President Trump

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Re: President Trump

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Jun 07, 2017 5:55 pm

burrrton wrote:If so, funny how we've been in that situation virtually every time tax rates have been lowered, isn't it?

No, we haven't. We've seen falling wages and a continued concentration of wealth amongst a very select group manipulating the system to their benefit. We've actually seen consolidation, job losses due to free trade agreements, and general attempts to further reduce capital expansion in favor of profitability through lower tax rates and the big eating the small. It's been that way for years.

I didn't ask if they pay more (of course they do- VASTLY more)- I asked if their contribution went up or down. You only call it a trick question because you don't like the answer (and that answer for those following along is that it went UP).

It is the same question. If their contribution goes up, they pay more. If the contribution of the working class goes down, they pay less. You somehow think that the upper class tax burden going up is indicative of economic health and equity.

As I stated, in a feudal system of old, you would have seen the same thing: the wealthy paying a far higher contribution of taxes because the lower classes had less. That has nothing whatsoever to do with a healthy economy. You were using it as some example of the effectiveness of supply-side economics, which it is not.

A healthy, growing economy would have both sides tax contribution rising at a similar rate.

Oh sht- you're one of those loons that gets a hard-on from Ayn Rand? Good talk, Asea.

That's the burrton, I know. Has a weak argument to support his point, then comes up with something cooky to extricate himself from the discussion.

I haven't even Ayn Rand. You tend to see supply-side economic supporters espousing Ayn Rand's ridiculous philosophy as they turn job creators into feudal lords that will take their toys and go home if the taxes get too high.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Aseahawkfan » Wed Jun 07, 2017 5:58 pm

Seahawks4Ever wrote:Quit trying to change the subject, this thread is about the Traitor in Chief Donald J. Trump and the many high crimes he and his family have already committed. Average citizens who continue to support Trump should be tarred and feathered and those like Paul Ryan & Mitch McConnell should be hung like the criminals they are.

Treason should NOT be a partisan issue, but, if those in the GOP want to be traitors then they should be treated as such.

Treason? What are you even talking about? Why can't people be rational in politics nowadays? Why do they have to be so extreme and idiotic? How many times do you have to see this country run on cruise control before you understand a single man, even the President, does not suddenly change this country.

You have zero proof of treason by Trump. Just stop already.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:43 am

If trump obstructed justice (its clear he attempted to do so) its an impeachable offense. If he colluded with Russia to rig the US election or covered up the fact others did it would indeed be a treasonous act.
Based on Comeys preview statements it is obvious Donald Trump is Richard Nixon minus about 50 IQ, A mentally challenged lunatic, complete slimeball and clear and present danger to America.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Thu Jun 08, 2017 9:15 am

Hawktawk wrote:If trump obstructed justice (its clear he attempted to do so) its an impeachable offense. If he colluded with Russia to rig the US election or covered up the fact others did it would indeed be a treasonous act.
Based on Comeys preview statements it is obvious Donald Trump is Richard Nixon minus about 50 IQ, A mentally challenged lunatic, complete slimeball and clear and present danger to America.

If he obstructed justice to protect himself and himself alone, then I would agree that it's an impeachable offense. The House will make that decision, and being that they are dominated by the R's, it's going to have to be pretty compelling evidence for an Article of Impeachment to go anywhere. There will have to be some sort of tangible evidence in addition to testimony from a disgruntled former employee.

Trump might be a lot of things, but he's not stupid. Dumb people don't graduate from Ivy League schools. You're buying into the left's labeling of anyone with conservative viewpoints as "stupid". Trump was an extremely successful businessman in a very competitive field, and you don't achieve that kind of success by being stupid.

But I do agree that he's unstable and acts like a lunatic.
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Re: President Trump

Postby c_hawkbob » Thu Jun 08, 2017 9:50 am

RiverDog wrote:
If he obstructed justice to protect himself and himself alone,

No, if he obstructed justice at all, regardless of motivation, it's an impeachable offense. Whether he did or not is in the process of being determined.

