Ferguson shooting and riots

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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby kalibane » Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:36 am

Sorry to dredge this up again but given the couple of incidents (one in my back yard and one in South Carolina) with video of police shooting black men for no justifiable reason I want to reassert my point of why the anger exists.

In an Ohio Wal-Mart a 22 year old picks up a pellet gun off the shelf and continues browsing through the store. Cops are called. When they get there they take covered positions, announce themselves but start shooting before the kid can even acknowledge the announcement. He's dead. Police still have their jobs. Grand Jury voted to not indict. There is video of this. What makes this incident worse is Ohio is an Open Carry state. You don't even need to have a license to carry a gun in public that you legally own. And People often make a point to carry them in Wal-Mart (why Wal-Mart I have no idea) just to prove a point. So him holding a weapon (even if it was the real deal) is not an excuse.

South Carolina, Man gets pulled over for an alleged seat belt violation. He's asked to get out of his car for a simple traffic stop (the first questionable action by the cop) then he's asked for his license and when he leans into the car to get it the cop immediately opens fire. At least in this case the victim is still alive, and the cop has been fired and charged.

People keep saying that these are isolated incidents. They are not. There is a reason why people got angry in Ferguson. And to add insult to injury when these incidents do make the news the country in general doesn't really care. And a bunch of people make exuses for law enforcement.

These are just the shootings. And just the ones that get caught on camera. Now extrapolate from that how many "justified" shootings were never caught on video. People need to stop acting like these are isolated incidents and that every time Police do something terribly wrong it's caught on tape and/or makes headlines. I'm not going to say it's just the tip of the iceberg and that the vast majority of inappropriate cop behavior isn't known about but it's definitely like a large ship floating on the water... There is a whole lot of ship underneath the surface.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby RiverDog » Sat Sep 27, 2014 7:15 am

kalibane wrote:People keep saying that these are isolated incidents. They are not. There is a reason why people got angry in Ferguson. And to add insult to injury when these incidents do make the news the country in general doesn't really care. And a bunch of people make exuses for law enforcement.

These are just the shootings. And just the ones that get caught on camera. Now extrapolate from that how many "justified" shootings were never caught on video. People need to stop acting like these are isolated incidents and that every time Police do something terribly wrong it's caught on tape and/or makes headlines. I'm not going to say it's just the tip of the iceberg and that the vast majority of inappropriate cop behavior isn't known about but it's definitely like a large ship floating on the water... There is a whole lot of ship underneath the surface.

There are scores of incidents daily in this country where a cop shoots and kills a suspect. We've had several in my community in just the past couple of months. Occasionally, perhaps more often than we want to admit, an unjustified shooting occurs. In addition, unjustified cop shootings is not a 21st century phenomenon. They've been going on for decades, if not centuries. The fact that once in a blue moon an unjustified cop shooting occurs does not surprise me a bit, which might help explain why the country might seem to be a bit indifferent to these incidents. For me, it lost its shock value a long time ago.

There are an estimated 800,000 law enforcement officers in the United States, and like the rest of the population, there is a certain percentage of incompetent, thin skinned, reactionary, and yes, racist individuals amongst their ranks. It is not acceptable to have these incidents occur, but it is understandable. Cops have been placed on hair triggers with all the mass pubic shootings that have occurred in recent years, and you mix that fact in with some of the Tackleberry style cops that percentages tell us are going to slip through the screening process and you have the makings for an unjustified shooting.

The cops I know want their cruisers and bodies equipped with video cameras and audio recorders. They feel it is a great C.Y.A. device and can use them in their own defense.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby Hawktawk » Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:21 am

Ferguson updated. A memorial makeshift shrine to Micheal Brown caught fire and burned. There is no proof of who did it or even if anyone in particular caused it but the rioting and looting has resumed. And this time a female police officer was shot. I wouldn't be surprised if Sharpton had someone burn it down to keep ginning up anger and getting blacks to the polls.

Obama even spent time discussing Brown and Ferguson at the UN while supposedly making the case for war that he wont call war against Islamic fundamentalist terrorists that he wont call Islamist.Now they are beheading in America and its being called workplace violence.

