Joe getting sleepier

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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Sep 30, 2021 7:36 pm

Mike pence said he’s spoken with trump maybe 8 or 9 times since the inauguration . How in the F any self respecting man would ever speak to a man who spread a lie he could overturn an election . It was so successful and pervasive it led to rioters chanting “ hang mike pence” as they hunted lawmakers in the Capitol . It’s mind boggling . It’s a cult . The only *republican * Biden could beat is Trumpanzee . He cost my lifelong party the presidency, the house and the senate . He damaged democracy in ways that can’t be fixed . If the trumplican party runs him out there in 24 it’s the dumbest thing they could do for America whether he wins or loses
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby Aseahawkfan » Fri Oct 01, 2021 4:50 pm

RiverDog wrote:I'm actually not that bummed out about Biden-Harris. Are they my preferred ticket? Absolutely not! But after 4 years of Trump, my tolerance level for Democrats went up a whole bunch.

Trump does still have an amazing amount of support, more than I would have guessed. If the convention were held today, he'd win the nomination easily. But there are signs that his support is starting to wane. The Twitter ban is killing him. It's what propelled him in 2016 and he doesn't have near the voice and doesn't reach near the number of supporters he was able to in 2016. Plus he lost a lot of moderates and independents after the election.

We'll see how badly his farts stink in 2024.

Didn't you say Biden was polling at super low numbers? Trump coming back and getting the full support of the Republican Party would increase his voice again. Him being able to do his rallies again could get him going. His rallies are where he really shines in front of a big audience using his salesman rhetoric. If the pandemic is under control and all the Dems are pushing is defund the police, critical race theory, and vaccine mandates and lockdowns, not real sure what vision of hope they can offer Americans.

I would much prefer Trump unable to run for office because I'm nowhere near as confident as you that a Trump-Desantis ticket couldn't beat a Biden-Harris ticket in a nation tired of COVID protocols, constant race baiting, and the general policies of the Democrats, especially if they raise taxes in a way that pisses people off or the economy dumps at the wrong time.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby Aseahawkfan » Fri Oct 01, 2021 4:52 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Mike pence said he’s spoken with trump maybe 8 or 9 times since the inauguration . How in the F any self respecting man would ever speak to a man who spread a lie he could overturn an election . It was so successful and pervasive it led to rioters chanting “ hang mike pence” as they hunted lawmakers in the Capitol . It’s mind boggling . It’s a cult . The only *republican * Biden could beat is Trumpanzee . He cost my lifelong party the presidency, the house and the senate . He damaged democracy in ways that can’t be fixed . If the trumplican party runs him out there in 24 it’s the dumbest thing they could do for America whether he wins or loses

Trump could really have a shot of retaking the White House in 2024 if they don't stick something on him. People are real tired of Democratic policies and it's only been a year. Wait until the Dems raise taxes and possibly harm the economy. A bad economy in 2024 with Trump back offering a solution and you have 4 more years of chaos.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby RiverDog » Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:47 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:Trump could really have a shot of retaking the White House in 2024 if they don't stick something on him. People are real tired of Democratic policies and it's only been a year. Wait until the Dems raise taxes and possibly harm the economy. A bad economy in 2024 with Trump back offering a solution and you have 4 more years of chaos.

I think that another Trump presidency is a very real possibility, and I don't even think it matters if they stick something on him. There's nothing in the Constitution that prevents a felon from running for office, and the vast majority of his supporters either don't care or will dismiss it as a witch hunt.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby Aseahawkfan » Sat Oct 02, 2021 8:29 pm

RiverDog wrote:I think that another Trump presidency is a very real possibility, and I don't even think it matters if they stick something on him. There's nothing in the Constitution that prevents a felon from running for office, and the vast majority of his supporters either don't care or will dismiss it as a witch hunt.

So this guy could have something stuck on him, go to jail, run for office from jail, win, and then pardon himself? That is not great.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby RiverDog » Sun Oct 03, 2021 6:08 am

RiverDog wrote:I think that another Trump presidency is a very real possibility, and I don't even think it matters if they stick something on him. There's nothing in the Constitution that prevents a felon from running for office, and the vast majority of his supporters either don't care or will dismiss it as a witch hunt.

