RiverDog wrote:
It is a political process, so obviously politics are going to play a huge role. Other than having to leave office, there is absolutely no adverse consequences of impeachment, no imprisonment, no fines. Heck, the presiding judge is merely a figurehead with almost no role to play. You can't have secret votes for elected officials as they would no longer be responsible to their constituents and would end up functioning like some sort of Star Chamber. I have every right to know exactly how my Senator votes on every issue. The founding fathers did just fine with impeachment. They wanted the bar to be set very high as they wanted to make it very difficult to overturn an election.
One of the problems is term limits. If Senators were limited to just two terms like the President is, they would not be so likely to vote for their political hides as many of them would be lame ducks. As it currently sits, you have Senators and Representatives that are addicted to their offices. They should be performing a short term public service, not making a lifetime occupation out of it.
That's why they should have been able to vote secretly. Its NOT LEGISLATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. its guilty or innocent.It should not have been a political process at all. Its law and order.This president is the most corrupt in history, like federal penitentiary crooked.Were he not preident he might already be there along with Jarred, donnie JR, eric and svetlana
I5 asked if the founders saw this coming and I say obviously they screwed the pooch.When Jeff Flake, a man of integrity says 35 Republicans would vote to convict in a secret ballot clearly there should be one. Founders Fd up....
As you say there is no adverse consequence for impeachment, none. Not even removal from office. It took 250 years and 3 impeachments for a single moral integrity infused Senator and 2012 presidential candidate to vote against his own party. The process is a joke other than dinging up a president's approval rating a bit. I think it's ridiculous we can have a straight up criminal, a traitor to america over and over, mentally unstable enough to generate talk of the 25th amendment among members of his cabinet almost immediately. A president now so lawless and unfettered that his corrupt AG is settling scores, pressuring prosecutors to drop charges etc, deconstruct his treasonous acts with russia using riots and a pandemic as cover..
They are threatening people for telling the truth
https://www.the-sun.com/news/987380/tru ... em/.Bolton apparently has the goods on impeachment type behavior in dealings with many countries. I guess trump's own Niece who is 55 is writing a searing book about his bizarre behavior,What a danger he is to the world, a total takedown. I suppose he will sue her.
My point is it was a dreadful failing by the founders to bestow so much power on a president and put members of his own party in charge of determining his fate. Way too much reliance on human goodness and honesty/character. I'm sick of hearing we can vote him out in November. He should have been out 2 weeks into his term. And only a rube has any faith in our integrity of our elections. Trump was likely installed by Vlad Putin in a razor electoral victory, cheated with Ukraine to help him in 2020 , is trying to defund the postal service to force people to choose health or voting as he knows his army of trumanzees will be packing their AKs to the polls.Hes forcing people planning to attend his superspreader trumptard rallies to sign a waiver promising not to sue if they get covid. You cant make this up. He doesn't care how many die after the election. He could steal this election with his utter sowing of chaos.
Asea thinks trumpanzees like ID hawkman will stand up to this guy if he takes too much power like he has for years already
The military should turn their guns on trump, tell him time is up and save the people the trouble. Yes i mean it. I've never had less faith in my country, in my government, in 40% of americans give or take that support this madness. What's been undone can not be made whole again.