I know, that's a whole nother subject. But votes are being sought over that dead mans body because turning out the base is the only chance for the dems in November and they will stoop to anything to make it happen..
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby RiverDog » Mon Sep 29, 2014 6:39 am

Hawktawk wrote:Ferguson updated. A memorial makeshift shrine to Micheal Brown caught fire and burned. There is no proof of who did it or even if anyone in particular caused it but the rioting and looting has resumed. And this time a female police officer was shot. I wouldn't be surprised if Sharpton had someone burn it down to keep ginning up anger and getting blacks to the polls.

Obama even spent time discussing Brown and Ferguson at the UN while supposedly making the case for war that he wont call war against Islamic fundamentalist terrorists that he wont call Islamist.Now they are beheading in America and its being called workplace violence.

I know, that's a whole nother subject. But votes are being sought over that dead mans body because turning out the base is the only chance for the dems in November and they will stoop to anything to make it happen..

I don't follow your logic. Sharpton was behind the burning of the memorial? The Ferguson riots are being manipulated by the Dems to get their base to the polls? Can you explain?
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby FolkCrusader » Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:31 am

RiverDog wrote:
There are scores of incidents daily in this country where a cop shoots and kills a suspect. We've had several in my community in just the past couple of months. Occasionally, perhaps more often than we want to admit, an unjustified shooting occurs. In addition, unjustified cop shootings is not a 21st century phenomenon. They've been going on for decades, if not centuries. The fact that once in a blue moon an unjustified cop shooting occurs does not surprise me a bit, which might help explain why the country might seem to be a bit indifferent to these incidents. For me, it lost its shock value a long time ago.

There are an estimated 800,000 law enforcement officers in the United States, and like the rest of the population, there is a certain percentage of incompetent, thin skinned, reactionary, and yes, racist individuals amongst their ranks. It is not acceptable to have these incidents occur, but it is understandable. Cops have been placed on hair triggers with all the mass pubic shootings that have occurred in recent years, and you mix that fact in with some of the Tackleberry style cops that percentages tell us are going to slip through the screening process and you have the makings for an unjustified shooting.

The cops I know want their cruisers and bodies equipped with video cameras and audio recorders. They feel it is a great C.Y.A. device and can use them in their own defense.

Very good point, RD. I've worked around law enforcement in a few jobs and volunteer work that I have done. Most LEOs take their responsibilities very seriously and do an excellent job. Sometimes we forget that because one poor performer is exposed, or one cop is over-zealous in his job. Sometimes even a very good cop just makes a bad mistake.

Each case is an individual set of circumstances, they are not all the same.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby Hawktawk » Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:21 pm


I don't follow your logic. Sharpton was behind the burning of the memorial? The Ferguson riots are being manipulated by the Dems to get their base to the polls? Can you explain?[/quote]

Come on RD surely you can recognize a bit of humor regarding the Sharpton comment.Frankly I wouldn't put anything past that snake charmer but he has bigger fish to fry.

Who knows what happened? I assure you the race baiting poverty pimps are not unhappy the memorial burned, anything to keep Ferguson in the press for another month. Yes RD I am convinced the Democratic party will try to exploit it for votes. When the POTUS brings it up at the UN its a shameless attempt to continue to politicize the tragedy.But not one word from POTUS about the cop that just got shot in Ferguson or the others who are being fired on. Not one word about the nut who beheaded a woman in the name of Islam either. Why? It doesn't fit the story they want to tell.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby RiverDog » Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:31 am

Hawktawk wrote:Come on RD surely you can recognize a bit of humor regarding the Sharpton comment.Frankly I wouldn't put anything past that snake charmer but he has bigger fish to fry.

Who knows what happened? I assure you the race baiting poverty pimps are not unhappy the memorial burned, anything to keep Ferguson in the press for another month. Yes RD I am convinced the Democratic party will try to exploit it for votes. When the POTUS brings it up at the UN its a shameless attempt to continue to politicize the tragedy.But not one word from POTUS about the cop that just got shot in Ferguson or the others who are being fired on. Not one word about the nut who beheaded a woman in the name of Islam either. Why? It doesn't fit the story they want to tell.

I honestly can't tell when you're serious and when you're being sarcastic. Absent any input other than text, I have to take your statements literally.

This wouldn't be the first time that a political party exploited a crime. They all do it, and have been doing it for centuries. You can go back to Bush 41 exploiting Willie Horton during the 1988 campaign if you want to add some political balance to the argument. And I don't want the POTUS speaking out on individual crimes. There's scores of murders committed daily, why give this one anymore attention than any of the other brutal, heinous acts?
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby Seahawks4Ever » Fri Oct 03, 2014 12:06 pm

I see pigeon holing with regards to religion. Just because someone is a Christian doesn't mean they don't believe in evolution (I certainly do) or believe that the Earth is only 6-7 thousand years old ( I certainly do not) yet the knee jerk response when they hear one is a Christian is to assume that I don't believe in evolution and believe the earth is only a few thousand years old.