Whether or not he will be impeached is another matter. I think not, unless there is substantial evidence of collusion (which is treasonous) ... at least until after 2018.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:15 am

RiverDog wrote:
If he obstructed justice to protect himself and himself alone, then I would agree that it's an impeachable offense. The House will make that decision, and being that they are dominated by the R's, it's going to have to be pretty compelling evidence for an Article of Impeachment to go anywhere. There will have to be some sort of tangible evidence in addition to testimony from a disgruntled former employee.

Trump might be a lot of things, but he's not stupid. Dumb people don't graduate from Ivy League schools. You're buying into the left's labeling of anyone with conservative viewpoints as "stupid". Trump was an extremely successful businessman in a very competitive field, and you don't achieve that kind of success by being stupid.

But I do agree that he's unstable and acts like a lunatic.

Its stupid to tweet at 3 AM and throw your own surrogates over the cliff, destroy your own arguments for your travel ban etc. Its dumb, stupid.Its retarded to tweet provable lies to the world. Its stupid to blurt out national secrets and attack the guy you just fired yesterday to Russian spies and diplomats you have invited into the oval office.Its dumb to ask the FBI director if he can let go a criminal investigation into a guy you fired a day earlier. Its ridiculously dumb to have a narrative about why Comey was fired prepared blaming his handling of the Clinton e mail scandal and then tell Lester Holt and the entire world 48 hours later you were thinking of the Russia thing.

Maybe he was smarter at one time but the guy is dumb as a Goddamn post these days. Behavioral experts who have studied Trump over the decades have observed a clear decline in his vocabulary, his ability to absorb information, his attrentiopn span and organizational skills. His white house and his state department etc is a clusterf**k.
Some wealthy people make you wonder how they made a dime and he is one. Of course a 25 million silver spoon from daddy didnt hurt although hes had 6 bankruptcies and tens of thousands of lawsuits.
He has screwed people for his entire adult life to get where he is. The Russia thing likely hinges on his hookers in moscow and his slimy covert bankrolling from Russian shadow lenders since American banks wont touch him with a ten foot pole.

Hes a moron who will sink himself. Were he a democrat who had done half the things he has the Republican hypocrites in the congress would already have articles of impeachment drawn up.
And I'm no leftist. Nearly 15 percent of fellow conservatives are now on board as his 34% record low approval rating shows. I get sick of hearing its a democratic witch hunt. Its much more and Republican lawmakers better figure it out or face a bloodbath in the midterms.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Thu Jun 08, 2017 2:59 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:No, if he obstructed justice at all, regardless of motivation, it's an impeachable offense. Whether he did or not is in the process of being determined.

Whether or not he will be impeached is another matter. I think not, unless there is substantial evidence of collusion (which is treasonous) ... at least until after 2018.

Here's one example of what I was thinking about: If Trump were obstructing justice due to a legitimate national security concern, such as revealing intelligence methods, then I would argue that it would not be an impeachable offense.

I agree with your second paragraph. It's going to take some substantial evidence, way beyond what Comey has testified to, in order for any impeachment measures to even get off the ground.
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:29 pm

way beyond what Comey has testified to

Yeah, I didn't watch the hearings, but from all I've read, Comey's testimony:

1. Made Trump look like a dumbass
2. Pretty much exonerated Trump of criminal wrongdoing

I'll defer to anyone brave enough to sit through that BS, though.
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Re: President Trump

Postby c_hawkbob » Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:34 pm

Revealing that he was not the subject of an FBI investigation is nowhere near an exoneration of all wrongdoing.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Thu Jun 08, 2017 9:05 pm

Comey's testimony might not have been an exoneration of wrong doing (was anyone expecting an exoneration?), but it sure as heck wasn't the indictment some were looking for, either. Pretty much a nothingburger from what I've read. Trump did not ask him to drop the entire investigation, only as it applied to Flynn, and even then, he said that he "hoped" he would drop it. It's probably not appropriate for the POTUS to meddle into what should be an impartial investigation by the DOJ as just his mere questioning could influence Comey's decisions, but IMO it doesn't rise to the level of an impeachable obstruction of justice charge. It's important to note that Comey testified that when Democrats were in charge that they, too, meddled in investigations of other Dems. That doesn't make what Trump did right, but it would make it pretty hypocritical for them to use this testimony as a means of getting to Trump.
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Re: President Trump

Postby c_hawkbob » Fri Jun 09, 2017 6:11 am

Comey's testimony might not have been an exoneration of wrong doing (was anyone expecting an exoneration?), but it sure as heck wasn't the indictment some were looking for, either.