Aseahawkfan wrote:So this guy could have something stuck on him, go to jail, run for office from jail, win, and then pardon himself? That is not great.

It's debatable whether or not a sitting POTUS can pardon themselves, but it's clear that even a convicted felon (so long as he's not impeached by Congress) can qualify for President:

Article II, Section 1, Clause 5:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Age, natural born citizen, and continuous residency are the only requirements.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby Hawktawk » Mon Oct 04, 2021 8:10 am

I’m not saying Biden Harris can beat Trump . I’m saying he is the only person I could see Biden beating in 24 at this point . As I’ve followed this saga Hillary was the only person Trump would have beaten . Trump is the only person that 81 million people feared and loathed enough to put Biden in office . I’m one . Polls of independents who voted Biden show he is cratering with them . They DO NOT regret dispatching trump however and show no
Inclination to return to him. I never did of course . He is a loathsome evil person . Many republicans will never come back to him . Not saying he couldn’t win . He’s just Biden’s only chance . Give me Ben Sasse etc I can’t wait to vote for him.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby RiverDog » Mon Oct 04, 2021 12:25 pm

Hawktawk wrote:I’m not saying Biden Harris can beat Trump . I’m saying he is the only person I could see Biden beating in 24 at this point . As I’ve followed this saga Hillary was the only person Trump would have beaten . Trump is the only person that 81 million people feared and loathed enough to put Biden in office . I’m one . Polls of independents who voted Biden show he is cratering with them . They DO NOT regret dispatching trump however and show no
Inclination to return to him. I never did of course . He is a loathsome evil person . Many republicans will never come back to him . Not saying he couldn’t win . He’s just Biden’s only chance . Give me Ben Sasse etc I can’t wait to vote for him.

I'd love to vote for Ben Sasse, too, and yeah, Biden is cratering. R's in the 2022 elections can't wait to run against him. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of D's ask him to stay out of the midterms.

But unfortunately, I don't see the majority of R's distancing themselves from Trump anytime soon. It might be a long time before we have the opportunity of voting for a moderate R.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby Hawktawk » Mon Oct 04, 2021 12:57 pm

Here is the thing people miss about why such a supposedly popular among republicans guy lost the presidency and both houses in 4 years . Yeah he’s at 90% approval among trumplican voters . It’s a record high approval blah blah blah . The party has shrunk however during the Trump takeover . In the past a president or candidate with 80% approval in their party could count on the majority of the 20% disgruntled voters to still support them as opposed to voting for the opponent . The 10% who reject trump will NEVER support him . As many people as buy into his psycho governance there’s always gonna be more who don’t . That was true even in 2016 , just the rigged electoral college . A majority of Americans have never approved of the guy . He’s Biden’s only hope .
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby RiverDog » Mon Oct 04, 2021 1:53 pm

Hawktawk wrote:Here is the thing people miss about why such a supposedly popular among republicans guy lost the presidency and both houses in 4 years . Yeah he’s at 90% approval among trumplican voters . It’s a record high approval blah blah blah . The party has shrunk however during the Trump takeover . In the past a president or candidate with 80% approval in their party could count on the majority of the 20% disgruntled voters to still support them as opposed to voting for the opponent . The 10% who reject trump will NEVER support him . As many people as buy into his psycho governance there’s always gonna be more who don’t . That was true even in 2016 , just the rigged electoral college . A majority of Americans have never approved of the guy . He’s Biden’s only hope .

I'll believe it when I see it. I thought that Trump was going to lose by a landslide even before he f&@#ed up the pandemic response after which Republicans would run from him like the plague, yet he made it a relatively close election out of it and he still has a very significant base that must be reckoned with. The "blue wave" never materialized. If it hadn't been for the pandemic, we might still be staring at that orange hair and having to put up with all that crapola. There's still a lot of very disillusioned, wayward souls out there, many more than I ever imagined. They aren't fairly represented in the polling numbers.