The same goes for liberal and conservatives. A conservative is considered to be a gun owner, a Christian, and hates the poor.

A liberal is assumed to be an atheist, on public assistance, and hates guns and oh yes, hates America.

There are many more tags I could add but you get the idea.

I try to treat each person as an individual though I admit I am human and I too can lump people together.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby kalibane » Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:11 pm

Seahawks4Ever wrote:I see pigeon holing with regards to religion. Just because someone is a Christian doesn't mean they don't believe in evolution (I certainly do) or believe that the Earth is only 6-7 thousand years old ( I certainly do not) yet the knee jerk response when they hear one is a Christian is to assume that I don't believe in evolution and believe the earth is only a few thousand years old.

The same goes for liberal and conservatives. A conservative is considered to be a gun owner, a Christian, and hates the poor.

A liberal is assumed to be an atheist, on public assistance, and hates guns and oh yes, hates America.

There are many more tags I could add but you get the idea.

I try to treat each person as an individual though I admit I am human and I too can lump people together.

Couldn't disagree more. 77% of the people in America identify as Christian.

The view that "Christian" has become some kind of pejorative has nothing to do with outside forces pigeon holing the practitioners of the religion and everything to do with propoganda created by certain social conservatives for political gain. You talk about Al Sharpton being a poverty pimp (which I agree with), this is the same damn thing. Guys like Bill O'Reilly, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity... they aren't even really trying to live as Christians. They just use Christianity as a chip to stoke the fire of the culture wars that either preserves their ratings or in Newt Gingrich's case helps to Galvanize their base.

There are no large groups of people out there who believe all Christians are into Creationism or other faith based beliefs that conflict with established science. Most of the people who are leading the fight against Creationism and similar ideas are in fact Christians.

These are not an examples of a segment of people being pidgeon holed. This is propoganda.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby Eaglehawk » Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:04 am

"Most of the people who are leading the fight against Creationism and similar ideas are in fact Christians."-Kalibane.

1. Who?
2. How can you be against Creationism and be a Christian?
3. Who is Jesus Christ? Who is God? (As it relates to Jesus Christ). What do you call the followers of Christ? And how do you follow Christ without following God?

Just wanted to ask you Kalibane about this.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby c_hawkbob » Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:28 am

One can be raised Christian and identify with the morality and social structure of Christianity and even accept a majority of the theology as it pertains to "scripture as parable" (meaning to have a moral to the stories) without buying into the strict interpretation of the mythology as historical fact.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby Eaglehawk » Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:12 am

c_hawkbob wrote:One can be raised Christian and identify with the morality and social structure of Christianity and even accept a majority of the theology as it pertains to "scripture as parable" (meaning to have a moral to the stories) without buying into the strict interpretation of the mythology as historical fact.

Was raised in a strict sect. The religion ruined my immediate family and our extended family through its ritual of excommunication and judging others ahd shaming others to do what the religion thought was right. Horrible experience.
Decided that organized religion is not for me. As parables, I can buy it. And it made me a moral and respectful person, but as to going to church every Sunday, nah, that ain't me anymore. I still respect those that do it though. Good for them. We all need to do what suits us individually.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Nov 25, 2014 3:50 pm

Here we go again....never mind the facts. We are in a heap of trouble in this nation and it isn't because we have guys who are willing to put their lives on the line every day to protect us. Its a disgrace what we have become...
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:49 pm

[quote="Hawktawk"]Here we go again....never mind the facts. We are in a heap of trouble in this nation and it isn't because we have guys who are willing to put their lives on the line every day.

So as the Hands up dont shoot and I cant breathe protests continue officers are beginning to be hunted. It was a predictable outcome of all the political grandstanding from POTUS on down to mayors etc piling on what was a largely false narrative.

I was shocked to watch a cell phone video yesterday that showed Big Mike Brown beating an old black man senseless in the hood while his homies watched. He kicked, punched, stomped and slammed this old guy who was literally less than half his size for several minutes. An accomplice got in on the act by rushing the poor guy and slamming his head into a staircase knocking him out cold. Then Mike Brown reached in his pocket and stole his wallet. The old guy gets up and staggers away barely able to walk doubled over in severe pain.