Is the view from the right. Transpose just a couple words ...

Comey's testimony might not have been an indictment (was anyone expecting an indictment?), but it sure as heck wasn't the exoneration of wrong doing some were looking for, either.

And you have the view from the left.

Which is why both sides are claiming victory over yesterday's proceedings. But then; yesterday was just the prepared statements. Lets see what the Q&A unearths.
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Fri Jun 09, 2017 6:54 am

(was anyone expecting an indictment?)

Yes (or at least information that would lead to an indictment). People gathered in NYC bars at 9am on a Thursday. CNN had a countdown clock. Etc. They didn't do that anticipating a groundbreaking invocation.

Generally, though, I agree with you that both sides kinda took away what they wanted to take away. I thought my post was a fair characterization of that.

But then; yesterday was just the prepared statements.

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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Fri Jun 09, 2017 7:58 am

c_hawkbob wrote:Revealing that he was not the subject of an FBI investigation is nowhere near an exoneration of all wrongdoing.

I meant to reply to this, too- being the subject of an FBI investigation wasn't the only thing shot down yesterday from what I've read. Wasn't the case for "obstruction of justice" pretty well undermined as well? Honest question.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Jun 09, 2017 9:00 am

Seeing as how Robert Mueller is in possession of Comeys memos its pretty clear the president is now indeed a subject of the russian investigation. Beyond that so little is yet known about what actually happened due to his associates pleading the 5th and refusing to hand over documents, WH tapes if there are any etc. Comeys statements merely describe a snapshot in time prior to his dismissal that is totally irrelevant in the grand scheme of things now.

But this utterly crooked WH tries to latch on to his supposed "vindication" LMAO while totally trashing the rest of the testimony of a man with far more intelligence and integrity than either slime ball who was running for president.Comey had an impossible job trying to navigate through the shark infested waters of utterly corrupt candidates and surrogates.

But hell lets blame the outstanding career public servant for how he tried to defend the constitution. Chump loved him when he reopened the Klinton investigation. Then he had his weasley assistant AG draft a memo trashing him for that very thing.The last year has absolutely proven that Comey is a totally non partisan G man doing his job the way he saw fit and America and the FBI is lessened by his reprehensible tactless obstruction based firing.

The verbal gymnastics Chumps supporters go through to defend the indefensible is mind boggling. This is the biggest lying crook ever to disgrace the office and totally incompetent to boot.
And my former party will receive the just beatdown they deserve in the midterms and ill be helping even though I disagree with virtually every one of their policies. The integrity of the office is more important than policy, SCOTUS, anything else.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:11 pm

Maybe a 2nd amendment nut should exercise their right and do the world a favor.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:27 pm

burrrton wrote:I meant to reply to this, too- being the subject of an FBI investigation wasn't the only thing shot down yesterday from what I've read. Wasn't the case for "obstruction of justice" pretty well undermined as well? Honest question.

IMO the only statement I heard that could be construed as obstruction of justice was Comey's claim that Trump said that he "hoped" he could close the investigation of Flynn. A person could take that, as Comey claims to have, as a direct order, but even a defense lawyer who's only trial experience is watching Perry Mason reruns would have a field day with it. In any event, it certainly doesn't rise to the level of Nixon's obstruction of justice charges as some people are trying to make it out to be.
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:36 pm

Largent80 wrote:Maybe a 2nd amendment nut should exercise their right and do the world a favor.

This type of sht really gets under my skin. That would be the single worst thing that could happen to this country and the world, @sshole, and the same was true when all the sh*tstains like you were saying it about Obama (and I said so).