Let's wait and see who, if anybody, in the Republican party emerges after the midterms that might denounce Trumpism. But I'm not holding my breath.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby Hawktawk » Mon Oct 04, 2021 2:24 pm

How was there gonna be a blue wave with the whacked policies of the left . As Romney said post election the top
If the ticket was “ a referendum on a person” . People split their ticket ..and it really was not a close election relatively speaking . Yeah closer in the rigged electoral college but the man lost by over 6 million votes . As many of the cultists and racists and conspiracy freaks as he drew out to vote for him he spawned 81 million to vote for aging old man many who disapproved of his policies . And for the 60 million QAnon. Freaks who thought he won there are 17 million who didn’t . Then came the riot . I’d love to
Be s Democratic advertisement executive putting together a series of reminders of what a whack job and awful president he was . I really hope Biden isn’t the candidate frankly but he’s only got a chance if it’s the Cheeto .
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby RiverDog » Mon Oct 04, 2021 2:56 pm

Hawktawk wrote:How was there gonna be a blue wave with the whacked policies of the left . As Romney said post election the top
If the ticket was “ a referendum on a person” . People split their ticket ..and it really was not a close election relatively speaking . Yeah closer in the rigged electoral college but the man lost by over 6 million votes . As many of the cultists and racists and conspiracy freaks as he drew out to vote for him he spawned 81 million to vote for aging old man many who disapproved of his policies . And for the 60 million QAnon. Freaks who thought he won there are 17 million who didn’t . Then came the riot . I’d love to
Be s Democratic advertisement executive putting together a series of reminders of what a whack job and awful president he was . I really hope Biden isn’t the candidate frankly but he’s only got a chance if it’s the Cheeto .

The "rigged" Electoral College is how we elect Presidents and it's not going to change in our lifetime so there's no sense whining about it. The popular vote doesn't mean squat. If the Democrats want to win the Presidency, they need to nominate candidates with coast to coast and city to country appeal and not just to a particular segment of the country. It's a lot easier to win by conforming to the rules of the game than it is to try to change the rules so you can win.

If you don't remember the pundits predicting that Biden would win by 100+ electoral votes, that the Dems would pick up at least 10 seats in the House and would win back the Senate, then your memory is shorter than your manhood. They wanted the election to be a referendum on Trump as they were convinced that many more people shared their vision of him than didn't. In some respects, the Democrats were almost as delusional as Trump.

I don't think that Biden is the only candidate that could beat Trump in 2024, but he's the only one that is enough of a centrist that can win the nomination.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon Oct 04, 2021 3:11 pm

Hawktawk wrote:How was there gonna be a blue wave with the whacked policies of the left . As Romney said post election the top
If the ticket was “ a referendum on a person” . People split their ticket ..and it really was not a close election relatively speaking . Yeah closer in the rigged electoral college but the man lost by over 6 million votes . As many of the cultists and racists and conspiracy freaks as he drew out to vote for him he spawned 81 million to vote for aging old man many who disapproved of his policies . And for the 60 million QAnon. Freaks who thought he won there are 17 million who didn’t . Then came the riot . I’d love to
Be s Democratic advertisement executive putting together a series of reminders of what a whack job and awful president he was . I really hope Biden isn’t the candidate frankly but he’s only got a chance if it’s the Cheeto .

I would support a split in this country if the electoral college ever goes away. I'm not having a nation where everything is decided by California and New York. The large popular vote win margin was 99% California and New York. There is no way two states should dictate to the entire country due to the size of their bloated population where liberals Democrats have gathered. You would rue the day you wanted a popular vote deciding president in this country. You would never see another election decided by any states but the biggest most populous states, while all the small states were unimportant and unheard.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby RiverDog » Mon Oct 04, 2021 4:00 pm

Aseahawkfan wrote:I would support a split in this country if the electoral college ever goes away. I'm not having a nation where everything is decided by California and New York. The large popular vote win margin was 99% California and New York. There is no way two states should dictate to the entire country due to the size of their bloated population where liberals Democrats have gathered. You would rue the day you wanted a popular vote deciding president in this country. You would never see another election decided by any states but the biggest most populous states, while all the small states were unimportant and unheard.

The electoral college isn't going away. Period. It would require a Constitutional amendment with 2/3's of both the Senate and the House along with 2/3's of the states.