The video speaks for itself.Mike Brown was a heinous, evil monster who got what he deserved. Hes exactly who officer Wilson described encountering.

The major news outlets who have hidden and refused to air this video owe officer Wilson and the Ferguson PD an apology as does the President and attorney general.I'm not holding my breath though.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby RiverDog » Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:10 am

Hawktawk wrote:Here we go again....never mind the facts. We are in a heap of trouble in this nation and it isn't because we have guys who are willing to put their lives on the line every day.

So as the Hands up dont shoot and I cant breathe protests continue officers are beginning to be hunted. It was a predictable outcome of all the political grandstanding from POTUS on down to mayors etc piling on what was a largely false narrative.

I was shocked to watch a cell phone video yesterday that showed Big Mike Brown beating an old black man senseless in the hood while his homies watched. He kicked, punched, stomped and slammed this old guy who was literally less than half his size for several minutes. An accomplice got in on the act by rushing the poor guy and slamming his head into a staircase knocking him out cold. Then Mike Brown reached in his pocket and stole his wallet. The old guy gets up and staggers away barely able to walk doubled over in severe pain.

The video speaks for itself.Mike Brown was a heinous, evil monster who got what he deserved. Hes exactly who officer Wilson described encountering.

The major news outlets who have hidden and refused to air this video owe officer Wilson and the Ferguson PD an apology as does the President and attorney general.I'm not holding my breath though.

Just curious if anyone's take on these white police on black suspect confrontations has changed in light of the events in South Carolina earlier this week.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Jul 08, 2016 12:19 pm

Well it looks like the Black thug lives matter movement really has blood on its hands now. Along with Obama who was bashing cops in the morning just like the last 2 years and indignantly defending them after the mass murder in Dallas.

What a tool, hes declared war on the police.Hes probably personally cost 100 cops their lives in the last 2 years with his support of these anarchists.

The Minneapolis tragedy was an obviously bad shoot. The case in Louisiana was a convicted child molester and gang banging career felon with previous gun crimes and a gun in his RIGHT pocket while struggling on the ground with officers. They could not subdue his right arm as it was underneath the vehicle.YOU CANT SEE THAT ON THE VIDEO BUT THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED. Completely 100 percent justified. The rest of these POS who have been high profile from Brown to Garner to Gray are career thugs resisting arrest. If anyone didn't understand why cops are afraid for their lives and on a razors edge before yesterday they should now. All lives matter but to me a cop matters a lot more than some career criminal thug getting a posthumous Darwin award for resisting arrest while packing. Black leaders need to take ownership over the fact that
A. blacks are the most dangerous people to other blacks by far and
B. the huge percentage of bad actors in their ethnic group cause police to have a hair trigger when contacting them leading to tragedies like the one in Minnesota.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby c_hawkbob » Fri Jul 08, 2016 1:23 pm

What if I was to say I stand with the Black Lives Matter protesters AND the Dallas Police Department?

I don't for a second believe the snipers at the rally in Texas got their orders from whatever command structure you imagine the BLM movement has any than I believe the cops in the Minnesota and Louisiana were ordered to go out and shoot a black man today. Neither is even a remote possibility to my mind.

It's not a matter of picking a side and digging in your heals, it's a matter of getting rid of the thugs on both sides that want to use the recent tragedies both ways as an excuse to take more lives ... all of which matter.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:56 pm

The shooter told the cops he was upset about the shootings and black lives matter and so he wanted to kill some white people and white cops. OK? BLM protesters are on video shouting death to pigs, pigs in a blanket kill the cops in many of their protests. They are an anarchist organization founded on a complete lie, teddy bear gentle giant Mike Brown.The embers were fanned by none other than the POTUS and AG in an election season. BLM are urban terrorists.

Are there bad cops. Obviously. Are all cops in urban areas dealing with primarily bad people? Its a zillion to one.
There is absolutely no moral equivalency between these two.
Black crime and black on black violence creates an atmosphere of suspicion and fear that punishes upstanding black citizens. Its no different with muslim's being punished as a result of the high number of terrorists coming from their group.

Cops should not be painted with the same brush as terrorists and gangsters because of a microscopic percentage of bad actors among almost a million law enforcement officers nationwide., sorry bob.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby burrrton » Fri Jul 08, 2016 4:24 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:What if I was to say I stand with the Black Lives Matter protesters AND the Dallas Police Department?