I have half a mind to report your ass and let you enjoy a visit with the Secret Service.

Get a fcking grip, you loons.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Jun 09, 2017 1:33 pm

Ya Largent that's way too much and could actually place you under surveillance.
But we can hope that the SOB chokes on one of his fast food meals or has a widowmaker MI due to the cholesterol.
It wouldnt bother me in the least.

President Pence would suit me just fine by whatever natural means.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Fri Jun 09, 2017 1:34 pm

You can call me a loon Mr. Pot. I DO NOT agree with the 2nd amendment the way it is when applied to the way things are in THIS world. 200 years ago it was ok but now?...C'mon man. People get shot every day and MULTIPLE shootings. The 2nd amendment is outdated, y'all know it but just okey doke it. Kiss that ass.

Telling others to get a grip when they feel the way they do is exactly what is wrong with this country. Pence?...are you kidding me dude?....He's worse than the POS that is POTUS.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Fri Jun 09, 2017 1:44 pm

[quote="burrrton"Maybe a 2nd amendment nut should exercise their right and do the world a favor.[/quote]

This type of sht really gets under my skin. That would be the single worst thing that could happen to this country and the world, @sshole, and the same was true when all the sh*tstains like you were saying it about Obama (and I said so).

I have half a mind to report your ass and let you enjoy a visit with the Secret Service.

Get a fcking grip, you loons.[/quote]

Your skin is pretty thin dude. People get shot daily in every city in this country. I choose to not support guns, thats my right, but when I see a president that takes food from my elderly parents away (meals on wheels) I want him gone, in any way possible. You have no idea of the travesty this has caused my elderly parents you f***.

I'm not saying I wish this jackass to get offed by someone, by it certainly wouldn't hurt my feelings. If you think the 2nd amendment is relevant today then you are the one that needs to get a grip. Allowing so many guns has made this society what it is, and the mentality that goes along with it.
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Fri Jun 09, 2017 3:11 pm

Telling others to get a grip when they feel the way they do is exactly what is wrong with this country.

Telling others to get a grip when they're so fcking unhinged they express a desire to see the President of the United States shot is appropriate.

And being bent out of shape about the Second Amendment has *nothing* to do with wishing for an assassination, dickhead, but you had to go there because you're a loon.

Get a grip, you fcking nut. Goodbye.
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Fri Jun 09, 2017 3:15 pm

But we can hope that the SOB chokes on one of his fast food meals or has a widowmaker MI due to the cholesterol.
It wouldnt bother me in the least.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't wish death on people over political disagreements.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Jun 09, 2017 4:00 pm

I don't generally either . But right now I definitely do. Not putting pins in a voodoo doll or anything but I want this clear and present danger to americas very existence GONE as do 43 percent who currently favor impeachment as opposed to the 34% who still trust this lunatic for whatever reason.

He's a crazy evil man who will not be happy when he meets his maker by whatever means.
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Fri Jun 09, 2017 4:06 pm

I don't generally either . But right now I definitely do.

That doesn't reflect well on you, Hawk- it's not normal, and it's certainly not healthy.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Fri Jun 09, 2017 6:10 pm

I'm not healthy mentally. I'm bipolar. I'm extremely high functioning . With no college education I have risen to be one of the best golf course superintendents in the northwest producing incredible conditions with 7 employees and less than 400 k including capital expenses. I made it to 51 before being diagnosed. I can't believe my wife stayed with me. I'm better now. Bipolar and ADHD people are actually quite successful in business and management. I am. I take my meds.But I have days I can't figure out my head from my ass I'm so manic. I root for the president to die:).

I embrace my illness. It's not an excuse, it is an explanation . But I am medicated which definitely helps and I know my limitations . I should not be a commercial airline pilot. And I sure as F#k shouldn't be president of the United States.
U get my point? Trump us bipolar as sh#+ but he's got other issues too. I'm not a nasty person. I don't generally run people down for my enjoyment. I don't grab P*ssy without permission .