It's not the states that are dividing the country. The division exists between urban and rural. If we went to a straight popular vote, rural areas would have no voice whatsoever. Even in the electoral college the rural areas are at a disadvantage as the urban states have more electoral votes than rural ones. A classic case of what would happen nation wide exists right here in WA state. Washington hasn't elected a Republican governor since John Spellman came in on Ronald Reagan's coattails in 1980. There hasn't been a Republican Senator elected since Slade Gorton in 1994. Eastern Washington, and other rural areas, have zero voice in state politics. That scenario would be duplicated on a national level should the electoral college ever be abolished. It could lead to a 2nd civil war.

We've discussed this before, but one change in the electoral college that I'd be in favor of would be to get rid winner-take-all, award each of the country's 435 Congressional districts one vote, and give one vote to the District of Columbia. 436 total electoral votes. There's also been some discussion about a ranked choice system that would give an independent or 3rd party candidate a little more of a chance.

But saying that any of those proposals has a snowball's chance in hell would be a huge overstatement.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby tarlhawk » Wed Oct 06, 2021 7:57 am

Wow...pretty dangerous ground to tread. This is why politics is/was never a good topic to bring up at the dinner table...My grandfathers favorite barbershop held many a raised voice...and frankly men sounded like men to my young ears. Focus your opinions on raw emotions and you'll soon find yourself tempted into saying "as fact" things you wouldn't claim if you took a "timeout" to apply reasoning.

I could talk ad nausium of my own reasoning and viewpoints...but I do better with civil discourse...not by being painted into a corner thru the use of labeling. That is a winning political strategy...painting/pinning down your "opponents" views on "hot topics" by coming out front and label them before they have a chance to get traction on expressing their own personal viewpoint.

Of course everyone thinks of themselves in a political fashion because of a simple term that took our social channels by storm...PC (political correctness) When I first heard of this term at work my first reaction was akin of having my leg pulled...then upon finding out what it was supposed to mean I was wishing I could laugh it off. Its very terms "political"" and "correctness" are fraught with dangerous implications. Politicians have always had to mind their "P's and Q's) whenever discussing another country in a derogatory fashion using a public venue...why? ...because their expressed viewpoints (in an age where information (good and bad) is so easily distributed) are seen as representing an "official" stance of our country.

The common man out enjoying social exchange and "private" banter in a public setting should never feel burdened by such scrutiny (as if China would find his opinion offensive)...but our new viewpoints of social justice have determined you have no such freedom...your freedom has now become an obligation to not hurt anyone's feelings...another example of heeding emotions (and don't let reasoning intervene). This is being fed by a feeling of over importance...instead of making contributing opinions its an entitlement feeling that hey you NEED to listen to me...for your own good. In that type of environment why would anyone seek common ground with differing opinions? So this response is merely my expression of why I have no opinions to share in a social/political forum.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby c_hawkbob » Wed Oct 06, 2021 8:09 am

Never have I seen anyone devote so much verbiage to say "I have nothing to say" ... well done!
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby RiverDog » Wed Oct 06, 2021 12:11 pm

tarlhawk wrote:I could talk ad nausium of my own reasoning and viewpoints...but I do better with civil discourse.

So this response is merely my expression of why I have no opinions to share in a social/political forum.

Understood. You're welcome to join in anytime you feel like it.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby tarlhawk » Wed Oct 06, 2021 1:23 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:Never have I seen anyone devote so much verbiage to say "I have nothing to say" ... well done!

Haha I was kinda prepping based on what I have read so far...that my opinions might fall on the opposing side. I enjoy good banter as much as anyone...but politics can tend to get on the nastier side and I've been enjoying our sports dialogue. Lol thanks for putting it in a funny light!
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby tarlhawk » Wed Oct 06, 2021 1:25 pm

Thanks Riverdog...I'll give it careful consideration!
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby c_hawkbob » Wed Oct 06, 2021 1:28 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:Never have I seen anyone devote so much verbiage to say "I have nothing to say" ... well done!

tarlhawk wrote:Haha I was kinda prepping based on what I have read so far...that my opinions might fall on the opposing side. I enjoy good banter as much as anyone...but politics can tend to get on the nastier side and I've been enjoying our sports dialogue. Lol thanks for putting it in a funny light!