One quote of a million that could be used here from BLM marches: "What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!"

Of course he didn't take orders- they're not bright enough to organize to that degree. But if you want to see an apparently *direct* result of all their violent rhetoric, this was it.

You be you, but myself, I stand with the families of the innocent people shot by police (which, from all I've read, includes the two individuals over the weekend) and the vast majority of the black community that rejects BLM, as well as the Dallas PD. Black Lives Matter can f*ck itself (and let's be clear: they probably have now).


Also, your admirable 'stand' with BLM can only be theoretical, Bob- from what I've read, they don't take kindly to Whitey™ showing up.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby c_hawkbob » Fri Jul 08, 2016 4:26 pm

Hawktawk wrote:The shooter told the cops he was upset about the shootings and black lives matter and so he wanted to kill some white people and white cops. OK? BLM protesters are on video shouting death to pigs, pigs in a blanket kill the cops in many of their protests. They are an anarchist organization founded on a complete lie, teddy bear gentle giant Mike Brown.The embers were fanned by none other than the POTUS and AG in an election season. BLM are urban terrorists.

Are there bad cops. Obviously. Are all cops in urban areas dealing with primarily bad people? Its a zillion to one.
There is absolutely no moral equivalency between these two.
Black crime and black on black violence creates an atmosphere of suspicion and fear that punishes upstanding black citizens. Its no different with muslim's being punished as a result of the high number of terrorists coming from their group.

Cops should not be painted with the same brush as terrorists and gangsters because of a microscopic percentage of bad actors among almost a million law enforcement officers nationwide., sorry bob.

So there's a few bad cops but all BLM protesters are murderous thugs? Get real.

It was a peaceful protest until the sniper opened fire, and he was acting of his own accord. I'm not saying there are more than a few bad cops, I don't. I think most are heros that would be willing to take a bullet for you, I'm just saying not everyone that protests the senseless killing we've all seen the videos of is anti cop. Most are just trying to effect the change of holding police to a higher standard for the use of deadly force, and to do more stringent vetting of prospective officers to weed out the head cases before terrible sh!t happens and gets caught on someone's cell phone camera.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby burrrton » Fri Jul 08, 2016 4:32 pm

So there's a few bad cops but all BLM protesters are murderous thugs? Get real.

The marchers are not all thugs, but the movement is not a peaceful one if you go by their rhetoric.

It's an overused thought experiment, but imagine if Trump supporters held up pictures of Katherine Steinle and yelled "What do we want? DEAD ILLEGALS! When do we want it? NOW!", then some @sshole shot up a Cinco de Mayo parade and cited them as his inspiration?

Most are just trying to effect the change of holding police to a higher standard for the use of deadly force, and to do more stringent vetting of prospective officers to weed out the head cases before terrible sh!t happens and gets caught on someone's cell phone camera.

That's great, and we all want that. However, you're "standing" with what you wish BLM was (and maybe even started as), not what they've become.

I'll stand with this guy:

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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby savvyman » Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:18 am

You know I have a real appreciation for those people who gather facts and data, turn them into graphical images and post them on the internet. They save me an incredible amount of time and make my life a lot easier and more informed. So thank you to all these people.

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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby savvyman » Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:28 am

c_hawkbob wrote:
So there's a few bad cops but all BLM protesters are murderous thugs? Get real.

It was a peaceful protest until the sniper opened fire, and he was acting of his own accord. I'm not saying there are more than a few bad cops, I don't. I think most are heros that would be willing to take a bullet for you, I'm just saying not everyone that protests the senseless killing we've all seen the videos of is anti cop. Most are just trying to effect the change of holding police to a higher standard for the use of deadly force, and to do more stringent vetting of prospective officers to weed out the head cases before terrible sh!t happens and gets caught on someone's cell phone camera.

Turn off the melodrama MSM Bob. There are "more than a few bad cops". Most of them are not hero's - they are people who are trying to survive their shift and do the best they can under many times adverse conditions with little thanks and appreciation from the community. Some of them are truly Hero's. The police force should be paid a respectable wage so that it will attract higher quality candidates. The Police should adopt the "Protect & Serve " code of conduct nationwide. We should demand the halt and the reversal of the Militarization of the Police force that has been on-going for the past 10 years. The Police force needs independent oversight and strong rules and severe penalties for breaking rank and acting in less than a professional manner - no excuses (this is the expectation that comes with good pay). The Police needs the support of citizens in every community and need to be an integrated part of each community.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby c_hawkbob » Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:43 am

Turn off the melodrama? from you? ... that's rich.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby Hawktawk » Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:22 am

Most are just trying to effect the change of holding police to a higher standard for the use of deadly force, and to do more stringent vetting of prospective officers to weed out the head cases before terrible sh!t happens and gets caught on someone's cell phone camera.