The man is insane. The emperor has no brain. It takes one to know one.
It's why I'm so shrill. I saw and predicted this a year and a half ago. It isn't a political disagreement . As a conservative who saw obama as a disaster there was much to like about the platform. It's always been about the man. I believe we are in more peril as a nation than anytime since ww2.
I hate this crap. It reflects poorly on us all.i hate fighting with my 12s. This is my only outlet on social media. I've gone radio silence on FB. But I'm about to drop the sword in here too. It's not good for me.
I just think it's time for people to wake up and smell the coffee. The president of the United States has a serious mental illness and it seems to be getting worse. Not surprising with the stress of the office in a complete. Kusterf#k of a presidency.
I love you 12s. It may be my last post on the thread for a while. It is what it is.god save America.
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Fri Jun 09, 2017 7:08 pm

I didn't remember any of that, Hawk, and I apologize for that.

I'm just saying a little perspective might be healthy if you're wishing death on a politician for disagreeing with your opinion about how trade deals and immigration rules should be structured.

That's all. Let's have a beer at the Clink this year. My treat.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Fri Jun 09, 2017 7:32 pm

Largent80 wrote:I'm not saying I wish this jackass to get offed by someone, by it certainly wouldn't hurt my feelings. If you think the 2nd amendment is relevant today then you are the one that needs to get a grip. Allowing so many guns has made this society what it is, and the mentality that goes along with it.

Even hinting at political assassination isn't good. I lived through the political assassinations of the 1960's, and it was one of the root causes of the worst turmoil and unrest in this country has seen since the Depression. No way do I want to go through that again no matter how bad the POTUS is. Although he probably went a little overboard, burrton was right to call you out. There's no place for it in a civilized society. We aren't some banana republic, we are a nation of laws.

To people advocating that Trump get bumped off, you'd better get your money out of the stock market and start saving it in the shoe box under the bed as it could very well lead to a major recession. Markets don't like uncertainty.
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Re: President Trump

Postby monkey » Sat Jun 10, 2017 10:51 am

Largent80 wrote:You can call me a loon Mr. Pot. I DO NOT agree with the 2nd amendment the way it is when applied to the way things are in THIS world. 200 years ago it was ok but now?...C'mon man. People get shot every day and MULTIPLE shootings. The 2nd amendment is outdated, y'all know it but just okey doke it. Kiss that ass.

Telling others to get a grip when they feel the way they do is exactly what is wrong with this country. Pence?...are you kidding me dude?....He's worse than the POS that is POTUS.

So you don't like the second amendment and you don't like the President and you don't like the vice president... Is there anything about my country you do like, or are you like all leftists trying to change this country into their own perverse image?
There are options you know. You can move to someplace like say, Britain, where you certainly can't carry a gun.
Of course, you also can't defend yourself from all the Islamic terrorists they've let in there... But hey, no guns! Just bombs, beheadings, cars driving people off bridges, that sort of thing.
You know, the sort of thing you would expect in a country that doesn't allow their citizens to defend themselves, or for that matter, even speak out against what's happening. (See their hate speech laws)

BTW just a history lesson, the reason we have second amendment rights is because the founding fathers wanted to make sure that if our own government became oppressive, we could fight back and stop it.
Now more than ever I am so thankful that those wise men foresaw a day like the one many of us see lurching steadily closer, and made sure we would be able to stop it.
Also, just so you know, according to our declaration of Independence, our rights are derived from our creator, NOT the government, because they believed that our creator gives us the right to​ defend our lives from enemies foreign AND domestic!
I think GOD for my second amendment rights.

I always find it funny that liberals get so angry when people accuse them of lacking patriotism, they say, "I love this country as much as you", but what they mean is they love their vision of what America could look like if they changed the second amendment and tweaked the first, and maybe tinkered with the fourth etc..
That's like telling you're wife you love her, after telling her you think she's fat, stupid, ugly, and you hate her personality and want to change basically everything about her.
You don't love the country as it is, you want to change it to fit your left wing ideology. That's not patriotism!
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:36 pm

There's no bigger gap between urban American and rural America than the debate over the 2nd amendment.