Understood and I agree. I tend to be of a generally opposing political bent than most who post in the off topic section here and yes, it can get quite nasty, which is why I peruse this side more than participate, though I will occasionally indulge.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby RiverDog » Wed Oct 06, 2021 2:59 pm

tarlhawk wrote: Haha I was kinda prepping based on what I have read so far...that my opinions might fall on the opposing side. I enjoy good banter as much as anyone...but politics can tend to get on the nastier side and I've been enjoying our sports dialogue. Lol thanks for putting it in a funny light!

Regarding your opinions falling on "the opposing side", you might be surprised. When we get everyone involved, ie about 5-6 of us, there's a relatively even split between liberal and conservative. Each one of us regulars are unique in our POV's.

And discussions don't always have to be about politics. In the recent past, we've had obituary threads, Covid 19, a thread about Gonzaga basketball, Bill Cosby, team nicknames like Redskins, and so on. We even had a thread on personal finance a while back.

Give it a try, you might like it.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby tarlhawk » Wed Oct 06, 2021 3:56 pm

I have seen some games of John Thompson's Georgetown Hoyas that were intriguing by their team makeup. Patrick Ewing told his coach that he would accept moving over to power forward if it brought in Dikembe Mutombo to be their center. I'm a sucker for whenever a stellar athlete reveals an unselfish nature in their actions. This is sport's related and has nothing to do with a more serious subject as this topic.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby RiverDog » Wed Oct 06, 2021 4:53 pm

tarlhawk wrote:I have seen some games of John Thompson's Georgetown Hoyas that were intriguing by their team makeup. Patrick Ewing told his coach that he would accept moving over to power forward if it brought in Dikembe Mutombo to be their center. I'm a sucker for whenever a stellar athlete reveals an unselfish nature in their actions. This is sport's related and has nothing to do with a more serious subject as this topic.


Sports related from about 40 years ago. You're showing your age!
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby Hawktawk » Wed Oct 06, 2021 5:49 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:Never have I seen anyone devote so much verbiage to say "I have nothing to say" ... well done!

This here^ fine with me tarihawk just stick to football then .
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby curmudgeon » Fri Oct 08, 2021 10:15 am

Things are going great!! :D
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Oct 08, 2021 12:28 pm

curmudgeon wrote:Things are going great!! :D

No they aren’t . Looks like another bad president . But there’s no bad policy Biden can enact that would destroy America the way Cheeto did . So glad the loser is gone .
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby curmudgeon » Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:26 pm

Economic recovery, most jobs created in decades, higher wages, pandemic on decline, domestic terrorism targets identified, unvaccinated terminated from employment, GOP crushed, global respect, no new taxes for middle class, building back better. What’s not to love? ;)
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Oct 08, 2021 5:38 pm

curmudgeon wrote:Economic recovery, most jobs created in decades, higher and concede. wagesa. , pandemic on decline, domestic terrorism targets identified, unvaccinated terminated from employment, GOP crushed, global respect, no new taxes for middle class, building back better. What’s not to love? ;)

How about subverting democracy 3 times in 4 years , Russia , Ukraine , and then insurrection,a refusal to be an American first a riot , a lie being perpetrated until this day poisoning 60 million minds forever , treasonous unamerican refusal to concede . How about little Rocket man who went from maybe 2 crude warheads to as many as 50 with a delivery system with global reach . Iran is weeks from a nuke due to Cheeto abandoning a deal the whole world signed on to . How about being Vlads C@kholster a Russian asset who let them run amok .

And did you really mention the pandemic Trump Fd up worse than any other industrialized nation :lol: :lol: :lol: . He was worse then bad, screwed the entire planet actually . His BS made it worse , confused people , created a cult within the trumplican cult . The anti vax plandemic anti mask party of death that’s been responsible for almost all delta deaths . Never mind over 4 trillion in new debt before the pandemic and a total of 7.8 Trillion in 4 years . It’s kinda like a football game you gotta play 4 quarters . First 3 he rode that Obama recovery and record deficit spending like a pussy grabbing pro, even had time to golf 3 times a week . One crisis not entirely of his making and he couldn’t handle it . His last year was historically bad and he intentionally laid many of the land mines Biden is stepping on now because trump doesn’t give a F about America . Just himself . Biden looks like the second mentally unwell president but even he isn’t the danger Trump was and is and will be until he’s incarcerated or dead .
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby curmudgeon » Fri Oct 08, 2021 5:46 pm