Yeah Bob Im sure the best and the brightest are running to the station to sign up. Who would even want this thankless job? Its got to be one of the most difficult jobs imaginable.As the Dallas PD chief said. "most days we dont feel much support" Indeed.

Just a quick update. The guy shot in Louisiana was packing a gun and trying to access it with his right arm that was under a car where officers could not secure it.He was a career felon who had struggled with officers while armed with an illegal firearm in the past and had pulled the weapon on a homeless man minutes earlier leading to the police contact.Kind of like Big Mike Brown ripping off a store and punching officer Wilson in the face then charging him after having already attempted to steal his weapon. 100% justified shoot that launched black thug lives matter when killed by cop. Chicago? not so much. These are hypocritical anarchists.

Now for the big news. The supposed bad shoot in Minnesota wasn't over a taillight stop.So the Facebook girl was lying. It was a stop based on suspicion of involvement in a burglary. The intent for the stop WAS CALLED INTO DISPATCH by the cop prior to the stop including a description of the man and the characteristics that matched the suspect. And the man was not licensed to carry a firearm either, another lie by this girl. it was not holstered or concealed but was seen sitting in his lap on the video the woman began filming after the shooting. Thats why the officer told the woman not to move her hands. The gun and this man closely resemble store video of a holdup a couple of days earlier. There was an APB to be on the lookout.Whether in fact he was the perp is not relevant to the stop but he may well have been as he looks exactly like the suspect.
So once again the lie is halfway around the world before the truth gets out of bed.But you have to go to alternative media to find these things . The Lame Stream Media wont show this side.Just like they wouldn't show the film of Brown pulverizing an old black man over a period of minutes and stealing his backpack weeks before he was killed. His hands up dont shoot buddy Dorian Johnson gets in a few swings too.Talk about some bad video.

And now 5 cops are dead, several other ambushed around the country.

So you see Bob, to the untrained eye, what a cell phone video shows or doesn't may be entirely different perspective to an officer who may have less than a second to defend himself or go out in a bag.

Stop it. Stop blaming the cops
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby c_hawkbob » Sat Jul 09, 2016 11:57 am

Stop blaming the cops?

Your reading comprehension is deplorable. The only "blame" I've laid in this entire conversation is on the sniper.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby savvyman » Sat Jul 09, 2016 5:12 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:Stop blaming the cops?

Your reading comprehension is deplorable. The only "blame" I've laid in this entire conversation is on the sniper.

There is plenty of more blame than that - Fortunately we all agree that things will be changing for the better soon:

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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby burrrton » Sat Jul 09, 2016 5:43 pm

Savvy, if you think Trump is going to win, may I suggest you get an Rx for antidepressants before November?

I've been wrong many times, but in this case I think Trump will lose at least 40 states. Hillary is as bad a candidate as has *ever* run for major office, almost at any level, let alone POTUS... except for who will apparently be her opponent.

This country's lost its fcking mind, and the damage from the last 8 years will be nothing compared to another 4 years of one of these boobs.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby EmeraldBullet » Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:23 pm

savvyman wrote: There are "more than a few bad cops". Most of them are not hero's - they are people who are trying to survive their shift and do the best they can under many times adverse conditions with little thanks and appreciation from the community. Some of them are truly Hero's. The police force should be paid a respectable wage so that it will attract higher quality candidates. The Police should adopt the "Protect & Serve " code of conduct nationwide. We should demand the halt and the reversal of the Militarization of the Police force that has been on-going for the past 10 years. The Police force needs independent oversight and strong rules and severe penalties for breaking rank and acting in less than a professional manner - no excuses (this is the expectation that comes with good pay). The Police needs the support of citizens in every community and need to be an integrated part of each community.

Savy, I wish you were running for pres instead of who we get to choose from. You seem to be very rational and reasonable in your way of thinking.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby savvyman » Sat Jul 09, 2016 8:58 pm

EmeraldBullet wrote:Savy, I wish you were running for pres instead of who we get to choose from. You seem to be very rational and reasonable in your way of thinking.