If you live in the country, you cannot depend on the police to protect you. In a state like Montana, there's only a police officer for every 8 square miles, and most of them are concentrated around places like Missoula and Great Falls, so you can easily have a situation where there isn't an on duty police officer within a 50 mile radius, so calling 911...if you have cell phone coverage...might get you a response in a couple of hours if you're lucky. People have to be able to have the means to defend themselves and their families. That's one of the reasons for my argument over in the Electoral College thread against holding elections by a purely popular vote as it would be a disaster for smaller regions as the issues that concern people that live in the small states, ie out in the country, would be washed away by the mass of humanity surrounding the large cities.
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Re: President Trump

Postby monkey » Sat Jun 10, 2017 4:58 pm

I don't think you can depend on police to protect you period.
Nationwide the average responded time is, long enough that the only thing they can do, is write up the report.
It's not meant to be the job of the police (primarily) to protect you, that's your job. (They do that too obviously, at least when they can, though it is understood that they cannot be expected to be everywhere.)
Protecting yourself is one of the intended functions of the second amendment.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Sat Jun 10, 2017 9:43 pm

monkey wrote:I don't think you can depend on police to protect you period.
Nationwide the average responded time is, long enough that the only thing they can do, is write up the report.
It's not meant to be the job of the police (primarily) to protect you, that's your job. (They do that too obviously, at least when they can, though it is understood that they cannot be expected to be everywhere.)
Protecting yourself is one of the intended functions of the second amendment.

I guess it depends on the situation. I know that where I live, the cops are pretty darn prompt, as a rule can respond within 10 minutes anywhere in the city limits. Of course, it only takes a second to pull a trigger, but my point is that the need for independent action is way more a necessity in rural areas than it is in a city.

I can remember a friend of mine from Montana telling me of a time when the Hells Angels biker group once took up camp outside a small town, and after a couple of suspected rapes and robberies, several dozen locals, all of whom had deer rifles, banded together and had their camp surrounded. The state police eventually showed up, defused the situation and escorted the biker group to the state line. It's a different mindset than those folks that live in urban areas.
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Re: President Trump

Postby burrrton » Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:16 pm

Rumors now swirling about Trump considering firing Mueller- LOL.

If he's actually stupid enough to do that (and maybe even if just stupid enough to seriously be considering such a move), THAT might be the what gets him impeached.

I'm not clear on whether he has the authority to do that, though- I thought Special Counsel worked outside the authority of the executive branch, although I couldn't tell you where I got that idea.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Largent80 » Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:23 pm

[quote="monkey"You can call me a loon Mr. Pot. I DO NOT agree with the 2nd amendment the way it is when applied to the way things are in THIS world. 200 years ago it was ok but now?...C'mon man. People get shot every day and MULTIPLE shootings. The 2nd amendment is outdated, y'all know it but just okey doke it. Kiss that ass.

Telling others to get a grip on their package like I do when they feel the way they do is exactly what is wrong with this country. ...are you kidding me dude?....He's worse than the POS that is POTUS.[/quote]
So you don't like the second amendment and you don't like the President and you don't like the vice president... Is there anything about my country you do like, or do you masturbate with both hands into your mouth like I do?
There are options you know, gay porn. I will move to someplace like say, Britain, where you certainly can't carry a gun.
Of course, you also can't defend yourself from all the gay Islamic terrorists they've let in there... But hey,one eyed monsters, circumcisms, cars driving people off bridges, that sort of thing.
You know,I really am a shortsighted douchbag, the sort of thing you would expect in a country that doesn't allow their citizens to sell in stores, or for that matter, even speak out against what's happening. (stinky pussys and all)

BTW just a history lesson, I started being a douche back in the 60's when it was unheard of.
Now more than ever I am so thankful that those wise men foresaw a day like the one many of us see lurching steadily closer, and made sure we would be able to stop it. That gay marriage is legal and now I can actually be myself.
Also, just so you know, I am a effing jackass and according to our declaration of Independence, our rights are derived from our creator, NOT the government, because they believed that our creator gives us the right to​ defend our lives from enemies foreign AND domestic!
I think GOD is responsible for my second amendment rights.