As I said, what’s not to love?……
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:28 pm

curmudgeon wrote:As I said, what’s not to love?……

There is nothing acceptable about American politics on either end of the spectrum . If you’re a Republican with a conscience that opposes Cheeto you get death threats . If your a moderate Democrat trying to save the party from a socialist takeover you have psychotic activists following you into a bathroom stall . We’re screwed . It’s a funny farm and it started quite a while before Biden won the election . We the people should demand more . Shame on us .
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby RiverDog » Sat Oct 09, 2021 5:20 am

Hawktawk wrote:There is nothing acceptable about American politics on either end of the spectrum . If you’re a Republican with a conscience that opposes Cheeto you get death threats . If your a moderate Democrat trying to save the party from a socialist takeover you have psychotic activists following you into a bathroom stall . We’re screwed . It’s a funny farm and it started quite a while before Biden won the election . We the people should demand more . Shame on us .

I agree with that. The only thing that matters is your political cause. It's madness.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby I-5 » Tue Oct 12, 2021 5:02 pm

There's nothing in the Constitution that prevents a felon from running for office

Sorry I'm late to the party, but the comment above from Riv seems like a major major flaw in a system that would allow that. Is that really true? I could murder someone then run for President of the United States? Or is there a line drawn for what type of felon is allowed?
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby RiverDog » Wed Oct 13, 2021 4:35 am

There's nothing in the Constitution that prevents a felon from running for office

I-5 wrote:Sorry I'm late to the party, but the comment above from Riv seems like a major major flaw in a system that would allow that. Is that really true? I could murder someone then run for President of the United States? Or is there a line drawn for what type of felon is allowed?

There are no lines drawn. There is nothing in the Constitution that would prevent a person convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison from running for POTUS. Age, country of birth, and residency are the only requirements, and it would require the passage of an amendment to the Constitution to change or add to the requirements. You could run for POTUS from your jail cell. You don't even have to be a registered voter.

Believe it or not, a prison inmate can run for president. The US Constitution lays out the requirements to run for the office.

35 years of age or older;

A natural born citizen of the United States (or a citizen of one of the United States at the time of the adoption of the Constitution); and,
Fourteen years a resident of the United States

Nowhere in the Constitution does it specify that a presidential candidate must not be a prisoner or needs to be eligible and registered to vote. ... in-prison/
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby tarlhawk » Wed Oct 13, 2021 1:56 pm

Those are the constitutional standards...but their are other things necessary to discharge the responsibilities of POTUS...the least of which is the ability to hold a security clearance equal or above anything he may need to see while in office...not a requirement to run but once the general public was educated specifically on this...its unlikely he/she could gather enough votes to win the electoral college. I wish I could say this with certainty...but recent events that have defied logic have all become hot-button issues.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby RiverDog » Wed Oct 13, 2021 3:46 pm

tarlhawk wrote:Those are the constitutional standards...but their are other things necessary to discharge the responsibilities of POTUS...the least of which is the ability to hold a security clearance equal or above anything he may need to see while in office...not a requirement to run but once the general public was educated specifically on this...its unlikely he/she could gather enough votes to win the electoral college. I wish I could say this with certainty...but recent events that have defied logic have all become hot-button issues.

Referencing another thread, if 29% of the general public can't find the Pacific Ocean on a map, it's not too much of a stretch of the imagination for 50% of the general public to be uneducated on presidential responsibilities.

Point is that there is nothing, Constitutional or otherwise, preventing a convicted felon, even if they're incarcerated, from running for POTUS.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby tarlhawk » Wed Oct 13, 2021 4:29 pm

RiverDog wrote:Point is that there is nothing, Constitutional or otherwise, preventing a convicted felon, even if they're incarcerated, from running for POTUS.