Thanks EmeraldBullet - that is nice of you to say - -- But trust me on this - - - Guys like me cannot and will not ever get elected to any office - even something as minor as city councilman - - that is the way of the world. LOL
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby savvyman » Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:03 pm

burrrton wrote:Savvy, if you think Trump is going to win, may I suggest you get an Rx for antidepressants before November?

I've been wrong many times, but in this case I think Trump will lose at least 40 states. Hillary is as bad a candidate as has *ever* run for major office, almost at any level, let alone POTUS... except for who will apparently be her opponent.

This country's lost its fcking mind, and the damage from the last 8 years will be nothing compared to another 4 years of one of these boobs.

My operating thesis from back in February (when practically no one said Trump had any chance at the republican nomination) I first forecast a Trump victory was that Trump would not pull even with Clinton until Late September early October. The MSM have thrown the Kitchen sink at Trump for the past 3 months and he is still very close to Clinton - well within striking distance. He needs to get back on Message about rebuilding the Jobs economy - ensuring all Americans (men, women, black, Hispanics, Gays, LGBT etc...) safety at Home and pounding the message to the remaining stupid Americans (Bob) that they are supporting the most corrupt candidate in USA history and they may want to reconsider their decision about this.

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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby burrrton » Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:21 pm

The MSM have thrown the Kitchen sink at Trump for the past 3 months and he is still very close to Clinton

First, you may be right about his chances. Again, I've been wrong many times.

That said, the MSM hasn't done *anything of the sort* with Trump (he's had literally *billions* of dollars of free, neutral-to-positive coverage, as you'd expect), and the Hillary campaign hasn't released A THING, and I hate to break it to you, but the f*cking Clinton political machine doesn't play softball.

This isn't to defend that criminal c*nt, but her political operation isn't something to sniff at- he's trailing her by a large-ish margin, and she hasn't even started campaigning against him yet.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby savvyman » Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:35 pm

burrrton wrote:
This isn't to defend that criminal c*nt,

Fair enough - We can also come to agreement on this. LOL
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby Steady_Hawk » Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:34 pm

Is it okay if I agree with the criminal c#nt comment? That was so eloquent, you should become a poet Burrrton. :)

Rasmussen poll has Trump ahead right now. Others have the Hildabeast by a significant 4-11 point margin. It's pretty insane as my family is pretty diverse politically, and at our last family function, nobody is voting Hillary. A couple Bernie supporters who will now cast their votes towards Trump. I guess my family is not representative of these polls or those numbers would be absolutely comical.
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby Hawktawk » Sun Jul 10, 2016 6:45 pm

She would be losing to anyone but trump by 10. And there is a reason for that. The man is pathetic.He keeps getting softballs hung over the plate like the Comey report then he goes of on how great a dictator Saddam was and starts rambling about his stupid star of David F up.
Jeezus Hillary is a softball, a marshmallow hanging witchball, a balloon and hes striking out.

He has multiple campaign staff resigning that is less than 3 weeks on the job, since the Lewandowski firing. He has Republican heavyweight donors who were offering to do fundraisers a month ago who are back on the #nevertrump# wagon trying to hijack the delegates in Cleveland and IM ALL FOR THEM.

Guys like Richard Armatage and Brent Scowcroft have stated they are actually voting for Hillary due to the unhinged mental state of Trump. He is an uncontrollable tyrannical dictator according to party operatives who have concluded they cannot support him.. Thats why he likes strongmen and dictators so much. Putin, Kim Jong il, Saddam, He is one.

Buyer beware they both blow. The plan in the Trump camp now is to minimize his exposure on TV, let Newt Gingrich and Jeff Sessions tell us how awesome he will be. That's always been her strategy, few hostile interviews and overexposure. So we have two candidates that need to not be seen as much to not be so unpopular. What a joke.

This is the year. We need a third option and we have one. Gary Johnson and BIll Weld, right down the middle on the issues and the only respectable adults in the room. Just get in the debates....
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Re: Ferguson shooting and riots

Postby Rideaducati » Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:25 pm

Johnson would have my vote if he didn't support amnesty for illegal immigrants and he was more anti-political correctness. Trump is as close to the center as any candidate we have seen...he is just blunt and some people can't handle bluntness and prefer to dance around the issues instead of taking them head on.

Political correctness needs to go away.
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