I always find it funny that liberals get so angry when people accuse them of lacking patriotism, they say, "I love this country as much as you", but what they mean is they love their vision of what America could look like if they changed the second amendment and tweaked the first, and maybe tinkered with the fourth etc..
That's like telling you're wife you love her, after telling her you think she's fat, stupid, ugly, and you hate her personality and want to change basically everything about her.
You don't love the country as it is, you want to change it to fit your left wing ideology. That's not patriotism![/quote]

I served my country in Vietnam Maquack. How about YOU, I'll bet you are some mellenial that has lived off your mom for decades and even still lives with her.

I have the right to hold displeasure for any person, including this farce of a president and his ridiculous running mate. BOTH are disgraces to this country and have never served it in any way except to further their sad agendas. And You are a steaming pile for defending them.

There ya go Macack, or macock, whatever you are.
Last edited by Largent80 on Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:29 pm

Largent80 wrote:You can call me a loon Mr. Pot. I DO NOT agree with the 2nd amendment the way it is when applied to the way things are in THIS world. 200 years ago it was ok but now?...C'mon man. People get shot every day and MULTIPLE shootings. The 2nd amendment is outdated, y'all know it but just okey doke it. Kiss that ass.

Telling others to get a grip when they feel the way they do is exactly what is wrong with this country. Pence?...are you kidding me dude?....He's worse than the POS that is POTUS.

We have more to worry about from people like you than Trump. You'd have the 2nd Amendment changed and enforced by people using guns to take away guns from citizens that have owned them responsibly for generations. I say you are what's wrong with the left. You think you can punish 99.999999999% of citizens under the guise of protecting them. It doesn't matter to you have that the vast majority of people are responsible gun owners or responsible, law-abiding citizens. All that matters is you get your way on something you think is a problem. We're fine as is. Besides the murder rates in urban settings by criminal gangbangers and suicides (which shouldn't be considered for gun deaths), we're right in line with where we should be.

I hope there are never enough of you extreme left wingers to take away the 2nd Amendment.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:31 pm

Hawktawk wrote:I don't generally either . But right now I definitely do. Not putting pins in a voodoo doll or anything but I want this clear and present danger to americas very existence GONE as do 43 percent who currently favor impeachment as opposed to the 34% who still trust this lunatic for whatever reason.

He's a crazy evil man who will not be happy when he meets his maker by whatever means.

Why can't you be rational? It's just beyond you isn't it? You were spouting the same stuff about Obama years ago. Down on him and absolutely going overboard about one man. And here you are doing it again. You can't help but attribute far too much power to a single man even though you have watched this government remain in place during far, far, far worse circumstances and men.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Aseahawkfan » Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:38 pm

RiverDog wrote:There's no bigger gap between urban American and rural America than the debate over the 2nd amendment.

If you live in the country, you cannot depend on the police to protect you. In a state like Montana, there's only a police officer for every 8 square miles, and most of them are concentrated around places like Missoula and Great Falls, so you can easily have a situation where there isn't an on duty police officer within a 50 mile radius, so calling 911...if you have cell phone coverage...might get you a response in a couple of hours if you're lucky. People have to be able to have the means to defend themselves and their families. That's one of the reasons for my argument over in the Electoral College thread against holding elections by a purely popular vote as it would be a disaster for smaller regions as the issues that concern people that live in the small states, ie out in the country, would be washed away by the mass of humanity surrounding the large cities.

Urban people deal with a much higher crime rate due to the population concentration. Of course, the yuppie leftists in power want to take all the guns away so they can feel safe, while they hand out welfare and create cities full of poor people with no hope of a brighter future looking to slang and bang to make more money. It won't help taking away weapons, but it makes them feel like helps. People getting beaten, stabbed, and mugged is less sensationalistic and survivable than shootings. Thus it makes the yuppie liberals feel like they did something useful, even though they set up a much worse situation for abuse by criminals.