Running and attaining are two different outcomes. If declared as a third party...results are very slim for attaining. For either of the current two parties to endorse such an individual would be political suicide. He would have to survive debates...winning a parties primary...and enough endorsements/financial backing to even gather enough signatures from the fifty states to even be viable as being put on a ballot...still impossible.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby RiverDog » Wed Oct 13, 2021 5:52 pm

RiverDog wrote:Point is that there is nothing, Constitutional or otherwise, preventing a convicted felon, even if they're incarcerated, from running for POTUS.

tarlhawk wrote:Running and attaining are two different outcomes. If declared as a third party...results are very slim for attaining. For either of the current two parties to endorse such an individual would be political suicide. He would have to survive debates...winning a parties primary...and enough endorsements/financial backing to even gather enough signatures from the fifty states to even be viable as being put on a ballot...still impossible.

Understood and agreed. It was never my contention that a convicted felon could reasonably attain the presidency, only that there was nothing preventing them from running.

As far as I'm concerned....and I have to qualify my opinion by saying that I voted for Republican POTUS candidates in every cycle from 1972 through 2012...the Republican party has gone off the deep end. I truly think that Trump would still win the nomination even if he was convicted and behind bars. He probably couldn't win the presidency, but I think that the R's have gone completely bonkers to the point where they would rationalize any conviction or imprisonment as a "witch hunt".
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby tarlhawk » Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:19 am

Like most republicans who ran for office in 2016...I thought Trump was a distraction similar to Ross Perot...he had enough wealth to hang in for awhile but not to be taken seriously. The fact that he began to resonate with the general public who have grown tired of acrid politicians enabled him to stay further. By the time he was seen as a sincere threat...he had gained too much traction...and no other running republican could separate themselves from being politicians. He came across as candid and appealed to many americans who were tired of what politics had become. Successful businessmen are not an accident...Jeff Bezos established Amazon by offering business standards that had eroded into distant memories...his company gave a sincere feeling of caring and he demonstrated leadership with visionary skills. The early years of Amazon suffered through losses but he never quit on his goals. Politics has devolved to the point that known politicians have no real need to "come out of nowhere" and convey a sincere connection with what America as a whole desires...true leadership. Leadership isnt merely attacking your opponent..."mud slinging" is a tired expectation...the people want to know why a candidate feels they best represent leadership that builds up not tears down...offers hope/inspiration.

Abe Lincoln was well known for some quotes that revealed insights into human character...he observed that a person dedicated in finding the "bad" in an individual will discover it (but what is the motive?)...its not something to revel in. I never found Biden as an example of inspiring leadership...he ran only on portraying his opponent as some clown...presidential decorum was never on display while the media championed his cause. The manner in which he attacked Trumps character was not was incisive and he was some brave figure standing up against a bully. His personal attacks...not nicknames...(but brimming with hatred character assassination) were careless. Your attacks were not evident of a uniter because in making your attacks so focused on a man many americans had voted on you only divided the country further by insinuating that the public at large had been "duped".

I recall nothing that touted any leadership strengths that he was running on...and his "acting angry" came across that way. His polls are failing because he has shown no leadership out of the very dark times our country finds itself in...his use of the VP to fix the border crisis is an example of delegating leadership (nothing wrong with that) but you can't delegate leaderships responsibility for a problem that continues to grow worse. I see a man who won by inspiring hate...not an inspiring leader...I find no glee in pointing out any of this because I see beyond falling approval ratings...and its america that is suffering.
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby curmudgeon » Thu Oct 14, 2021 10:07 am

America is simply facing high class problems. I’m confident that the academic elites charged with the control of the US government will undoubtedly build back better……
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Re: Joe getting sleepier

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Oct 15, 2021 4:55 am

tarlhawk wrote:I never found Biden as an example of inspiring leadership...he ran only on portraying his opponent as some clown...presidential decorum was never on display while the media championed his cause. The manner in which he attacked Trumps character was not was incisive and he was some brave figure standing up against a bully. His personal attacks...not nicknames...(but brimming with hatred character assassination) were careless. Your attacks were not evident of a uniter because in making your attacks so focused on a man many americans had voted on you only divided the country further by insinuating that the public at large had been "duped".

