like an old white guy. She's anything but an airhead. Everyone misspeaks when confronted with off the wall questions clearly meant to trip up a candidate.She crushed an entrenched democrat with a huge advantage and she will easily be reelected. I've heard her speak and she's very intelligent although I dont agree with her on much at all .She actually co chaired a committee with Ted Cruz regarding the environment and he spoke highly of her intellect. She's the star of the squad.

The question about "aleppo" sunk Johnson in 2016 and he was more informed on middle eastern affairs with a better plan than anyone else running. Trump is positively clueless on foreign policy or anything else and clearly doesn't respect the branches of government which is way worse than a congressperson misstating the branches once.

As for Amazon one can question if a guy who has more money than most of the rest of us put together is really gonna be the economic boom you think in NY with his 15$ hourly wage covid spreading abusive work environment . There's a guy who needs his taxes to go WAAAY UP, not get 3 billion in incentives. In hindsight with Covid it might not have happened anyway

I don't know how smart she is or not, but at the very least she wasn't prepared when she was elected. It wasn't just the branches of Government or Amazon. There have been plenty of other issues that have come up and it makes you wonder if she understands how government works sometimes. She has a double major in International relations and economics but was woefully unprepared to answer a question about Israel and Palestine during an interview a few years ago, even though she has spoken about the topic in general terms many times. She worries me politically for many reasons beyond the obvious Socialistic views. She has strong opinions but doesn't seem to understand enough about some of those topics to make informed decisions. You can really start to see that when you dig into the Green New Deal. It was bad on so many levels and to me shows she just doesn't quite get it. Maybe she will with experience and there have been times that I have been impressed with her line of questioning, especially when it comes to government spending and waste. You mention Trump and how clueless he is and although that is irrelevant to AOC I do think there is a decent comparison there. I have told my friends that AOC is the Trump of the Democratic party. She says extreme things to incite a reaction (although not as bad as Trump) and has an almost cult like following without seeming to have a great political understanding.
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby RiverDog » Wed Oct 28, 2020 12:07 pm

mykc14 wrote:I don't know how smart she (AOC) is or not, but at the very least she wasn't prepared when she was elected. It wasn't just the branches of Government or Amazon. There have been plenty of other issues that have come up and it makes you wonder if she understands how government works sometimes. She has a double major in International relations and economics but was woefully unprepared to answer a question about Israel and Palestine during an interview a few years ago, even though she has spoken about the topic in general terms many times. She worries me politically for many reasons beyond the obvious Socialistic views. She has strong opinions but doesn't seem to understand enough about some of those topics to make informed decisions. You can really start to see that when you dig into the Green New Deal. It was bad on so many levels and to me shows she just doesn't quite get it. Maybe she will with experience and there have been times that I have been impressed with her line of questioning, especially when it comes to government spending and waste. You mention Trump and how clueless he is and although that is irrelevant to AOC I do think there is a decent comparison there. I have told my friends that AOC is the Trump of the Democratic party. She says extreme things to incite a reaction (although not as bad as Trump) and has an almost cult like following without seeming to have a great political understanding.

Great post, mykc! You do a really good job of presenting an argument without lacing it with superlatives and inflammatory comments. Hawktalk, are you taking notes? :D Actually I'm displaying a little bit of the pot calling the kettle black syndrome as I've had the tendency to use some rather colorful adjectives in my descriptions, too.

That underlined section is shocking. AOC does not hold herself to be a college graduate and looks even worse when considering her majors. If that type of person is typical of the people our colleges and universities are producing, then we have a serious problem with our higher education system.

I really would like to get you into a discussion about the state of our educational system. One of my biggest pet peeves is how stupid the general American public is. Is it worse nowadays than it was 50 years ago or is it just my perception? Who is to blame, our public school system, parents, the kids themselves, society in general, or the man in the moon? Being that you're an educator, you have a different perspective on the issue than I do and I'd love to hear your opinion on the subject.
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby mykc14 » Wed Oct 28, 2020 2:08 pm

RiverDog wrote:
Great post, mykc! You do a really good job of presenting an argument without lacing it with superlatives and inflammatory comments. Hawktalk, are you taking notes? :D Actually I'm displaying a little bit of the pot calling the kettle black syndrome as I've had the tendency to use some rather colorful adjectives in my descriptions, too.

That underlined section is shocking. AOC does not hold herself to be a college graduate and looks even worse when considering her majors. If that type of person is typical of the people our colleges and universities are producing, then we have a serious problem with our higher education system.

I really would like to get you into a discussion about the state of our educational system. One of my biggest pet peeves is how stupid the general American public is. Is it worse nowadays than it was 50 years ago or is it just my perception? Who is to blame, our public school system, parents, the kids themselves, society in general, or the man in the moon? Being that you're an educator, you have a different perspective on the issue than I do and I'd love to hear your opinion on the subject.

Thanks and yeah the educational system is something that I have been frustrated with for a long time. I would love to discuss it with you when we have a chance. Maybe a new thread would be in order after the election... if we all survive the civil war...
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:22 pm

Yes. Apparently some poll indicated 40% of Americans believe we're headed for a Civil War. Doesn't matter that none of the factors to make a Civil War happen exist, but hey, truth can't get in the way of a good fear-mongering, delusional story of violent paranoia.
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby RiverDog » Wed Oct 28, 2020 5:17 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:Yes. Apparently some poll indicated 40% of Americans believe we're headed for a Civil War. Doesn't matter that none of the factors to make a Civil War happen exist, but hey, truth can't get in the way of a good fear-mongering, delusional story of violent paranoia.

Hehe. Reminds me of the Y2K scare. Despite the fact that the government computers didn't crash when their fiscal year changed to the year 2000 three months ahead of the millennium, there were still people ready to jump out windows on New Year's Eve.

What was it that PT Barnum said about a sucker being born every minute?
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby mykc14 » Wed Oct 28, 2020 6:37 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:Yes. Apparently some poll indicated 40% of Americans believe we're headed for a Civil War. Doesn't matter that none of the factors to make a Civil War happen exist, but hey, truth can't get in the way of a good fear-mongering, delusional story of violent paranoia.

Yeah, especially when both sides are pushing the idea, it’s fear monger if at its finest and way too many Americans buy it hook line and sinker...
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Re: Poll Watching

Postby RiverDog » Wed Oct 28, 2020 6:57 pm

mykc14 wrote:Yeah, especially when both sides are pushing the idea, it’s fear monger if at its finest and way too many Americans buy it hook line and sinker...

A byproduct of our failed attempts to educate our citizens. All the smart people I know don't buy into that type of fear mongering.
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