Criminals tend to love societies where their victims have less of a chance to arm themselves. Makes it easier to rob and exploit them with less chance of getting killed. That's why every single criminal, tyranical regime in history has disarmed their people and instituted gun/weapon control to ensure their control over the population. It's exactly why our ancestors wrote the 2nd Amendment (meaning directly after the 1st) to ensure a major check on the balance of power of the government was an armed population.

Self-defense on all levels was the primary purpose of the 2nd Amendment, and especially a check on the government's military power. Americans should never give it up without a fight. It is our right to fight back if we are tyrannized.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:15 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:Urban people deal with a much higher crime rate due to the population concentration.

I'm not sure I agree with that. Take a look at the crime rate in major cities. Anchorage, Alaska is the 66th most populous city in the US yet it's violent crime rate per 100,000 is 17th in the nation, ahead of cities with much larger concentrations of population such as Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Houston, Dallas, and Chicago. Something else is at work.
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Re: President Trump

Postby Hawktawk » Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:53 am

Aseahawkfan wrote:[I don't generally either . But right now I definitely do. Not putting pins in a voodoo doll or anything but I want this clear and present danger to americas very existence GONE as do 43 percent who currently favor impeachment as opposed to the 34% who still trust this lunatic for whatever reason.

He's a crazy evil man who will not be happy when he meets his maker by whatever means.

Why can't you be rational? It's just beyond you isn't it? You were spouting the same stuff about Obama years ago. Down on him and absolutely going overboard about one man. And here you are doing it again. You can't help but attribute far too much power to a single man even though you have watched this government remain in place during far, far, far worse circumstances and men.[/quote]

The guy who still supports Trump wants to talk about people being "rational". Ummm OK.
Yeah I ripped Obama and with good reason. As a lifelong conservative who had voted straight ticket republican since 1978 I saw very little to like about how he did his business. Obviously I opposed most of his liberal policies.
I didn't like the aloof way he went through the motions, his laziness, his golf, his appeasement of islamic extremists.
But I never laid awake at night knowing the man was a lunatic like I do now. I blame Obama in a way for creating the political environment where a Donald Chump could ever sniff the presidency but Id trade back in a nanosecond right now.

Nancy Pelosi of all people said the day before yesterday and I quote."I wish George W Bush were president" I wish John McCain were president". I wish Mitt Romney were president"........

That ought to tell anyone with half a brain where we are right now.Were going off the rails on a crazy train. Its worse very day. The POTUS is a F#king lunatic and utter moron. We are in deep trouble, great peril.

Oh and way to hijack the thread with all this second amendment bull$#!t. Talk about a political straw man argument that is used up like a 2 dollar wh@re by both parties as a scare tactic.
Its another reason we have Chump. Put it in its own thread and Ill respond. As a lifelong gun owner I have some thoughts I don't hear expressed, namely common sense.
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Re: President Trump

Postby RiverDog » Tue Jun 13, 2017 6:08 am

This bit of news ought to help you come down from the cliff, Hawktawk. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, admittedly a very liberal bench, has ruled not to reinstate Trump's travel ban, and one of the rationales it used was that Trump's own big mouth and seat of the pants tweets belied his motivation. Not only are his tweets viewed as official White House statements, they've also indicated that his outrageous statements on the campaign trail can be taken into consideration when establishing the intent of policies like the travel ban. ... 56d72dc157

Normally I'd be upset at a court that is trying to set their opinion above that of a President, but I do feel strongly that the intent of a law or policy is a critical component just as important as the wording of it and that comments made by a president, or any other lawmaker, are fair game when judging intent. Trump undeniably was looking to ban Muslims, not just terrorists, from entering the country, and was trying to find the right language to mask his true intent by wording so as to be palatable to the courts.
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Re: President Trump

Postby monkey » Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:51 am

Wow Largent, way to not respond in a serious, intelligent way at all! You took ad hominem fallacies to a whole new level.
Like I said, you're ideology is bankrupt, both morally and intellectually​, so you and those like you resort to shouting people down and specious personal attacks.
Sad. Very sad.
Last edited by monkey on Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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