I recall nothing that touted any leadership strengths that he was running on...and his "acting angry" came across that way. His polls are failing because he has shown no leadership out of the very dark times our country finds itself in...his use of the VP to fix the border crisis is an example of delegating leadership (nothing wrong with that) but you can't delegate leaderships responsibility for a problem that continues to grow worse. I see a man who won by inspiring hate...not an inspiring leader...I find no glee in pointing out any of this because I see beyond falling approval ratings...and its america that is suffering.

Hello? Biden didn't run on attacking Trump as much as ignoring him. He ran on THE CORONAVIRUS and it was a winning issue for him since the orange psycho couldn't have F#$ked it up any worse. Made it worse intentionally for political purposes like an evil man would do. As big an unamerican traitorous clown as Trump was I was astounded by the votes he got in November. People with a death wish. And running on inspiring hate? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll: Did you really listen to the Cheeto for 4 years or did you pull a gruden and play along. really???

7 million people like this 62 year lifelong straight ticket republican voter voted for an old mentally fading liberal douche bag. We would have voted for a ham sandwich and maybe we did. We voted NOT TRUMP. That's how bad your orange Cheeto really was. And he laid land mines on the way out the door too. Afghanistan and the border are 2 Biden's already stepped on which is totally on him but an evil man intentionally boxes in and undermines his successor, not just by making policy decisions like removing 6 K troops for Afghanistan and releasing 5k Taliban without conditions after losing an election. Iran, China, NK, Russia etc. coming up, all nations far stronger than 2016 due to Trump policies.

The really evil thing the worst most incompetent president in history did is convince 70 million people he won the election thereby rendering Biden DOA, illegitimate the day he was sworn in. He caused a riot, republican elections officials getting death threats. Those in the formerly republican's now trumpanzee party who stood up getting primary ,threatened. Fealty to a beaten, twice impeached mentally ill evil man is the litmus test for this party.

Trumps legacy is that of the deaths of about 400K plus of the 700 K in this country due to his bullshit which continues to haunt this country till this day. The most recent delta variant which kicked our economy in the nuts and overwhelmed health care like never before killed 90 K!!!!!!! people who would have lived with a vaccine. Cops , part of the Trump cult wont take it nor will first responders even though its the leading cause of death in both groups. MOF its the leading cause of death for all adults ages 35 to 49 and second overall in this nation for all groups during delta. These are almost all trump supporters who wont do what Biden wants which is get vaccinated for all of us. I shudder to think of what would have happened had the Cheeto and his inept people been in power when this variant got here rather than Biden who came through on his signature issue making vaccines available to everyone. But when the subcult of the trump cult is so whacked they will not take a shot but will take horse medicine there's only so much you can do. There are people who hate Joe Biden so bad they would rather see people die than se him get a win on anything.

Biden's poll are sinking because he inherited a sh#t sandwich known as a covid economy. He pulled the pin on the Afghanistan grenade trump left for him which is when the slide started. Covid supply chain issues and accompanying inflation aren't helping, nor is the bickering between the factions in his party which have slowed his initiatives and given republicans avenues to attack. The border looks horrible but again, earthquakes, hurricanes, no jobs or food corrupt police who assassinated the president of Haiti created a logjam right up to the cork in the southern border. Trump cutting off all aid to the northern triangle countries in his first year is a huge factor. Its a mess but its hurting Biden badly.

Biden's falling polls still put him squarely even with Trumps 4 years ago and there was a growing economy and no pandemic!!!! so how bad was Trump again? Biden is in big trouble because he is so bland and lacking charisma he really cant disarm people with humor. He is mentally shot, unable to complete a sentence even on the teleprompter. I could see where there's a very low bottom for him.

Make no mistake on where I'm coming from. I think Biden should be removed under the 25th amendment as I do not believe his cognitive function is fit be commander in chief. I felt exactly the same about the previous guy far earlier into his term. Yall worry about policy, I worry about stuff like an nuclear pearl harbor, China attacking Taiwan etc., and we need a really savvy smart alert commander in chief which we haven't had in a while.

But Biden's not evil. I believe he does love his country and whatever his policies they aren't made to benefit his wallet. Trump???all of the above. He doesn't care about anyone but himself, never did and never will. You were duped and continue to be.
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